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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1906)
f w july to, r. T" "V P" A 1 f""s Pv n A- fl T- r""rrYP Creat Cc2JC,ty ' Loc!tJ C atbas Forces the I I 111 tt 'V rV iti 'A IXi C . Trade to Cuy in Couth Oovrnment Issues V 1 I VJ IV Ik Ul tt l t I JJ 'Statement Resardlnj Hop Crop of the World. VERY SCARCE Trade Forced to Seek Supplies in ; i California to Supply the Demand.' y," GOVERNMENT ISSUES A STATEMENT ON HOPS Places Oregon Crop of Last Year at One Hundred and Ten Tboueand : Bale Fancy . Gra'veneteln Apples -Arriving From Local Points. . Front Street, Jnly SO. The prlaelRal feahtree ( the -fertland wholesale markets teaey srei .'.. Looel eabbafe la very kith. . .., . Car eafcne treea Walla WtlU. , raaey OraTeaatela apples strive. ' Oaearnaae nt leasee etateawnt oa Sobb. Cm Imli eaBtaleepee this nwrnliig. Car eabbage ta from California. . . . Creeaurr batter going a aorta. , Ec aaallty faintly Icaprored. Black barrr aupplle Biere llbaraL ., Caaaaa axarket ateady to Brae. - Bartlatt paara bare geoa oeauna. ri Coffee eltaatto H Iraat.-.., , ' ' teeel Cabbage Tarj Boarea, . There to iwl aeerelty ef local eabbage aad ana of tha waa forced to Bead ta , Calltorsla for supplies. A ear tree. Sea lYea. eteeo arrlTea U good ahapa thta taenia. , Oa aeceaat of tka extreme aeareltr tha latter la ' aelllng at la par soond aloag tha atraat aaaay. Dry waathar U aald ta ba the, al tha " local ehortag. Vaaav Oraaaaatoia Apples Arrh. Tka raaalaat Oravenetela apples thaa far reeelead from kx-al fotata thla aeearw ee me la ' thla mormloa. Tba eblpmeot eonalated of bat tw. boxaa. bat goalltr waa ee ' eeJ ' thaa arrival tram California that tha eblpmeot waa aotad by all. . Prlca will rale arcane tha $1 atarkv Aaotber aar ef eeataloap freai- Narada ' aaaaa la thla moraine la arf good ahapa. ktar. . kat aow waU aappllal with good atock. bat ablpmanta' ara hard ta aiaka. ' Tha aood aar of thla aMaaa'a aatoaa freai Walla Walla caata thta BMratiic ia food ahapa. Frteta t 1 today. nppllaa of ealtlratad blaAharrlaa ara rary mod todar arltba tha prlca aoawwhat aaalar. WatrraMloaa ara ahowlag battar ooalltr aad damand la aoaaldarablr bwraaaad at old prloaa. Bartlatt paara from tha aoath ara arrlrlng la rary good ahapa. raaejr atock at II bas today. " v . Onaiaaiaat Statoataat aa Hopa. ' 1 Tka Caltad BUtaa dapartmaat at agnealtnra iaa lamad tha toUawtag atatamat ngardlng tha hop crop of tha warld Cor tfta paw two yrara uaitaa aiatao . Kw Tork J1.M0.WW California lk.0,000 Oregon 17.aK.0w Waahlngtaa T.400.00O 1000. 11.700.000 JO, 500.000 ' Totala ..' ..i. Atrl-HuBtary aa.too.ooa Anatrla ......... xw.ui"i..m'v ' sa.soH.oso Buagary ............. -"I0O.OIW " Totala r 40,008.000 11.000,000 .!K0,000 a4.o00.000 ' 14.SO0.OO0 . T7.Md.000 neigiuni . FTanca n. ............ Oermany ............. (1.600.000 I.1S9.0O0 riaoerianaa ........... 125.000 -Raaata ... ' g.T(ft.0O p. K. Kngland l, 821. 000 TMato ......Vu. ,.ia.tlO,000 y AMtrelaelo ' . il4,BT,000 Victoria ., JIi'222 t aajHo.ono .. ai 3.000 . ' 1.120.000 Taamanla irw tcalaad. ........ 