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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
".M2 1 OiXZQCll DAILY JOURNAL," PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVGtlNO, AUGUST i tttl. KAT FACTORIES.1 r -aad. blocked. Ilk new tor HOB iruia blesrhrr. M Third, near fin. ., rirac racino in. HARDWARE. lru4 Hardware (to. 'sollrlle eppnrtiinlty to ee price. T4 81ath M. ruin cos. INSURANCE. tro u whits, , aoo (AS. Met. WOOD. plri' HaMnty bbS ta- eldaaj HcMcmt enrety mmi ex kit aiaae. mm T. HIS HckM siog. MONEY TO LOAN. Monet to loan : On lBnn4 -kl nrsairty-- far hulldinc nim. for rrom I to lu years rims, win irllege t repay kit kr put of Imi after two fun. Loans approved from plana knd money aaraneea Bending progreasss mortgage (tin up ana repiacea. t FRED H. 8TRONU, Financial Agent. . : Ma Stark at. , TH1 1ITAB LOAN CO.-. Any kelarled mrkif . ware-earner, ea get en kle not, wltaokt nonnit- ... Month. U Month. Week KM Be pay to U S18.88 or t.M or SA88 taVOO Reoy to n s.65 or t3.S6 or 11. (18.00 Repay It h 4 .00 or 2.00 or $1. 10 McKay bid., , . . CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on ealaYie. Imkum j oUcikk. piano, furniture, warehouse eetpta, ote. say deserving peraoa may seeur . k uoorai aaveoee. repaying ir weesi . . or moatury installments. . KIW EBA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY. 200 Ablngton bldg. IfONBT ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Ana ethers apoa their oil mm without security; cheapest rate. eealet parmenta; ofScee la 63 principal eltlee; Bar yourself v awmey w getting wr mm nrst. . 10 Lit AN. S28 Ablnf ton bldg.. 106 Third at. HEADqPaBTEBS FOB SALARY LOANS Moo 7 caa ao aorrowea oa eaey pari ! nlaa. lowest rstes; strictly contd noaui ntUL 428 Mohawk bldg., cor. Third and atorrlaoa. -MONBT to kn en real ?rsoi nd collateral security; kpaclal attention to chattel mort gage; note bought. C. W. PsIlsL SO- No too hid.. M Sixth kt. atONET to toaa oa Clarfckauk coaatr land. , M. r. kkd V. B. Itly, aus Oumbar o( Coav BIOHLT raapoctahl plaro vhkra ladl and ,'' aaulk caa imh luo laokar" on dlamnnda knd Jawlr7 Collateral Ioan Rakk, SW Waah iBatoa It. PaoBk Blkck tl. - , LOWEST rate oa fnmttar and planoa. . Kaat , ara Loaa Co.. 4a 8 her loci bld(. PaelBe Slit. MONBT WUUaa to loaa oa all kind of oemrltx. Boll, room' Waahliaftoa bldf. TO LOAN o ma to aalt rhattal kaiimlty. K. A. FraaM. Bld th liarqaaai. ' Honey To Loan arlrata fsad oa Innrorad J. L. WELL CO., , - M -Oraad ara. pi vmbi if. If OMIT loaned aaUrled people oa not: cheap, at rata, r. A. Newton, 434 Ablnftoa bid. MONET LOANED AT FEB CENT , Oa dlamonda. watrhek knd lewelrr. - fobtland Loan orrioa. t4 third rr. MACHINERY. ' " ' ' . THB H. a aVLBEB CO. econd-hkad cttoarr. akwmllla, ate. 148 Oraad ara. aV TUWHiN CO. Mining, aawmlll. kof- fina aaaeainorTi araraniie pipe, raatluc; au klada lapairaa. auk norta reorta. MUSICAL. KaiTL THIELHORN. ptrpU of BEVC1K. iolla Btaaio u una. TBI. alaia ibqb. PIANO-TTININO. reoalrlna. reflnlahlna and . poll ah to-; ntlmatea (tvaa. Johnaoe. Wit toe - a rortar. Ill Third kt. : Phona Pacific XX 1 MONUMENTS. HEU KIN08LET. 2d8 Pint at . Portlaad'a jaaaina; aaaroio ana franiia woraa. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. SB. ARNOLD UND8AT. irradiiit at th Oatokpathle eoll of Klrkarllka, MlaaoorL who ; la a apadallat oa rhenmatlaaa, stomach and -H faaaal dlaaaaaa. Onto 410 Paillnt hldf., aoraar of Third and WaahlBctea kt. BBS. ADIZ N0BTHRUP. 41I-ld-lT Dekaat Dia., 1 niro ana wasBinctaa ma. ' Mkia M. Bxamlaatloa fro. OPTICIANS. . SB. OBO. BDBBNSTEIN, Tellable optMaat j-. Claaaaa adjoatad by the latost acMBIiae P- puaaeaa. 1SS roarth at. PRINTING. i THB MODERN PRINTIBY Arttatle printing. , M Boasol bid-., roarth aad Morrlaoa. , Phase ' . Pacta UK. . ANDBBSON DDNTWAT COMPANY, prtat. lnv.JJthanTanhlnir, hlakk bank. Phona Mala 17. SuS Alder at. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. r. . BEACH CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; wlndow-clss and (Using. . 