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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1906)
- . y THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PQ2TLANP. THURSDAY EVENING. CUCT, g. t::V 1727 TODAY. d ; ' if Not Call iniormation rjcrthvcstern Guarantee end Trust Company ; Lumber Exchuura Building (Second Floor) 8. E. Cor. Second and Stark Sts. ADDITION ON SUNNYSIDE AND UT. TABOR CI Strictly Inside Property at Strictly Inside Prices To flee Is to Buy This beautiful addition has just been r-surveyed, and is now placed on. the market at prices and cpon terms that cannot fail to attract the careful investor or home buyer. . .X";" :2 cf the Advantages 1. Close to business center, i " -9. A Five-Minute Car Service. 3. Streets Graded and Sewered, Bull Run water, Gas and . , Electric Lights. . , ' ' 4. A reasonable building restric tion. 5. Perfect Titles. 6. Only "Eight Blocks from the new $100,000.00 East Side High School. v For lisps, Prices, Terms and Full Information Apply to - - J XI. E THOMPSON OAQ MISSISSIPPI AVE. Phom Woodlawn Srmmek Offlem 0 thm Prmtsa F. O. PARKS, Resident Agent Twenty-Second ft East Morrison Letters of Credit Ccr.:$tic Letters of Credit Far aaaileta aad travelers, payable" threat-heat the United States, Canada. Mexleo aad Central A marl pa. - DILLS EXCHANQE r!::J Trust (qq ot Orejca ft. . see. Sd and Oak eta. ' Pheaa Sx. TS. On aay of our 41 loU alonf Haw thorna arena to roar own plana on maU monthly paymrnta. , IX E. LEE t ft : M Hatk traa 0350.00 aera on tha ear Una, i-eent ' far. TCWKS, 258i Morrlsoa Street Phone PneUld ttli. IZLL O EWALD Czztrzstzrt ti nHicr. XJNNTON-. OR. . Mala St. St John Phon Soott M. 7 G42 PZ2R LOT . tSJel-w feet aar $4A There are only 40 hue Wt eeald eat of a trart wr To lata, s-4 lue k.oerats iertaaa Rask has erdar4 -e Me eotd wit ana t delay; tharvfore the 'a will be 41 par M aatll every lot Is e- l Tnaee arte are bvated oa earflne aad flmif ea the rrrar, hlyh. etsbtly eed A I east la required. e terme glvaa. ' wl. um a, , 1 weeaey. . I 1 fVH aad Start eta'. f r TILTON "AsTTjrarerr--Tnitia. eaHaMe for were, era raneahiet the world, are la il by na ea the aaaat fararable terma. Ales OP rer tke eaarraeJaaMs at those who kara aa f eaten ee aaad mieiy abroad, we lesae drafts payabls ta hearty every eaeaUy an the (lobe. NEW TODAY. BIG BARGAIN 'Am I DMd th tnony IrwM sU (or cash or half cash (-room eot (as, new and complete, for 1100; I-roora modern house; 4-room eottac for $400; aoma nioa Iota for $188 each. Coma qulok. aa I muat havo money. Stor building rantad for $4$.o par month for $1.$08, Boa tha ownar, ', JOE NASH at sraaxvxua asditsov, In White Houaa. Taka ML Boatt Car. ForSale2000R Tha beat sawmill propoaltlon on tha Willamette river. Good stored for log; can ba purchased for than $$.00 par front foot Thta pro party wtll . doubl In walu in ona year. Particular of C IS. JOURNAL OFFICE. ' ' 80 Acres Overlooking month of Wlllamatta and tha whole lower peninsula. Magnifloant view. Valuable timber. fSS an aera. . MAMTMAM Si TXOMTSOV, , : Chamber of Commerce. '. Hare a fractional lot 11 1-t feet from tha corner of Sixth at an attractive price. This Is a flna bujr. -.. ..-.' E. J. DALY IBS Falltefl' Bids;. Vhoa Mala SMS. LEATHER REPOI A hlak wun ana I. eaetral Miu Colombia end the barometer u ralatlvalv In ever California aad eoathera Arlaons. A null low pressors eaatral ever Mlnnasots and urn ttsa preeeare arae la eaatral ever the Now England etatea. Showers have occurred toe Caaadla northwest, eeatera Mob tana nd the Dskotas. Mlaaesota. wwtera Nebraska, Oolorads and Arisona and local raise, bear ta places, are reported la the middle and couth Atlas tie states. The taiaparatarrs weat of the Rocky mountains are eenerallv halnar normal except In the Interior of CaUlornla, where It la allgbtly warmer thaa oenaL Kaat at the Rocky mountains nearly normal tempera, terse prevail and the ehascea elaes yesterday beve beaa unimportant. The Isdlcatlooe are for fair weather la this dletrlct tonight aad Friday. It wUl be warmer tonight la waatara Oraoa aad weatera Wasb. tagtoa and probably warmer Friday ta eeatera Oregoa, eeatera Waahlngton aad aorthera Idaho. beervetloae take at B a. m.. Pads times .Ttem,. 'iutlona-. . . Mai. Mta. Preclp. Baker City. Orafoe. ........ TS '' ' 60 .. . A Boa ton. MaaaachBsetta It v .0 Chlrafo, I 111 sola TS ' To - . .0 DeoTar, Colorado SO -: M - .Ot Kansas City, Mieaoart 0 TO ..0 lioa Ancalee, California..... M aao ' .6 New Orleans. Loalatana.... BO - T 1.1 new lors, new lors...... TV 01 .0 Portland, Orefoa T . . M . .0 Roarbttrf, Oioo. ......... N 4 . .0 Rt. IXMila, Mlaaoorl. ........ 0 T . .0 Bait Lake, Utah M - ' TO T 8a a rranclaeo, California.. . 62 - BO r . ", Waihlnstoa..,,... SO 00 .0 Tacoma, Waahlnfton. ...... T4 DO .0 Walla Walls. Washlactoa.. B4 00 .0 Waahtnrtoa, D. O Td TO ' MARRIAOE LICENSES. Clanda t. Monroe, Salllvaa, IlUnols, M; rke a. noil, a a. EbJllB AIal w. &iuia mamw o.wwj, aw. O. H. Baaek, e; Marie J. Clark, 41. Harry Tey Brtiulta., U Taylor a treat. Ml lone I. Hnff. St. . .. ,v . . Weddlna Carde. W. O. Smith Oo, Waas Inctoa bld(., eor. rearth aad Washlactea sts. Wed dins and ealllna ' cards snaraved as printed. K. T. Ksabton, S2tt Wssblactoa St. hflae Bertha Martin, room IIS Allaky bide, tampta and Sna needlework) laeaoas sires. BIRTHS. ewjenBaenhaajehjankeea MRLOT-Jaly tl to Mr.' and sfrs. kUtthew rerim, eus MemanK, a aoy. MAUPIN Joly a, ta Mr. aad Mrs. Thomas 9, Manoin. Ml Sacramento, a ha. LUTZtNBERU Jul SO. ta Mr. and Mrs. John Lstseobers, S48 dtsatoa. a flrL iANKONKKY Jalr 34, to Mr. sad Mrs. Mark Jankonaky, Ml Mallory avenas, a ah-l. . 