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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1906)
tin cr.zccu daily journal; ronTLAND. thuk:c- 1 OF HEAVEN IS One Dollar in TKirtyI 35 YEARS OF AGE Tic Buclc Range ; Gn these Literal Temis "57w 'MalleaUe Range' : IcJc Weakling on Chlnese'Throns Now In a Serious Condition and Death at Any Time Would Cause Uttie Surprise .r.e Gontinue to Offer to i Install in Any Home Eitker of Revolution Will Probably Follow, x hese Dplendid . ; Range sSi-i. emrTTi 0 .. Jllllii. xOj2? I If t: m -v ' ' ' V-i !"' ' 4 w I ar war f ,Tsa Td, Dowager Empress of China. Uoeraal- Ddl BorrlcO . Waahington. Aug. J. Kwan( Still, the emperor of China,' reached hi thirty fifth "year today and a cable message from China says that the foreign am basaadora paid the, customary visit to the palace to pree'e'nt congratulattone on behalf of their reapectlve rulere. Bo cent newa dlspatcbea from China are to the affect that the young emperor, who from hie birth baa been a weakling phyalcallr and mentally, la now in a aerloua condition. Hts death - at any time, would occasion little surprise. - In the event of his passing awsy it Is probable that the liberal reform ele ment would make a great effort to aelae the relna of government and with aome hope of eucceaa now that the dowager empreas haa grown so old that abe would And it difficult to continue her grasp on the throne,. . Most Bemarkable Woman. In many recpecta the dowager em preaa ia one of the moat remarkable, aa he la one of the moat monatroua flgurea tf modern hlatory. She waa the daugh ter of a Manchurlan noble and followed the fortune of her family from Fekln to Canton, until, when ahe waa about 1 yeara old, the condition of ber father 1 SHB. x j g W X: For the woman whose pride is In her cooking and the man who Is willing to combine greater economy, and better food, there: is a good, whole- - some lesson to he derived from the superior quali- . ties and, constructive features of these two splendid . , ranges. . In their construction is' combined every-, ' thing that is foremost in the modern range the , very best of materials, a perfect and even draft sys tem and an oven that gives nqne but satisfactory re sults in cooking and baking.; The fact that they : are.ecpnomical in fuel and of that construction as . enables them to last a lifetime is in itself a thorough . : guarantee to those wha demand none but the. best. j- Our desire Is to show you every detail and ex- - elusive feature of tneir construction, and we do not ; hesitate in stating that we know you will be con vinced of these two meritorious range products ' D waaaaaa- ' THE UCKST and "THE MALLEABLE." ' i-a .!,.' 1 1 tinJi us -l- O ill i ) In Exchange Old Stoves V or x'v:' Ranges We . Give , : Most Liberal ' Allowance COMPLETE- M05E-FUM5ilER5i jA ; Huadrea AKE YOURH Pot r ' ?WNTtmjl Econotmoal eargim.a- ; -. XXoffl . THE I THEB E 18 COMrOBTjN URAVEUKa JDJLTI LURLINE The Every-Day-But Sunday Boat Between PORTLAND AND ASTORIA AND ALL WAT POINTS. The tiorllne Ia Finely Purnlahed, Splrk and Span, Alwaya Neat and Tidy, Conecfehtlbuaiy Cbfaductea Politely' Manned Add ' Ita Culalna la - Unexoalled, r : 'r. wla Kbow Om Boata bf( the BUsaaal "K." Vancouver Trainsportation Co. . TMparta at T a, a, rroa Taa-lor rtreet Sook. Tel. KaU CIS. 1 ' ' I 3 II AVfetable Ptf paraiioafbr As similating HreFoodandBetula Gng iheStomacto atalfiowels of Promotes Digestionheerful ness and RestXontains neither Opium Morphine norfioeraL Vox KlRC OTIC ' A perfect Remedy forConsfipav- Worms JDonvulsions Jcvrrish nrss and Loss or SLEP. FaeSimila Sitfnarara of NEW "VOTIK. EXACT COPY 0 WRAPC7l In) Ullll Tor Infants and Children. - Tho Kind You Have Always Dought Boars the flnanoea neceaaltated, or at leaat re aulted In, her aala aa a alaya Into the family ot - a. Canton merchat..