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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1906)
J c; daily jsu:.::ai; : Thursday 7z::i:?q; 'august 2. ... itei TODAY'S IIOPCOKCTSAT , ,16 CENTS ' ; Salerri Long Is Reported as Hav Ing Taken, a Good Lot at X This" Quotation. . Z.: ALL BEARS HAVE BEEN V AUN OUT BY BULLS r ArbncklV Coffee Up j Another Fifty - , Cent Excellent Tone in Dressed , Metta Cantaloupes Lower if ucb Increased Supply. . With Front Street, asf. a. The principal faeturee a ine Fortune vhoMhM markete, teaay m j. nF rauMn reports ai ibc. Cantaloups art quota lows-, row can wateroaions arrtT. 1 flmsll pesckee selling tew.- . Small spring cblcks at weaker. ' . Various prlcaa ml la ace aurkt. Kew potatoaa offered freely. Arbockl coffee advance again. New applea owning la battar shape. ' Xicellrat tone In aresssd saests. Oood movement la creamerr battar. Wheat aa4 I1A trada alow. .. Hoe Oou treat BeporWS at Bixteea Ceata. A contract on tfaa coating crop of bona waa . reported sde restsrder at Sale at tea a '". pound. Thla la tkc kigheet offer raportae tha ; rar wia eeaaoa and waa made hr Lackmaad, aeording to rumor. Thara baa baaa a wonderful manga la the alMiatlaa during tba paat 8 . boon an account at damage raporta eemin from the continent. Wbetber Uiaaa art badlv . exatgwatad aslr tba tatnra caa tall. In UT , event come of tba abort aallara ara (attlag . acaied and ara trying b bar around lie. Aa. .' ether ramukabl ebsng la the altuatloa la tbat thara k lot l atagla'baar raualal&f fca tba Market at tala tin, tba laat disappearing ree ' tarda. Tbla la a. eltuatloa Boat annanaJ and , abowa tbat thara la aomathlne la tba wind. .According ta reliable' eetlmatee vusbl at ' tbla tlma daalara bave scored eoutructe aa - - tba coming - crop aaraanttag to full 00,000 ' balee ovar a baU at tba expected crop of 10. Na aiattar wbat the aria goes ta ta tha aaar future daalara Sa not anticipate nock business la contract, for they claim tbat almost taa antira cooilag crop la tied ap. - Beanos' afford to contract mora aoaa thaa tbat ; arc ajalte aartala at producing, for tha daalara : will Inalat ea all contracta being rniee, althar , ta eaab ar the goods contracted tor. Thla stakea ue prodoeer war, and while bla yard Bar produce twice aa away balaa aa be ha already contracted tor ke la not going ta take aay -wane 01 gone abort, i . , ., I '." laatara atop Bevww. .The follow tag rertew ef the hop market flvn by the latest taaae ef the Kew Xerk rrMneera Price Oarreati "Oar market baa folly malatateed the wrangu anowa laat weak and furtber traaaae . ttoaa. are reported eg low arm dan Paetfle at He and lSVac, with ebolea remaining Paetfle eeaet hop held at ISe and la. There have -heea furthef parabaee reported la the Mew xora (tate markata aad P ta 10c ha baea paid. Crop raporta from England hav ahowa Be change wbateret and no improvement re ported from the continent. la. thla roantiy the crop aewa eoatiaaee good from all eee ttoa. . Adrlcee from the Paeifie coaat rapsrt outo anuwni ror aopa aaa aa blgh aa lfta reported paid la Oregon and Sonoma aeaatj, Cailferala, aad wtree at the rtoae alalia till higher prlcea new aaked. Qaotatkma ara - iiaa ec-rower tate. tend, choice, per th.... ......... Bute, lnog, common te fair toaif , ractnc coaat, ioe, eholre, per lb 1BQ14 ; Paclfle coast, 1P05, good to prime rTTTTTle'ieE 14 Pacific coaat, IPOft, eommoa te fair, lb.. Uflll , Pacific coaat, lBOt, per lb...... pie . ' . Bale. rtecelpta fr woch.-y , , . , Mnmtm ... - 7 icoceipta from aeptember 1 Jtk.ftM ' Reeelpta same time laat rear aoe.UlO Bxporta te Europe tor week, ...... t.. ... 