0UKTAV8OM Jnlr 8. to Mr. and Mrs. Richard unatavaon, 4UO Kaat Twenty-flrat, a tirL Armatranc. S2S NleolaL a air BRRTBR July S. to Mr. and Mrs. Oeorre 0. Hester. TvA Clave mad as vasaa. a bov. HAAVB July a, a Mr. and Mrs. Haeva, 70S Cast Tsathiii, a flrL KM NO July T. to 'Mr. and Mrs. Oeear sOlaf, 21 Monroe, a boy. WHMRSN-n7ely 10. ta Mr. end Mrs. B. - WahlsTen. SBd MhMlaslool avenue, a nor. Bin KMANN July S3, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles . Borimaaa, asa Kaat Tmrty-tbirn, a boy. DAMMAIMH Joly SS, to Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Dsmmsscb, Portland Maternity hospital, a bov. MAllTIrT-41r 1. ta Mr. end Mrs. Jobs Mar tin, scow, sixteenth ana rront. a rlr) CIIAMREIM Jaly 11. to Mr. sad hfrs. W. Chsmbars. 10 North Ninth, a Ctrl. HOWEBTON-Jnly ST, ts Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Howertoa, 162S East Seventeenth, e hoy. PBOHPBB July S3, to Mr. end sirs. Bert Pmeper, Vnlveralty Park, a boy. t KF.IJK)M Jnly SI, ta Mr., and Mrs. A. W. Nehma, 763 Commerrlal, a lrL MKYEU Anroat 1. to Mr. and hfrs. A. O. Meyer, 10M Alblna aveane, a tirt. BT'HCHARD Jnly SS, ta Mr. end Mia. J. H. Bnrrliard. Sot Monroe, a alrl. CBAVEN July S, to Mr. and Mrs. D. BL Craven, 340 atantoa, a any. UrNKBinUT July 28. to Mr. end Mrs. Cb arias It. Renkrtaht. lot Knott, a boy. WHJtON July SI, ta Mr. aad . Mrs, Morris Wibna, TM Karny, a ylrl. DEATHS. eSmwiShsashasaSbsnmVssahjasaab KRrnr.TrtSKI Joly to. Boas Krassynskf. emnthe, near rtortb Pacific, ebolera Infaatam. BBNnBJKHKN Johr SI, Boss Hsedxlckaea. St years. So Bsst Devle. UNDERTAKERS. Dsonina. McEnroe Ollbanrh. andertakors end embalaara: aaodera la every detail. Seventh ssd Pine. Main 4S0. Lady assistant. A.' B. Heaaatork. andertaker and embalmer, Kaat Thirteen th aad TJaM tills are. . Phoae Sell wood It. Brlckeo Alder et. Undertaklne; Co., embalm 1k(, - 0S Mala S1SS. ' J. -P. PTnlsy Boas. Third and Madlesa eta. OfSre of eoanty coroner. Phoae Mala S. Edward Bolmaa, aadsrtaker. SSO Third at. - , BJTIKTXBW CXMITKBT. Sinyle erivee 110. rsarlly VMs TB ta tl.ono. Ths only eemetery In Portland which per. petti ally malatalne end ceres tor lots. Per foil InformaHon apply te W. B. Markensto, Wor eaater block, city. W. U. Ladd. preeldeat SEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Chsrlos A. PetsrS and Mlnals Petsre ee , -.J. H.mUtoa riatcber, luta S sad 4... block SS, A. la bUaer'e tdditloa la St. Jokae ISO Charles A. and Minnie ePtere to J. H. tletrhar. Iota I and S. block SB. A. L. . Miser's odd it ton to St. Johns SSO lenayeids Lsad A Improve meat eompsny . ts Mettle A. Carre J. let S. block ad. SaArsiae as.ja aesMnaawei.ataeaas SPV Water Front REALi ESTATE TRANSFERS. . A- i,ld'',", teoasrd to Tolney .Laoasrd. oOiiid feat of Perry Pretty man doaatloa land claim. In sectlua S, towaailp-1 aouth, rants S sest Jsmee and Nellie Hobartaoa to Addle . Scbwarta, tot S, block MS. Oonch't ad dition ta Portland ....77. rryderlck Navbaner to J. B. heabaaor, 27x100 feet b.lnnlna at a point ea easterly side line of Seventh atreet la Portland, ISO feet southerly from north -oornec ef block lad TerwUllaar Lead eompany to S. A. Tray. Jar, lota S. S. S. T. block S Teratllllaar Homestead addition l.SOO Averut ana James 0. McCsUem te Prenk H. Beavaa. lot a. ImHII'i addl. tlon ,.7 . 0. W. aad Aana A. tnmr . I T. Hart. . aa." truatae, lot B la Brookdale ..... t uecar a. aimmoua te WlUlam J. Boes, wcet SB feet of lota X ans A blnck SNO. Alkea'e addition to Baat Portland,. ... ,100 nenry ana Clemastine Metsaer ts B. B. . Jobaaon. 40 ajvaa 1m aeotl.a 1L tnmm. K li. 1 Mih a . , sna, R n. ana Klale c. tloeattt to lena Toons. " lots IS and to. hiork fi W. tt s sua. divtetoa af lot 1 UleBwoad Park SCO Klnaldo. B. and Jenoqua S. Carlaoa to' Oreland aad Mabel Zeek. lota S and 4, ' block 1, . Carlaoa't rirat addition te Oreabam Buss Walker end huaband to M, Apple. ' S3B cssr h or tot a. blocs , ls- a- aaaiuoa Barton, to B" F. Owen, trnatee. too Bdward Florscbnts ssd Aebley M. Jlck. aj kJW ai -aaA U. isi.U ai addition .' Harry U Chapman to Annie B. Chspmta, lot 10. block B. Bellweud .............. Anors M. and John S. Crooks to Flnlcy S00 O. MCTJrcw, . kU IS and 2D, block 10, Kern Park BSO W. B. sad Kettle M. Harare to B. B. Bervea, tots sod T. block 8, Mistletoe eddttloa to Bast Portland TOO Alexander and Ids M. Lindsay to Oeorfe w. tientle, eommeacmt at a point oa Baaa Lino road At rod. veet of south- weat eornef ef Benjauia Hall. 40 acres . srettoa 0, townabip 1 aorta, range a eaat T.000 Emma 8. and Horses W. Thlelaea to . Harry D. Hat-erman. lot 8. block I, ; Monltoa A Seobey's aubdlvlsloa ef block B of Tlbbette' addltloa to. Bast Port. ' Isnd S38 Bernard B. aad Barbers C. Witter to Jamee T. end Oeorte B. Preaton, acres Is aonthwast e ef north. . eaat u esrtloa Id. towsablp 1 eoath , 900 ransv a vaav Karl and tarda Ira. aen herb to Joseph Prae. weat 41 feet nt lota 11 aad 14. block 10. Southern Portland 1.150 Antoa end Emma Holm to W. T. Holla, . lot 4, block S3. North Irrtnatoa ...... 