-Her beauty otcu at that time waa pro nounced. - according; to Chlneae atand- arda, and her cleverneaa had already oe- Teloped. When aha 'waa IT yeara old' the tn peror Halen Fung, , a la the . Chlneae euatom, leaned a proclamation calling; noon- the daurhter-o-Marichar1 t 'preaant thamaelvea at Pekln for a choice to be made amona- thera ror tna imperial harem. - She trareled up to Pekln In the lnxnry beflttinc ber ranK, Triumphantly paaaed the ordeal of inspection by the emperor a ofnoera and waa promptly m atalled In the Imperial palace among the emneror'a women. r Tbia waa In mt."Beautlful, aecom. nliahed and poaaeaaed of eonaummat tact and usuaual knowledae. Tau Tai aoon ateppea out from among the throng of the harem realdentas into a aeparate and dtattnet . place. Later, when ahe preaented the emperor with a aon and heir to the throne,- aha roee etui higher In favor. Xa In 1160. while the boy waa atill young, hi father died and very aoon the email boy waa proclaimed emperor tinder the title of Tung Chi. with the dowager empreea and mother empreaa -appointed eoregenta. For many yeara. dominating her weak coregent,. Tau Tai waa abso lute ruler of China. Finally her aon. Tunc Chi, attained hlemajorltrjaa Ufnpany- auiy prociaimea emperor ana c ine re gency ended.. ' Apparently Tau Tel a - career waa eloaed. Wise' and allent, ' aha drew back with her alater regent into private Ira perial life. ' But 'Tuna; Chi died .and hla young wife paaaed away In childbirth, and the dowager empreae at once again eama to the front, presenting to the Chlneae people a new emperor la the pereon of Kwang Shu,. a baby aon of a brother of the Emperor Halen Fang. It la tola nephew -of. he dead huaband who la now the aick emperor , of China, and whose death, . whloh may be but a matter of weeka or day, will precipitate a political, aoclal and Induatrlal up heaval which the Flowery --Kingdom never beror ha experienced m ita cen time of hlatory, ill if In Use For Over Tftirty Years A CAPTAIN JEFF MILLER ' - DIES AT DESCHUTES (StMrlal Dlanateh to The ImmiL) - The Pallea, Or., Aug; .- Thoma Jef ferson Miller, commonly known aa Cap tain Jeff Miller, died at the Deachutea, a station on. the O. XL A N. railroad about II milea eaat of thia city, early yeaterday morning. Ha waa aged about 0 yeara, and waa a pioneer of thla re gion. Ha aettled hear the mouth of the Deachutea, where he died, over 40 year ago. in the early alztlea ha waa in tereated In the bridge over tho Dea chutea, and waa one of the early navl gators of the upper Coumbla river, hav ing been captain of a ateamboat run ning from the mouth of the Okanagon to the Big Bend during thi gold excite ment In that district In the early hla tory of the northwest He waa a gen tleman poaaeaaed of great Information In reference to matters connected with eastern Oregon and British Columbia, and waa very genial and affable to. all acquaintances. He enjoyed unusual good health for hla age until a few daya ago, when he suffered a atroka of paralysis, from which be never rallied. He leaves two sons, living on the Deachutea, near the home af their father. . bi&m lUuii To Saadla Urk aetata, - rgoecUl Dispatch to The Joensl.1 ' Weston, Or., Aug. I. J. R. King Ties been made trustee of the property Inter ests of Mrs. Ann Kirk of this place. The property la worth 1 .15.000. As Mrs. Kirk Is getting old and feeble and unable to transact hsr own business, she has leeded her property to Mr. King Intrust J. for herself during her lifetime, with power to sell after her death and divide between her three daughters. Mrs. Kirk and daughters now make their home In Portland tn greater part ot the time. THUMB MARKS TO PREVENT FORGERY OF CjjECKS Feople That Cannot Sign Name May Use Print of Thumb , on Tlma Checks. 'i Oosraat ImHiI gerrlee. Chicago, Aug. I. Thumb marks aped for years In polio circle aa a means of Identification and favorite agenoy of wrltere of detective stories la unravel ing mysteries; may aupplant the time- honored "Hla mark" in the signing of checks. The Installation of a thumb mark system of pay checks Is being con aidered by paymasters ot aome of th largest Industrial concerts and rallroada In Chicago. ., ,. . t . Concern! which employ a large num ber of illiterate persons have been look ing ror a long time for a aubetltute for the cross mark In -order to Insure better protection against forgeries. According to the new system when a man cannot algn his name, ha places the lmpresalon of hla right humb upon a paper aa a receipt. The Illinois steel waa the first Targe Chicago eoncern to atudy the new method. The incentive waa furnished by tho forgery of several thousand dollars; worth of pay checks several months ago, ENGINE TURNS TURTLE ON CORVALLIS & EASTERN Superintendent Walsh Starts for ; Scene of Railroad Accident v . and Is Wrecked. (aperta!' Dtsptteh to The Jearaall - Albany, Or., Aug. I. Superintendent