Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1906)
.U..Z. . .. . . AUGUST ,8, mm peb m i 18 SL1ALLER ; Public Librarian' Reports Month yf of July Thla Year Fell Short '". of Sama Month Last Yaar. SUMMER VACATIONS eMail GIVEN AS REASON Fourteen . Hundred . More Books Is- "sued Than Durlnr Jnly Last Year, Yet Percentage of Fiction Fall Students Use Reference Books. ' - Eneourarant and enthusiasm char acterised the first otMhe monthly re ' porta given by Miss Iiom . bafora the Doara or xruaiees ainoe ner mum 1 1 u ui a trip abroad. The board mat laat nlht : and haard that the readme of notion ' - had fallen off a full t par cent from tba , rata of laat July.- And l.eeo more doom were elreulatad laat month than In July ol laat yaar. Tha total circulation In '7-tba circulation department lael month reached MIS and the attandanoe 11.IM. . ; In tha chlldren'a room tbe dsereaae In i , attendance and circulation oyer tba '.achool montha has baan more marked . than In tha other departmante for the . children more than any others leave for the eummar. 'The fiction per eent baa been 1. whUe In tha adults' room tt ..baa been t. Tha attandanoe of ehU dren haa baaa I.I If and the circulation ; Mlaa Haaaler. the bead of the ' department is this month taking bar .vacation near Blount Hood. r : X SUfeeeaee Boeae, ,' ' la the reference room there haa been -T-an .attendance of l.4 and In the perl , edical room 1.011. The number of vot yraee - catalogued . was 141 and . pamphlete ware added. Much of the' . reading the past month wae la the claaa of literature arautna that there baa ' probably been much reading - aloud. y which le encouraged by tha library eon-1 atltuenta.' Llata of books preparatory to the buelneaa achool- examinations were aent out and many of tbe pupils have availed themselves of these helps ... and -vtalted the library. - Mlaa Gleaaon. head of the cataloguing department, who waa acting librarian during Mlaa laom'a absence, la spending y her vacation In Rocheater. New xora. , ' and Miss Pox, who has charge of the county station llbarlea, la In Montana. .Mlaa McLeuchlln has Juet returned from her vacation. Mlas Phllura Murch has been admitted to the staff, from the ' library achool at Albany, New York. While Mlaa Iiom waa away on her trip aha met' Mlas Lockwood of the , reference department and Mlaa Millard of tha children's department at Narra--ganaett Pier,, where the; were attending tha library eonferenee. They areon-a- '.. Bummer's leave of absence vlaltlng the leading Ubrarlea of tbe country, aach studying In her particular Una. Mlaa Iiom speaks very favorably of the local library's work aa compared with that of ; other cltlea. y-';yy - ARTISTS FROM EUROPE , : ? GIVE NEW ARENIC ACTS : The -Great -Adam Forepaugh and Sens IB-others' Shows United offer mora sen sational novelty irrthejrosrara of thie 'season than' waa ever presented"-!!! al elrcua bill before. Leading all of these Is tha etupendoue spectacle of "Flsht Ing the Flamea." the moat exciting ahow l h.uilr.- .Ttiimtlnn iwrlwn nnrt.r l I canvas. Nearly all tha acrobats, gym- I nasts. serlallats and riders are Imported I 'artists, and make their first appearance 1 1 In -America with these- huge showa.-Tb.ei acta are mostly new and none Is com monplace, In tha arento nnmbers of -the huge program of the Forepaugh-Sells Broth- era' Shows not one old act is to be seen. ' The exploits In midair, the dashing ' feats on galloping horaee' backs, the marvelous tumbling on the Immense iatages tha. sensational gymnastic spec- taclee, the equlllbrlat Inventlona, the startling contortlona, and all the other -1 eaturea of athletto skill and perilous European profeaalons are . absolutely new to American audiences. The acta take place in three rings, on two stages amid a 'forest of overhead hanglnga. and round-about a huge race eourae a quarter or a mtie long. Tnree hundred tribute , to make a contlnuoue whirl of ever-changing aurprlses In the two hours', exhibition , of thjae wonderful . ahows. Every noted amphitheatre and circus In Europe have been - drawn upon to make tha arenle program of the Forepaugh-Sells Brothers' Circus the meet unique, exclualve and wonderful In