10 B. B. Band to Barak A. ' Lovctt. lot S. . block 23, Haasoa't Second addition ee Eaat Portland B.SO0 Bobart Ooaunons to S. Hatfield, west H . . or weat v, ex eectioB so. wwaaun i t north, rente t west, containing 1A0 seres; saw a strip to be seed for wagon rood 1 fast wide off south eld ef fol lowing: Southeast K ef soadrsat H , ef motion 36, township t aorxA. range 1 weet v 1.000 a and H. Hatfield te Hngh Johnson, west ia of want A or eactloB as. townanis S north, rants S weat, containing lad seres; also a atrip to be aaad for wagon roan IS loot wiae en easts sine or si- loerlne: BMtheeart U of soatbwset U of eeetloa So,, township north, range 2 west S.000 sns O. Baekmaa. to John, and Matilda Kngatrom. lot a. lamargsn rare : Nc S . ... . 1 0. W. aad Mary P. McArthnr to Bias Bstsea, tot T. Okxrs t, .Msreiwnoa No. 2 US The Modem Stone S apply company to Catherine acberar, Mta u ana v. Eaen- - dale Thomas snd Carrie B. Mulr to Merchants' - Investment s. Trast esmpanr. eaax -m ox lots 1 aad a block T, Wild Boss ad- .. dltloa : I Nettle la. Palmar to Demeatco Cora-' peg nana, north H of let aad all lot ;. T. blvk IS. Sellvnod . SOO William M. and JaUa A. Bobtnsot to -Martha and Jsmes Nssley, lots 1. , ' B, 4, block 14, Tnlrnan Tract 1,S0 E A. snd ft. B. Miles to Thomas Part ing. Iota sad T, block A, Plssssat View addlttoa . H A. W. Morrill and Anna VL, km wife, to , W. 0. Van Dersal, lota 1 aad S, block 12, Dolaa'e addltloa 1.SO0 The Teylor Taveetment eotnpany to A. l TV... n. ia aa bin. 1 lanral- W, Drown .w eaaeas w. wwu; SS. and ST. Mock 1. taarelwood end Perry Slrrer to Bertha Browa to James P. Caaaldy. lots Park Kemrow. let 11. block 11, ueatrsi aj- blna 4M Oct year Inanrance aad aba tracts to real estate irom tns xiiis uuarsntee ta j ran woiyu, 240 Waahlngton atreet, corner aeoona. NOTICE. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Notice le hereby glvsa that the aeaaty nperlntsadent ef Multnomah Bounty wtll bold ths regular examination ef applicants for atata and county papers at .the Ladd school. West Park and Madison sts., ky Port. ana, as it) now a: CommeaclDST Wednesday, Ana-oet 8, et t e'eleck a. m., and continuing aatll Saturday, Anroat 11, at 4 o'clock p. m.i Wednesday Penmanship, kletory, spelling, nh.lMl emttti adi ns navcnoloST. Thoxaday W rlttea art th me tie, theory ef teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, - pbyslea. ' etvtl gtrvernment. ' Friday Phyalology. geography, Saturday Botany, plain geometry, general aiatarr, Kngltah literature, acnooi law. . FOB COUNTY PAPERS. ' Commencing Wsdnssday, Aagsat .eet 8 'clock a. m.. and contlaalng aatll Friday, Auguat 10, at d o'clock p. m. t Flrat, esoond end thlrd-gysds eertlacateel - weansaoay . ranmananip, ainofi ThuredayW rlttea arlttmetls, teaching, grammar, physiology. rrldar ileoeraphf, mental , School law, civil govsnmeat. Pvlm aMrttacataa! ! theory et . eTttbaratlai Wedneeday Penmanship, ailmaaatla, as. tbography, reeding. ThsradBP Art af tenllinlaa, tliarai ef teaching, phyalology. -. - a mum e msmT ri ne msnusuilpts fravrBrded to other eoaatlse for grading should secure the written asnssnt ot tne county superm. tsndaat ef th eeaaty where pa para are te be !. . b. r. bobinsow, ; County School SuperlnUndent ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF FINAL SBT . TLEMENT. Ths Badarslgned baa fUsd his final account as administrator of the aetata - ef Michael Tracy, deceased, m the county court ef the etste ef Oregon, for Multnomah county, and the same has bees est for final - examination and Battlement oa Monday, As. est Is, ISOS, at the hour ef :S0 o'clock, fore- All persons having objections to said ee- count are hereby notified to present the asm at Bald time. ED J. TRACT, Admlnietrator af th Estate af Michael Trsey, TU isaaait Dated July It, 10. First pubMsatloa J.UMOBBLAlcr' aad CHAlfBIBLAIlf THOMAS. Attorneys. . NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETINO The ennuel mestmg ox tns aiocanoravia oa im Coenr d'Akme DevelonDisst eompsny, for ths elect ios et e board of directors for ths ensa Ing rear, and for ths trsnaaetloa ef each ether beatnees ss may regularly eome before tbsm, will be held at the. ef flee ef the eoas pany, rooms B01 to B04 Chamber of Commerce hldgv Portland Oregoa. ea August a, 10. at iVa'clock . ROU(.. Secretary Ceear d'Alsat Dsvslopment Cess. t"Ih liana, uregosv suiy is, ivvu. - KOTTCB af Stockholders' Meeting Tha annual meeting of the stocknoMert of tne auiiivae Extenaloa Mining eompsny, for ths s lection et a board of dlractore for the eneulng rear, and for the transaction of sorb ether business ss may regularly some before them, will be held at the office ef the company, rooms 601 ' to 804 Chamber of Commerce building, Port land,' Oregon, ea Aagnat 8, 1008, st 8 o'clock B. m. 0BOKOB F. HOLMAN, Secretary BuUlvsa Kxtenaloa Mining Coxa pany. Portland. Oregon. Jaly ST, 19u8. NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEET INO Notice to hereby given trrat a epseial meeting of the stockholders of the North Pa cific Lumber company for the election of a board of directors hss bee ordered by the board ef directors, to be held st the office ef the esmpanr In tha Worcester building, fet the city et Port lend, Oregon, aa Saturday, the 4th day ef Aegast. IMS, at S a'eleek p. m., and will be se bald. D. MACKAT, Prae Idea t. - B. MACKATr Saeratery. KfrTICB Persona having goorls or merchandlee store with ma ir my warenooae, II North Front St., are hereby aettrisd tbst I Dave leeeed the prsmlsss to others, snd that their