The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 02, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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j, Ti:ur.CDAY : . ":: :a august 8,
Kniil sakearieefs eaa. ta lbs
2WMl OB MM a kuli, ll
Kia eaa S.waort. 1 nsalar eai-
. rta Salivary will ee wahrtalaaa. Ork
aireet (im aw eeat at Ihm Betela
aas ae will attest BfeaigUJ ee
SKACH Laala Co, egeatl
. kaaaeuartars at Ilweee, Weak, be.
llnrT te aU ao'nto aa Va heaaa. .
SIASlftl AhOaABnABC A.a-
W. B. Wattmaa eeal MM
; at leyle Ce.'e An
., wa ifMl CanaUK A
i aatare . railroaa, event. hyf
iwrtm at aewsart. Or. Delivery .
- aU s-Me a t' Saa
wixvfrAru"-f. wv tuumm, ,
enat,, Or.
SOt IAXS Hoi Lake BaaJtarisai '
rat M Ult, On i
CAaeoV. Wilil, Mineral Spria Be
tel 0.. agaata.
OASOASaV WAsUsV-XhesMe KoffeM,
ail fa(ai as Ue
ooClim imrxKAX mnros, wash.
' 0. X, Beleae, aaat, OaUlaa, ..Weak.
xovxaxrs AvrrgxiaxTt.
Lrrla Trass, riaoln lm "To. Smairlan'
Oraad. .. V.u d.Tllle
ftar... ."Tkree Married atea"
Psateges... VaedeTUle
7 ,-, Central W. C TTJ. held Its weekly
meeting yesterday ef tarnoe,n at tha
roome, lot Qoodnouga building. Attar
' tha opening devotional exerelaea, eon
r . duotad - by tha county prealdent, Mrs.
, ' Bdltb whites Id as, an Impromptu pro
gram waa randerad by several members
. waa had been Out ef tows.. Mra. B. le
'V 'Paget had baan la tha mountains and
; spoke of ha work there for tha oauaa
" and the mi wrought by tha delivery
- 'of Uqaor At tha houses using than.
' Mra, Whlteeldea spoke of -work (or
'. those addicted to tha drink habit and
V told of oaa who had. baaa raolsimad and
- ta mow a useful mambar of society.
Mra. M. H. Slaath. aUta oramnlaar. had
baaa on a tour throufh Bharman and
- If oaeow eountlaa and aao aoooursln
r porta of tha atatua of tha work tbara.
Mrs. M. I Blddaa oloaad tha program
" ' with oaroaat ramarka to tha mambara
I- to atlek to thalr principles at aU time
' and la aJ pUoaa. . At tha conclusion
- Xamonada and oak waro serrsd and a
pleasant 'aoolal time spent . Tha oounty
praaldant announced a oounty maatlna;
to be hold In tha near futuro at tha homo
. of Mra. M. Donaldson. -Central - union
.; , will moat ovary Wadaaaday ovenlns dur
ing Aucuat. .. ,.: ,. . . ... -v.;
'. Dr. Km eat Baker, pastor of tha Vtrat
' .Praabytarlan ehuroh of Oakland, , who
haa baaa lacturlna; at southern Oregon
Klnta, ia In Portland for a daya visit
i la aa Ardent aportamaa and arras fa-
- - aaeota are balnc made for. him to ao-
oompany Frank I. White to Klamath
.- oounty, where h will devote a week to
fishing and outdoor Ufa. It ta probable
ho will be induoad to deliver ono of hla
leoturea at Klamath Fall. Ono of tha
" moat noted partlea of sportsmen - who
have visited Oregon fish and game
haunta In recent years waa headed by
a Methodist bishop, whoso caravan
penetrated tha wllda to Crater lake and
. other polnte tn tha CaCado range and
1 apant two weeks campkidr and flahlng.
