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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1906)
J- 0 13 THE OREGON DAILYX JOURMAU PORTLAND. THURSDAY CVEIJIKO, AUGUST 8,v i::3. LEPER IS; SPURNED BY FOUR BIG CITIES -v. i : i V : ' I: ' t s ; t ' - "s -r' ' "- 'At George Rottett, tbe Syrian Leper, t the Door of the Boxcar in Which " 'f ' ' v'-'i' He' Tried to Reach New York. '-'-."T ; beast, shunned, (Joeraal Special BTTlr.) . Baltimore Aug. 1 Much excitement has bMB oum4 In four eltlee by tbe chum ao4 apprehenaion of George Roa aett, a Syrian leper, who la an effort to. get to North Brothers laland traveled tn a bozoar from bla home In Elklna, Wst Virginia, to Cumberland, Vary land, thence to Baltimore, -. thenoe to Philadelphia, thence back to- BalUmore and thence to Philadelphia and back ' here again. At every point where, he waa apprehended he waa aent back to the city from which he had Just .left He la now at Bay View, near Baltimore. atUl In his boxcar, while the authorities punle over the problem of what to do with .hlm, -r r - XemaxfeaMe Trip. " v The trip "of Rossett from Elklns, . West Virginia, haa been remarkable and filled with atrange Incidents. . Every- where . the unfortunate man went the - problem was) to provide for him without endangering the health ef the com munity. . He waa given food In various ways, ear always being taken to keep him from oontact with hta fellow crea ture. Thlnge which he touched were destroyed utterly, so that any danger ' lurking In the objects might be re moved. The sufferer haa been prao- J tically like a wild loathed, oatraclsed. At Brunswick, Maryland, which Roa- sett left July SI for New York, he cre ated a panic The townahlp waa pus sled about the manner In which to sup ply the man's needs. Finally, it waa de cided to erect a structure of railroad ties and aeat the leper upon It. Roasett saw tbe conatructlon . of tbe strange seat, which looked like' a funeral pyre. When it waa completed he scrambled up and waited, hunger In his eyes. . ' Spumed by Bveryone. . , Soma men volunteered to approach and throw Roasett food, much aa they would have hurled It to a dog. The poor fellow's hunger waa ao great that he could not contain himself, and started forward to meet those bearing the food. The supplies were dropped and the bearers fled, preceded by the crowd that had stood at what they . eonsldered a safs i distance frein the " pile of "ties;' Eventually the man' Waa Induced to re mount his pedestal and ' remain there until disposition of his ease waa .made.' J. P. Engel, conductor on the Balti more A Ohio road, with others, devised the scheme oC placing Rossett In a box car, taking - precautions agalnat either hie coming In contact accidentally with others or his escaping. - - EDOCHIL CODTEST IS BY CLERGY AND EDUCATORS Rev. A. A. Winter Writes Letter Commending project and Telling of Manifold Advantages It Gives Ambitious and De serving Young Men and Women; . : -, . -aTTAJrSTJfO OT OOBTOgTAJTTB XT V0TM. - e Horace A. Wilson, tit Halsey 8f, PortUnd. Or..'., ,.. AUtt e Nallla -Uay. Shannonr. tt$ -Tenlno..PortlendV..OrAt m.,,hh ,ji e Lillian MoVicker, 8 V Johna. Dr. ....,..v...M...l e Guy Graham. Troutdale, Or. ...................... imo Chaa. Gross. T. M. C A, Portland.:.....,.... .............Wte Bhoda I Stalnacker, Albany.. Or. . .......... .. . . ... 1 , , . tI4 Mildred I blemons. University Park. Portland. Or. ............ .18970 Roy Johnson, V Division B, Portland, Or... ......,'....,,..,, ,.ll1e Carl Shelton. Porty-elgbth street. Mount Tabor, Or. 14 tie Mary E. Powell, 417 Salmon Bt, Portland. Or. .. ....... ..14110 CTay Jonea. (0 K. 11th BL, Portland, Or...,.....,.,......, ;114le Mae Pendergraaa. Ill North Seventeenth fit, Portland. Or....... 10lk Bertie O. Chan. It 1 Clay Bt, Portland, Or. .....;.!.... 1050 John Benson, Chemawa. Or. ........,.".,.,....,.,..., V.ii.'