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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
Tins onzcon daily, journal. rcTLAND. satui:day cv::::i::a.' aucUw . i;:x LjbioFUByys L1UCHW00L On Hundred Thousand Pounds 7; Purchased by Judd A Root Yesterday. ; ;,v : i- IDAHO HOLDERS SELL - ' y f V AT LOWER FIGURES Prices Paid at Lewiston Range From Fourteen jjndjijiatfJtojSjgCTtcen i."' Cents ; a. Pound Hundred and 1 Twenty-Five Thousand Untold, J . : dtaKbl Dlenateh te The JoamiL) - . ' Lewiaton,- Idaho. Aug. 4. Prank Lee, representing tha Pendleton Wool 8cour- ' tng Packing company, of Pendleton, Oregon,' owned by Judd A- Root of Boe v ton. yesterday purchased over 100,400 i pounds of wool, which vu atored In , wsrehousee t Asotin and in thle .city, , .; The deI comprises a number of .clip ' owned by prominent growera of tbla r section and the purchase waa made per - aonally by Mr. Lea, who haa been bre .two weeks working; on tha deal. - The price paid ranged from 14 H oeata up- t.waro. .There ami ramaina auout iza.vsv . t pounds of wool In the warehouses in Lewiaton county, but tha ewnera are ": holding for higher prices. , Following la ' ; the list of purchases made. v rQ. P. Mulr, to Backs, price not quoted; W. P. Rlmpeon, II sacks, 14)4 cents: R. Peterson,- (I -sacks, 14 cents .-WitL Fordlce, 3 aacka, II cents; Frank Pat , ; tcraon, I aacka, lT'centa.'Bank of Aso tin, IS aacka,' IT cents; . C. DeBeau- - nnont, 10 aacka, IT oenta. " Admiral train dead OF URAEMIA AT CHEF00 ,'. , ... ; .-,:-t.". -, . . ' n . .. . i . .v Meeraai SnecUl lerrlce.l ' - " Chef oo, Aug. 4,-rRear-Admlral Charles 1 J Train, commander-in-chief c-f the United States Astctto .fleet, died this .-. morning of uraemia. He waa . born In . Massachusetts, waa appointed to . the ' nary November 14,-1141. and studied In the naval academy until 1144. He waa ". appointed master In 1844, lieutenant In March, 1841; llsutonant-commander - In June, 1841; commander In January, 1884; captain, November 21. Ills, -and , rear-admiral September It, 1804. He on many atatlona and duties. Specials; 6P.M.to9P.M. -1 mam 85c i TEA KETTLE NICKEL, OVER COPPER REGULAR VALUE $1.50 having been naval officer at the Atlanta exposition. 1814-14; commander of the Prairie, an auxiliary cruiser In ' the North Atlantic squadron during the Spanish war from March to November, 1848; commander of tha Puritan and later of tha Massachusetts; -president of the board of Inspection and survey from ItOlito 1804, and since the latter year commander of the Aalatio squadron. - Aa commander-in-chief of the Aalatio etatlon the Important duty of maintain ing strict neutrality In Philippine waters during tha K usee-Japanese war devolved upon Admiral Train. He was II years old and would have retired from active service In May of next year. 11 " i ii ii i i . i . PENNSYLVANIA TOWN IS STRUCK BY CLOUDBURST (Continued from Page One!) .' (Joaraal Brerlal service. '. Reading, Pa., Aug. 4.-X eloudburat truck the borough of Hamburg, this county, last night. A 10-foot flood swept through the main portion of the town. teaviprnn it wi-rutr"sHdr devasta tion. .There are washouts In the streets to' the depth of 10 feet . Allan J. Romlg, who. was working In a tinsmith, shop, waa drowned.. More than SO dwell in as were damaged.' Many persons' . escaped drowning . by , rushing to the upper floors of their residences. The total lose will amount to mora than 850,000. . ' i.. ' . Tha great rush of water through the town waa oauaed by the collapse of the dam at the Union flour mill, where there were many thrilling rescues and narrow escapee. '..''',, .