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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
TUZ Cr.rCOII DAILY JOUXXJAi; FOirTLAKD. SATURDAY EVZIIKIO. AUGUST 4. 1BC3. TROUBLES "OF THE LOVER BUG. FINANCIAL BAKX3. "KB BA1TK OF OAXXrO S 17 A Xetntl issed ttSC Bead OfSea, C tmnitaj pais ap aaaooooA 1 amiM . ... mai.iax wnmtm r A ueaerel Baaking and Exckeeee Sm tv.., aavix.a Blrx. t. AeenaatA .e l .,A . ' Portlaad Bra aah Chamber of Commerce Bslldlag. , .Maaaaec I J. T. BUBTCHAEI.L Aaamtast Y WH.,L MACSAB. jwi aiuiaxi, BM.MK r F0RTLABB,, 0BE00K, ft iKKIlS tMM: ll?lBf & m - ( . : .-'; j . :- - , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A MODERN 4 room cottage on Beat 8th at' be- ... tweea Bbafar and Falling : terma to ault moBtbly laetallmeota. See owner .at 228 we twig at- - . . . OWNER, lot 60x100, bending dry water aecttoa.' 180 6 ken wood, t black north. IN ST. JOHNS . 8 VI -acre tracta. blocks from eartlns. ' $1. MO Lot 100x100 and 6-rooca boom, over- unking river. - , 67oO Lot 60x100 a Ivsnhos at., cloaa la. " teo Lot box 100. wit a, 000 faat lumber , a hincu mm cariiae. - - - " $276 Lota 60x100, oa eaey term. 3 " 126 Lota on terma, cloaa ln ; ... HOME BROKERAGE COMPANY, L-'Baan f. Breedeo bldg.. Third and Wart, rr paeMa km, v- :. FOR BALM a mom booaa. t lata 60x100. barn. . ehlckea-hooae, trait trees - aad - food , wall; ..' price $1.800. P 64. aara Journal. aach. W. B. Moorahwa. 1470 Jaaat lata at. raooa aaiiwaoa t. t-ROOK boom and M with aarlB fruit traoa, la Booth Portlaad. $1,000. Partlca- lara hr paona. Mala asaa. , . 90t7IM built aa InataUawnta, lota U daalrad. vij mMRW vtua, Maw tm au. . a, ROOM aooaa. 1 lota, fralt traaa. car t blorkat ' prtea $2,100: tarma; HlahUad. H. 0. Eaat- baai, b23 ChaaitMC ax Ooaiaiaraa. . , lOR BALI, hr owaar. caotea lota aa Waana , at. Iaoulra all Kraratt at., aa phoaa Mala B-ROOhf modara aooaa, aoraar lot, Rawthoraa ; rare, ai.soo eaan, baianca bw par aianta. I H. C. Baathaai. KB CBjamaat or Ooaai FOB BALB S nodara -tom hoaaaa In ax ' location; bar of awnar aad aara aoimlailaa ' faoo waadlawa aoa. .... tTITT atanaitj ta Dallaa; fama, ranr bar cntlma foa aaU. Addraaa X D icbaa. tlav Brow a. Dallaa. Or. FOR BALSood Toom aoaaa with 1 I - lota. izo saat ajaia. . . . BT. JOHNS PROPtRTT IS lota oa carllna, cloaa ht. aolr B$,000.,' 10 lota, cloaa la. aolr $1,800. Thla la rara caaaaa ta ft cloaa la proa- onr BKtvap. BAOtMAinr BLANCBAKD. 1 Fifth at. 1 S-ACRI tracta. aaac alactrlc Una. 10a far. Inqalra Baaadlct. at Oataa. Batacaaa ear, SHADY WOOD PARK. -MNTS HEW ADDITION. at- Trra a hena 1a tha abada of : (ha traaa cloaa to car and 10-raaa acbnolbonaa; tboaa - iota ra larao aad nno aoll;. tba amallaat lota . ara- 1 WxtO faat, alaotr of room for cardan W chlckaa raid; prlcaa from $100 an. Call ao, F. A. aUIDora toe lawratatloa. Lanta, Or. rOX I1L1. CHCAP VI acra at Moont Tabm-i tarma. Own . hi atmax aaomaon, eoraar UBlOBBTa. I. PBTSBSRK. R. W. hfcNCTT, V RBAL BSTATR. CORNXLIXS. WASHINGTON COtTNTY. ' Or(on Ltbpnrrad Pama and Timber-Land. -1 M ' acraav $1500 Goad ImproraaMata, aloaa In. , S 10$ aewo. V4.000 SH wrflea from Cor. aalioa: TO aoraa Nslaarad, part bottom, A-l, aood ImpraaaaantaKtbla H worth looklnf a p. 8 80 acraa. dVtXaillaa from CaraaUua, BS.auu; an ciaaraa: part oaaToraam. 4 10 acraa la CorDalloa; A-l. lainwad I klM acraa, 4 Btla fmai Ooraalloa: 125 a K)0 acraa. 4 allaa from Cornallua: fair ImproTenwnta, anod timber aad piling, Joining aawmlll; part ca.h; $6,000. T 340 acraa, $2,600 Partly Mmprarad! a bargain. x - 8 ao acrva, $4.000 6 mllta from Ooraallnat 40 acraa claarad, balaaea aaadadlv lmprar. Boaata O. K. 0 40 acraa. 11.000 Partly improrad, bal aaea aaallr claarad i booaa, barn, fralt. 8 ACRES oa Bt. Johna Haa. daarad, ImL algbtly.0waoaa-40BV-AllaBy-WdgTT' HSW S-rooai axxlara booaa, aaea $38 atoataly. . Owaar. $$.000: snoo, bal. a saat ana. . S00 FARMS, amall tracta aad Iota; bargatna aa 0. W. P. alactrla Una. O. R. Additoa, Laam, - Oragoa. Taka Mooat Soatt aar, aa. FAXON PARK la now oa tha markati Vita at acraaga jrlaai, aeoordlng to ImproTamcnta. ' . Lota BOi20 $115, S1IM, $160 Lota lnOxa0 1226, $200, 2T$ . Lota $00x2001460, $000. $000 ' Tbeaa lota ara xooatly la caldaatloa, taaal aad alcbtlr. aa a gaod graded atraet, cloaa ta goaa loroom arnooi, ax Ltaata; aa rara to any part of Portland: water free; u. xx. auviiun, vxnix, Taka Mount Scott ear. Be. Laata. Oragaa, OOOD atock raacbea at $7 60 -par acre. OREGON FARM 4k BOMB LAND COMPANY, - 0T McKay bldg.. Third aad Stark ata. BKR JOB NASH at Naabrllla addition, oa tba Mount Scott carllna, ft a home or an iBTeetment: cheap for caih or half cath; 4-room, $A00 S raotaa, all aamplato, 8u0; qnlrk. . BtAVTIFCL llttla S-room honaa 1.T60; tarma. 3. B. Roamea, ara.. aorta. Phono Beat 4100. (now) for TST Union A BEAUTIFUL new modera T-roojn booaa In a new location of homea, near excellent . school! 