1,100,000 Totala ............. atM.000 t.MJ.000 ToUki ...... ..17a.a.000 M,OB,O0d Unofficial " eetlBMitee. Araraga ' "- -Kxclnaing vanaoa. m mnm of 1WOI abowl a prouieniua annua " .... m i not toa nonnda. Woat at praeen tha bop bolla are eeeartng all aorta oTkad raporta of tka growing erop - .!.. 4 Thaea ta bat little doing la tha . ..k... . ant. tha axnoaa la The Jonrnal yaatarday af the ellojaVe work being aafadaat - a keep taeni qaiei xor m Oaffaa Sltaatlaa la Flramar. There la a atacb Brmer eae la the caffaa market. Package eoffeaa are la better ahapa tbaa before the adeaaca. Uoa brand waa the a teat ta com ta tha front aad late 8a tarda r ' a rlea ef 60a waa noted. Thla pUeea tha .rice it that araad 1130 aader that ef . Ar- - - flhaaaa Xmrkat Staady ta rai. Baealpta la the ekeeee market remain aader the demand aad prlcea are quoted trner. though anrkanged front Batnrdajr. grai ahftW bat a rainx imuiufaiuawi ouv K. AmrnxmrnA ! aa Better: rilte 10 Creamery battar manafaetnrera ara ettffenlng tkelr oootatlooa. Borne new aalea af aubea .reported to the northern cltlea. Oonntry More atlil arrlrlna ta bad ahapa. This afferta the ' '!"' , ',';Tlal aad lint Quiet. . Oa accannt af tha general lack St trana- wMtm tha Boor market abowa bat email Mautiaa with California. Oriental boat. neaa kaa not made Ita appearance for tha weak. aw.a x. nail bat Cteadvv- The trade par tba following prleee to Frotit atreat. Prleaa paid ahlppare ere leaa regular "rate. Ilaar -aad Tea.'- ', ;.- AKAm BAO" caleatta, eO10e. bloaatem. 7Scj valley. Ties new elnb, 70e: red Boaalan. C:'llaateni, laci Taney. Tie. BARLST reed. 134.00, rolled. 23.6o2.00 nrewlna. 824.00. CORK N wan ale, IHMl . cracked. X SO pec eaa. ' BTB-1 SB aa aae cwt. OATH Old Prodooara" pnceFJe. 1 wklta, ... .! abnrta. coaatry, 1 20. 00 i city. 7 Say Prodneera? prlca Timothy. Willamette alter: fancy. 8U00! ordinary, 81B.00OI0B0J ea.teVa Oregoa. 8l8.00OlT.0j: " V 10.60: elorer, 1 grain, Si.B0OS.S0! cheat. - . Batter, Iggs and Yenltry. f ' BTJTTIB FAT P. a. h, Portland Sweat ' mmmmmS llCl BOOT. 18. ' ai'TTta-City creamery, J' HUei eaH aide faacy, lStJlOci ardlnary, 1TH; etora,. 1H 'fobs We. 1 fraah Oregoa,' candled, MHO ' HBMhVVew Pall cream. fteta, UHei loan. America, 14HC. , . , - POUbTK I MUM coioaaw, tmjmm Rv i faacy bene, 14a per lb; rooetere, old, lOHc Sir lb; auga. llfcllHa Per Ibt fryera, itj; brollera, 17a per lb: old dncka, 13HtlSc IbTeprlng docke imijISHe Ibt geaea, llOt ; lb tnrkeya, lc per lb draaaad. X tT Ihi aqua be, 1IOO00 par deal ylgaaaa, 1.H0 4ofc-'. Xepa, Wool aad Hldea. '" IlOPa Conrracta, 180 erop, 10' b 1801 Oraf on. 11019c- MONDAY PRICES IN : :THE WHEAT MARKET 1 Bapfc Chicago ; .$ .74 H Kanaas City.,. ta. v I .77 HB ' Liverpool Iall , Mlnneapolla ,., .7414 ,. . Dllluth - i rtrrti .74 till . . .'. .17 j'.ii' Bjo nnerSO.OO: grar. tavn'on w. FLOUB New aaatern Oreaoa pateata, 8 04) t T atralfhU. S.408.BS: expert, 83.18; ealler 83.66: graham, Va. 88.BO; whole wheat, ' 88 to' t re' I na. Sfl.OOt &lea, 2.TB. iit.tJi-r'rFia Bran. 817.BO per ton; mld- , 4 Milwaukee .T4H ' Bt. Lnula..'