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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
the o5eqo:k daily -jourjjai;. Portland; saturdAy evs:::::o.V august 1 American; belle prefers an CHURCH SERVICES ENGLISHMAN 'S. HER HUSBAND . ' varrxsT."--- ., " - r first The - Wfclt VMnterlrth as Ttylar itiwts; Bt. .-Wkltroa Bnxisker. P. i. a w a. BL. albl erboat et IUTirr-trM BreiMbl 1 a. St., eM-eraor4 prijrer SMelins; 10 SO S. M.. kl. with WHrbln, hf Umf. lfittkee ot Newtoe. MuucSueetU. es Th Mlnlatry of Vteloa": 13:10 p. m.. Temple Bible ecaoal: :MI a. m . B. V. P. V. Bieellns: T: p. St., popaUr twrlce. prearktaf hj Rc. rresx snuawi ea "The Uuvuu rtopie. is the World." : Sunned Sjo nlfc mA Wmmt AMlrn trMtl! fee, luaui C Lapbaa. Serrlcee St 10 IQ a. bl. , wlib sermon. '"The Boef et Hhe He- .w , biui acooot a i aooo. Orsee Man ta villa: R.. annua ' Parkar. Praerklss la the BMrnlas st 11 o'clock; Is the eTenlng et e elock. Immaaael Second and Ifaada arraetn: aev. O. W. Orltfln. Sendar meaoai, 12 m; B. Y. P. V.. S:3 a. - and ' .., V I T " ' ' 'S. . , J Miu Evelyn Blight (Journal BpeHel Service ) ' London. Aug. Sv Mlsa Evelyn Blight, a American elrt, and Mahloa Bands of thia eitjr, ere to b married. London' mart set la exhibiting mneh Interest . In the coming wedding. . . . -. - ... It Intimate friends of clthar Miaa ' Blight, or her fiance knaw of tha proa .' pectlv Anglo-American alliance - they nad eonaclantloualy rafralnad from a general discussion of it, and tha report . wa entirely unexpected. ' Mia Blight a tha youngest daughter of Athertoa Blight, the haa boon eallad tha "Wild Roe Beauty." aba ha lived much In Europe, and her prafarenoa for - England, which ah never attempted t . conceal, i ao pronounced that it la wall ? known by her friend that tha prospect J of a permanent realdenc In London will - have a charm Independent of all ntt ' mental consideration. Ml Blight haa bean a general favorite at Newport for two Masons, where bar family haa been prominently identified with., tha social Ufa for half, a century. .- Mahlon Sand, reputed to be worts many million, la a aon of tha lata Mah lon Band, who aa' a member of tha wholesale drug firm of A. B. Bands Co. When a wlda sal of on of the company's preparation had eatabllahed tha Sands' financial standing - Mahlon Banda Br. bought "Lands End" in Near port. Later tha family took up perma nent residence la London. : Mr. Sands, while ha haa never lived la tha United Btatea sine his parent ehosa axil, haa made frequent visits to the land of hla birth, and la par hapa as wall known to Newport as hla beautiful bride. In tha announcement of the betrothal no data for the wadding was set. but It 1 understood that It will not be long delayed.'.- TO GIVE FORT TO UIIE PROWS J. B. Martin, Mufti-Milllonalra o ' Klondike, to Aid in Driving ' . Out Saloons. -r ; HAS PROPERTY BETWEEN RICH TREADWELL MINES It Is Estimated That This Advocate of Prohibition Has Half Billion in . Gold in Claims Ha Holds on Doug. 1 ' las Island. ;.' ' ": , (Saectal Die patch ts The earaaL) i Taeoma. Wash lot. 4. I. n. u,h ; tin, a millionaire hotelmaa of Clncln . natl, Ohio, who has baa her for sev- . arrnl days on hla way to Alaska, an -'--4 Bounces his Intention of giving 1800. .' SOS annually to tha prohibition fund, his (donations to begin within several years. . Mr, Martin la tha sol owner of rich '. Alaska - mines. - located between .. tha ? Traadwoll