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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1906)
tiis cnzcc:: daily journai; ITcUSHED ROCK BEING 016 CL;ilDlil6 COtEPLAIED U 70ur cliars are never ad O vertlaed until we know by ( ) ' . test t!ist szaokera l!ke thein. Eight-Story Structure to Occupy , FtdsrsJjRoad Makers Commence Object Lesson Highway at : Sa v; ; lem, Which Is ths First Work of ths Kind Done by the' V Half Block on Stark Between ' v Third and Fourth. ' v-', ' t w i ;, y Government In Thle State.: rcr.Ti.Aiip. TiiuT.:s.y Lvz:n::q , ausuzt -. c r : v ' LAD) BY EXPERTS D; tialde-post to the amoker's U I IN, ' I 11 i taiam. .Aoc. t. The laying of the ' crushed rock on the nil ef macadam ita road which ia being buUt la this e!tr by ths federal frortrnment begun - ye.terday. Ths "object lesson In road- - building, aa tt la callad by the carers .mant experts who bava ebarge of tha work,, will ba , tha prlda of .the WU laastts salloy. If srinn-county-hea air, ways been tha banner county of tha trashed rook la healed from the euarry to tha bunkers erected at the fair (rounds by means of electrle oars. It is then hauled onto tha road by mesne of anreadinc wastms. All or we roaa building machinery la furnished by the government.-. Tha county is employing convict labor to assist m tha wore. Tha preliminary step In the building of the road was iheconstrucioiLPiJBa subgrade, the building, of culverts and - -1 Government Soad Expert A. Wilbert, D. G. Haire and J. T. -Voshali. stato for rood roads and this Is eepecl- ally true during the administration of ' county affairs by Judge John H. bcott. ' who has earned the title of the '"good roads Judse." - It was largely through " Ills Instrumentality - that ths govern . ment consented to come and giro an object leason In tha building of ma---eadamlaod-roada, In this county which has already tha bast roads In tha state. The work hero Is conducted by Messrs. James T. Voehell. D. O. Hairs and A. to make provisions for excellent drain ago. , .' .. r .... ; Tha subgrada was flrst plowed, then rolled, sprinkled ' and again rolled ef fectively until ths surface la aa smooth and as herd ss a pavement. It Is upoa this surface that tha crushed rock Is laid, and that portion of tha work be gan yesterday.: j : : ; Tha method pursued In laying tha crushed rock is as follows: Ths first layer consists of rock scrsened It 1M IONQ LEASE TAKEN - ; r - UPON THE GROUND Fred S. Morris , and H. O, Sdckney to Erect Modem Office Building In -.Spring Old Stnteture-ta Bt, Tors ' Down M One. 'I '. ' "; immmmmwmmmmy I iv r ARC ivi Portland ' la to have another large building, and tt will be located at Third and Btark streets. occupying the half block on Btark street opposite tha Cham' ber of Commerce. John Mallory, the owner of the property, has made a lease to Fred 8. Morris of Morris Bros., bankers, -an -Hi-Or Btlckney, for a -term of II years. Ths lessees will tsar down tha present building on tha property and In tha early spring start the reotloa of an elcht-atory building. It has not yet been determined what styls of construction will be used, but It will ba either class A steal frame or reenforced concrete, possibly ths latter. Ths building will ba dealgned with the object of making tt the most modern office building la the city. At present this property is occupied by tha West ern Union Telegraph company, at tha corner of Third and Stark streets, a restaurant - at ths corner of Fourth street, while along Stark street are number of small business places. Vorth Bad yroyerty Active. : North end property continues to find ready buyers. E. J. Daly reports the sale of a fractional lot II 1-t feet on the south side of Couoh treat, between Fifth and Sixth, to Jaeger Bros- the Jewelers, (or 1 10.100. Tha property was owned by Elisabeth Toung of Burnt Ranch, Oregon. ' At present there Is aa old frame cottage on the property. S- 0 0 ONI telegraphs as " we trade drops oiit everything m-be-- tween. Superfluous profit is V-vvire which, costs miluons tor -maintajnePur1 telegraph,' is from our Jiandsv to-yburs- Line.,' Besides we keep you out of the tangle