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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1906)
12 CZZZZll DAILY JOURNAL, rcnTLAKD. THURSDAY . EVZIXIIIO, 'AUGUST 2, ' 16C5. Ar--d-e M. johM Hot. WrH. level, , muii. uww, room euo e.naky mag. HBW a-reoa modern bona. 88.000; 8nOO. bal , eace 88 awotbly. Owna. Pboao W 875. IP yoa want to ball any kind of batldlnt. ema : , or large, go to American Ina for lumber. Har per, aoore. wukoowe, piaetar board, ate. Te0 4-HOOM boose ea Mount loot! Uhi I dowa, balance monthly. 8, cara Journal ; S-RoOM modera house, nrnt lot, Hawthorne Trs, ei.aoo .Bean, halaaee 8Zb par mania. H. C. Kaatbaa, 88 Chamber of -Cooiaer fOB BALB 8 mod am room boosco Ir good . location; ar tot owaar and ar oomaiiaaioa, - raoos woodiawa so. PITT property tm Delias; farm, ranch ea, tloe- . r cuim tor taw. Apareae la, a. strewn. , Daiiaa, Or. . T ' i .. . l - PGR SALE flood T WW, 4 or. tote. 123 Bast Mala. ALB Blf bsrgala fnr ontek sales IflM ' - eabarbao college, graved 100x100 feet, 'rait ; aad ehrubberyi by owner. O. W. P. Town. ' aid Co.. 818 Alder at,, la O. W. P. By, " .WSUUg-4 19 LOTS, BOxlOO, In .Tabereide, 188 par lot. can at ion Tnire a. . .- - .ST. JOHNS PBOPERT , 18 lota an earllns, close la. only Is, 000. 0 - 10 lata, clow la. only $1,860. This la chance-to fat close-la prep .'.-. art ,M2. -v -.-' ..,'- ; v" , HAGBMANN A BLANCH A BD. -) 81 Fifth at. WB bar a fire-room cottars oa Raressrlew drive: Portland Heights earllne, with a ehsrm. I Ina taw, meioaint alt. Hood, bat aot Ore. aonUa towar j modern Improvemente: Ball Boa V water) will ba aold for 83,800 If takaa at , - eoce: a 00000- to eeenre a enaap and charm, . Ing bora a the coming faabloaabl dUtrtcti aw annum irrm e irai ar. , AMERICA" INTBSTHBIIT C0--' het Sharlock bldg. S-ACBB traeta. Bra elertrl Una, 10a far. inquire Baaaaiet, at wataa. satacaaa aar. nPTMT. PBOPEKTY ,- s.500 wlU bar aa Idaal bim a la tot aajaa u i ao wiwr aar oa ta naraat -) .: BAOKMAKi BLANCH A BO. i '; t 1 fifth at. ... BHADT WOOD PARK. : IINT8' NEW ADDITION. - (W jpa a baaia la th ahada of tha traaa . .-. aioa as aar ana imwb acbnouoaa: tbna . lot r art aad fla aoll: tha mallaat Iota ara lMxbO faat. plantx of room for aardaa or rhlckaa yard: arlcaa from $100 ap. Tall oa r. A. Kunara lor- lalbrmanoa. Lasts, or, 100 PA SMI, am a II traeta and lotai baraalaa aa , u. rr. r. awairia una. u. a. AOOitaa. laia. unflaa. - nn atoaat Bflatt aar, a. FOB BALK ronm hoaaa with nodara lai proramaata; wltbla walktn dlatanca from ' aaatar oi ua cicr. - cau paoaa saat iov. FOB BALI, CHBAP aar at hfoant Tlbarl tarma. ' - Owaar, BU Baat laarrlaaa, aoraaf uuoa ara,- , A WELL-BUILT e-roeam aottira, faeUwr-aaatl . . wbil mealy fiotaq, iov pvxi amau para, Bull Rua watar: onlr tl.aOO: aaar tarma. J. B. Hoamar, TZT Uoloa ara., aorta. . Pboa ana, aiuutr . .m-9-. ..i ,.. i . A TBBT orattr T , aad aoapUta. for $3,000; $1,000 down, balanea ., at par pant, J. X. Hoamar, 17 Uuloa ara. tt.100 feaya a aow amdara B-raon boaaai woad- flora aad hard-ftnmh walks woodwork band. aaiaaM. aioaata, aata, aaa. aouat, rau baaa . mant, good toeatlon, aaar achoolj aaaj taraw. , a. a.. Maaaar, iar union ara., aorta. 100 FEBT -aaaara, with lam f naar earUaai ood anbatanUal bauaa, eoraar wax, room aa Bona a mora aoasaa. rrait; ' B2.M0., taraav i i. . M. VLumm, Ttt . IJaloa - . ttUT TOUR PROPBRTX r -, ' WITH E:;.Garlaiid'&;Co WB rto THB BrsntESB. 0TU 4 XBAR8' KXPEBiKMca IK , . PORTLAND. 'lH FOURTH BT., COR. TAtXOB. FOR BAfiB a room hoaaa, aaw. BMdara, atealp furniahad, trait) aU for $2, $00 If. aoU, Ula a-ROOV hoaaa, lot 60x100, faaead. foot aaadltloa, faao. i ' Caa puM hoaaa tor Toa aa th toatantnaat iuirtf A' bOLLTKOWORTB. tOB Halmoat, RKB JOB HASH at NaahrlUa ' addltloa, a th Monrt Bcott carl 1o,. fir aa . asooi- aaV' ail oomolata. fauO; oulck. -1- ACRES af fool hvt ntr Lm aemtp roaa) amau aouaa. enircaparB, wall watari ' prle ai.SaO; oalr aaftO eaah. haUaea la- atallaMBta. . oau atorrUoa at., raom a, If AN T I D Toua f man. wladow-trlmmar aad oardwrltar, (aaaral atora; aalary, $40; atata axparianc and addraaa. Tnompaoa, Baard 4k aoaa, fiapa, uuioraia. - 4.000 aCODUM a-room haoaa oa aaat-alda. Pattoa ara., oa tarma; lot $0x100, oorsar, - Ba froonda. - . v. . ' ai,$fto Modara $-rooai arttat aa aaat . aid. Taaooarar -ara.. . aaar Skklanra; lot . aoxVT: oa tarma. ' . 14.000 Modara eolmtUl ' T-rooa hoaaa kt : . a baraalas -lot 00x100. aa Baat - Baraaldo. ; aaar 16th; taraw; aaat, ba.aaid; doa't OTar. . loo tnia. a$.6A0 A Sooai eottan oa Baat Aah. aaar Grand a.; eoraar lot; owaar laarlBC lOWBt bui aa onar. . ...... ... LJ.MJUAUU JACK, MCKX MOf. FOR SALE FARMS. 40 ACRES, t nil from Brmkftaldi S elaarad. IT acraa flaabad, TB baarlnf fruit traaa. amau aoaaa, rnraitara, ban aad fara. In Implamanta. Thla plaea la aaar Aftorta . 4 and a barcaia at $700. a. u, Brawa Ca FOR BALE. CHEAP $1,500 for 40 acraa mod ' laad, 4 , ailkaa oatb of Oraabam. m milaa rroa O. W. r. raruna, Biw rrom aenool- haaaa rood roada. anally rlaarad, rannlnf T! tarma, half oaab, balaara ta pay ta ta an It hayor. Addraaa Aibart KaoV . watar V . . . BMBta . IBB, uroanam, vraaoau FARM and toek ranch, T40 arraa, $ alia from Sua ana ; wall Improrad, talrphona, rood : aova! ' a laxaa name, aj acraa piow una, aaarr arra pradadar rraaa or rroD. naw faaraa, 400 acraa laeloaad In corot aad dof. i praar saoca; prir par a era, jo, aown, .. . balanea low hilaraat, hm tlma. ar will ax ehanra for Portland pro party. jbha In$hata, Bu(na, orrtoa. j FOR SALS, rHEAP A frnlt and dairy farm af 43 aerea, flrat-elaaa trait and raaatabla land; M art aa aadar plow, balaaea paatara; aaallr elaarad. all fenced. lO-acre aruna orchard. a a-rnoaa hoaaa, trait dryer, barn, aim,- poultry - booaa. etc. i aaar erhpol and ehnrrb, R. P. D. and teleybooei price $$.000. Call 11 Morrl- .. aoa ai- - FOR BALE acraa I $0 acraa wall clearad. . m acraa well Beaded and fenced, nod bond ing, orchard, lire creek throorb farm, food ; well at boaaai H mile to rradad acbool, I alia to rturra, 4 mllea to ahlp laadlnc and ' railroad atatknt fin aall. Writ or call aa 1. 