... Tha Boutharn Paolflo oompany had a
oomploto aat of photographa of tho
Prty and loot the ptatarea In the -rv
; i sent Baa Irasotsoo Ore.. . ;-
When W. -A. Otbaoa,' arroatad 'at
Third and Bdrnatde atreeta by Patrol"
man Mallet last night on 'a charge of
refusing to movo on, waa searched at
. , the olty prtaon a largo bottle of strych
nine waa found la hla possession.'- The
prieoner . upon - Interrogation deolarad
that tha drug waa. for uao aa a last
resort, intimating his Intention of com'
mtttlng auloldo. la tho munlolpal court
- thla morning Olbaon teatlfled that he
; had found tho bottle of poison in tha
Baa Francisco ruins t and waa only
, keeping It aa a souvenir. Ha maintained
that hie statement to the authorities
: - was only a Joko and that ho had no ln-
tentton of ending hla existence. As tho
defendant la omployad regularly In
' local pottery works. Jud re Camafon
- dismissed ma onargo against mm.
. - ' D. T. CBrisn wma arroatad laat Bight
by Detectives Hill and Smith oa
, chargo of disorderly Bonduet Tho po
licemen wero dispatched to tho O'Brmn
:, homo at (Tt Main street in response to
a telephone message to tho effect that
. ho waa beating hla wife. Upon thslr ar
rival tho Dolloemen found that O'Brien.
after abusing hla wife, had driven her
j and tho children out of tho house. Mra.
O'Brien refused to Swear to a complaint
against her husband, and. accordingly he
was locked up pending a hearing in the
' municipal court O'Brien has bean ar-
rested on two ooeaalons for wlf cheating,
- and on tho -last sentence waa suspended
Upon hfa promise to reform. Judge
Cameron this morning ordered that the
'' wife bo brought into court to teatiff
- against her husband.
' Great Flro works Tonight A mag-
nlflcmt display of fireworks - will bo
. .. given tonight at MTho Oaks" and tha
famous Columbia quartet will sing in
conjunction with irUrbano's splendid
band.. - ' :
There la aa exolusrreaeaa la tho Brown
apartment hotel, Hawthorne and Orand
avenuea not to be had in the busy
center. Tho quiet of tho locality to one
of Ita distinctive charms and tho acenlo
What is all thla fuaa about
plenty work for ovary man;
Olt, poUoemen, git you out,
. Tou oaa bustle; yes. you oaa, -
.Firemen, git out and drill.
Do not alt around and aobt
Bbow the world you have a will -,
Aad oaa find another Job. f ,
Fellow Just gits tired out
Tose your hata upward and about '
Wa MH kl.kA UkMU1.' .
Have your llnan sent to us,
We'll return it white as milk;
And rellev you of all mues ,
Coarsest wool or finest silk.
Tel. Msln Stl. Bcon(l and Columbia.
no pound waanmg. after August- is. -
Savings Bank
On the East Side
' About tho middle Of April The Citl
ena Bank added to ita regular banking
. business a savings department This la
tho only savings bank on tho oast aids.
It to located at It Grand avenue, con
venient for oaat alders, to sound finan
cially aad to under tho aame -management
aa tha Cltisena Bank, whtoh haa
. been doing buslneas on tho oast aido for
,.th last II years.., L,,.....,:'
We Wnt Your Deposits, Big and
Little , .;
Ono dollar to enough to start an ac
count, and you get 4 PER CENT IN
TEREST on all your deposits Come In
and sso us, and we'll tell you all about
thla new aaringa Institution. - .
XaO SBAirS ATBhrtTB .,
'' J. IX lUirrr-lT.'Fraaident.; : - J",.....
- eV .V. LATXrr.Tt CUEttot. -
baautlaa visible at Its windows nour
ishes tho onthuslaam of Ita guests. The
building is five storlea, of brick and
atone, and aa fireproof as any - hotel In
town. Fine elevator Barrloe, electric
calibella and an concomitants of a flrat
class house. Six oar lines pass tha
door., Large dining-room and excellent
table aervioo on ground floor. - Tele
phono Bast 11, '.
Civil service examinations will be held
in Portland. August tt and 10, for. an
architectural draughtsman to fill a va
cancy at tho United Btatea Military
academy at west Point - Another ex
amination will bo held Auguat It for an
inspector of sewers and waterworks " at
Manila, Philippine Islands. August II
aa examination for a elark In tba Pan
ama canal service will bo held.. Appli
cants should aeo Z. A. Leigh, secretary
of tho elm asrvteo oommlesion, at tho
postoffioe. fdr further Information con
cerning tho examlnatons. .