the annate or tne circue in Europe and America. The . Forepaugh-and - Sells .Brothers' Shows will exhibit here two deys only, August 10 and tl, and give two performences, afternoon at 1 o clock and evening at S o'clock. PENCE MAY OPERATE LOCOMOTIVE AT NIGHT 0 Permission has been granted by the county court to the Pence company to operate a locomotive ana eara at nignt - In construction of the Pence railroad and graveling project between Portland and Linnton. Mr. Pence le eald to be doing an excellent piece of road bunding en thla highway and the work pleaaed the county commissioners, who went oat yesterday to examine it- - The locomotive will be operated be tween 10 p. ra. and I a. m. to avoid frightening paaalng teams. - The Pence company le working two shifts end the - grading is - continuous - ror id nours dally. It ie said the railroad will be completed and In operation by the com- . Ing spring. The Linnton road le 10 faet wide and the oompany Is graveling the ' entire road In exchange for the use of to feet elong one side for an electrle railway. R la eatlmated that the work would coat the county 1(0,000 and thla amount la regarded as part pay for the franohiae. . ,- - 1 FORESTERS OF AMERICA WILL'HAVE JIG TIME .; Auguat II Will be a red-letter day In V fhk history of local courts of Foresters V of America. On thst day the nine courts w - of this city will Join in a monster cele--X- - b ration at Canemah park and the day . will be knows aa Foresters dsy. , A general eommlttee coiMlatlngrof three rnembera of the nine eourta has . beea appointed to have oharge of the 1 event. The eommlttee has prepared aa excellent program, consisting of sport rlng events, dsnolng, literary and other ' features. - Mitwaukla Country Club. Eastern and Seattle races. Take ellwood and Oregon City ears at First " 8 to 9 With - every jpaijr of White Cahyaa ou Call : ' v A M noes -we 'Will give tree a Dottie -oi zac size .' . patent cleaner. All styles to choose from, from " 'A.;:. f '.eJJl.50 u-yyX;,;y;, ;s--'-;i--;',;;",:t";T,1 ' : 9 to 10 - - Women's Patent or Kid Slippera ; ; ;v A'. W. Made with straps and bows, in many pretty ; r ' J' , '.- designs, a broken lot embracing values ( ,' . up, to $8.00, only. . . ... . . . .fl.09 fO to il Five Styles in Women's Oxfords A W. Very best styles," in values to $2.50, showing ; , r . ' welt and turn solesr Bluc.her and regular cuts, - ; different height heels, all good desirable ; Oxfords. .Your choice at ..81.89 . If to 12 . -Women's 1an Shoea and Oxfords ;r A, M. In 20 styles, - made in" all manner of styles, 'J-. . , , ' ; heivy and light soles; Blucher and regular cut, ;'":' :. ';'.-'' a nice assortment; values to $5.00. -"r- .t"'" Only - . . . . t . . 82.30 . 7 12 to i- Men's Gun Metal and Patent Oxfords ' V . P, M. In Blucher cut, Goodyear welt soles, made over v a new last that is stylish and fits nicely; ' regular value $3.50. Only .......82.49 ' ' P, M. In" four styles, all new up-to-date, made of I: i , . ... -Prown-vici kid tr Russia-calf leather J" value $4.00. Special . ... . ......... . . . .82.49 , 2 to 3 ' ' Women's Vici Kid Oxfords P IH,L In Blusher or regular cut, hand turned soles, y military - heels,: ribbon lace, 3 styles that are 7v v 'soft and easy; values $3.00. y::t.,y.-y"' ; 3 tO 4 Women's Patent Colt Oxfords ... P. HI.' In 3 styles, showing hand turned , and welt soles, in new styles with dull top and ribbon y . 'laces, button or lace; regular to $4.00. y . y Special ' . i .82.89 . "4f0.5 Children's Slippers and Oxfords, y1" P M. Broken lines showing - patents and kids, in ; t black and brown, straps and lace;'- regular prices to $2.00,. at. ,89e 5 to 6 ; ' Boys Kid Summer Shoes P. M. Made with good heavy soles .and light uppers, with dull tops, very nice and service y y able; regular to $2.00, all sizes..,.;; .. 81.19 Jewelry 65c Belt Buckles for 39) y Fancy Rose Gold Belt Buckles, in a variety of designs, r every "pair well made of best material; our regular ' V 65c values, for..........v. ...................... 39e 35c Gold Filled Top Hat Pins for 23 y A line of Gold Filled Top Hat Pins in a variety of ' , i snapes, extra ipng pin stems; om, regular ooc. values, for 23e , "; '.. 