4 Da baaenwat, woodllft. woodflher, gaa and electricity, bath, totlata, mraly -. . inlahed woodwork! $2,600: tarma eaay. - J. . Hoamer, T2T tlnloa ara., .north. Phoaa ' Xaat tOlOO. . . T-ROOM new and modern hooae. Booth Pari , land. $2,600: tarma $000 aaab, balaaea t - ault nicely located. - H. W.. GARLAND Ji CO., lSSIa Foorth at. 11-room norsB. $s.ioo . . . Lat 100x100, near SOtb and Rawtborna aea.t , all klnda of fralt, fnrnaca heat, baaement, hot and cold tank, honaa la well arranged and nicely located; aa Idaal home aad cheap; la Brat-cltaa condition. , . H, W. GARLAND at CO.. ,i . - . ISSVi Foorth at., aor. Taylor. .1 FOR SALE Let In aire location, oa earltne; . city water, aear acbool, with amall bouae: a Sne chance to atari your home; your rent will pay for It en Inetallmeot plan. Inquire i owner. Stela Sr Tafta, cor. 18th Bad Al- berta ate. Tike Alberta. car, $4,noo l ACRES ta Taalatla lake. 1 Bile aouth of Oawege: Sne water, email bouaa, epleadld loretloa for a rummer borne. C. D. ' and D. C. . Laloaratto, Oregoa City, Oragoa. $1,800 r New BtoderB cottage, B tnd bath, .Fremeei at.) corner kit. ; t,oi;is Salomon, Room 820 Lumber Exchange bldg, S, E. enr. Second and Btark. THS BEST BUT ' la tba- dty of Pnrtrand;.i4) lota ea Beat 18d - at., 1 block from earltne, at $316 each! tarma. 1 , MOLLTOS AV HOOBKY. Columbia bldg,,. Co Waablngtaa at. ' FOR RAI.E New modern re S-room cot tee 4d Maaoa at. aad Vancouver are, , See . owner, BMV Maaoa at. i iaii in i . FOR SALE Equity la 1 ehdlce reeldence lota. ' centrally located la St. Johna; cheap If eold aaea. . Inqulr4 ad awaar. 804 Eaat ISlk at. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE." FOB SALE Do yoa want a bargain t T-roem booat ' nearly new. full Dlumbtua. Una lawa. fruit am Sowera. 1110 Baat Tailor: $1,000 owa time. $1,850 eaah. Apply at 111 Baat Salmoa ac. to. ownor. rnoaa xanor zvl S ACRES A No. 1 ehlckea-raBch.- all fenced . good 4-room booaa. larae rooma: bara 18x80. . rblcken-boueea for 1,000 chlckana, a plaao and all klnda of furniture, T6 cblckena, cow worth $40 and wagon $60; all for $1,360; only aooot ouv leat rrom electric una, loc ear Jfara. For further Information taka EaUcada - ear ta Oataa etatma, go aouth to aeeoad bouaa oa right-baad aide. 8a $1.850 $308 CASH, bailor la monthly aar menta. gets a S-room honaa an1 aloe tot w l jasnory svs., naar msbou at. ao aowa ana as xoonui gata a ana wi ai aioanx -laoor. M.000 rina araral-plt, doaa'ra. ' . e. kccoY. so irtftb at. FOR SALE FARMS. SO ACRES A-l bench land, no batter; SS In enltrratioa. balance alaabad and aaaded to graae and clorer; fenced and eroaa-faBeed, fine Toom bouaa. larae new bare, aood milk honaa - and other bulTdtnre, water piped ta - nooee aad Para; la xanam counu. . mca . $3,000. ( , ; . ' ' . . . . ' SH-acra place, good a-room enttaga, good tabfe. fralt, etc: cloaa to car line; $2,600; $000 dowa, balance xeoatBly. SO acraa In high etate of cultrrtloal S-room bouaa, good bara, toolhooaa, wagua and farm tmnlemeat ahed. woodahed : fine watar at bouaa and piped to bara lot; BOO Itallaa prase xi ewe, eu retlia xraea, av peare, ewm f Bartlett, 100 applaa. aaaorted aarmtlea. ehar- rlea and all etUac amall fruit la abondanoai a boot 6 acraa xa wheat, I acre la potatoee and gardea, the balance fat clorer; will leata tha carpet oa tha floor and ehadee aad ear. Ulna to the wlndowa. Prlee $4,600; terma agraed; S good cowa, S doaen cblckena, cream eeparator aad all farming toola at a reduced rata to the bayor of the place; T mllea from vaaooarar. . ... ' ITS acraa $S aerae la caltlTatloe, of which so acraa bare ao aturnpa; good a-room aooaa. ' with aantry and bath; good family orchard; good ban 44x4, new bogbouee, woodbouae, ' mllkhouae; fenced and croaa-faBCOd; county road by the place, R. F. D. mail, phone la ' tba bouaa; SI bead cattle, large aad amall. of which T are freak cowa: M head Angora goatai 30 acraa creak bottom onion land: 1 new wacoa and karaeae. all klnda farmmg Implemaate; lota of other thlnga too nomarone to mention; half Internet wheat la aack; half Internet hay la barn, one tbiro intereac a acrea eata la eacka, quarter Intereet 1 acre aonda. Quarter tntaraat U acre onlona; k 7 oiilea to acboeJ end town. In Waablnvton . county, Prlee $4,000; half caab, baiajiae S Yamhill coaaty 100 acrea Al Mod. arer 100 acrea la cultlratlon and crop; oata 46 acrea. aetcb 18 acrea, timothy 1S acraa. hope 10 acraa, T acrea to anmmer fallow, m acrea fralt. S acrea more clear; a good a-room bouae with pantry; good family orchard; bop-bonae. granary, cblckea-heaaa; fine eoft watar at bonae; good team marea, harneaa, wagon, bua-rc: 1 $60 aow. T hoaa. S doeeo chlckenaj 1 dlac plow. 1 mower, 1 rake, 1 binder; other thlnga too aumerooa to mention; oa R. F. D. mall and phone line; T mllea from good towrt oa railroad: fine market at home; H mile from acbool. Price $6,000. oa good tarma. Only ea market for lo dart from data. 9M acrea ISO In fine crop, wheat, eata, vetch, clover; all under fence; $ fine etreame through place; all klnda bulldlnge la good repair; fine gardea and potato field: T horeee, harneaa, wagona, all klnda farming machinery; 814 aheap, M bead cattle; good orcharde; 14 mile to good acbool, phone. R. F. D. mail. Price, . on eaay tarma. $18,000: would taka good dty property; If not eold within SO daya will make aale of atock aad cropa and rent piece at a fair rental; 10.000 acrea outrange tor atock or cheap ; great bog ranch. , BEST BUYS IN THB COUNTY. 