8. Hnnttnatoa, Ralao. Wtah. Other iaraa. , TAMHILL COUNTT FABMfl FOR BALB. ' We hare llated asm of tba beet tarma M ' th aooaty. If yea ara -laoklng (of a farm, call oa or write , ;t .. WARREN BTATRR, 1 -- t '.' McMlBOTtlle, Orefoa. HOMESTEAD reltnqnlahmanta for aale at 1139 , each, aeer Eetacadai ao4 aall, eerily elaarad. 191 Morrlaoa at. . CHBAP LANDS ' Stock ranchaa, Im prtyrad farma and wheat : lande la northern rirant roaatT, Orerna, oa aad aeer Joha Day rlrera, aa to $10 pa k rnr dMHTlptlr uata write T. F. BALL, Loos Greek, Arefoa. ' HORSES AND CARRIA0ES. 0 READ of heatp horaea, welfht froa 1.160 b . 1.400, and ISO aata of barnaaa. to be aold at .. Redmoad,' Croak roanty, Orefoa, oa Anjrart a and 4. -F. 0. Rowieo. A PONT for sam, cheap. Iaqttlre ll TJnloa are., aorta. ' " FOR BALB Broad 4-rear-old pear, faatto and wall hrok. Phone Baat 41ST. WANTED A team la trade for I rtrbtly lota la Oreoa City. Addraaa Mr. A. Milllan, Eata- carta. Wreaxm. R. T, D. No. lj; FOR SALE TIMBER. LAND SCRIP BOUONT AND BOLD, I1 kind of land aorlp waaUd and for eala. ' lacladlnc appro red foreat reoerre aad railroad , land aerlp, fnr anrrayad, arearreyed, tim bered and prairie land! ppmriid united Btata allMary bounty land warrant; re. - certified aolrtlera' additional hnmeeteed errlp. B. M. Haalltoa, th Portland hotel, Forttaaa, .OfMofl. ,,-f-.:..-. - -v.-r.-,. OBRTiriEt xerta. anr aea Bleeeoi prlcea. W, Q. UoweiL Bed Chamber of Ceia meroa. T1MBEB clalma la Wallowa eoentr are oiea .to karatloa at $100 each. Buc lei. eueepa. uroa. I OR a very dealrabla alllln prepneltleaai , Bnmetblns really choice: eta (a aaoant pea . wian to inreet aao, wnta W. Aahland, Oreaaa. FBBB hoBMatead aad timber claim aaar aar- : rayed coaat railroad, on rellnqulehed land. "earner, ueeaa view, Uragoa. TIMBER LAND For aale, 100.000,000 feet Br; Bono tire iimoers can oa lotted into uoiaa- Ma. Addraaa par part tea lare, I 10, Jonrnal. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANOB aoo-aer fully ronlpped Bra i claaa placer mine, for Portland proper ty: . mlnee are dlrldeod-prodaeer and wrfl ataad inreetifatioa: water rlr hu of tbo heat.' . eVd .' dree . O. Box lol, areata Paea. WANT TO BXCHANOB atock Is mod pany for raoaat let la aubarba, - S08 McKay aioa - . , ST. W are aa JOHNS PROPERTY. i aathortaed to trade a Terr dealiabht - oonca ol iota, eioaa m. lor income reataence ar boalneaa property a PortUad. The owner a la the eeat and tba value ho plaoaa oa thai . propen. la earr low Indeed. auAKjt m Buanijxa.aui, . vi ruta ai. BXCTIANOB a-rooa booaa tit ' Oreroa City: larre 1st. , ralne $1,400, for hoaaa aad lot. vacant Iota , ar acreere; alao $30 acrea dairy laid In ' Tillamook eoaaty to exchange ror hoaae and lot; $0 per a oral a food bay for aa lnrcatmeat; coaat railroad .will aaar thla valnable. B. O. BUOWN CO., 1 i 647 Waablattoa at. -- t FOR EXCHANOB 40 acrea. 1H mllea from . Bbaw atatloa. Marloa ooantyl fine land, oaaliy ' cleared, beaatlfnl flowlnt aprlnf, value aboat $0 per aere; will take team young horaea and Utbt wagon aa part payment, balance caah. I S. care JoaraaL BIOHTT acrea, Marloa eoaaty, 1H mllea froa anew atatioa; rine eon, eaauy cleared, larre i wiu flowlnt eprlng, ralne aboat $30 per acre; will trade roc wnac nare yon? B 40, oare JoaraaL FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB print roar name oa 60 calllnt earda, proper Sib aaa eerie, eoc; nu Daaineee caroa, a u i. W. Schmala Co.. t Flrat, PortUnd. Or. WESTERN OBEOON MININO MILLINO CO. headqaartera; atock for aaio aad inrormauoa at Boa Flrat at, Paoaa Mala 163a. BILLIARD AND POOL teblaa for root ar for aale on eaay earmenta. THB BRUNSWICK -BALKB COLLKNDER 00. 4S Third at., Pertlaad. ARTISTS' materia la. plcturre aad Cramlat. n. aaoornooaa m ta., at aiaar ai. , WB need faraltnro and will Jay foil vane. Phone facinc TIM. waatara aalrlge va., w Waablnatoa at. BOLDXN'B RBXUMATIO CUBB Bora ear tor rbeamatlam. Bold by all drnf glata. BOOKS boarht, told and er chanted at tha uia gwoa a i SB TaahlU at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to order j eeooaa-aana toooa ror aaie. carieoa a avail. atroa, SW Coach at. Paoaa Clay STL SHOWCASES, eoaatere, Bxtaros boeght. aold or excBaatoa. weetern Bairage vo., aar waan tnttaa at. Paclflc TSa. TTPBWRITBR, rood aa aew. at Woa tba half east pnoa.' iai qalre. BSB Waablnttoa at. 0. R. BLACK. Contract or and Builder I bare noma fair-troand lambor len; will eon tract cheap kooaaa aad aire time oa part of aa tariaL Phono Woodlawa BOB. , COW far aale, cheap. Apply Baat STth and Alberta. MOVINO-PICTURB MACHINES, alma, aong aUdea, tea aatata. -oto., hongbt, aold, rented aad exchanged. Newmaa, l4ib Blxth. Phano x-acinc ao. FOR BALB Maeoa frail Jare.' ejaart. 660 per aoaaa; jaoe and raboora aompwta. tna Bot tle Co- eoraar 14U aad Couch. Mala SSM. FOB BALI, CHBAP Doable expreea wagon and aameec. uaaa 0otua ve it aaa ueaca. Maia aasa. , mi .v., m mm w , vj iiuiaiiimi, . fine eondltlOBu van ahaaa. tllaO. . Call 847 1 . r aanintrna ,axj. , . FOR BALB Staaa ac boon ar. riret-claaa. 