35c White Stone Brooches 19e , : In a vast varietyof designs, all 'stones securely set, with best pin and catch; our regular 35c values, . for ,.;:i9e Men's 85c Tie Clasps for 15 In Sterling Silver; gold plated and enamel : our . regular 25c values, for ....... . .15 China German China Decorations Pink and Gold .. y Cups and Saucers ; value 20c. ' Special, each. . . ... .101 v 10-mch Cake Plates, open handles; value 35c V, Special, each 20e Ll 9-inch Berry Bowls', value 30c. Special, each..!.;.20e) - oa-incn rruu oaucers; vaiue ooc ior o. apeciai, . 6 for 40 Chocolate Pots, good size; value 75c Special, . each .501 v -Inch Berry Bowls German China' "Assorted tints, gold around top, flower centers and lace . cold border around decoration, very neat : value - J ' y ..i 50c Special . . .. ..t ....... ... ... ..... .. . . . .'. .35e) New lines uerman China with Dutch figures in odd shapes. . : ' ---- t , - Royal Doulton English China Importations Just received in JugsPJatesjfor plate racks, ' . ; and fancy articles. , r , . '.; Kitchen And Household necessities Paraffine for fruit and jellies ; value 15c. . Special, lb. 94 Mason Jar Caps and Rubbers. Special, dozen. . . . .194 ' Folding Lunch Boxes. Special, each. ............. ,9e . Scrub Brushes, 11 inches longSpecialeachtJ...9e. Rattan Scrub Brushes. Special, each....... ....... 1 ints week Special bale High urade- Enameled Ware Hourly Shoe Sales. ' ? Pendleton Woolen Mills Indian Shawls for. 1. .. .83.25 . Plain All Wool Gray Blankets; value $4.; Special. 83.00 ( Men's Negligee Shirts ... i ..... .81.45 . Men's Underwear, per garment.. .59 '.; V White Embroidered Flannel. . .. t....'..'. .....,....49e - , ' Bleached Extra Lacge Bath Towels ; value 60c Special . . . . .... . . . . . . ..... . ............. . .39 -' : A $2.00 Hat . . . J !i ....... 1 1 ..... ........ . . . Bits" . Jewehy Special Reductiona. :,y . . ; '- ' $3.00 Hand Bags for. . . . . ... . . . . . ... .82.15 . Swiss Shopping ad PicnicTBaskets. ..... .1 ..... . .33t . " Bustles and Hip' Forms. .'. .'. . ; :"..T.T. . .39d ... Ladies' Nainsook Gowns; value $2.00. Special. ..81.19 White Aprons, full length, bib and epaulets..... . . .24e Enbroidered Robes. . . . ... . . . .'. . ... . . .One Fourth Off y Length Mousquetaire Gloves, black and white i ; hsle ...... .81.25 Lace Extension Tops. ........................... 63e Plain Silk Extensions. .................... .......79 -' Lisle Thread Extensions. . . . ; . : . . . ...... . ..; ...53 Women's White Wash Fouriin-Hand Ties for7777rl9e? Hemstitched Embroidered linen Handkerchiefs.... lle : '- Sleeveless Vests, sizes 7, 8, 9, at. .......... . '. . .... 12 Lisle Fine Ribbed Vests,... ..................'.19' ' Blackland Fancy Hose. . . 231 " Children's Lace Hose............................l54 . White Pique Boleros. ...................... ...8125 Notion Countef Reductions . Royal Doulton English China, new importations German China, heavy reductions. J- . y j ..Women's White Waists Clearance I . ; BUck Silk Taffeu...r...... ............ ;. J.;....46e ' Cream Dress Goods........... .........83e to 81.21 Folding Lunch Boxes.... .9 ' ' .' Paraffine, perp pound ..,.;:r.VT.9e .. Scruj Brushes... :','.... ;...U....9e and le Friday Specials Not Listed Elsewhere Rittenhouse Hooks and Eyes, black and nickel plated, all sizes. Special..; ..........2 cards 5e? Light Weight Summer Dress Shields; value 15c " Special ........ ...,..v. ...... ....i.....lO(T Safety Pins, black and nickel plated, all sfzes.r m Special, per card . .". .'. ...... . 7. i . . '.T.Y. . . . . . . .7 . .4 ,; Madison's Hair Pin Cabinet; value 10c Special.... 6 Machine Oil; value Be Special, per bottle......... 3e . Package .100 Decorated Paper Napkins; value 10c. -Special .... v . . . . ; et Scissors, for trimming rose bushes, etc. Special, pair 10 The Game of Pit ; value 45c Special ............ .29e Carter's Ink; value 5c. Special, per bottle.. r.Yl...3e Foreign Mail Writing Tablet; value 10c Special... 0t Hard Rubber Hair Brushes; value 65c Special. .. 49 Willow Cold Cream for chapped hands, etc ; vale 25c -Special ,........r......:. ........17e '- Toilet Paper, in rolfc; value 4c Special .2je Stand Metal Back Mirrors, heavy bevel glass ; value 35c Special .....t..r... .......20e ' Bath-a-Sweet Bath Powder; value 25c Special... 