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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1906)
ti: crco:r daily journau toutlaiid, tiiurspay eveuhjo, august g, im. AMERICAN BURNED Snap Shot Showing the Collapee ol f;; ' j GUT OFF BECAUSE dF HARRIAGE Scion of Wealthy ' Family Begins ' : Contest to Break Moth er's win. . c; . DISPLEASED PARENTS BY WEDDING SISTER'S MAID Sensational Disclosures Promised la , Syracuse by ' Rodney Wellington Hey, Who Wat Denied His Share in Large Estate. ' ' ' (Jooreel SpeeUl Swvle.) Syracuse, N. T,. Auk. 1. Rodney Well In ton Hey baa be run a sensational contest to break ' his mother's will, whloh waa drawn up In Paris just be . fore her death a few months aa;o. The will cut him off without a cent because he had married his elder sister's pretty Alsatian maid. Those who are familiar with the case say that younc Hey will make serious charges against his sister A ris and her husband. Baron von H1I bis. ' He believes they besmirched the ' character of his wife In order to per- . auade hla mother to chane-e her will. When the case la opened before Bur ro sate Edgar P. Disss of 'Onondaga county on Wednesday an unusual ro ' mance will be unfolded... All of the par - ties concerned are of social prominence in Syracuse, where, until his death; early In the year, the father of the , ' house, George W. Hey, was a prominent 8 v 'MB - SI,. . - r ' H; H i i v-"', , iO , 8 a- ii mm':- si' : iuuMz f--py: a ; v; 1 ":' 1 ' Hi? -'i'A )f " '.''rif v r patent attorney. rathe SHrlekem la Oomrt. - Oeorge W. Hey died In a ITtlca hos- ' pltal after suffering a paralytio stroke while trying a case In the United States court. The news was cabled to Mrs. Hey at the Grand hotel In Paris. . She was prostrated and French physicians refused to permit her to sail fpr home. V A month later came a letter from her favorite eon, which waa almoat as greai a shock as the sudden death of her hus band. Toung Hey wrote that for two -"years he had been secretly married to , Madeleine Goettleman, a beautirul Al satian girl whom Avis Hey had brought from Europe as her maid. He told hla mother his wife was about to become a mother and begged forgiveness, There waa a family conference. It la I ssld. between mother and daughter and Baron von Hllblg, whom the daughter -.' waa about to marry. : Certain charges were made that the Alaatlan girl waa not a fit wife for young Hey. The day before Mrs. Hey died, April to. she Renders the bile more fluid and thus helps the blood to flow; It affords prompt relief from biliousness, indi gestion, sick and nervous headaches, and overindulgence In food and drink. G. U Caldwell. Agt M. K. A T. R. R., Checotah. Ind. Ter., wrltee, April II: "I was sick for over two yeare with en largement of the liver and spleen. The doctors did me no good and I had to give up ell hope of being cured, when ?iy druggist advised me to use Herblne. t has made me sound and well." toe. Woodard. Clarke A Co. C ivIOKEY TO HAMBURG destroyed by fir , edification is made the electric alarm, 1 .,-. he Tower of the Old Church of St Uamburg,3 Which Burned Down July sent for a clerk from the United States consul's office and drew up a new will, leaving her fortune of $100,000 to her eldest son, George W., Hey of Montana ana to ner daughters Avis and Enid. ' Oat Off fog Marriage. : i .The will stated that young Hey was .el ously displeased hla mother. It waa In May, 1(04, that the woman wno is- now Mrs. Rodney Wellington Hey-erossed-from France on the same efwwTfnTnTITrTlM Y 4f Rodney W. Hey and His Sister, the Baroness Avis von Hilbig, Whose , Maid the Young Man Married. steamer with Miss Avis Hey. She at tracted the Syracusevaoclety girt with her pretty face and a friendship sprang up between them, though