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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1906)
THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVEIIKIO, AUGUST C. X": .J Ponderous Machine Built by the O. R. & U. Company Ufta Seventy Thousand PGunds, LOCATED AT. WEST END OF THE ALBINA DOCK i nrnninif int .r-wsj-v w - -. - COUPLETEDV , K If. A DOC C zdHb::- Is Especially Designe4 , for f Trans ferring- Heavy Machinery From tht Company's Cars to Ita Ship Der rick Can Lift Fifty Tons, They Say, ' , - t . . ... ..... - (Boat BUU topartaa.) - Tha O. R. A N. company has com pleted the construction of a steel der rick of 70,000 pounds' lifting power on tha wut'rail of tha Alblna dock. Tha darrlok ta especially designed and con structed for transferring heavy rnacnln . ary from tha company's ars to Its hips; ranch of which la now betngtrene- ehlpped at this point for J span' and China. Whlla this derrick Is guaranteed to .lift but at tons, the'eompaiiy'B en gineer, J. A. Barnhart, says ha -would not hesitate to lift 60 tons with It - . Tha staal gallery in tha naw machine ' ahop of tha O. R. at N. company hsa ' baas -flnlahed and tha work of trans ferrins tha small machinery from tha old shop to this gallery will begin next weak. Several large lathes have Just been Inatalled In tha naw machine ahop, each of which Is provided with a sepa rata alectrlc motor. It la tha Intention of the company to oparate all the ma chinery In this building by alectriclty, doing away entirely with the use of Mr. Bamhart. nnder whosa snpervls ton this work Is being carried out, eays that whan completed this machine ahop will be one of the beat-squipped Institu tions of its kind .in the west. .' The Bethany Baptist church at Ta romi avanua and East Eleventh street Kellwood, now being constructed., will coat about 14,000. This church is known' a one of tha city missions of the Port land Baptist church. The money for Ite constructloa wee largely contributed by members of ' the various ' Portland churches of that denomination, assisted to some extent by the Baptist Church Kxtanaion mission and the Sellwood Baptists. " - :. - - . - j When completed tha Bethany church wilt- be one of the handsomest of the many churches now under construction In the suburban districts. Rev. George A. Learn will be pastor of the church. - At the meeting of the Mount Scott '.Improvement association last night two Important matters cams up for discus sion. . The . report waa made that tha well supplying the Arleta and Lents district was not' sufficient;-: that the pumps could not be kept running all the time, and aa a result there was a fre quent shortage, which, would likely be come serious as the dry season ad vanced. In view of tola condition It waa proposed to ask tha , Portland - water board to have the proposed second Bull - Run pipe' line come by " weyof Mount Scott and thence to Mount Tenor, it was said that the additional eost would be little; that the new main could be tapped at Mount Scott, and the city water board derive a handsome revenue by supplying tha 10,000 people f this district with Bull Run water. The aa soclstlon voted to urge the city wster board to adopt their suggestion, ,.. Jp illM. '" '"' ' V1 .. dmM31 . i-s -. ; . ; Bethany Baptist .Church, Corner Tacorna1 Avenue , and East , Elerenth 'J'."Tr"!v';.':?',' "v'!"' Street; Selltrood. , v V PIONEERS SAY COLUMBIA HAS . ' . HAD ITS LAST HIGH WATER (Special Dispatch ta The Jeers si Hood River, Or, Aug. The fact that there has been no high water in the Columbia river now for two seasons is causing pioneer residents .-. who - - have bean familiar with stages of water in the river for many years to reminisce. "The weather ain't what It used to be ; an' the seasons la changing" they "Why." aald one old fellow, "tbia la the flrat time la 10 yeara to jnysnowl edge that the boats have not been able to land for ' two - years in succession light ever . there," . pointing to a epot about 100 yards from, tha Mount Hood hotel. "Why," he continued, "there wasn't water enough this year to flood the bottom lands across tha river. "The high water la agolnter quit com- In', I gueas, same as. the lee did. - We youeter get Ice in plenty here years ago. The river uster freesa over most every winter,- yes, sir. But you can't get no Ice here now in the winter. Look at there Icehousoa down 'long tha river fallln' to places. Ain't bean any Ice in them for yeara. . . ..i ...'