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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
.:::: c:::::i dailv. jcur.:iAL. tohtlaiid, Saturday jrz:n::Q, - auoust 4. t i Hit. -v CULLOM AND YATES HGHMT Illinois Having. Her First Expe rience With Direct Primary Nomination Tdday. - INTEREST CENTERS IN : 1 BATTLE OVER THE TOGA Cullotn ' Has Made No Speeches and ' Taken No Part in Bitter Campaign Waged Against Him by Former Oovernor Yates " '.'---:;' -. :1 ; (Joanal SmcIiI Sarrice.t , Chicago. Aua. . Today tho SUM of Illinois is having her first Ust of the primary- election laws enacted by tha recent session of tha state legislature. .A general primary is In progress for state, congressional . and senatorial -nominations. Publlo Interest centers chiefly In" the eontest between former Oovernor Rich ard Yates and Senator Shelby M. Cullom for the latter seat In the United States senate. The primary law provides -that the vote for senator shall be only ad- t - vlsory for. the sole purpoee of ascer taining the sentiment of the electors of the state. But It Is probable. In the " opinion of ; - most politicians, that the senatorial eontest will be finally settled , by today's primaries. Of course, 4t the primary-vote- should be; pretty evenly divided, so. that neither candidate should have a -decisive majority In the etate -convention, the contest might be pro longed and carried into the. party cau- cus In the legislature neat winter.. Cullom Tavorlte. If one may Judge by what appeara en -the surface, the , reelection of Benator Cullom seems assured.' The Yates men .' concede that the senior senator has- the best organisation. But they lay great ; stress on what the rank and -file of the people will da The -vast majority ot the voters, they declare, will express their real sentiments at the ballot-box today. But the. Cullom forces evidently . are not worrying. They are of the opln- Ion that the admiration for the veteran aenator Is deep-rooted throughout the state, while, furthermore, tha factional -warfare among the Republicans of Cook eounty Is bound to Work more harm to ' the Yatea Interests than . to those of ' .Cullom. It Is perhaps worthy of note that 1 Benator Cnllom's campaign for reelec , tlon has been almost without parallel - In tha country. - He has not made a r speech, nor done anything that might be construed In the way of .an active " canvass. But Uncle Shelby" is a past OIL TRUST'S HELP TO REFUGEES 2 Standard Official Declares That . ,..Former Mayor Phelan Is , , - f Ignorant of Facts! NEEDY TAKENARE OF AIDED IN MANY WAYS Money Distributed to Various Places and Camp' Rockefeller Established " at San Francisco Funds Handled by Employes. ' . (Joaraal Special Berries.) "' New York, Aug. a. The statement from San Francisco setting forth for mer Mayor Fhelan'a desire to receive lltO.eoe more of the Standard Oil com pany's subsorlbed'fund of 1200,000 waa submitted to a SUndard Oil official to day, who said: ' The only thing true In the dispatch Is that the-relief committee has received $79,000 from the Standard Oil represen tative In San Francisco. -.The Standard relief fund consisted of IIOO.OOO by Rocke'f oiler, $100,000 by the Standard, $20,000' by. Individuals conected with the corporation.' $10,000' worth of 'pro visions sent on order of the company from Butte. The total of $230,000 cash subscribed ...was . made , ..Immediately . available and placed In the hands of the Standard's San Francisco representa- tlves , to dispose of as they thought est. . r , Twenty-five thousand dollars of the Rockefeller fund and $20,000 from the In dividual fund went to San Francisco. In the tame way $1S,000 went to Oakland, $10,000 to Santa Rosa, $,000 to Berke- ley, $1,000 to Alameda. $2,000 to San Mateo. $2,000 to Fruitvale. 00 to Palo Alto, $100 to Richmond. ; S '''.;,; "Of the donation f $(,000 to Bah Jose .. all but $200 was returned, the refugees having moved soon after Its arrival. ,"Camp Rockefeller was - established soon after .the ' earthquake and until " July II every effort waa made to sup ply the needy, regardless of race, creed, color or condition. . Particular attention ' was paid to women. Every one who could make their own living waa given an opportunity and tools. Women who could sew were given sewing machine One woman writer was given a diction-, ' ary, paper and table. ."Tho demande of SU" Luke's hospital for drugs and Instruments were met. A burned-out minister was given the nu cleus of a theological library. , In many rents of . houses were paid . for , THE POLICY-HOLDERS' COMPANY- ' 7 Clean,' Economical; . Well Managed. r7 A most desirable company to : V .V"--VJ ,!' ; insure in. rA rl: :: ; Home Orfice,xCommonwelth Bld., Sixth and Ankehy'StsVr 7 Portland, Oregon ;i?7:y :. :T-' ' - '-"': .?' t " A. L. MILLS, President : ' ' j . v zVj.,. ;j , . L. SAMUEL, General Manr. CLARENCE 8. SAMUEL, Asst. Mgr. THE POLLS United States Senator Shelby M. Cullom. . master In the art of politics, and his courae of action rather non-action undoubtedly was mapped out after a careful analysts of the situation. A popular .vote on the senstorshtp Is new to Illinois and Senator Cullom undoubt edly believed that It called for a new plan of campaign. .. . - ' . Made no Canvass. , ,' . .Senatorial prlmarlea have been tried In other atates this yesr, notably Ten nessee and Arkansas. In both Instances the incumbent senator left hts seat In Washington and made sn arduous speech-making canvass, and It Is signifi cant that both were defeated. . Senator Barry of Arkahsss had to yield to Oov ernor Jeff Davis, and In Tenneasee Senator Carmack . lost out to former Oovernor "Bob" Taylor. In the light of these two events, poli ticians here believe that Senator Cul lom was wise perhaps. In adopting his plan "of - non-ectLon. The senator . aU tended strictly to business. He made no reply to the bitter attacks of his oppo nent. - ' But while Senator Cullom sat' serenely back and declined to answer hie youth ful opponent, his- friends and sup porters In . Illinois were not Inactive. The senator doubtless felt confident that his fences were In good shape and the organisation supporting him as stanch as could be wished for. And the leaders of this organisation aay the fruits ot their labors will be. apparent when the ballots cast today are counted. families whose, houses stood, . but who were thrown out of work. "Of all the expenditures strict accoifnt waa kept. Why -Phelan Is Ignorant of the . general facts , la not clear." - - CHICAGO TO HAVE HOSTELRY - FOR MILLlOriAlRES Li. Most Magnificent and Unique Hotel in the World Planned 7 for Michigan Avenue. . (Joaraal Special lerrtee.) 'Chicago, Aug. 4. Plans are now be ing drawn for. what is expected to be the most magnificent and unique hotel In the world, to be located on an entire block between Michigan and Wabash avenues, south of the Auditorium. It la to be exclusively for. millionaires, who will be permanent guests. . . . There -will be private eleva tore,", pri vate garages whereby guests may step out of their apartments Into auto mobiles and lowered It stories -to the street In a big elevator, gymnasiums and . gardens, all .done on a gorgeous scale. - . j Persons , In -Chicago , and : the 1 middle west who win take apartments are new In consultation with architects. All the servants will be Imported from Encland. The enterprise Is backed principally by Otto Young, a multi-millionaire, who has long bad the project In mind. The coat ' will ' run far - Into tha . millions The lend was purchased years- ago for tbe hotel. . - .- LITTLE TIM WOODRUFF ; CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY J - Jviioerasl Special Serriee.) " ' " New York, Aug. 4. Timothy L. Wood- ruff, "Little Tim." -as he le known among bis friends and admirers,-was born In New Haven, August 4. lttS, and graduated from. Yale university, in Ma hem town. 1 Mr. Woodruff early took an active Interest In politics and elands high In the Republican ranks In New York state. He served three terms as lieutenant-governor and has been a delegate to -nearly every state and local Republican convention during the past 20 years. Despite his sctlve participa tion in pontics. Mr.,-woodrufr has round time to accumulate a large fortune in business. He is ths president of two manufacturing concerns of International reputation, a director of several truat compenles and banks and is interested In a number of other Industries both In the united States and abroad. ....:.,., SOar and Kaiser to Mee.,,.. (Joarntl Special Berries.) London. Aug. ' 4 King Edward and Emopror wilhelm .will meet near Ham burg on August li. It la reported that the conference la due to the Russian situation. , . Hegira of Persons Conversant With the Mar ried Life of the Prisoner to Foreign t - ; . Lands Is Now in Progress (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) New York, Aug. ,4. Material wit nesses for the prosecution in the case against ' Harry Thaw are dropping out of sight with startling regularity. -The latest to disappear la Annie E. Kvans, whose place of residence, was one of the most gorgeously furnished and widely known in the Tenderloin.' She sailed for Europe, accompanied by several other women, July 20. , ."" '. It was in her house 'Harry Thaw met Ethel Thomas, who later