-J"'. OYSTER BAY BEACH IS PUBLIC PROPERTY Uearaal Sseetal Bet-Hee.) Oyster Bay. Aug. 4. Residents of Oyster Bay have instituted a war agalnet the millionaire reaortere who have built a fence down to the water'a edge i to prevent people' from passing along the shorev - The courta have de cided that the residents are right. The right dates back to the royal mandate of Oeorge 'H, who decided the people of Oyater Bay and their belra forever sheik enjoy a ho re rights., They tore down the fencee and obtained an order from the court restraining the rich men from rebuilding them. . ' LITTLE BOY HOLDS l2- DESPERATE ROBBER (Jearael Bpeelaf Berviee.) Cleveland. Aug. 4. The Banea Itallana waa entered at noon by an unknown man who took 88.000 In bills from the teller's counter. The president and two em ployee gave chase and Sebastian Lietta, laged 10 years, playing near the bank. beard-hie father discharge a revolver at tha fugitive and surmised there was a robbery. He tackled the man around the legs football fashion and held htm until a crowd gathered and the money waa recovered. The robber waa ar rested.' Vi.,'.--:.'''.- ACCIDENTALLY SHOOTS HIS BROTHER IN HEEL (Special Dispatch .to The Jeartul.) . Forest Orove. Or.. Aue. 4. Nick WU- Uama, a eon of the lets W. H. Williams, waa ahot Thursday while hunting In the hllle above Buxton. He waa with hie brother, Thomas WUllama. who car ried m. l-oelllr rlne and w trvinv t n w nat thrown in the air, but pulledTrV"'i tne trigger when it Btruok -the ground, the- bullet lodging In Nick s heel, as he had tried -to kick the hat on reaching tne ground, it tore a bole underneath the arch-of the ankle and left hie foot la bad shape. . .. -.; s , ; - WORK PROGRESSING ON KLAMATH PROJECT (geeelel Dfcipatek te tke JeeraaM Klamath. FaUa, Or., Aug. 4 Work on the Irrigation project la moving aatla faotorlly with both the Maaoh Davis company and the reclamation service. The former has added about 110 Aus trlans the past week, and they are very satisfactory workers. Only about too feet remain to be driven between the lower portal and the first shaft of the tunnel, when the concrete work Will be commenced. The huge stone crusher Is at work, and everything la moVlng systematically.' '. . NEW YORK LABOR LAW - DECLARED ILLEGAL CRYSTAL VASE ' i REGULAR VALUE tie i - (Jearsel Baeelal Bet tine, t New York, Aug. 4. The state law of New York, reatrlotlng the labor by women and children to 10 houra a day and 40 hours a week In a factory haa been declared by Justice Olmsted In a decision handed down In the court of apeolal sessions tobe an unwarranted Invasion of constI(Wlonal rights. The ruling was concurred la by Juatlces Mo Keen and DeuL Judge Olmsted, declared that the law waa clasa legislation. visit those reeorta under constant sur veillance by the polloe. He haa discovered that shortly be fore tha crime was committed two men were aeon lurking near the door ot Kuhn'a saloon. Immediately after the snoi was nred one of the men waa seen to emerge hastily from the front door of the saloon, wearing a mask. He bt-ushed against a man and woman a ahort distance from the door as he waa In the act of removing the mask he had -worn inside, the place. On seeing them he quickly raised his handker chief to hla face, evidently In order to conceal hla - features, and crossed the street On the other aide of the street he encountered another man and woman, who alia vrere able to obtain a good de scription of hlmr -T --;-r--r' -Witnesses Zdeatdfy Davla.'