property must be removed within 80 days. All foods remaining aa ths prsmlsss Sept, win be removed ead stored elsewhere at ewner'e expanse. X thank yea sli for your patronage and the eonfldence reposed In ma, FRED BICKEL. CORPORATIONS end ether balding vahiaMs securities wklch tbey aralrs to have lletrd oa the Portland Stork Eirhengs Buy, apon en Blicetloe to ths secretary, seeurs SDDllcatVn u asmj gmr la a i auraoee la . . ... -.. . - . , the OpouaonwvaA id. - - NOTICE. PBOPOSA1JI INYITED. Portland, Oregon. Aag net 1. lw). Ba.led blda will be received et the ofaoe of tha acnool clerk, cltr hall, na to 12 ex. Wedaedar, Auguet B. lOud, for beating ssd veatllatlaf ths follow! na-aamed school vallUinga, via.: The Sunnyaide school, Holmsa acbooL Kaat Tweotr-elgbth-tftreet ecbool and Mldwsy school buildings. Plans , snd specifics t loos for sams can ba seen at the ofnee of the architect. BM Baat Third at. All propoaala meal he secempenled by a : eertiA-d check for 10 per cent of the amount ef proposal. The school board tsservea ths light to reject any and all bids. THOMAS J. JONKd. Architect, MEETINO NOTICES. . WFBFOOT CAMP. e. SS, Woodmea of tea woria, meets Friday sight b W. O. W. ball. Tenth sad ' Washington stg. All era Motivated to be anU Vlaltora welcoiue. B. u. auasuii v. A. L. BABBDB. Clark. M. W. A., Oregoa Ore pa Camp. No. S.9TB. Mon days. lTtb and Marshall; visitors welcome. M. W. A. BTEROBBEN CAMP. B45. meets Wednesday evening,: AUsky hldg.. Xhlrd-aad atomsoa sea.. WirrinrjKBp.l.s4 Tent. Ha 1. every Tboxsosy nisnt in k. or r. nau, uia aad Alder eta. Vlaitors arr a ' leu ie. B, M. LANCB. LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED or stolen, from . Bylvaa. 1 bay horse, S years old. BSO pounds weight! reward. Notify 0. W. Stock dale, Sytvaa, Orsgoa. ... .' LOST Oa Alder et., between S snd S o'clock Tuesday, a gold bracelet, set With one flla jnood with s raby on each side. Initials M. S. U Bstara to 128 13th at.; reward. LOUT Gold watea between Oakt and Lsats; Elgin msvement No. 10.0S2.2uS. aUtnra to US Warner et., Stewart Park; reward. LOST Wednesday night, near steel bridge, a bar pis ot a tones, nnder rerara to reie enheunsr'e. Third end Waahlngton sts. LOST Lady's bead pons containing watch, and chain; wetrn engraved "name-'; rswera. c Fanwleh. s Kaat Bverett st LOST -Bernard pappy black with wblta feet. collar ana race, wnite-tippea tail; 'Billy' reward. SIS Fifth at. HELP WANTED MALE. oal aanncil eteauwie. jibv wiu mvpr m. positloa of patty officere oa board. Most be Amerlcaa bora aad ever 18 years ef age. The Wages 320 par month first year, 830 per month eeooed rear, $40 bar month third year end a bones at ths snd of ths third year of zoo. ror terms sna conairions nppiy so J. Homer Frltch, tecretory Bteamehlp Asee datlon if Baa Fraactsoe. U0 Bsst street. a iTaacsjoBi ' vaa. ' ;...., SALESMEN to Inrrodsee tha world'e woodev la fruits -Bnrbsnk s new atone lees plats iMIrsde). Chotcs ef territory. Caab weekly, ddrase Washington tiareery eompaay, Top penlah, Waahlngton. WANTED Young men to lesra telegraphy and ratlroaa aeeosnting; salaries aro.uo to swo.ou. For free eaUlogne address Morse College ef Telegraphy. SO ISth st Oaklaad. Cat WANTED Two or three tint-class, all-around ana eh Ins men; permanent position, good wages. Orsgoa Farnlture Mfg. Co., Macadam road. WANTED Moving-picture machine-opera tors; win teacn yon ma oosineaa; verme very rea sonable; poaltlona eeeuredi good aalary. New aua, 146?4 Sixth at. WB get work for ear mem be re; spsctal tnem- Bsrs, z. I. m. o. A- roarta and iamsiu. AOENTS wanted to sail an parlor, high-grade nursery stock; complete eatflt furnlabcd free; cash weeklyk write today for choice of tor rltory. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, uresoa. MSN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade ta eight weeks; graduetee eara from glB to 82 weekly; expert Instructors; estslogoe free. - Meier Byatem ef Colleges, SB North Fourth St., Portland. WANTED i flood wesvers; steady work I iPsadlstoa Woolen. MUla. WANTED Men for brickyard. 32.60 per day. Seventh ead Basse 11 its. James Andereoa. -r union Hotel 7 " 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment to our patrons. Weekly rates: Boom. S1.2B an: rot WANTED A milker whs baa wlfs, to work ea email dairy close to cltr: bouse fnralseed ' IB to SO cowe. Call or address O. W. Clan- toe, Bast S4th end Thompson sts. WANTED Mlllmsa, 82.28 Eaat Side Mill A Lomber per day and lp. UB., Beri EWEB SHOVEI.ERS, S80, Morrlsoa snd 2ttth at. hours. . Baat WANTED Oorapetsnt mas to take care ef -.- gaxoevJrere.-r-esn eocj TOtniner- clal Block or 111 r Prettymaa ava, Mt. Tabor. WANTED Lounge mskersi ateady North Front, corner ef Devle. work; 88 WANTED S wetl-dreesed rasa te sail apea business and profeaatnatl mea la response to Inquiries regarding a new end attractive book propoaltlon; only men capable ef earn ing $40 to 8S0 per week need: apply.. Call only between S a. and 1 p. m., 418 Columbia bids. WANTED Young people te prepare tbemsetvee ee bookkoipBia and atenugiapiieia; kara bad B48 call alnee 1 ooaitlona. We September 1; placed SB la will piece you when com- petent. Day or Bight. Catslogus i walker easiness college. WANTED A man or strong boy te work in aov Market, uau eariy. WANTED 8 men to shovel dirt; pay 82.25 per aay. tj. at. rtntaae, s-w commercial ex. Work Beat First snd Williams eve. RBOT8TERED pharmacist wanted at the Brewer Dreg oe.'o etore, nalem, oregoa. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' A0BN0T, 348 H Washing ton it., eor. Seventh, npetafrs. Pboaa Mais SOBS Female help wantsd. OIBLt WANTED Operators ta work ea sbtrta and ereralla. Laaeon, gives to inexperienced. Apply et Standard factory No. S, Orand are. end Beat Taylor si. WANTED Olrls te make "Bess ef All" ever - alia at TB First -e,Sr THB H0MB LAT-.K8' AQBNCY. Female help furnlahWl free to employee. Beglatratloa Free. ' 188 H Fourth at,, austalra, room 23. Mais BS28. 0IRLS aboat IS yaara e sgs re work ta fee tory. Apply at sacs, Aanee-Barrle-Mevllle Us Fifth aad Davie eta. ........ SEND 10 cents for Beauty Secret formula; a tea circular of 100 ether valuable rscslpts. Let Aagsiee Receipt Co., Let A steles, CaL . WANTED Help, aad Columbia. Cnloa Lsssdry Co., Sutad WANTED Teacher for Episcopal Chinese mle- aioa, SH eoena et x:u to e p. m. WOMAN, ever SS, fair education, eome business a now ledge, most arses neatly, to take poaltloe at eoos. SS LewU bid. WANTED Acteuttfle palmist, m id d lava red; good eppertealty. Aodreae 81 Vi North Third. WANTED A first -elan oente ftnlaheri etaadv wsrar guoa wsaea. atppry xrvvt bbvodwi ex. l EXPERIENCED stenographer for wholessls bouae; give age, experience tafl ealary wanted. F SS, cere Journal. I OIBLS wantsd to work ta paper bo fac tory; ateady work. F. U Btsttlsr, Teeth and 0 Ilea a. WANTED Ladr demoostrafor nr the "LlttU Witch" safety. xaaor; abort hours, goad sal ary as extra commieaiens aaarexe a. A, Brick. General Dsilvery, City. WANTED Young lady bookkeeper, good pea. maa ana one that caa ase typewriter; atata erperlenee and aalary-wanted, ill rlr ass A. jb Uhsia J. BvMiiroe, a, , HELP WANTED FEUALS. WANTED young lady atenogrspbsr, meat he swi at aoorinana; apply atanng eiper; snd salary expected. Apply Box I xJ. 0IHIJI wasted to lesra maaaasa. Apply rooms xb-xs tse rieaaantoa, Iklrd ana coinmus. WOMAN cook, wsgst na object; good home. son auta ac , YOUNQ girl to care fur monthf old baby; good home and wages; at once. 20 sixth at. WANTKD. InmEDIATEI.Y Beepeotable Oer- man womaa. a Don I so. as noueesecper, wldower'e family, city. 230 s TamblU. Phone WAS. t ' WOMEN ead elrls wanted at Co., Eaat Eighth and blvtalon. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted aad supplied, male or female. B. ii. Drake, tufe Waab I as ton St.. Pastas. ISTtt. WANTED 400 hep-plckers by Sept. 1; beat yard ta Orsgoaj good accomwodatlona. Apply e aaunv avaa m vs.. XSi atorraaoa St. BBTOI'CHRK snd artist, competent to work ea prime, not ea aegattvee, lor commercial en. gravlo4v Si- Bslslgb-b4dg.r-Washing ton ead oixts. H0PPICKER8 WANTED Those wishing te pica aoarees nomvr Mouey, ureoae. uregon, . or P. p. Ooaley, Bfooksv Oregon. TS sad. SO SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. STEADY, sober young man would like work 4 or 6 houra ef mornings. Address D 83, rare -Journal. KAN and wife desire gentleman's private place. ' men first-class horesmaa snd gardener, wife - cook sr maid; dty and aaburbsa referencee. A 88, cars Journal. . . GOOD plain rook wants position, a maU hotel or restaurant. Address W. U. Loess, Ban Hotel, city. - SITUATIONS WANTED.FEMALB WANTED Family washings and laaadermg. 182 Sherman at. shirtwaist WANTED House work for. elderly couple by middle-aged ledyt so washing;. Bleep home. Address A 30, cars Journal. THOROUGHLY competent cook wishes work by dsy or week. A 84, care Jouraoi. REPINED young widow with little girl would like position as housekeeper for. bachelor or widower. Address Ceay bid., room IT. WANTED Situation as aeree to young in fant ; thoroughly experienced; or cook house keeper end attendant to Invalid. Address sirs, pavia, ateua, rresnington. WANTED AGENTS. INSURANCE AOENTS AND BROKERS, -All B.-tntirtT Why not place your health and seeldeat rtaka with ths Continental Casualty Company ef Chicago, ths largest company in th world doing- a etrlctly health snd accident business T Tbey also hare collection privileges en EIGHTY per cent ef the railroad mileage ef U. ft.; they write the beat contracts snd pay tns highest eommleolons. Call sa or write Mallory A Co., manager, aorthwaetsra ' department. BOS-d Lumber Exchange bldg.. fortune. orsgoa4 BIO PAT to ens egest ta each county working tor tns investors uuwe. ail msrajBaxB Brag., Portland, Orsgoa. WANTED Agents; something i . big wages. . SOS McKay bldg. WANTED -Agents la all parts ef the city ead surrouadlog towns; good money for right , parties; ladles prererreu. call ea B, J. Mills, Ope. D.. office 28 aad ST Raleigh blk., Portland. Oregoa. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB PorUsad Emplovinsat Co., 209M Morrlsoa at. fsoae faeine na. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0FFICB FOB MEN. SS North Second at. Phone MaU 1828. X.-evae-nsBaaKnarvameatmrjaeaaae--3BaBa WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED 8600 to once a new copper mine: will give en extra -good op port unity end in- eucement, uau la icssnoea soese nooa store. set airier- WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BENT Ho eettegea, flats. etorss, efflees, roocnlag-bo sa. sts. . . Leu lords will do well to call on wen te can PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. - raoee Ex. TZ. a. a. uor. M aad oak. HOUSES, flats. - roommir-hoases, - etorss. of flees, etc. Prompt attention assured. Phone Mela 1171. Llndbard Jack, McKay bid. WANTED Hoase of 8 or rooms, eome yard. all modern conveniences; must be In best desirable neighborhood, ea watt side; to occupy sheet September 18. 