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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1906)
I D'.ILY :JZ 3, TIIUr.SDAY 2, AUQU-Y- s, r .... Steamer Nlcomedia Sails 8un day With Fifteen Head in Stalls Between Decks. : BIG JICE OF ELECTRICAL Z, MACHINERY. FOR JAPAN Liner Will Oct Away Earlier Than Expected Although She Brought One of the Heaviest Cargoes Ever ' Delivered Here Frdra Orient, i ? ' Fifteen milch cows will be shipped to Hongkong on' the iUunir . Nloomedla when aha sails (or- the orient next Sua day. The cows.wiU be placed in stall between decks and a man sent alone to , take eare of them on the voyage. This ' wtll be the largest shipment of cattle ' ever made from this port to China, where dairy products are little used e- ceptlng by the white population. As . yet the Chinese have not oultl verted taste for butter, cream or milk, prin cipally because of the expense. .' The cowa were bought by the- Hon konar Dairy Farm , company from O. I Indsley, who Uvea near Mount Tabor. Mr. Lindsley shipped several head., of cattle to the same company last year. but they went m small iota on the va ' rioua liners. The cows are of the Jer sey and Holatetn breeds and valued at about 1100 a head. The Nloomedla shifted to the O. H. A ' N. Alblna dock yesterday afternoon and la receiving cargo there at a lively rate so aa to get away early Sunday morn ing. The nature of the cargo this time win be more mixed than ordinarily and the flour shipments will not aggregate over 1 1.000 barrels, whereas often much as 15,000 -barrels are shipped by , one steamer. One of the features of the cargo ' will be aa It-ton piece of elec trical machinery for Mojl, Japan. The heavy piece will be lowered on board some time today. With the new 40-ton capacity derrick on the dock the hand- ' ling of heavy machinery is now an easy . matter, as it can be lifted from the dock ; and placed into the hold tnrougn one of the hatches in one move. The Nloomedla brought ens of ' the heaviest cargoes ever delivered here from oriental porta, and Alaska dock is groaning under tiers of freight, prlncl- : pally sulphur and cement, to be carted away to the local consignees. HAS BONUS IN SIGHT. oeopa amysle WOl tttve the Sitae - a Baa for sis Vomer. " .-' Joseph Supple,' the - builder of the steamer Kitsap, is certain that he will get the bonus of at least 11.600 for the speed of theoraft constructed at. his . yard at the east end of the lforrlsoa ' street bridge and delivered at Seattle to ' the Kitsap Navigation company about ; 10 days ago. On a trial run Tuesday afternoon the Kitsap tore off 1 miles v In it minutes flat on a course staked - eut by the government for the official - trial -trtpe-ef ..warships -built on- Paget sound.- , ' '. -..!. - ; Mr. Supple returned to Portland this morning., but wUl go back to Seattle next week, when the official trial trip will be Held, and the crew that took the steamer from here are still on board of her. The speedy boat has been accepted. but the bonus question is to be settled i next week, when the machinery wUI - have worn down to - smooth-working ' order. ... ' '- The Kitsap passed everything on the sound exoepting the Princess Victoria. : the long and narrow ateel steamer ply ing between Seattle and Victoria." said Mr, Supple this morning, "and she made the smaller boats look as if they were standing etUL - The run from- Seattle " to Taooma, covered by - the steamer Flyer In 1 hour and 41 minutes, was covered by the Kitsap la exactly 11 - minutes less, or 1 hour and SI minutes. The distance is II miles. - - "The owners have - - accepted the steamer and are more thait pleased with her, but the official -trial-trip will ot be held untU next week, when i I expect . to send her along-at the. rate of 10 miles ' aa hour and thus capture the bonus for ' at least two miles more than contracted : for? The bonus is 10.100 per mile." The Kitsap wtll ply between Beattle and Taooma by the west passage route, around the islands, thus leaving the old route to the Flyer ,' , i ;. LEAVE PASSENGERS BEHIND. . . . ' z Steamars oeapke .aa xllbaim. Vspat VoalfM With All Spaoe Taken. . With all .the. passengers and, freight