The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 02, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    c ii.j daily j-u..::ai; rc tiiuhsday cvini.'o, august g, 'iscr
& a cj
';v Vr "ffyTj 'o:'
" -','". '''.-'V Mr. and Mr.
' A school teaoher in 'winter and a
railroad atatlon arent in euramer, R. W.
Swlnk la practicing the precept of Bua
eell Sax, who eaia that auramar yaca
tlona ara folly. Swlnk holda down both
Joba tha yaar round, hla wife playing
tha part of atatlon agent whllo ba pre
sides at tha dally educational feaat dur
ing tha achool term.
' Tha Swlnks reside at Dayton. Oregon,
R. W. Swink. ':. 'i ;V-.a.':'--
whara tha railroad job la located. Tha
head of the- family wu recently elected
principal of tha Springbrook public
achool.-. 8 wink waa born- (n Kentucky.
but aoon took the road to Oregon. Ac
cording , to hla own atatement ha
left at any early age "without vlatble
meana of support." . Now bo haa saved
ahekela quite a few and la plodding
along the road behind tha Rockefeller
van.-. , . vv. .v '
Er:ei::Es to push trakis
- New Method of Operating Will
Result in Material Reduc
- . tion in Cost. . .. -
(Joorael Sped! sem-e.) " '
Chicago, Aug. Ij An engineer of 0t
Paul haa propoaed ' a new method of
operating passenger trains, which he
clealma will reeult in a material reduc
tion of the cost In operation. - Ha pro
pose to place -the engines la the rear
ef the tralna and have them puah them
Instead of pulling them along. - A com
bination observation car la propoaed for
the head of tha train, with a vestibule
In the front end for a pilot. Thla will
be equipped with signals connected with
the engine crew, so that - the pilot or
lookout man can'' communicate with
them .and Instantly Inform them of dan
ger on the line. . ,
-One great benefit urged by the in
ventor of this method of propulsion
would be the total abolition of the an
noyance caused to passengers by smoke
and cinders and dust from locomotives.
Much less damage, the inventor claims,
would be dona in ' the ease of head-on
collisions. The engineer could devote
his entire time to his engine and the
change would be a benefit In every way.
. r
' ' ' Bank Stoek Xneraased. '
Aberdeen, Aug. I. Tha. capital stock
of Hayea A Bayea bank waa Increased
from SlO.ooa to 1100.000, fully paid up,
at a recent meeting of tha stockholders,
and the following officers were elected:
Frank B. Patterson, president; - Robert
F.-. Hayes, vice-president: W. J. Patter
son, cashier, and R. H. Falconer, assist
ant cashier. r - - - '"'
a -a. wmrvwwtwws "-.-,
Final Reduction
We announce final reduc
tions on these rummer gar-.
ments for two reasons. We
' have had the most , success
"ful season in the history of
- this establishment, and have
comparatively few , summer ,
garments left. We are go
ing to , move to our new
store across the way within
, the next few .days, so we
planned to sell all summer
Suits as soon as possible in
stead of . waiting , until ; the
end of the season. - Therell
be two more months of sum
merthese 'Suits will come
in handy at seashore, moun
tain or home.;, These reduc
tions include all Shirtwaist
and Wash Suitsthis sum
mer's choicest styles. ,! Al
terations free. ,
$30 suits: ... .918.00
(25 SUITS. 15.00
$20 suits..;.. 912.00
$16 suits.... :?io.oo
$14 suits..... 9 0.00
SUITS..... 9
SUITS..... 9
SUITS..... f
SUITS..!.. 9
$1.00 DOWN $1.00 A WEEK
' ' AH this summer's Wash' Skirts' included in this sale.
$10 SKIRTS..... 90.00
$8 SKIRTS. . . . .95.00
$ e, skirts;.. .93.50 ,
$ 4 SKIRTS .... . 92.50
$1.00 DOWN 50c A WEEK ?
Everything at Removal Sale Prices Cash or Credit
The tiora Where Tour Credit Is Good '".
' American Girl's Fan.