0. W. Talbot, S48 Alder et. WANTED .A S or g room furalahed bouse; rent must bs reasonable: will buy U chess: would like to hear from owners aoly, Pbons..Msla live, between aad 10 a. m. Friday. - WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WILL SELL year property, no matter what It la or where located. Bend description now end we will do the rest. Investors' Guide Co., 811 Mar qua si bldg., Portland, Oregoa. GOOD income end reaideaca piupei ty. lota, farm ing una timber lanae. LINDHARD A JACK. McKay bid. ISO OR mere an a lata land preferre WANTED Business or real dears property ta the dty la exchange for food farm landa; caa handle anything from 81,000 to $30,000; . ws alas have eome excellent on ye la timber and graalng land. Call and see as; are weat to get acquainted with you. TURNER A WALKER. 4, gogi Waahlngton et. WANTED At once, modem B-room bnnranwj location, Irving ton. Holla day or Piedmont; will pay cash. I IT, care Journal. WANTED Te buy a lot or hoase and lot en eaat aide, . walking dietsace. B 23, care - Journal, r WANTED -roota house. 8 bedrooms. Part lend sr Willamette heights or like vicinity, not many etepa, a block from earllne; prefer view of river aad lot eoxiooi muat be asod- - am; no egents. 0 IT, cere Journal. WANTED A reel deuce, modern, la Irvtngtsa or Hotladay. or lots soluble for residence. Address B 88, ears JoursaL I -WANTED MISCELLANEOUS." WB WILL BUT. SELL OB TRADE ANT OLD , THINO. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., . S2T 82 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TBS. WB WILL BUT year furniture eny old tin Wee tern . Salvage Co., 82T Waablngtoa at. PAINTINO. spraying and whltewsshlng trees, beeementa, barns, docks, etc; largeet gaenllne spraying outfit oa ths asset. M. O. Morgsa ' A Co.. 822 L'nlos eve. Phene Bast 1T. ' -atata 8888 FTJXNITCBB WANTED - . . FOB . . ,.' . -. '- " SPOT CASH PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS til First St. Mala 669 WHO IS at. Oe MORGAN Cat WANTED Furniture: will pay (be beet arlca. Pboaa PacISs 228T. ' WANTED Candy case, $ or 4 fact long, second band. 8214 Sixth St.. . 8I0HE8T cash srlee nald goods. Phone Bast 0Tt. 128 Cnma are. WTLL EXCHANGE rood all I it a tor trtvelln bag for bicycle ta good condition, having coaster brake, 408 Commercial bldg. Phoae PeetAe 81 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU. 3H NORTH SIXTH ST. isgantiy mrnianea, steam neat ana aetna. THB GRAND, 46H North Third St. Roc ma tor geatiemea par wees aaa up. $1 AND UP Nicely fnmtahed ream, log Ifth St., box. waaa. Bears, roons racise anew. NICELY tarnished rooms, single or ss suits, beard 41 desired, free -bath sad phone, elec tric lights, Mrs. Browa. 80S 10th at. FOB BENT Nice large furnished front room la private family, em rattigrove at. . BOOMS tor rent, close In. Inmitr SbSM Slfta sL, eeath, boa Mxla aUdl, ---L. for. rent HoucrrsEFr-ra. TUB MITCHELL. Flanders snd Sevsatb-., housekeeping snd traaaicut; eea- venlcat; prises reasonable. LABOE elegaatly furalahed hoosskseplng rooms; gea range, running water, Ths Loans dale. BOs Alder -at. 1.25 PBR WEEK Large, clssa furnished housekeeplng-rooaaa; laundry sad bath. 184 ' Sherman. South Portland. 8100 WEEK I'P, elesa furnished bousskssn. Ing-rooma, with yard, parlor, lauadry, bath, furnace heat. ' 203 Vt Btantoa st. U ear. THE JEPFERSONIAN, B14 Jeffersoa St. Nicely furnished suites of two et three reams with all coavenleacsa; cheap. FURNISHED housekeeping and cleaning rooms, II week. McCoy. 117 1 Morrlsoa, room 0. SOME Bice housekeeplng-rooaaa at 844 Patty- grow ex.; vrooa or gas tor ruei. FOB BENT 8 foralehed booeckeeplng-rooma. btouuu nnor. ' xsa oeiiwooo ex. x ear. 9 FURNISHED honaekeeplng-rooma, mouth. ja Seventh at. tS per NICKLT farnlsbed honaekeeplaa snltea: lanra. i.J1 f h t lr T xibjvI3PM W ask, i3 l alna 4-BOOM aew modern gat, private bath. for- niaoea. sou s ixta ex. " . FOR ' BENT 8 furnished boueekeepnt. with aire yard, close In. Phone East 3418. UNFURNISHED ROOMS.. NEW t-roora fists, 811: Ingle rooms,- 83. . ISO Market et. . vain mm. SS SIXTH ST., S unfurnished rooms: rink aad water; gs per month: walking distance. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART ef chop to rent, suitable for painter or piuniner. aus four in et. - OFFICE-ROOMS, anfurnlebed room tnd sample- roome tor rent, uooaoouga. Diog. - Apply ele vator. ... - FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLY TBANSFEB CO., prompt atnd re- iiants piano ana luntiiure-inoverB; aian ator sgs. Pboas Main 1SS. Of See 110 hi.. Third. FOR BENT B-room cottars, No. 148 16th U bsiwssb txoyt ana irving. apply next aoer. FOR RENT S-raem cottaare. loth, 813; ksy at 830 18th, north. FOB BENT 8 room cottage, ales kwatloa, 18th aau airervtx. . inquire oa premisss. e-w Everett et. . iV . T-ROOM bouse re good repair, Sellvreod eee. line; cleee la; 112.60. Phone owner. Bast war. KEWLY papered T rooms end bath; beet con- aiiioai taw.1 area vierecs, aaei ihlre ass Ash sts. GOOD s-room house, 8 Eaat loth et. rent in, sot sna eoia water, porceiaia bath; owner rearlag city; furniture can be he cheep. Phone Beat 840. FOR RENT FLATS. $28 10-BOOM furnished, flat, mod era eon venleaoes, near S. P. ' car tracts; alee- a S-room cottage with fralt. . Phone tsoralagt sad evsnlnga. East 068. FURNISHED HOUSES. FURNISHED hoase, close In. arranged tor S families, $38.' Hathaway't, Sixth and Salmon eta, HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI - TURE FOR SALE. assaai av','a1 Sail a FOB MLB Fi LB Furniture af 12-room houaa. right rk-et.'carllna: a eolendld loratloa. - Call ea Plfrh-et.'c np Mala. 888. V $100 FOB fnralttrra of t room bouee, ino gnarta canned fruit and 80 ehlekeno: bouse for rent. Inquire at Dlckeoa'a store. 