.. It'U be the same way with the high water, I tell yer; itll quit coming, like the Ice." ' -'. '-' " - " Whlla not taking the pessimistic-view of the pioneer above quoted In regard i to the failure of high water to come for tha past two seasons, - many parsons who hsvo-resided along1 the Columbia for a goodly portion of their Uvea,' eub stsntlate his statement and aay thst they have never known high water to fall for two yeara in auoeession. - Old rlvsrmen and -fishermen attribute tha poor fishing this year to the lack of high watsr and say that the fish wheels along the - Columbia between here and Portland have made the small est catch la yeara. They account for thie by the fact that when the water is low the fish have to follow the chan nel, which la neceeearlly lnmtdetreara or nesr - it, and ' do not get Into the eddies where the wheels are located. They also aay that when the water is low the fish will not come up stream In aa great numbers as when It la at a high atage. ' The failure rt the water to reach some of the bottom lands along the river has caused a partial loss of some crops which required irrigation early In the eeason and .upon which Vster cannot be got, In any other way.' This is said to be the case with tha tomato crop on tha Washington - side of the river. Most residents do not, however, believe ' that high , water has stopped coming and look for it next year optimistically.: GARTER SNAKE CREATES SCENE . ' ON BUSY WASHINGTON STREET Ths association Inaugurated a move ment to enforce the . law prohibiting stock from running at large, which goes Into effect August 14. At the June elec tion the Mount Scott and Woodstock districts voted by a decisive majority to adopt such a law. A- special eom mlttae, on. which each separata neigh borhood is represented, waa appointed to facilitate the enforcement of this law. The members of the committee were Instructed to cooperate with each! Women screamed and ' held ; their skirts. Msn stood and stared; the side walk became blocked and trsfflo was nearly held up-on Washington street, In front of the Washington building, at Fourth street, during ths noon hour yesterday-all becauee- a little rrter snake, about six inches long, lay In ths middle of the sidewalk,- ....-.' Where It came from or to whom It be longed oould not be found out. No body seemed - to care anyway. - The women only took one glancsand then hurried away In fear, while tha men stood and watched the snake when they were not watching the women. The little fellow would wiggle about and strike in approved style when any ons approached too closely, but he waa unable ' to create . a great amount ' of terror except among the women. he-cwwd-sor-jontlnoally unto It stretched half -way across tha etreet, but no . policeman earns along to 41s- perss It Finally, a large policeman, carrying and dislocated the neck of the six-Inch snake with a mighty blow.- His snake lets passed from tha center of ths stags to the gutter;, jute crowd paaeed BUSY LIOIITI! FOR LOCAL POLICE Between Eight and Nine Hun dred Arrests Made by Pa trolmen During July. , v..;-'V , ':.V PATROL ANSWERS OVER THREE HUNDRED CALLS Notwithstanding .That ' Twenty-Sis Burglaries Were Reported During - Month, Not aa Arrest Waa Made .'on Thia Charge. V ., ::..;'; A statistical, report of considerable In terest to criminologists In partlcelar and cltlsens In general has been com plied by Thomas Jefferson Casey, clerk to the chief of police. During the month of July there were (II arrests made .In tbla olty, of which number tot were raalea and the remainder of the ganUer sex. - Computed on a basis of 117 policemen, the present strength of the department, every patrolman has an average slightly In exesss of seven ar rests. The petrol wagon answered 10 calls during ths month. The cost of feeding prisoners was ltlt.40. There was collected aa Snee and forfeitures in ths municipal court $1,017.60. For overindulgence In aloohollca the polios gathered in H offenders; for vio lating city ordinances, 1; for assault and battery, 17; on charges of roaming the etreeta after hours. IS; 17 of thoss who are. wont tP gamble fell Into the clutches of -the law. and for having no visible means of support Zl were haled before