18 acraa dairy ranch : can ma 80 cowa and other atock i T8 acraa level ewele bot tom, wall drained: graae, timothy, - clover and other cropa, balance land flrat-claaa; Ilea Borne rolling: on a good county road; a goad family orchard: beat varletiea email fruit: a good new hooae; a large bara aad other build in aa: ft neat of watar, - well, aprlnre and creek oa the niece: en two milk rootee; yonr ebeck (or milk monthly: not a foot of wte land ea It wnea ail eieereo; au acraa nno timber. There ara 10 fine cowa and one boree, and other thlnga go with tba place. S4 mllea from beat tore In Waahlagtoa county: R. F. D. mall and phone: tt mile to a good acbool. Price $41 per acre: term made to aalt. - 90 acrea, H la cuMrratloa, with aonae and bara and other bulldlnra; good family or chard; $H mllee from city. 83.880. SO acrea, 8 acraa la eulttvatioa, 10 acre elaehed, 6 acraa timber; amall hooae and barn: aa county road; R. F. D. mall. Price ? 1.100: $600 caa etaad S peara, S per eeab a Waahnwtna county. .W. WaEspcy-'- Room 319 Commercial Bid;. Bead for Uat of farma for aale. - . CHOICE BUY3 ' 84.T00 108 acre SO mllee from Portland, lH mllea from railroad atatloa, 80 acrea cleared, T acrea green timber, balance aah aw ale. eaally cleared; lead level; good 1H atory frame bouaa. bare .80x100, good eut bolldmga. amall creek near barn, I acre good bearing orchard, variety frulta, oa county road. of a mile to erhool, good team, worth 8260; heavy wagon, coring wagoa, buggy. 8 eeta harneaa, S bead of cattle. T milch cowa, 18 boga, S eheep, 800 cblckena, 80 tone hay, 13 aoree oata, 6 acrea epoda. aaower, rake, plowa. harrowa, cultivator, other amall toola; half caab, balance S yearn at 8 par cent. Thla la tbe beat buy oa the market. Beet of anil. ' $8,000100 acrea, 18 mllea from Portland. IH mllee from railroad etatien, 80 'acrea la cultivation, 60 acrea fine green timber, bal ance aah and vine maple ewale, anally cleared; no etumpe, level land;. SO acrea black anil; bee rent ft m ewale, all fenced, on main county road: - R. F. D. ef a mile to aeheol, T-roem IH-etory bouae. fair barn, team, new wagon, hemeee, bogey, new mower and rake, all other farm toola that are Beaded ea m farm; cream eeparator, 36 bead of cattle. 8 milch enwa. 1 doaen cbtrkene, family orchard, 76 tone hay, 8 acrea of apods and beeta; . will give good xerme. 88.00048 acraa. 10 an Ilea north of'Vea i foover. oa mala county road: 3 acrea cleared, good f-reom booaa, good barn. 2 acree variety orchard. 8 acraa beaverdam, fine location. acroea road from atore, creamery, church, acbool and lam 'hall, 1 boree. new waroa. S bead cattle 8 hoaa. areem aeoarator. 18 temr bar; KOO bnabea) oata, 80 cblckena, aama Arm mv plementa; one third ceah, balaaea tavme; beat . of aoll. . . $3.600 OO-icree, a mllee from Portland, 38 acrea cleared, 16 aerae elaehed. burned and . aeeded, belaare fine aah ewele: 40 acree ,. fenced with 4 barbed wlrea, amall creek, new ' T room honee, amall barn, 8 bead of cattle, 1 ' boree, plenty of hay to winter all atock, level , land, county mad on S aide of place. of a mile to acbool aad church. R, F. I)., tele- rnone In bonae: half eaah, balance gornl erma. or will take part la Portland city : ; Rally Co. 314 Waehlngtoii St.. Room II. Portland. Or., and 800 Mala SU. Vancoua-er. Week. - FOR SALB -BY OWNKRSfnatl btghry lm . proved farm S mllea from aoartbeaea. F 89, , ear Journal. , , , . .,,. FOR SALE FARMS. ' Four Fine Farms . 118 acree of Sne land, about S mllea from Portland; 48 la cuttlvatioa, 16 la good tlm. bar, balaaea In paature; well watered, good . bulldlnge, windmill, large tank, water all .over the premleea, crop from 1$ acree of eeta. 30 meadow and a Sne gardea! epaa of horeee, S wagona, mower, hayrake. plowa, harrowa, etc.; alao a hit of carpenter toola; tba whole bueineea for $10,000. 30 acraa, meetly bottom. No. 1 land; good bulldlnge, well aad windmill, tank, with - crop; epaa of boraea, ' wagona, mower, bay .rake, plowa. harrow, carpenter toola; S mllea out; $8,600. 76 acrea excellent beaverdam and veaetahla landl J-rooav booaa 1 8 borne.--1 new; large arybouae and ruraace, 8 good wella and large creek oa place; price $10,000; $4,000 caab, balance 10 yeare. . , 88 acraa of beaverdam 'and bottom land; nearly all ta cultivation; $4,260; $1,000 caab. Gnindy-Mclrath Co. 846 H llorrleoa at. IfUST aalt owner leaving country, 100 acrea -good level land, 40 acraa ta crop; bulldlnge. Implement and atock : near Waahougal, WaahlagtoB; - twice $6,000. Sea Joha B. Ad dlaoa, 481 Bverett at., city, bat 4 and S p. ax. r FOB BALK 100-aeVe farm SO mllee from Tan coo rer, $ mllea from railroad: good orchard, running water; $1,800. , William Clique, BorklnaoB, Waahlagtoa. SO-AC BE farm. 1H mllee from S. P. railroad and about 1 mile from proponed carllna ..and about 14 mllea weat from Portlaad. la - Waahlagtoa county; T acrea under plow, - eome good bottom land, living water all year anoond and well at bouae; good orchard, about 7S tree, and other amall fruit, a good bouaa aad Sne barn; all fenced; 3 acrea la Citateea, 1.000 cabbage and other gardea nek, f tone of hay and email grain, 1 team and wagon aad harneaa. good cow, 1 nig, 4 doaen cblckena, all farming telle, alee honee bold furniture; all la good condition: alao S good chlckea-bouaaa; thla place would make a good chicken or duck ranch. Price S3. 