44th snd Belmont) take Mt. Tabor and Saanyslds care. THB FUBNITUBB ef SO-roeea roomlns bonse for eele et a bargala; low rent snd lease. I - vwm, j. I u.i la nouav, r ire, .1 SUMMER RESORTS. LOCKSLEY HALL. SEASIDE, OREGON Under sew management; concerts, aahlag. "elambsket, picnics, teonla; free baa meeto ell tralna; loo slsgast oatelde rooaaa; prl veto be tha; electrio llxhta; annex everlonkln ths sss cottages. For rates, reserve tlone. addreae Harry T. Batterworth, manager, or , phoria Mrs r..n.L. p-.i.- p..iiC nan NECANICUM INN. Beaslds, Ongoa Hoase dl . rsetly facing eeeen; Sowers end epedoua grounds, electric lights, ssndy beach, baeae cooking. Miss B. Damana, pie. flet aft at Neeanlcum ttstloa. THB BRITT, family betel. Long Beech. HOTEL SALT AIB, Csotervllla autwa; finest sceomanodstloos. THB PORTLAND, Icadtng hotel. North Beach. HOTEL WICKHAM, Kewtea etatioa: excslleat cuiabie. AUCTIONS. ' ASSIGNEE'S SALE. -Tb gtocKof the Hygienic Mattress eom psny,. insolvent, eonaletlng ef pine needle fiber mattreseee, full equipment of etock end machinery to manufacture mattreseee. end flret-claaa office furniture, will he sold st auction Friday, Aeguat S. at 10:30 a. aa., at I'r'i" eve., ny or.i.r or me court. BUSINESS CHANCES. WRITB ne quick about recent important de velopments of the Hurst Automatic Switch A Signal Oo. buy etock before big advance. - J. F. Hurst a Co., SOB McKay bldg. MEAT market for sale cheap; BBS Uatoa a vs., north; doing good bualoeea. WANTED A aend raining propoeitlne ts ta enrporats and Snance. J. B. Bailey A CoM 481 Lumber Exchange. FOR BALB Halrdreealng, manicuring end - twenty parlors; a splendid propoaltloa for a person nsderstaadlng tb bnalnese. D SO, ' cere Journal. . SAWMILL for sale. 80,flon capacity, flret-etaee order, running end paying;, plenty of good timber. For . particular, call' 1ITT ' Haw- , thorn eve. or addreae Sawmill, Lttonrelle . Falls, Oregoa. GROCERY Fins location, clean Ptock. good paying customsrs. doing about 8.16 a day; - good rseeoa for selling; invoice shout $1.400i H. O. Browa A Co., S4T Weshlngton St. INCORPORATED cnmpany wants amiatant manager for Padflc coaat tt good aalary; new bualneta with unprecedented success; must Inveat from $3,000 re $10,000; money invested riuaranteed: after one year money refunded f dtaastlefled. Address W. H. Fnlchsr, 1268 Sevsath St., Oakland, California. . CIQAB store for sale: flna location, cheap rent; partial wishing to leave dty. .Call 236 First et. FOB SALE Fine locatloa, modern equipment, good trade, ahoeaoop; corner Jeffersoa and Chapman eta. ... $75011 BOOMS, new furniture, cheep rent, food lease; the beat-paving email bouse I he city; torme. 107 Vk Third St., Bear Waab. lagtoa. -- $4.600 BUYS good, eleaa, wvll-eetabllahed bualaess; caa give the beat ef referencee, end will Itand cloee Invtatlgatloa; paya from $600 to $H00 est per month; 10 years' lease; no experience necessary! meat leave ea ac count of health. I 8, care Journal. WHO IS U. O. MOBGAN A CO. I IT TOO want s small rooming house cheep, or t bargala la good reetaaraat call at 181 - Morrlsoa et. HALF or whole Interest hlgb-etaet bastneesi Bice tneom soar an teed: suitable for lady or I senile maa or i -good-addrsas. - B 87, - eara journal. FOR SALE Steam schooner, tret claaa, l.oM tone cspsclty, engines 13x28x4130. George B. Bush A Co., Inc., 30 Concord bldg. FOB BALB Confectlofwry ead . rlgar store. cheap. 4B1H wasningtaa et. WANTED A trnetworthy sua who tea lav veat $260 to $MM ta en old-eetabllahed manu facturing Indnatry; so experience neceessry) muat be willing to work end furnlab refer, en res. Call at once and Inveetlgete this. Full partleulere tt IMVk Fourth et. 0NB ef the nicest reetsuraate and dsllesteasene, rembineo, on aixta -et., la ta sityi uvel( business, SUd AiMj JUif IT "..'A --feusi;:r:3. c::A.::cr3.. rot B1I.I1, CHBAP H lBtereet fn V M confectWoery, cigar 1 and 1,-e cream parlor, with restaurant and li''s rooma In con nection. Bis Bscoed tt., lue Dslles. Orsgoa. C. ti. Chlpmsa. . ... . ' WANTED Sawmill to move to food location. Addreae Martin Thorn paou. Rhedda. Oreg-n. ' ;FdR SALE REAL' ESTATE. Bracitel MeiiS' 342 EAST nORRISOIt ST. MYE..FJR SALE - The Bailey Brick aa Union are., bet. Pine end Oak; good for $100 pet Bsoatbl price $10,000, . . . .. . . r, 100x200 East aide. Third bet Madlso aad Hawthorne, fas $80,000. . 100x300 East Taylor bet. Seeond aad Thlrdj a. good bay lot dIT flCV....- 80x100 ea East Morrlsoa. bring lsg ea Isaf lease $180 par taonth. for $18,000. Two bandsnme U block, ea Oread tve.1 One for $36,000 gad one Sot $31,000. - Either of those U blocks ea lest Mcsrleen tnd Third: will maka na eleh In a tew vearal aek about them, , .. .... - , r - Boxino oa Union eve. bet. Pine and Ask - for $3,300. . . . BOxM sa Grand a vs. Ankeny for $d,6oo. - .. between Ash aad Nice lot en t'etoe eve.; tns for grocery gtore. for $2,800. . . , Oa weet tide, on Seeond St. a 4-story brick, 08x100, tncoma $680 per month; this la worth a thought. .. - - A LARGE NUMBER OF, Houses aid Lots TO CHOOSE FROM. 4-BOOM bouse end lot, cheap. 