1U First kt. Phoa 1334. ; PLUMBERS.. DONNERBBRO ft BADEhLACUXB, renaered to No. SOS Baraalda at FOX CO., kanltary pmmbora. SRI Second bet. Mala aad Bahnoa. Oregon Phona Mala S00L FTNNIOAN BBOB. ft CO., Z8S Third St. phoa Mala SOOO. Plaaahor aad heating engineer. RUBBER STAMPS. , P. C. STAMP WOBKS.S4 Aider St.. phone Main y 710: rubber stamps, seals, stencil: baggage, trade ehockai aend fa catalogue No. 10. ROOFING. ; r TIN BOOFINO, gtittartng, repairing gad general . v. ,iobDtna. . toaU, tl Jcffaraoa at. I'ac. 1434. T ... Ahews Oat Xa af a BeaaUfta Calif onto atoaaa. ' ' acre, choice land, adjolna Madera, county aeat of Madera county,' Call- tAmU Brtnlallnei l.floi. Vino arhAAla mnA .IiiimI,... i ,..' i , . ...... . - -. - and borrloa, gnaollne pumplnf plant, sac water iw irriBiiui-Trouew, iei u, STREET PAYING. WABRBN Ooaatnictloa Oo.. a treat paTlnf. atdo watta and croatlaia. Tl Oragoalaa blag- TtlE Barhnr Aanhalt Farina V. f Fort land Offlc OM urcaater blh. mmamn ' ,', SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. BIIOWCA8E8 of orerr escrlntioe; hank, bar f and attire litaree made to ordar. Tha Latkk alaaufartnrlnt Co., Portland. - . K. H. BIRDaJAIJ, dealimer; aitent M. Winter Lambor Co., TBamlltoa bld. Mala HUM. SECOND-HAND GOODS. ATWATEB CABL frnltnr-houa HI beat nrtee. nald fn- aeeond-band tunutaro. ina Reread at, Phona I"aciac 4M. . SIGN PAINTERS. OL RIN8i --arlndow- JetertordceMh feaaera, eonomlMl aleeirle (lu and Mfn of all klnda mad quirk lr. Kiter at Rleiaor. niu and Brerett. Pbua fclclianae to. W. P. BEROEB ft SON, SM Yamhill kt. BlfBk Of all kind. Pnon reeinr Jiu. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN SOWELI DAILY Co aib, braah. awp. 1 par mootn. rortiana uiaorr "." BusdIt Co.. Ninth aad Coach, raoao SAFES. D1EBOLD Mantan and trepenof aafea; tM- ceaafnl procroaa againat barrier ana nr;ioea 00 1 a opened. Mr. Huper, mechanical export with J. E. Darla, M Third. Pnon lose, TYPEWRITERS. NEW trpwr1tera."an mate, rented, eold knd repaireo. votMl Acener. t atara. iwt. TELEPHONES.: THE only - axrlaalr tolephnaa-boaee. B.-R. Electric Talephoo hUaafactarlBC torn paay, M Fifth at. . -TRANSFER -AND -HAULING-vl BA'EB. ptkBoa knd fnmltnr BMieod. parked nadr lor ablrmlo ana aDR?po : an wori for aBVppin ana aoappea; an aarantacd; tarfe, a-torr brick. Ira-proof warehouse Tr atorace. uroca auv uaa at. a hL OUaa. Pboao Mala MT. - THE BAOOAOB OMNIBUS TBAKRFBB CO., corv-auta and vaa ata.; aacgait caorheo; from hotel or realdenea direct to deetiaatloa; passoBtar therefore avoid rub and aaaoy aac at depot. Private Esehanf . C O. PICK. efBc AS Pint at., between atarb and Oak at., pnon am; piano ana rarnitar moed and parked for shipping; oomnwdloks brick ararehoaa with aonaral boa rooana, rront and Clay ata. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1M North dlrth. Pboa Malk m. Uaaey kanllng ka storag. POST SPECIAL PELIVEBT, No. S0014 Wash. tngtoa at. Faoak Mala asx CUT rate oa boabold good to all points eaat: we rial ap earloadai a peel a 1 room roe rrunte wbiio waiting. Oregon Akta-iMapoica, II First st. Phona Mala T1S. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TRANIFBB Co. Btorag. S34 Stark at. Mala 40T. ' a WINDOW SHADES. OAI.B WINDOW 8HADB CO.. 9ST Salmoa at.. plain and faacr shkdea made to ardor at low eat price. Pnon Mala KT, WELLDIGGINO. WELLD1QU1NO Utorg Boblnaoa. St. Johns. HEW FRUIT PEST AT WORK 19 THE ORCHARDS- nsect Borer Attacks Tree and. It Dies in a Few Weeks Fruit Men and Official Puzzled. (Special Dispatch to Th Joaraal.) Forest Orora, Aug. 4. A new post td'th fruit tree kaa bee fosad by S. A. atoaltoa. Oa of hla plam trees, which seemed to be Infected by Borne sort of poet, waa killed la a few weeks. I Don Ureetfratlo It waa fosnd that aom laaoet bad bored to the heart of the tree, making oly a Tory amkll bole and hardly noticMbi, bat oa further atadylng th effects of thla post many maeete wer fonnd boring Into the core. No on her seems to bo aeaaatnted with tbl new In trader. Frnlt Inspector Harris was alao at aea, aad sent a epscimea to the ex periment station at Corrallla. where It will be atadled. It waa learned later that kernel tree la different part of town alas showed alraa of Oielr work, some of the limb s ppesrlng to be Hia eeare wiiawrmg. WALLA -WALLA MAKES ! WAR ON BAD FRUIT ' (Special Plena tch to The Joaraal.t Walla Walla, Wash., Aug. 4. Tronba) la la store for frnlt growers who attempt to darpoe of fruit Infected with' eralo, and ale mer chaata and grocers who offer a nc lees trait for kale. Frnlt Inspector Rita haa eerred nut Ire on tiuweia and merchaaU that b mtenda to enforce th law relating to th aele of Infected frnlt, and will prosecut emth th grower and eener u aetoriM. Beginning Monday, th ln a pec tor will keep a rigid watch en, all frnlt orterea ror Bale In walla walla. Particular at tentloo will be paid to stow era of the VI 11 to and Fraewatar dlatrlcta. ust acroaa the lino, to pre rent any infected rrult from being broaght 110 use city. , WASKnroTQaT cmops eoos. (npeelal Dispatch to Th Joarnal.t RUUboro, Or., Aog. 4, Meat f th farmer of this community hare their hsy crop baled and aader shelter, and auay bare , thrashed their grata crop., Tha far the wheat crop haa yielded from to SO bnabele, and the oat from SO to 40 baehelk per sere. To hop crop f Wsshngtaa eonnty wffl no doubt be toe best raised her ror msny years. Tha grower are engaging pickers, end eereral hare contracted that year's crop for la and 18 eeats. . r r . ;'.iie-.:a-:ev. .4 ... -. . nvin in ni ibuk, 1 ru 1 1 1 with mill and ij)a-alln , tankj -abunoVl vuiu siorage room. Will XChan(e for . :' t ""'I' mini ft nri ,um9 TODAYS MARKETS HOPCOdMCTSAT 17 CENTS Julius Pincus Reported to Have Taken Highest-Priced Lot ' v;-.v of Season. ;v'" :, r ,'f..'