W. D. Tyler of tha Toko Point Oyster
company, who reported to tho police the
inert o a grip containing hla last win
and testament haa discovered that It
waa his owa absent-mlndedneaa, and
hot m one-legged man as suspected, that
was responsible for tho disappearance
of tho property. ' Tho grip was found
Saturday night la front of a Jewelry
store at Third and Washington atreeta
by aa employe of tho establishment and
turned over to the police yeetsrday.
Froo Daya at Oak's Ladles and ehU
dran at tha Oaks. Tuoadaya and Thurs
days ladlea and children are admitted
free of charge at main entrance of the
Oaks park from II to o'clock p. m.
Every comfort, protection aad attention
shown. Plonlo parties invited. - Re
member tha daya. Swings, musle, merry'
go-round, bathing, etc D. C Freeman,
Superintendent O. .W. P. Park Depart'
Kotloe to Coal Buyers. We desire to
announce that Mr. Graham Dukehart
will represent ua aa solicitor and sales
man. A. Lk Stephens, formerly with us.
to no longer connected with thla oom
pany. Wo have plenty of Diamond,
Rook Springs. Carbon BUI and English
Cannel ooal ready for delivery. Inde
pendent Coal A loo company, successors
to Holmes Coal A loo oompany. Phoaea
Mala 719 and 1(11.
He's a fraud If he' a a canvasser and
says ha represents us. Ws employ no
outsids men. - First-oiasa and legitimate
propositions do not have to. Our work
is first olaaa. (every bit of It and our
studio to strictly up to data : Sittings
on Sunday from-10 to S for those who
'have not the time during tho week, m.
W. Moore, EUtr bulldlna;. Seventh and
We are oompellod to vacate our store
within a short time and being unable to
secure suitable' looatloa we offer our
fine stock of high-grade wines, liquors
and cordials at lees than soot Dvory
artlole guaranteed. Do not miss this
opportunity to supply your homo wants.
Full Measure House, 101 Sixth, between
Weshlngtoa and Btark.
Zeno Luoas waa " arraigned before
Judge Fraser la tho circuit eourt yes
terday afternoon, charged with an at
tempted assault on 10-year-old Mildred
Wllhelm. On request of hia attorney,
Jay H. Upton, Lucas waa allowed till
Monday to plead, aad his bail waa re
duced from 11,000 to 11,000.
Water through a est for sertnkllna
yards or sidewalks, or washing porches
or windows, must bo paid for in advance
and ueed only between tho hours of I
and I a. m. and aad ( p. m. It must
not bo used for sprinkling streets. If
osed contrary to these rules, OS waste
tuny, jit wiu-oo shut oft,
Cow Comfort Tou buy It la gallon
eana. . Apply tt with a sprayer or cloth
onoo a day. .Costa less than H oent a
day per oow and gives them great oom
fort as It knocks ths file. Ask for
Child's "Bo-Bos-Bo KUfly" at Portland
Bead oompany. Front andN Tamhui
Henry C. ' Scaddtng. fathsr ' of - Rev.
Charles Bosdding, tho Eplacopal bishop
sleet of . Oregon, died at his homo In
Toronto, Ontario, Thursday, July II.
Death rosultsd from a fall- from a
streetcar. Interment was In Toronto.
Mr. Bcaddtng lsft a wife and four chil
dren.,, ,
The newly organised Willamette Ath-
letlo club will give a dance and enter
tainment at Tlvoll gardens, Twenty-
third and Washington, on August 10.
Tho proceeds to bo donated to Peter
Fahey, ono of tho members who lost an
arm and leg recently la a railroad acci
dent , , ; . V
Tho New Bra Paint Garnish Co..
aolo distributors' of tho well-known
Acme Quality" lino of paints. Tarnishes.
enamels, etov have .moved to No. lTt
First street between Morrison and
YamhllL Don't forget tho placs.
Phono its your address and let us mall
you a descriptive circular of Japaness
Dusting - Compound for Using - when
sweeping. F. E. Beach A Co., the
Pioneer Paint Co., 411 First street
Phono Main llti.. r -
Now to tho time to arrange a trio to
your old homo in tho eaat ' ReducSd
rate tickets on sale August T, and 0.
For particulars call at Chicago, Mil
waukee 4k Bt Paul, railway offioo, 14
Third atroat
How to Roach tho- Farmer. Bend for
Keaton'a Rural Directory) lit rural de
livery routes, with 11,000 correct name.