800. Addreaa D 14, ear Journal. SICKNESS la the canoe of Bailing thla SO-aere dairy and atock ranch; an level, 8 amall ereeka, 86 acree paature, 10 acre meadow, beaverdam land (onlona), Sne bearing oran berry marea, near lake (boat) aad tha oceaai good bouaa, harm, mllkhouae. eheda, etc.: 88,000 If Bold aoea. J. B. Boamer, 727 (JbIob are., north. SO ACRES of alee level land; about SO acree In cultivation, about acre orchard, good T-room bouee, bara and ether outbuilding, cloaa to church and acbool, 8 mllea to town, for $2,800. Browning Realty Co.. 181 Mor. rlaon at. 1,848 ACRES on Lewie river, all good lead, Sne -eoll, - plenty water, ahoot 8.000.000 feet of xiraner oa it. at aa.ou per acre, or wiu Ball timber for 88,000. Browning Realty Co., 181 Uorrlaaa at. 13 ACRES aear Newport, on Yaqurea bay, only aaso. otto urockett, aasH weening ton at. HERE m tbe beat Darrein ever offered:' SU acre, good a-room hooae and bara. 4-aere orchard. 3 acrea beniee, beat of aoll: thla place caa be had at a bargain: terma. Otto A Crockett, 24S4 Waahlngtoa et. 40 ACRES. 2 mil, from Brook field: S acree cleared, IT acrea elaehed, 70 bearing fruit treee. email booaa. furniture, bera and farm ing implemente. Ttiia piece M near Aetorl and a bargain at $750, B. O. Browa Co., 847 Waablngto at. FOR SALB. CHEAP $1,600 for 40 acre good lanov 4 mile aootn 01 ureenam, in mile from 0. W. P. carllna, 14 mil from acbool bouae; good roada, eaally cleared, running water; tarma, balf caab, balance 1a pay. menta to ault buyer. Addreaa Albert Bod lua, Greaham, Oregoa. . , FARM and atock ranch, T40 acree, S mllee from Eugene; wen imprnvea, telephone, gaod bouaa, 8- large barn. 400 acree plow land, every acre producing grace or crop, new fencee, 400 acree lncloeed In envnte and dog. proof fence; price per acre. 826; 14 down, balance low Intereet, long time, or will ex change far Portlaad property. Joha Ingham, Eugene. Oregon. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALB. We have llaled eome of the beat farm! 1. the county. If you are looking for a farm, call oa or write WARREN S STATER, . MeMlnavllle, Oregoa. CHEAP LANDS Stock ranchee. Improved farma and wheat land la northern Grant county. Ore iron, 00 and aear Job a Day rtvere, 35 to $10 per acre. For deacrlptlve Uata write to 1 T. F. HALL, Long Greek. Oregoa. HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS A PONY for sale., cheap. Inquire 13$ Catoa are., aorta. WANTED A team la trad for 8 sightly lots la oregoa city, Addreaa Mr. A. kUUlea, Be ta re da, Oregoa. R. F. D. No. &. FOR SALE A splendid single spring wagoa, eneap. xt., aa aaai wca ax. YEHICLES ef all kinds, new and second-bend; largeat atock, loweat prices; hones and rigs rented by day or month. Tomllneoa m Caa slday, 211 Waahlngtoa. PacIS 607. FOR SALE TIMBER. LAND SCRIP BOUGHT AND BOLD. ATI kind af land scrip wanted and far. earn. tnciufling approveq xoreai reoerve aso raiiroee land scrip, for surveyed, acaurveyed, tim bered and prairie land: approved United Btatea military bounty land warranta; re. certified soldiers' additional bomeetead scrip. H. M. Hsmlltoa. tha Portlaad hotel. Portlaad, Oregoa. CERTIFIED serin, anv alas nleceei price, w. U. cloweu, 888 Chamber ef Ceav OR 8 very deatrsbts milling peopnettlooal something really choice; stats amount yoa wlah to Invent and write N. J. Haaaooer. v Aahland. Oregon. TIMBER LAND For sale, 100.000.000 feet Sr Eooa live timner; can nc mggea lnao coinnt. la. Addreaa for particular, I IO, Joau-aaU FOR SALB ISO acree ' timber land, Eaetera Oregoa; eetlmated will cut B.OU0.000 feet. George W. Foott. 821 Eaat Morrlaoa St. TO" EXCHANGE.- BT. JOHNS PROPERTY. W are sstberlaed to trade a very deetrahle buach of Iota, cloae In, for Income reeldence er baalneae property ka Portland. The owner m la tbe eaat ana tno value ea pieces oa this ry m very ne inocea. , HAG EM ANN A BLANC3ARD, 81 Fifth st. . FOR EXCHANGE 800-acra fully eaulpped Oret- riaaa p taocr mine, ex roviiaoo pvoperiyi ml nee are divldene-predacers sad will stand Invaatlgatloa: water ylfbta of the beet, Ad dreaa P. O. Boa 881, Granm Peas. EXCHANGE a , A -room houss la Oregoa City) large lot. value $1,400, for or acreege; aleo 830 acres dairy lead ta Tillamook cooaty to eachgnge for booee asd lot; $8 par acre; a good buy for aa Inveetmeatl eeaat railroad will make thla value hie. , - B. 0. BROWN A CO, v-. A4T Washlagwa 8m TO EXCHANGE. WANT TO EXCHANGE atock ta goo. . panr for vacant lot la gaburba. 80 McKay bldg. . WANTED To exchange email reeta Brant for real aetata. 181 Morrlaoa at. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB print yowr name oa 80 calling card, prone aire and atyle, 86c: 700 hoaiaeaa cerdo, 11. ' A. W. Schmale Co., S2 Firat. Portland, Or. WESTERN OREGON MINING MILUNO CO. beadquartera; atock for aale and Informatioa et So rtrxt at. Pboua Main 1838. - BILLIARD AND POOL Ublea for rent or for aele on eaer paymente. THE BRUN8WICK-BALKB COLLENDEB CO. , 40 Third at., Portland. ARTISTS materlala. plcturea and framing. H. Moorhoaae A Co., 813 Alder at. WB need furniture and will pay full value. Phone FaclBe 788.. Weeter Balrtg C 027 Waahlngtoa at. BOLDEN'S RBETTMATT0 CURB Sure cure for rheamatlam. Sold hr all dragglete. BOOKS bought, aold end exchanged at the Old Book Store. 