- ' The witnesses have positively Identi fied Davla, one of the suspects at Erick- sons, aa the one who ran from the saloon after the firing and threw away a roaak. , The. other haa been Identified aa -having been aeen In front of the saloon In company with the other man and later having been seen on the op posite side of the street Soon efter the shooting he waa seen to board a car for down town. ' , ..x . . . The moat Important of the detective's diaooveries la the testimony of Ellas Shupe, who waa In the aalooa at the time of the a hooting. - Shupe accom panied the detective to Brlckaon'a and waa asked to aeleot from the crowd of several hundred that was assembled there the man who resembled the mur derer. He promptly did so, He'declares that the man resembles la height end In every other detail the man who en tered Kuhn'a saloon on the fatal Sat urday night apd killed the saloon-nan. , looka ,fcikei the Murderer. 'Identifications are. ef course, unsat isfsotory." aald Mr. Shupe, "but I readily picked that man out of the big crowd that want Ericsson's. He waa the aame helsht and build and aembled the man who killed Juilua in every particular, r followed him and watched him walk and he walks ex actlyelike the man did who walked calmly out of the aalooa after the ahot waa fired." - , Qua Dreger, bartender In the Non pareil saloon on Williams avenue, was paaalng Kuhn'a aaloon with a woman companion on. the night of the murder. It waa be and hia friend who saw the man .emerge haetlly from the- place, throw away hla maak and cross the street Dreger and the woman were ac companied by Deteotlve Hartman to Ertckson'a place, where they alao se lected Davis from the crowd aa the man who hurried from Kuhn'a saloon Imme diately after the shooting. . ; prefer TeUa Story.. . . 1 saw the man distinctly on that night, aald Dreger. "I , waa with a friend' of mine and we passed very cloae to the man who ruahed out ef the aaloon. He tore off hie maak and when be saw ua he put hia handkerchief ever his face. Then he crossed the street and etarted to run, but he encountered another couple and walked till he had paaaed them. Then he ran rapidly down the atreet "Both myself and my friend had an excellent opportunity to gee a good look at him. When -we went to Bla- aler'e with Detective Hartman we both picked the man they call Davie out aa who ran from the saloon that nighty . . - . . : ; . ED TO :CffEG TI.'.V,i CT CASE IS TRIED i Din nn n yiU 1 1. Ll.Jh.i.... J l.iLU LI ' ' Prosecutor of Nan Patterson to I Cave-lrr Occurs Between Delta Urge ; XJnwritten Law. Sj. . ; Plea to Jury, J. . and Kennett Which Will DeV lay Tralna for Days. . JOHN BARRETT WINS SUCCESS A$ DIPLOMAT, 4!eamsl flDeeUI BerrW.k Washington. Aug. 4. It appears that John Barrett minister to Colombia, will be successful in the conclusion of a treaty between Panama and Colombia, and also a aew treaty between Colombia and thle country by removing the sus picions engendered by the separation of Panama from -Colombia. - It seems cer tain that Colombia will recognize the independence or Panama. COOS BAY ASKS AID. " 7 OF EASTERN OREGON (Special IHisstea te Ihe-JnorseLI :' Pendleton, Or Aug. 4. To secure the aid of eastern Oregon In getting an ap propriation of 81,000,000 for tha Im provement ef the harbor of Coos - bay Peter Ixggle and Carl L. Albrecht rep resentatives ef the North Bend -chamber or oorameroc, are In Pendleton soliciting slanaturta te a petition asklne- eonareea for .such an appropriation. The gentle men go eaat from here to La Orande and Baker City. .' . ;, ACCIDENTALLY KILLED . EXAMINING WEAPON . (Joaraal Specie I. BerTlee.) t - , Stockton,-Cel., Aug. 4. Oswald Hess shot himself In the head this morn ing at the Angela Iron Works and died Instantly. He had Intended atartlnc on fa hunting trip and waa probably exam ining a pistol when it waa accidentally discharged. Low Rates East. ' The Chicago at Northwestern railway will make low round-trip rates to St Paul. Milwaukee end Chicago at rate of 810 plua the one way first-class rata Tickets are on sale Apguat 7. t and . and are good until October tl. Low ratee to other eastern points. Further Information by calling on R. V. Holder, ' u.ereha ateluotaat te Talk. , ' Awed by' the mysterious manner of Detective- Hartman and the pledge of aecrecy exacted. Edward -J.