. J.. ,7lA ,4 San Franeiaco. ,4" New Tork..... .11 - - . , e ?rcembr barley. JOURNAL'S DAILY ' ; TIPS ON MARKETS .. ... Br W. B..OUfk Co. Tha agg markat auffra4 oma what during tba past weak on : account of tha poor quality of arrjvala. Shlppara ahobld ba , mora caraful In tba futura to - that candling. - Poor quality makas a vary uaaatlafactory 4 markat, nnaatlafaotory roturna, and dlaaatlafactlon all around. , For atrictly fraah ranoh atock a lightly blgbar prlca waa main tainad. . ' .' '- Tha poultry market waa good for all chlckana tha paat weak, liana wara In baat demand. . but prlnga aold fraalr at tba prloaa quoted, although they wara not , ao eagerly aought aa tba ban a. a Oaaa and ducka wara alow aell- ara, with liberal arrlvala. .' Weather oondltlona oontlnued unfavorable tor 'arrlvala of draaaad maata. and but few ar rlvala were noted on tha atraat ' tha pat weak. Pticea remain d aatlafactory. a During the ' extremely lot v waathar now prevailing tha ma Jorlty of ahlpmenta of country tore butter arrive In .vary bad ahapa. Tha demand for atrlotly fancy grade pf country etora butter la good.. Ordinary gradea ara bringing low prlcea. . d d wool laoa alia vn. WI novr itci w u urraoa. wajua... mum Aia now, noaiiaai. aHCKPoKINB harlBa. IBfltae aaehi wool, ftQei nxllnm waoL SOarea each lone wool. IfrXISl.OO each. ' - TALLOW Prtne. aar lb. 8MaMat Be. 1 aad cuittih mil igo etoea, f o4a par n: IBM. 8SHa ear lb. RIDKa lry. No. I, 1 Iba and ao. KHO imii mr id i arr kid. wo. l. d ia in tnm mrj pOi -1, atwra. aouad, 09 lba and aver, lOOIloi aow a. iw w Mum. . miva unm. vwaii'ao, acaga ana nana, aoana, tarei aip, a w au lam. act mix, aoana, aaaar ia l no, lie reea. aaaaitad, la laaai culla, 1 par lb Meat oraataldca. ealted. aach. ll tfiai.TB: Arr. rs. 14oai.0; celt hldoa. JfiteSOoj goat aklna, ronimoa. each. lOCIloai Anaora.' aaeh. licit . Fraita aad TagataUaa. POTATOESV-Haw. 11 IM1 aackr nrm. uutTwrv price ror car iota. au(uue par awt. ONIONS Jobbing price Now WaUa Walla, l.a par aacki new California, red. 11.60 allTcra. tlJK); (trllc a.8a ear IK rHBSH ritUITS Haw applaa, BOell.S0: arancoa. . Valencia. .. S4.SO1S.OO! hanuiaa. oc par :o; waiona, cnoiee, aa.ou par DOS) fancy KJ. Owe a. BO par box: Urnta, Mexican, II m per 1WI Hawaiian.' toxtB: aooaebrrrlM. Baaa lb: cnairira, 9L.4U3 pox ; proma, aucecai.ou crara loganbarrtae, 11.40; cantalonpaa, S2.S0OX.To napbcrrlae. tl.6Kil.TS! black flea. 11.60 grapaa. gl.JBai.60. blackbccrlaa, tl.2601.8S crate) watmnciona, crated. 31a aprk-ota. gl.OOtl.40: peachaa, eOQMe. VEOKTABLES Tomlna. new. 81. AO oar aack carrota, 81.TB par each; beets, 81.60 par aaek pa real pa. ei-ov aaek: ' Oreaoa radlakea. 20a per. doa; peppera, loo ttt.OO per - cabbage, Oregon, c; bell per lb l tomatoaa. 81.00 box; . pareotpe. 00cA$1.00 atnng - peana, Oregon, flower. 81 00 ner doa: 7c per lb( can II- peaa. avBc . aorae. radlah, 67e per lb: artlcbokee, chokaa. TSc ner Aon! aqoaata. I e; green onlona, Oregon. ISMe par due boachea; en cam here, TSe per hex; celery. ivaeioo per oob; nreen corn, loc per aaaj etim mec aqaaak, J6cQfl.0 par baxi eggplant, 12Vk OBI FBOTTaWApplcn. eatiraled.-1SO m par w; aprieoia, ice per in;- peaeaee, 13lkV.a per lb: aacka. UtMlb leeai nenaea. SO to 40. Be: He drop en aach 1-14 e mailer aiaej nga, lanromia buck. emsHe per lb; California white, BUflUe per lb I 4a tea, golden, 7i,c pet lb( tarda, 81.40til.B0 par 19-lb box. Sianailaa. Wata, Ste. ' SUSAB Seek baata Cnbe. 88.80: powdered, 18.15; fmlt graaalated,.8o.l6 dry grannlated, 8.V0S: conf, A. 8ft Oo: weatera P. C. S4.B3: Hawaiian C C, 14.00: extra 0. 