..j,,,IOt Edith K. Harrla, 411 Oxford Be. Portland, Or. ..,,.. TH e Dorcas Van' Schoonhoven, Cove, Or. ......... ,. ................. Til 4 Paul Nygren, It! Eaat Third Si, north, Portland. Or............. e Harry Brant The Norton, Twelfth end Morrison, Portland, Or fOIA e Clay Cary, Salem, Or. ........... ml e Mabel Magneaa, Amity, Or........ 1170 e Alleeo Hackman, Myrtle Park, Portland, Or.. nil Loulae Bcott, Central addition. Portland. Or,...,..,,. Size ; 4 e.R-,W. Cyrus, Bclo, Or. till e 4 , Ivy Owens, CMW'WDll''(h.''iMliiTlnnTnTnmmM,KM4NI.:e. 4 Edward X Kinsman, JUnnton, Or. lilt 4 e Guy Johnson. 101 Grant 8L. Portland, Or. ..lite 'e 4 - Ruth Turner, lot Kerby Bu. - Portl and. Or. ...........' toe 4 4 w. B. Owynn, St East Thirty-set enth SL, Portland. Or......... too e. 4 George D. King, Kingston, Or. sue 4 e Agnes Evans, Latourell, Or......,., 4. ....... ' ie e TELLS HOW TO COOK BONY CARP SO THEY WILL TASTE LIKE TROUT ' Richard Kerby says he knows how to aaake the bony chubs, carp and Chinese trout that abound In the Willamette and the surrounding sloughs palatable to even aa epicure. He declarea it Is dead easy, and any one can be led to b lieve that he is feasting on mountain trout while getting away with, elugglsb water scavengers. Kerby was fUhlny nff th tnnt nt f tark street yesterday . afternoon - sur rounded by a crowd of waterfront loafers anH boys. He had met with good luck and had a gunny sack 1 half filled with fish when ready to start for home In one of the suburbs. t "Them fish' is good eatln', aure," he went on, explaining when some one asked him If the chubs were not too bony. They M bony, eartainly,' but that don't 4 make no difference, for I know how to fry them eo they don't have no bones at alL You see, j used to-be fishing on the Atlantic coast round Chesapeake and Delaware bays and we never eared there how many Donee a fish bad so long as he Was food eatin'. ..-. . "By cutting little elite In the elde ef the fish from the gills down to the tall, .erosfwlee & - course, yea -expose the fine running lengthwise In the body to the sharp heat of the fry ing pan and they sort of crumble away ao there ain't nothing left of them When the fish is properly fried. To make a good Job of It yon want to put plenty of browning on tbe fish, so he will fry with a good crisp crust. mow you nssca'l think I n telling you' Bomeming mat am so. It you don't belief it just get good and hungry aome time and then go to the river and catch a meea of fish and fry them my etyle and I'll be vindicated. Piertnred stock Canned ejeedn, . Allen Lewie Best Brand, - mesaiistloa Shop Burns. .'' ' (BpeeUI Diatch to The Jonrotl. ) - Pendleton, Or, Aug. X. At the John Crow ranch.-on the . Umatilla reeorva-l tlon. a fire occurred last evening which totally destroyed the blacksmith shop, many tools and a henhouse. The black smith tools were valued at 1200 and the fculldlng at about the same figure, mak ing a loss close to 1400, and nd insur ance waa carried. - Rev. A. A. Winter, treasurer of the Dallas college and pastor of the Flrat United Evangelical ehurch ef Portland, offera encouragement to the contestants In-The Journal' Educational Conteet As an educator and public teacher. Rev. Mr. Winter Is prompted to commend the contestant to advlae the people within range of The Journal to help the enter' prise along. In part the letter aays: With real satisfaction we note the great interest manifested in your free scholarship oonteat and wlah to add our indorsement to this worthy enterprise. The day haa come when a college train ing la necessary to a successful life. The far-reaching results of such an in vestment in knowledge cannot be ea ti me ted. The Oregon Dally Journal la to be commended, the contestants con gratulated and the supporters of edu cation grateful for this opportunity to assist worthy young women and men In their effort to secure a -collegiate edu cation." . -.f'" V ' - - - There were more ehangea yesterday In the score list than there have been at any time heretofore since the contest opened.. Three