228 Yamhill at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to order: eecood-hand good far eale. Carlaon 4k Halt. Btrom. 388 Coach at. Phone Cly 871. SHOWCASES, countera, flxturee bought, fold or axchaBgad. Wee tern Salvage. Co., 82T Waah logtoa at. Padnc T0S. TYPEWRITER, good aa aew. at lee thaa half coat price. Inquire 338 - Waablagtea et. 0. R. BLACK. Contractor and Builder I have eome fair-ground lumber left; will contract cheap bouaes and give time oa part af ma terial. Phone Woodlawn 800V COW for aale. Alberta. cheap. Apply Baat STth gad MOVING-PICTURE MACHINES, Sltna, ong all dee, gaa eutflta, etc. hooght, aold, rented and exchanged. New man. 1464 Sixth. Phone Paclfle 2626. - FOR SALB Maaoa fruit lara. quart. 86c per doom; lida and rubbera complete. Crane Bottle- Co.. corner 14th and Couch. Main 2288. FOR SALB. CHEAP Double expreea wagon and harneaa. Crane Bottle Co., 14th and Coach. Mala 8288. Bb CONN cornet and caea. with C attachment, fine condition, very cheap, $12.80. Call 84T Waahlngtoa at. FOR SALE Steam achooner. ftret-claaa, 1,050 tone capacity, enginee lsxzsxaixao. wee. a. Cueh A Co., Inc., 10 Concord bldg. FOR SALE 1 -boree power runabout, shift driven : overvdav aneehlne! excellent hill climber: owner haa no nee for It. Addreaa O. J. A.. Vancouver. Waeh. , BOUND gentle mare; drive, single, double ar addle. Inquire 1S30 xaat Taylor at. I HAYB ee vera 1 eeonnd-haad hotel ranges, cbar. coal broiler and Conner kettle for eale at . reasonable price. Call at No. 1 front at, B. L. Sabln, receiver. BOW TO REACH THB FARMER! Send for Keaton's Rural Directory: ISO R. D.. routea, with 16.000 cirrecl name. Rural Directory Co., 304 Abingtoa bldg., Portlaad. Oregoa. t . .... 400 SHARES Mlcbaehwa Floor Gold and Platl. ants Mining Co. atock at 80c Addreaa Bog 11, Arlete, Oregon. For Sale Second-hand furniture of all klndej a la a complete line of aew furniture and home supplies at lowest prices; everything moat be aold. 213 H front St., corner Salmoa. FOR SALB, CHEAP Bar Sxrarea at Seven. Mile Bona, Section Lin road. For Sale Cheap 1 S0-R. P. automatic engine. , 1 eo-H, IV Bnaaall A General Electric S 00-H. P. bollera. 100.000 feet all else galranlaed pipe, pcao. . acaiiy new. in any qnantuy J. S44-24S Front at. BAFB FOB BALB, 28 Inchea-wlde. 25 seep. 48 hlsh. outetoe meaauremcnt, DiaooM a special, at 88 First St, C, 0. Pick. FOR SALE Beautiful Spits dog, 1 roar. old. Phone Eaat 4608. STEINWAT UPRIGHT Family leaving dty to spend on year la Europe have almoet new Stelaway upright which they would Ilk to store with good family during aharncel reference required. Addreaa I 8, Journal. SECOND-HAND furniture of all kinds; aleo a complete line of aew furniture and home euppllea at loweat prtcee; everything muat be aold. 218Vt Front ex., corner Salmon. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. BURST SWITCH STOCK SOLD CHEAP I buy and wen money ea approved atocka; gold duet Bad preclona stones bought dividend paying atocka sold; proenecte of merit pur chased: Important Inventions promoted ; con. suit ms for profitable Inveetmentt: member Portland Stock Exchange. W. J. Curtis. 21$ Commercial blk. Phone Msla 8884. WILL sell 2.000 ML Pitt, 16c; win sell 10 .000 Oregon securities. Tc; will sell 800 Coppero polts, 10c; two shsres J. C- Leo a rock. $200; will buy Hurst Switch, Csacadla and an Burke table stock. F. J. Catterlla A' Co., 126 Abingtoa bldg. - WANTED A good mining propoaltloa to la corporate sad Snance. J. B. Bailey A Co., 481 Lumber Bxcbange. "PERSONAL. FURRIER Ladlea, have your furs remodeled snd repaired by practical furrier aad expert Stter; SO yeare' experience la thla branch enables ms to guarantee eatlre eatlafactloo; will call at reeldence and give estimate, It dealred. A. Reiner. Lewis bldg., Morflaoa ' ead Park. Phono Paclfle 2487. ANY mas or wemao eoB-e rong wnd happy hi nelng Sextne Pllla, the great trfhle; price $f s bog, S boxes $0, with foil guarantee, . Addreea or eall J. A. OemcBeon. druggist. car. Beeoad sad Yamhill ate., Portland, Or. DETECT! TB AGENCY Ooofldenttal Invoatlga. Untie; reports furnished en Indlvlduala. tbetr character , reepooelWIIty, etc.; bad debta col lected: mlaalng relatlvea located; chargee reaaonahle; correepondeBc enllclted. Oregon Detective Service, .offices 308-304 Filed ner bldg., 10th aad Waahlagtoa'' eta. Phone Main 8816. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve . Glob ilea. On month's treatment. $3; S aaeeithei-SSr eent eeeuvalT aesled by mall. Areata, Woadard, Clarke A Co., Portland, Or. MOLES, wrtnklee. saperfrseae hah- rexooved. It me tell yoa how. No Merge. Mrs. M. a Hill Suits 1. SeUlng Hlraeh bldg. Paclfle ISA SKEINS PII.IJI ear all Price $1 a bos. 8 hoses $6, with fall gasrsa J tee. Aldiias or call J. O. Clmanea, ars glat, Seesaw aad lamhltt Bbk. ferUasd, OS. PERSONAL. i Sl'tTS preeaad while fern wait.' 60c Ladlea aklrta preaeed, Boc. Gilbert. 