J. T. Walsh, while on hla way to the eaat end of the C et IS. railroad yeater day morning to assist one of the train crews In the work of placing a de railed engine on the track, waa ditched himself at Granite mountain, to milea eaat of thla city, and hla engine turned upside down In the ditch, i He la an engineer and waa running the angina himself when on roundlna a curve he ran on to a piece orurack that had during the night been damaged by a log rolling down the ateep hillside. the ralle spread and-he found himself and hla engine in the ditch. Fortu nately Mr. Walsh and hla fireman es caped Injury,- The angina derailed Detroit was thrown' oft the track by the turntng of a rail on a switch at Hoover's sawmill and waa last evening righted and brought to tma city, - TOOTH OF HAY RAKE ' PIERCES MAN'S SKULL f .Dlal DlsDstch to Th JeernaM Weston, Or, Aug. ly The -funeral of Joseph Hastings, who Waa killed yea terday, will be held tomorrow-. Ha waa fatally hurt while at EL J. fiallag's place raking hay. Hla team ran asray, throw ing him to the ground in. front of the rake. One tooth penetrated hla skull and death reaulUd In at few hours. Hastlnga was an early settler here, but of late yeara ha lived In Idaho. , Ha left no family except one grown aon. JAILER TAKES REST AFTER SIXTEEN YEARS (RpHt Dispatch to The Joerasl.) ' The Dalles, Aug. I. For close atten tion to business the Jailer of Waeoo Annual vs. X'XX' Deferred Dividends 7 3 from All this talk about the cumulative effect of advertising isprettyZmuchtheTsamea ' up when he sold us our deferred dividend policy. S : - . 1 T'S an excuse to put off the day of final settlement in b o t h cases. ' -. business of its kind in America. One of our representatives is irr your city eyery few days' look ing after the interests of some of our present clients. That is why we are advertising in this newspaper to you NOW. A letter addressed to us, sign!- f a i .. We'll take our dividends annu ally, Mr. Insurance Man. v' ( And, Mr. Advertiser, if this year's advertising didn't earn dividends ; you're on the five. a a a - . e ah at a ag.s,l raTaaVWal f W UtM We) ft. 4V t ten or twenty year accumulativefying that you will grant us an plan-may have to lapse before interview in your office, will not dividend time. ' obligate you in any way. You may win out after i advertisinir exi 4WVsejejMt4 atWMatai! M am 4 a M m .. Butwe would like an opportunity (small and large) as between to tell you in an interview how; business men. If the discussion to get Annual Dividends from does not develop the reasonable your Advertising.4 We would certainty that-YOUR volume like to explain to you what we of business and percentage of do to make advertising sell net profit can be increased by goods from the start; without Lord & Thomas advertising, the advertiser having to wait 5; there it will end. . -' - - nrt'S We are solving commercial Vini problems every day, and this is 10 or 20 years for a dividend. By doing this ' for our present clients both large and small we have built up the largest Will you write lis today? Wa art laaoiiio; a geries of stnail books (dot bound) coverina; adrertisinr la all its phaaea, which wa a and free to interested axlTartisara. : '- " 'V, ':. . . , ' V'' V &THOBIA CHICAGO NEWSPAPER -MAGAZINE OUTDOOH " 'ADVEaRTISINO ItABOEsrr ADVEsbrisnva Aokncy in America AJorua.'VtocAiMB Puacko wm Cuarrraj, S4,OO0,OOaoo ; county hardly haa a peer la the north weat Tot it years today ha haa eara fujly watched over the Jail, and the only vacation ha haa .taken during that time waa two day laat summer when he visited the Lewis and Clark exposi tion la Portland. John Fltagerald. whloh in the jaller'a nam, left for a month'e vacation - tnla morning, " which waa granted him by the county court DATES ARE SET FOR- -7 FAIR AT PENDLETON rapeHst nspeteh e The jMraal Pendleton, Or., Aug. I. From Sep tember 14 to !, inclusive, a district fair wiU ba . held in . thla. olty . by the Third Baetera Oregon District ' Agricul tural eoclety, the dates having been eat by tha fair commission yeatarday. Steps have also been taken to eecure tha state appropriation' of $1,800 for preliminary money whloh was paaaed at tha laat snal'Mi f th at tha Instance of Senator C. J. .Smith. - . Pat ae xad oa OaaSeleU , . - Saratoga, N. T- Aug. I. Tha police have notlfled Richard Can field to eloaa hla big gambling houeea. -