on sued him for beating her with a whip. Joseph Shay, attorney for Miss Thomas, said the girl died two years ago in a sane tarlum,' ' - Another young woman whom Thaw met In the Kvans house. Shay says, sued him for beating her with a whip and be settled for $(00. Shay 'has given the district attorney all the evidence he has., Thaw's first visit to the Evans DIG COLLECTIONS DURING JULY Collector of Customs Patterson Issues Monthly Summary C of Transactions. PROSPECTS FOR BIG YEAR ARE BRIGHTER THAN EVER List of Vessels En Route to Portland , With Cargoes Is Larger Than at Any Previous Time in the History of the Port and Duties Will Ba Big. The collections at the custom house during the month of July were heavier than on the average, and thus the new fiscal year started off In an encourag ing manner. According to a statement Issued this morning by Collector of Cus toms Patterson the receipts from all sources during the -month were tlx. or about $lp.S0JLnurelhanthe best average.' . - There Is every reason to believe mat the collections for the now fiscal year will reach a bigger grand total than ever In the history ot the port because the fleet of cargo vessels Bound xor tnis port at the present 'time Is much larger than at any time In the past. Of the II vessels headed for Portland from foreign ports all except four are bring ing cargoes and two or ths rour win probably bring part cargo here after delivering the puia atnan.rTanciacov at which port they will touch nrst upon reaching the Pacino coast. -Following is tha summary of trans- actions of the collector of customs dur ing the month ending July tl: Vessels entered from foreign porta. 10; vessels cleared for foreign ports, ) vessels entered from domestlo ports, IS; vessels cleared for domestlo ports, 14; entries of merchandise for duty. 111: entries of merchandise free of duty, 14; entries for warehouse, ; entries for re warehouse, t; entries for Immediate transportation without assessment, it; total number of entries of merchandise, 113; entries for consumption liquidated, 147; entries for warehouse liquidated, S; value of exports, IJ71.I40. : mmlpes Stem AH oaieea. Duties on imports tl,iZi.4l Fines, penalties - and forfel- - turee . lite Miscellaneous '. customs , re- - celpts 111.40 Storage, labor and cartage... 4. Offlotal fees 41.10 - Total ' ...iiu.tio.u Amount of refunds and draw . backs paid ...... ......... T I.M WORK FOR OPEN RIVER. : IMwiston Chamber of Commerce WU Assist Oovernmesit Bnglaeera. The Lewlston chamber of commerce will gather statistical information per taining to the commerce and traffic be tween . Lewlston snd Celllo for the guidance of - the government In taking steps toward the improvement of the Snake river. The merchants of Lewis ton are anxious to have the river made navigable the entire distance from Lewiston to Celllo, whereas at present the transfer from boat to rail has to be made at Rlparia. This Information "was brought to Portland this morning by Colonel 8. W. Roessler, United States engineer, who returned from a tour. of Inspection on the Snake river. - The trip waa made on the government dredge Wallowa and took two days. "I conferred with the president of the Lewlston chamber of commerce and a number of merchants there relative to the 8nake river and the trafflo and the chamber of commerce suggested secur ing a lot of data for the guidance of yy -H . r On the left Is the Prince and Princeer ot Wales, on the right Mr.nd Mrs. - Just had narrow escapes while autorrjobiling and carriaga driving. Ths '..-''' a. e .a a . . a .a...-1 .' . auto near wuerspurg wnen sometning nappenca to tnt steering gear ditched SiDOOQ house was mad In company with his half brother. Joseph Thaw. - The Globe, in speaking df eAnnle Evanar departure, (ays It is considered significant by persons Interested In the prosecution and openly asserted that sn left the country that she might. not be called upon to testify against Thaw. The World says tha hegira of persons conversant with the married life of Thaw and his wife and of the trestment Thaw accorded the girl In public, as well as In - private,' betokens an -apt-demlo of departures from New York. The World then proceeds to enumerate various persons In the" landlady, tele phone girl and restaurant 'servant classes who are taking prolonged vaca tions In places unknown to anyone, prob ably except Thaw's attorneys. - Thaw waa very cheerful, but at the same time impatient for the . trial to begin. He wants to go on the atand and tell his atory. :- - .