one waa in the steerage and the Other In . the firat oabtn. . Madeleine found relatives ' on "tang Island, but she did not like them, and she left them to beoome .Miss Heya maid. From the very first, young Rod ney, who Is now 23, showed an Intereat In her. She won the heart of the father and younger sister. - Sister Married Baron. . Avis Hey did not return from Parts Immediately- after her mother's death. Then came rumors that she waa en gaged to Baron Oscar von Hllblg. A week ago Syracuse was startled when there came a telegram from Maw York, which was signed "Avis von Hllblg," and announoed that she would be home In the morning with her new husband. - Immediately-upon -their - arrival 1n Syracuse the Ton Hllblgs drove to the family home In Walnut Park, whloh they found already tenanted by Mr. and Mrs.- Rodney Hey and their week-old daughter, Elga. It la aald no worda of greeting paaaed between them, and that brother and sister are still living as strangers under their father's roof. . Went at It Backward. , from Puck. A reporter of the. Peris Matin tried to purchase a genuine Rockefeller Inter view, with a check for 11,000, He failed. Thei proper, .way. to. make an American millionaire Jalk , la net to offer, hlra (1,000, but to try, to get IM09-away iron, oidv . -t..- REBUILD' GATH5DRAL "The greet ehurch of St Michael's, which was totally on July I. will b rebuilt Thla re- poastbls very largely by the magnificent contributions wtilch hare been received from former Ham burger! now resident in the United States, one handsome , sum having been cabled by a New Yorker the day after the news of the disaster was published in the American papers. An Inspection of the great heaps , of blackened ruins shows that much. Of the original masonry can be used again, while the splendid foundations are almost- Intact ' The, destruction of Bt. Michael's of Hamburg was most spectacular.. .The fire broke out in thev steeple, where workmen were, repairing the clock, and Is supposed to have been due to carelessness. The conflagration spread rapidly, and the steeple, which wee 41 feet high, fell in less than 40 minutes from the time the fire started. . The flames communicated with adjoining buildings, several of which burned so rapidly that the fire seemed to get out of con trol. ' - : ; . ' - ' . . After the church waa in flames Dr. Brlnkmann, director ' of the Museum of Art and, Industry, with several officials, entered the edifice to save the gold. and silver treasures, but only' the smaller "pert of these was saved.. , ? Whet) the steeple fell the thousands of people who had gathered .1n ''the streets gave vent to groans that were ' audible above the roar of the flames. - . .. -The fire watchman, who lived in the steeple, sounded but his retreat waa cut off."THrrt . workmen who were repairing the clock also perished, and 10 firemen were wounded, two of them dangerously. . The people of Hamburg deeply regret the loss, of the church, which waa one of the moat prominent objects in -the general -view- of the city; ' The "roof, which was of 7 eopper, which long ago had turned green' through oxidisa tion, was the largest In Hamburg without supporting pillars. An stata religious funotlone were held in Bt .'.Michael's. '..'... . . ... ..',.','.,.' . . ; . , -.. Bt Michael's has been twice destroyed by fire.'.