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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
.j c zz:i daily jzv7.::.l. rcr.TL.:;D. catukday :;vzr::::a, aucuct 4, iscj. , 01-13 V;CA3; Ti !E' TuDOGSr.G' TRANSPORTATION. TT. " Cc!: r ; r : aee . . f . v.. v 1 ' ' . t' -.,., I ar V II, I . (VM1MWIII4 1 f UJUV III TWifcbFBl " ' IT!! 1 I I ...... .-'N ' J. '. lilinfll , V 1 . I - ! l. L ft P I M V- ."V i M I I . , 'L' . ""l inc iuc!-: r . xiufi i 1 1 - v a nutu t r f i w - - j 1 VdT 1 yi c.. . t- rt ri"S I HW 3;twae W, Id i J . jam. V-Jl--r' I ffi? 1 SUMMER RESORTS North Beach : (Continued from Pate Fourteen.) Mrs. O. B. Hegsrdt, Misses Mary and Nellie Hegardt, Mra. E. Beck. Mrs. Isaiah Slchel, B. E. Lytla. H. K. Clark. - : Mr. and Mrs. C B. Bewail. Mrs. F. W. Berry. Mrs, J. Wesley -Ladd. Mra. John . KoiiocK, Miss atott. Miss Helen- iadd. .Mary Brountlo, C. A. Elliott. J. A. BUia. J BLButtsra. Mr and Mrs, H. J. Ster ling, H. MoConnaghy, Maya Trimble, . .Anna O'Brien. James Lindsay, Mrs. Ed ar B. Coursen. Mlas Oeraldlna Course n. Mr. and Mra. Luterleae. Mr.-and Mrs. Edward Ehrman. S. Maaon . Ehrman. (Emily Ehrman, Mrs. B. Koha. Mrs. Lll ; : Bmna, Anna Dltohburn ' and Dennis Lulah Russell,. Butte, Montana; Albert S. Congdon, North Taklma; . B. O.- Ew- !ng- and Dorothy Ewlng. Spokane; -Oordon. Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barogar, North Taklma, Mr. .and Mra. R. W, .Fisher. Spokane: Mr. and Mra, IftiMjni Tnm. William Pm.k. A V . Vandusen, South Bend, and L. R. Whit- iBey, Liondon. England.' The Portland D. M." Roelblng, Marr , Besalllon. B, w. Stevens, A. . T. swank, ' a. C Mosar, Mrs. Moser, J. H. Temple, Mlsa Ada. Johnson, P. Johnson, Mrs. M. Norwood, B. M. Dermltt, W. H. Zlm merman. Jack , Nil terr A. M. Forest, F. K. Swan.' W. F. Krupke, Mrs. P. J. Lynch, F. A. Hoblit, C. J. Da Lassen, " William LHt, Portland;- Henry Buttman, Oenoa, Italy; Mare von Reldenberg, .Pretoria. South Africa; A. P. Sprague, Mrs. Eva Q. Butter, Nahcotta. Wash. Marry noimea, waiia waiia; a. a. juer- . . . . . m r a . , . Xlanun, Milwaukee, wia.; K. C. Bcharpf. Tacoma; 1L W. Tioutman, Chicago; P. W. Rhodes, Mra. CoUlna and J. A. Ha- seltlne. South Bend;' Edward Lyons, W, ; P. Ramsey, Olive Hurd, Isabella Casey, Sadie Bebb and Ida Fredrtckson, Ray Mnnil TP Uarhaltvh. Hm 1 1 1 ' W tuf Rounds, W. Markbam, Ilwaco; ' Mlsa Margaret Bremen, 'Butte, Mont. Hotel Salt Air Miss Nina Lana, Myr tle Chamberlain, Mobel Finn, Mlna Lana, .Mr. and Mra. Alexander Gevurti and baby, Mlldren Bromberger, Cora Lltsen- berg, Mary Watson, lorence watson, Mr. and Mra. WilUam Watson, Ethel Morrla, Mra. Harry Holiman and chll- ' dren. F. D. Layton, Mrs. Albert L Krause, Miss Jessie Hurley, Mrs. A. F. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bhull, Mr. mttA Mra. W. Hou. Portland: J. !. Loomls, Wallace, Idaho. fh,itahA,Ulfi,a WlltAf SlAAf f TTArKart fttott, John Pembroke, Julia Oault, Mlat 'E. McMahon, Portland; Mrs. AnnaFow- - ler, Mary A. Fowler, Mrs. J. F. Crapp, Mlas HalMe Crapp and Mlas Geneva , Gardener. Walla Walla; Miss M. Burns and Mrs. Burns, cieone, Oregon. Long Beach Hotel O. R. Nicholson, A. I. Taylor, Max w. rry, J ernes Lma ear. Mr. and Mrs. HarVr Lochart, W. H. Zimmerman, Jack Miller, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Carr, H. B. Slllea, B. J. Harbaugh, Carl Rickey, William Goodman, L Burna, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. MocormicK, Mrs. E. O. psvolt, T. W. Johnston, William . J. McCurdy, A. : r Jackson, A. A Aus- Dhintt. August Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. Ha. seltlne. D. J. .Wlleon,. Mra, A. Myers, Mrs. W7 lirwoodrurr, Mrs. Tt.'T. ration, Miss Beryl Harris, James Hyland, Port land; Lee L. Gilbert, San Francisco; Kirk H. Clook, H. F. Flanley and H. W. McConaughy, Seattle; A C. Evans, G. H. Nelaoa, Florence Blew art, A. Taylor, J. D. WaseeU. M. A. Stafford, Lena SUf ford. Walla Walla; Mra. F. Filter and daurhter. Condon: A. W. Clark. Ho- 'aulam., Willi! Leo -and Harvey Lind say, Bear River; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Etlnes, Mlsa Hasel White, Captain Reed, George Blanchard, E. Oamoge and Leon ard Chlcotne. South Bend: N. F. Wil liams, R. Williams, Rait Lake City; Wil liam Lunney, St. Johns; B. F Merrick, Spokane; Mr., and Mr. J. H. Wallace, Pendleton;- R. Klppy, Scappoose; Will Madison, Astoria- Garden Orova Mrs Jj E. Kane end children, Mrs. E. J. Blaster and child. Miss X. QBrlen. Mrl Riches and child, John M. Bend roth, Mrs. Emma Buyers and daughter, Mrs. O. B. Crumm, Nels A. Fahlen. David Aim. Horace Miller, Carl Applagren, Portland; E. J. Woodard, Vancouver; Mrs. H. Haas, TJiuls O. Haas, Mra. R. Shalawald. E. Sliatnwald and Edna 8halnwald Welser. flBIKnilv BW -VSBgJ DlM"rI J.1IIIMBJ Stone, Madelln Stohe. Alfred Stone, Mra. K. A. Daly, K U. Kalta, Frank Blagen, Kenneth MoAlpIn, Mrs. M. Lavenson, S-. Fay Lavenson, Mrs. F. Porks, Mrs. F. M. Cohen, Evelyn J. Cohen, Wllhel mlna F. Cohan, Arthur Fields, Roy Fields. Frank W. Howell, L. F. Buck, Clarence- H. . Gilbert. L. A. McKary, Anderson, Joseph H Ruveasky, Mrs. Beck, Sophia Beck, William ft. Stock, Julius O'Brien, Mark W. Lellard, John Oatas. F. J. Haakina, Mrs. A. Bhannon, Mrs. J. W. Watson, Louise Watson, T. H. Newstead and Sanf ord - Roeenfeld. Portland; J. U-'Dunn,' Wallace, Idaho Mrs. William Brune, Mlas Emma A. Bruna, ThaPaBesTJ. D.- Winter. an Francisco; Miss Longolre, Vir. J. W, Welch,- Silverton, Oregon; Mrs. John F. Russacher, Condon; Ernest H: Herring- ton. Seattle; Mlas E. Hockensy, Belling- nam. Hotel Wickham Mrs. J. HalL Mr. and Mra. H. F. Mlrtslg and ehUd. Mrs. G. E. Weaverson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Llmer and baby, lona B. Moor. TX T. Campbell, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hols- man and daughter. Miss Martha Kelt kemper, Mrs. B. A. Heltksmper, Mrs. D. B. Colwell and ohUdretv-Alfred-Wick ham. Portland; Mr. and Mra. 8. D. Jackson and child; Mrs. Herbert Gregg, Dr. W. E. Russell. Mrs. Russell, C. W. Preston . and Miss M. Preston, Walla Walla. ... - ' .. i ,' i :. Harvest Home Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Barden, Mrs. J. B. Magneaa. Mlaa Nell Duffy, Agnes Duffy. Tressa Blackwood, Mary Brady, James Hopfer, Miss Miller, Florence Hopfer, Mrs. J. Bchnister, Mrs. P. J. Nolan, Mrs. J. O. Olllen. Mra. J. & Eddy aad daughter, Mr. and Mra. W. H. Hopfer, .Thomas Jenkins, Mrs. H. D. Wagnon, Colona Wagnon. R. T. Fleming, Mra. S. S. Palmer, Howard " Farrell, Peter Hudson, Ralph Montagu. A. N. Weeks, Mrs. M.' J Morrison. Janett Sul- l. iivan. n. a. wagner, air, . ana - wa JJllU. Hlltpal, Mis. 1 J. B. Kane and children. Miss Bertha- Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. James Ridel and children. Port' land; Mlas 3. Kelt and Miss Mary Ketl, San Francisco; Mrs. A. Finney. Mar tin's Bluff, Washington; Miss R. Bar- nlcott. .Salt Lake City; Milton Mao- Donald. South Bend. Driftwood, Cottage