- the department In planning for future Improvemente of the Snake end the Columbia down to Celllo." said Colonsl Roessler. "The statistics will be for warded to the department with the re port l am now preparing on the upper river." - TUGBOATS ARE BUSY. Bnormoue Quantities of Zogs Are e T la- Hauled Srem bower Colombia. Captain, Charles Jordan, owner and master of the tug Jordan, plying out of Astoria, was In the city yesterday for a brief vacation, lie was accompanied by his wife. Captain Jordan reports that the tugs on -the lower Columbia in the vicinity of Astoria are having all the towing they can attend to and their masters and crews are leading strenu ous lives these days. The great activity Is principally due to the unprecedented demand for saw logs at the mills In this city and down the river. Great quantltiea of logs are sent Into the water from the camps on the Deep, Grays, Chinook and Walllcutt rivers, and more than half a dosen tugs of the propeller type are engaged tow ing rafts to Knappa, where they are hooked on to the stern-wheel tow boats from Portland and towed to their desti nation. ' -, ..- ;.. "togging never was mora active on the Columbia river and ita tributaries, said Captain Jordan, "and. the loggers ss well as the tow boat men are doing well." SAILS MONDAY MORNING. Oriental Una aTleomedU Clears With Cargo Talued at 9100,008. The oriental liner Nlcomedla, Captain Wegemann, will clear this afternoon for Hongkong via Yokohama,. Shanghai and Other Asiatlo ports, with a cargo vslued at $109,002. Although clearing today, ths ateamer will not get away before Monday because of delavMn receiving some of the freight for which space has been reserved. This.. freights will be placed beneath the hatches tomorrow. , The cargo consists of 14,000 barrels of flour,, valued at ISO. 000; no tons of nans, a lot or wire, lie.lOB feet of lum ber, general merchandise and machinery to a combined value of tSI.tl0.t7, tbue bringing the total value of the cargo to The freight will - be about evenly dlatrlbuted among the dif ferent porta. Tbe next liner to arrive will be the Numantla. which le due In the river about the middle of the month. ' OFF FOR NORTH BEACH. SSBBBBBISBBSBBSBBBSSe ' Steamer T. J. Fotter Satis for Cwaoo With Crowd and Muslo. Crowded with paesengers the steamer T. J. Potter sailed for Ilwaco thla morn ing on her first voyage after having been laid op for two weeks on account of the blowing out of her starboard cylinder head. An orchestra went along to furnish muslo on the way and alto gether the outlook for a most pleasant voysge waa the brightest. Trafflo to ths north beach' baa been seriously hampered by tbe temporary tleup of the side-wheeler and tbe an nouncement of - her - having resumed service will be weloome news to the beach folks. Down by the seaside the arrival and departure of the Potter Is the chief toplo of conversation and ailence is said to havs prevailed among tha villagers while the craft- was off the run and In tbe boneyard for the O. R. N. Co. undergoing repairs. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The stesmer Harvest Queen left down this-mornlns with the schooner Sailor Boy, which is. bound for Ban Francisco with 420,000 feet of lumber. . The lighthouse tender Heather re turned to Astoria this morning from the southern Oregon coast, where she went to place some new buoys. The French bark Marie hae been char tered to load lumber on Puget sound for Fremantle, Australia The steamer As tec will possibly be placed on tho Portland-San Francisco run for awhile In place of the Barra couta, operated by the Harrlman sys tem. The Norwegian steamer Thyra will T ESCAPES AUTOMOBILE DISASTERS. 3SC We have added Steam Heating, Hot Water Heating to our present llnesnothlnn too big, nothing too small but EVERYTHING first class. We are now building the most completely equipped shop on the Pacific Coast, an d on Its . c omple tlon-will be atilethah die anything and e very thing iti the IHeatlng and Ventilating llne TheWG. probably ceme here from Vancouver this afternoon. She goes to the mills of the Portland Lumber company to finish her cargo for Port PIrte, Austra lia. The steamer Bailey Qatsert la receiv ing a general overhauling today at the foot OfxAlder street. BOATHOUSE GOES DOWN. barge Structure Owned -y X Olson Springs Xek From ITnknown Cause. a mrmm. tmathouae belonxine to J. Olson nearly turned turtle at the foot of East Fine street this morning. The bouse la new, nut sprung a iau some unaccountable manner and filled n.rtiv with water and took a lurch to port and settled. ' - . Luckily tor tns owner, mo nous was empty when the aoddent oocurred or the damage might have been great. As It Is, the expense of righting the struc ture and pumping it ary wiu om m ssupy task. , . . " 1 " .'