4 Eiporta mm Brptamber I......J, 4T.TB7 Bxparto a. me time teat rear.... et.Mt innmrra xor waea . (M Imports from 'Septembar 1 lS.Sm) Import aame time laat rear .., g,22 ... Oaatalaapaa Ar SeUlae Lower. ' Aa eeeraannlr of aantalaaoaa la caum -Tertallriowar prlcee tw rale in the Pront etreet market. Practically few sales of flrat-elaee atora ar reported aader gl a crate. Sotall paachea are kartlna- the mnrkn em extent and aalee oa thla clssa of atock are reported aa ,ioar aa DM box. raepharilna urn a aamnor tble monrlng sad foaad a ready an) at W and IL29 per crate for Ms. Pow car ef watermelon and a car of eaa Tamnnoa waro -f th. prt.l. -f the day the aaath. Pots too are more freely offered, bat demand good at tbe price qoottd. Oaloa eurket toady bat anebaaged. New applee are coming la better (bap aad am aiga as a m eotainea I or xancy goods. Brtaf sTete ef Tarien sVarhet. . Wheat end-floor trade dall. Soma bajaineac a the forpcr etIU reported at tatartor polnu I tVtalaT t ,, A range ef 1 a deaea I sbowa by m ta egg ksaraet todal for raaeb ateck. Kaat era a trifle lower. , " - . t . Small spring ehlrkeaa sr weaker and then m a ifslnt akowue of deprecate la larger lines. All arrlTaln. however, ar being steaaed ap at prevailing eootatloos. Moeemrat la ereamary batter g cult mod -ere at tbe advanced ejnetetloac..- Excellent demand hi abowa for both dressed meat and nog with receipt ef th latter . Mpeelally Ugbt. J Arhackle coffee wa advanced SOr per 100 oaadc lata yesterday afternoon. N change SI Li Km. ' Th trad pay th following prlre ta lWit tract Price paid snipper are lea regain sommlastoae: - erln, near and lead. :. GRAIN BAOS ralcafta, TS. WHEAT Old. elnb, TOej red Bnsslsn. eTe. . bloasum, TSr: valley. TVj; now elan, etc; rA Bnsslin. WfJiTe: blararem. Tie, valley. TV. BARLET Feed. (24.00, rolled, e.00Oa.0O: arewlna. tzt.OO. . , CO&it Whole. t0i racked, las.le per BTB 1155 per' cwt ' ' OATH Old ProdncvTS prW!fo. 1 whit. fj- rifno.(n: gray. U.0oa w.0O. -- PLOtJH New ceatera Orrgoa pateat, f K)) teSs stralrhts, M.40QI.50I export, e.l6i valley. M.6S; graham, Us. 50; whole wbest. i.T: rre. 80. IS.OOj balea, 8.T. , MlLliTt'rrS Bran, 1T.0 per ten mid. dllnga, 120.00: sborta. rnaatry, 30,00 city. piw.iRi: rnop. t.vva.ivv( HAI- .Prodncera' nrlo -Timothy. Willamette dinar. lie.ooMin km vallsy, faary. $12 00; ordinary. 1.00 eaatera Oregon, ld.OOAlT.OO: mixed, flooorj .; eiovsr, I grain, 4ujs.o, aheat. ; T.00C.00- , Batter, Zgft and Pealtry, ' i BUTTE B FATT. e. b. Portland Sweet ream, llct soar, IS. BL'TTER City ereamary, MHet .. ent Id fancy, S1H22H ordinary, 80C It , - BOOS Ne, 1 fresh Oregon, candled, HIP) ' Ear; eaatera, tOQlla. CHBERK-rNew Pall eream, flat, ltHl , Tenng America. UUtJISc, POULTRY Mixed chlekene. 1iUe aer Tht fancy bene, lee per lb rneetera, eld. KH per in: stars, iisj star. 11 g 11 He per lb: fryara. ifct THURSDAY PRICES IN ; THE WHEAT MARKET .'. , ,ft;r., . . .... ...t - . d " " 1 Bept. Deo. - Ne Tor .0SA Xanana Clt... .ITU A Liverpool 4444 Bt. Louie .7H MtnnMpoUe .. .TIH Milwaukee 7... .TIH DuluUt , , T4M efd , - . ' sh ah ah ah" " ' ah' MAR JOURFJAL'S DAILY " ' TIPS 04 MARKETS ' " sBksaaxMaxaakwmajm I X. X By xvrerdlnjr A rarrlL - Tbe market la a llttl bet- d .tr the way we look at It, ana while prlcaa ere not any hleher, . 4) ' tbe quality of tbe soods la bet- 4f tor, end we conalder the tone of -d , th market better. Bhlp aa feat 4 aa ready t. don't hold; get them 4 ta while la good ehape end ef d -food (juallty. , j. . . The poultry market ha held . 4 Ue own vary well th past week d end while apringa are aomawhat . 4 ' overlooked, larg (at once are d ealllha; fairly wall end hen are 4 -In One demand. Springe ere 4 aalllnf et 1 and 17 cnta and soon hen will brine from II to 4 I 4b,. 14 oanta. We ere aura that bene 4 . wll be eeeroe the comlne week. , d 4 - The time le epproacbina; when 4 4) the price of eprlnge end hna e get pretty cloae together, end ' 4 hlppere muat flgura a little on 4 thl. .Th demand tn thla city 4 for chlckena of ell aorta ta eo d 4 larg thee deye that we ere' e 4 afraid th eupply will 'run out, ' d 4 end wd hope that ralaera will 4 4 appreciate thle end do ell posal- - d 4. bla to eupply the trade, pucka d 4 ere eelllng e little better. Oeea e 4 ere' quiet Turkeye ere In de e e ' mand. . .'