. s f mmmmmmm .; - : DALLAS MAN RECEIVES V ! THE BANNER FIGURE Market Very Firm With Only Few ' Dealers Doing Business Teh Cars :. Potatoes to ; AlaskawPouItry ' De mnd Is All for Hens. ' rront Btrt,. A tig. 4. The principal featnraa of tha Port tend wholeaala markata today are! slop oontraru at 17a a poana. lr canuioapos and car me was. Pearb trad ot ao brisk. Hongkoag mdntrloa for news, Tomato market I dragging. s , AU demand now for bona. Eggk hold at former fignraa. , " Eirellent too kt creamery battar. Sweet potato eon mors freely. Tea cars pot too to Alaska. Ftakk asaat demand la good. , ' 'Kef Coo, true ta at Bmatsea Casts. 1 Julio placas of I .ark ma A Plncoa. bayars for Paul Horat, the big New York operator, has purchaaed the highest priced hop contract for the coming crop, tha price being 17c a sound. Around the BelrMere this morning It was reported that Mr. " Plncuk had purchased Sou balsa of choice, goods from t. W. Mrer of Daluu. ' These hope hare been tied ap oa opt kin for keveral days, and the rights to pae. chase were to expire at 11 o'clock today. Mr. rtocas Ugnined hi Intention of taking err tn lot at the price aa early aa last keening. Mr. Mrer, th keller, was In the city to clos th deal today. The buyer of this lot else paid the next highest price of the keason late yesterday afternoon at DallaSy Me la reported to hare takes a good -Bleed kit from the Bell yard kt Mtt a pound. Up to that time the highest price of tha season waa paid by McKlnley Mitchell. Hla parch aa was made at ldfce. The market Is gaining la firmness arery mtaate, with bat three or four dealers operating. Other operators kr holding back to as which wsy the wind Ik blowing before renturtng. At preeaat kecountk th entire crop will be contracted, ror before they make a more. Hongkong laaolrag far Xlowr. ' A few inqalrtee for floor are again being re- eeleed from the Chinee. .. Hongkong merchants bar landed th field, -end are asking price. No aaiee sere thus far been reported on ac count of alight difference be fees the prte asked aad that ata. . This amounts to a boat 10c a barrel. -t i - r.',......'.. Thar la a somewhst better Bxrrement la th wheat market. The extreme ehortage In cars. A few small Iota of ealley grade bar been re ceived, and It will be about four days before aay new eastern Oregon grain en tore the mills bar.- - . Tea Oar rotate to Alaaka. la an 10 ears of potatoes bare bee eold by fh local trade for Alaska account dating th peat few days. The market la at eery good shspe, with soluble shipping qusllty bard to find at thla time. Local offerings an some what deereaaed en account of the ear abortage an ui pre oa auini ewa. . All Samaad for Keaa. White aa decided weakness Is showa In any tins of poultry, with the poaalbla exception of geeee, moat ox the can at present la tor hen. Springs are arriving quite freely, bat th mo re men t of hens Ik not great enough and price ara a traetioa ap. ' - -Bat a slight taproramant I noted ta ouallty of egg arrlral. - Cwatry snipper seen to bare taken heed of the warning aent broad cast by eommlssloa man aad are shipping with more regularity. Demand only fslr st th la thlrarybarternwke quite good. Bhlpmente to the northern eitlee cootlnae to be mad In cube, but n aquaros ara reported snoring m that dlrectloa. t,lty creamery manufaeturers aad Front street dealer report the market aa cleaning ap at the price. ' Toong America chases remains rery scarce, with th arloa atlll at the high point. More- meat la all grades of cheese nef ry. Tomato Market I Dragging. - Tomato receipts sre tosrsaalag eery fast, bat quality ef arrlTab) Is not of the heat. Price a fraction off. . Sweat potatoes know freer arrtral, with tha price maintained at de a pound. A car of watkrmelona and a Bar ef eanta Kupea were among the rail srrirah) from the kouth today. Brief Votes ef Yarloas Karketk. The deellae of lOe par hundred pounds ta tn prlr nr aaaar aiclnalrelT tola la Tha Ji aal yesterday ha attracted considerable ttea- tlon to that market, cat aa to another at tempt ef a Ban Francisco jobber to seU to the toes! trade, r Demand for driasad nkta Is Tory fir, with krrlrala light. Trade la peeche Is not aa brlak oa acooont of be Tier supplies sad poor emsllty. The trade pays the following prices to Front street. Prices paid shippers are less regular Oram. TWur and read. OR A IN BAOS Calcutta. . - wovie TklA elnh. T(1e VA ImiIi. term bluestsm. Tic; eallay, TOcj new cloh, 9tv: red Buaslsn. aa07C oineetem, tic; eauey. Toe. BABLBT reeo, fae.vui roiieu. e'a.uuas.OOl heewlne. 