1.080 too capacity, enrlnee 18x28x41x80. uae. S cnaa a oe., jne.. to uoacora auig. FOR BALB 18-boi aepower ranaboot. abaft artvoa; aa overydar maehme: excellent bin ellmbari owner hea ao aao for It. Addree o. J. A.. vaBcoavor, waaa. . BOUND (eatla aara; drlvaa atntle, double or aaaaw. - laaaira itav aat layior -au I HAVB several aeosad-haad hotel ranroa, char. coal broiler ana. copper tettiea tor eala at reasonable price. Call at ho. 1 Froa at. R. L. Babla. racolvor. . BOW TO REACH THB FARMER? Bead for Koaton'a Mural Directory; 180 R. D. roe tee, with 18008 correct aamee. Rural Directory Co.. 804 AWftoa blot, Portland, Oretoa. . S-ROOM booaa boat fnr aale. farnlabed; a aaap ror caan. ri. neyaa, xasth waaninttoa at. Mala aML'rooa 13. FOR BALB Ftne-bred Borteh aellla pnpplaa, cheap: alao good milch cow; aaat ho aold at oaoe. TeL B. 4068. GOOD teat, 18x14, Inclndtnt floor, 88.60, lTth aaa neaawa eta., aeuweoa. 400 SHARKS MlehaekMa Floor- Gold and Ptatl- aoa Mining Co. atock at rue. Addraaa Boa 11, Arleta, Oregon. PERSONAL. FURRIER Ladlea, bare your fare remodeled ana repeirea ay practical rornar ana expert Alter; $0 yeare' experience la thla bra nob enablea aa la guarantee entire aatlafartioa: will call at realdeoca aad tire eatlmate. If dealred. AU Reiner. Lewie bldr., Morrlaoa aad Park. Phone Paolne B48T. ANY Ban or woman can ho strong and happy oy aaint aexine mix. ine treat tonic; price 81 a not, 8 boxes $B, with ran g-Barantee, Addraaa or coll J. A. Clemeaaoa, dragylat, cor. Beeoad aad Yamhill sta., Portland, Or. DETECT! Y B AGENCY CoaSdeattal tnvaetlra. tlene; reporta farnlabed aa IndlTldnela tbelr character, reapaaalblllty. eto.1 had debt col- lectea; mlsalng relauvea located: cbaraea reaaooahlc; corroapondeneo aoll cited, Oregoa Detective Berrtce, office S0S.3O4 Flledaer bldr., loth . aad Waablattoa sta. Phoa MaTa BS1B. MANLY vhjor reetored by Dr. Roberta' Narva Glob-ilea. One Booth1 treatment, $3; 8 montna, ao; aent aecurelT aeaied py Ball Agents, Woodard, Clarke ft Co., Portland, Or, MOLES, wrnklea, aaporfloeaa bstr temotod. Let m tell yoa bow. No charge. Mrs. M. D, Hill. Suite L Sclllat-Blraeh bMa, Paclfl ISB. SUITS praaaed while yoa wait. 60c. Ladlae4 aklrt preeeed, S0. Gilbert. 10814 Sixth.!., Belt to Quelle. Paoaa Paclfl 8088. BEXINB PILLS aara an forma e aorvoaa at mneeaiar woaknoes. ror ansa ar woaaaa. Prle 81 a boa, boxes $6, Itb fn taaraa tea. Addraaa ar call . 0. Ocmeaooa, drof tlet. Secoad and Yamhill Sta, Portland. Or. DISEASES OF WOMEN Private maternity hospital; onlet locettoa and epeclal care. Dr. At wood, $noi4 Morrlaaa at., room $. Phoa Paclfl 1T6S. a. BOLDBN'S RBEUMATTO CURB Bar car for rbesaatius. Bold by all drufgUta. YES, Palm Tablets sake yoa aleap perfectly; they euro aerveaenee an od make yoa etrong! price 60e a box. 8 bosee la Ml: euaranleed All drsgrUta, ar addreea Brooke Drag. Co.. 87 North to ir a ei., Portland, Oretoa. BUM AN HAIR SWITCHBS Pay after yoa re eeire mem; nana a aampio or yonr pair aaa -wc wIH eend yea oee of ear- $1 AO ewttrbee, 814 ox., S3 lacheot axamlno ft; If a bit bar. a, in, ramii: ir aot, rerora. Aioroet isaiee Tlalr Bra porta m, 834 Deer bora it., Chlcaao, DR. 0. T. KBTCHUM raree promptly private dlaaaaea, kldneyp nervoue. ekla and apecial female rroablea. Call or write. Office 170 it Third at., dor. TaabiU. Phone pacta 3038. TURKISH BATHS, SnA Orrgontaa hM(. ladled were, nenueaen Bifnta. aaein laaa. . DOLL'S HOSPITALrJ- ' ' Repairing and slreaalnf. 881 Taahll at. BALM OP FTOS for all female dleeeaee. 828 aaat neimont. I' none Kaat 40x4. WANTED T know the -whereabnnta of Geori Harold Robert by kla mother, Mary nowQiwe, rrweviiia, in-efoa. PERSONAL. H'M.D ON Thar la ane tblna that will r rbeuaiatlam. Aak your drurdat fur bark iom or addraaa or call J. a, Clemeaaoa. drua ' $tat, PortUad. Oraaua. XOUNO MAN, eara yea hair. We aaaraate to prereat your hair from falllnt out and aara what hair you hare left, and car aa iicnint ecaip lb a treetmente tlrely cureo. IN Ba Tenth at. XOUNO lady ilrea adantlflc maaaate, manlcar- int and pedicuring. 144 sixth at., bat. atoiTuMiei eon aioer aa, " MISB CTHEL WARD, face aad aealp maaaega. aaa nl curing, chiropody. Roaa 18. 146M SUU. SKIN : dliaaaaa, rhanmatlaa eared; graduate . auaaage of New York acbool; an I ph or aad eieaua oaiaa. Boom av, BHBt mira at. WANTED To know the whereabont. of W. H. Weataott; family aaxlooa; left home May 9, . lboo. Addraaa 143 Coart at.. Be lam. Oragoe, "FORBIDDEN FRUIT," "A Gay Lothario." "Story of a Blare, " "Mabel Gray," "land ara Moak," "Anev" -"Woman of Fire." 8e each; Uata froa. A. a. w. acnaaw uo., xj ram ax, MADAM ANNA f.UCKEY ' Can be found at 4S6 .Hall at., prepared to take pattenta; room end board, beet of car and treatment; beautiful prlrete borne. Mala bum. wouia ux$ a cniia to board. . r. TTRKtBH BATHS LADIES ONLT. " ' Maaaaaa, ehampoofng. . eealp and face treatmenta, cheat derelopment, - maalcarlnt and cbiropody. 