ths municipal court. Under the head of disorderly - conduct 46 names were entered on the prison register and 17 persons accused of larceny paid a visit to the bastUe. For indulging In profane language -11 persons were ar rested, and a like number required the attention o the patrolmen for having lottery tickets In their possession. - Notwithstanding that If reports of burglaries were received during the month, not an arrest was made on thla charge. Assistance was rendered to 10 persons Injured In scclderits and three lost children were returned to their re spective homes. Only two suicides ware "Investigated and one dead body picked up la the river. The report also ahows that I alarms of Are were sounded. The remainder of the total number of arrests consists of a violation of mis cellaneous ordinances and statutes CHINESE GIANT WITH ' PRIZE-FIGHTER'S NAME other and with-the cltlsens In Its en forcement. Justice T. C Shreve of the Mount Tabor Justice court Is the local officer before whom all complaints are to be made. There is a 110 Una for the flrat or ease, and for' ths second offense lie. - , ; . ..- ; ;, ... ; The periodical trouble between the Harrtman lines and the east side scow dwellers for the possession of ths'Wll- Money Loaned at 3 DIOrjDS. WATCHES and JEWEUtY The PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE . 74 .THIRD STREET. NEAR OAK'.':;" John I Sullivan, come forward, or dered Judge Cameron yeaterday in calling the flrat ease on ths calendar. With breathless expectancy the court room crowd waited for the appearance of the noted prlserlng gladiator. -Instead of the ' rotund John I there stalked Into court a veritable Chinese giant.. In strange contrast to o there of his race present, the Mongolian - with the Celtio cognomen towered over the court attaches. ' . " "Tou're sccusad la thia complaint.'' said clerk Henneaaey. "of having lottery tickets In your poesesslon. What do you plead T" -.- , '. With statalv mien tha dtantnla n Prm a large brick In a large. hand, arrived fuel us bowed respectfully to the Judge end, in clear ana well-modulated tones. said: . .. .- - .- ' . "It would afford ' me tnexpreesible pleasure If you would kindly note that. In response te the accusation oa file, I emphatically enter a plea or not guilty." When the excitement following this speech waa over Judge Cameron called for the testimony of the arreeting offl- er Udob the abowlna- made Mr. Bulll van was found guilty 'aa charged . and Judge Cameron Imposed a fine of 120. Sullivan turned on' his heel and languidly walked from the room. lamette river Is on sgsla. ,At least once a year the. railway companies notify the denlsens of scow town to un furl sail and weigh anchor, and Just ss erten me . aroresaia cenisens - scout the order of the railway officials and shore 'the anohor deeper into the mud.. Thia time, however, the . company eeems determined to have its way and is haling ths unhsppy scow dwellers Into court, where Judge Cameron's ears are being dally vsxed 'with listening to countless tales of - wos told by the al leged trespsssers. - - A number of these peopls have had their boethouiea at ona place on the river front for many years and believe they have acquired a title. They swear that they will light tha rail road to the bitter end before getting out , Rev. A. A. Winters. pastor, of the Flrat United Evsngalloal church at East Tenth and Eaet Sherman streetspJeaves next week with his family for a month's trip to ths eastern, statea During ills sbeehoerofessor D. M. Metsger of ths Dallas college will occupy ths pulpit of this enurcn. professor Metsger will be- gin ths aupply August 11. earowlatdea of The fours! la rortlaad ana ta Oregon exceeds that at aay etas Oregon aewspapea, OA lifts JfiwtA ft ioiiiK On Installments Many buyers of clothing have already taken advantage of our. easy-payment : plan making a small payment at the " time they are fitted and then . One Dollar a week . Until the suit is paid for in full. They are by this means enabled to keep well ' ' dressed without having the burden of - cost fall heavily upon one month's pay check. Try it, y YpuH be pleased. 