mines un Douglaa lalaad. The ' latter mines have been worked up to . ou iinee, ana ii ib calculated tna na ; has half a blUioa af gold In hla prop- ' VJ- am. I . - aw. ; mine and use the gold to finance the propaganda against, tbe liquor traffic In ; i in unitea states, lit ta a prohlbl 4 tlonlst. being now a member of - the J state executive committee In Ohio, and having several time been on the slate i uuvi. ne uvmvjvvb ma parry wui Ulll' . snataly win and wipe tha liquor trade off tha face of tha earth. The main , thing that haa hampered tha movement ' in the past haa boea tha lack of funds. ';. and ha now proposes to remedy this da- . ; feet, The Ohio state prohibition con ventlon mot Thursday and from Taooma : Mr. Martin sent , the following message to tn cnairmaa ot tna convention t . , ; "fee true; no deals, no fusion; ths de- iTTEMns- A supply of the : Bitters should be put in the grip or trunk - before '."starting on your vacation. The strange eating and drinking may up set your; stomach and cause Cramps, Diarrhoea, Indigetv tion, Costivenesa, Heartburn or Biliousness. The Bitters positively cures such ail ments. Get it, today; . All it druggist. st ruction of the liquor trafflo requires a prohibition ballotT ' . "I expect," said h latar In an inter view, "to be able to give ISOO.OOD a year to the prohibition; causs. within' a year or so. , v . s- With this kind Of a starter for rsmpalgiL fund the party leadera would be able to gather In enough mora to make a million a year, and this much on tha pla counter would make an ag gressive fight that tha leaders believe would make saloons scarcer than mil lionaires In a .Populist convention halL fALUABLE METAL FOUND IN CALIFORnIA WELL Whitish ' Nuggets : ' Resembling Silver Which May Be Na . tivs Nickel Found. - . i nireralty rsrk v. Jobs Baatslaa Bandar iehool, 10 s. .; praecMnf, U a. .. "Tke Court ot Canarlanr'1 1 T:o p. snlna eerrlve, eraans ea ."PoaatblUtiaa". by Be.' i. S. M Danlala. .. - - : ' ( .utr.l East and Ankanr emets! B.i. W. T. Jordan. Praacklns, luM . aa. ky Bt. Janae Clark: Bundav acaooL IS m.l .So Tnlnf service.' A a net a n.T. jobs vaatsiea. Bansay scneoi, 10 a. im.: aerous at 11 s. s. br hT. T. J. KUtln: S p. m., sermoa by paalor, "Whe Is God!-! . . - - T --. aloant OUe Saveath ead . BTerett streets. rraarklnt at 11 a. m. and S B. aa. hr an, wr emits. - St. John's Be. . A. laonard. Sanda) Khool, 10 a. aa.; Breeching, U s. T;(u p. m., prvacniDf. . . iniro Vancouver evenoe ens bdoiv nrreaxi Rev. B. II. BUaa. ' At 10 s. si.. Sundar school: 11 e. si. and 7:80 p. n., prnchln: B. X. P.. tl. :4S s. Bk - Bwadlali Hort and Fifteenth streets! Rev. Brie Scoeratrom. Preaching, 10:45 s. m. sad :80 p. m.i Bandar school, IS m. RnaaellvCi School houae, Snsdsy scbesl, MU p. m. . , Hlahland Albert a and Sltta atreetn. Preaeh- Iss. S:M s. m.. hr Bat. B. M. BIIjs: Suadar acbool, t:0 p. ' Mount Carmel Fourteenth sod Flasdan treeln; Bev. f. Bkepkard. Bandar ecaoel. II SI preacMns, 11 s. u. and t P. B. Bellwood Eutventk and lmatllla atreAtn: Bar. Oeorse A. Learn. Bandar school. IS e. St.: peearhlnf. It a. aa, snd T: B. aa. tint uerman ronrtk en null a tree re; nev. Aran, rveachlnf at 10:49 a. a. sna T:S0 m.i B. T. P. V., T:46 p. aa. Beeond German Rodnev avenoe snd Uorrll street! Bev. r. Bseermas. Preechlnv, 11 s. m. snd T:S0 P. B.; Sunday school, t:4s s. m. I x. V. U.. :4 p. a. -Calvarv Eaat Ilehth and lrant atreeta! Rev. A.. Lawrence Black. Bible acbool. id LJ eanoeo, 11 a. si. v. . -,.j. : , " ' rutsTtxaiAs. " trpah Mtrj and Powell atreeta; Rev. Je rome B. McUlade, D. D. PreachlD eervleee st 10 K) s. m. and Ira Calverr Eleventh and Cut atreeta: Rev. Res-Bars gtllea Elr Jr.. D. D. gerrtcee. 