' The American girl haa appropriated
all arts. Bba haa become aa athletio as
the English maid; she has aa much chlo
as the born Psrlslenne, and now aba
will take the aenorlta'a fan and man
till., for her own adorable uses. Her
life haa been so strenuous that she
Is only beginning to realise the value
of these charming accessories, although
In Spain the coquettlab use of this same'
small , fan and delicate lace mantilla
have long been the favorite mode of
winning hearts. The American girl will
become " as proficient as the" Spanish
senorlta,' but over all acquired art aha
wlil . throwhr own special charm the
Individuality that makea her the finest
type in the world today. '
, . t : ;-; ;yc
'. , . , For the Bathroom. -
' If you are Intending ' to build, by all
means have the new brass accessories
for the bathroom. These will replace
the old-fashioned nickel, for -use In the
beat houses and are extremely good' for
bungalows. A bathroom entirely in
white paint 'and enamel and then. In
stead of the usual nickel, have every
thing In brass and you will be delighted
with. the effect - ... .
, v. . ft ft .ft :;, ,';
I For the Hoateas. ; ..-,
Always see that the sheets' In the
guestroom have not been allowed to be
come musty smelling.
Remember to have the necessary toilet
artlclea on the dresser and writing ma
terials in a convenient place.
Flowers in the room are alwaya,. a
dainty finishing touch, but be aura that
they ara not flowers with a strong per.
fume. ;
Give your" guests some time to them
selves. . Many hostesses make plans for
every hour of the visit and consequently
they keep their eompany under a nervous
strain. It la good to feel that you may
enjoy yourself in your own way part of
the time.
To Soften Blankets. "
After blankets have been waahed and
hung on tha Una and are thoroughly dry,
beat with a carpet-beater. They will be
coma soft and light and tha wool ilka
, ' n w -
..,:i-r.; Dress Notes. - ,-vr
Darned net ! easily dona and very
affectively both in the plain and colors.
long, yellow gloves for wean oresses
are the proper- hlng. "''"'"
Gold monogram - clasps Tor ma long
glove garters. .
Entire veils of Valenciennes, with
dotted borders are a pretty novelty.
Small black velvet buttons for use em
light summer frocks. .
A huge bow of ribbon, plans or one of
the Dresden patterns, tied on the long
handle of your parasol. Very dainty
waa one of nand-palnted apple blossoms
with the bow of apple-green satin rib
bon. '. ' ,' , ;
-;, St' I, SI
Has Won Honor. '
Mr. WllhelmlnaTeton Fleming. who
has been so successful, as a curator of
astronlmlcal- photograph f of 'Harvard
anhrerslty,. haa been , elected, a member
of -the Rojrml Aatronomloal society of
London. She Is a native of Dundee,
Scotland, and baa been connected with
the Harvard observatory 17 years. ' Ba
discovered her first star in 1187.
:t s ft .
, Raapberrjr Ice.
This sella for .wo quarts of "blaek-
csds." one pint of sugar and two lemons.
To every one and a half pints of fruit
Juice add one and a half pints of water.
Mash tha berries and atraln tha Juice.
Add the water and sugar, which ahould
have been boiled together for a) minutes,
rinalljt add the Jules of the lemons and
freese tha mixture.
President Notifies Chicago .That
He Cannot Attend Laying
: ; , . of Cornerstone.
' (Joorul Special Brrte.J
Chicago. Aug. I. President Roosevelt
cannot officiate at the laying of tha
cornerstone of the new county building
In September. . President Brundage of
the oounty board haa reoelved a letter
from Senator. Cullora, to whom tha
preedant wrote, expressing hla regret
that ha could Sftt eome to Chicago. Tha
president alsa stated that ha win not
make any western trip thla falL Tha
letter was in response to aa Invitation
aent by Cullom. . t
Tha president wrote: ,
"My dear Sir: I have your letter of
the 17th, Inviting ma to attend tha lay
ing of the : cornerstone - of the Cook
County courthouse . in September. I
wish it were In my power to acoept; but
it simply Is not I cannot make another
engagement now. . If I aould It would be
a particular pleaaur to go to Chloago,
but It la-elmply out of the queetmn.