'gpSrfflrS?': OOwvwl&MV eaM Yon Are 7eIeome - to Credit S. L. KAFKA, ' Manager etaadlnf oat In twld relief. eOI alona, nd aa a conspicuous examr-e of open, frank sod honest dealle wUh tha alrk and sftlcted, are Dr. Irieree'i avorlU rrescnpupn iot weak, over-worked, de bilitated, nervous, a run-down, pain racked woman, and Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery, the famous remedy for weak stomach. Indigestion, or dys pepals. torpid liver, er biliousness, all catarrhal affection whether of the stomach, Dowels, kidneys, Madden, nasal Passages, throat, bronchia, or other mu cous jpaasagea, also as an eft active remedy for all diseases arising from thin, watery or Impure blood, aa scrofulous and skin affections. Each bottle of tha above medicines bears upoa its wrapper a badge of hon esty la the full list of Ingredients com posing it prtntea on plain jsnqiisib mis rrank and open, publicity placet these medicines w a dot all by them setves, and la tha best guaranty of their merits. They cannot be classed aa patent nor secret medicines for they are neither of Hitmen composition. Dr. Pierce feels that he can afford to take the afflicted Into his full confidence and lay all the Ingredients of his medi cines reel y before them because these Ingredients are such as are endorsed and moat strongly - praised by scores of the most eminent medical writers aa euros for tha diseases for which these medi cines are recommended. Therefore, the afflicted docaot have to rely alone upon Dr. Pierce's recommendation aa to the curative value of his medicines for eer tain easily recognized dlsesses. - - , A. glance at .the printed formula on each bottle will show that no alcohol and no harmful or habit-forming drugs enter Into Dr. Piaroe'a. medicines.- thev beins wholly compounded of glyceric extracts of the roots of native, American forest plants. These are best and safest for the cure of most lingering, chronic dis eases... Dr. R. V. Pierce can be consulted rnzx. by addressing him at Buffalo. N. Y., and all communications are re garded aa sacredly confidential. It is aa easy to be well aa inand much mora comfortable! Constipation Is tha causa of manv forma of Illness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa tion, . -i nay are imv. sugar-eoatea gran ules. Ona little "Pellet 'Is a gentle laxa tive, two a mild cathartic. All deal art la medicines sell them, . - , POSTMASTER UM ASKS FOR litlV JAIL BOXES Issues ; Requisition qrr Depart ment for Twenty-Four to Be Up n Portland. ; Port landers are unable to get all their mail in the 8S1 mall boxes distributed throughout the . city, so . Postmaster Mlnto hsa made a requisition en the de partment at Washington for It , new boxea. ' . i The new boxea are due .to arrive most any day and when they are inatalled all of the boxea In the city will be re painted. The dusty, dirty iron boxes and - aupports will be transposed Into pillars of ambient green. Persons con nected with the postofflce service bsve always wondered why the department selected the' shade of green that was made an order last rear, but none has ever been aselgned and, the aeatheflo tastes of the people have had to be swallowed because of the glaring color scheme of the postofflce department. . When the order waa put Into effect - x We are now offering the AL FRED BENJAMIN line of . two and three-piece light " weight SUITS at ; One-FoutUi Oil Rerjular Price If you want the best don't ' y miss this opportunity ALL PANAMA AND STRAW HATS ARE SELLING AT ' , , half price ....v;'yi s , i ii i .l Sll KCaKISC STn cp. PcstSca. aa to VAxtra, von bo ob oav mm sa ! a waa MmnlaJnta war .heard' in every city la the United States against the sreen paint tnat waa put oa tne boxea. Tacome howled long and loud, and the cry waa taken up by other cities, but all to no purpose, tor ine order had been made and stuck, aa did the paint. . As a oosseqaenee many of the poatm asters throughout the country have discreetly forgotten to make the usual requisition for paint and the boxea have gathered the dust of ages as they do eervtoe without their new dress. - " -- - ; : A atyawary Solewa, V "How to keen off periodio attacks of biliousness and habitual eonatipatlon waa a myatery tnat ur. sung-s new uri pills' solved for me," writes John N. Pleasant of Magnolia, Ind. The only pllle that are guaranteed to give perfect aatiaraouon 10 avarvDoay r nor re funded. Only tto at Bkldmora Drug Co. Twelve of .the new boxes will be of . the combination variety and the remain ing ones will be the ordinary letter boxea. ' The combination boxea for let-, ters and packages will bs placed la the downtown district, and the letter boxea la the resldenoe districts. - . RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL. 