-The - original structure, which dated back to the eleventh Cen tury, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground in 1750; the second structure, modeled on the first wis built ' ' ' - ' ' 11 " ' - "T " - 1 ' f - " - X - . Michael, One of the Landmarks of 3. ; " ''"'-'.': ' ' HARRY LEHR GRABS KODAK FROM OFFENDING BOY Relents However, and Offers, Five Dollar for Plate While , - - Crowd Gathers. " tfoanul Special llervke.) . Newport. R. L, Aug. S. A distressing scene took plaoe In front of the Casino at noon today. A small boy with a kodak stood la front of Harry S. Lehr and snapped a picture. Lthr grabbed the-llt tie fellow- by the - throat and dragged him Into the store ooeupied by Howard A .Co Jewelers. A Crowd gathered and the doors were locked. The society leader relented-suddenly and returned the camera which he had taken from the lad and then offered him IS for the negative. ' - v snap Lienr and Mrs. stuyveaant Fish. Chief of Police Crowley stepped In front or them ana the wife of the president or me Illinois lantrai railroad and her companion were spared. A DREYFUS, NOVEL - "The , Two Brothers" Foretold Or- - deal of French Army Officer. The happy ending of the Dreyfus af fair calls to mind a strange coincidence. More than a year before the unfortunate oaptaln was accuaed of high treason a novel, "The Two Brothers,"' by Louis Letang, waa publiahed in the Petit Jour nal, which foreshadowed the cause cele- bre. ' Captain Dreyfus waa suspended and arrested In November, 1114. but In June, 1IJ, this novel had minutely depicted all the phases of the case. Its contsnts are briefly as follows: Two French officers. Aurellen and Daniel, hate a fellow-offloer. Captain: Philippe Dormellea, who suceeeded In obtaining a position In the war office. The motive of their hate la a woman; and they are Intent on hla ruin. In a dialogue between the two Aurellen sug gests to Daniel: "Philippe Dormelles knows all (.the. secrets of our national defense. Since wet cannot make away with the fellow by means of an accident, we must dishonor him. This will Just aa aurely cause his death." Daniel la delighted with this idea, and, after ma turing a scheme In his mind, replies: "I have tt Tou know Philippe's chlee? First Lieutenant Allenard, la my friend, and all I need la, when, calling at the war office, to find out where the secret documents are filed away. The' rest la easy. All we have to do Is to write on an . envelope the sddress of Francis Mers. who Is known In Paris aa the employs of Major von Sllppen, the' head of the espionage of the German em bassy. Into this .envelope we place a letter with appropriate contents and In Philippe's handwriting, so skillfully forged that Philippe himself must recog nise it as hla own." They at once set to work to carry out their acheme In gorging the letter, and OeJveetea's Sea Wall makes life now ss safe In that city aa on the higher uplands. EX W. Ooodloe, who resklee en button street. In Waco, Tea., needB no eea wall for safety. He wrltee: "I have used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption the past Ave yeara and It keepa me well and' safe. Rafore that time I had a couah whloh for years had been growing worse. Now It's gone." - Cures chronle Coughs, La Orlppe, Croup, Whooping Cough and prevents rneumoma. t-ioasaqi 10 una. Every bottle guaranteed at Skldmore Drue Co. Prioe 0o aad 11.0ft, Trial AAetUe free. -. A mm .'." RSfJ for AND WE TREAT MEN - Com Today who number "THOUSAND! Curtl ' W can If you have violated the laws 'i .. . "' 'i V stant drain which is undermining your system,' come to us before you become a nervous and physical wreck.' If you are weak, gloomy and despondent, have bad dreams, depressed, lack ambition and energy, un- ' ,able to concentrate your tKoughts, lack vim, vigor and vitality, come to - us at once: our treatment will stop all drains, and overcome all weak nesses and positively restore you to strength and health. We have cured thousands of weak men, , ; .; .. .Those who have been disappointed by unskilled specialists art earnestly requested to investigate our methods and terms without delay, which bad they don in the beginning would have saved