-Qraha, . an architect and his i wire, resiaing at ses Victoria street, were exoeedlngly relue tant to divulge any Information to The Journal representatives. It will be re membered that Mr. and Mrs. Orahs, Jn paaalng. Kuhn'a saloon about It minutes before the snooting, notices: two sus picious characters loafing about the doorwuv of tle-place.. Their-attentlon waa called te one of the men In par ticular , by - Ma action- In'- atartng and leering at Mra. Oraha. ' . - Durlna the course or the interview Mrs. Orshs. undoubtedly fearful that her husband would betray some of the evidence that Hartman waa deairous of keeping secret, came to the rescue of her soouse by informing blm thai nia serv ices were In demand In the kitchen, Orshs took the hint and put an end to further questioning by repairing to the culinary department or me oiousenoio. ' Asked to Identify Ham. Previously. In response to various questions, Orahs reluctantly' admitted that he and hla wife had been naked during the past week to Identify the two men suspected of having been Impli cated Jn the crime and supposed tobe the samefeTlowi who were In front of Kuhn'a resort before the murder. We were asked by Detective Hart man to go to a certain resort and aee If we could pick . out the two men." aald Oraha. "but I am not prepared to aay If our Identification was positive. It would not be light for tne to tell any of the detalla of our evidence at this time ae we have been asked to aay nothlna- about the matter. "My wife and myself were passing Kuhn's about 10 minutss Derore ine murder end noticed two t hard-looking men standing In front of the entrance. Aa we paaaed one of them looked In sultingly et my wife and smiled at her. She remarked at the time that aha would like ot punch his head. Although I am not prepared to state definitely, yet the two men we were aaaea xo laemirr re semble the fellows we saw that night' Oraha save the impression that he knew a great dee I more about the caae than he was willing to admit From another source It hss been learned that Mrs. Orahs picked out Mllner and Davla without hesitation from a targe crowd of men as the palf whom aha saw on the night of the mjuroer. r- (Jearaal BneeUl BWvlM.t New Tork. Auc. 4 It Is reoorted that former Assistant District Attorney wuilam .Rand. Who prosecuted Nun Patterson, haa been engaged by .Attor ney Hart rid se to. appear in court In de- rense or Thaw. Hartrldge only said, "Thaw will be ably defended when the case is called." - It is believed that Mrs. Thaw haa decided to take the stand In ner nusband s defense. . it is understood that tne reason (gperlal DIspatefc te Tke jMraaL) Aehland. Or.. Aug. 4. Tunnel No. between Delta and Kennett. caught Are yesterday from a paaalng freight train and the timbers being burned out tne tunnel caved in for a. distance of 74 feet Train No. 11 was laid out by the cave-In and It (a reported no trains can get through for several daya. Workman are endeavoring to repair ine tunnel mow and a track is being laid Thaw's " mother consented; fo the un-1 around Id open irafflo during the time the main line le being cleared. The work or repairing the tunnel, which ta 100 feet long, ia extremal v hasardoua.' aa the ground la soft and frequent cav-tna written law" defense waa that Thaw'e wife told ber a new btory. entirely dif ferent from - the three statements she made Attorney Oloqtt, each of which contradicted the other, with the result that Olcott became much disgusted with the young woman. The exact' nature, of the etatement Thaw's wife made to her huaband'a mother Is not known, but it le aald that her revela tlone have to do with the relatione of Evelyn Thaw and Stanford White after I two aquadrona ; ot dragoona surprised RUSSIAN WORKMEN (Continued from Page 'One.) the former's -marrlare. It ta further reported that these reve latlona were of a nature that the young wife would have preferred to keep from the knowledge of her mother-in-law and the publlo In general. 