10:M i.. "Toe Tree of Chrtatlsa Character end Condoct": T:48 p. m.. "The Compenaatloss et Captive." Third East Thirteenth sad Pise streets:. Rev. Andrew J. aiontsomtrv. Preerhlns at 10:8 l: :so b. m. thla charch nnltee with eaat side churches ta union aervtcee st Bswthorne park.-., j . nrst aervtcee st 10:S0 s. ta. snd T:S0 p. Rev. Edear P. Hill. D. !.. will nreark t both eervtree: In tha eveninc. "Sanieon A Studr ot Deoerapblcsl Back around. rourtn rirat ana uinns streets, rrearnins at 10:0 s. m. and T:4n p. m. by Rev. W, T. Chase; JandAy acbool, II ai X. t. 8. C. B., SU p. aa. Hawtborse Twelfth snd Bast Tarlor; Rev. a. jveiaoa sues, rveoening, iv:an e. m.: sun day srhool. IS m.j no evenlna service IB church. Atanneil-Btreel aeventeents sna Marshall; Rev. C. W. Hats. SuBdav achool. 10 a. m.: preaching, 11 a. aa.; bo eveslag aerrles., . MXTaODIBT. TsrloT-Stieal Third ssd Taylor streets; Rev. Barsstts Short, ciaaeee. :S0 s. m.l More than the press itself IS IT WISE to buy altogether on price?,. That's ths question. But there Is no question of the wisdom of buying when the quality is best and the price Ue lowest.' THIS WESTERN PRESS is the best press of its class, and the price, $300.00, is the lowest of any. ;. V n ; . " Lewis St aver. Co.. . : First aind Ttiylor Sis.) PORTLAND, ORGGON Branch at Salem Mitchell Dr. aermos, 11 Its Runner" es "The Cbrlatlas Race am Sander ecbool. 1S:1B p. m. Ip. BO p. m. ; eermna. "Tha reseloa . Joarnel Sned.l Be. ... Santa Barbara. CaL. Ant. 4. A whit. lah mineral that resemble ellver haa been found In tha eastern llmlts of ths city ana experts ssy a valuable dlsoov sry haa been made. Soma workman hav carried away samples in their pockets and In this , sray -tha ; news spread. ; j. AkW. St. Graham's home tha dlsoov ary sraa mad throuch a- choked, pipe. Disjointing It, tha plumber found walt- n nuimi in ins eiDow. . They had been drawn from tha Well by pumpa' Bxperta later looked at- the minsral ana ssve ss tnetr opinion that li mtfht be native nickel from cobalt ai, loy. A itinsmith ha found that under a rue u acta iik wrousht iron. The nuaseis are worn bright In placea by contact wHh tha water nines and the iiuauiL- lb ev-aem ai a Sianc. , ( RAILS ARRIVE FOR GRAND RONOE LINE (tapsclsl Olasatch t Ths JoaraaU lA.uranae, or.. Aus. 4. A tralnloiA or material, eonslatlns principally of ' it ne iirei section ex the track for the Central - Railway of rv..nn which oompany Is buildlns a Una enclr clitia tha Grand Ronda valley, has ar rtved. Tha sap of about two mtlea and a half to connect with the Union rail way nan oewn imu ana ties h.v. K-.H ui.iriDuiea oyer me s raster part nf the distance betwenn Union and Cove, Th i rum i;mn f cov haa been vmpiviea ana reus win eoon be laid. ' Tba right of way for tha road on from Coil to La Grands cured . aa rapidly aa possible, a. B. Conley, tha Union county wheat kins, ra aranted the comrjanv a rlarht ...i noiama rrss of hrse, buu, wiu noi pe ions before work will ir. a nna un on an part of th Un. By next year much of tha nrivi,t e tJL Grand Ronda valley will be hauled to "er mis nn instead of by wason aa at present. RUNAWAYNREAPEir RESULTS IN DEATH