Miss - Charlotte Fllnn, Miss , Imogena M. Smith, Miss Pearl Linden, C W. Schneider, H. P. Borders, Charlea A. Boyce, Mabel Lin den. Pearl K. Linden, Charles Wright, Allle Linden, C. M. Thomaa, Mlas Ada Johnaon, H. O. Boynton, C. A. Stovoy, F. J. Browning, Portland: C W. Pres ton. Mlas C. M. Preston, Walla Walla; Leo Hartstein, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Charlotte Fllnn, Seattle: X Suptree, Frank. Buchet. WaUa Walla; Mra. J. Proffltt, Miss J. A. Waters, Centralist Mrs. R. B. Fox, Chleago; A. o. Howard, Mrs. A. G. Howard, Charleston, Wash ington: Mrs. .T. L. Carroll. Qottenburg, Nebraska;i, 8. H. Cox, Mrs. Cox, Lydla Cox, Boise; Susan B. Denamore, Lin coln, Nebraska. The White House Mrs. Sevansky, D, Reldt. J. W Reldt. Mary Gilliam, Ed win Gilliam, Portland. The ' Brltt Miss Charlotte Dayton. Mrs. F. 3.i Ellers and children. Mia J. Gollingg, Mrs. Charlea Bromberg and son. R. H. Kolts. Mrs. w. x. Knapp. Charles - Bromberg, - Mrs. Seth Hester, Laner Heater, Luclle Hester, Mrs. Ralph Rlggs, Anna I . Hoover, Miss. Laura Weise, Portland; F. H. Brewer, A. A Brewer, Pawrlee Rock. Kansas; C L. Wants. - Bucyrus, Ohio: Mrs, Lewis Goldstein, .'Aberdeen; Karl Nordberg, H. Spencer, Arista; George Blanchard, Che halls; Mrs. James M. Lindsay. Fostorla, Ohio: A. 8. Marlow. Walla Walla: Ar thur 4T ergons, William Lynes, Francis Driver, Kendrlck, Idaho. Ocean View Cottage Mr. and Mrs. C Slgglln. H. Blgglln. Miss M. Slgglln, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs.' O. W -Olson MlaaAnnla. Nuken, Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Bu'rhel, Miss Cath erine HaU, Mrs. I F. Flea. Miss Agnes Fles, Miss Olivine Flee, Portland; Mrs. E. 3. Simmons, Miss Edna Slmmona, Miss Margajit Wilkinson, Mine Jesmette Wilkinson, Oregon City; Robert Boyd, Albany, New Tork. ' Wilhoit Springs (Rpeelsl Oerresseedenee le The JoerneH Wllholt Springs. Or., Aug. I. Wilhoit Springs has Its usual number of pleas, ore and health seekers this season. It Is estimated that tit or more people are gt thee springs, most of whorrt are camping, for thla la an ideal csmgjng place - The springs- ar -eery- popular with the people of the Willamette val ley., and whU a number of prominent Portlanderi ar here, most of the camp ers ar from Salem, Silverton, Wood burn and other Willamette valley towna, Tha grounds surrounding tbo springs ar very pretty end this year the man agement, has erected a number of at tractive log cabins, which ar occupied by visitors. A large danca hall haa alao been built of logs and It is v. dent that tha famous Forestry at the Lewis and Clark exposition has msde this style of summer houses popular everywhere. Visitors - while away tha days - in dulging in all aorts of sports and dancing' is th popular form of amuse ment at night. As on lady put it, there Is nothing lacking but man for partners in the dances. The scarcity of man is probably caused by the farmer boys being compelled to be lnlhe-Jiarveet fielda now, but they will be here later. Many visitors to Wllholt take the stag from Oregon City and enjoy a ride through some of -th flnset country, In Oregon, but those who wish to shorten the stag rid go to Mount Angel and ride out with ' the mall carrier, who makes dally trips between the two places. ,-'. - . . v Cloud Cap Inn (SseeUl Cefreepaoseaee te Toe JoaraaL) Clout! Cap Inn. Aug. A. Five-persona made the ascent of Mount Hood during the past week. . On of the climbers