1 WILSONTINDS PACKERS . COMPLYING WITH LAW the revolutionary leadera while they were Bleeping and placed them under ar rest - A mob attempted te free the cap tivee and a coUlaloa with the troopa followed after whloh a number ot ag taiora were placed under arreat Small steamers have been armed with rapid-fire guna-and are plying up and down the Neva In anticipation ot . the laoor riota which are planned. Thle city was In darkness last night owing 10 tne Bin Ke or the eleotrloal workers. In compliance to Jhe general strike order lsaued yesterday. The rail road men have not obeyed the 'order aa yet except on a email line to the coast and the extent to which the etrlke will Uearaal Special Service.) -Washington, Aug. 4 Secretary Wil son returned to hla office this morning af,tar making a "gumshoe" tour of the I extend cannot be iudsed until Monday. the houaea he visited are making turi'' b,J, ,e,al olldy. ' ehangee to meet the governments re-1 c:,. ,k , "'"""; euirementa. He will make other secret I v. - trips. I ' r - vJam t cm sioteeor. Hussia nanga on the verge of dis orders which may lead to either a relrn of the proletariat or tha military, and the fate of the Stolyptn cabinet hangs In the balance. Steps toward a dlota torehlp wUl be taken Sunday or Mon day, when Grand Duke Nlcholaa wlU be nominated to the eommanderahlp-la- TRACTION ENGINEER - KILLED IN WRECK (Jearaal Isertal Berviee.) Llvermore, CaL, Aug. 4. John . Oibb, engineer of a traction angina was In- chlaf of all the Russian forces, giving atantly killed early thla morning. The engine ran off a grade with three care and the engineer waa thrown off, a wheel passing over him. . The fireman Jumped and was unhurt. -LL htm complete control over all the dis tricts in which dlsturbancee have arisen. they being declared under martial law. Although the nomination of the -rand duke aa commander-in-chief will La-declared to be tor the purpoee of harmon ising the troopa without reference to political affaire. Premier Stoypin does not look at It In that light, and he ia In an extremely vexed elate of mind. During hla Interview with, the emperor (Joaraal tDecial Service.) ' ' yeaterday they discussed the nnrlstne Fort de Franca, Martinique, Aug. 4. I at Sveaborg and Kronstadt and the mu- Four strong earthquake shocks were felt tiny aboard the ' cruiser Pamyataaova. Thursday night it ia reared max Mont i and although these ended fortunately Pelee le to have another eruption, but I for the government they have apparent- yet shows no aigma. Kssiaents are pre-1 iert a strong impression on the ' em paring to nee if It oontlnue. Thelperor. quakea are almilar to those preceding I The admiralty haa announced that MARTINIQUE DREADS ERUPTION OF PELEE -v. laaVl am Ncthlni wCl cure lnfilrjstlcn thst ditsn't H&st th food, itsilf, tnd five the etomach a perfect rest. . -'.You can't reasonably expect that any weak - stomach . will retfaln - Its strength and get well when it i$ compelled to do the full work that ' a sound etom&ch should do. , . 