SASSBaBBWBaBSSBaBBaVBBBBBl ' Klamath Falla. Or- Ana- i 'r Kalaon, who was so tsrrlbly mantled by tha runaway reaper team be wan driv ing necessitating; tha amputation of kla right arm and tha atltohlnar r othsr lacaration. only aurvlved tha operation a few hoars, - He waa unmar ried, II year old,, aod had no relative In. this section, ana none are knae. b In this country, aa ha left Denmark 4 year ago, and was hoard ssy thst he naa sevsrai brother la hi native coun try, bat no on her know their ad dress. . . risfsneg oek Csusaad wask leswur seat Braad. - 7 worth Learue. 1 HO p, rla A Character Study T: p. m. apwortar Twesry-tnira ana Irving street: Rev. Henry T. Atkinson. Bandar achool, 10 n. r BMrnins semes. 11 o clock '. ae evealns aerrtce. OrSllM-Twelrrh ssd Taylor etreeea; Bev. l lareece -rrue rv iieoo, a. u. At s. nreachins and bolr communloo: tt the twl llfht service at T e'rlock Dr. . Wllsoa will lecture ea "Knrmoslm. Pattna Mlchifss and Csrnetiter aveuuea; Bev. Melville T. wire, preacBln. 11 a. m. and p. m. Sunday school, 10 s. Ep- worrn Lieasae, t p. aa. Central Rnaaell sad Kerbr etreetst Rev. T. Abbott. Claae meet Wis. 0:iS a. m.: preach Inf. 10: SO e. m. ! Sunday ecbonl. U m.i In- worp (.engBS, s:ss p. bb. aeimoa, 1 :ee Oenteaarr Eaat Ninth and Pine atreeta rvearhlns. 10 SO s. si.; an evenlnr , service st enures sansay seseoi, :is a., at. i zpisooraz. . TH.Ite Nineteenth end Kverett Bev. De. A. A. llortisoa. Bolr eommnnlon. la. m.i tatornlng sarncs, U o'clock; evealng eernee. e rcwi. at. Panl'a Weodmeret C. Xe Ptrkar. lav reader. Morslng aervlce st 11 e'elocki evesing St. Pavld'a Eaat Twelfth . snd Belmont afreets ; Bev. J. B. Tin Waters. Sunday school, :4o a. m. ; choral matins snd satmua by Bev. H. n. -Chambers st 11 e'elock. - at.- Andrew's Lnlveraltr Park: Bev. WY B. Powell. Service ssd aermon, 11 A. m ; Saa- day acnool, 10 s. m. St. John's MesMirtal Be II wood: Bev. W. B. Powell. Ssndar school, 11 s. Bk service and sermoa, T:46 p. m. Oood Shepherd Sellwoed street aad Yea- ennver avenue: Bev. John Bawaos. Sanda School, t s. at.; moraine; service. 11 o'clock t. Mutthew's Tlrst snd Csrsthers atreeta Bev. W. A, . Brack. Holy eommasloa, I: SO s. as.; Bunaay scaooi. s:o s. m. : eernos sod aarmoa, 11 a. m. ; service sad address, T:4S HaaeaVo-Street Bast Seventh ssd Baaealo Bev. . K. Bam. At 10:0 e'elock. SMrnlng worahlp: 12 m., Sunday acbool; 40 p. m Tonn People's Bieatuujl T:B e'elocki evening soTvice. , Pint Madlaea end Park etreets; Rev. B. U Hnaee, D. D. - Sersaes. 10:10 a. m.. Christ Cablnet" T:B p. m., -Hoe.' Peter Etlrllni Sunday ecbool. IS BM X. r. a. C X., o. m. ' Sunnyslde East TSylor snd East Thirty- rourts srreeisi Bev. j. s. suae. Mornms aerrlce. 11 o'clock; evenlns service, S e'elock: Sundar school. 10 s. m. : Senior Chrletlaa En deavor meetins at T p. m. Mleeleatppl-Aranue Mlaataalppl l venue snd PremoDt streets; Bev. William u Vpshsw, Sunday school. 10 s. m.: eermoe, 11 a. m.. "Tblnse That Endure" Chrlatlan Eadesvor. T p, m.l sermoa, a p. av. 1.1 1 HAVE WED OUR HARDvARE DEPARTMENT :,, From our former location, Odd Fellowt' Temple, First and Alder, to our own building, ; : ' 130FffiSr Here our friends desiring; anything in the .line of hardware, carpenters'' tools, cutlery, etcv will find the best selected stock of ... this merchandise in the city from which to make purchases, but : ; .U- We Are Selling Off Our Household Goods at Our Old Location, First and Alder This stock comprises all our Ranges, Cooking Stoves, Blue Flame Oil and Gas Stoves, Heating Stoves, Glassware, Dishes, Sad Irons, Wash Boilers, Pots, Kettles, Coffee Pots, Teapots EVERYTHING used about the house, and at price that' mean a positive saving to buyers. ..' ',-'.iV,.' ! -;.' ' , . t -' . " ." -I.