was a boy is years of age. Many visitors hare been here, enjoying life at tb snowline. Those registered at the Inn are:- W. L. Waley, Vancouver, B. C; Mr. and Mrs. C C Bronaugh, Miss Me Nam era, H. P. Nsefus, O. F. Neefus, L. F. Bundbom and W. M. Conklln. Port land; H. Parber and - wife. La Crosse, Wis.; W. D. Spencer. Portland; Mlas M. Bpenoer, Palo Alto. CaL; C F. Bohm. St, Paul, Minn,. FACTORY INSPECTION v THOROUGH IN ENGLAND fleet Ml (.serial lenlie 1 London, Aug. 4. In view of the cur rant agitation in tb United States for a better government Inspection of fao- toriea and other industrial establish, menta, especially as regards their dean' Uneaa and sanitary arrangementa. the annual report of tha chief Inspector of factories in the United Kingdom, just mad public, may be found interesting. The figures contained' In tha report show the greatness of British industry and at tha same tlm the magnitude of tha. work which the factory Inspection bureau Jias to do. Two hundred and fifty thousand factories aad workshops, employing a total of nearly 1,000.000 persona, come within the provisions of the inspection law and have to be looked after by the chief Inspector and his as sistants. It Is gigantic task, but the report seems to show that the work la well and thoroughly don. In the United Kingdom HMOS visits of Inspection were tnad last year and 10,000 prosecu tions were undertaken. Bealdes these. 151.114 medical Inspections were made and B4.04S defects in sanitation war dis covered. The great majority of these were remedied to the satisfaction of the RAILWAY CONDUCTORS ' TO GIVE EXCURSION (BDerlsl DIsMteb te Tke JoeraaM Elgin, Or- Aug. 4. The La Grand Order Of Railway Conductors win give an-excursion and lcnle-on Sunday, Au gust JO. ' The place selected Is ten mile below Elgin on the now railroad, and tha trip there will be mad on the ears. This will practically be tha first pas senger train run over th new roadbed, which is being extended Into Wallowa county. Th train that will leave La Grand in the morning will be mad up of 20 passenger coaches. It being th Intention af the manager to provide room for all who may car to go. Th day will he spent in a general outing. Baforetatr Crass iaws. - ' (Spend Dlepetrh ta Tb Jearaal.) Castle Rock, Wash., Aug. 4. Bom arrests have recently been made ef peopl Who have been violating th game laws and they have contributed some Ane to th public good. - " : tn Self-Oefems - Major" Hamm. editor and manager of the constitutionalist, eminence, Ky when be was fiercely attacked. " four years ago, by Files, bought a box of Burklen s Arnica Salve, of which ' he aye: - "It cured me In ten day and no trotibl elne."- Quickest . healer -ef Burns. Bores, cuta and Wounds. Ho at Skidmor Drug- Co. . U- .v '. AS aV- K Moort9 5undj WE : A RE ttPECIAUIOTS FOR Oloeaaes and Weaknesses of MEIN, and MEN OINL,Y We know Junt what we can do, and we have ouch firm confidence In our NEW METHODS and TREATMENTthat we are Willing to cure our patients under an absolute cuarantee. - Our Pbecocensl Scccess tn Ccrta DCOIIIACEI ISEikSEI iArPOINTU By , our method wo oro onablod to mok tbo vtUl opot with our direct troatmont, which drlvo ovary 51 form from tho ojrotera by volnc to tho root of tbo dloordor. Wo Invariably obtain prompt and aatUfactory ro ulta bocauao our aoarohlnv oxamlnatloii brlnra to llaht tha nature and s tont of tha trouble. Our experience la curing the dlaeasea of men eztenda over a lonr