1 ;You wouldn't expect a ' pick horse to get well when it is compelled to do full day's work every day of the week, i; Your stomach must have rtVl.iJJ :. v ' But it isn't .necessary to ttaro your - i j self in order to rest your stomach. ; ' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect v r " dlgestant. It will digest all of the food you eat; rtgardUss pf th& condition cf your gtomdeh, fr-- tr.r . - r f zz f :7r Kodol Dyspepsia Cure For ' Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour " , Stomach, Flatulence, Headache,s Water , ! : Brash, Belching of Gas, Nausea, Gastritis, i Heartburn : and all troubles arising . from indigestion and. non-assimilation of the food. ' ':0-. 'vv''4:'.:;!'"V . ' I had ejrtpcpsla in its worst forms was rV traced In weight to US pound After using twe . - and ontrhalf bpttlss of Kodol, I was completely , cured and restored to "iny uaual weight of 149 " pounds. J.JLUTH1?! JOHNSON, . " . ,n'.":r-y--:, Atfy At Law, CUburns. Tsz. KODOL DICJSTS WHAT YOU EAT t. -t- (tUarti.s.UiM 11m aa .Ml as the trlel. er M et elee. MAKES THI N STOMACH SWtST. I rr.ser.4 M ik Ua. I nmimt HB.SJ9.Wue I - -I eo..CleM.e.t.a. I Sold by Stidmore Drug Co. and Woodard, Clarke ft Co. the. eruption that destroyed St Pierre. HOLY WAR WITH FRANCE WANTED BY. AFRICANS HOMESTEAD DRAWINGS .HVi ON AT SHOSHONE ' ' rjimrnal Rimm-1.1 Berviee.) Lander, Wyo., Aur 4. The drawlnf for i the Shoshone Indian -reaervstlon lands bes;an today and will continue until August IB,' when the reservation will 'in formally ; opened.' Several rhangee nave been made In the condi tions attending tne iana opening. ah peraons .who draw numbers which en title theft to make entry ' between Auguat It and October S Incluslvs, must proceed to Shpshone, .Wyoming,, and make their entries, instead or comma berej a prOvldeA in the flrsUubUoan. tlon. Aner vctooer entries win D, made here. . " ' - : POTTER IN SERVICE. . ( FoptOa O. aV ti ST. ataeereloa Soot Be BUBiee TrlpB to Beach. The "T. JT. Potter"' leavea Ash' street dock for North Beach, touching at Aa torla, ae follower . Auguat 4, 1:19 P. n.l August T. 4:4 a:. m. August t, 1 a. m.; Auguat 11, 11 a. m. From Ilwaeo: Auguat S. 11 p. m.: Auguat t, 18:01 noon; August 10, 1:80 p. m.; August 11. 4 p. m. - Tickets at Third and Wsshlnetoa streets and at Ash atreet .dock. may be aeoured oa the boat. , ' drumhead oourtmartlal at Kroaatadt will be euapended with the execution of .the seven rlngteadere la the mutiny who were condemned to death Thurs day. The other mutineer will he tried by jregular nrt-.ierH.i . Aaarohlsta at Wiaue. " . :. tjeorsai aaeeiai serviee-i - 1 i -nr i,w i u ill., ... Tangier. Aug. WSeml-independent U. "i"""""- 71 They urge Prince Abdul Hafld. the-vloe-"- ""u"""" roy.'to proclaim himself aultan. , : LveLV? ilV. manilAM r.4f vkah aabale MMaela e.ttaeuta.d 4 EASTERN EXCURSION HATE dri' trh the .tru in a carriage ? " , . with hla wife and eon. ' The blood thirsty mob dragged them' from their , ABfmet T, SV S, Septembea S Bad 10. On the above- dates the Great North, era Railway will have on aale tlcketa to Chicago and return at rate of 871-40. St. Louis- and return 847,tO, 8L Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth, Superior or carriage and after murdering- the son before the eye, of hia parents they killed .them also. ; . The murder of the commander and hla family . Increased the reign Of anarchy and .soon the wild mobs were surging V:J1";&A the stanishln. window; Northern, returing aame' or any direct route, - atopovera allowed. - For tickets. sleeplngcar reaervatlona or any addl. pillaging, bouses and shops and firing buildings. A bomb was exploded at the Kesen railway etatlon.' near Moscow, today, Portland. tlonal information call on or eddreae H, I vinin wo At w.V th. -1.7 (n Dickon, a P. T. A, lit Third .tr-U .,ticl o'n'wa.0 bit t rayed to the authorltlee ' and - frus trated. Many arreate followed. ' Forty thousand dollars ef govern ment money waa stolen from one train held up near unau. . Ths Official Routs. j v The Great Northern Rail way to St Paul in connection with the North western line to Milwaukee haa . been chosen as the official route for a speclsl train to the Grand Aerie - Fraternal Order of Eagles at Milwaukee, Wiscon sin, August 14 to II; tlakets on sale August T, I and t at rate of 1(1.70 for the round trip. For tlckete and bertha apply to H. Dickson, C T. A P. A., G. n, gon. WALLA WALLA UNIONS ' OBJECT TO: DE CAPRI0 (Sterll Plenatrh te The Jeoraaf.) ' Walla Walla, Wash.. Aug. 4 Cohsld- Ry ill Third street, Portland, Ore- arable feeling haa been arouaed between Low Rates East. offlclalB of the Walla Walla County Fair association and the Wall Walla Military band over the action of the tmlr' niniftmnit In turnlna down tha On August 7th. Ith and tth and on I w.lle. Wells bend's bid for furnlahlna September Ith and 10th the Canadian I mualo for the fair-and race meet this racmo win sen rounu-irip UCKeta to fell. It li claimed that tha aecratarv eastern terminals at very, low ratee, r tha fair association-haa hired Ie good for atopovera and choice of routea Caprio'a Italian band without the eanc returnlng. Daylight rlde.Hhrouch th nn. . f n. thn. mamioN f ik. rw raies ana lull I nnmmlttea. Tha hand hova start. particulars, call on or addraas F. R. Johnson. F. A P. A, 141 Third street, Portland, Oregon. ed a movement yeaterday to have the contract with the Italian band annulled If possibles Being a union organisation, it la said that the various labor unions of the city will take a hand In the fight If necessary to secure, the contract for . new Klamath Telle Paper. (BDeetel PunMtck ta The Jnnm.t t Klamath FaUa. Or., Aue. 4.-W. nowlih. tv.ii. Welle, hand. nave a oaiv paper, "The Evenlna- Her- aid," making its first appsarance laat evening, publlahed by 'the Herald Pub- Halting company, with F. P. Cronemillcr manager. it will be Issued daily except Sunday, with a twlce-a-week laaua for the country. It la- a four-pan five-col umn sheet, and makes a fine appearance. PURCHASES LAND FROM : UMATILLA INDIANS '.'. BlokerB ta Clerk. ' U. '(Ipeetel Dta,ateb te Tk foeraal.) ' . Pendleton, Or., Aug. 4. H. E. Bickers now school clerk for the Pendleton district, having been elected, to that po sition at a meeting of the school board held last evening. He waa elected to (ftoerlal IHeoeteB to. Tee fearssLI AFendleton, Or.. Aug. 4. Emll Matthes haa purchased six tracts of Indian helrahlp land advertised to be sold yes terday for a total price of 180,100, he betne the hlgheat -bidder In each In stance. . It IB understood that the land waa purchased for other partlee. It all lies on the Umatilla reservation. Aside from the heirship land eold y sa rin the vacancy caused -by tha resigns- terdsy there le some- more to be dla- tlon of John Halley Jr.. .who haa held thla position for the paat Ave years, Te 'Call Speeial Bleotloa, . . ' tBtieelal rHnwteh te The Jenraalt ' Aberdeen. Wash., Aug. 4 It Is likely posed of soon. On August 11 bide will be received for two tracts and on Sep tember 10 two more will be eold. Under the law It la possible for' Indians In heriting lands to sell the eama. though they cannot sell their allotments. But such heirship land has been tied up In the past by litigation "which - haa pre- that a special election will be -called for the nnfDOM Af aettlns tha fnlnil n lh. voters Of .the city on the question of vented It from being eold. raisins' tha city f rom ' third -to Monti T 11 1 'iii tiYtl"0:1? ROAD-WILL-PAYFOR , UcAIH Or J. B. LILLY , . StM. Staoey Aeka Blvoree, ' - " (Special l)lMtcb te The Jearaal.) La