Rural Directory oompany, 104 Ablngtoa
building, Portland, Oregon.
Concrete Construction Co., T01 Cham
tr of Commerce, . manufacturers of
concrete stone blocks. Contractors for
all kinds of cement work. Tel Mala lit.
Launches to tho Oaks every few min
utes every evening from Favorite Boat
ing company's, south side bridge, foot
Morrison street
Milton A. Vsthana. . attorney, 1000
Btelner street. Ban Francisco. Commis
sions promptly executed. Insurance ad.
jutted, ,...-.
Tho last - nieettnr of the executive
committee pt the Travelers' Aid
Cray Submits AmBndmnt to
' Ksady and McCusker,
v " FranchlM, '-. ulp-
Ckwncilmeit Plad Thtan'UQhrs
v Unfortunate . Man Cigar Stand
Privilege Hawthorn Park' Option
-Held for b Tear. : f S V
At a meeting Of the city council
last night Counollmaa Oray submitted
an amendment to the subway franchise
orainanco - oy wnian Msssrs. Keady
and MoCuaker, . the ', promoters of
tho enterprise, shall pay the olty
110.000 Instead of . filling East Btark
street one of the compensative -clauses
in the measure, which has been with
drawn at the request of property-owners
who wsnt ths fill mads aa soon aa
possible. The contract has boon already
let by the executive board.
The mayor bad presented the report
of C. A. Bavarian, superintendent of tho
fire alarm system, re carding tbe condi
tion of wires on poles throughout the
city. Aa the ways and moans commit
tee haa before It the ordlnanee creat
ing the offloe of electrical Inspector thla
report was referred to It .
Menefee presented a petition from
Alexander Campbell, a constituent of
his who la growing blind, for tho privi
lege of selling cigars la the Fourth
street entrance of the olty hall. - The
council waa proceeding to hand out tho
concession when City Attorney McNary
called attention to ' the fact that such
matters are la the province of the ex
ecutive board. . . ..., .
Two permits good for one rear were
presented to a couple of shoe-etriag
peddlers, who had told tales of woe to
tho Uoonse committee. Oray voted "No."
An ordlnanee placing a lloense of lit
a quarter upon peddlers of dry roods
waa referred to the city attorney.
jtejianer, oray and Shepherd voted
against the proposition to take aa op
tion on the Hawthorne nark nrooertv.
but tho majority waa In favor of the
city's keeping a string oa the park for
another year. r . - '
Complaint had been made by the War
ren Construction company against ths
specifications for bituminous oement
It waa alleged that these directly fa
vored the Barber Asphalt oompany. City
(Engineer Taylor pressnted aa amended
ordinance, which. It Is said, does the
aame thing by prohibiting the use of
ooal tar produots, one of the oonstltu
snts of the bitullthio cement Oray
made some eauatlo remarks at Taylor's
expense and tbe measure waa referred
back to the street oom ml t tee, whose
members had declared they knew noth
ing of the merits of the case and-had
taken-the -word of the olty engineer.
Shepherd introduced an ordinance
strlctlng the height of brick building
to four stories and of re-enforoed con
crete structures to. eight stories, Steel
frame buildings are not regulated.
Annanda term, as president of the
council expired laat month aad aa. ef
fort waa made to sleet a now president
the officer who presides over the oounoli
whoa It to a committee of the whole or
whoa the mayor la absent The votes
were ao scattering, however, that ad'
Journment waa taken before any om
waa elected. Annand and Wills divided
the votes, but neither reoelved the nee-
essary seven.- - ,
William K. Benvto waa appointed as
sistant building inspector, only Belding
and Shepherd voting no.
The mayor and auditor were author
ised to enter Into a lease with the
Northern Pacific Terminal oompany for
tho use of a lot back of the fruit stand
at the west end of the steel bridge for
a fire-engine house. They were also au
thorised to laase from George C Flan
ders a lot on Portland Hslghta for the
same purpose.-"- Here an option until
next year Is given the city. The prop
erty will almost undoubtedly be bought
some time in hot.
elation, which did effeotlve work during
the Lewis and Clark .exposition last
ifi waa held yesterday in conjunction
with a luncheon given by nr. w.-j.