---'' ", ' :' '. ' V.' ,,..',. ; ' Our Mr, Anderson will remain in charge of this department for several weeks, or until th stock is disposed ot a Household Goods DepL Odd Fellows' Temple, v First and Alder , Telephone: Uain 1382 THAT IS A BARGAIN CORNER, NOW. XT WILL BE WORTH YOUR WHILsl TO VISIT IT. .. A S. ClADDDDEOgD-iy Bardwm Depufaest -130 First St, Between . Washington C8l Alder . Telephone: 1113 1381 "Sei Bev. E. B. l. Bible cmisna. first Park ssd Colombia streets; S. Muckley. At ll:tO a m., sermoa prearslns: rhrtstlsa Eadesvor. T a. seheoL 1S:1S- P. m. Central Seat TWentl.m and East Salmon streets; Bev. J. H. Gbormley. D. p. At 10:44 s. m., Ths I tier, r tea wora'-t . p. m "Thoufh the Outward Mas- PerleV'r sperlai muale; Sanday ecbool, !:! a. m. Senior Ba sra enr, S:e P- m. Rodney-Avenue Rodnev avenue and Knott streets; Kev. r. Elmo Homnaoe. at s 0 a. m.. Bible BCDnoi; u a. m., uiru enpper ana see. non; 7 p. m., lorauu anaeavor; p. m. 'Portland'e Greatest Need." Woodlaws Sundar school., M s.' m.: nreaca Ins. 11 s. si.. "Great Thlnss") Christina Ea deavsr, T p. m- services, a a, as. . - Tnrrrn xraveixxeiX. rtrst East Tenth ssd Sherman streets; Rev. , Ai Winter. At 10 s. m., Sunday acbool: preaching, U A. m. ssd T:4 p. as. Second r a ree ssa aerey streets Rev. J, nowerses. At 11 s. m., preeehln : I p. m., "God's Beaulremests af Ua" Snsdsy ecbool, 10 s. m.l LkCL, T SO p. sa. St. lobs's Ivanhos snd Jons streets) Rev. E. McVtcker. Sundar school. 1A s. m.i ereseh. MljL Jt.BmMWe-AT; Snleatsere-'r-J.- K. .Terr, i w s. m.i a a. u a a., r s. m.i aslos eervleee, S p. Be. Oca ley oreen usaar seaoni, 10 a fA a a. wmMiI..! VMlia hMll,', preaenins n i . a oy Mrs. Ethel follBS Phelps. tUTHXRAjr. St. hsf EaaUsb-rWeat Park snd Jeffersna treets; Kev. J. A. Leaa. Servlees st II s. eondsrtrd by ths psator. Sundar srhaoL 10 s. m. There will he ae eveainf earvW. Betanla UanliB 1 nkn svssoe and Mnrrla street Sev. Oodmasd Orlll. Baaday services. 11 s. m. ssa s p. m. 'NorWMIes ByBod East Tenth end - Meetrt streets; Bev. O. Hakoes. Sfindar seheoL S:tO . m.: services si ii a. ra. and p. aa. Norwealan Is North yMrteenth street! Rev err If . Services st 11 I, m. snd T:S0 1. U Swedlak Immanuel Nineteenth ssd Irvine treete; Rev C. t. Renbard. Service, at to M an. aad I p. Sk) Sssdap school, l:i p. a. onifruv soiraot. First Chnreh mt rarlaf. .-aMentl.a iMHlak aila asUearsL llarrlssa aail Lswsadala DJIRIDLFTDWG T17AIRIII1)S RRfl ', all tt-r timtf.-fj- n Many people who are neglecting symptomsf kidney trouble, hoping J4t wUlrwear-away.'f arty drifting towards Bright' s Disease, - which is kidney - trouble in one of its worst -..form v.: stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kidneys, so they willperform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out the impurities' from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not. and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body. causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. ! If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S" KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder In a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Outs . Yea can tasily determlaa if your kidneys are out of order by asttln; asida for 14 hours a , bottle of the. urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky of haa brick-dost sediment or small particles float about In it. your kidneys are diseased, aad FOLEY'S aUONEY CURB should be takes at eace. a. B. Burhart Testlfle After Fow Ymni " r . G. B. Burhana of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writesi . r -1 "Abeat fear years a t srrete yam statin( that I had hweai eatirely area ef a eevere kidaey amble ky taklnf lass tkaa twe battle ai Feley'e Kidaey Care. It eatirely etepped th Mekdttl sedimaat aa4 pala and syasaaame ot kidaey dlaaasa dleappeare. I ass (lad ta aay that I have sever had a retare af aay of these svunptomn durtn( th Reae yearn that have e la peed, aad I sna evidently eared te stay eared, aad hsarrJIy reeeanoeead Peley'e Kidaey Car ks aay save BaSertaeJ Raaa kldssy r hladde treahle.'' . Ttvo eixp CO Csnis and 91. CO. SOLD ED HECCEKSED DY WOODARD, CLARKE CO. AND AND SKIDMORE. DRUG CO. streets. Services st 11 s. m.. snnjeet, "Seal" Sunday srsnol at close or mornlns service; MMliln. BMTVlM.' Beeond taurca OS uini Bnenunr a,iaa temple. Stark ssd Seventh atreeta. Bandar servlcee st 11 s. IB. snd S p. BL, subject. Soul"; Snsdsy school st 11 am. ' :- Mission. nescea UrM Mlaalon 11 rnarth street nnrth. Prsschlss- svery - mgnt aaa asaA st S P. m. - OlIVS BTSSrS mteeiua W irei eireec nejr rinhle. Presehtns every nlsht st T :30: Sundsvs. S p- m.; Sunday school, I SO p. m. it. Jnha's Bnlloees Mlaalon 826 Second street .... . Pav John r. Olaaeo. Servteaa everr nlsht snd Sunfla St S snd T:80 p. m. Chlneee Baptist Jets Bswue luvti. esemose St T:80 bu, ; . rv-ajtoixioii aasocxano. Pint Knsllan Bast Sixth snd Market atreeta: Bee . A. Slewert. Prearblns st 11 a. ra.: Sunday srbel. 10 s. m.i st 80 p. ss., aalos services In Hawtsorse perk. . urate I en tat Rev. n. . nenoerwm. rreecn. In, 11 s. aa. ssd S p. m.l Tonns People's Al liance, f p. S Sundar sebool, 10 s. ss, evAKD ic'a, Main streets; Bev. 0. D, Sawtelle. Preacblnf iO:Sft s. SI Sunday KDost, 1I:1S p. m.) Touna 'eonle'e meetlns. 80 p. m. 1 avaasellat ssrvlree, f : P- m. . . " . HZTHOSIR, SOTTK. ' ' . yirat 1T1V4 SeroBd street, roreeters hall: lev. . H. Mowre. At 10 s. BL, Sssdar avhonl: 11 s.. m.. preseblss. "Plvery-rtay Re- llslon") II m.. ornnai nonra meeiins; r p. m., Epwerth Lesgse) S p. m., preacblnj. WTTaJUAV. ' Oiuro of Our father Seventh and Tsmhflt Streets; v. W, r BHeS Jr.r ealnleieri Kev, T.. L. fcllot, D. !., mlnlater smerltua. Aervles St 11 s. m., ssadscted ky Bev. W. r. Small. t. M. or a,- Aasnelatloa ssdltorlum. 1T rarth street. Sunilsy, S:W p. m., address to men hy Klahip 4. M. jAornorn oa . i ne i.iie"f epecial mnalc eetMetlBS ef aoprane eoloa by B. p. AorrvTisTS. Adreatlate Bast Bleveatfe ssd Vverett streets: Sev. Oeorre A. Bnvdap. a. day school, 10 s. m.; preachms, 11 a. Bi.l aer mon, i:n p. m., "rropseue nctarse er toe Past, treant and Future." Advent Second arrant, between Ball snd Lincoln; Rev. Charles Hefrenden, Sunday srhool. 