Orande, Or., Aug. 4. Mra. Pearl Htacey, through her attorney, 3. w. Knowles, Is seeking aeparatlon from her nnsDana, waiter siacey, and the care and custody of their minor ehlld. The plaintiff allege, desertion. '.,. Ailee Sella fot tloaM. ' (Joaraal Special Bervlpe.l ' Parle, Aug. 4. Mr. and Mra. Nicholas Longworth sailed from Cherbourg on' the Steamer St Paul today for home. If yen have not ana-am ,4 The jrons. aU Want-Ada Utaiy yon have tMes eat ez onn wna sauaga - . . (Rneeial Dlsnana, to Tke tAaraaL) 7 La , Orande. Or., Aug. 4. P. J., Lilly, administrator of tha eatate .of John B. Lilly, deceased, haa filed a petition for an order to eetUe with the O. R. N. Co. upon payment by the company oT 81.100 to the estate of the deceaaed. John B. Lilly, who waa employed on a work train, .waa killed In an aeoldent near Watherby a few months ago. The railroad oompany disclaims liability for the young man's death, but according to the petition of the administrator the company Js willing to pay the amount stove named for full settlement and re lease front further ' claims from the estate. " - , . At a trade ftimulator for Auguat, which it usually a quiet month.' and to alto have you become better acquainted with thit etore, we " are making s coupon offer on all gooda thrqughout the ttore. , Cutlery . Garden Tools Screen Doors Refrigerators , Stovea and Rangee ;. . , , . uuuaera'. naxdware ' ' ' Tin and Enamel Wart Paints ';.-,! .-'; Oat Plate Garden Hosat- Lawn Mowera sporting Goods . aehlnr JMehiaet Ice Cream FreeterS " " ;. (r "CUT " THI OUT Thit coupon, if pretented in peraon or mailed to tit during , .. . i,.. v Augutt, ia good for ' - TEN C E lNT.S" ; When uted with 90c, on any purchase amounting to One Dot lar on any line in our entire ttock except a few contract gooda. C0LUIA HAItDWAnE CO. Secci cJ Ucrrlsca Sis. Pfcsse Usia 1251 TITLED EfiGLISH'.TAK WILL HU3T VASHlGTO:r Mordacal Jonas to Spend Savaral ' Months on His American , Qama Preserve. -r ' (teedal -Dlapeteb te The Joaraal.) - -Hood River, Or Aug. 4. Word haa been received that Mordecal Jonea, the titled Bngllahman, wlpo owns a tOO-acre game preservs near Trout Lake, Wash ington, will Boon arrive In thle country for an extended visit at his hunting lodge. 1 Mr. Jones, who la expected here August If, baa. been In England alnce laat fall, at which time he removq hie family there for the nurnoae of adu-J eaUng hla eons at Eton college and Ox V I ford university. . But he and hla wife V, tl n t.H m t A Jn.. I.J . , ' ' I . .w " wM.aaao ... w.a a wtH. 141., ,1, , thla eoantry spent much of their time in the purault of game, a large pack : of hunting doge is maintained at the Jonea estate and erdere have been re ceived to have them In condition upon ' hie arrival for an extended hunting trip. ; Bears are said to be unusually plentiful In the Trout lake country thla auremer ' and a -few daya ago one was eeen in the' outskirts of White Salmon village. Ae bear hunting la the sport most delighted In by Mr. Jonea old hunters are ef the opinion that he wilt add many more ' skins te the already large number of trophlee which adorn the walla ef hla ' hunting lodge, many of which were ae- -cured by hia wife. The lodge on the " Jonea eatata, which le constructed of -logs. Is aald by those familiar with thla . style of architecture to be the flneat In . the state ot Washington. f Spread the World's Table along every line oT longitude from . North to South; every parallel of latitude irom ' East to West;. -file V; thereon the foods of every dinie and wHT surpass them all In the elements which make a perfect world-ood. " ' QC In a dust tight. ' - (Qj moistun proof package NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY -J v