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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
ths ;.'bicbrf;DAttYvjbunrui,'; POitTLANtv ; satuiiday :.-:EVrcr;a august i t?zs J lily, J !VvL.-,-s uyvj ,v-f - -V I'.'SM'llXll. i lJ i-ui ; fNSVt-SHi'JHIN -ncfyrrine. mom' iKOMIS CT-i - 9 HZ BE 'CHE MCDA-) rvr.r r' . r DID YOU B VSR VfHENT FIRST VIMTSOUTH. VIL31N6 FOR- YOU-WWl YOU PLAY! . Wt'LL A CAT : 0m w tXlf-ZS C 3 7 V " ' CtpyrtfHt. IMt. Vy Tin Hor t- 1 f limp y. STflUTTtNGt f KUSIC! c f CO) Uwy diy... Shnw it wm jurt tilt right thinf to trmk, mUy taywar(un. or intdieint k, tiM Cfw. ttarud off wltjiout loM'ei tim to thojbuth -yhtro it wuM not disturb Nokomito ; , : , i Nokomia had tied soma anaO ahcUa on th'a handlca of tha" drumaticka,' and had titeA'atruiig:, uiuu v w. .. wauv mu m ytwm na nrippca nw tmrm. imn an cnarrwi in mm n. f n Aundak COUid HOt Otat a drum, out Bt (UimM tO blft DIM VOlCC, and Martd tO Sing the BOfTM rBTOW on a BOWg U ina-tnsui Of IM onun., I na muaa nav nn to hotpiw.; VlthlKeoalaiHlawaprthaUirfcaaiideIean Shab ' .i, . ' J thrRattleanaka, but ha waa dead, and wouldn't mad them any mora. Altogether, thtyniad a graai- tneoKine cnanta wmn uttM txowang sira oegan to piay. Toty want ajong until tney came to ua iifrin ii'iainii. . m.A iwMmiiiiM t kui f uienin racket that U litiW'Doo! v anda'taVk-oldruinatieka, to Uttllwniicfen4inV-:-I i f'-l . - t i fikKt trhtw YfObom' KaWt, tad hk bMrww.tadar bit Bhw twfc'Wv' j.V' ? whtther Indian or white boy. cm to dtUght in t 1 t- ' v ; 'f , . ?Am OKOiWS Jacket. J iff) MB UPdhVif '-' HON BO YOUDO ,9 and see XXATYOO li Aft IS 1 ) un&uu.. Jlt.k IC'l 1 ifAMGOIH ITOTIMTO I LEARN VTHATMUSK ,1. in- 'fc ' 1 1 r ... . I- . t 1 REBNAY! YOU'XB. ' . DOIN&! FINE KpeznaW) J SNTTKYrV in 6, re -: I v IFEENAY MS. 'r iMAkCliSAP .DRUtfTOO, HU4 NOWr I v v rtty eoon Wahbooa; tba. Rabbit, popped hit head out of hia burrow under the b ina tree. - ' ' He had never heard audi a'racket before,' and didn't know what to make of k. Aundak, the Crow, aettlH himaelf on a Nmb of the fallen log and began clearing hia throat getting ready to Join in the choral,. AH at once ht heard light footstepe and, looking around, toon spied Peenay, the Partridge, Stealing up. Peenay had hia head cocked on one side and waa listening with all hie ears. S - . - '. , Peenay, the Partridge,' hopped up on the log and seemed to be very much interested in the pre feedings, - Little Growling Bird bade him good day.' and beat harder and louder than 'ever.) He 'wanted to show off before risitors, like moat little boys, do! i New Peenay it a "try vain and proud bird and Gkea to show off himself when be gets the chance. ; When be wishes to attract attention or can his family he sticks up the gloecy black ruff be wears on hi neck, spreads hia tail and scrapes his wings on the ground just like a turkey cock, 'i Tht k tries; .retCrear - ' v ; . ; ' .. ' . ' HE'S BEATJNGr I r&ttv. I (0 S:t OA BUST SOMETHING- r':. warw . wm r J hurrah! S.W CAN DRUM MAHMYm I J?5 .J. - "' ' - Thia aVuniming wis sewnthiag new to bin). anTTook hia fancy! greatly. !Ht watched Uttle' - - , -" V " - a . -i" . . v - : ,... Growling Bird vary closely and tried to imitate the sound. by beating his wings slowly against Ms' r- - v, .--- - . , .. Stdes, Thenheciwhc4dctkse tothelogand1ea hia wings mors rapidly V Then,- aa the aJrJ y ' was mora confined between hia wings and aides, bt soon found that be could product' booming 4 ,:: sound i something like a drum heard at a distance. ' T . ' ; ' j . " " '"' j ' ; ; t ' t ) OH,WAUGH! jtezxiNer DRUMtO X ' . . . i. ;.'r - t 1 .:v- - - T. -S ' .-f' - . . . I fc... " r5 OH.TEEWAYI 'ALA Si? 7?7Af JL BROKE V sy 8A0bOV!JWT0 1 SHOWO&'iirUESSl AfOKOMISrKUP.j ORUMRK-tm-BH ,PiUy, Uie C-xmUng Bird g M,trs hard thump on hia drum, end. BAN Q ill Away want- Peenay waa greatly tickled over bit ruccees. whiU little fimwtie IM am nu-h - bear bow eloaaly Peenay imitated1 bit little mtdicint drum. The little boy waa not going to aW ' ' tH dnmb"d W ' hole m the middle I - WeH that ended the music, aa far aa the little boy tun-eff .0 b. tutshon. by . nwt bird, to h. got .pon bit bolding bi. drum bstwn bit ' drurnTg ani bgTwsy uh. Tta S-f-.'S r krMtVpotmdtd ttrty more furiously, tnan ever. PeensvfceMTraDrovuis riant atone, and eoon it wa t Poor Little Orawline Bini hif k-i. i.iw. ..u o. ' 'i 1 . . , . . . T - - . . .. - - , ,T kpwwii wiw oa whs luim US all SNrc WfctwttpiwhjawttUiprw -, . -TZ " ' ' " , ' - - -I Ifl. It. t . T I . . , . M. .... . ..... . . . u -j " " " "oaomia, who anew su a oout little boys ways, told him nt had been show, ing off when he broke his drum, but she comforted him by promising to mend it again some dsy soon. ww, .. u.j n iirm spimg m m in tnaian. summer u you snouia oe in the woods and rbappeotsee Peenay, the Partridge; stnitting ayeund and purring- on airs, keep' very quiet and maybe you will see him mount an old log end begin to practice his drumming , He is very vain about It, and will hot notice VOUl but sometimea I think ha Ka lnr,Mi lh ha ImJl u .n I i b:. w- ' . j-- i .:..;. . . 7 . " T .