of the most energetlo contestants had been elck and unable to solicit for business; -several had been out In the country or at the sea coast, on vacations and visits, , so that only yhls week are they seriously b to work. in. the contest. ' - In anawer to several lnquiriee . The Journal again will publlsfr4)the charac ter of the scholarships and of the money purses which are offered aa prlsee in this contest. - TsTatars of Scholarships. -1 ' Academy of the Holy Names, Astoria, one .scholarship good for ' the full full academic course and valued at $250. - Albany college Albany, a scholar. ship good for two years' tuition in the clasatcal, scientific, academic or com mercial courses, valued at 1100. Behnke-Walker. Bualness college, Portland, one or more scholarships pro viding for a one year'a course in busi ness, shorthand, or ether departments, valued at 1 100. Capital Business college, Salem, a scholarship good for 10 months' tuition in the business or shorthand depart ments, valued at 1100. Columbia University, . Portland, scholarship providing for . tuition and dinners on school days during the school year commencing September , valued at lioo. Gillespie School of Expression, Port- tan a, a schnlarstrtu good fir two prltate and one class lesson per week and use of the school library for one school year, valued at 1120. Hill Military Academy, Portland, a scholarship good for one year's tuition, valued at 1100. Holmes Buslnsse "College, Portland, one or more scholarships providing for one year's tuition in the business, short hand or other departments, valued at 1100. Holmes-Flanders Private School, Port land, - one - scholarship good fov- one year special university preparation. one year's normal course, or practical English cours for one and one half year a, valued at 1110. - International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pennsylvania, one scholar ship good. for any of the regular home :-,.-!':, e :'.-S.jL. ' .V Wlifere Baiting Begins Right The baking of the NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY begins with right material, and every step thereil , after through the whole - 'process of baking is right. There is not ' one point of quality that care, skill' and modern bakeries conld make better. It is perfection itselfthrough and through, . . t a ge3(r - - ssr . ... x -T-ItTEnds Right - when It reaches your table untouched by atrange bands, nntainted by odor. Tbe quality, oven-flavor and freshness are preserved In a dost and moisture proof package, distin guished by the trade nark here shown. ' It alway appears in red and white on, each end of the package end warrants tire perfect condition of the contents. For example try package of . . - GRAHAM CRACKERS poeeeseing the rich, nutty flavor of graham flour unlike any gcaham cracker you ever tasted. - '. . " ": ' .. . . FROTANA temptingly delicious union of biscuit' end fruit the newest delicacy of the National Biscuit Company. ; '. v '-'' study courses, covering a period of five yeara and valued at 1110. McMlnnvllle College, McMtnnville, scholarship in any department to the value of 10. - Oregon Conservatory of Music, Port land, pianoforte scholarship good for one year's tuition and the uae of muaie for the course, valued at 1200; oae vio lin scholarship . (Bevclk semitone sys tem), same conditions aa the foregoing, valued at 1126;' one guitar and man dolin scholarship, same conditions aa the foregoing, valued at 1100. ' ' Pacific College, Newberg, one scholar ship good for two years tuition In reg ular collage course, valued at $100. , Paclfio Telegraph Institute, Portland, one life eourae In commercial and rail way telearanhT. railroad imnntin. typewriting, et. valued at 1126. Portland school of Domeatlc Science, Portland, general training In domeatle science for one school ,mf. or th equivalent In special claaaea, valued at Sacred Heart AMriamv nim , scholarship good for board and tuition or one ecnooi year, valued