.: ' .:-. -'.v--: : . e 4e4e4e4e4ee broHere, IT per lb: eld docks, liHiBW n; spring. dneka. MHQISVsa lbs (esse, i&iat lbs Jbrkya, lee per lb; dreaaed, 10c per Ibt eVisba, S.toet P duai plgeena, IZUO a ' Kept, ,Weel and Xldea. HOPS Contracta, XXW crop, 13018 Bt; 1006 vrvsuo. asusiso. WOOL l6o clip Tallay. oare ta jmedlaos. aac: nne, nee: eaetarn uregoa, avwu. MOHAIR Mew. aomfnaX SU1CGPBKINS Shearing, MOtu each abart wool, Sogoe; medium waoi, eoaii each; long wooiT TscCll.OO each. , TALLOW PrLaa, pat lb. IHOae; Jfo, aad grease, (OgUe. 1 CHITTIM BARK 1P0 atoek, SO per ttI ivuo, aiastae per is. BIDES Dry. No. 1, IS lha aad an, WHO IT We per lbt dry kip. Ho. 1, ta IS lb. 14c; dry calf. No. 1. ander S Iba. Met ealted hides, ateers, aoond, 0 Iba aad ever, 10411 let cows, ettV; te aad balla. aoaad. etTc; kin, II to M Iba. o calf, aoaad. nndar la Iba, llct green. analtad, la local culls, le per lb leaat aoraeaiaea, saitea, eeen. gi.wiqi.TD; ary, esc, ll.ooai.40: colt bides, S5S0es goal aklna, 10Jlaci Angara, each.' &ctj ei.w. Irolta aad TegetaUea. POTATOES New, POefJIl.OO par ack; pro- escvrv pnee roc car iota, iotdc per ewe. wjiuna-onnmg price Pew Walla wana, par aack) new California, red. sllTere. 41. SO: ssrllc aeias nac fk $1.60 PRESU PRCITS Mew applea. OrCILPOl erangea. Valencia. k4.BowB.00: bananas. w lemons, cnotce. a-t.oo(18.aO box: fancy. per box; luaea, slexlcaa, awallan. Uela: eaoasberrlss. Ite nan. cberriaa. 11.7 per bexi plume, e0ttl.26 crete toganberrlra, . fl.40: oantalonpoa, $2.00; resu $X00OJ.Si t black figs. JV 1 blapkberrlec. tl Unttl 16 per berrls. rpec crate; watermeloae, 14tlHc crated. 1H per joapricota, gi.ooai.40; peach, auol; pears. KOITABLES Tarntpa, new, St trots. $1.T eae aacki beam. Si. paraalps, $1 10 pre aack) Oregoar radiabea. SOe per- doe; cabeege, - Oregosv tetbell pappers, 10s ' par . lbt tomatoes. Sue 1.00 per beat perentpe a0cO$1.00; nnf pvaus, ureaon, - re per id; caaii. nowor, ti.oo per' do; pea. 4fIBc; aoras. reaiab. eaTe nor Ibt srMshokac. Ik nee dost aqoash. le; green eotoos, Orrgoa, 18HC per oa oasicaea; eacumeera, lor per next eeiery, TOtyTfte per doe: green earn, 15c per dea: sum mar qaaah. TAcOILOO pee boxi eggplant, 1041 Mtte per lb. DBlkp-PBCTTnWApplec. evaporated,-W isc per in; apneota. ITHraiw per lb; peacnea ltaltWe nor lb: aarka. Ue n lb lasa: arnnaa. M te 40, ec; He drop on each MC amaller sine; lira, California black, ei4 pee lbt ranrornla Wklte, ectg P- tbi da Irs, goldsn, tl4e per lb; fsrda. 1.40il.eo per la-lb bos. laeailaa. Bate. Its. ST70AB Sack basis Cnbe. tt.t0r Bowdered. 18; fralt frees Is ted, to.lS; dry graealated, I.OBi seat. A. $6.08; weetera P. 0., $4 8: awallia a C, $4.BS; extra 0, $4 ! goldaa . u vaiiow. na.nn: nnia. ion: mih. SffCi boxes, hoe sdvancat am aack basla. lal Ue Pec ewt for eaab. It day; mapl. MS lot pee lb. - t a nova pnree apply as sales or Ms tnea r tote. Gar lota at aneelal arise auieet S actus tinea.) HON ET per (rata. rOPrEB Paekase brands. eiRTRCHtm. ' : SALT Coarec BaU around, 100k. $u 00 per tnni tOs. ka.BOl tahlo. dalrv. Ma. tllOOl 10ns. ; u. ro j imporre uverpooi, sua, it.oo; ivm, It.tO: ej4a, tie.OOi extra Sne. bhls, te, ts. 10s, 80s. asae; Liverpool lump rock, $lt.B0 per a; ou-ia recn, av.oo; lous. aw.uu, RICE I morris) Jfanan. No. 1. Bet Nn. S. auBatet Hew Orleans ass a. re: : A lax. Creole. BHc. niAnt-amn wnite, xnt larva wntre. ttlWi-Plaka-JlTt; bayoa. H' lexlrsa raUT 4H : "7" 0 uau, to-; NrTS Psannta. Jamba. V -sr lbt trtrsinla. ftHe per lb; roestsd, $3RH per lb; Jsp Base. B0neei roasted. TQTtte ner lb: coco. nam. SSftto per dos: wslnuts, ISOUHe pe lb; plnenuts, i, loaxix iV per lb; blrkory ante. 10a ner lbt ehaatnuta. saatsrn. lB4lia nor lbt nraail aata. Maniac per in; ainerrs. lasjiac lb; fancy pace a. 18c; almenda. 10 Ha. lata, Oeal 00, Its, BOPB Pa Manila. 1411 (Undsrd. UUtl ttaal. lie. COAL OIL Pearl sr Aatrsl Cases lS4e pef gal; water white, troa barren) 14c per gal. wooaoa lie per gsi; aeauigac, iTO-oeg. ess as PW.'- . .... . . UAPOLja neeeg. aaaa mm per gai, iron bbla le per gsL BBNEINB et-deg, bbla IMV4e ner gal. pat gal. troa TCBPENT1NB la SS par gal, weed an bbla Stc aer aal. WHITS LEA D Ton Iota, T aaf b tOO-Ib iota, te per in; lea iota, bhs per n. WTP.R NAILS Preaeat heel at tt SB. unsftKU uiie rani raw. in sun lona.' eva: 1-hbl let, BSe; rases, te per gsl; genalns kettle boiled, oases, SOe per gal; B-bbl lots, 84 ; l-bnl lot tBe per gal: groand cake, car lota, $30.00 per son; leae vnaa car m?ts, ou.w bw ton. Blaata, riah and rrevtskvaa. ' PBRRR MEATS Pront Street Ron. fancr. $H0r: ordinary, THtJie; poor, TO'Va per lb; bulla. If D He pet Ibi vesl, extra, Tee lb: orainarr, re per id; poor, ae per io; matron. fancy, acratta per in: lamoe, we, RAMS. BACON. ETC. Portia nd rack flora 11 bam. 10 te 14 lb. 1$H ner lb; 14 to id lbs. los per lb) kraakfaat bacon, legtOe per lb; plcalee is per lb; cottage, lOUe her lb,' regniar anert Clear, ansmokra. in per id; smoked, IB per lb;; clesr barks, ansmoked, lc per lb; amokrd IS per lb; unto butt 10 to IS lhat anamnkad. So per lb; smoked. per lb; clear kelllea, nnsmnked, 14a pat lb; mekeof. IB ner lbt shoulders, la Bar lb: pickled tongoee, $$ .00 eusrter bbl. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. ISM par lb; Be, 11 V per lb; 00-lb Una. Ue per lb; team readered. 10a, HHc per lb; ta, 11 rr Ibt compoand, 10, He. . , CANNED SALMON Colombia river, l-lb talta. l.a.0; Mb tails, $1TB; fancy, l ib lata. 11 BO H-lb fancy aata, 1.1A; fancy l-lb era la, $a.TBi Alaska Ulls, pink. SBtSeoei red, $l.tu eomlaaj Ltall, $00. . rlllH Rock cod. Te aer Tbt aVmnder. B ner lb; ksllbut. Be per lb; crabs, $1.80 per doe; trlnad base. ItHe Dec lb: catflab. Se ner lbt alinoa, Colombia river Chinook, be per lb; at eel. reerta. te per lb; bleehscks, t per lb; herring. e per in; eoiea, ea par in; nrimps, loa per lb; perek. Be per lb i btsck ced, T par lb; tnaacod. T per lb silver smalt, Te par lb; Inbatera per lb: freak mackerel, te per lb; TswnsB, ao pg ao; sna. a per is I targea, Oe per lb. - OTBTEaS Sboslwate bay. aar aL aS.SJi per 110-lb cark, $4 00. CLAMB Hsrdsb.lL pat box. $$.00l nan tlsma, $1.00 per beg. MO FIFTEEN-CENT " HOP CONTRACTS FILED Special Mepateb t The learaal.) - - ' atom. Or., Ang. S. No IB-cent bna eon tea eta hav aa yet been filed with the cooaty records.. Mr kin lev Mltekell era tba barer la the con. tracta filed reeterday. They were a follow: Prank Prantl of Oervtta, S.000 pennde et 1$ ents: 0. W, Bsyee ef Oervsla, 4.000 pounds it II eenrai Lenta Stee ef Oervala. 10.0O9 aoond et IS renter Oettea Karhet, :ets I'illElT IS RE 1(1 THE VALLEY Threahermen Around Carvala Claim Twenty to Twenty-Five' :A Buthele an Acre for Fail i GOOD PRIC IS PAID v FOR 01D WHEAT STOCKS Trade in Interior Markets DuTJ With No Sales of Importance 'Reported at ; Pendleton Fifty-Eight " CenU ; Offered for pub. : , ; ' '(Special THapatch to The JWnat) . r Oervato, Or., Ana. Information bad by s aulry among thrsshermen, baaed on acnual re calls, show that fall wbeat ia toralng out all the .way from SO to SB buabel par acre and tbe quality la excellent. Pall oata are also turning oat well, ranging from 88 to 80 bushels per aer and of splendid quality and heavy weight. Cbeet ahowa tba affect of the hot weather and la both light la yield aad quality. Hope are uoted her today at battar thsa Inc. and It ia Intimated offers hovering around 17c have been made, but your correspondent can not authenticate the latter . Agar. In -thle connection it is pretty certain that the crop la lnrgely ooaracted, some - evea claiming ft by Tt per cent of thla rear' crop. CHICAGO WHEAT LOWER. Xeoaa 1b XJvwrpool Ia Pprw1iiT be Oyc -'." BtiOBB Bee. ; BBLATITB whbat taltjbs. aor. a, 1 . ivoo Aug- z. amber. .THB .T8WB .S4H $ .00 'mber...., ,TA .70 H J1 - JOOU M -MZ .tevl J00i Chlgago, Ang. a. Tbe wheat market was rather dull today. Cab lea ware again da press. Ing aad this caused the trad to cell her, Tber waa but little range la any of th option. At th close September wsa unchanged, th De cember We and tba May H lower thaa yes terday. ' The Price Current ha tbe following: ' "Tber ha been free marketing ef wkatar wheat during th mat week. Some damage by mat to wheat ha baea reported. Cora le mak ing (rood progress, not rain would a very ben. flrlsL Oste. retome reaelved from thraahlag bow a snort and irragalat yield. Official aaotarjona br Overbeck. Starr a Cook ompaayi vrrtEAX. Open. Blah Low. Chw. f .T8HB . ', etS . . . tH A . .4THB :ot MA MB . 1SBBB - 14.S0B . . 8.8T see t.tOB ' S OT .IB 0 e .t .T - .to Irepfl, , a Mtteeh.. S9fpt.eaa PwBfi,, a May...; .Te COBN. .40 , .4 .4d' .. .4Ttf , - OATS. .44( 5 .47' Sent.. Do.,.. May.... Jan..,. Jl ' i.5 HISS POBX. le.ra 14.28 ; s ee IB. BO . 