124.00. COBS Whole, t74.S0 Bracked. 2S.S0 per tea. ETC tl KS nee ewt. OATS lld Producer" price No. 1 erhlto, een non.on: . gray. t2A.0OsJ2p.0O. FLOUR New eaatem Oregon pateata, S.Mj I M; strslfhm. ts.40AS.BO: export, t3.lj ealley, ka.oa; granam, e.m: want woe t.TB: rre. 50s. t 00! bsle. i2.TS. MILLSTTTFFS Bran. I17.B0 per tent mid dling, tai.oo: snorrs. eonntry, a.w;-ity, tin on; rbon. IIS 00321.60. HATProdacers' price Timothy. Wfflftmetto relley, fkney, $H.00;" ordinary, $10.00lfl BO; eaatern Oregon, iiawwu.iw; mnea, fiu.oues 10.60; eloeer. ( grsla, 7.B0)t.Mi oh eat. ST.00QB-W. ' Batter, Xgf aad Poultry, ' BHTTEB FAT F. 0. , b, .. Port la ad Sweat cream, 21c eoar, IPC. 1 BUTTE B City creamery, S2Het eat. kid fancy, Slk12SHi ordinary, 200; ato, lvutrlkc. BOOS No. 1 fresh Oregon, eaadted, 21r t2c: eaatern. S0Q21C CHEESE Now Foil ereem, flats,- lHe Tonne America. 14H16c. POULTRY Mixed chickens, 1SH Per Tbl fancr hens. uuiiv id; roosterk, old, iuhc per lb I etsgs, 11 lejii per 10: rryerst 17C nr lb: old docks. 12Uiia broilers, 17l lb; spring aacas, ii'i'a!ic id; gees, bijioc lh tarkeys. Idc per lori dressed, SOe pet lb; squsbk, $160411.00 per doe; pigeon. S2-00 . Kep. WoI and Bids. ' HOPS Ontrsct. 1S0S crop. 16017c Btl 1S0S Oreron. lxtrinc. . WOOL inod dtp Teller, eoeree tn msdlum. t2c; kne. tec; esstera Oregon. tOdttlSi' HllHAlK new, nommai. KHERPeKlNS Shcarlna. lSealu eerhi abort Wool,. 2StOc ntodlam araL JMiSIua -ach; J long wool, inrexsi.W ! tallow prim, per 10, a free;, no. g aad grease, zeZHc. iHi rua UAMn. iwuo stocx, geje per to; ISOd. Bc per lb. HIDES flrr. No. 1. IS The and an. ldUA TTVs per lb; dry kip, ffo. 1. I -to IS ine, lie; dry calf. No. 1. under S lb. 13c; Baited hides, steer, aoaad, SO lbs and oyer, lOssllc; oewa, tHQDHc; stsge and bolls, sound. 07e; kip. SATURDAY PRICES IN JHE WHEAT MARKET . Sept. ' Dad. 4 Chicago $ .71A I .74HA 4 Bt. Loul,..... .8A : 4 Milwaukee .... .71 'A .74H ' 4 dMlnnapplts .i .7H ..I..7e Kanaaa Cltf... . 1 , d JOURNAL'S DAILY - - TIPS ON MARKETS ' With moat of ' th hop crop tied up by corttracta, IT oenta a . pound waa reported paid ' today d d ,. for 100 balee. Th - market la d ahowln unuaual atrengtb and 4 d ' with tha exception of a few deal. ; d d 'era tha trad doea not Beam to 4 , fully understand what la caualng 4 .tha.rlah .,eatlmated-..t.i thla time that fully 75.000 bales have been tied up by contraotora 4) 4b at prlcea ranclnc from 1 to 17 d oenta -a pound. ' d IS to 00 lbs. Sc: calf, aodnd. under. 18 lb, lie: trees, anaatted, la ieee; culla, le per lb I; oreehldee, salted, earn,; dry, each, tl -UOi 1.80; colt hides. ' 2&O60ci , goat skin. Common, each. loaUe: . Auaora.- each. . Sical ei.w. . v rrnlta ka Tegetoele. '; . POTATOES Ne aneei ai no nee. duccr' price for car lota, 70iT6e per ewt. O.MONn Johbuig price New Wallk Wklla. tilth er aach; new CallforaU. red, tl.&Oj sllrers. glAO; gsrllc. 80s per lb. FRR8H KRU1TS New annlea. 'BOrextl.BO: oranges, Valencia, $4.76B.OO: banana. 6J id; lemona, r noire. 4.BOq3.iw Box; tancy, t00.0 per box; llmee, Mexlcaa, tl.SS per 1001 Hawaiian, t3SS; gooseberrlee. BCdjae lb; eherrte, 1.7S per box; plume, buatlxS crate; loanherrlee, tl 40: cantaloupe. t 60irt2.2s; raapherrlea. (2.00; black rlga. tl-B0; grape. -I blarkberrlc. HJiSWl.W per crate; wateruielona. ltrlHc. crated. IHc per lb;, aprkota. 1 1.004 1.40; peachea, 40c$tl.O0; peara. $176. VECETAHfxEll Tumtna. new. kl OO nee each: earroia. tl W per aack." best. $1.80 per each; parsnip, tl.50 per sack: Ore so radishes. SO per dot; cabbage. Oregoa, 2c: bell pepper a, roc per To; tomatnes;' fftei Wal.OO per . ... box: . parsalp OOcOtLM; string .(testis, Oreenn, . 7 per lb; eaull' flowar, St .00 per dos; pea. 41 5c; barae. radlah, 637 per lb; artichoke. 73 per ana; squash. l"c; green onions. Oregoa. litte per dos bunchee; cucumber, 40J17V box: celerr. 70 75c per dos; rreen corn, lSa23e doe: eum mer aquksh. 75ci$1.00 per box; eggplant, 100 lime per Ih. . .. . DRIED FRUITS Annlea.' ersporated. ISO 14c per lb: sprlcota, 18H19o per lb; peaches. 12Q18UC per lb: aacke, fee uvr lb leas; prunee. SO to 40, Sc; H drop on asrh 1-IS smaller sine: Bgs, California black. 6H per lb; California whit. dWHc ncr Tb; date, golden, TM Per lb; tarda, per IB-lb box. Orooerie. Bute, Etc. SL'OAB Sack baala Cube. $0.20; nowdered, tB.0; fruit granulated.' tft.06; dry granulated. t4.8: eonf. A, t4; western P. C 4 .85; Hawaiian C. C. t4.SB: extra C. $4.46 golden C, $4 46: D yellow. 64.40; bbls, lOc; t,bbla. tde; boxes, 60e adrsnr on sack bsals. lees XSe per ewt for eaah. IS days) aupls. 