them time., and money. '- - - .. ; 7"r. .'' A LIFE LONG CURE FOR Blood; ynleoa. ttla Plaeasss.. Soree, Tfloera, Btrlotnre, Tarloooela,' Wjiroi '. eel 1 rrous Seollae, WeekBesa, FUee Ohroale Slaeasea of the Kidneys - aad yo seats. : ,''..:, We waiit every man In the country who Is afflicted to write us about his ailment. We cure you at home. One visit only required to our of f Ice, when necessary Hours 9 a. m. to-Sr-nr.T.Evenings, 7 to 8; Sundsy,9 a. m. to 12 noon. . SI. Louis UEDICAL AND SIRGICAL ooBjm noon aviro tamktxi, These DoctorsWillPosi tively Cure You They Will Agree to . . Forfeit $1.000' in Qold Coin . ' for any caae'undertaken by them that they cannot cure, and 11,000 , more for any case ever heard of that they undertook and failed to . relieve. . ; Weak Young Men are restored to robust fjealth by our system of treatment after I eveiy other means has failed.- 7 Middle-Aged Men ' going 'through life dead to ' the world, so far as taking an active part in Ita affairs, can be . re-, stored to health and vigor. We TreariindTiire Varleoce!e,-1iydrocele, nervous debility, blood disease rheumatism,-skln-rdieeeBssv-heart-dlooaso.-dlsoaeoB of the " lungs, liver disorders, kidney, bladder and urinary diseases, sores, ulcers and ail chronic dlseaaes of men only. They have so much confidence In their system and appliances that they will allow a patient to deposit the price of a cure in eny bank In Portland, to be paid them wnen a cure Is effected, or will take monthly Installments If the patient pre (era. We Guarantee a Cure in Every Case jWeAJndertaKe iqr Charge No FeeT Consultation free. -Let tere confidential. Instructive book for men aaal led free in plain wrapper. . If you cannot call at offloa, write for question blank. Home treat ment successful. - Office hours a. m. to I p. m.; Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to II m. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co Offices la Van Noy Hotet It H, Third SC. Corner Pine, Portland. Or. the document addressed to a foreign military attache Is successfully Juggled into the hands of Philippe's chief.' As a consequence, Captain Dormellea la ar rested and sent to the prison Cherohe MldL In the forger's opinions It is now necessary to arouse the publle By means of the press. "On the very evening of the arrest," said Daniel, "a Journal de voted to me muat publish a sensational article accusing Dormelles of high trea- soil:' All this occurs In theVnovsl, and, aa la known, also occurred In reality. - In the novel the name of 'the Journal is given aa Le Vigilant, and It tells on Its first page of the high treason Captain Dormellea committed by selling' secret documents to a foreign government The articles closes-with the iwordo! """The traitor's house waa searched and Impor tant documents were found referring to the manufacture of smokeless powder. Philippe Dormelles could not help con fessing his crime." . V A similar Incident marked the later affair. The Journal Libre Parole, as la known, compelled, by Its publications. M. Mercler, the then minister of war, to institute proceedings sgalnst Drey fus, and even used the lie, suggested In the novel, that Dreyfus had confessed hie guilt. Evsn more surprising appears that part of the novel In which a veiled woman Is Introduced, to enable one of the criminals to get rid of his betrothed, A letter with a false signature Invites the woman to come to a lonesome apot In the Champs Elysee, the very same place where, three years later. Ester hasy claimed to have received his Im portant document from a "veiled lady." The examinations ana trials or cap tain Dormelles are also similar to those of Captain Dreyfus. The chief witness against the accused man Is First Lieu tenant Allenard. Captain