108 Sixth at., next to Quelle. Phone Paelnc 3088. , DISEASES OF WOMEN Private maternity hoepital; nutet location aad eperinl eaaa. Dr. Atwood, 86M Morrlaoa at, room 8. Paoa Paeiae 1768. BOLDEN'S RHEfMATlC CURE Sure care tor rheamatlam. Sold by all dragglata. YES, Palmo Table ta make yea Bleep perfeetlyt they cure aarvonaneea end make you atrong; price me bob, a noxee xx.iw; gaaranieea. All dragglata, ar addreaa Brooke Drug Co., ST North Third it, I'ortlBd.l)rgia. HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES Pay after yoa re ceive them; and a aamnle of your balr and we will ernd yo on of our $1JM ewltcbea. 314 ax.. 23 lncbea: examine It; If a big bar gain, remit; it nor. reinra. a a arena Miaiea gain. Hair Emporium, 834 Dear bora at., Chicago, 111. DR.-. KETCHUM curee promptly pHvte dlaeaaea, kidney, nervooa, akin and apodal ' female trouble. Call or write. - Of nee 1TOI, Third et., cor. YambllL Phone Paclfle 2228. XTRKI8H BATHS, 800 Oregonlaa bldg. I ladlaa daya, gentlemen night. Mala 1888. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing aad dreaalng. 881 Yamhll at. BALM OF FIGS for all female dleecB Eaat Belmont. Phone Eaat 4084. 829 WANTED To knew tbe whereabout of Oeorg Harold Roberta br hla BDotfaar, . Mary. Hotalngywa. PrlBCVllIa, BOLD ON There la one thing that will cure rbeumatlam. Aak . your drug flat for bark - toola or addreaa or call J. G. Clemeneoo. drug ' glat, Portlaad, Oregon. XOUNO MAN, aave yoa haw. W. guarantee to prevent your ban from falling oat aad aav wnac nair yoa aave lert, ana cure ea iicning acain in xreatmenia; tlvely cared. 188 Seventh et. SKIN, dlaeaaea, rbeumatlam eurad: graduate maaaag af Mew York acbool; eulpbur aad eteem bath. Boom 28, 288 Third at. - 'FORBIDDEN ' FRUIT," "A Gay Lothario," "Story of a Slave." "Mabel Grey," "Modern Monk," "Ague." ''Woman of Fire." 80c eaeb Uata free. A. W. Schmale Co., 228 Flrat at. MADAM ANNA LUCRE Y - Can be found at 466 Hall at., prepared to take pattenta; room and board, beat of care and treatment; ' beautiful private home. Mais 11 Would like a child to hoard. . TURKISH . BATHS LADIES ONLY. Maaaaca, ahampoolng. acalp and face treatmenta, cheat development, 1 mafitcarlng and chiropody. 861 Waahlngtoa, betweca 16th ana 11 in. mbib too. MISS GIBSON girea expert acalp treatment . and maaaags. Room 62, The Cosmos, 288 V aaorriaoa at. . MASSAGE, rheamatlam enred. eteem and anl. pbur baths. Rooms 28-28, Tbe Pleaaaatoa, 1 mru ena uoianoia. YOUNG lady from Chicago has recently opened manicuring parlor. 861 H Morrlaoa at., room 1... BOTH tinae and money saved, with s free ahlne. while- getting obeyed at the Model Barber. Sbop. 01 Sixth sc. bet. Stark and Oak at.; ahavlng 18c. GENTLEMAN, stranger, would Ilk Isdy sc. aualBtance, 20 to 26, medium height, dark balr. Addreaa Box B 21, care Journal. YOUNG Iadp gives srleatlSc maeeage, manlcur- ing and pedicuring. 144 14 Sixth at, bet, Morrlaoa and Alder ata. GENTLEMAN, middle aged, wtahee to meet widow or maldea lady with $300. F 88, care Journal. BBNRY W. Unleee yea will decide to engage an Butomoniie ana teg me to that beautiful Castle Edal Braa St tbe Twelve-Mile Hooae today yoa auy eon alder oar engagement off. MARTHA G. MISS ETHEL WARD, face and acalp maeeere. manicuring, cniropoay. Koom IB, ieos aixta, AUTOMOBILES. COVEY A COOK Motor Car Co.. Flfleealb aad Waahlngtoa Agents for Cadllls. Pierre. Greet Arrow and StevemvDuryee meter-ear; mechlaae ran tad, repaired sad store. Mala ASSAYERS. 0ARTIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO., Mootaaa Aaaay Office. 188 Marram at. ART EMPORIUM. PROFBnSOB R. MAX METER. 848 Aider. Portrait and madaeape art let aad teecbee. ARCHITECTS. B. B. MBNOBS, srcaitoet, 118 BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWS. DAVIS A KILHAM. 108-111 fllsnk book maaafacturere:. agsnts for Joaae m proved Looee-Leaf ledgere; ea tb aow ' Eureka mat. the best ea tbe market. BATHS MASSAGE. YOU NO lady gives vapor, alcohol sad medicated hatha. Parlor 27. 3S8H Stark St. YOUNG LADY, stranger la city, give tub and vapor hatha. 110 14 Foortb at, corner Weahlngtoa. Rheamstlsm cured by massage by yoaag Ger man lady. 268 H Stark. 81-22 T4eoma Boos. FIRerp.CT.ASS alcctrle and vapor hatha grrea by tw ladlaa, alao chiropody aad manicuring. 2241. corner Flrat St., rooms 1 snd 3. GENUINE Swedish mssssge. Tsrkleb sad tab be tbe; Isdy sttendant. 801 H Third st THE SNOWDEN bathrooms! lady attendants. 3R7H Alder at. MISS RAYMOND gives baths f- - restments:'The' Toemos. 2U8V Morrleoa at. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKBNWALD CO.. 804 80 St. Largest sate Bees' supply I BrTCHBHS BUPPLIES Adolpb A. Dekum. 181-188 First St., carries s full lins snd com plete assortment st lowest msrkst price. CARPET CLE A NINO. STANDARD CerpetCleaBlng-C6.-Targeet plaat .Jen tbe enact. Lacing and Harding eta., tale. phone Eaat 20 Carpeta aleaaed. refitted. aewer and laid! both ataam and la feet eoes- . prang air proeeeai reeovstlag . matl asd feather a apecialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, sect to sad caae preeeed sir comtnaed! carpets skaned an Soar without removal. Mat 644. Mala 8200. I. HUNTER, (team earnet aad mattres eHaBpr. o). J af fares. . pbeae state 21 a, Aaalstnat Ceaaler W. C. ALVOkO uettars ."edit Available rJr?!"aI.