10T Bast 48th et.. Mt. Tabor car. . . - a "r 500 Homes For Sale Farm, eed city property. THE TXYESTORS GrTDB TO., ' 811 Meraaam Bldg., Portland. Oregoa. - CHANCE TO MAKE MONET. $2,500 - - S-roeaa bsuse, new; corner lot. 100x110, Improved street, fireplace, gaa, bath; terms. . . . $4,400 440 aeras near Mvrtls Point rkaaa naetv. with ceel; terms. Snd fourth. Tel. Pee. 8125. CHBAP FOB CASH New g-rooea bouee end lot. soil 11. - Bee owner, ee premlsea, IBS Willamette boulevard. Call evenings. - $3,000 WILL bey a asw T-roora bonse, modern ana convenient, lnc rasing aew velvet carpets, ebsdee eed screens; . combination aaa aad . electric dxturee throeghenti -ase four light bedroems. faU eemeat base ment, . stationery tube aad fnmace; -cemsat wslk end sidewalk, good lew end meat; la a meet desirable neighborhood, con ran lent te town and five block, froas ecbool; earner waving cltyi muat Ball t once; torme. 608 Broadway. Beer 10th. $ GOOD etock ranches at gT 60 per acre. OREGON FARM A HOME LAND COMPANY, SOT McKay bids., Third and Stark eta. FAXON FARM- IS now ee'the market; lots at acreage pneea. according to Improvement, Lota ' 80x2008115, . 81; , S150;" -Lots 100x200 3225. ' $250, $778 Lots SO0X2BO 460, $600.. $38 Tbess lots are mostly is cultivation, level and elgklly. ea a good graded stssst. elesa to good lO-room ecbool, at Lenta; Be far to any pert of Portland: water free; terms. O. B. ADD1T0N, OWNER. Txk, Mount Boott car. - Be. Lenta, Oregon, FOB BALE. CHEAP-4-rootl house.' 1 1st aa milt trees, goo location; most sen tt once, party so Ins away; terms to cult Pnrchaaer. For taformatloa call np Bell wood 128. H ACRES, very See, within city Hmlt, -warts UH: gl.ow win take It ir aoin l Da- mediately. Ill cemmerclal blk. Mala SMS. 1 OB S choree acre tracts ea Woodstock car- line; beat toll and water; 6c fare; going now. . F 8, care Journal. FINE arrears, any mount, few mtlee out ; see this.' The Continental Co.. 243 Stark at. AN ELEGANT new S-room hoase, built for a heme; parti re leaving; do not wish to rent bouee but will asll at lest thaa coat, with permeate af IB per cent down and 1 per cent per mouth et per cent Interest. Phoae Shay. Mala 3334. aw, BUNGALOW TLOSE IN. NEW, EASY PAY MENTS; JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOB. PHONE SHAY, MAIN 8334. THB blggeet bargala oa the market; modern 8 -room bouae a eeat doe, eeraer looxlOO, - Preecott et., near Union tve., $4,000, oa terjna; ron caa f error a to pass this aa. - l J n ll a-B a if ll ai jaia Butssah me a .bid. M. PETERSEN. R. W. McNUTT. BBAL EBTATBr CORNELII'S. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Oregon Improved Farme and Timber Land. ' 1 48 seres, , $2,800 Good Improvements. 8 108 teres. $8,oo 1 mllee from Cor Bellas; TO scree cleared, part bottom, A-l. good Improvements: thle It worth looking np, 880 acree, 4V4 mllee from Coraellae, $3,200; all cleared; pert beaverdam. 4 20 acres la Corse Una; A-l, Improved; 4s 168 scree, H rail from Oornellns: 13$ .acrea cleared. 8ne improve men tsi 818,880. 200 scree, 4 mllee from Cornelius; fab? Improve stents, good timber aad piling. Joining -sawmill; part eaah; 88.000. . T S40 .acres, $2,800 Pertly Improved! 1 - bargain. - - - 880 acre, $8,0004 mllee from Corse 11 ne 40 acrea cleared, halanc aeeded; improve- . roentt O. K. . . . . . . a 40 acres. Ptrtty Improved, bab . sees eatlly cleared; house, barn, frult.- 1N ST. JOHNS' 9 H-acre tracts, S bloekg from, csrllne. $1.600 Let 100x100 end 6 -room house, ever-, - looking river. . - $T0n Lot 80x100 fvtnhoe (t.. cloee ta. - f4or Lot 60x100, with 8,000 feet lumber, , S block! from cerllae. . . ZT!i Lota 80x100, eh eesy terat,"y - Kr- $120 Lnte en term,,' cloee In. .HOME BROKERAGE COMPANY, ' ' ". Room 8, Breedeo bldg.. Third aad Wxh. -Peclne 2008. FINISHED YESTERDAY FOB SALB TODAY, - Modern 8-room bonse, Broadway et., $3,800. IaUIS SALOMON. Boom 220 Lumbar Exchange bldg., S. E. eor. Second Bad Stark ats. FOB SALB S-room bouee. S lots 80x100, bars, chtekeh bouse, fruit trees end good wsll price 81-200. D 34, eara Journal. , . ..- BARGAIN. 1 ' . d fin river view lota In Sellvreod, $300 each. W. H. Mosreheaee, 170 Bsst 18th at. Phone Sellwood T4. . -r. - 8-ROOM boose tnd lot with bearing fralt tress, la South Portland. $1.0p0. Parties. Isrs by phoas. . Msla 8828. HOUSES built oa tnetsnmente, Into If desh-ed. 818 Commercial bid.. Mala 1840. . ROOM bouss, S lota, fruit trees, car 2 block, pries $2,200: terms; Highland. H. C. Best. ' asm, B2S Chamber ef Oemmerc. roB SALB, by earner, S choice lot aa Waece rt. Inqnlre dll Bverett st, or pboaa Mala S043. $2.6oo 8 AC BBS ea 0. W. P. earllne, T mile - out; nee www Chicken-bouses. this for eaah. NEW 6-roou lot riw, '' "-, v'"-- """i " B. i. Gelssr, SSlVk Morrlsoa et. B-ACRB tracts, near electrle line. 10c fare; take Estaeada ear to Gates, Inqu inlrt for Baa. edict. $7BO 8-ROOM bouee, full let. ea Mr. Scott ssr.r, $100 each, be lanes tlO per taonth. B. 0, . aattktm, $22 Chasber f Oommerce. . . W.'-' . V ' I brooder SO feat long; all sew; . . II l elegant noma ana at a low price 1 1 Call at lOTre Third it, A, II l reaidenes, modem sad a ta date. I ,IMk. BKOA mmm. - ee a V n, aueA- a I a i