period. Our faoillUea are of . tbo boat, on4 our treatment la moat cleanly and perfect. . We specially invite tboee who have deep-Mated and ehronlo ' disorders to call and be examined. Consultation and examination la free and carrlea with It no obllaatloa to enaaae our aervlcea. Our offleee ore equipped with the moat modern and aolentlflo meohan leal device for the treatment of obronlo and private diaeaaea of men. Our chargea e,re reasonable and In reaoh of ibT worlctnrman. By the latest and beet method we cure Blood Volsoa, Twara. Korea, SwoUem Olaada. ' Our treatment la aclentlflo and rational, and will elm Ins te every vestige of pol bn from your system. Wo also cure Obronlo aad Private Pis eases, Merro Tltal Debility, Yertoose) or Xaottad Teiaa, Kidney and Bladder Pis eases, and all Diseases and Wemknoaa of men duo to laherltaaoe, aabamation or tbo re sult of Special Diaeaaea. , a . We want every man In the country who Is afflicted to write us about his all mentWe cure vou at home. One visit only required to Hourt 9 a. m. to S p. m.J Evening!, SL Louis UED1CAL AND SURGICAl ooBjm aoon in tamszu WE HEL-PMEN OF AU AOBS ajts au BX.OOS, sxur, naV TOTS AJTS SFBCZAS BZSBAI f Ith W rlv those afflicted any of these distressing . mala dies th best kind of help. W .help them bark to sound health., OUR TREATMENT cur. ; --. We Cure In a Week long and extensive experience in' tn ciaaaes or disease to wnicn w limit our practice enablee ua to make a correct diagnosis and toapply the, proper remedies to r each case. We take constitutional I pecuiiarlties into aecount, oe caua w knew that a medicine that will suit one person msy dis agree with another, though Buf fering from the earn disease. In . th vast majority of Instances -Where Others Have Surely and - If you ar sick w advise yotrto 'los no tlm In ttmr-treatment ; Our terms ar most reasonable. If your means ar limited we will accept weekly or monthly Installments. OR YOU CAN PAT WHEN CURED. Tou can deposit the price of a cur In ANT BANK In Port land, to b paid to us when you ar entirely well. All Medicines Free Until Cured . . ... . . Consultation free. CM or writ for question blank. Our horn - treatment la successful, and cures even complicated cases. Book for' - men sent (free) scaled on application. OfAc hours 1a. m. to 1p.m. Sundays and holidays, 10 to II. . Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Tisalrsr Bpaoisllstai t th BTerthwest. fAMJOT MOTBIe, IHt TBTBP REBATE RECORDS BURNED BY BURLU ROAD . Two Carloads ef Incriminating Papers Discovered to Have , ,Been Destroyed. - (lamil SeeHal Berrlce.l Oreeley Center, Neb., Aug. 4. Th federal authorities are making a thor ough Investigation of th burning of two carloads of old Burlington recoras at Belfast sMlng. . eight miles from here. last week. Assistant District Attorney Lana arrived her from Omaha, aceom- oanled br Secret Servlc Chief Wheeler, and tha two have been la close consult. Uon with County Attorney Howard. . , Th officers visited Farmer iaic. whose eon, Garfield Luc, picked up a number ef papers which fell from th care while' they were burning. These papers, about f 0 In number, were turned over to Lane. Th document ar being closely guarded, but Howard made the statement that there is evidence enough to prove conclusively that th Burling ton railroad violated the interstate com mere law and that it has been guilty of giving rebates. WHITE SLAVE SCANDAL SHOWS CORRUPT POLICE T.1 Sntal