they can carry, the steamers Roanoke and i F; A. Kllburn will sail, from .their Portland berth's thlfe evening bound for . ports .to the south. .The. Roanoke has 141 passengers- and the - Kllburn' s " list ' eontalns 74 names, all that her aocom- - modatlons will stand. The demand for passenger accommo dations has been so heavy that, the . tickets on both of these steamers were . disposed of the very day the vessels . arrived and scores Of people have since been turned away. The Roanoke- goes to - Ban Pedro via San Francisco and Eureka and the Kllburn to Baa Fran- ' claco via Eureka and Coos bay. , , JOHAN POULSEN IN PORT. Sohooaet Arrives : rraaetaeo with Twe Pilots Aboard. With two pilots on -board Captains Bailey and Pope the steam schooner Johaa Poulsen made the run from As totia to the mills of Inman. Poulsen A company in 10 hours yesterday, al though detained fully 10 minutes In the lower harbor by a freight train that got : stalled in crossing the steel bridge. The steamer Charles R. r?enoor, too, was caught by the brtd-e stl lar-ded her passengers from The C .. at the Ales worth wharf. The Johan Poulsen was alow making the run from San Francisco this time, owing to head winds and a pretty roup h sea. She comes in command of H U Re a. formerly one of the officers on the Harriman liner Columbia. Captain Levtnson having left her In Saa Fran cisco to superintend the building of a large steam schooner for the Loop Lum ber company, owners of the Johan Poul sen. It te not known for certain wheth er or not Captain Rees will be perma nently In command of the Johan Poul sen. The Loop Lumber company Is buying most of its lumber at this port, and by reason of that fact it is believed that the new vessel will be placed on the Portland, run in conjunction with the Johan Poulsen.; The intention Of the compay to add a second vessel to the trade was aanounoed some time ago. v TAKE SMALL COIN; v Waterfront Thieves Bob Oaptala Amos' , Z ' Vslsnhoas Boa. . '( .-. Waterfront thieves are at work again. Last night soms parties so far unknown broke into Captain1 Amos' private tele phone booth on a float at the -foot of Stark street and rifled the box of nickels and slugs. The amount, of the booty is also, a mystery . because the owner of the box does not remember how often he pressed the button slnoe the apparatus - was Installed about two weeks ago, - A - careful investigation by Captain Amoe this morning revealed the fact that the door to the booth bad been pried open with a chisel and the sams tool had been used in removing the lock from the cash box. Evidently the thieves took a hasty departure after getting their reward, for they did not' stop to repair the damage done. Captain Amos operates the launch Eva and he had the telephone Installed for the benefit of his customers with ths belief that stray customers would soon reimburse him for the expense of Installing the talking machine, but now his hopes are aha t tared, for with half of. the month gone and the pronto, too, he sees little chance of playing even before the collector comes round for a new-assessment. ........ DEPENDS ON. CREW. Effort wfll Be Made to Carry gers oa the Oosta Bio ' Efforts will be made to have the steamer Costa Rica secure permission' to carry passengers on her next trip to Portland. The sailors now oa board of her wHl have enough experience by that time to aatlsfy the government Inspec tors that they are competent to handle the vessel, so It la believed, and If such proves the case the necessary papers wtll be granted at Ban Francisco. Toe Costa Rica sails tomorrow night for San Francisco with a full cargo, represent ing 1,100 tons. -: , It waa stated this morning that the steamer Columbia will leave San Fran cisco for Portland September ' L She would be ready for service before, but for the fact that the Union Iron Works are so .rushed with work that they had to send - east for a new rudder and It will not arrive before the latter part of the month. :-. ;; . ' -; - TIES FOR REDONDO. -I Steamer Btsteog la the Btves trader Jheasr MeOorxeiek Sj Oe. The steamer Meteor, which arrived at Astoria last night, went to Hume's mill at Tongue Point to load 100,000 feet of railroad ties for Redondo. . After finish ing there she will shift to St. Helens to take on 100,000 feet more, her capacity being 100,000 feet The cargo la being furnlahed by 'Charles R. MoCormlck et Co. of Ban Franclsoo, to which firm the Meteor ; is under ohsrter. The oil carrier. Atlaa arrived at the Portsmouth tanks this morning with a cargo of oil She will, probably leave aown mis evening, timr captain reports a ' fair voyage from Part Harford, al though the sea was rough and strong neaa winds were encountered moot of the way. , ... - .