of difficulties almost ; always in frontlbfthe smoker keep, you close to the source of supply, "debyer , the goods' with ja positive assurance of genuineness." SI L :i :5 -yy-y fy . A Popular Example ;Ui--'; " T ElSMASCa Sire. 19 cents each. Box e( 25, S2). Box of 53. (5.0 ' ' - ..HECIA rrECTO Size. 3 for 25 cents. Box o! 5 S4.W v " CSLICIOSOS Size. 3 for 25 cents. Box o! 55. S4X3 BOSTON L0NTSZS Size. 4 lor 25c Box of 25. $HU; box 059. UJ; box of tlW.V. '. C. : . This is what is known In dta trade ss a Domesbc a nr. ' In omnia term it m a ruec af nods manuraa.' - hired exclusively for UNITED CIGAR STORES of cefully-aarted tobsxxo- fille of fiiM qua o( .Roadbed Graded Readr for Rock. Wilbert who ' have been sent from Wsshing-ton. D. C Tha mile of road which Is to ba macadamised Is tha por tion of tha 8alam-Sllvarton road near the stats fair grounds. The roadbed will be 1( feet wide ' with beame or shoulders of seven feet. . The crushed ek Is fsmlehed by the eeunty and Is : obtained from tha county quarry. Tha Inches and put down to a depth of flva Inches, whloh Is 'rolled to four Inches.' A. second Isyer screened at'ltt Inches laid three Inchea deep Is rolled to two inches, subsequently a last layer ot "screening" Is laid to fill all crevice. In tha rock, surface sprinkled with water and rolled effectively with a U tos team roller, . BALIS MADE COOL BY DROP OF LIQUID AIR Pathetic Result However Would 1 ' Attend Impatient Drink. i-'-'y'.::; r of Beverages. ' . (Jearaal aseeui gwrlss-t ' ' - London. Aug. 1. It la claimed a process has been discovered for rninu- enable tt to be commonly used to cool beverages, which will thereby not be diluted as they arc by the use of tea. Air thus liquified can bo sold for . per gallon! Kept In vacuum containers It will evaporate in IT days. -.- ; A drop Is necessary to refrigerate a 'highball. - The drops take pearl shape ! a , JUST A REAL BOY 7 and here are just the real . ' clothes for he' real boy at . a real reduction; $8 suits for fO; $10 suits fur f7. ' Special Short Pants 75f) t . Younf , Trousers at r -.- .. . Not many, but plenty - for the tariy-tomeri, - ClothmqCo Gsj leUhnPd a? . lltn's and Boysr Outfitters 164 AND 161 THIRD STR&ET .. Mohawk BoUdinf. and dance Ilka animated diamonds. A whits mist rises from the glass. Little lumps of white lea form and malt and In two minutes tha drink la ready, de- Uciously cola. Impatient drinkers would better ad' hero to lea, for If they should drink it before tha liquid air evaporates the re sult would be pathetlo for the drinker and humorous for the lookers vn. Own. ere pt -the yroeese recommend the- air thus liquified as powsr for automobiles ana blasting, it szerts aa It expands a preesuro ot JI.MO pounds to tbo square inoo. , . TOVH PUT Or WHEELS AND . L10.LU 10 NEW SITE Seventy-Five Houses and Two . i Hundred and Fifty People - , - Change Location. - aoarsal IpmUI gerrlre.) Gregory, S. D., Aug. t. Ths town of Dallas, 10 miles west of this place, was en wheels yesterday and every house moved to Gregory, where the buildings will be In place tonight and again ready iot occupancy, v ... .-. . - There were about 71 houses and Its people In Dallas. All of the Utter are now residents -or u re gory. Dallas and Gres-orr were rival imm but when, the Northwestern railroad de elded It would build an extension to u re gory, leaving Dallaa far to one aids, ths eltlsens Of Dallas held a meeting and sent a eommlttee to Gregory to see on whst terms they would be admitted. Whan arrangements were made Dallae promptly moved over .here. j --r. Both towns sre Rosebud Indian raaer. vat Ion boom towns. Dallas having been sum ny ine two sons of former Gov srnor Jackson of Iowa. TWO MEN SMOTHERED . - . IN TUNNEL OF MINE (Jeeraal KpeH.I erle.t Denver, Aug. 2. The bodies of I A. Thompson, secretary and treasurer, and V. W. Mathers, esuperlntendent of ths nnrwipn auuii company, wore aiscovsrsa in a tunnel in the Mickey Breen mine, this morning. The men at tempted to leave tha mine by this exit when they ware' caught by a cave-la dad smothered. MEXICANS STRIKING AMERICANS LEAVING (Waal lyeclsl Bervlss.) El Paso, Tes., Aug. I. -Two