BrtM't Vienna. Aug. 4. The eensatlonarreve- latlana bow belna- made rea-ardlns th alleged corruption of the Vlenneas polio recall th similar disclosures maae in th great Lexow Investigation in New Tork Cltv. i Th Stories printed In the Vienna press ar almost. Incredible, but th newspapers declare they are pre pared to prove their statements. Among ihaaa are alleaatlons regarding certain alleged dresemaklng establishments and tha terrible treatment which whit girl alve bav to undergo until they sub mit to every Infamy. It is aald that a mother, who found her daughter In one of tbeee establishments, complained,-but without avail, and the aaaertlon is open ly msde that th pollc protect such places. Tea are sot pro perry laokte fe STo. X Bales yes watoh Tha Joaraal Vul Mli, , . . i ik.., ., r 1 tia !p 0. to s 7 to 8 9 to 13 Dae Principally to the Fact That our off Ice.when necessary 7 to 8; Sundays, 9 o. tn.' to 12 noon. ' mnn. ronrzxn, on. , Failed to Cure We Heal Permanently STi OOl UniTED RAILROADS USI0.1S PLAN AF.lAUfiAr.lATIO;i Saamaamawaa") 0n Compact Organization 7 of Employes Formed and Gen eral Strike In Prospect. (Jennial perUI Service.) San Francisco, Aug. 4. Steps were tsken late last night to amalgamate all tha unions employed by th United Rail road In on compact organisation. This foreshsdowS a strike which will tie up the entire transportation ay stem of the city. Th organlsatlona of th striking electrical workers, firemen and ollera. th track worker and stationary engi neers, th carmen's union newly formed, carhouae men's union, th teamsters in ther employ of th railroads, -th federa tion of labor, whose organisers recently brought Into existence th track work ers' union, and th labor council ware represented at 'last night's meeting, which was only a preliminary. . Some of th delegstes had no au thority to close a deal so the matter was postponed until Wednesday. The avowed purpoee of th amalgamation la to glv greater fore by a sympathetic atrlke. In th Interests of the trsck worker and oilers who are already out. This . means that th conductors and motor en will join th movement and the entire system will be tied up un less the company. yilds to th demand of the men. . CELEBRATE CENTENNIAL OFALBAN YrVERMONT (Joeraal Special Serrlee.) Albany, Vt, Aug. 4. This northern Vermont town. 'Which was organised on March IT. 1101. Is In sal attire in honor of It centennial, which la to be celebrated with publlo exercises during th week beginning tomorrow. As tb commemoration will take th form of an Old Horn Week. It' is expected that great number of former reeldenta will be preaent. Tha program provide for outdoor sports, historical exercises and fireworks. - i - i ,. Preferred Stock Oaaaad Seed. , Alias Iwlr Beet Braad. - ' Men Bispensary C2'::sr une steamers thh rxcuBsiorf steamer -baimct OATZiRT" makes round trlpa to CAB CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leavlaa PORTLAND at ( a. nv. returning, ar rives l & a Dally service between Portland and The Dalles ekcept Sunday, leaving Port land at 7 a. m., arriving' about I p. av, carrying freight and passengera tplen- am iccuonvgaugaf lor ; QUWie - mat livestock. Dock foot ef Aldsr street. Portlens foot of Court street. Tbo Dallas. Phoae Main sit, rortlaal. TELEGRAPH - Fasteet a ta Btves The only steamboat making a found trip . Except Eunday Between ' ' PORTLAND and ASTORIA ' asto wat ponrra Leave PortUnd ,...T:0 a. Arrive Astoria ............. .1:10 p. Lave Astoria. .............. .1:3 p. m. Arrive Portland..... ...0:00 p. BV . M.a Jl SERVED A LA CARTS . Ptrtlaad Kaadtnir, Aide Street Bool, Astoria &aadlag. OaUamdea Booh. B. B. SCOTT. Agent Phone Main It. ALAS RA . I AST AMD POrClAB STSAsUHm ' '. - Usee Seattle "r 'Ttrmaov," Atst 'l',J: "MU8U," Asgaet 11. ' - ' CAIXINO AT "' Ketealkaa. Jnneee. Doaflas, Balaes, Skat way, Onearets wttk W. P. A T. reete fsr Atlla, Oawsea, Tssaae, kosM, ete. Per AU Soetaeesters Alaafea Porta, -' Call er seed torTrip te Wanderral A teak a, . "Iadlaa kaak.trr." "Tetesi Pales.' TXX AIJLaXA . S. 00. ' rraok Waeleay 0a, Agents. tU Oak St. tarUasd. Or. OvTKFAITXXir A1AIXA lOTTTt. rroia Brattle si s . sl r KetHilkaa. Jeaeaa. tkaa- . White Baraa. Haweea and yalrbaaks . I. City ef Seattle. Aaf aet 10, so, to. -S. Hambeldt, Aagast 4, 14. M. S. g. Cettaae Oltr (via HltkaV. iuiwt 11- SB. BOMS SOVTI. . S. I. Senator about Auenet IT. FOk SAJf ISASCUOO SIKXOT. ' rrata Seattle at a. at. City ef Paeblo, Aaeruat . ' rertlaad Offloe. 040 WasMaataa St., Bala SM 0. atVLXX, rase, Alt. Agt. - Ki o. vtnAnn, w. r. saa rrsaeisas. Erie Railroad fro saw tom aw BOtrroB. AST TIvnT AOBBTT. G. GEE WO . Portland! Widely Known and Successful Chinese Medicinal, Root and Herb Doctor Hie ra wkJefe we Import eUreet freai tke Oriea la large oaaatlUes aad preeare aad put a far aae n aw ep-aaoaie lasaiory. no awreerr. aeteeiia er 4ro(a ef aay klal sedi Psretf reavtabte. Tke Doctor treet seeeesefelly sad gasrswtese te rare all stoaiark tmblae. eekarri. esthsae, lna. tares t, rkeesistteai. seryeeaesa, Uvea, klOeey aad leat weeheed. ysjuu riovsLE an alz. putats suzAiia. r?e tela er auelsadlBf ststeeMats te tke afflict ad. A safe ead laadas sere ta tke eaick. eat aoaelble tlsM ssd st the lewast east pee alble fee boaeet treatmeat. - If yie eaaaot call, write far eyipteea Mask aad drralar. Ineleee 4 cats la staasea, ooirtwXTArxov rasa, tke a See We Cktaeee Kedletaa Oa., 1CJH fliet St., Oar. Merrleea. Vertlaaa, 0s . r lee ae aaeatiea tais Every 7c:n , klaeareaten end skeall kaew . iekM If be eannoeaovelr MABVKU eouea e. TBI aoueet ae . ' eel eead ataana foe Hlaauated book aaal.4. rtglvat fall sentenUreaad'ltraerionala. " valuable to ladles. M AM VB I. Cn a i. esa sr.. mmw koaitT AkO WOOSAkj). OLAAU OO. Scctfs Sntal-Pe;s:n c:;si:!:s A POSITIVE CURE Par Islenawtloa ae Oaterrk of BIMdereqa vieeaees aio i. a OtJkl SO rati Cares klr ead Berataeently the wont eaeae ef SisiukMS .a esteee, ae Better at sow f ataaaiof. eeeieieiy ernleea. Sold br draasleaa, TEE SAXTAL-PEPSIel (XL tee Sale' by Weedard, Clarke I fc gjiivitayja-kwyLo a CHiuauTca i aueuiu.a la MB aea Set MalMa lMM UkalaarlaaM. TekeMetker, aaaaaaaa aakMttetaeajo as Sl.aa. Saj af J OrMOt. a atMae ar Pailaalefe, Tea eae " steiaer fee aae i-aa 1 1 ii ei, wf re. tmwm Meair leeM Tenanaa awe at kraslM Cblik t a 11 Ce- aaaara. e-aia raw Yoar Fortune Toli FXULC T Intrediiee t sew ssd weaderfat a rate st OklEMTAL AITkOLOOT, 1 will send roe e realms os xoau- ui aoeaiaiei FBKC. birth date ea s rente te envar pnataga. A4- oreee . raur. vmmm. a. 1M West Setk at. ' Saw Tark. . T. FXTTT-73 HAIR BALtAU , Iriiaem aad. baantlries .