Honoyman, the chairman. The commit
tee yesterday wound Up the affairs of
the original organisation aad dismissed
tha work being done by the present aa-
eoelatlon. of which Mrs. Lola O. Bald
wtn oontlnueo superintendent Reports
were read of the national work from Lon
doa and New Tork. It waa found that now
whon there to no special feature like
the fair to call travelers here there is
Juet aa much need as ever for the work.
Aid to being constantly given to people
who wish to return horns or to bring
their friends out here. Many eases are
helred every week. - The committee was
disbanded yesterday after a complete
winding up or au the acid-over oust
neaa. ,
Bleman Ferene. alias Joe Smith, waa
arraigned in the circuit court yeaterday
afternoon, charged wita Having stolen
lit from. Mike Rosky at Fine's hotel.
111 River street He was allowed time
to enrage an attorney and committed to
the oounty Jail In default of I00 ball.
Renney Bros.' Friday Special 11.10
grade of wine for II per gallon. Red
or white port, Angelica, Tokay, Madiera.
Friday only. Phone H7, ill-ill saat
Morrison street Free delivery.
Wsntsd to buy, for oaah, horse, aar-
neaa and business buggy. Bee "Wanted
Miscellaneous," elaaalfled column. v
The famoue Columbia quartet will
sing with CCrbane's band at ."The
Oaka" tonight. ? .
Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal
oil and fine gasolines. Phone East Tit.
Maximo, the high diving dog, free ex
hibition at "The Oaka" tonight
Woman's exchange. Ill-Tenth street
ftfioh. 11:10 to t. '
Magnificent fireworks display at 'The
Oaks" tonight
Panama hatter, til 4th. Phone PacltT.
In an effort to secure A right of war
for Its own track into tho terminal
freight Tarda, the Portland A Seattle
Railroad company haa brought condem
nation suits In ths circuit eourt against
the Northern Pacino Terminal com
pany, Julia B. Hoffman and Oeergo W,
Marshall. Aa application ror in ap
pointment f a compiled en to determine
the manner of crossing where the Port
toad Seattle, freight track wtU stoss,
LZ:!:? O Frc!:'a C S3d Friday Sett: I:a Sda
-my fax
aK ti T! ifr
11 xiumu
,0 JllirO
TcaciTOvtSiirprigaSalaofrarlna taPorUsnd'B Lwllag
Clock Stora thouM Interett tvsry woman bavins onter
arpard needt to tnpply 100 Msh-srada Tailored Snita
to fee aoli at a pricsj far below actual Bvancfactorins
coat Stjta that are deiSrabla lor early fall wear Stylsa
1 Indade Eton, blonae and jacktt efTecta with aalf-atrapped
trfamist or fancy gfaap and circular aklrta Materiala
art tweeda, Pansma and fancy worited, alto a few
valval aniu Elack, gray, navy, roae, violet; green and a
large variety of fancy etlxttiret All thla aeason'a
genaenta The best product of the leading makera In the
cocntry All aliea Suite aell-
fag res!arly at $23 ea. Your 1
choice for tomorrow only at ,
wonderfully low price of, each
4 - See Fifth. Street Window DUpUy
Meier C Frank's C62d Friday Scrpriso Sclo
85c io $1.50 Linen Pisces 43c Ea.
Another arett Friday 'Surprise Sals of 1,000 pieces of Pure Linen Scarf, Centerpieces, Tray Cloths
sad Shami, Japanese Hemstitched and Drawn Work in grand assortment . A sale of great import
ancs to every housewife; sixes are 30x30 inches,' 18x54 inches, 18x27 inches and 24x24 inches; A!-.
values up to $1.50 apiece dn sale si.,,,.,.. ...............sv7C
' See Bii Fifth Street Window Display No Mail Orders Filled. .
Meier G Frank's 862d Friday Surprise- Sola
1000 New Shirtvaists
$1.75 arid $2 Values 98c
Another great dUtribntion of Women'a Shirtwaitta taket
place tomorrow on the aeconi floor--1000 of them, all
new, clean, freah wahta, in dainty atylea, made of white
lawn trimmed with wide atrioa of lace and embroidery in-
tertion, with tucking In front, arranged In yoke and bolero J
eft ecta, abort sleeves An immenae variety
to select from All a'zes Regular
and $2.00 Your choice for tomorrow1
A62d Friday'a Surprise Sale at, each....