at 1160. St,: Mary's Academy, Portland, one scholarship good for tuition for the en tire academlo course (four years), or board 'and tuition for one school year, valued at 1200. . In addition to the above scholarships pupils will be paid cash commissions on new subscriber , Just as they obtain tham, and this ready money comee handy in paying railroad fare and cur rent expenses. Besides the commissions and scholarships advertised above, larxe purses will be given to students who choose scholarships in educational Insti tutions where there ie no tuition, .ac cording to the lollowlng conditions: 1. A purse of 1300 cash to defray pupil's living or Incidental expenaes while attending the University of Ore gon, the University of Washington, the State Agricultural Colleae. anv State Normal School, or any private tnstltu uviwuns l icui one years iree tuition to the winner of this scholar ship. , r - J. . A purs of $200 cash, earn condi tions as the forerolng. $. A purse of $100 cash In addition to a scholarship providing tuition or other benefit of the value of not less than $100. 4. A purse of $75 cash and a scholar ship valued at not less than $100. 6. A purse of 150 cash and a scholar- ahln valued at not lea, than 1n Don't Speculate ; :. '. ' ; ' -i, : stl r wa ev . m 1 I Have Made Millions of Dollars for Thousands of People by My. patents . I expect to make millions more. This stock has increased in value more than 100 per cent since Sept 1st, 1905, and should make you a life income in handsome dividends. -Be a safe and sane investor and get as much of the stock. as your means will allow, f The natural increase of business and inquiries for motors has forced the stock up several times. It will soon go still higher jiU-r- ;y '' ' -y ; .XiX t. A purse ef $21 eaah and a scholar. ship valued at not Jess than $100. In the 'columns of The Journal of this date la an advertisement headed "Prises of Oregon Journal Contest." and this gives an epitome of the rules and condi tions of tbe contest. If further infor mation la desired, address the Contest Editor of The Journal. Portland,' Oregon, or call at The Journal office. Circulat ing Department. , , CAR ITFREIGrBUlip AT FOSTER YtSTEBDAV Goods Consigned to Pendleton Merchants - by - Portland ; ' Firms Are Destroyed. (special Dispatch te Tbe ?oeraaU -Pendleton. Or, Aug. I. Sixteen Pen dleton 'firms lost more or less freight tn the destruction of a carload of mer chandise by fire at Foster, ,a few miles from this city, yesterday. . A car lit extra freight train No. $5$, In charge of Conductor Hancock, was discovered to be on fire; Just before reaching Foster, and' the train waa stopped and the burning car aet on the sidetrack at that place, but owing to the absence ,or water it waa burned to the ground, nothing but the trucks be ing left of the entire car or contents. It was a Portland-Pendleton merchan dise car and contained shipments of goods consigned to a number of Pen dleton' leading merchants. The loss will amount to several thouaand dollars. It la not yet known how the fire origi nated. - .- . . : ALBANY BOYS ARE. :i : HURT IN ACCIDENTS (gpeela1 1topateh te Tbe JoernaL) Albany. Or.. Aug. I. A young aon of t. Rllee, a farmer, residing nesr this city In Benton county, wss last evening thrown off a norse ana utained a ae vare cut over one eye. The lad waa brought to this city and a half dosen stitches were required to sew up the wound. . " ' r ' ' - " ' A little ton of Frank Kitchen, reel dine In the country east of Albany, was. yes terday brought In with an ugly cut In one hand the result of an accident with an ax. The little fellow was playing near, bl brother when. the . latter ws cutting wood an the ax atruck hie hand. Several stilehes had to be taken te eew u the wound, . . . The Bidwell Patents Will Double the Capacity of -Any Motor I never made an unsuccessful Invention. My first Invention was the eleotrle in, jui mm n run ait over mis country in not weatner. ' 1 aifin i get a patent en It, 'but eee what a tremendous" success It is! . r next Invented the Trolley Car System, just ae it is run today. I made It . perfect and successful right from the start It ha never 'been Improved since I Invented It Look at the millions of money it haa made for the stockholder. The stock In the trolley manufacturing companies sold below IS cents a share ' In ll and !