14016 per lh. (A bore prices kpply to aalee of loss thss car lots. Cur lots kt kpeclal prices saldect to actus Hons. ) . HONEY $3. SO per crate. " ' COrrKB Psckare brsnds. tl7.2SOHI.7B. SALT Cnalrse Hslf sround. 10t. tO.OO per ton; 60a, tB.60; table, dairy, no, tll.oo; 100. ttl.79; Imcorted Lleerpool. 60s. (17 00: ions, fld.Ko; X24s. tl 00; extra One. bbls, z. Sa. 10. $4.605.6O: bulk. M0 lbs, itd.OOeet.OO; sacks. 60. (WS Hoc: Lleerpool lump rock. (18.50 per ton: 60-lb rock. tt.OD; 100. (0.00. RICE Imperial- Japan, No. 1. Sc; No. 2. BtlBHe; New Orleans head. Tc; Alax, 6c; Creole. Btie. . . BRANS Small whit. (4 26; lrg .whit. (3.60; pink. (2.76; baron, $4.75; Ll"". $6 25; Mexican rede, 4e. '' NUTS Peanuta. Jambo. 0c per Th; Virginia. tQei Per lb; roaated. RfttHe per lb; Japa neee, BUSUe; roaated, 77 He per th: cocoa BUU, S6T0 per doe; walnuta. ISiflJlSHc per lb; plnenut. loeiaVs pee lb; buhory aula, 10c per lb; cheetnuta, eaatern. latllSe per lb; Braall nvta, 14 16c par Ih: fllberta. 14016e per id; xancy peckas, joc; kimonna. laajiie. Palnta, Coal OIL Bte, B0FK slssl. 11c. Tare MaulU, 14c; stsndar" COAL OIL Pearl gal: water white. I or Astral Caeea 1SH see iron narrem ic per gel. woodea 17e nor gal; headlight, 170-deg, IlV.e ner aal. GASOLINE SS-des. esses 14 H per gsL iron bbls iftc per gal. . BENZINK 3-defC. eases 26s per gL trxrt hbla )Hc per gal. TURPENTINE la eases 6c per gal. wooden bbls 0.1c per gal. WHITS LEAD Ton lots, 74 per th: SOO-Ib KII. Be per in: leas Kts B4e per lb, WIRE NAILS Preeent baalsat t2.88. - LIN8EED OIL Pur raw, la S-bBI lot. Met 1-bbl lot, 6.1c; ease. Dje per gal; genuine kettle boiled, caeca. SOe per gal: 5-bbi lots. 64c: 1-bbl lot B6e per gal: , ground cake, car lota. (20.00 per son; leas an car icra. aw.oo per tan. , xfanto, lis ana Prawwaaa. FRE8H MBATS Front Street Hoca. tone. SHee; ordinary. THOSc; poor, 77Ve per lb; bulla, tOSH per lb; real, extra. 7Hec lb; ordinary, 7c per lb; poor. Be per lb; mutton. tancy. asznc per m: ismn. sc. HAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland pack (meal) ham. 10 to 14 lb. 1H per lb; 14 to IS lbs. ISe par lb; break raat Bacon, . ley 20e per ih; elcnlca 19s per lb; cottage. 10Ho ps lb; regulsr short clears, anesnoked, 12c per lb; smoked, 13c per lb;; clear back, aassaoked, 12e per lb; smoked 13c per lb; Union butts 10 to IS lbs; ansmoked, Sc per lb) smoked. Sc per Id ; clear neuiee, Bnemoaea, ie per in; amoked. 16c per lb; boulder, jj par lb; pickled tongse. $S.OO anarter obi. UHjaii i,Aie neiiie icei, tm. ikse par !neriUiiDJinie,e nef llii kteem rendered, lua, nt ,k. - . -. IA. U. nrr ' , , . . u. ..... ., vv,v. CANNED SALMON Columbia riser, 1-lb talla. fl.HO; lib talla, s..7ni rancy. lie a ata. si so y IL J .... , 1 ,K, , , Ik l Art Alaaka tails, pink, t0i red, (1.6o; aumlsai 2s. tall, $2.00. " FISH Bock cod, Tc par lb; Bounders, Be per lb; halibut, or per in; ersos, as. 00 pr aoa strlned haa. 12 Vie per lb: catflah. he aer lb wlinoa, Columbia riser Chinook, Be per lb; steel- peaoa, sc per id; Dinenaca. sc per id; b erring, ee per lb; eoles, tc per lb; shrimps, loe per lb; perch, Sc per lb; block end, Te per-lb; tomcod. To per lb; sllrer smelt. Tc per lb; lobsters per Tb: fresh mackerel, tc per lb; era wash, 90a per do; chad, Sc per lb; sturgeon, 10c per lh. OXSTERS ShosTwster bay, par gsl, $2.25; per 110-lb ssek. 14 00. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, $2.00; rasof tlamk, $2.00 per beac BAV FBAJICISCO KTBTIIO ZXCHAB0X. San Frandsoo, Aug. 4. Official prices: Bld.1 Bid. Belmont ......$ S.26 Don. L Ta. .$. tasn coy ....... .in iiipnir (JolJen Anchor llm Butler .... Mscnsmsra ... Midway ...... Montana North Star .... .15MexlcsB UlAWLtJl. .on .43 .00 .15 . .24 .77 .03 .96 .3DA .43 .13 .88 .OS , .18 .48 .12 .11 .11 .10 .08 .10 1.40 IRxrheqaer .13 morcroe t.22lIOold Crowe S.82ViKlreat Bend Ex. .44 I Rescue ........ .20 I Black Butt Ex. 6.60 ITratuB ........ 18.26 Itiold. Belmont. 2.M ' IMontgomery Mt .01 Sunset .IS Scepter .14 Man hat ten ..... .47 Baylor Hum..,. .24 .Dexter .12 lOranny ....... .34 (;old Wedge .. .08 I -on star M ureant Bend Eg i.i0 no Annex..., .21 fresoent a. . . . . Ohio Ton. Extea. ... N Brads West Cad .... Adams Atlanta ...... BlueheU Booth Columbia Mt.., Con. Onnrrr... Dlamondfleld . Dixie Gold fie Id Jumbo do extension. Kendall 81 lCnwbox 8 laxnua . I Denser Annex . .18 I Bulla ft Bear. 1.8714 Black -Hock.... 1.60 IN. T. (onsol., M) iMan. Con.s..., a iLlttle Joe...... .44. iMa.rllewer .44 lYamp Coa ... 1.60 lOslay .10 .02 .08 .28 .04 , .04 1.40 .42 .45 May gueen.... Mohawk Bed Top ...... Sandstorm ... Sllrer Pick.... St. lee ...... Nstionsl Bsnk Denver ErllM '"I PrnctlOB Oold Blfji.iJ.W O. Bull froog. 