1S.4T ' -40 14J0 LAUD. s.87 res B PB : ; B Tt -- SHORT BIBB. OT S tt . Sept... . Oct Jan S.TS S.10 set S.B4 ier Bept., Oct... Ja. . " , i n f.eo T.88 ' T.eo DULL AT PENDLETON. Wheat Mavrfee QuUt, -. BoldiaBaSeX ' (Special Dlapetch to The JeocnsXt - Pendleton. Or.. Aug. S. Buatnee ta dull la tbe Caudle ton wbeat market and no aalee ef Importance are being made at tna prissnt time. The local pries I not (atlafaetery ts ths maiorltr of far roars. Bum of wkem era holding off foe eo for elub. It I ald that many would let go their yield could that prla B GOOD PRICE FOR WHEAT. taeat Teavfs CM eDa M BUI -Tare e4 . ' a Self. ' tSoadal Dlsoatrh t Th JoornaL) Adama. Or- Aug. . Blgbt tbonaand boekela at wbeat remaining la tba warehouses ki kav lust been cold by W, W. Raymond, a wheathreker ef Walla Wells, tkrough tbe Kerr, eifford company, aad it will Immediately be blpped to eastern porn re in buuu im prtec paid wa eat perinea!. tJ . utrarooL sbaib blsXTJTT Uverpooi, Aug. 1 Official pricea: wnana. Ooea Closs Chaw " Lose Aug. 1. Au. t. Aug. & Aug.l. a 44 e ed COBW. s 9t ae Td SepU.... Sa 4 'Ad Dee...... e evis Sept...... Dee 4a Said 4a td eoakt. ...;' CHIC AS 0 CASK WBSAVt. riitceawi. Ana. ea7ash whaatt No. Mo. S red... No. S hard.. .TS .Tt :8a. No. S bard.. .11 CKI0A00 SBAIB CAB LOTS, Chicago, Ang. t-Oralu car Iota: Cera. Ore da. Bat. 1ST). Wheat .,.-. .......... ITS ,. 823 Ml Com T 1 UT" Oata SsO lee tad 1T0 lrtt S23 JTXW TOBK COTTOaT VABXXT. Maw Tnrk. Ac. t. Cat ton future doasd 1 to I oolnts lower Official quotation Ovybcfe, tart S r Cooke eompaay Open. High. Law. A, t. Ang. 1. January 10.40 10.BT reoruary March 10.BA 10 W Aurnst ...... t.M t.M 10 40 10.4T t.M lO.Ot iota So as 10. u 10. 4 10 80 10. 4S ttr jo t PS 10 11 101(1 io tr 1044 Septemhcf ...11 10 10.10 October u. Decm'bar ".40 $ , iil$e!ib'is OTITIS STATU eOTBBsTatXBT BOBDaV Mew Tork, Aug. S4ovri intent bond: bat. Bid. Ask. 10 104 mat 104 104 irv) loti 104 . IM ml 104 ' r4U ItOT ire 2 104 lKftT 108 U 104 let tie ke teat ite uo .... us .... ue Two, rertatered , de cenpon Threes, reelstersd do coupon Twos, email bond., ... re. reata tared ,.r. a ana lion Pnara, registered. do eennai n District of Colombia Philippine 4e APPli OBCXABD SOLS. . (tpeeial bUpaleh to Tt fuunmt., : f rirefwto. Or.. An. S. M. L. Cauaas ts sold bla fin 100-or ppl rehard Bear Im. hler to bfeaer. C. B. Benshaw aad A. P. WI1. aoa of Colorado, th erwslderatlaa being $ It, 000, or $1M ner act. Thla tract waa act eat year ago, and tl m eevenaerm aw a to iiaaax m ibara iracw est ioe mm. - ntvrr TjspixrroB at wont . 8pseiat OUpateh to Th JoarnaL) Pinisboro, Or.. Aug. !. Oentv Pralt le aner tor Harria Baa joea inepacreo ue rruii atone ef tbla eity. lie ftmad all n la a bad condition aad ordered the merrbsata net my more or is nieeaeeo rruii an i Srstrey wkat they had en baaa. . ' Sterling Saehange Katsa. Naw Tork. An. S B'erlln ratsal 4SB.Ua I e (1)4, 4a.$7a ; No Is V;:::n;, at Pressnt, to Admit . Hmtt.'f Csarish on tha Hep C.'tuatlon All Art Cu!! Now Contract Reported Higher inn STOCKS i. ARE LEADERS . Good-Sized Advances Made by the Pacifies on Reports of Bi Ealng. ' INCREASE OF PAY IN ST. PAUL IS HELP TOO Union Pacific Gains Two and a Quar ter While Southern Pacific Is Up Two and. Three Eighths Points- . JReadinf One and a Half Advanced. HETT OATMB. Anaconda ........ 1 Amalgamated .... 1 Bt. Paul t Chaaapaaka ......1 Missouri Paclt.. M. X. Central t Pennarlvanin ..... 1 Seating lit Bap Steel. ........ 1 . Coeorad 4k Boutk. Denver Denver, pfd , Great weetera.... Hep. aieei. pro svoea laiana. Hock Island, pfd.. Illinois Sentral.,.. 1 Bentbara uanway. Leulevtlle Southern Paetfle... t' Texa a Padae... 1' Union Pacta...., S u. a. ateei. ....... BUT LOSSES.' . HlLocomottv ....... Sugar ..... Smelter .......... Car dp Foundry,,,, Brooklyn Baltlmor ........ Colorado Fuel iauonai avaaa..... Brie Northern - Pacific, Ontario A Wast... Pressed Steel Car. Canadian V, Wall Street, Mew Tork. Aea. S. Th trngth of certain stock in th msrket today and tba attar Demoralisation of others waa the ub Ject of eonaidarabla talk la trading circles. Tha Eaat strength In Barrlmaa lseuea. Union and uthera paclfle and Bt. Paul, caa, boarever, be ssally explained by th talk o an lacreae la th dividend la the latter to S per cent and tba great earning of th two Psclte. Thl la proved help ta Kew Terk Central. urnctai aoouuoa By urerneca. atari a uooas company: " DEBCBIPTIOM. .naeonds sflnlne- no... SSt 55T AmaL Copper Co...,.., Atohiaoa, com......... do preferred......... Am. Car t'oand., asm ds nrsf srrsel . 101V, B. SVa $l $S Am. Sugar, com. ...... Am. Smslt, com a preierren Baltimore Ohio, sosa. do praf erred. . 