$. . Poor men could buy that stock then. Thousand of them did buy it, and every one who held en to 4t it a rich men today. ..... , ' NoTMan oh Earth Ever Lost a Penny V-V ;v He Inyested'-With ;Me;::;;-, If so, I will make it good. Next I Invented the Railway Car Telephone System! It is a system by which passengers or train crewe can telephone from still or moving care anywhere the same as If seated In an office. . It Ie a more perfect system in operation than any other telephone you ever saw. This I on ths road toward millions) for the stockholders. - .."'i ; - , i - ' This Is ry Greatest Invention: Now I have Invented something bigger and greater than either of the above.' It la called the Bidwell Cold Motor. It I guaranteed not to burn' out. and la exactly the kind of a motor the ateam railroad people have been looking for. -It will change all the steam railroad, systems over to electric roads, because It ' will be cheaper to run than steam and can be run faster end more safely than 'any present method." , ' . .' ' . - , ' - - - . ; The one drawback the railroads have had In changing over to eleotriclty - haa been that no motor a at prssent made can be run ISO mile at $0 miles an hour without burning" out. : It would melt the very wires. By using the Bidwell Cold Motor a train of care could be run from New Tork to Ban Francisco without a stop at the rate of 10 or $0 miles an hour and pot even warm up and without a hitch. .- - " Besides running faster, they would be more safe and aure than ateam, coat lea to operate, end would last longer than any other motor now known. - ' The Bidwell Cold Motor 1 the greatest Invention out since I invented the trolley car. . '.:';":.,;,;',;..'. .: The Opportunity of a Lifetime - I want to give every mas and woman chanoe to come In with me on this, for I expect to make millions for the stockholders out of this new patent The etock wlil be aold on the- square. There will be no hocus pocus about -preferred or common etock. nor any other, scheme, trick, or wrinkle - by which anybody can be frosen out ' . -'-, Every dollar Invested will represent one hundred cents of the beat . stock. . Everv share will be exactly like every other share. The profit on every share ' will be the same" as the profit on every other share. In abort, there will be nothing but a square deal all round.' This stock Is fully paid and non-assessable. , I have a lifelong -reputation for square dealing. - I will personally see to it that every stockholder get a square deal on thlev ... .'...'-".'.' ' ..... More money la made every day by good Judgment In investing, money, than by all the labor. and wage tn the country. Safe and shrewd Investments In this stock will make fortunes. Tou will never get rich on wages.. No one ever did. Every man in this world who ever got big money got It either by speculation or Investment Speculation Is unsafe. Tou stand more chance to lose than you do to make. ; Invest ' ment are right the other way. Make a safe Investment and It ie sure to bring you return. , : ixm't nesltate about this stock. It le absolutely safe and aure. T . . Here Is an Important Point to Remember There neve has bees a failure of eoasequenee la eleetztoal saaaufacturing.' Stopand think of thatAll are lm mensely successfuL All pay big dlvidenda and have made their Investors wealthy. This oompany will soon be one of tbe blggeat in electrical manufacturing la the world. ' '' . This la bound to be so. because there le not a place now where a motor or. venerator le uaed but will have to sooner orliter. cb kind known. . pbop. Bssrsosr