- l Jiavaphle Tranefera aold ao New York. IV-too. cbloag. Bt taxnai Paul, Omaha. Baa Fraacisce sad tha arlneinel i. 1. .w. 111,- Bt Paul. Om . . ..w w., nl,- tokeaajaa. Copenbagea. CbrletUaln. v ..tlTT." to auit ea LeU TTXT0V, BANKEES Eemkllhed la 1888.) ' . .huIL", ... ""V Buolaaea. Colleetloaa aaada et atl aetata eo fevee. StetM. aflfc.". f Tdlt leeaed available la Karon. asd sU folate m the red SI?. "'f Exchange aad TeUgrapble Tran-f.ra aold oa New York. Waahlngtoa. Chteaee. Z? Pj"' f""ba. Sen rraaclace and Montana and Britlab CelumbU. tics eg seei eaJoon;Jrt,jrln.jranfort. Hpngknag. Yokohama. Manila and Boaelal. BUB xCXROHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. P0BTLAND, OREGON. aV W. HOYT .Caahler I awral Beak rag Buamaaa, Drafts All Parts of the World. Urmxa statu national bank of fartlanb. orimb. North weet Cnenee Ti irA m ... .?!'? f2Ll Baakmg Bustneas. the Veiled) Baste and Europe, Hongkong aad ITS!2!.-1".'""'"''' CL AINBWORTH I Tli'i; tEA BARNra Aedetant Caehloc .....A. M. WRIGHT I BAJfKERr LVxtBERMEN'S BANK-Pertlaad. Oragoa. Corner Seeewd sad 8tJ ercae. t Commerelel aad aavraga department. Intereet peid en eevlnge aeceanta. Drafts asd . eveneoie la all paru ex IBB 1 I "?! be aecoamodatloB ef cuetomere. V. V. fKITOH. ... Preetdent I E rt ; FJfJS ?' THrmLb.F a: D. a, eke.iinu....Becoea Tlee-Prealdent I PLATT A TRUST. COMPANIES.' r0RTXAND TRUST COaTPANT OF OSIOOV "Tk. nu vs t. i .Yxn.VSJFJLf 1'"0n' wal nates, fooo or over 84 to d'i Time certiBcataa, 8 to 4 t a u M .-ii cent Call aad Oak Bostheaat Corner Third BENJ. 1. COHEN.. B. LEB PAGET Preeldent I Secretary C ICT7BITT SATTN0S TRVST COMPANY 17 "aeiaeeta a oaaral Baakmg ataataee. aa Time sad Savlae Aceoaa'a. Act aa Credit Available la r-t--i!ffl' ....e... Preeldent - Preeldent I nd Ylce-Prenldeat F. RUSSELL .M.,...,.,,.recona GEO, TpHB M0RTOAOE VABANTXX TBTT8T f. . xranaasu a General Banking Bnameea. Intereet I'ald oa Time Depoatta. Depart meat; d par cent Intereet allowed, eompnandrd quarterly. 0. W. WAWBBUBT.-..r:.V.'pVe.ldVoV ,. , i.n n in Elba Temple. Seventh asd Stark Street. V TOBTXWXSTXRN OOARANTEI Si TRUST l"OJ , Immber Exchange. S. B. Corner Second and Stark Streets (second fleer). ( ' .. . . "BCAL AGENT TOR CORPORATIONS. " Btstc, Coamty. Man Id pal and Corporation Beide Bought and Sold. New ratarprlasg erg aim $ ot awwa. ewca, npiTLB TARABTKX TRUST COMPANY 84 WASHINGTON STB X XT. 1 . MORTGAGE LOANS ea Portland Real Relate at Lowest Rates. Tltlee Ineured. Abetracta Furniabed. i-JIBIIBN-.1,.'2MI .......Preeldent I JNO. E. AITCHieJON........V.i, GE0RQB H. BILL Vice Preeldent T. T. BURKHART BONDS AND ORRIS BROS. 788-8$ Cham bar af Commerce Offer Gilt Edged Inveetmenta ta Mnnlclpal aad Railroad Boada. Write er CaR. D0WrN-H0PKIN8 CO MP ANY Xata aliak ad ' BTOCKB. BONDS, GRAIN Boaght Prtvete Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER npHi 8. Bee a LIB COMPANY 18-88 Lnfavette Broaarags uepertmeat Cs Before Buying or Selling Stocks Oyerecli, Starr & Cooke Co. EATN, PROTT8I0N8. COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. ' WX BO A BIRI0TLY C0KMISSJON BUSINESS. . -CootlDBOua Markets by Privets Wire. Quick Service. RErEEENCES Lsdd A TUtea. Irak ere, and United State National Bank ef Portland. LOUIS J. WEBE MUNICIPAL SCHOOL AND CORPORATION B0NB " Highest Retinns to Isveators Oa nelatent With Absolute' Bafety PORTLAND A NORTHWESTERN BOMB TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH SECURITIES. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN A FLOTT hilnsis snd carrlag work. 88 8th at Phone seine siua. C CARMICBAEL, contractor snd builder; store and erne attings. aa ruta at. racue aus. CLEANINO AND DYEINO. Portland "teem Cleaning A Dyeing Works: prac tJcai 1 hatter ta ranneetloa. 211 4th. Paetf. 807. CLOTHES cleaned and preeaad $1 per mm Unique Tailoring Co., 847 Waahlagtoa ex. tb. 0. W. TURNER, profsealonal dyer aad eleaaer. BOS Jefereoe at. Phew Mala 8618. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPECIAL $6 READING FOR fl. ALWAYS CONSULT THS BEST. PROF. B. KHIMO. Greatest living ' setral dead-trance clair voyant of the ass; ADVISER ON BCSINE8S AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LITE: whom yo will marry, bow to control the one yoa love, eves though miles swart reunites the sep arated: gives BcercCaowor to control, 1 - j 111 do all ethere advertise to do. and a greet deal more. THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THE POW ERS OP THE UNSEEN FORCES I HAVB AT MY COMMAND, and 1 prove It to yoa with eat price by giving yoa a FREE TEST FREE by having roar NAME TOLD (IN FULL!, JUST WHAT YOU CAME FOR. sad give yoa advice absolutely FREE be for yo decide to have a reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORE TO CONVINCE THE SKEPTIC I . DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT WILL NOT UN OFFERED TO IOC AGAIN. PROF. B. KHIMO, Permanently Located In Hla Owa Rome. BOURS. 