651 Wuhlngteaa, hatwaea tdtfi ana i.jia. jaaia ?vev. GENTLEMAN, atranter, would like lady ao- gaiiawKf w a , meaiua naigat, aara near, avaareea noa m u, care Journal. hUS 8 GIBSON aire expert healp treatment ana maeeate. . aooea 0, no coamoe, aastt Morrlaoa at.. " LA DIES t Uae Chlrheeter'a Ent hah PI Ma. Beet Bafeetl Only Reliable! Take no other. Buy of your Drutftat or Band ac. ataapa, for par tlculara and Booklet for Ladlea, Chlchaetar Chemical Co., PblladelphU. Pennayleanla. MAS8A0B. rhanmatlaa rared, ateam and anl- pnur Da tna. Hon ma av-w, Tba PMaeaatoa, Third aad Columbia. TOUNO lady from China go baa recently opened wukwu awMi, wu . aaurriaoa .. room 14. '. BOTH time and money eared, wltb a froa ehlne. wmie gelling enarea at toe atonal Baroer -anep, i mxia n net. stark aad Oak eta.; a ha ring Inc. 1 AUTOMOBILES. COVET COOK Motor Car Co.. Fifteenth aad Wiahlng-toa Agenta . for Cadillac. Pierce. , Great Arrow aad Steveoe-Daryea motor-earl anaebJaaa 1 oak) a. rapalred aa alaaa. Mala " 8468. ASSAYERS. OABTIN CTAN1DB EXTRACTION CO, aad Moataaa Aaaay Offlaa. - 188 Morrlaoa at. ART EMPORIUM. PROPBSSOR R. MAX MBYBR, 848 Alder, Portrait and la noape art let aad taaebar. ARCHITECTS. H. H. MBNORS, Architect. 11a BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS ft KILHAM, 108-111 Beeoad at. Blank hook maaafaetarerai ageate for Joaaa Improved Looee-Laaf ledtara; aea tha aaw Eureka leaf, tbo beet oa the market. BATHS MASSAGE. XOUNO lady rtvoa vapor, alcohol aad mediae ted hatha. Parlor 17. SeStt Stark ex. XOUNO LADY, atraarer la city, rlree tab and vapor hatha. Washington. Bheaaatlaa cared by maeeir by voaag Gee. t0Bi Stark. 11-23 Tacoma Booaa. aa lady. GENUINE Bwadteh Turktah and tab hatha; lady attendant. aOlVb Third at. MISS RAYMOND rlree bath and maaaat treatments, me voamoa, . WH), storriaoa at. FIRST-CLA8S electric aad vapor hatha ttrra - oy two laaiea, aiao CBiropoay and manieorin( 14 H corner Flret ar., rooma 1 aad 2. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. 8. RIRKENWALD CO.. 804-808 B-rerett ex. I Lancet potcnoro- aappiy hnaaa aa the coaat. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES Adolnh A, Dekam. . 181-188 Flrat at, carrlec a full Una and com plete aesortment at loweer market prlcea. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleenlnt Co.. lergeat punt on tbo coaat. Lorlnr and Bardlna nta.. tele. a . pboao Baat tao carpets cleaned, r. atted. ewer and laid; both ateaa aad lateat eooa- praMaa air proeeea; reaevatlna; But aad feather a epeclalty. SANITARY carnet cleantnr. anctloa aad . nraaaed air combined: earpeta clean M on Soar Wltbaat reaoval. Mala ooa. Mala 8300, t. HUNTER. Bteoa carpet aad aattriaa alee ner. 660 Jefforaoa. Pboao Mala 814; CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN ft FLOYD CarpeBter. Joiner and earriaera wara. as ata ax. raoaa raciae aiua. C CARMICHAEL, coatracror and builder; store aad efOee Ittlngs. 88 Fifth at. Pacts 80s. CLEANINO AND DYEINO. Portlaad Staaa Ctaanter ft Dvemr Workac l Ileal ha Iter, la connection. 811.4th. raciae BUI. CLOTHES cleened aad nrea 81 per h tattoo Caique Tailoring Co., 84T Waahtai B. W. TURNER. BrnfesxHonat dre aad daoaor. 808 Jeffereoa at. Pbooe Main 8818. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. FOR A FEW DATS ONLY. ----A SPECIAL $8 RRADTNG FOR $L i - I ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. PROP. E. KHIMO. flreateet Uvlnt aatrel dead-trance clalr. voyant of the are: ADVISER ON BI'SINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whoa yo will Barry, hew to control the one yoa leva, ovea t bough mllea- away; reoultea tb eep- arated; gl rea aecret powera to control. I will do all etbera edrertle to do. and a peat deal Bore. TUB ENTIRE WORLD , HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THE TOW , ERS OP THE UN8EEN FORCES I HAVE AT MY COMMAND, and I prev It to yoa with, oat price by gltng yoa a - FREE TEST FREB by baring roar NAMB TOLD (IN FULL!. :JtlST WHAT YOU-CAME FOR, (nd t'v yoa advice abaalntely FREE before yon decide ; to bare a reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORB TO CONVINCE THB SKEPTIC I DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT WILL NOT BR OFFERED TO YOU AGAIN. PROP. E. KnTMO Permanently Located In Hie Own Home. HOURS. 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. No. SftS Fifth at., cor see Madiaoa at. NIBTiO BBS FIFTH ST. Wonderful Clairvoyant, Palmlat, Healer 1 Without A eking a Gueatlon. Without any prevtone knowl.dte and having no natural mean a of knowing who yoa are, whence nr for what yoa cam, be telle yonr name, age. occupation ana what yoa celled for; In fact, everything: he tell yoa name of friend and eneralee; who le true and who la falae: telle whom and when yoa will marry, giving names, datea. facta and loca tion; rector a lost vital force; bolide ap good lack. .. . PROP. WALLACE. Tb Cnemo, JIWH4 Morrison, t Be thla glftrd man. He call yoa by name. He tell your pact, preeent Bad futnr. Tell yoa who are roar frlenda, ene mlee. rival. " ' H knnwt 'at once what you celled Jor. Telta who . aad when yoa will ' Barry. He telle yoa everything. Tb , gresteet living clairvoyant, aplrltuallst aad palmlat reede for 6flc. SEE niM TODAY I REMEMBER THB PLACR. MADAM ANNUVB. th wonderful clairvoyant and trance aedinm: mnenlt her before en gaging la any andertaklag of any nature: pest, preeent and fntare given; pelml.try readings. 8Sc. . 1T W. Park, ex., aaar Mor. rleoa. , . CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. 4 Ar- GUNST ft.CO Die tn Mi tare af FINS CIGARS. ' ' Port la ad, Oraaaa CAKE3. TP OFFICE 1 WaehloaTtoa at., ahead Mala ' 711. Samuel Vlgneui. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. XVrRDlNM ft FARKELL. produce aad oommle 'aloa aiercbanta. 140 ("root at., Pertlaad, Or. ' Phone Main ITS. . CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PBDICURINT1. Mr. M. IX Hill. Bulta 1. Balling Hlrach Bldg. PactBe 13a. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery nd rawara. Prael, Begele ft Co., loo to 108 Fifth, car. Stark at. COAL AND WOOD. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la oerdwoed. cool and green and -dry elabweod. R. R. and ' Alblne, arc, S hlooka oaat af ferry. Eaat 814, STEEL BBIDOB FURL CO. Dalar la anal, aordwood and dry alebwood. Pbooa Beat 434. OR BOON FUEL CO All klndo of anal aad wood. Son Aider ex. rhooo Mala SB. BOX - and planer wood.'" Btaadard Woo Ca. ImmedUU deUeery. , Pbooe Bast S81B. DRY etoeewood alreadv anllt. 81.TB ner Inad. . Phone paclBc 14TB. ' H; Heneen: Blr-ioed.4 COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY OWB YOU MONEY WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS OR NO CHARGE. CITIZENS' LAW ft COLLECTION CO., CITI- . r,Efl BiMt Bl II.11. KUval 10, IiKIVU AVE. fHUHai KABI' HUSH. DANCING. LEAflOMfl ! dauielist mt four hofD, or at mt ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO Engineer, contrac tors, repairer, electric wiring, euppllee. 84 Flrat. cor. Stark. Mala 60S. B. H. Tate. air. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm -ah furnace aere fact J. C. Bayer Pomace Co., 300' seoood. Mala 481. DRYHOUSB HEATING PIPES, made to order by I. Loell, 213 Jeffereoa; Phone Pacific 1434. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON FnrnltaT Manafactarlnt Company MaBafactarera at rurnltura lor tba traaa. Portland, Oretoa. FURNITURB aanafactorlaf and special ordara. L. Reveoaky' rurnltura factory, 170 groat at. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB ft IBON WORKS 303 gland era at., aor. Third. Phona Mala rooo. BAST PORTLAND PENCB ft WIRB WORKS. 180 Eaat Water at. Phone East B3L. GROCERS. ' WADHAMS ft CO., wholesale grocers, manu faeturere and eommlaetoa naercbanta. roorta and Oak ata. ALLBN ft LEWIS, com m lea too and produce xoer- uaata. f ront, ana iiavu ata., rortuao, ur. BTTIN A WATNaWobbora and wholesale 1 tracera, SOO Second - at. GASOLINE ENGINES. . STATIONARY and marloa; "Little Bpecial" aaoi:ne launch. $180; aoeoad-haad awctrl Loach and bulla. ........ . BIIERHON MACHINERY COM , 183-4-S Morrlaoa at. HAY AND GRAIN. E. L. COOPER ft CO. Potatoes, feed and Soar, 1X8 Union are. Pbooa East lb IT. HOTELS. THR BELLE YUE Fourth end Ralmoa; nice clcao rootna fey day, week ar Banta. racioo zioo. HOTEL Portland. American plan; $3. $3 per day, BELVEDERE; Europeaa plan:4tb and Alder at. HAT FACTORIES. HATS cleaned, blocked. Bade like new for 80c expert Panama bleacher. 64 Third, aeer- Plao. Branch, 824 rim. paeinc 18. HARDWARE. Fortlaad Hardware Co. aolleJta enporli-alty to an 1st el. ear. Aiaer. ataia iia. INSURANCE.: tSAAO la WHITE, Br laaaraaca. BOS Dekaa bldg. . IAS. Met. WOOD, employer' HaMllty and to. dtvtdaal accident eurety booaa 01 au aiaoa. Phonw 41. 803 McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On improved city property or tor Banning parpneee, for froa I to 10 year' time, wltb privilege to repay all ar part of kea after two yeare. Loans approved froa plena and Booey advanced aa building profreeeoe; aortgarea taken op and replaced. - FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 343 Stark at. THB STAR LOAN CO. Any eolarled employe, wage earner, eaa get ' aa hla note, without mortgage Month, e rnontn. vreee. ano. iwa Repay xo aa sio..ui or sn.011 or or $a..l!t or tl .89 or $1.00 av3).ote Kepay to oa a o.nn or ' $15.00 Repay to ua 4.00 or $3.00 310 McKay bldg. CONPIDENTIAti LOANS on aalarlee. Inanranc ponciea, pianoa, Ttirnirnre, warenooee re. celpta, etc.; any deserving peraoa may eeenre a liberal advance, repaying by eaay weekly or monthly Inatallmenta. NEW ERA LOAN ft TRUST COMPANY. 908 Ahlngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And other upon their own name without aerorlty; rhsepeet rate, eeetgat paymenfa; offlce In 83 principal cities; eev yourself money by getting our term fli-et. TOLMAN. 338 Ahlngtoa bldf.. IO8V1 Third at. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS Money can be Borrowed oa ceer pa era en I alaa, loweat rates; atrlrtlv confidential. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 4tt Mohawk bldg.. cor. Third and Morrlaoa, MONEY to loaa on real, personal and collateral eecnrltyl epeclal attention 'a chattel mort- fagea; notea booght. C. W. Pallet. ' 804-8 en toa bldg., 84 Sixth et. MONEY tn loan en flarkama county land. E. F. aad F. R.' Klley, aoa t bamber of Com- marc. HIOHI.Y reapectabl place where ladlea and rente caa borrow pjioney on aiamonaa ana jewelry. Collateral Loea Rink, 300 Waab lnttoa at. Phone Black Tl. LOWEST rata on furniture and piano. Eaat. era Loaa Co., aoerioca oing. l acino xiia. MONET to loan oa all kind of aemrlty. Holl. men 8 Waeblngton bldg. Willie TO LOAN Suma to eult oa chattel eeeorlty. it. A. frame, ait the Merqnam. " Money To Lean From private Jnnd ( on JmprortdL property. " j. l, wells co. ....... 94 Grand ave.- MONBY mased aalarled people oa note; cheep eat ratee. T. A. Newton. z ADingtoar mag. MACHINERY. THB H. C. ALBEB CO. Second-hand merhlaery, aawBilw, etc. 88 oraaa are. B, TRENKMAN ft CO Mining, eawmlll. ne flng merhlneryi nyaraniic ptpea. caatagi au mdo repaired, 104 North Foartb. -MONUMENTS NEII ft KINOSI.EY. 811 Flret et.. fwtlaad'g eeadlag aarbia aad graaite werxa. FINANCIAL BANKS. BAFKIRr S LmiBEXXEN'a BARK Pertlaad. Oroaea. Corner Seoood aad Btairh a traeta. (ywnmerclal and aarlug denertment. latereet paid en aartnge acceante. Drefta aad . J r4u I""! Tallable In all T to B for the acueaaodatlnn f D. C. PKLTON Prealdeat I PRED H. BOTHCHIUI iiVv." I I unw A. aEATINq!JJL!oB Vlre-Preeldent T BANK OF CAXlyOlaTIA Established 188. Keed Offaa, Baa Fraaelsra, Callfaraa. Capital pald an...;. ..r.r. .84.000.009 I Sarploa and BOdlvloed prodr $S.TT01n - , , eaoral k.nkln, and EbTnia Tbo Trawactod. SAYINGS DEPARTMEBT. Inter eel tm time deport te. AceonnU opened fnr Buma e( $10 and upward. A . m' u ' Portland Branch Chamber el Commerce Building. . f. AJfACBAB Manager J. T. BUBTCHAELL Aedataat Menarer FIRST NATIONAL BABX $F PORTLAND, OBEOON. - .. . Daalgnated Depoeltory and FtnaaHal Aganl of the United State. A, U MILLS I CsaBler J- W. NFNJ", Arelatant Cashier w. 0. ALVOKD Second AeaUtaat Caahler B. F. STEVENS e,.. a. xtter of Credit Available la Europe aad the Eaat era Statea a. S.". 