soirau Inventor of the Trolley Oar System. Inventor of the SMLilway Car Tele- , j)hoae System, '.... laveator of the Bidwell Cold Motor. Investor of the Water Bleetrle erator. f IweU Cold Motor er Generator. Why Because we make-oinethlng-better Than' any other" Hetty Green, the Richest Wo m a n iii the World, Says: "-The-WaytoTGet Rich ?sto!n vest Jn Ne- cessities." .i The Bidwell Cold Motor Is ' one of the greatest necessities of the twentieth century. This stock has already taken five Jumps up. Now le the time to buy. . It will soon advance. ' The profit Is yours. : Don't speculate Invest Here you have a necessity. Look' at this list below. Every one of these people made bis fortuneby supplying some great J necessity: . Peter Cooper Vanderbilt. McCormick ' Could Carnegie Whitney Rockefeller Belmont Senator Clark Mackay " r Pillsbury Studebaker Fairbanks Leiter Armour Swift Frick ; : Morgan . t Edison Stanford Moore Bid 1 larCCtwl Harriman Pullman Here 1 the way manufacturing etock In necessities Jump: ' ' . - Pint Sold at BTow SeU The Bleetrle Trust -iae S187.00 Quake Oats, oommoa 4fto ' gj 48.00 , Aaaerieaa Mediator, eommoa ........ Sae - ' gioaoo . American Smelting ,.. 300 ' 91BS.0O . And this Is only a few, ' Safer and surer than life Insur ance or truat stocks. All ths advance ha been made In 10 year and less. . .. , , .,v I will supply the greatest necessity now' known In the buelness world. The demand ie ao large that It will make all of us rich. If you want to get in with me on this you. wlU have to be quick about it The stock is selling like hot cakes. ... , l - These Are Cold If you want somt of this stock at tbe present low price you must come In now. There 1 only a small amount te be eold at the present price. ' - I firmly believe that within a short time the etock will be celling at $$ a share. This le your opportunity. It le a ease of come quick or not at alL A to our reliability and financial standing we refer you to any commercial . agency. ' -. - . .-, . , , In order to make it possible, for every man and woman to get In with me on this big deal I have decided to sell the etock for a short time only at the following prices: 50 shares, S33.50: 10O shares, Se&oOi 150 Shares, teT.SOi 100 share. 1130.001 180 shares. Sies.B0t.S00 sharee. tlS.O0 BOO shares, $330,001 1,000 shares, geso.OOl 0,000 shares, SMB0.00. , Mot ever S,000 ahares will fee sold to any en person. Our Monthly Payment Plan r SO sharee. S8.B0 eaah and five monthly payments of go. 00 eaoht 100 shares. S1S.00 oash. six monthly varment ef SO-00 each; ISO shares, glS.00 eaah, eta: monthly payments of S13.SO each) too hare, $33.60 easn, seven aaonthly payment ef S1S30 each I goo shares, gaa.SO cash, seven monthly payment ef S1B.BO each; 300 ahares,. $33 .BO eaah, seven monthly payments of 933.60 each) 600 shares, $30.00 eaah, eight monthly payment ef $38.00 eae&i 1,000 sharee, S0S.00 cash, tea monthly payment $5a.60 aehe tfiOQ share, S300 eaah, tea monthly payment S30O.0O eaeh. Send all money by bank draft, express money order,' postoffice order or registered letter. Special to Electric Light Men and Manufacturers We are now' prepared to accept your orders in our own new factory, where we have roots to employ 100 people; ' We are now manufacturing the Bidwell Cold Motors. , We are taking orders for cold motors and eold generatore for are ' and Incandescent lights on a guarantee' not to burn out for 10 years. Also self-cooling motor and generatore, guar an teed not to burn out for three years.- . , ' Bidwell Electi;ic Company, Ch icagd 'v The undersigned Is tn authorized broker for the sale of our stock In the West. Call and see htm and let him explain anything you do not. understand. . . . . , ; - ,. , If you cannot call, write and ask for our free booklet. . It elves full Infor mation. Address all orders and Inquiries to F. H. 5 ' M. I , JOHNSTON,. Broker :;J ! ' . - ' . ' I -4IO eitel Dulldlnc, Ooattlo, Wooh. 7 " .J' f " '