11T CinadUa Pacific, com.. Chi. a. W.. com.... CbU, MIL St. Paul.. Chi. N. W. na.i... Cbeaaneak Obi...;. Colo. Fuel AY Im smb. Com. Southern, com.;.. no za prererrea..... Aa le in f ,i 1 Delaware Hudson.... Pel., Lack. Weat.. Denver A B. O- ass.. Ae nr.f....A Brie, com ar, sq prei ,i i.u fl. lit neereeeeA. Illinois Central........ ITS 144 Lontsvlll 4, Masbvllla. MetropoUtaa St. By.... Manhattan Ballway.... MM nexicaa lenirtt aty . . . . Mlaaourt Paclfle H..K- A.T.. com M pPvfalFrejrJ , . a e e Nw York Oaatral Cetton on. Am. Locomotive. si -2 2 National Lead Norfolk Weat., em.. do preferred...; North American N. T.rOnt. 4 Western.. Pan nay It ants Ballway... P. O., L. C Co...... Pumid Sreel Car, do preferred. Paclfle atall S.S. 0... BO '4 80. Heading, com . do Sd preferred do let preferred Bep. Iron Steel, aoa.. do Preferred . . Bock Island, com. ....... do preferred Southern Ballway, com. . do Bicfoiied . ......... Son then Psrlfl do preferred..... St. L. ft S. P., td pfd. 44m 44 do let preferred St. L. ft f. W., om.... do Breferred. ......... Texa ft Paetfle........ Tesneeaae Coal ft Iron. . T., Bt; ft PP..' SM4- oo nrererrea 4HK Colo Pariflr. com d preferred Central Leather, om... do preferred , IT. S. Bubber, om.... . So preferred , V. 8. tteel Co., ot... do preferred Wheel, ft U E.. com... lBTti 4i vi 10T do Sd preferred. ...... do 1st Preferred Wisconsin Central, cot, do preferred Weetera Caioa Tela. .. Wabash, com ., do. preferred America Wenleaa...... Northern Paclfle tOBVs Total sals to day, 1, Ml 800 share. - bostov coma xabxxt. Bnatea. An. I Official ckwlagi tiia nid. Osceola .,M..$107.00 Parrot $8.00 Phosnlg .00 Oulney . . . . .. ' e.00 AoVentura ...S S 28 Aiknrs St tTVs Area die a .... n-oo Atlantic 'll. 0 Bingham .... . Ca lumat ..... T00.00 Tamarack ... Trinity .... ,r rnlted Copper ttsk ..TZTT 100.00 Calumet . . Centennial t.oo etoo MOO SB.00 TB.7B JT.OO 7.2B B.TI too is i 2.00 ! RfyeiV. Pranklla .... Oreena Coa... . Victoria lBO.OO T.itti . 10.110 teas 110.00 Wolvarln ... Ely Black Mt..e Boston Con... Ms ........ Mohawfe .... Nevada Con. . 2aL ft Aria North BntU.. HOGS 15 CENTS UP WITH ARRIVALS TODAY ' Not a Single Had of Livestock In Sheep a Fraction Off ; With a 8teady Tone. Portland Oaks Bteekrarda. Aug. tV Lire- tack receipt! ' Ho. Cattle, thaen. Today . ... ... , .. . Week ago $0 ... . t0 Month g...,.. ...e.. M -' $0$ - - fa) tear ago.. rrr.... ee o gtw Whll tkc eeaao demanded a eat la th prlc of hoga, appiis sr o-ssneu tbat prlcea era ont is kicker very beet. Cattle reanala vary tall with price anebaaged. Sheep steedr, a rractloa lowtr K arrlTtla wer howa Tn any line tedey. Official quotations: , Heea Beat eestera Oregoa. tT.toctT.tet blocksr snd China fat, $d.M; tockr and feeders. $B 00; balls. $3 M. - - rattleBeat eastern Oreceai ttatar. t$ SBf t an, beet ansra aad kaifsr. 12 B0mk.Taj torkere sod feeders, $1 BO; ball. $$ 60. thsap Bbcarllng, QHi kau, ae. - Bipler areea e Waahlnglon, Aug. I Joaeph Blpley, rerrner " euprintndnt -ef tha - "Boo" oanal. te appointed principal eeeletaat eaglneer of the Panama canal. ALL TESTir.lOUY If lllSEI Arguments In Long Drawn Out Sensational Divorce Trial to ; Be Made Monday.. REPORTER TESTIFIES , REGARDING LETTERS Told ,by jUwyertJ orjpef eniTbat , Letters Wet In Their Possession ' Months Before Detective Admitted T B tealinfrThern, s ;?? :rr " (eoarnal BpecUt twrvlca.l - Plttkburg, Aug. I. At noon today the ttlmooy waa eoroplete in the famoua Bartje dlvoro trial, and th caae reatad , until Monday, . whan the argu manta will be made. The doalng tea. tlmony In th eaee wae of th aame aanaatlonal nature ee that Introduced throughout the trial, arid ambodlad dla eloauraa -which will have grant beerina; upon tbe outcorh ef the eaae. In direct opposition to Tiartja's tatl tnony vhat be did not know Joeaphlne Wright end never vUlted har, aad the woman'a own a Uk lament that aha did not know the millionaire, wae the evidence of Alma Aoaa, the "myetorioua blonde," who kept lodging houaa In which the oouple are eald to have met The witness wore that Hartje aad Josephine Wright frequently met in a room in her houae and that . Hartje paid the Wright woman'e room pent, -..