137 B0ST0B COFFXK MABKXT. Beaton, Aug. 4. Official closing : liu. i. - " "M. , rr .00 .$88 .00 A . 18.00 . 0.7.1 . . 87H . 7JM . 6121, Adeentare .... 13 Mi Alloaea S2n Parrot "TiTT.' Onincy ..... Atlantic ...... 11.00 Binsbsm ..... 88.50 Moral ...... iHhannoni Calumet 008.00 ITamarack ... ITrlnily Centennial ... a.i Copper Range. 73.60 I nlted Cop.., Victoria .,.,. Franklin 18.26 0ren Con 84 26 Winona a. on Oranby .. 11 83 Wolrr la .,,147.00 Ely T.I2Vi Roron Con.,i.. S6.6A Maaaacbnaetts , T OO Kerada Coa., 18.00 North Butt. Black Monatam IO.00 Old Dominion. M. 76 iMrtrbsU . -4.26,- Oseeoln .106.12H belter 8.2&A - Starting Exehaag Xata. New Tork. Aar. 4 e)lerllnr xchn! Da- mnd, 486 t7H; SO days, 482.37H. Tha aiiwhJattom of Tha aTonrnal la rortland aad ta Oraeroa awaasSB that af A L017ER TREHD IfJ iiew voiik Stock Market Unable to Stand With Bearish News v So : 4 Prevalent Today. ' ! READING TWO AND A HALF POINTS LOWER Chicago ft Northwestern Makes Its Customary- Change of Several Points," This Time on the Down Grade Bank Statement Hurts. NET LOSSES. i Amalgamated .... 1 Mexlcaa Ceatral... Kkty 1 IK Car ft Foundry ... Cotton OU.....T... Locosootlr ...... Sugar ............ national traa 1 . K. Y. Central I hi Ontario ft Wee tern. H Smeller ......... H norcoik Northern Pacloc . , , People'a Gaa Anaconda ...., Atcblaon Baltimore ....... Brooklyn Preaeed Steel Car., 1 Beading Canadian Republic Steel. ... Rep. Hteel pfd... I!. B. Steel , I!. S. Steel. Pfd... Central Leather St. Paul C. .aV.-K W. Chesa peeks Tennessee ' Cokt.TTT" Colorado Fuel. rwi. . , a lucta ... . t 1 Union Pkclae...t,. Corn Productk Wsbesh Wlacooala Central. Erie .... LoulstlU NET GAINS. Danrer st'Trias a Pkclfle... t Southara Faclfle... tiinocaT leland. pfd. .. W Wall ' Street. New York.- Ana. 4. Tartons cause contributed to today's geuersl downfall of stock sslaes. A bsnk ktktement eeea won man expectea yeeteraay. a no aaaed rrouoie in trlnuUng feat urea of th decline. Reading waa practically the weakeat klock 00 the list, with new aeciiae for the aay XVi polnta. Chicago ft Northwestern ' makes Its customary ehsngs of eereral points, thla time It belna aa the flows sradr. Colorado Fuel we weak oa selling pressor and lost S points. urneiai qnots 110ns ey ureroer , atarr vooae eomany DESCBIPTI0N. mal. Coo ner Co 1011102 Am. Car ft Fonnd.. Cora. do preferred Am. Cotton Oil, com.. Am. Locomotlee, com.. Am. Sugar, com....... Am. Smelt., com. ...... do preferred.......... Anaconda Mining Co.... Am. Woolea, com...... Atrhtaon, com.. do preferred Baltimore ft Ohio, com. do preferred....' Brooklyn Bapld Transit. Canadian Ferine, com.-' central Leather, com. Drfwftrt , .jlOSflfW ChL ft Gt. West, com. ni Mil. Bt- l-sui... ChL ft Northwest., com. Chesapeake ft Ohio..,.. OH . ... r.) K. 1 ur 1 rrBiT sfr 5 f 1 k4fT Colorado South.. KHVs 87 S 37 S 62 51 2 61 SI 71 "4 1 70i TO I do 2d preferred..,.,, do lat preferred..... Cora Prod nets. na. . ,t Dslswsr ft Hudson. .. D. ft B. O.. com de preferred Erie, com do 2d pref erred ,. do 1st preferred ..... Louureill A Nsahrllls.. Msnhattaa Rr 11 18 Vi 210V4 218 42 421 42 78 W 78 Vi 144 J 78K I44 144 ISO Mexican Central Ry . , , , 31 83 3 at.. "., a T.. com do Preferred Missouri Pari 6c S3 National Lead New York Central N. Y.. Ont. ft West Norfolk ft W eater a. com. do preferred North Amertran Northern Pacific, com... PsclSc Msll. Strsm. Co. Pennsylranla Ry P. O.. L. ft 0. Co...... Pressed Steel Car, 00 m. do preferred Beading, com........... d 3d preferred....... do lat preferred..... Rep. Iron ft Steel, aom. do preferred .... Bock Island, com do preferred St. L. ft S. P.. com.... do 2d preferred..' de 1st preferred idoii'iMihlisoM awHi6"S0$i' S4H 2ii314!2n3U 1SS 13S 130H Bt. L. ft aV-W. de nreferred Sonthara Pad Sc, com. . . do preferred Southern By., com do preferred. TV no ease Coal ft Iron.. Trias ft PsclSc.- Tol., St. L. ft W., com. do jrefcrred.. ......... Cnloa Pacific, com..... to lire f erred V. S. Rubber, com du nreferred V. S. Steel Co., com... do preferred Wabaah, com... do preferred. . . ... Western In Ion Tel.... Wisconsin Central, com. 48 V 48Ti 48 U ltd 150 166 SOU S9VL in 108 V, so va do preferred Total sale for day, 844,100 shares, mrlTXD STATES OOTasTaTXaTT B01TDS. Hew Tork, Aog. 4 Oorerotnent bond : . . . Pkte. Bid. Two,-registered ........... .lnt do coupon ,l08 Three, registered 1 Win do coupon ...1906 Two, email bonds .......,. ... Fours, registered .......... .1007 do coupon IOOT Fours, registered 1026 do eon do ...........1025 District, of Columbia .. Philippine 4a .. 115 .., 110 : XEW TOBX BABE STATIKIKT. New Tork, Aug. 4. Ban statement: ' Decrease. fteserra : ... . , . . . . . , .$ d.TAO.800 Leas u..b...... 4.708.BSO Loan , . Specie , ., .18,778.800 1.00fl.400 , . 