- ; f . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. R. F. Barnes, deputy collector of cus toms, left -for. the beach this morning. where he will spend his vacation hunt ing bear and fishing clams. The steamer Harvest Queen left down last night to take the Italian ship Ca tering Acoarae from Knappton to the sea. in toe meantime ane wiu snirt some of the schooners loading on . the lower river. The Norwegian steamer Thyra will come to the mills of the Portland Lum ber company Sunday morning to finish ner cargo or lumber ror port Plrle, Australia. She la loading at Vancouver, waahlngton. at present. " The British steamer Comerlc win fin. Ish loading lumber at the mills of the North Paclfle Lumber company Satur day, The British ship Bardowle la ex pected to finish her cargo at the mills of .the Portland Lumber . company the same dy. ; The British ship Celtic). Chief .lm re ported chartered to load wheat - on Puget sound for Cape Town- hr October. She la the first vessel taken for the cape this season.' . - MARINE NOTES. - Astoria,' Aug. l.-Cond!tton of the bar at I a. m.. smooth) wind northwest i weather cloudy. ' Arrived at 11 a. nv a hree-maated schooner. Arrived at 11:41 mM barkentlne Amelia, from Saa Francisco. l. - Astoria, Aug. 1. Sailed at I p. m., schooner W. , F. Jewett, - for Redondo. Arrived at I p. m eteamer Meteor, from San Francisco, to load at Tongue point SOLDIER DIES FROM CHOLERA IN ISLANDS 1 " , ' . - . ' ' "" ' (Jeoraal Special tenlfle.) Washington. Aug. I. The death la the Philippines of Alfred Brown of com pany H. Thirteenth Infantry, from cholera, la announced. , - THE POLICY-HOLDERS' COMPANY - .... j -i t , -t. - . rv----f--' Clean, ' Economical, Well Managed. A most desirable company to , : ' insure in. , Home Office, Commonwealth Bld Sixth and Ankeny .Stsv, : Portland, Oregon . - ' ' A. I HILLS, President "; ' L. 6AUUEL, General Uuitft. CLARENCE 8. 8AUUEL, Asst. lift, J v.i-.:-w ta Order st Lowest ' , Prices ,-. TTCTC3 tax: CXXM hrlghteae roar home wta ' saaele Prtee f 10 fl Aowa aad toe weakly. . , Cood MorctkasaSM Oa!y- il lCprsUere Our Prices Are Ahreys Cm Loweet Ve ur.KAcm of v: ia, aa t daeeloas la aaaae esU al ;. Hisasa WeUes-.Talaee aee - esaotty aa ssasdr ; atse ras nay sjhae we say tt la. rz i ' -pattj..:u j J".' v : t FQ CIQ GHEAT FTlCalY CAIIG An DAlf : EKTT1A SPECIAL L)ucs Ms Ever Recorded Don't think for a moment that would go out thtothlB market fct this time of year and ne-: gotiate a purchase of high grade Novelty Suits unless they were an extraordinary, sensa tional value. The most noted maker of Women's Suits in New York has taken a loss of hundreds of dollars in order to clear out his entire stock. We go on record today with the assertion that AT NO OTHER TIME in any other store in Portland has such a tremen dous bargain EVER been offered ta Portland women. These splendid suits on sale Friday at less than original cost of skirts alone. " v"''".-....-. .'. . . y " i ?J $6.50 to $$io ; wnrresuns $10 to $2 .:;.:vv-- iTcnEisnnis'- The maker's workmanship has an individuality about it that connoisseurs of robes appre ciate, hence onlyi the "best" stores handle his product' Every little detail is carefully gone into by . him selection of materials, perfection of sewing, outlining of the 'trimmings. Kesult: SUIT FKrCTION. : . -r :,: .' "'. ' ' ' - -' : -U There is a variety of styles three-quarter Box Coats, Short Pony Jacket, Bolero and Eton styles. Skirts in gored, circular and other effective styles.' Some of the suits are tailored, some have fancy braid and medallion trimmings ; other styles have -black, blue, pink or lavender piping on jackets and pleated front skirt trimmed with bands of piping. -And then other style - in infinite variety. :--f-'?