-- - While upon the etand 'Fred Long, a nwapaper man. eowre that John Mar ron of Hartje'e eounaal told him la Feb ruary of a number of letters which Hartje'e lawyera had in their poeaes eion. This waa -aom time before the date upotk which the dtotlva : eeid thy foun the lettera tn Madlne'e trunk end eevrl montha before the time tlachar, Hartja'g brothr-lu-law aald h gave the lettere to the attorneye. A ecene waa ereatad in tbe court room after the adjournment of eourt when Marron, angry at the teetlmony Of Liong, threatened the newapapar man. Whan Tom Medina, the coachman ooreapondent. waa called to the etand he ewore that the lettere which the de tectives eay they took from his trunk were never In that receptacle. Madlne has sworn to warrants agatnet Anderson and Straub, the detaottvea. charging them with entering a building with the Intont to commit felony, end they were arreated at the eourthouae, but releaaed upon bond of $1,000 each. Mr. Hartje teetlfled that the only wrote two letter to Buale Wagner, and absolutely denied ' offerlntT Blaaohe Aabby $$00 to taaUfy in her behalf. . WILL MEET TODAY TO PAY FAIR STOCKHOLDERS - In the offlee of Preeldent H. W. Ooode at 4 o'clock thla after, noon the final dlaaolution of the Lewis end C3ark fair corp ra tion will take place. At the eame time ther will be a dlatrlbution -wf-rhat-ta lft-of "the- capital atock approximately .10. . per eent. It la aald. The board of dlreotore ef the corporation will mt at 4 o'olock thla afternoon. Tbe board ia com- -puead of II mtnkr and 11- muat be prnt to traneaot bual naaa. a rinal rinanolal report, ehowing tha varloua funda rw eolvad by the . corporation aad tbe manner of dlatrlbution, le being prepared by Auditor Mao- ' Kensie end will be eubmltted at the meeting thla afternoon. The corporation eame into x letenoe nearly five years ago. After the meeting thle efternooa ; It will have only a legal esiet enee which will extend for a period of live year a in order thet. it may either prooecute or do-' fend legal action, i AGREEMENT IS MADE (Journal Baectal aWrlea.) Waehlngton, Aug. I. The aeoretary of the Interior hag approved aa egree ment of the United Stat with the Wil son Irrigation company ' of Umatilla eounty. The latter agree to permit the reclamation earrlee to eroee Ite right of way and eanat with a feed canal, ditch a, roada, telephone and electrlo tranamla elon llnee and other Irrigation worka under the Umatilla project. According to the terme of the agreamant the WIN eon Irrigation company grant th right of way on eonelderatlon of 11 and the condition that the worka be perpetually maintained by the United Stat. GRAFTING OFFICIAL OF BUFFALO IS CONVICTED (Journal Spatial Serrie.) Buffalo, Aug. S John W. Wff. former auditor of Erie eounty, waa eonvloted at . Wareaw thla morning of grand larceny for ateallng 111,000 of the publlo funde in connection with the contract for the removal of bodice from the cametery here, Roland Convar, the contractor, ha already baen eonvloted of grand laroany end awalte eentence. He teetlfled tbat falee warrant were ieauad by Nff and the money ' equally divided. Conner piled up human bonce and ealled each pile a body. - . . , , . A sab yBABcrxtoo BUBTJie rzcxixsx. aa trandsse, ana. BlJ Bsltannt SSSS S. OfSctal prleee: Bid. Stetaway ta - fna. CsL.Vs .as Cssb Bor .IS Ooldea Ancnec.. At unnir , a 40 Hens ..' .It Mexican ....... r.lMbinl. .CT .ta jla Butler...., l.tTH Marieaeisr ,,, .ts sfldwav ....... t to Kicnequer ...... . . .to .19 , AT IV I. or m u.. OolS Crnwa..... Oreat Bead MsbUM S.tTH njnrtn atar..... .sa Onkif ' .rr Tn. Sxtea..... ttn niaek Bnlfe tv AS Msvaea ........ is xn West Ba4 ,...a S40 trsaip ......... .'te Ooldea Belmont. .40 ' a aame r. . ., Montgocnsr klU.48 knnaea .lit Atlanta ........ .IT .14 ,e M .11 4 Blnenell Bnetk Seeptra M Manaatraa .CT t'olnaiMa Mt... ialenr-HOBJprejr. Dexter ,. Oranar ........ Sold Wedge. . , ,' Inu Btee. . J .4t .IS j: .oe .oe ".10 ,ot - .14 .Pt l .Ot .So. .' . rna. Qiiarrr.,.. rxamondlleld ,. Dixie .or .M Ooleneie ... 1.13H ft. Bant, Bx.. t.. Bend Aaaaa. Cresreat ........ Cowboy , Pen ear Aaaaa... Bntla A Bear., 5UV&::: Man. Con Jambe Bates .xn fLeaoaU eguna Mav Qua an . .IS sinkawk ....... 