'hge aad Telegraphic Tranafera aold on New York. Roeton. Chlcaao. Bt. Loala, Eri'l m.h.a' ; Frandaco and the principal point la tbe Nortbweet. Sight and time blUa drawn In euma te eult ea London. Pari. B-rllo. Prank fort -ea-theWala, Hongkong;. Yokabanw, Copeahag. ChrlaUaala. Steckholat. Bt, Petaraharg. Maeaow. Barlch, nUnaOMIQ. . r ' LASO T1XT0R, BAWKJCR8-Xatabllabed a 186. ) - v . ' . , Yreaaecta a O.a.raJ Baaklsg Baameae. CoUeettoaa Bad " cnH'Lm a... Letter of credit leaned available la Bosopo and ell polobj I a,Jy7U4 2!t? . B1-C" -rb"ge and Telegraphic Tranafera aold on New York. WeebUuxton. Cblcsgo. St. Lonle. Drnrrr, Omeba, Baa Fraaclaco aad Montana aad Brltlah Colombia. Exchange aold aa London. Parts. Berlin, Frankfort, Hongkoot. Yokohama. Manila aad Honolnlo. Jtm aUBOHANTS' RATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. OBICOR. AT J FRANK WATSON. W.-BOTT.-..;...-:..--::-.':.Ceahla; t TraaaaaU a Oeaeral Bshklnt Bustaeee. .Draft' aad Lett are of Credit laoaed Avellabl 8 All Parte of tb World. Colleetlone a flpeclelty ' UNITED STATES RATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, ORBOON. . . .. . m -. . ' Nortbweet Oornar Third and Oak Street. ' ' Tlfaaaaeta a Geaere.1 Beak log Bnaiaeaa. DRAFTS ISSUED A reliable ta ATI We or the United Statea aad Europe. Hoaakonc aad Manila. Collections Mada oa Favorable Yerme. Prealdeat ....... 1 r iiKtwrtim 1 Ylce-Preeldent. . .R. LEA PARNEB Aaeletant Caahler. . t .A. M. WRIOHT I TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OBEOON "Tha Oldest Treat Company la Ora-B., T-:.I!0XKCE, OT"R l.t.ooO.-0aeral baaklng.. Exchange eu all partf of the jswld. I ' Jil!,N0B ACCOUNTS, Time eartlflcatee. 8 to 41 per cent: abort -call apecial certlfV eataa, 000 or ever, $H to 4 per cent, .Call for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Southeast Corner Third and Oak 8 traeta. Pbooa Prlrat Exchange T3- -. ; Si-V..?.".'1 Preeldent I H. L. PITTOCK ,T"!,a B. LBB PAGET Secretary I J. O. OOLTRA Aaelrtaat Secretery SrCTfRITT SATTN6S ft TRUST COaTPAJfT TTaasactt a Oaoerel Baaklsg Bualaeea. - oa lime aad. Savings Aoooonte. Acta a Credit Available la AU ? ? "r)M"-.".... .- Prealdenl I A. U,MILL... ...... Second Ylce-Preildeat I GEO. F. RCSSEIX TH1 M0BT0A0X GUARANTIX ft THU8T I Tranaarta a General Banking Buetneaa. tiepartiBeat; 4 per cent Interest elk, wed, eompoaaded quarterly.. , : ' CAPITAL. 8100.000.00 .a 0. W. WATERBUBT. ............ .Prealdent 1 C. W. MILLER TIee-Prealdeat - . "- . LOGAN HAYS.., .eletent Becretary ' . Erk1 Temple, Seventh and Stark BtreeM. Phone Mala. 164. Open Saturday Bvcnlaf 8 to 8. NORTKWXSTXRR GUARANTEE ft TRUST OOMP ANT Pertlaad, Oragea. Lumber Excbsote. S. B, Corner Second and Stark Streets (aeeond Boor). FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONS. ' State, Coaaty, Municipal and Corporation Bonds Bought and Sold. Naw enter nriaa $aalna , and tnanced. Stocha and bonds guaranteed. "TTLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANY 840 WA8H1N0T0N STRUT. MORTGAGB LOANS oa Portland Real Eatate at Leweet Bete. ' . Tltlee Insured. Abatracta Furalahed. '. . ' M. M. LADD. '. i. THORBURN ROSS. j T. T. BURKBART, - Prealdent. Ylca-PrMldent aad Maaarar. . Secretary. JNO. . AFTCHISON. . . Aaalatant Becretary. BONDS AND ORRIS BROS. Ul tint Btroot, FortUai, Offer OIlt-Edg-ed Invettmeatg In Municipal and Railroad Bond. Writ r Can." DOWNXNG-HOPXINS COMTANT Katahllahad STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought Private Wtree. ROOM CHAMBER "HX t. a LEX COMPANY 18-88 Lafayotn Brokerage Department Be Ua Before Buying or Bel lint Stock Ovcrfceclc Starr & Cooke Co. SmAIN, FROYISIONS. COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WB 90 A 8IR1CTLY COMhUBBION RUBIN ESS. . Continuous Marktti by Prlvat Wire. ' Quick and unitea atatee national nana or rorriapq. - LODIS.J. WEM: ;. , MUNICIPAL SCHOOL AND CORPORATION 1B0NBS ' - Hlgheet Retttroa ta lavoabara Co nelitaat With Abaanto Befaty. PORTLAND ft NORTHWESTERN HOME TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH- SECURITIES,- MINES AND INVESTMENTS,' HURST SWITCH STOCK BOLD CHEAP I boy A T . ..n annh..' at,lif-VflM dnet and procloua-Btonea bought; dividend peylng (tncka aold; proapecu of merit pur ch.acd; important inventions, promoted; eon-enle- ma for profitable Investments; member Portland Stock Kirnangs. w. v. lorus, sis Oommercial blk. Phoa Mala 0ce. WILL aoll 8.O00 Mt, Pitt, 15c; will ecll 10,000 Oregoa eecnritlee, Tc; will cell BOO Coppero polbi, 10c; two shares I. 0. Lee atock. t'JUO; will boy Hurat Switch, Caacadls and all enarketable stock. F. J. Cattcrla ft Co., 1U Ablnttoa bldg. musical.: EMIL TBIKLHORN. pnnll ef BBTCIX. VIoM BlBOt xsa euxia, in, mia PIANO-TUNINO. repairing, reflnlahlng and pollablnt; estimates gtren joonenn, witter ft Porter. ST8 Third at. Phone PaclBc SU1. osteopathic physicians. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY. - gvadaate f th Oeteopethlc college of Klikavllle, Mlaanari, who le a speclallat oa rbeamatlam, etomacn Bad all female dleceaee. Office 410 Falling bldg.. corner of Third and vTaeningtoa ta. DRB ADIX ft NORTH RUP. 418-IS-1T Dekaa bMg, Third aad Waablnttoa.. ata. L Pbooa Mala 848. Examination free. PRINTINQT THR MODERN PRINTEBT ArthrHe arlnHnt. 88 Ruaeel nidg., roorut aaa aorriaaa. raeaa PaelOe 1520. ANDERSON ft DPNIWAT COMPANY, Brlnilng. lltbofrapblnt. Blank Beoka. roone Maia it. SOS Alder et. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. E. BEACH ft CO Tb Pioneer Pain Ce. window-giaao aaa giasint. 10 rarai ex. Pbooe ISM. PLUMBERS." DONNERBERO ft RADEMACBER. removed te No. 808 liurma lUe at. FOX ft CO., sanitary plamhera, SRI Beceed, bet. Mala ana asimea. u re goo roone nam awi. FIN NIG AN BROS, ft CO.. tmt Third at. Phone Main 2000. Plambers and Besting entineera. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, tea Alder at., phone Mala 710; tanner atampe, eeaia, etenriiai eat gags, trade checks; aoad for eatalogoo No, 88. an ROOFINO. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing aad general jobptnf. j. Loell. gig jerrerooa ac rac. lax. STREET PAVING. WARREN Coartraetloa Co., tret pavtag. eld. walka.and croeelnt. Tie oregoaiaa Bldg. THR Berber Aephalt Paring Co. ef Fortlaad. ornce aoa worceater Bia. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deecrlptloa; bank, bar and atora di tares Bee to oraer. xao istit Manarartarlng Co.;" PortlgBS. R. R. BIRDSAI.L, deelmeri. a cent. M. Winter Lamber Co., T Hamilton bldg. Mala 8880. Si:C0ND.HAND ' GOODS. ATWATER ft CARL farnltov boa Hlgheet prlcee paid far areond-band fBraltare, 818 Second at. Phone Paclfl 0118. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banner. eennomieei electric aigne ana eigne et all kind merie quickly. Footer ft Kleleer, Fifth aad Everett, phone Exchange 68.- - f. P. BERflER ft BON, SM Yamblll at, Blgaa ef aU Blade. Pboao PaelBe im para of th world. Opaa Batarday aaailng froa X. 0 MEARB..... Caehlef IV K li-fJtfZv " ' ' .. Caahl. PLATT ft PLATT .Genera! Couneel a r. nnpnaw ' ..Tlce-rTeaineax GEORGB W. H6YT.........Aoxlatant Caahler riM.PMrfAnt W. R. ATait Caahler.. .R. W. BCHMPRR , A. HOLT Aesletunt Caahler. 88 Morrlaoa Street, Pertlaad. Oaogea. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. lateraat Allowed Traeteo for Eatatee. Draft aad Letter at Parte af the World. U A. LEWIS ....Flrat TWo-Prootdoat R. 0. JCBITB Secretary , Aaeletant Secretary COMPANY BANK. ' lotereat Paid oa Tinea Depoalta. fevlasa GBGROB H. B1LU asaaitaBt Becretary INVESTMENTS. Oretoa. . , ltSe BROXXRS. aad Bold for Cash and aa Margin. ' . . of COMMERCE. Phoao Mala BT. Sid., Portland. Oregoa. - H. W. Donahue. Manager. or Bonds. Can Always Bava Toa Money. 1M ..1 Servic. REFERENCES ladd ft Til ton. Bank- . Rooma a. 4 and. S La Fayette bldf.. cor. Sixth aad Wash, Sta., Fortlaad. Oretoa. DIVIDEND BANK AND CORPORATION ISTOQ&S: SAFES. DIB BOLD Manganese and fireproof eatee; ao ceeafal progreee against barglar and fire: lock Suta opened. Mr. Snner, Bechaalcal expert with -a. inrn. o Third. Pbooe leoo. - TELEPHONES. THR only ogclaatve telepbaae aoaaa. B.-R. "lectrla ft -Teleimoa Maaaf Belarus ea psay. t Fifth ex. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFER - oiaaoe and - farnttar moved, packed reedy lor aaippiog and enippea; an wark gear an teed; large, 8-etory Brick. Bra pa eef warehouse for atorag. Offlc aoa oak ax. C M. Olaea. Pboao Mala MT. THE BAGGAGB ft OMNIBUS TBANSFBB CO.. enr. Bixra aaa oaa ata.; Bat-gage checked froa hotel ea reeldsoee Street to ooetlaatleat ngere tnarerore avoia raea and aaaay. si depots. Private Exchange 88. ... C. O. PICK, ofnee 88 Flrat at., between Stark aad oak ata., pneae ova; piaoae aaa rural rare BMved aad packed for shipping; eoBaodloao brick wareboaaa with Separate ire rati aaa, Freat and Clay at. . OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth, Pbooe Mala 88. Heavy benlleg and stersgo. POST SPECIAL DELIVEBT. No. BOOa Wash ington at. none Mala PCX CUT retee o huoaibuld goods ta til points eeer: we mage ap carloads : apecial raea ror trans while welting. Oregon Anto-Dee patch, 11 IClret ex. Phoa Mala Ti. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGB ft TRANSFER Co. Storage. - 834 Stark at. Mala 40T. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash . coca. $1 per Booth. Port la ad Laaadry aad Towel apply Co.. Nlath aad Coach. Pboao 410. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typowritera. all ma tea. rented, aold and repaired, uaai agency, gal stars. Tel. lew. - WINDOW SHADES.- GALE WINDOW SHADE CO., SST Salmea ex.. plain and reorv aaadea maoe to oroer at lowest prices. Pbooe Main 8878. WELLDIGGINO. WELLDIGGlNG-r-Oeorge Roblaaoa. St. Johns. AT THE THEATRES. At th Lyric. . -' ' A gttikmg feature of the rural eomedy-drame. The Bmagglere." hi lte ability to attract end aallafy a large a ail len co at the matinee a well a at th two evening performancee. . At the Star. At the Star thla week the comedians at tba fork company ova In their element. The bill Three Married Men" and tells what aaea- area one of tbe men took to top the other two rroa paying attentions to hi wu. At tht Grsnd. Er err one hi towa te talking aboat the" Nell-1 etc ire- amine i. aim pnyeieai trtiaia aow lining ta engagement at tha Grand. Tbeea yoang aea are wonderful tpeclmeoa af what phyaieal cul- tore caa do, , . Kins-Ncrs at PsntagM. The moat remarkable athletic feet ever wit- aeeaad la Portland are those performed at the Pantagee this week by the noted Prench ath lete, Klna-Ner. Six ether goad acta make ap the bow. ,. .......... .. :1 ' from Judge. They ar having an engagement din- nth st'th Brown tonlghL". . who Is engaged r . ' "A hew cook." . ' STlE.'