10 TO S. DAILY AND SUNDAY. No. ' 266 Fifth st,, eoraar Madlaoa at. NIBLO 288 FIFTH ST. " Wonderful Clairvoyant, Palmlet. Healer Without Asking a Oneettoa. Without aay prevtooa knowledge snd baring no Bstnrsl means of knowing woe yarn are, whence or far what you cam, b telle yonr name. age. occupation snd what you called for; la fact, everything; be telle yoa names of friends aad enemlee; who la true snd who Is falee: telle whom and when yoa will marry, giving names, dates, facta and Iocs Hon: resUats loot vital force; build ap good luck, r PROF. WALLACE, The Cosmos, 268M Morrlaoa. Re thla gifted man. He ealla yoa by name. He telle yeur paat, preeeet and future. Telle real who ara year friend, ene mlee, rival. He know at one what yoa called for. Telia who aad when yoa will merry. He telle yoa everything. The greatest living elslrvoysnt, spiritualist and palmist reads for 60c. , . SEN HIM TODAY I ' REMEMBER THS PLACB. MADAM ANNUVE, the wonderful clairvoyant aad tranc medium; consult her before en gaging la sny aneertektng of aay Be rove; paat, present snd future green; palmletry readlogct 26c. 1TW. Park L acarMor- 110H FOURTH ST. $8.00 reeding $1 thla week: beet deed trance clairvoyant la town; telle yo ex. ectly what yoa call for, your bsbm and age, ""'not FOURTH. COR. WASHINGTON. " MME. KING A. Egyntloa ee erase, medium, pelt. let, clairvoyant: hesjlng - throagh rpayehle fnre: readlnge dally. 388 Morrleoa. Cee- aoe, over Royal Bakery. CAFES. THS OFFICE 38 Waahlagtoa St., phone Mil Tit. aamuei vigueox. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVERDINO A FABRELL. produce and eomaete- skb merensuts. leu root at,, rortlana, or. Phone Mela 178. .. , . CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PBrilCTTRINO. Mrs. at D. lit. auits 1. Beuing-miraea Bldg. Pads. 188, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE , Megola c, 00 t 108 r&tk. grVtsgk at. Sca4 AeeteVaaV CaabbV.V.'. .B. i. SI$ta-- la Eejrop aad the Eaat era State London, Parte, Bei ivqoh, rarre, Xferne, rraaiiia ' - Blockbolm. St. Petetobwrs. Ws GEOaOB W. HOTT.T-.-.A and Letters of Credit leaned AraimMs 8a Collection a Bpedaltr DRAFTS 188CED Avertable ta All Clttea of , Manila. Collectloag Made oa Favorable Teeme. Ylce-Presldcnt W. B ATPB Caehler ..,.,...... W. BCHVrai Aeeletent Cashier. ..'"rt!...'..W. A. ; Id. Opea Batarday eioalag mm .Ceattte BIUKE T . RET .......Aaatateat taehle PLATT...... Uenerel Cenl ' ' banking. Bxcaaag oa an parts of the world. t; ehnrt call anaalal eartiil. for book of 'ILLUSTRATIONS. . Streets. Phase Private Escbaag Tf. , M , e H. L. P1TTOCK..,. TW-f -PreldefJT Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. Aeawtaat Beatles, SAYINGS Traatee for Eatatea. Drafts sad Lettere eg All PsrU af the World, I L. A, LEWIS -that TWFrld 1VA,LEWIS Biro. JUBITB Aeeletant S Secretary COMPANY BANK. Bavlag War BpTw3Wxxtw .motaax Beererary Phone Mela 164. Open Saturday Eveolng S 4 L COMPANY-Portland, Oragoa. anq ponqa goaraBtaeo. . . . Cf'fjf BBafy INVESTMENTS. Bldg. Phone Hala 87$. I88S BR0KXRB. - j" sad Sold for Cask aad at) Margie. , . ' . of COMMERCE. Phoaa Mala ST.' Bldg., Vsrtlsad. Oragoa. ' H. w. Donahue. Manager. er Bonds. Caa Always Save Yea Moaey. (Members Cblcsgo Board af Trade.! 102 Third SC. McKay Bldg.. Portia. Orogoa. Booms $, 4 and $ La Fayette bldg.. cor. Sixth aad Wash.. St,, PortUnd, Orgfos, ----7 - DIVIDEND BANK AND CORPORATION ISTOCKS: CIOARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. OCNST A CO . . . . Dtatrlhelsrs af FINB CIGARS. Portxtnd. Oraseo. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY OWB YOTT MONEY t WB . COLLECT BAD DEBTS OR NO CHARGE. CITIZENS' LAW A COLLECTION CO.. CIT1 BENS RANK BUILDING. ROOM la, 122m GRAND AVE. PHONE EAST Sons. COAL AND WOOD. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dee leva ta em Sana A eaat ' and greear aad dry alalioeiiA R. R. asd AlhlB ate., a blocks eaat f Sarry. Beet 674. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers la enel. sordwoed ead dry smbweed. OREGON FUEL CO. in ktada of eeat aad Pbeae Mala 88. 884 Alder et. BOX snd planer wood. Immediate delivery. Standard Weat) Co. sleesdy split. 81T8- olg SeaA Pbon Paclfle 1422. B. Ha nee. , TBI PORTLAND FUEL CO., SBVvbxWfeB' t - . t, -'. B. DAVIS FUEL CO.. -Pbon East 28. 287 E. Morrlaaa DANCINQ. LESSONS la dancing at rear homo, or st BF J. r.- nmitn. rscrnc ms. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PAOFld ELECTRIC CO. Beds tore, repairers, electric - wiring, eupniie. r First, cor. Stark. Mala 808. B, B. Tat, mgr. FURNACES. BOYRTON warm -sir furnaces aav feet J. (V Bayer Furnace Co., 80S aieona. Mala au. DRYHOUSR HEATING PIPES, msde to order by J. Losll, 212 Jsffsrson; Phone Paclfle 1434. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Meuafaetartng romp Manufaetarera of Mr nl tare for tb Baa. Portlaad. Oregoa. FURNITURE aUBBfactwrlaf aad special L. Ruvsaaky's furniture factory, 870 Fl FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB IRON WORKS BOS FUndere St.. ear. Thlre. raeae Maia sum. BAST PORTLANB- FENCE A WIRB WORRSt ISO 'Esst Wster st, phew. Beet aA, ' GROCERS. WADHAMB A CO., who lees Ve eieeata, maae- ' fsctarera snd esmmlaatoa awreaaata. , roaria and Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, com rn lento sad predne mer rbanta. Froat ead Dana ata roruaae. w. BTEIN "A WAYNfwJfebbsr "aa grocer, M Secead at. GASOLINE EN0INT1 STATIONARY and wariest "LitHe 8 -l" Kiaoltn Unnch. $186) eeceeel bead an..l Baches and bulla . RRIESSON MACW7NERY CtL, lea 4-8 Morrlaoa at. - HAY AND C7 a L.CftOlttR "C0. P"fr loor. 188 I aleo eve. P HOTELS. THE NELLBVrB Fewrtb aad Selmeat -e f I HOTEL Portlen. Aa aXVEPEBB(Bsras a0 4 I