-T--?:,r,-:r:-: .-... '..i..,.:..::j:.s.ry:: Suits jn display all day Thursday in corner window. y. ... f7;.. . sold until Friday morning. , ; None Only one or two of a kind- Come early tp get good selec tion. No phone orders filled. None sent on memorandum .; $2, $2.50, $2.75 VMe Shirtwaists $1.10 Waists actually selling until today at $2, $2.50 and $2.75 go at this astound- ; ing Friday bargain price: ; ; ' These are White Lawn Waists in the most charming effects of the year. ! All are beautifully embroidered. Some have elaborately embroidered fronts, and clusters of pin tucking; some have panels of embroidery alternating with insertions of VaL lace ; , a beautiful 1 model is exquisitely embroidered with Japanese cotton and trim- ei in med with Baby Irish lac., All at the one low price of. ............ ..eplelU Sale ol $4 Japanese S0h Waists at $2.95 Vhite SulrWaistsrmade'brthe daintiestlmyJapahese silks. The variety of atv1a 1 i infinite some with ' insertions of orettv.Val. lace. Danela of embroid ery and-pin tucking; some smart tailor-made styles with clusters of fine plaits land hemstitching; others-with: yoke' of VaL, deep shirring and embroidered mcdallionsTmanrheftYleSr-all-a it J long sleeves . . . . ......... ...... ...... . ...... ........... ........ VaVo 25c Wash Goods, 8c ! -, - , . 'j K small lot of these splendid fabrics that have , excited , the admiration of ' every one, who has seen them in this E-eat sale. They consist of Printed mbroidered Swiss, - French - Batiste, Printed Organdies and other desirable fabrics.' A wonderful bargain aU.Oe? Beautiful Silk Organdies, daintily em- broidered . with white figures and "hledfinhe-most txquisitf! shades on white ground, a yard..'.,....J25. The Osly Cct-gte Drcj Store la Porti--d Fi.-tlaj the Trest S-ves Yea on Every Drcj - Need Stone Root Kldner and " - I.lrer Elixir . .410. SSe ; Red Raven 8pllta...lSe i Apenta water-. soo Hunyadl Water. .... SSe tloxoaen Slo Carbollo Salve Sle Chloroform Unlmerit lie cii a n ik. lit. wjmu ow . jww. , . . . j . Cascara Aromatlo , ,10o Bicarbonate Soda, lb. So ' Vl Eye wains ......... so Medicine Tumblers, s Te Absorbent Lint. I Wood Alcohol (bring your own . retainer) I 1 i . X I gallon e $1 Uhdcrivcare 75c Men's, Ribbed Lisle Shirts and -Drawers, regular $1 values, fancily 'striped and finished in the best possible man ner. A very special value for Friday selling.' rv?:- ' All of our Men'a Summer Underweir; at tremendous reductions.- Absolute Clearance ot VMe Wash Delis Every Wash Belt in the store goes into this bargain sale' regardless of value j or newness. The largest assortment of Wash Belts in the city tucked, em- ' broidered, lingerie, eyelet embroidery and plain tailor-made, and the new Fritxi Scheff and Olga Nethersole Belts. Hundreds of exquisite designs in the em broidered belts; pearl, gilt and silver buckles.' The whole assortment is di- vided into three lots 1 S5e to SSe I7AS3 CELTS tor 19 c 5e to 75c WAS3 CUTS tor, 25c 75cfcJ1.5 WAS3 CELTS tor 39c : Qearance $1.50 t-llinery for 25c Hundreds of this season's Hatt regularly sold at $1.50 and $1.35 to be cleared out at this ridiculous price. .White Duck Hats in variety, some of horsehair braid. Straw Hats in turban and sailor shapes. All at one price while -w-w ....... . . . ... ................. . . . LDL 'C ; tlGAWTlC rem? SPEOAL EAECAKS r r.IannfcctITCs, Sale ol IToaen's Hccliiycar v v 'We have just received by express a gigantic 'yC. purchase of the entire sample line of one of fs VjrrfyJ I the world s best makers of original and chic " J Women's Neckwear boucht at a tremen- h dous sacrifice. There is a wonderful assort- .V. .