.".i tiiy n L. - ti in & m , . ... Judge Frazer Settltt Matter in Case of the Belligerent ' Mrs. Anton DeCiceo. , Anton TjoClcoo will bo left la poao foy a tlma at laaat by kla dlvorc wife. Roaa, DoClooo, who by her own axlmla alon has bnmklng troublo for hint for the . last 1A Mir, tn th. ..I rn.i t court ' thla xnornlnt Jndta FVaaor or- Sarad thsvt extra. DoCicao must oithar aarva out bar ecntonv of on year la tha county jair Or loava th olty. , In April, Mra. PaOcoo was found guilty of aaaaultlna bar huabahd with a dangafOUa aipon." Bh was sen toneed tor ar year In the county Jail and paroled. Day, before yesterday DoCicao, who bat married th ascend Una, saJd that la former wife had threatened to kill him and hla saw wife. Thla morn log- Judtro Praaor bemrd tha testimony Offered by DoClcoo. -, . ' Carmlno Quarrlora taotlflod that Mrs. DoClcoo had told him ah would kill DoCIoao If ah could not ret tb chil dren, who bad boon awarded to him by tha- oourt when divorce was granted. Paulina Ruoao, a little Italian tjlrl about IS year old. said ah had told Mrs, DcClcoo that her Jiuaband waa go ing to marry again and that Mr a. Do Clooo had said ah would kill them both aa aeon aa th woman cam. Mrs. DoOlooa denied all these chargaa. -Judge Truer asked her If ah bad not struck her huaband on th head with av hatchet la California. "Tea." aha said, "but not with th juag t raxcr uten toiG ner an etrma take bar ohoic of flnlahlnar her Jail aenteno or leaving th olty, aa ah had triad twice to kill her huaband and It waa feared ah would carry . out her threat If allowed her liberty. Tbe woman became angry and Is now in JalL She would not aay what ah Intend to do. and when asked began to relate th hlatory of ail th trouble ah haa had with her huaband. DeCiceo Bad his new wife live at ta Rood etreet, LIFE SAVIKG STATIOH AT ; ; Ntl'POBT L10VEH Cahtain TatIap anrl ' 0hr frf- - ficials Baok From Tour y ' of Inspection. ; . ' Captain IX F. Toiler, head of th local ltfe-aavlng BOT-vica, baa returned from a. three-weeka' lnapectlon trip of th Bta tlona In the Faclflo northwest, la eon pany with Bumnar 1. Kimball, general superintendent ef th Ufe-aavfna; aenr lo in tb United Btatea, and Captain C U. UcCullom, aaaistant (eneral aupor lntendent, and aa a result of their' trip' they have suggested many chances In th aarvloe and havs already received orders for .the changing of the atavtloa. at Newport, Oregon. At preeent tha atatlon is two mile from Newport, but when th new order goea Into effect it will be at Newport. Thla .will bring th ataMon cloae to the bar. - . ,. . . - . "While on th trip th sit for s new station oa Waddah Island, in Noah bay. waa located, and recommendation war mad to th government for tta erec tion as quirgiy aa posxiDia. . Captain Tosler auggeated th moving of tb boathoua at Coo Bay Into deep water. -At present th dal ly- practice -boat drill often has to be auapended b. oaus or tna aiaiano ox xn tesmuioua from th water at low tide. Between $8,000 and 110,000 will be spent In Improving th atatlon at Point Adama. New bulkhead a, walk and foundations . will . b conatructed And -other necessary Improvements made. Cap Disappointment will receive a Raw boathouae, launch ways and general Im provements. B..u.Ml..l WiK-11 , . C.. I diii.i luivuu.ut ,1,1 ui, uu v miiimin M cCullom arrived In Portland last even ing with Captain Toaler, and left early thla xnornlnaT for Waablna-ton. T. C HOGE AND PARTY TO MAKE TRIP TO HT. JEFFERSO.T: '' 1 - -- .r a--.'. .. et President -of-Portlarvi Chamber' of Commerce Arranges to ' Take Vacation. i '1 R. R. Hog, prealdent of th Portland sham bar of commerce, ' will leave to morrow for th wlldarnea in th vicin ity of Mount Jefferson to take a wall, earned rest after th atronuoua em paign attending th collection and final dlatributlon ef th San Frandaco relief fund. He will b aooompanled by - party of friends and they will devote thro week to fiahlng, bunting, and outdoor recreations attendant upoR camp life In th mountain. Th party will Include Mr. Hog. EL C. Qlltner. Mrs. Olltner. B. P. Otltner. Mlaa Banbury and L. K. Adams. They , will leave tomorrow night for Detroit, the eastern termlnne of th CorvaJlla a Eaatern railway. There all preparation haa - been mad - for a pack train of -aeveo horse and camp paraphernalia, which wlU be taken In charge by tw BtUndants. Tha party will 'pack 10 mil, which will land them at Marlon lake. In Marlon . county, a few mllea from tb foot ef Mount Jefferaon. It I aald th flahing and hunting in this vicinity lav not aur paaaed anywhere In the country, whir th scenery I grand and awe-inspiring beyond description. Th lake I located In a government foreat reserve. Th present trip la Mr. Moge's first and Mr. Gilmer's fifth pilgrimage to th moun tain. '.- In th abaenoe of tha prealdent and secretary of th chamber of commerce, th buelneaa of th organisation wilt he looked after by Vlce-Preatrlent Edward NewbegUi and Assistant Secretary Mo seaaahn. - -'.;,'.'' COUNTIES AWARDED - STATE SCHOOL MONEY (Special Msoeteh to T loorostl Salem, Or Aug. I. Th apportlm mant of th school fund among the va rious eonnt lee haa been made. The t tal amount la :5.1 1 Th niimr-r of chool children In th Stat la IM.t , and th sum apportioned for each cl 1 I 11.70. Multnomah, with He ll.i , gets aa apportionment of f 87,414 1 1. Marlon county' silk 1M chlldr. i. gets 17,tI . . " ye rat h test tut'fl 1 4" Ml want Ad 1 f y U.,8 f... a f Mmck wttav 1 r