There Is nothing in the report that t
am to make a western trip thla falLM :
' (Speriel Dtoesteh The Joarast) I
Walla Walla. Wash., Aug. I. A bomb
ahell waa dropped Into the camp of
Walla Walla aaloonmsn and open town
adherents yesterday when Chief of Po
lice Brown filed with tha city council
the names of four saloons that wsra
open Sunday and asked that tha eoun
oil take some action. . -
Chief Brown names the V and X sa
loon, ' tha- Progressive, the Opera and
lithe Fountain aa disobeying his explicit
orasrs to remain ciosea nunasy. ine
council will take the matter up next
Tuesday night, and eonjectars - la rife
whether or not the new council will go
on" mord as Tavortn r-rclnsed' Town. :
Saloonmen, It la said, wsra led to be
lieve that the Sunday closing law waa
to become a dead letter during tha Kel
lough administration, and yesterday's
action df Chief Brown was a surprise
to the sahron1 element, .
' Get In the Swim. .
The A, aV C R. R. sells 11 58 excur
sion round-trip tickets to Seaside, good
going Saturday morning, afternoon,
evening and Sunday morning, returning
Sunday evening. Spend a delightful
two-dayvacatton at Seaside. Ample ae
eommodatlona at reasonable rates for
all. Tickets at Iff Alder street and
the union depot, i " ' -
Tomorrow is Bargaiq Friday in every department The most Important sale of the week and one which represents thou
sands of dollars of our very best merchandise at hyndreds of dollars of .saving to oiit citorners.-rA sale of price cutting'
' with us which means price saving for yQU The quaUtks.are.nQLlowerejit.ia.only
more specials than the one mentioned below and the possibilities of saving money are plentiful and. unusual. '
Greateot of All Sales "Women's Si. 50 and S2.50
50 Dozen Placed on Sale Friday at Only a Fraction of Original Cost
' "'.": .;. ' - -A Host Extraordinary Offering: 600 Blouse
Waists Go On Sale Tomorrow at a Wonder Price f
Women's Regufation Blouse Waists, made in a half dozen ma terlals---French madras,. mercerized sat-.-'
een, Scotch flannel silk gingham, alpaca and French serge; a great assortment to choose irom; plain
colors in shades of tan, brown, green, pongee cream' and black ;. also an unsurpassed, assortment, in
light, medium and dark colors in pretty , striped and brocaded effects. No economical woman can af
ford to miss this splendid saving opportunity. These waists are just the thing for seashore, mountain
ana outinsr use and are wortn manv times the oncer we ask. but vou must be prompt . .
if you would share in this great bargain,-as they will not last long at this wonderful
ly low price. Regular $1.50 and $2.60 BLOUSE WAIST On sale Bargain Fri-
aay, as long as xney last, at xour.unoice Uniy.
TB fa)
Lawn . Kimonos- Full length,' good
'quality lawn, white ground with neat
floral designs, all sizes; good TO
. values at $1 ea. Bargain Friday. 00 w
01.25 Percale Wrap
pers 01.00
Made f rbm good quality standard per-
cale,' colors red, navyr gray and black,
with neat and stripe designs; all sizes
from 82 to 84. bust These garments
, are being offered at less than cost to
manufacture.' - -
- Cleaning Out Sale of
Children's Hats
Straw Hats, worth up to 50c, for. 25s)
Linen Hats in red, gray; tan and white,
large v rims, ribbon Trimmed ; worth
85c and 50c Bargain Friday
for. ...XuC
Girls' - Lawn Hats ' in pinlC blue sad ,
white ; best 60c values. Bargain '
Friday sale.. ............. ....UwOw-
. Friday Bargpdns in
02.2 5 linen Skirts for
Made from fancy stripe tan color In
dian Head Linen, trimmed with braid
and straps of same material, full width
with plain gores.