Dormellea la found guilty and sent to the bagnio. Bnt "REST lY 23 YEARS TEST" . For Slomach and Bowel troubles. Liv er and Kidneys, and all diseases due to Im pure blood or weak nerves Smalt sue (tablets) 23c. large tist. 1100. At Drue lists' (in black boxeat if not send lor FREE trial boa to . Batten's Native Herbs Company . . Catniboa. Osito, T Sm Freartare. Cat, PI 0 ONLY H mm Bstablifhed 25 Years in Portland CONSULTATION FREE 1 Wk will treat any single; uncom. ' , plicated ailment for $12j0 - for the fee. . ADSOLtTE guarantee NO PAY UNLESS CURED to the SUCCESSFUL Specialist' their PERFECT . Cures by the You want a PERMANENT ACCOMPUSH IT, of health and are conscious of a con ituiti. vomf&Aro, OB. even the solution of ths novel shows an aatoundlng similarity to that of the Dreyfua case. Owing to the efforta of Dormellea' bride, the forgeries are dis covered. Allenard, seeing the accumu lation of evidence In favor of Philippe's Innocenoe and proving hla own guilt, commits suicide In prison Just ss Col onel Henry did -In real-life. This is essentially the plot of the novel. The queatlon now arlaea, "la It mere coinci dence that thla novel ao exactly de scribes the various phases of the Drey fus .ceser'' If not. waa the author of the novel a seer or did the rascals scheming the ruin of poor .Dreyfus take the plot In the novel for a pattern after Which to perpetrate their dastardly for geries T j ' - i - EASTERN EXCURSION RATE Aeg-ast T, S, S, September s aad 10. On the above datea'the .Oreaf North ern Railway will have on sale tlcketa to Chicago and return at rate of 171.10, St. Louis and return 117.10, BL Paul. Minneapolis and Duluth, Superior or Sioux City and return, 1(0. Tioketa first-class, good going via the Great Northern, returlng same, or any direct' route, stopovers allowed. For tlcketa, sleeplns:car reservations or any addi tional information call on or addreea H, Dickson, C. P. T. A lit Third street, Portland. " v . . DRUGS INSTEAD OF ROPE. Maryland Prisoners' Aid Society .Will Ask Legislature for Help. 1 in . Baltimore . physicians are unani mously of the opinion that the hypoder mic syringe affords the greatest facili ties for exterminating folk who have slain, other, people, Jab-murderers In the arm and kill 'em with morphine. This Is the lateet subatltuts for hanging, and the doctors who recommend It aay It Is a moat delightful way of putting people to death. When ths legislature meets again the Prisoners' Aid society will urge the ap pointment of a commission to Investi gate the most humane method of put ting criminals to death. The Aid society recommends that the electrical methott be employed, but med ical experts say that the most painless way Is the Injection of several grains of morphine Into--the-large artery of an arm. The fatal doae could be praps ed by a physician, and the sheriff and a fcypodermie sjriage eould do the rest Dispensary TRANSPORTATION. Cc f Czutsr Line Steamers THIS EXCUKSIOM STKAMCR "BAITJCT OATZBHT" makes round trtpa to CAS CADR LOCKS ever Bundav, leaving PORTLAND at a. m, returnuig, ar rives (cm. Dally eervlee between Portland and The iMllee exoept Sunday, leevlne; Port land at 1 a. m., errlvlnr about ft. ol, earrylnsT frelrht and paasensers. flplen- am aoconunoaauona xor -ouinis ana livestock. Dock foot of Alder street. Portland: foot of oiirt street. The Dalies. Pbone Mala 114, ForUanX . . TELEGRAPH Vastest ea the SUve The only stsamboat making a round trip .. BAXXiT ' " Except Sunday Between ' . PORTLAND and ASTORIA asto wat room Leave Portland ..,,.T:00 a. m. Arrive Astoria ........... p. m. Lesve Astoria. ... p. m. Arrive Portland. ....... .0:00 p. aa, Ki-aIJ SERVED A LA CARTE . aVHUaS bandlag, Aide Street Book. Astoria fcaadlag. QaUeadee Peek. B. B. SCOTT. Agent Phone Main 11 ALASKA . FAST AND POPUtAB STBAMSBTPS f : Lesve Seattle . "JZyTZltSO," Jobs SO. Jnly SS, as. . "TKUYiXr Jaly , It, si. . CAIXIlfO AT Keteblkee. laseea. Doeglts, Baiaes, Skag way, Coeseets wlta.W. P. A T. leate lev . A tile, DewBea. Taoass. Horn. ete. For AO Soetbeestera Abuks PeHs. Call ee send fnrTrts to WesSerfal AlMks," Mladlaa Beeketry."