17 Whitewash . Four-in-Hand Ties : Regulafr price 25c... 19 Hemstitched Embroidered Linen 'Kerchiefs Also embroidered, escal , loped edge. Extra spe cial for Friday.... ..11 White Pique J Boleros Black Silk Taffetas 19-inch, all -silk; splendid value at 60c a yard. Spe cial Friday and Saturday at ................. 46e Cream Dress Goods . Regular $2.00 and $2.50 i-vsuues-4at--Lce uept.j. . - Special ..........81.25 . For Friday and Saturday, ' - Y imported English Bnl- Cfa9lfCC lpcfc liantines and Sicilians aJICCVCf Cdd If CilJ Rejruiar $i,oo srade. Women's extra sizes, 7, 8, Special for 2 days . ..83a4 . . J -i . - 1 . 1 - J . A.MW . v, -- wnue, - low-necxeQ -regular 5i.zo grade. i r . -. r- T-t t :;yy;:-yy, -rsleeveli "Vestsfteatly ' trimmed, very elastic; 20c quXlity. Special . . . lZf Special for 2 days. 81.02 Kegular $1.50 grade. 1 Special for 2 days, 81.21 HALF PRICE In linen, lawn and dotted Swiss (some slightly soiled by . counter handling), every garment perfect, this yearV make,. lace trimmed, some embroidery insertions, some . lace insertion, long or short sleeves, fastening in front or in back; values $1.00 to $70, at....;.5O to $3.75 A$2 Hat for. "Two Bits" A -grand clean-up on all Ready-to-Wear Hats, all the ' season's best shapes and styles, Sailors, Turbans and Dress Shape, colors white, black, brown, red, navy, tan, ; etc; every one a $2.00 value. Friday.. 25) 3 ' ' $3 Hand Baas for $2.15 . 'SB I -. W Women's Hand Bags, in the best Walrus and Seal Grain ;:f Leather, one of the newest shapes, leather-covered frame, reinforced stitched leather handles, Uned throughout ; with leather and fitted with convenient coin purse, in . black and brown; our regular $3X0 values, for y the special price of...............,.......,.$2.15 A7en's Negligee Shirts . $2.00 Soft Negligee, in fine mercerized and pongee effects,, in white, cream and Un:-Special Lien's fine Lisle Elastic Ribbed Underwear Undershirts and Drawers, in white with pink" and " -V blue pin stripes; regular $1. To close out, each. ...59t . - - - . - - , 1 1 - . - - - -' ; - - - V Domestic Aisle White Embroidered Flannel," for children's skirts. - - Special, per yard. . .l. , . .49e Bleached Bath Towels, extra large and heavy, nicely ; hemmed; 60c value. Special, each, w. ... ,39e Plain All-Wool Gray Blankets Full size, just the thing for camping purposes; value $4.00. Special . . . . i ..... . . 83.10 Indian Shawls From PendletonJWool Mills, fringed all around r -1 f A .a f " value $5.60. Special...... ................835 yy y i Baskets : - Swiss Shopping and Picnic Baskets, rows of fancy weava ; v insertion, double handles; regular price 60c . ..i Special ................,.... . ..... . e .153 T Bustles and Hip Forms Summer weight, ventilated at Royal Worcester Corset Counter; regular price 50c Special at...........39e ' lies Mamsook uowns, low, round aim-over neck. : trimmed in Valenciennes lace at neck and elbow sleeves; regular price $2.d0. Special at.. ...... .81.19 Vhite Aprons . Ladies' White Lawn Full Length Aprons, 'deep hem, bfl, epaulets and long wide strings ; regular price '85c ' - - Special at ... ........ . . . . .24) Embroidered Robes ! In linen- and batiste, some in hand embroidery ": values to $50. Special Friday at ...K Fourth 03 -Length Mousquetaire Lisle Gloves In black and white." SpcciaLFriday.. . M.91JS5 V Lace Extension Tops In black and white ; regular 85c value, for. , ..... .63) ' Plain Silk Extensions In black and white; regular $1.00 value, for........ 79) Lisle Thread Extensions In white only; regular 75c value, for..... ....... r.. 53) V Lisle Fine-Ribbed Vests - !' Women's White Lisle Fine Ribbed Vests, ribbon shoal- j der straps; a big 35c quality. Special. ...........19f i - Black and Fancy Hose " Women's Black and Fancy Hose, black lace, plain black, black 'dropstitch with white sole, black embroidered and -t, a big line of fancy shades40ctQ fl5c quality. r : tpeciai,per pair .if Children'? Black Lace Hose Assorted patterns; 25c quality. Special, per pair...lSft LacQCmlnm.TL. and Alder, - S ;