. , MARINE NOTES. ' Astoria; Aug. 4. Arrived own at 4:10 a.' m., ateamer Costa Rica. Arrived at f :0 a. m., steamer Heather, San Francieoo, Aug. 4. Sailed, steam er Tiverton, for Astoria. Astoria, Aug. I. Arrived down at 1:10 and sailed at 1:11 p. mM ateamer Atlaa, for San Francisco. Left np at 11, steamer Meteor, for St Helena Port Los Angeles, Aug. I. Balled. French bark Vllle de Mulhouse, for Portland. . . . : . Astoria, Aug. 4. Condition of the bar at I a. m., smooth; wind northeast; weather eloudy. ', ' JEWISH ACTRESS AWOKE TO FIND HERSELF FAMOUS (Journal SpteUI Stfrfe. Kew York. Aug. 4. Of Madame Kallch. who Is celebrating her thirty first anniversary today. It may be said with almost literal truth that she awoke one . morning , to find herself f amoua From leading woman in a Jewish thea tre on tbe great least Bide of New York, the young Jewish actress stepped Into the limelight of Broadway, where her great talents met with Instant recogni tion, lie. Kallch waa born In Lem per. Oallcla August i. 1171. Her an cestors were In no way connected with the theatre. The young Jewess, how ever, displayed dramatic talent when a child and ner parents gave ber the bene fit of a eourse of trslning In the con servatory at Lemberg. Her first pro fessional engagement was In the na tional theatre at Bucharest. She played with equal facility In the Polish, Ger man, Roumanian and Yiddish tongues. About 10 years ago she came to America and accepted! an engagement In the old Thalia theatre on the Bowery, where she appeared In Yiddish versions - of the mssterpieces of Ibsen, Budermann, Tolstoi and Sardou, Her first Bngllsb perrormanoes were given at the Ameri can theatre. New York, two years sgo. Later site was taken on a tour- under the management of Harrison Gray Fiske. who waa quick to discern her unusual talent. WASHINGTON MILLS FEEL CAR SHORTAGE " (Hneclal DisDsteb te The Jeareal.l - - Hoqulam, Wash., Aug. 4. The shingle manufacturers are feeling the car shortage as much as the lumberman and fear that It may be the eauss of an early shutdown, even if they resume outting again soon. They fear that the present unsatisfactory condition of af fairs will be . intensified when the Im mense wheat crop of the eastern part of the state la ready to market. It la stated that tha railroads are already concentrating their rolling stock for the purpose of caring for the wheat ship ments and that this Is a serious menace to the lumber industry In this section. ill Longworth. Both couplet hart Longworths wejs riding In their, . . ' " . 1 ana tne couple cam pear being' PHONE US MAIN 832 McPherson 47 FIRST STREET The Hind Ton Hare Jwaji in use for otcf so yean, end All Oonnterfelts. Imttatlons Cxpenlmentc; that trifle wltb said endanrer tbe healtb, eg Infanta and Cnlldr:iiIps1enoe esdnst Exprlnafla4 Whalc.CASTORIA 'Osstoria Is s hannleM a3gtiti toir Cmator OiU gorlc Drops and Soothing contains neither Oplmn, nbstanoe. - Its age Is Its grnarantee. It destroys Xfotwrn smd allars FoTerialmcas. It (Tores DfaurrhoMi and TOnd. -fTollo. It relieres Teething Troubles, cores Constipation ' said Flatulency. IC asslnillates the Food regnlates.tha Stomach and Bowels. cjiTlng; healthy and aatoral sleep "7 The Childrea'a ramaoeaThe Mother's Friend. , ocrjuiriBLGASTORIA AL,c;AY0 S9 Sears the Tbe KM Yon'HaYO Always BoflgM In Uea For . Over SO Ye-rn. e vsaeesneMeeewaae. vea RIVER EXCURSION TO ASTORIA SUNDAY,. AUQ. S SteamerfELEGIMPiiil i FAsmrr boa tow sra -- CTKAJUCZsTw Learea Alder Street Dock, Fort- - - . land a. Arrive at Astoria at 1 p. Leav Aetorla for home at t p. Arrive in Portland at t p. la Oarte, Carry Tew X.nnea tf Ten A delightful Sunday trip a charming ride on the greatest river of western America tha best steamboat on the Pacifle coast Polite atten tion te everyone. See the City by the MORRIS BROS. BANKERS HAVE REMOVED FROM FIR8T-ANI to TEMPORARY OFFICES . 733-35 Chamber Phone DEVLIN PROPERTY TO ' ;.. BE SOLD AT AUCT.ON (Jearaat SDeshd Serrtaa.1 Topeka, Kan., Aug. . a meeting of the Tredltora ofths Devlin estate waa held today, to eoneider the proposltloa any Boofbte od rtii bam Has borne t&e slaatore e? luui bexm riUMia txndcv els pec aymelsuDetfilston sdnee ttatnffcxMrtv Annerna suns 4a sismmiI mm ww tie dtau said Jnst es sjood! Srraps. It Is Moarphine nor' other XTareotia , ISignattire of saw - UiVSBI m. m. m. m. Sea at Little Cost ALDEM of Commerce BIdg. Main 97S to sell the ll.ooe.eoe estate, pected that an aereemont reached to sell the prorir i This refere to all the L- t In Illinois, Arkansas, ' .1. Kansas, exeept that wfc'- ' and receiver fr the 1 bank are eilI gaUon. ... ' t t F3