'August V, a, a, BepwaBbst t and 10. r Bummer excursion rates. Bale dates August 7, I, s, September t, 10. Rate from Portland te Chicago, I71.0t to Bt, Loula, 50; Kansas City, Oman 'and' Bt Paul. ieo; Denver, let. J For Information In- reference to rates . and particulars ask C W. Bttngev, olty ticket agent, ThirdanoL4Waanington . streets, Portland. . tefetied Btoek Allen Lewis' Best Brand. 173-175 FIRST & SONS 219-227 YAMHILL SUDDEN ACTIVITY ; IN TIMBER MARKET Talk of railway construction through many sections of the stats recently has had the effeot of smoking out a num ber of capitalists, who have waited long to aea where lightning would strike tha timber first It Is a matter of com mon knowledge that timber land has not advanced intha ratio off tha prtvl. 1 nets, nut recent events nave so roused capital to action that there la great ao- tlvlty in number of localltlea The Molalla country shows up the ex pectation of railroad development by a number of transfers. The Nebalem and Wilson river country swarm a with cruisers, while ths men with the packs are keeping - taos oa Hammond a engi neers south of Seaside. But the great est activity seems to be In eastern Ore gon. The yellow pine districts ars being sealousiy Investigated from near Bend south by a number of buyers, whtf havs their msn in ths field estimating everv quarter that has timber on It A large sale was recently closed for land on ths north fork of ths John Day river, at about (1,600 per claim. ' .. EXCITEMENT CREATED 0N MOUNT SCOTT CAR As one of the Mount Scott cars was rounding a curve on a email treetle over a gulch near Anabel thla morning. queer thing happened. At this place the track is tilted ao as to allow cars to run over It at a high rate of speed. As the ear was passing ovsr this trestle some one yelled and began ringing ths bell to stop the car. which was oheckad at Section Line road. As .soon as ths signal to atop came. soma one on the car said that some ons had fallen off tha car Into the gulch. The conductor of the trailer ran to ths trestle, - Every one In the car got ready to run to tne scene or tne eupposed ac cident when the conductor waa aeea running back to the car. It then dawned on the open-mouthed crowd that he had only dropped hla 'transfer punch. Building renatta, ' . The following permits have beea Is sued: F. i Mewbauer, ahop, macadam. corner -Nebraaka, eoat t90 A. Meyers, one-etory dwelling. East Thirty-fourth, between Stephens and East Market, eost 11.1001 B. B. Rhodes, one-story dwelling. Mtlwaukle, between Bldwell and Leo, cost 1400; Oust Bartman, store, Union avenue, ' between Haw thorne avsnus and East City, eost 1100; O. W. Collins, flats. East Second, be tween Multnomah and Wasco, eost It, 000; C P. Borqnlst Benton, between Cherry and McMillan, cost 11,100; I Renshew, -two-story dwelling. East T went r-Blnthr- feet ween- Beet Alder and East Morrison, cost 11,000; O, Gordon, one-story dwelling, - Kerby, between Pearl and Killlngaworth. eost 11,000; P. L Sheldon, apartments houae. Union avenue, - between Skldmore and- Going, scat 11.100. . . . x. mm A Mies iSfii((MuOo- SOLE, AGENTS- i.- --.v;-. i, ; $3.00.The Phillips Shoe for IVomcn-3-00 The Shoes of Quality - i wm mmmt ' EVERY PAIR OP' THE FAMOUS PACKARD OXFORDS MUST GO. THE PHILLIPS SHOE CO. has decided not to carry over any Men's Oxfords, and place on sale Friday morning ' their entire stock of th celebrated PACKARD ankle-fit Oxfords S 'sawwl ' '''''T'' ( ft ''v.'-. y:'v ':.-' ' for men at the reduced price of 82.50 a pair. . 1 VXI-r Broken lines Men's Tan Oxfords and ' Shoes, all PACKARDS. : Small sises, 5, '6, 7 onlyw3.00 a pair. $1.00 WOMEN'S TAN AND WHITE CANVAS OXFORDSTHE PHILLIPS SHOE" $3.00 and $2.00 grades.', Now go at 92.00 the pair.' r .' . - .v ;.. ; - - -. . ' Call early at these prices they will soon be gone. REMEMBER We want your trade. We are pushing active shoe retailers. " Long values, short profits, our method satisfied cus- tomers the result. A positive saving to every purchatj HilflSps lM2 Vp-to-the-minute footwear at upto-the-mlnute prioes. 109 Sixth Street V Between Washington and Stark 7 - V ; !