hundred Mexicans struck at Ag-uas Callantss for ths ssms wsge as the Americans. Fifty killed American mschanlce have passed through El psso pt the psst week from Mexico and savv-Tro more Mexico for me." - rev aniak results s fke Vaa Qei. SMS ( Tke remtM. Ths granite stone trimmings for ths railing building, at Fifth and Alder streets, have commenced to arrive, and masons have already set ths corner stone. The steel work On this building haa now reached the fifth floor, and In slds of another month all the heavy steel work la expected to have been set. Oscar H. Simmons has sold to Wil liam J. Ross the corner of Saet Thir teenth and Oak streets for J WOO. There ia a house ea the property. ' asstexa wesaaa taveees, Mrs. Addle Sohwarta haa purchased from James Robertson ths corner of Tenth and Irving streets. - The consid eration announced Is 1. ' This corner Is the only ons that was not Included In the recent transfer of all the property in that section to the Portland di Se attle railway. Mrs. Bchwarta. the pur chaser, is said to be an eastern woman wuo was nere some time ago, but at present has returned to her home In New York. Neustadter Bros .have Barehaaed the lot on East Sixth street adjoining their factory at Grand avenue and East Sal mon street. Tha company will build at onoe an addition to its factory to ac commodate ths increasing trade. The factory ef the company ia San Fran cisco was destroyed, and the greater part ot the work ef that plant was thrown on the Portland mill, which has been frund not to be large enough to' handle the Increased business. . i. Other Seals Aaaeuaeed. ' ! The Title Guarantee Trust com pany has purchased from C iU. Oanten- beln five blocks in West Pledi.n .n. I dlUon, whloh Mr. GaaUabeln recently purobasea from JCmery Oliver. The or iginal, prloa wss 1,000, but the price the TiUe guarantee A Trust company paio is not announced. - William BltUe Wells, editor of the Paclflo Monthly, baa purchased from Richard Williams a block la West Pied mont for 11.000. . D. M. Dunne will bnlld a two-etory frame - wareheuss- on Roosevelt street near Twentieth, It will cost about 11.000. Mrs. E. E. Miller haa started work on a home oa Beech street, between Klrby and Borthwlck. It will . eost about A one-etory factory at Lynn street and the Willamette river le being re built by the Composite Pressed Brick company. It Will cost between $ 1,100 and M0. - - ' ' it. w. toe nas awarded the con- ISP Havana, and the Sumatra wrapper of equal erjodoes---to combined in the iniJdris that it inure of rfftirKl in a grade that probably more than any other approaches the universal taste. It will be found to smoke with peculiar zest thouift mild and pleasant to a degree that m a tutcovory of new potjibiStietin qgais ot ums popular conoinahon. . : , j,. ; . 1LMTED : :t r CIGATl'.STOKES tlOriIPABIY - eiOl WASHINGTON OT. I V tii(&i) uv rniso st. t c DC ii V traet for ths foundation and basement for hie. new home at Twenty-fifth and Loveloy streets to James Barrett. The other contracts (or the building have not yet been let. The house, which will be 10x70 feet, will cost between 119,000 and ttl.000. - The Interior finishings will be particularly striking,' being of mahogany, oak, maple and larch. I Is expected that between els and eight months will be required to finish the house, which will be three storlss high. June S of next yesr will be ths twenty-fifth wsddlng anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. Cee, and to commemorate the event the doctor will present ths handsome home . to Mrs. Cos aa an anniversary present. THREE f.'EH ARE KILLED BY DELAYED EXPLOSION f "' r" ' - i r - Railroad ' Laborers Blown Up While Working on Grange llle Extension. '. (gpedel IMepateh tU Jeorsal) -Ldwlston, Idaho, Aug. I. C. A. John son, Andrew Olson end Oust Resell are dead and Oeoer Olson Is probably fatally Injured as a result of an ox alosis .of a . delayed charge of black powder at I o'clock last night nine miles from Culdssac, en the Grangevllle ex tension of the Northern pacific railroad. The men were Swedish laborers and bad been engagsd In blasting In a rock cut