! SeeTFifthrstreet Window Display
Meier G Frank's 862d Friday Surprise Sale
650 Samples Neiv IPoirfcieres
Values to $3.75 Pair for . . 95c Each
Values to $6.75 Pair tor $ 1 .85 Each
Values to $7.50 Pair for $2.65 Each
Exceptional values in high-grsds Portieres on jwla In" the .
Curtain DepU 3d floor, tomorrowTraveling; men's samples
at a small fraction of their real worthGreat variety of"
styles and colorings 250 patterns No two alikeThey can
be used for single door portieres or couch covers 8 great
lots to select from, aa follows: . , .
LOT.l Double-Faced Tspestnr snd Satin Russe Portieres, fringed
top and bottom, 45 to 50 inches wide, 3 yards long, two- QC.
- toned and flowered patterns values up to $375 pair, each. 7JC
LOT 2-Crsnd vsriety of Two-Toned snd Mercerized Portieres, floraL
.Persian and Bagdad designs, also plain centers with borders and
bordered chenilles; greatest assortment and values we have ever
offered 50 inches wide, 3 yards long; values up to OK,
. $675 a pair on sale at this low price, each V 1 elf
LOT 3 Mercerized Curtains with cord or fringes, Bsgdad stripes
and figured reps with tapestry borders; all are full size, 50 inches
. wide by 3 yards long beautiful styles; values up to ffc BF
S7.50 s pair on sale at this low price, each.
' ., See' Big Fifth Street Window Display:
tlcicr O Frcn
' Every Indication- points to
the 16-button-length glove re
Uining itST popularity for ' a
long . time, to -some. , The de-'
mand greatly exceeds the sup
ply, with the result that a ma
jority of stores have been with
out them most of the season
and today it would be difficult
to find a hundred pairs in Port'
land outside , of the Meier &
Frank store. 'r''T-'-v x-c:r
800 Dozen Pcirs
Long Glovoa
In every' good style, size and
shads in stock for your choos
ingstandard makes, reason
able prices. ; --.v..''
''Amsterdam" long silk gloves,
. 16-button . length, double
tipped fingers, black, white,
cardinal, navy, pink, laven
der, old rose; all sizes, at,
pair . $1.75
Pure Silk Mesh Gloves, 16-but-
ton length, all sizes, black,
white, grar, tan; on safe at,
pair ................ ?3.00
16-button length lace top
Gloves in black, all sizes,
at, per pair.: .... ....$2.00
16-button Suede Lisle Gloves,
pair .. ....... ... . . .'.f 1.75
"Amsterdam Short Gloves,
pair .....50fY75f, 9100
C10Vduc3 06e45
Sals extraordinary of 80 handsome
new Taffeta Silk Petticoats
great special - purchase from a
leading-winufacturer-inade of
fins quality silk in fancy figured
striped and Persian effects, with
deep double . flounce, rows - of
shirring and niching or plaiting,
with stitched ruffles - and silk
dust ruffle; greens, browns, tan,
navy, Alice blue; wide and nar-
tow - black and "-white stripes ;
regular $10.00 values, on sale at
this remarkably V aC
low price, each..... yviVV
Mail Orders Filled.. ,
20 lbs. Granulated Sugar!. f LOO
Victor Flour, none better. fl.lO
Poitum Cereal, package . . . .XO
'Figprune Cereal, package... 0
1- lb. can Shrimps.; 10e
2- lb. can Shrimps........ ...SOe)
Durkee's Salad Dressing
bottle... 10, SBf, Of
DOIUI avr, w
t. Cooper's Olive Oil. ..$1.00
lb. pkg. Domino Sugar.... 904
I lb. Libby Sliced Beef. ....
2 1-lb: xsrsConr Bi
Ham or Veal Loaf ieY
3 pkgs. Seeded Raisins. ,...5
Meier ft Frank's famous Mocha
and Java Coffee B
all yon wsnt..
3 l-lb. esns Van Ca trios' famous
Pork snd Beans for .
3 cans solid psck Tomatoes. f
1-lb. package Dates........ 10
10 lbs. Yellow Cornaeal...a8
10 lbs. Graham Floor......