( , ri aai I kiM an IJ ineree Palis to I kii ta 1 e Tou.uiul ICujea eeale a aaei a Kalr baentlrlee eae Beat, smrlk. vrmmj iot, a ...m... .let e VLUtkOJne AUr 7.e TO aeaaataalarn. m-'i the H'7Zr V. "keTrr V f. - Af . . IfT-vR i e aw I V" EELIIVE3 IN ' dichar:u: .v Each Cap- ""s . VWiiiiMt-'1 "V y V Jeisarierta.ryta; , by all drasslsla, ' to G wTraJo$ to the E&xt D!y-3 IJiSO i Pellsjaa etaadatd sad sarist ea taVTSt 4seaa rea as "SrWtlaBd taeetal (W u'sy' win? - . : ' fwilj ..7" Blsse ao4 - ' rVTT.nwaftta m . v . . av- . "iakb nivgk tntrrs. ' Jails a- a "PI EAST SOUTH tTeaaa ku- .'- esraweek. Of 4m. , . , tee Aaeelee. . II Paee, ) V. . E"1rWD". sad me east t e llH fsg MotoIb, trete naanai at . Weedban an . ' nadey wttk trala fee ' , , - ( ' " !? . V A". . Blleertee, ' . ' fjeweevlUe. prtetaela, Wne-ltag K.treeZtT fsBSSJ feetsst Woedenrs with ,"- '':..;..' Meamt AaaMl.aaJ miwmm tea Ineal..... 4-tS aea ie-ea eel rervania , ee.MM fkertiles eeaaemiT e4:SBei ea " were eeaeeewer. . ' en ie ' 14-pai - AH . '' ' Per Dalle sad tntaisea slate potato efly:M a. m. aad 418 a. am. Arrla. tl4 lOiie a. aa. ana e eo a. Si. Per ae aad ear ef Bsejase eubaiaja. spply st City Ticket OfSee. a stattea. Tickets te Saetere aalat sea Kareaat laeaa. rhlne. BlMMitalai .u AmmM . isiij -nraei ornee amrner Tbtr aaS Waak hurtna afreets. PkaeMi w.i. m 0. W. Wnyam. Wai. McMtTSSAT. ' City lUket Agsat. ea Peas, Asset. TIME CARD TRAINS Portlands Nal teeva,. TeTlewetnM Arrtve, Pirk-kaaaaa gDeeUIfe tty-T. UrmV li Ckehalls, Ceseralla. Oira. la. Orays Berber. Soatk peao. Taeeata, see me, Sriw - CaaeLewtetea. Bvtta, fjlS. Hara, Penrer, Omaha. Kaa- sea Cltr. St. Leela ead' Seetkeaet, deily .......... SdW im Kertk One. I Llerited. eteev ' . dm saa trie Hgbte-t Taeeeta - " Reartla. P ease. Batte, v Mlneeeeelle -f. Feat aad dareaarxt. ChekaHs, Of. - (' tralla. TeeeaM ead Seattle eeajia. Seattle. Spoke, t.leee. aotte. at, rael, (lanMeaelle. Uneera, St, ; essek, Eeeees aty. mea. ... ekaea ef ears. Pllsst ""a. - eaettaee nr an estate See aed Ikwtkeaet. dally.. tlHS aea fra ae A. D. CRArtr.Tr). Aeskrtaat Oeaerel Pa, seae-er Agent. IU kliirana street, came XW4. pnrtiaBO. wresoa. Astoria & Columbia 7 River Railroad Co. 9 ,' Asaaav. Par ktarcere. Sendee, riat. ... kaala. WearsoH. Cllftna. " Astern. Warraetea, Pie. - ' eeL BewaMaA fwe strr. ess. Oearkart Park. Seaside. IrOS sal UiN Sal aaeoru saa . sessaere, ex- . ""xia Hani tl'i eeVl7'riiai'!: SslssdsS eakta Issves PertUnd S:M p, Sa. . j;. An weiae eeiir , I. C. KATf), O. P. sad P. A. Arearta. Or. 0. A ITCWAKT. Oewateralal Ages. MS , Alder street. Paeaa Mala TMK COatrTMTTASiX WaVfe -. a, A 4 . . . ' ' Ovcrlr: J Trta IzZj 7 Tke Ottaatai UaUtea. tke leat XUtt' VIA SIATTLS AWP IfOkAKl. I. Pellr. ivea . Arnr., Perflea ttaae erkaeaiev Te sad fro pekeae, St. Peel. MtaaeoaotM. . Iielatk aad aU patats ' - Seat via Seattle...... I SO e f e tm ! Ta and frees St. Pan! . Mtaeee nolle. - Datntk ' , ' ' sad ell aetete Beat via Spekaae . ;"..... 1Ses Sri set afltea' freaa Seertle lor Tares eed Cbrne parts end Maalle, eenilag See, . aaasera aad fretak.- ,-. S. S. Dakota, Septemser t. . M S. S. Mlaaeaeta, Oeteaee aTOTOS TVItS K Ate HA . , fjapea kfeO I I a Ca. ' t. S. Hilaaae Vera will sail freaa Brattle ebeait Aeeaet t er-esea-e.J Chlae perta. eanytag aeaeeasare ead frelabt Par tlrkefe. re tee. Otoe. ee., roll a ae K. PTCKIOB. a P. T. A, f f-1 U Pertlead, Overaa. Ffcee k . . Se Se P Ae pat Cast Bar. areka art 1 11.- -. Hast ssTllag frees pert! -.!. T - Z 7. t1. ' Kelt eeilteg fieej Ses frea. t. .. t tlJiZ2nmm4 eea. eeaaeeOea Wtrn aXf g"?1' s, Aieteas eetVrt. II.l'L.0! Tasiktlt nee C ."'"7 esd kfodoe. Aek-et. M, toaaey : sv eeily. eaeea lal.t? ijs.) :fb'.. i'kSr " law, dsrtve. Sreeavlcfe Peaa m . j ;- , 4