10:80 a. m. Bissanlas st 1140 s. m., ssd S p. sv OAxy Kxrrnra, ' , St. Jobs'! Hnllneas Csm M eeflsf Vest Twelfth sad Dtvleton; Revs. JokS W. ssd Hat tie Olasaco, leadera. Servlrea st S ssd 10 s. m. and I sad T:S0 p. m. Several svasfellsts saslatlns. , , now. Chrl atlas Catholic Church Is fJka Allaky hall. aecendJIoar Third and liorrlaoe streets Rev. Charles A. Hov, sides Is charge., , At I p. as., Bible study; S p. aa., services. ' ' tnrmiSAi.TiT. Jlrat Caat Elchtk snd Onark streets I Rev, VF. r. Small. At 11 s. m.. sermoa on "Tha freedom snd Fewer of Truth." by T. W. Bat- ri 10 s. m., Suadsy school. , ; tATTXB DAT SAIVTS. rhnrch of Jeans fhrlat ef Latter Dsr Saints HU 400lleky bulldlnf, Thlfljlnl MorrL. sob atreeta. Servlrea st 11:10 a, as. ssd t p. m. 1 under school st 10 s. a. . mrma nrnin nr oxmrst. -' rtrst Eaat flfteeath sad Morrnea streetsi Rev. H. C. Shaffer. Bible ecbool et 10 a. m.l aarmoa st 11 s. m. earn servlees at Haw. taorssvpsrk at :M p. . , WITKO MZSSTTZaXAJr. rhnrch ef the Stranaws Waera street snd Orand svenne; Rev. S. Carl DuBole. Mornlnf serviee st 10:41 e'elocki Sunday scheni, IS m. ae evenlns ear rise. . . CHURCH OF aTUKAHTTT. rhnrch ef Humanity AHakr haUdlny; room Sno. Lecrnrs S p. m. ky Osvid A. Lslek) a pe dal musts, ' ' OltTROH OV SOD. ' ' rhnrch ef Ood 4S0 RSwtborse sr. aaa. See v. Ires, 10 sod T:0 p. m.l Sunday school, l 9. m. , .... ... WTBT'TTf AVVBTBL ' riret Splrttsai Society 10 Tklrs sajaehj M. ' BANK AND OFFICE RAILING ; WIRE AND IRON FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc , PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS Phon Main 2000 63 FLANDERS ST, Near Third Services st 11 s. hy r. S. Coulter, . snd T:l p. na.) kctare 'The Reel Mas." imLXVaiAX DAWK, Millennial Daws O. A. Morrlaea streets, Servlcee R. hall. S at t:S0 p. Second ssd nn xxtkosist. . fre Method 1.1 Eaat Ninth and Mill streets. PrescklBt. 11 a. . Snpday ecbool, 10 a. m. DRv-STEPHENSOI,)F- BAKER CITY IS DEAD (Special Dtssasrh W The Joursst) ' Baker City. Or., Au. 4. Dr. P. D. Stephenson, on of th Oregon pioneer, died Thuraday avenlns. a result of a stroke. of paralysis suffered a couple of month ago at hi horn In thl city. For (0 years Dr. Stephenson had lived In Oraaon, and for 10 yeare he haa mad hi home In Baksr City. t ' ; The deceased waa born In Tenneesse In lit. He srew to manhood In that stats, and studied msdlrlns adootlna It a hi profession. In 181 he was msr- rlea to Mis Mary Anderson and In th ssme year lft hi native state with his hrlde. eomlns to Oreson. If settled In Oreton City, praetlelnf .medrrin there, at Portland and at The' rallee before coming to Baker In 1ST. He praotloed aaadiaia auvIy uatU aheat li rears ago, when h retlrtd to grv attention to hi farm, bnt until within th last, year ha haa practiced to com estent among hi old frlanda He is survived by hi widow and four sons. Dr. . 8. E. Btephemaon of Rock Spring. Fred Ste phonson of Ell, Nevada, and Dan Sts p hen son and Earl Stephenson of this oily. He waa a life-long Baptist and promi nent In Odd Fellowship, Funeral aerv Z TlattJaa; Saagktet?. ,, (Special Wepatch te The losrssl.l ' Caatla Rook, - Wash, - .Aug. . Mr. Jannts R. Oohasn of Vaneouver la visit ing thl week with her daughter. Mrs. A. M. MoClsln. '' BnuMATisat ' ' ' When pain or irritation exist oa any psrt of th body, th application of Ballard Snow Liniment Rive prompt relief. ;.E. W. Bulllvhn, Prop. Aulllvan Hotiaa, El Reno, O. T., write. June . 1,02i, .T1 i?kl ,n "oommend- Ing Ballsrd Snow Liniment to all who era afflicted with rheumatlam . f. i. the only remedy I have found that rives lmmeninie reiier. 2 no, sue and 11 AO Woodsrd. Clarke A Cn. ' " l,vv' aei.sia-avay J ' SVfiBainS j.aavf-.j.jE.. f- !mhj.h. av "es it---1- s"nst- '. tet.M .