5 lbs. Mount Hood Lard....eS
Jar Bishop's Marmalade., ;.oe
Oriffon's Oyster Cocktail... 0
Lea ft Perrin's Sauce S&f
3 cans Griffon's Soups 85
3 cans Van Camp's Soups... Bs
3 cans Custard Pumpkin....
2 cans Minced Clams....... 85
.3 cans Kippered Herring. ...50
the Nerthem Terminal track was
The rifbt cf way scutht to b ecn
demnea from the terminal company Is
T Of an acre at NOItn wevenieenin am
Wilson streets. That of Julia s. Mon
man Is also .T ef an acre. Just across
tha street from the terminal property.
The property of George W. Marshall on
which the PorUand Seattle wants to
h.,iM track la .11 of an acre on North
Front street, between North Seventeenth
and Upshur atreeta ,
ooaVTmxms asm oovox ars. '
orasr aar ajto anesrr. ,
passvM aad Oheeee, StaUaa style 15
Ooonea Balls, Oreaaa Baaee 1B
parses Beef Steak, reaeaea sr --15
eevon Baked Berk aa Beans IS
OaOvso Uvev mm SMsa. Oalons. ,uise
Calves Brass aa SsrsmslcS Bggs 25
taasaea xattls Beck eiaams.....;.SJO
Olaaa BcatUc wtth eev.......,.lB
Ocffest Bread, Sates as BetaSess
free wttk all aaeals.
Tks sVaaseteaa Bstaasmst Is the seal
Blase te esvt ...... . --i -
Try ma setae sm re wus aawaya so a
BlMiMt-iqom tow IssJas,
Commlttsa Undecided as . to
Amount of Money Naaded
' for Project.' "
' The eemmtttee appointed to- draft a
bill to provide for the building ef a
state road by convict labor met last
nlsht tn-the offlce-of -SV FCannoav aeo-.
retary of the Automobile club. . The
committee consists of R. A. Harrta, aec
retary ef the atate road com mission;
Hon. W. K. Nswell ef DUley, and A. B.
Ca vender of Brownsville. The assist
anta appointed te take part la the con
ference were county junas wsostsr,
E. T. Cannon and C H. Oram, president
of the State Federation ef Labor.
The two big points they will have to
decide, la the eommittee'a own eettmo
tlon. ars the Questions of how the su
pervising board should be appointed and
what appropriation should be sailed for.
Nothlas definite was decided aa to the
latter and It jares lsft to another meet
ing, which will be held tomorrow aignt
at the aame place.
Ae to the appointment of the com-
J mission, it-was esread by ell that the
maiier ok aeeiraa. wnwr .nvtuq om ins
ascnrlnji ef a board absolutely non-
jaartlaaa and a on-political, and a beard
ef good and' efflclent men. The two
plana for tha appointment ef thla board
te receive consideration were: First,
to decide the matter by a convention of
the county judvt snd, sebond, to per
petuate the present atate road commis
sion aa a supervising- body. Neither
preposition was adopted, but It is aadsr-
stood tnat me aeiaus or ins oiu wui
be agreed upon 'tomorrow slant. .
Across Mountains oy Daylight
The famous "Oriental Limited" leaves
Seattle for Bpoaane and alt points east
dally at S:I0 a. m. Thla meanlnesnt
train, which Is made up of modern tour
tat sleepers, standard aleepere, up-to-date
dlnlng-cer and ' observation compartment-oar
croaaes tha Caacsds and
Rocky mountains by daylight. Connect
ing; train leavea Portland at ll:4t p. m.
Tickets, eleaplngear raesrvationa and
full particulars from H. tHckson, C P.
a T. A., lit Third street. Portland.
Largsst In tSar.:rv.wtrr
- Bay - your - newepapen, ytr r
rtnes. your cigars. Ire Carl J-, J
Washington, corner V L. U
aad we U l.lj i "
The Lyric
Weak Bagteelag dy St.
rantirsianai eewy Altaraiea aad tVeaiag
la Tarae Arta. '
ma wscs sraa stock com ah t.
"Three Married Men"
wire s Sea
Haea T
1 '
m laiaMASs, '
TIsm aad frtM aa Cm
AaeChw AUatar
Satlal. Brae.
Br. aa4 -.
Las sad little
ft .
t r