- "Tetel Poles." - . 'TBI ALASXA S. S. 00. rrsah Weaker Ce., Asests. ' ' SO 0k . st- . Portlaad, .0. NOSTH PACIFIC S. S. CO.'S Steamship ROANOKE 2,500 tons,1 the only first-class pas senger ship sailing between Portland. San Francisco, Los ' Angeles and Eureka. Sails Thursdays, August 2. August 16 and August 30, at o p. m. from Columbia Dock. Ticket Office 132 Third, near Alder. Phone M. 1314. H. YOUNG, - Agent. . SOtrTKIASTBSB ALASKA BOUTS. . from Seattle at S p. m. for Katrhlkaa. hitn, 8ke- rw X'iA war. White Horse, vaweoe (VWJ AV and ralrbanke s. s. city or aearaie, aog aat 1. 11, 1. 1. S. S. HuaboMt, Aasast 1 11 tt S. S. Cottage Olty (rts Bltkat. Ansuat 10 sad St. , BOMB BOVTB. - Third salllns .. S. a-natnr about Annat IT. FOB SAM yBAKCISOO DIBBCX. FOB SAB TBANOISOO. lVaaa H,attl at S a. n. l amtllla. Aanat S. farUand Offioe. S4S WaabUurtea St., Mala SSS. 0. M. LIE. Faaa. A Ft. Ait. C. D. DU.NA.NN. O. P. A. 10 Market, flea Free. Erie Railroad TO BTBW TOBBT A WD BOBTOBT ABB: ABTT TICBLBT ABUT. i i i i I Portland's Widely Known and Successful Chinese Medicinal, Root and Herb Doctor Uls lasseee restedles, the tariata of wbich we Import airact tni tae Print ta large qaeoUtiae aai prapare aad Bat as for as ta bis BB-e-4ate labetory. He Berewy. Batseee er drags el say klad sees, rarely tantabte. The Porter treats aoumfally ssd gearaatoes be eare all atoaaeb troubles, eatarrb. aatbaaa, tnng. throat. rbeeaMtlea. aanoasaass, Uree, kidney as4 kiat eianboed. riBLAXB TBOTBIVS Aim AIX PBTVATB DISEASES. No false or sataleedlas stsreasaats t the sflletee. A safe sad taitlcf rare la tbe rates, oat poealble Mae and at tbe lowest eeet pos sible tor boooat treatsieat. If yt eansot eall. write for syaatnei bleak sad elrealer. forlaee 4 eeets ta etasips. OOHSOTTATIOB FBBB. ras 0. eeoewo Oblaoao Maaiaiae Oo., ISIH rtrit St., Oar. MorrbMB, Portwaa. Oa, Ploooo BMDtloa this papoe. Every Wcnnn aaaanstaaBnaaDoora aaow sdoui too wonoorrai MAJtVTL VrbsrliM Sorav IThsaowVotMSriawa, tojt- aurtttm llial Bar. BrOWOtojaMlwa, M nan not sorely the IBV1 aouoot no othar. bat tood alomo Itm llluatralad book .!. It fnli oortioulara and HlrootinM Im. valuable to ladioa. Bis aval, CSX. ea ej. saa ST.. aaw t osaT S. S. SBIDMOBB A 00 ut mso BTBXBX ABO WOODABD, OLABBB OO. Scotfs Sanlal-Pepsm Cepsulcs A POSITIVE CURE rorlnflensMtleaerObtarrhaf bo Ble4lerea! Dlaaaeod BM. ira. aa ocas as rax. caree ulckly and Barnaaoatir the 0 ODaS B0 rAt. Cares ooraft eaaaa ol ajl n4 elloee. Be aettar of bow af etaadln. ABeoisieiy ornloaa. Boldly drastteav TKEJAXTAL-ftPSim Belbeoatslas, I for Sola by Weedard. Clarke Oo. Jlow brvx. BBTBB BieWI w VaUV- Tarroat'a BaoTaob el Uaaees aa Ooseibem I TboSMi yv aod itoiajl at a ran ooaorrboaa. sleob. wsioas, eea, Boar i toko. eooroloa be eorrr. FU paara saoaaaaroi aoo. frtoaSj. Jt - nowo a Martiu'a, aai waaiuat land, Oretoai or by aaU froat Tbe Co.. 44 Hodaoa al Bow York. Pure, Safe, Sere Pr. Sinderson'a Compound roTin ana woiiori nooi fins The beat and onlv rallablo r remedy, for . Xtolayed ge- xtoda. Cures "the moat ob stinate caaos in I to IS day. Price It per box, mailed in plain wrapper. Ad dress T. J. PIERCE. M. D., Il4 Third street, Portland, Oregon. , f)ivorQpoffiirir IMUOIXLUJ CGI ill bBv. .bp oa. oaBBaoooaaaB. M lafasaaaaaHi aaaaauBBfT wst m at .."Tori Tarraat ' - T f ) AMaUKiorfPAcinc 3 Trainsjo th Est Dsily-1 "nswia etaaeeid ead ! shM. ' rSElt. BleotBir aliy to iTasM Cms. ' 2fert MWm ekreeaj r.U OeslTis ChCiti!!r ' 'aeee. ' Awtve. Zk...' .1. H""tee. Mr. SJSsai . S4SSS rwl.Tnw rAlrBe : i ' - At,J0?,,n, ""- rtSeet S.eee nMfi twpnm trr the Bast - rZrih.'JFS,'- " S:t set fits imJi! m'T S"1" tueenrise Wife JS ""' SsteMsv. 