1.746,600 .16.483. 4O0 587,700 Isls ......................... Deposit Circulation -Increase. " . . "Desatared Warnem. .. ' From tha Mlnneapolla Tribune. It la aald that noma of tha clubwoman of New Tork complain of tha way In which tha parka of that city ara Uttered up by parties of children. No idoubt such j?omfillnts Ji.vbeen made, for there,, ara finicky- women evtrywhere, hut wa doubt If tha whole burden of , Yha attempt to block th childish fun should b laid, at tha door cf the clubwomen, who ara often tha ofejeota of unjust crltiolam. Wa should rather suspect that tha Idea or) g to ted with those denature; women, whether members of clubs or not., who sport dogs Instead of children. ' , Trtaaoa Sooaxad. TkUnus may aoon ba 4akasv from the 'deadly maladies" elaaa aa a result of a new treatment which haa bean discov ered and eucceasfully used In threw cases at tha Pennsylvhnla hospltsl, Philadelphia. Tha treatment Is simply a mora rational uao of tha tatanua anti toxin. A . ahort time ago tha hoapltal physicians hit upon tha plan of mak ing tha Injection- into a nerve cloaa ta tha point of Infection Instead of In tha 104 - 104 104 104 108 104 103 104 104 .... 103 J04 103 104 120 130 12S 130 A Fw Inquiries for Flour Have Cen Re ceived From Hongkong but Buyers Are Not Disposed to Accept at the Price Offered. STinPEDE BULLS Bears Play Havoo With the ;MarketdAll Options' of ' Wheat Are Lower. F" NEARBY MONTHS RE CHIEF SUFFERERS September Loses On and a" Half, December One and a Quarter and May One and an Eighth Cents - From Friday. Pries. BBLATTTB FWEAT VALUES. Close close " V Au. A. Ana. A. Cine 1006. Loaa Aug. d. .01 i Bettmoor....B .TiiiA a .Tl December..!... .74 4 A , .76 Msy.......... .781 .70 C-... -sS Chicago. Ass. 4. Th wheat trad " waa stampeded again today. The bear balded th atrongaold of the few remaining bulla and the fort waa aeon taken. Tha rletors knocked prices right and left with practically aa ra- sletanee from the former ennoeitkin. If anr- on wanted the price of wheat to adTknee, mai persos ma not know nimseir en tn Boor, far rrrwhoro the beers were rn - sildewe. Todsy'k most serlouk Ins wss saffered by th oesr-oy options, neptemner neing Bit to tn tun of a net loas of Hie. December doerd 1U under yeaterdky, while the Msy stood It under the former price. The news from Busstk bad absolutely no effect anon price. making nee. Crop report were all- good and eres whan any bad on re war reeelred no at tention was paid to tbm. I) racial quotation by OTemeeg, wtsrr cooks company: - 1 . 1 WHEAT. ' Open. HI b. Lew. " Clos. Sept....$ .784 .fs .75 .T1A .T4A liee..,,. May.... T8 .T .4' .40 . .701 .18 CORN. .40 Iee... May., ,n Si - 6 .44B :,. ;. TB :8 .t4B 1SSTB 14.S5 . S-B5B 62 S.22 is ; S.06B . T.SO OATS. Sept...., Iec.. May..... .81 .81 .82 ,S4V t4 .54 MESS POXK. Sept..,.. IT 00 IT 00 1S.SS aa.,rr. 14.26 , 14.15 ' 14-26 v. ' LARD. Sept..... $.88 , v 8.85 " j 6 80 Oct...-. 1 95 8 06 8 87 Jan...... t.23 A 22 A 20 SHOBT BIBS. Sept,.... I S . 1 26 . t.17 Oct. S.B8 S.6 ' 1 02 Jan....... (.SO -': T.SO T.SS ,- : JTEW TOBX POTTO B atABXXT. New Tork, Aag. 4. Cetton futures elessd S point ap to S polnm down. Official qatttktlona Ly Orwheek, Start ft Oaok eoapany; . Ones. High. Law. Ana. A Ana. S. jaanary iu.iu . lu.l J lO.h) 10.0T 10.10" 10.10 H) 23 . 10.20 10 07 February ... 10.14 10.10 10.12 10 08 10.18 atarcn .... 10.17 1O.J0 lO.lh April : ..... May 10.27 10.2S . 10.2T August a .88 . 70 .T 8.75 S.82 Scptembar-,. 0.82 S.S4 1 80 S.80 S.04 - ncrooer ... b.wo .a NoremDer .. .0 10.01 S 07 teesmbT ... SSS 10X S.SS .S S.08 10.03 t8 WX1 . atTKOah OT TWIBTT-CIaTT BOPS. A report Is emrrent fa this city that an option naa seen la aen rrom a atcHmnriia grow bls coming bap crop at SOe a pound. The 1 cannot aa eonin-awa at this Urns. BOBTLAJTD BAVX STATZJCXSTT. BaneeaT -$818,816.84 . 8,T81.8S for FOR AND Free Tnilion - nr soatooisS TAtaira ottb sa,soo GICGO Chance - Bealdea caah eommlaaiona allowed la naw subscribers, Tha Oregon Journal offers purses of coin to tha amount of $750 and scholarships la 1Jia JoadlrutCOllcgtt jf Oregonto the j-oung people who make tha moat creditable recorda In- collecting advance) payments from naw and old aub a)riibera. Tha subacriber pays tha regular subscription price of tha newapapar ; and tha student la credited thereby, every payment from one month . to mora being measured . la rotes, or polnta fBEST SCHOOLS OP OKrGON - Bcholarshipe In he beat schools prixea in tma enterprise, As the number of oontMlanta Increase scholar ships may ba added to thla Hat. - ' . 