-A A t .h!,U. MAM. .twl.. 4A ... . Mt u for our great Friday. Bargain Day at these i sjhsrsnshsi . ir. v4 a a a w- r . m 25e Neckwetr lie 5te Reckwetr lie $1.1 ReekwesrSTe Utaafad-ren' Staple Use ct Cclgrcs tzi Ctye Ccfl-i. Wonderful values as the result of this fortunate purchase. Dainty ef fects in Indian Head, Baby Irish, Venise, etc -Z...',, , $2.5$ Cdtori 18c . . - $1.51 Cc3xrs I1J7 ' Crc-t Sale KaaBtocfarm' Staple Uae of Wovelty Ctectsettes A'' below-cost-of-production purchase of exquisitely beautiful and neat ef fect in Chemisettes of lawn, lace and. Baby . Irish. Exceptional values these; ' ' - "' -'. S9e Cfcesbenes 27c I1.C3 Cfceabettes 47c ..a . Ken's SCc Dose, 19c Pair A special mill purchase of the swelled styles in Men's Half Hose---in cotton and lisle, in fancy, colorings, novelty designs, embroidered figures, stripes, solid colors, etc. v Come Friday ; com? "as early as possible, and share in the greatest genuine hosiery, bargain ,evtr. offered. in Portland.- lldOaKdnIachln DdlTerei ca Payccct ct $1.C $10 is the lowest price ever asked for the -Victor Talking (Machine. This new "model is called the Victor Junior and it plays, sings and talks with as tonishing clearness and , brilliancy. Equipped with the celebrated Victor motor and sound box, has a handsome quartered oak cabinet. It will, play 7, 8 or 10-inch records. We will deliver .' the Victor Talking Machine and One Dozen Records of Your Own Choice for $1.00 as First Payment. ' ' - Friday Sale ol Women's Underwear $1.50 Kinocos, 98c For Women's 85c Ribbed Cot aCO v ton Vests, low neck, no sleeves, trimmed yoke. ; ": ' , ' A P ' For Women's 63c A. Swiss tOt Ribbed Lisle Vests, low neck; no sleeves, lace trimmed yoke. '.' Q- For Women's 25c Ribbed Cot ton Vests, low neck, no sleeves CI For Women's $1.75 Swis epl eawO Ribbed Union Suits, low neck, . no sleeves,' umbrella' 'drawers, lace trimmed. . , ' , ; Notions LoiY-Priced ; T-' 1 ; ; . '. Double sire Paraffine Wax...'... .12 Jar Rubbers, box. . . ; .". . ...... . , . .5 Alcohol Moves ot all kinds to -51.25 Candles, reduced, dozen. . . . . . . . .28 '. Swiftole, th best white canvas shoe cleaner ............. ... . . . . ' . . .25 . Scissors, special. . . . .50, 35, 25 ; Whitole Canvas Shoe Cleaner... .10, Men'sSJeCO Straws at $1.C3 Women's .lawn Kimonos in the" new-: "est styles, made of flowered lawn, with collar and short flowing sleeves ; also striped and figured lawns with puff A1, of our Men', $3 and 52 Straw Hats sleeves ;"and several other styles sell--ev on the bargain table today at. .fl ing regularly, at $1.(0 .and $1.35. Only . They'll go quick and it will pay you to" a small lot at this low. price. . ...8 come early. Long Slfa Gloves z ISc Fancy Datlste, 6c Are here in all sizes, black and white, full. -24-inch,-' 16-button lengths a A. su perior quality. Z , , As a very special Friday bargain a lot of regular 15c fancy Batiste in red and white figures, pink and green squares; ia light weight material very attractive for children's wear and a great bargain. MAN IS FOUND DEAD ' J . ON BEACH AT DALLES : ' '"'--'.'::; (Soedal Slspatdi te T Jearaal.) ; The DaUea OrAut. J. John Noelan, ared l rears, waa found dead on the beach this, morning. He had been drink ing freely for the week past and with two eoittpenlons went to sleep near a luaafcec'nUe ea the Mask akeatvU C ' ' ' . 1 - o'clock last night,'-All of them were err drunk at the time. When bla com panions awoke ther found Noolaa was lrlng dsad a few feet distant. - Noolaa worked In this city a year ago aad lately has been with the north bank railroad.' ' He baa no known reta il ves or money and wilt be burled by the county. The eoroner'a inquest waa held thla morning aad returned a rerdlet of death raa aicohoUsm, PORTLAND PASSENGER - KILLS HIMSELF ON TRAIN Uearael Saeetal Sot tee.l ; Redding, Aug. I. A elerlcal-looktng man, riding on a tlekst from Saa Fran otsco to Portland,-committed sulctds yesterday afternoon oa train No. IS, be tween Hornbrook and Coles. ' He iflred twe shota Intq his efcdocaeo. aa4s;ed before the train reaclled Coles, where the body was placed In the depots ... LORD DOUGLASS IS 1 HELD AS IH:P0STER 1 1 (Jeereel Sreelal 8eVe.) ' Portland. Me.. Aug. I. Lord Bholto Douglass, who waa detained two Bights X toe selloe because be wsa aUatekea '-' ....z ..... 1 lor a bogus lord masquerading In N- Carolina and .elsewhere, was r today, after his Identity was f r tabllohml. He signal sa sere...- I t te proeeoute fer false arrest. Amy X I l' " Hmrmmi Seeal a--e ) Washlnaton, -t. I. J. ' r t Ouste"-'v -S t, ; ' of that ft- ' t:??e c s