10 b. B. ArHrnS eeKti. JL'0"' s4 Xeatkni rtMt B.ste7.,V ,'. ... a. nr. m r .f'BB BtVgB BOPTB. Blwrt. I'' i n' retsts tmm 5J7 I'V.,,1 - n erHel Trsfa l,wm. KeMDBBAT. Oernral PliM aseat. EASTv SOUTH ' tfnloo npot - fcsave, Antva. overlao Brsrsas.. Tratas ror aalosi, Bobarg1 Aab- . Use, SacraaMste. 6tiM. ' ' . V ; Saa fraBrieoe. gtocktoe .' ' :;:- f An.Uo. n Paao, ' , ' 1 . New orlnoa ssd tbe oast egJOSW . S1S SS Mnrntag trsls fnoalfti et . . -WoMbora AtUr not Sesday wtrb . trata for ' bjosat Anaol, Sllrortoa. . , Browaorlllo. gBrtnaaeM. . - WaailitBa Natroa.... tM W , t d SS Bbo Bastisr - ana- ,. at Woadbora with , . Moant Aari sad glleer. toa Inrol a4;tS BW eirl-BS a fvwvante paaaiBi. ...... T e ii nrnoeet BWtilta eeaai na i r e-Wpsl . . B'SS ao ForMt Orove imaacnrer.. ie no ana . 1 11:60 pel Pane. T.n . BnMIr. irrrsRRow-STarirr station. For Dallas and tateraedtata points Sally TrSS a. m. sbI 4:16 p. aa. Arrlra partlaae 10:10 a. a. and S SO p. a. Foe tine ea4 ear ef Oeweeo sowartioa trateS aaiilr at City Ttrkrt OfSea. ar atatlaa. Tlekete to. Baatorn aotnra en Karoeet ale lapas. Oilnr. Honohilo and AnarraNa. flty Tlrkat OfSre enmer Tbli4 tmt Wash, fogtna strata. PhoB Mala TIB c Hf"",R- Ws. MeMTTBBAT. iiry Tieaet ageet, . , sea. Pa TIME CARD OK TRAINS Port lan d- Valoa Dap t Leer. Arrlao. rellowarOBS Psrfc-Bassas Ctty-St. Loots SiMolal for ' Cbahalls, OotrolU. Olraa. pla. uray'e Harbor. Snots Baod. Taeaaa. SVartte. Sro. . tano. Botlo. , " Unge, Doevre, Oaabe. Baa- saa City. St. Lao la sad SoBttiooat, dally SiSOsa Hnrtb Cnaat UmltMl. olee. , rrio Hebte4. for Taoona daaj. nM. SpokaBO. hot to. Misst-apeae vu raai sse be Beat, eany SobbA limit, t lepei ffawaa flaMaunt. Ckabalai. Cao. tralla. Taroaa ead Seattle only, daily Twta City Bveress fee Ts. now. S-atTU. Bon Iran. , 4:S0 pa S:SB pa B.M. Bane. er. raoi, Vtooaaanrla. Llneera. St, Inaoeb. Banoaa City. Oaae. ka, St loots. wltbost ebeoe of ears. Hiieei eoa. m rxe en eoma oAUMitbaaat. Salle., tt A. D. CHART.Tr!. AasMtast Oeeersl Pee, rsirilaaA. Afoot, ass a ii mia suaei. iiiaat xaire. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Caloa Depot far Maytara, Bataler, (lata. kanla. Waetnort. Clirtoa. Aatarla. WarroBtoa. Pla- , ' . - ' ooL Raaaoad. Port' Stoo see. Ooerbart Park. Seaatdo. (KM s 1:SS as Aetorla and Sasabara, es proaa datlr Te pa SiSSBei PortlandBMalde Tim"lrMJ eauyw laboee Portland :! p. a. 1 . , . an tratoa 4at1o. I. C MA TO. O. P. sad . A., Astoria. Or. a A. STEWABT, Ceaaefotsi Aaoet, Sat Amm (also THK COMKrTtASU WAY. 9 Ovcrissd TrsLssCsily 2 ''ike Orwatal LlaUtsA, the Past Mag TIA gBATTLB AMD SPOBAWB Dally. Daily, leave, Antea, gwrtlSBd ttsae To and from Snokaae, iit PaaL Mtsneapolbi, Inhith esd all nolo to Bast vU Seattle " fiftaa 11)44 pa S. pm To ssd froa St psbI. BflBBeapoHe. Dslatb aad all aetata Beet VM BBoasBS a-11 a S-e aa arrlBg froa Ba,ttle ter iasos Sod - China porta ana ataoua. mrnrwitrnm soaerra and feotpht. . g. a. Dakota, Seytoabor t. . I. S. Mlaaoeets, Ootobor SS. - bibtobt rtrsBV XAisita ' (Japaa Mall Stoaawbls Cot' ' B. a. Vlaaae Mara wUl aaU freja Seattlo aboat Aoriat T for Japaa an4 China ports. earrrlBg laaiagere sod fiolhl urteto re too. baett saeeret ease. ete.. eaU a ar address bt. mcKSOB. 0. F. f A. I Bt, Pertlead. weoeoa. Fbaee Male -J S. S. F. A. Kilb::rn IW Cees Bey. Saeeba ssd Sas rrsaetors. Bast' saTllng froa Portlaad. Tkareday. Aug. t. KaSl pallmg froa Bee rras., Tkeea., Jsiy f . i v p. I natnu'.u axeeaoVcb Peek Be. a, pao a s i. I tit south. Jni j cjf