'Detailed Information concerning the scholarship prlsea will ba pub. lished from time to time, or furnished oa application, to tha Conteat De partment. " . ,, '.1:1.;:-;..; .4.., ACADEMY OF HOLY NAMES, ALBANY COLLEGE, Albany BEHNKE. WALKER BUSINESS CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, Portland . j ....... i ............... . f 10O DALLAS COLLEGE, Dallas ,. . . ; . ........ . . . . .... . ..... ...... 10O GILLESPIE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION, Portlsnd...........120 HILL MILITARY ACADEMY, Portland ..........f 100 HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland. .....,.......,.flOO HOLMES-FLANDERS PRIVATE SCHOOL, Portland......... fl50 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, Scran. ton, Pennsylvania , ................9110 M'MINNVILLE COLLEGE. McMinnville.. .................... .f 40 NORMAL SCHOOL, Athlsnd, Oregon...................... v.. f 85 OREGON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Portland -. :'r One Pianoforte Scholarthip.., ...........$200 One Violin Scholarship .....;..-:.,.,,.........-.,..,..,....... .f 125 One Guitar snd Mandolin Scholarthip, .................... ..$100 PACIFIC COLLEGE, Newberp. . ...... ................. .f 100 PACIFIC TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, Portlsnd . . ... . ... . . . . . . . . 12B PORTLAND SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE, Portland c sassaxkn t VaiVsb-CeA) afcatg, av a a A V j- t J. t ji 9 a l 1 t I I I I I t 4 , JllOO SACRED HEART ACADEMY. Salem. r..r.:r:.T.r.7;.;.T:.fieo ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Portland . . ... . . . . . ... . , . . . f 200 -'vv.'--;:: THE CASH PRIZES : , 1 Caah to aaalat popll electing to attend any atata or private Institu- : tlon providing free tuition for a period of not leaa than one year. .130$ 1 Another perse, aama conditions ss above v ....... ; . . $100 '-S-Ceels fe laeidaatal axpeasea, lo-addiUontJu jeholarshlpto be ae. lectea rrom tne Above Hat ... 4 dJaah fo lnoldentaa aspsnsas. with . acholarshlpa (dDaak for taoldaatal awpenBes, with : scholarships (Ji-Caah fas Incidental axrpenssa, with - . acholarshlpa Oregon Journal Educational Contest 3 NOMINATINO CERTIFICATE . Kama of Conteatant Age. ........ .Address... . Ely, MBviiaimsuo; ff f f s SBBefye,ea""""wnwwwwww es(t t rriiittltltlsi, Address. KID-LVTDi' . : i::::iE cjm Local Stockyards Deserted Hojfs Are Firm at Recent Ad vanceCattle Fair, PorflkBd I'aloa Stockyards, Aug. A Lira took Week ax ;v., ,...'";,-,!,,. .. ... . fa Month ago .i 14 .. ... T3S Year ago g- M 'JJ . - www W. HTHH. BITIiej S IDS yards during the put B4 hour. Hogs ara rery firm, area at the raceat adrance m price. Cat tle m hAbllne l.i . m i ahane. - .- , Official Itreatock quoUtlons: " . . "'w- -vm Hvn tregoa, , e 1 .00 a 1 .OWI . - - - - - - ' , wv.wi e,wB.e i feeders, $3.00; balls. $2.60. . s r,,1,tB- esstera Ore goo stasrs, (3 1ft ..ww, mi wwe a mi neirers, s..ousx.inx khe-ker knd feeders, (2.60; bull. (2-60. a.iap Shssrllagk. 4tj4Hc; lambs, ta. ; v AMUSEMENT CAR..' Passenarera Guarantearl to Rnrotvn - , , an Exhilarating" Sdnsation. " v New amuaamant features are brought ' forward with an astonishing; raarularltr, deaplta tha claim of oarlc manaa-ara of , dearth of idaaa. Tha aim of tha In. mantora : la undoubtedly to erodnoa aomethlns that cornea aa eloaa to tha, danger Una aa poaalbla. Tha mora dam. age - la atora for tha paaaena-era (with still a certainty of absolute safety) tha. more pupiuar ins aevice la aura M M, a Tha moat recent la tha pleaaure- car shown hare, which waa designed to be used in connection with scrnlo rallwaya. khnBaaannBBBnnnnBn r H " ., n 1 - r - b - e aw EXHILARATING RIDS. ' Although termed a pleasure car. It la - mneei llsreilw- SA tinrsust that nuiatneBa Each car is divided Into two auctions, and connected with tha wheels by com pound crank arms. 'Aha result la that k u...I..Iam - lh. .llMll lh. eara alternately rise ancT dropr- Kvan with vary larva wnaeia ioa rapiauy ox tha rla and fall of tha cars la bound nvtritna hut eoenfert. Tha MMAHMfS ... BnimritkA an anthllamt lnT and norai sensation, wnicq, wiinoui doubt la true. ... . . " The soi are tana of Boron aare.Jhelr awn pscullar ksblls. For . example. King Edward naa a way 01 paaaina mtm iiiurer :. forward under hw chin; the German mperoe - . ..1- . -...a. miie tM king Of Italy atrokes his gently aad affection ately; me emperor ox saaioa - - whiskers sad the eoar freuwastly pssse hU haad orer th top of hia bead. . Mueotion! BOYS (iIRLS Cash Purses - worn nxwmxwau totass orn S7&e of Oregon have been aelected as tha Aitoris.:........:........V....f 2BO .f IOO COLLEGE Portland......... flOO Salem. 10O .......... . tiw second choice of The Journal's (71 third choice of The Journal's ................... $6$ fourth choice of The Journal's - ...... $11 ,,,,.,,.. t. aay etas Orafoa mawspapea, . spinal cord.