14 Bed Top 1.M ) Sannjeterm , . .,. .44 Sllvev Pick Z1 St. Ivaa 41 D.nvexiA1e., ..i0 krllnee ......e r,t Bar....... 1.0S Sail rrog.M OS 1.1 1 1 1. so.,,,,. Mar It o war tt . Jumping - 'ark . r St -Bee Tp Aaaaa, .04 RIVER EXCURSIOiJJO; ISTGri SUNDAY, AUG. 5 Steamerit VAaTTZS BOA TOT KTMM Leavee Alder Street Dock, Port-' ' land Arrive at Astoria at............l Jwoeve Aatoria for home at.....t Arrive -la rortland-atry. . . .. .-.-;. '-v-i'' VeeJa Brvw a la Carte, Carry Tow avnaen if Tew''yisa ' '.,.-. . .,. . ..: v.. r , '" . A delightful Sunday .trip a charming ride on the groateat river bt . "weetern AmricaA-th :bt etcamboat on Iha Paclflo coaat Polite attest. ' tion to everyone. ,, ; .'ij'j...-.,; ; .,...,... :,.;' . , , -. See the City by tlie Sea at Little Cost MORRIS BROS . v: , v.;; ;V v- BANKERS' v -j m V ' ". 's.;-l ....--.:'.'; saassaassaaaaassaassassaaaaa .(.., ' a , i : ' - - "'.',; .. ' ', . HAVE REMOVKD ITIOU',1 '- :T' :,"trj FIRST AMD ALDER !Tt;:':U'.,.L ; " ' t to TEMPORARY OFFICES " ' .". ' 733-35 Chamber of Corerce Bid;.: Pbooe PORTLAND WIRE Phone Main 2000 , IWrV. i x V , MM The BREAKERS HOTEL AUBRICAIf PleAN. ''I.ea -gf-'" esjj wgay i fi; i,ai a a stilus i uanlwa ti sa sa ttnttomef o taawia ugax, ateeas, no aaa voiu aan ainr in Kvsrr isn. any Tteaeta xa aw aea era, Paris Oouutr, Wsak. Poatofnr Addrsss. Breaker. Wssk. Cloud Cap Inn Oregon's . femoue mountain reeort at , - ,' , enow line on Mount Hood moot delightful resting plaee la ' the northweet.- full Information at tbe TICKET OFFICE, Third & ' Washington Sts. SEASIDE HOUSE SEASIDE. OR1CON J. T. B. SAOOETT, ataasgsv. Ssaside, Or. Under new sssaagement. rsaaedeled aad newly farnlabed, electric lights. Freak and aalt water bathing, boating, ftauing.' 'reek milk snd eras a rroia cur awa oairy. rresn vegersniea irooi ew sera gsrden. Bat est ti 40 te tS.eO per Sag. Special rale by tn week e aaooU. free boa. PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOMS ttra BABAX OWtaTBlBTATB, Leag Beaaa, Wa. Good Meats Home Cooking PORTLAND! ACADEMY Portland Oregon ttta tbas wzza orav mmn. it. Vita hove end elrle for Eastern and Weetern eollga. Include a primary end grammar achooL . . Boarding hall for glrla effordlfig the comfort a and care of a refined home. . Office houre during the Summer from a. m. to IS m. . For catalogue write to the addreee given above. 1 'at TeTf ' -' RATES For 30 Days Onl; 1109 Gold Crowne. II.0S Qold Crewa...t 5.00 3.50 I10.0S Pletce Put S.OO T.fJO rUllnge, BP from... a. . ...86 ' Woe Boston -Dental Parlors BS1H saerteoa BV Ojry, . O. aad Voot at lot rourr. (Spedal Dlspatcb te The, JearnaL) Rertb rewoe. pt Aag. S, i Maw. Dart I ' ' (,.,- 'i ' ' mm BAW traXJBaTTZ9Z.T tVimOA 'f t ' a. '-nv p. m. p. m. d..$I.C0 ': V i i ' i' Main 97S ' v"V; v-'? BANK AND OFFICE IMIUKG WIDE AND ICON FFKOKG iA . 'zlm Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing. Poultry Nettings Etc. & IRON VORKS 263 FLANDERS ST, Near Third wnrw tifflrM vrrtw a bbwwl t ji u The Hotel Estscda xs na aivAoa vom ajt Hotel Bataoada. oa the batnk ef . the eanron. ia tbe beat, moot . comfortable, aeelect-reachad re eort nar Portland. Admirably adapted for outing parti. A wooded park of lS ecre sur round the hotel. -. - ' ' ' Perfect Appoint menU , -and First-Class Cuisine - Catering to hlgh-olaee patronagw. Magnificent acenery of mountal. . ehaem,' forest and field.' Brown'e orhertrt of srtlaaaV ' Satarday aad aauUai at k) Jrae wuioa. , - Trains Every' Two Hours ' Special rat upon application to krv.8. U O. at MAHOn, Man ager. . Phone Eetacada HotaL HOTEL MOORE . "TBOi exxwr atovsa or oaaooa.- Directly on the beach, overlooking the ocean. Hot aalt bathe end aurf bath. Ing. Recreation pier for flahlng. . Bun partora, electrlo light, fireplace end furnace heat Fine walke aad drive, 8ea food a epeclalty. . .; . , Rates $159 izi $1(9 Per Ciy SnOZAXj BULTBB BT TMM WMMX. , DAN JT. MOORB. Proprietor. Hotel Eaton 00 B. KOBBXSOB ABO WIST 1 ABB STS. NEW ti-erreof. tee anlDatse' walk trad kes.t abopplng aad kaslaaae Cletrtet. ad " . aire, cutslds reests, atraa keete. eta. . Mihts, tslephene nt seek enertatart. tare. . afseee, loaaalns. aatoaia, ladles' rerepttoe nnrloea. "' rs by Kad ee telephone. rrtvate aaaalkee meat tram aad ew -ve, Uteeti fl.OO to (S.OO at I - Special Batsg f " 1" a . 7. MBA A 1 . (TerBMrl ef Betel t V I Lac tad Saeka Save enra.. ' . a J kJ V mIl.,- at IIB et r -- T r ' ; 1 1 i . - T at ' .v '