on grade work. They had prepared four Charges for ths blast and the first three went off simultaneously The men- thinking all had exploded waited for 10 minutes before returning to the place where tha shots had been 11 red. The dead men were standing directly ever the unesploded charge. Four men were burled too. feet down a steep can yon, lighting en Jagged rocks. Oscar oison, the injured man. was taken to Culdesae last night and an see ration performed ea him this morn ing. Hie ekull la fractured, Isg broken and face horribly lacerated. A peculiar thing la that the bodies of the' dead men remained tntaet after receiving the full force of the explosion. The addressee of the dead and injured men could not be secured at this tuna This is the am BMrUUtx Cross aa es- . . i . . .. ., . ..... ... , POaTLAND'S NEW: DEPARTMENT? STORE " NewGoe&sJ TEE PIT : Every Day : . t . ' .p.. (,... (if-.: v: 1 Ectire Ccrner Si tzi fsin -T -Day tt TEE PIT 7-7 .' ' Tl 41 DRESS SIURTS Panamas,' Voiles, Cheviots, Etamlnee Suitings,- Blue, Black, Gray, Plaids $7.50 Skirts for. . . . i.. . .49 $8.60 Skirts for. ...... ....f 40 $15.00 Skirts for.; $12.00 Skirts for.. .T..e56.95 WALKING SKIRTS $5.89 Skirts for $4.50 Skirts' for. $3.25 Skirts' for. 189 NAPIUNS 16x1 Restaurant Napkins, 60c value, dozen .. . ..... .. 49f 22x22 Damask Napkins,; $2.75 value, : - dozen -......,, . .02.19 21x21 AH Linen Napkins, $2.00 value, dozen .....,...:.......,..ljpi.59 ' 18x18 Hemmed Napkins, $1.25 value, . dozen ........,...............9d ' TAPESTRY TABLE COVERS KNOTTED AND FRINGED IN --BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS . 6-4 $3.60 value for. 2J25 8-4 $4.75 value for. ..... .3.75 4-4 $1.00 value for. 69d "TABLE LINEN ; 62-inch half bleached, 60c value. .39t - . ' - 67-inch bleached, 60c vtrue ,, ; 48d) 66-inch bleached, 75c varae , 60f 64-Inch bleached. 85c valor .., :29d 60-inch Turkey Red Borderu.-. ;39a) MEN'S OXFORDS $3.5 1 Hand-Sewed Tan Oxfords. $3.50 Hand-Sewed Vic! Kid Oxfords......:. 61.19 ..$1.29: LADIES SHOES $3.50 Patent Colt Bals, welt or turned soles.. $3.60 Vici Kid Bals, welt or turned. soles.. .2.49 82.49 25c Glass Vases, 18 inches high,. 15f) 20c 10-qt "Pails for ...... lOf) 65c Fancy Wash Baskets, 6 styles and t -.auaucs, an colors, tor. ........ .oao $3.60 Hand Sewed Tan Oxfords for ....... .V. . . .8 1.10 $3.50 Hand Sewed Vici Kid Oxfords 10c Chip Market Baskets. . ... .... .55 25c Covered Glass Fruit Dishes. 14 10c Arm & Hammer Brand Baking 10c Heavy wire good quality Coat ; Hangers .2f) 15c Brass Extension Curtain Rods, ' Soda- i--t .......... ....... . . .4f ,. with silver ends . .'. . . ..... .iov for IIIMMIM ...fl.29 GOLDEN EAGLE RY GOOPS COi .' i j , r. i Third and Ycmhill Slrcits Entiro Corner MAW 4765-PHOra, TELECOAFII OH MAIL YOUR. OHD2I13 CIIARC23 PAID 1 J plosloa en the new breneh ef the rail. road. j . WATCH STOLEN FROM LOCKER IN Y,- M. C. A. Irefi tha T. M. C. A. Is not free from the operations of ths thl.ree who at the reseat tlsae knfesi the elty ' '.VlrgU Clark of ttl Hooker street, a Member of the business men's physical ovltare elaas, has reported te the police that a sneak thief stols a watoh valued at 110 from his gymnasium looker roster day afternoon. There hare been a num. ber of similar eaees reported. Mrs. Clark ef tit Eleventh! Street notified the pollee at It o'elook last alaht thst she had seen a man on the reef ef ber kltobea and saspeetsd -tkevt be wee trying to break Into the house. Sergeant. Jones and ratrolmaa Kleniea were eent to the soene bat oould find ae traoe ef the burglar. A thief was found In the aet ef rob bing the telephone box la the lodglng- Jiouee at HI Tamhtll street st an early hour this .morning by ths landlady. He Immediately took to his heels snd with the description furnished ths ds tec tires ex posted te effect bis gesture. CAVALRY ESPORTS -ROOT TO THE RACES Bio Janeiro, Aug. I. Secretary Root, escortsd by a troop or cavalry, attended the rsres this afternoon. A horse , ' named Root le a cbnteetant. The spec tacle at ths track Is brilliant AU the bsslnees houses are eloeejV , v. .. ' ; '- ; ' - ' ": . ' ' ---, ' w x 4s.. , msm a