04.50 Ilonair Walking
Skirts for 02.65
These are about the best values we
everof f ered.. in . desirableand. season-1
able garments. There are several- dif
ferent styles in this lot. Some are
made from mohair with fancy threads,
others of plain mohairs' and fancy suit
ing. Every skirt offered is of this sea
son's production and worth at least
$4.60 --.-.rv "
Children's Cloth and Linen Caps -In
several different' styles and colors J all ;'
new this season ; worth 35c,' 60c and ;
. 75c Your choice .Bargain
Friday, . . .v. ......... ; . . . . , . .Ld
1.A Baiun in Covert -
Women's 'Coats, worth $6.50; $7.50 and 7
$7.90, for 4? 5.00. Made from hard
, twisted tan covert cloth, half fitted,
trimmed - with straps. ' t ,
Silk Eton Jaek'ts 00.50
Good quality taffeta silk Eton trim
med with accordion pleat and : silk
braid ; short sleeves. - "7trr
Sample Waists at Cost
A great number of desirable waists at :
wholesale cost ; all styles, materials and
colors are represented in this collec
tion and every one a bargain.'
Two Oxford Speoials
0121 for 03.00 Ozfords
01.21 01.09)
Two Oxford Speoials
01.09 for 03.50 to 05 Oxfords
You may think this an exaggerated statement,
there's over 8,000 pairs, nothing but Oxfords; w
but It's true every word
we don't want them, but you do.
They're mostly well known makes and hand made from D. A.. Donovan & Co,'
W. H. Crook er, Thayer, Maguire & Field, William Porter ft Son, Hilliard ft
Tabor, C H. Aborn ft Co. and several other makes equally as well known. It's
the biggest Oxford proposition in our shoe experience. Notwithstanding
. i of the wonderful prices we have been able to make on several
. occasions, we have never, quoted hand made Oxfords at
'these prices; they're new this season. A few of them from (
our regular stock, but mostly purchased by our eastern buyer
,01 !yi ' For $3.00 hand-made Oxfords Women's Russia
)l.isf I calf, gunmetal calf and black vici kid, blucher and
plain lace Oxfords, with light and heavy soles, plain and tip
toes; Cuban, common sense and low heels. ; Bar-'7 '.y.
gain Friday and while they last. .............. ...)l.svl
d TQ For $3.50,' $4.00 and $5.00 Oxfords Women's
plsUy patent leather, patent colt, Russia calf, chocolate
vici kid, black vici kid, button, blucher and plain lace styles.
Bargain Friday and while . . , ' CI "CO
they last. .................. . . . . . ..$l0y
Bargains in Domestic Room
:. Good things that everybody will be pleased to buy for dresses, waists and household uses. These are the practical
, bargains we offer you this week.' True bargains,. in the real sense of the word, which is: Something you need, that is
good of. Its kind, bought for much less than its value to you, and much less than the regular selling price. , .
Cuiain Ends. Special Friday at 256
CURTAIN ENDS This season's newest patterns- in lengths from V to 2 yards and ranging in width from 45 to 60
inches ; this is a very unusual and important opportunity for economUts: ' if vou have need for theae small curtitn .
come early Friday morning rich pickings for those who come first Your Choice of anInccfflparablisactt-.'jc
jtm nt, , FndayOiilye aty-rTrTr-rt-. yvy. ................ , t , . . .T.. ........ . tt 0C
Cotton Taffeta Suiting:. 12Mo Quality, 6o
Choice and Pretty Suitings at Less Than Half Price.
.' Tomorrow we place on sale about 500 yards of Cotton
Taffeta Suitings in a great assortment of patterns, figures,
flowers, dots and -checks, in endless variety of light, med
dium and dark colorings ; one of the most popular-materials
- for summer, wear; beautiful bright finish; has the appear
ance of silk;, will launder nicely ; never before sold for n
iJess than12c: Specially priced for Bargain Fridajrat.OC
l2o and 1 5o White Ooods, 9o
t An Unexpectedly. Great Reduction. ,
A chain of circumstanqes which concerned the wholesaler's
" profit account makes this tempting offer possible 500
yards of full-width lace-striped White Goods in a great as
sortment of pretty' lace stripes, air this 'season's goods;
bright, fresh and clean ; regular l$xc and 15c grades, .
Specially priced For" Bargain .'Friday at...... i..v