84.6B; golden C. 84.58; O yellow, gi.6B; bbla. 10c: H bbla, Sftet boxaa, BOa adrance on aack baala, leaa aoe per in ror aaaa, ia aayei maple, letlloe per lb; : - (Above prleee apply to aalaa af leaa than ear lota. Cat lota at special prlcea aahjeet to nriwunia,, HONEY-aseo per crate. ' C0rrEK Package brande.-fiaTSei4.To. BALT Coaraa Half grooad. 106a, to 00 per , mvm, ev.oui xaoie, aairy, oua, ixw; low, Sll.TBi Imported UrarpooL BOa, 817.00: 100a, Jiv.w, stfaa, eio.ov, exxra nne. ooia, an, oa, lua, A K KO, lulh HA Ik. , ru.i aa. , 60a, 85 a 80c: Uearpool lamp rock, 418.60 per we, bvib rare. ew.tai, av.uuw . RK'g Imperial Japan, No, 1, eat He. X. sesiiei New Orleans head, Te; Ajax, 8c; B HANS 8 man white, 84 SB j Urge white, IS 60; pink. $8.78; baron. $4.78; Umaa, 86.60; NUTS Paaaata. Jnmho. Be aar thr wtretnla. SeSttc c per id; roaetea, BUI "Vie per lb; Jape 684c: roaated. t a 7 Vie ner lb: aaeoa. nam, aseraoe per dna; walnata, IBAlSHe per w, pioenuGB, luaxjxc per to; nicxory Bate, Ia; per inj cneoTnoxa, eaaxcrn, xocxiac per Braail nnta, 14S16c par lb; alberta. 14alae lb; fancy pecana, 18r; almonda. I0l7c Valnto. Oaal OIL Zta. "" h6Mt roraManlU. aUnara, Ulii alaal. lie. COAL Orb Pearl aa Aatral Oaeee lSV,e per gal; water white. Iron barrele 14e per gal, woodca 17e per gal; headlight, 170-deg, caaee HHc per gaf. OASOUNK udcg, eaaea 84 He par gal, trea bbla 18c per !. BENZINE as-deg, eaaaa tSe pa gaL troa bbla lsuc ner gal. B In aaaea Baa nee eel. wooden bbla 3c per cat. WH1TB LEAD Toa Ma, Te par rb) BOO-lb pxa. ec per in: teaa loia, a a Q per ID. W1RB NATLII Preeent baala at SxBB. LIN8EKD OIL Pare raw. In S-bni Iota. IM 1-bbl lot, SSc; eaaaa, B9a per gal; genalne kettle lot BOa per gal; ground cake, car lota, $30.00 per voa; leaa man car Bsia, aju.w per tea. aleata, flaa aad Pmlalana. PBTtRH MEATS Pmnt Street Hore. fanrr. HOc; ordinary. THOSo; poor, TTV,e pec lb; lla. Saaa aer lb: reek extra. TUexas lhi ardlaary, Te par lb; poor. Be pec lb; mnttoa. laner. iv-r)c par id; lamoa. vc. HAatn. BACON. ETC. Portland naefe ciocali kama, 10 to Id lba. lHe ner lb; 14 to 18 lba. loo. per id: Drvaaiaai paeon, lafgxuc per lb: pfenira ' 12c per Ibt cottar,. 10 Uo nee lh' reniar aanra rteara. anaaioaeii. inc nee in anioked. lo par lb; J clear backa, nnamoked. iao per ioi antoaea xnc per id; l'iim Mltta 10 to 18 lba; nnamoked, Be per lb; amoked, 8c lb: clear beUlea, nnamoked. 14c ner Ibt amoked. 16c par lb; ahmildera. 12a nar lb: pick led tongaee, fd.00 aaarter bbL iahjax. LAai neine tear, joa, jaa per lb; Be, UV4c per lb; 60-Tb tine, 11 Ho per lb; ateam eeaderad, 10a, lie per lb) Ba, Ilka rf in: omponaa. loa, CANNED BALMON Columbia rtear. t.lla 81.80; B-lb talla, 12.78; fancy, Mb data. S.o; H-lb Uncr Beta. 1.16: faacy 1-lb era la. $$.76: A leak a Ulll, pink, 8BO0ci rod, 1.S0 neninai ia. tall, $8 00. FISH Rock cod, Te per n; Boandere, Be par lb: halibut. Be ner Ibt era be. ner dna- ... IujI K..a lftla M. IK ... a . almon, Colombia rlrer ehlnook, 8c par lb; ateel eeaua, oe per id; Diocoacxa. ac per ID; herring, ee per lb; eolea. Be par lb: anrlmpa, loe per o; peren, ne per idi piaca coo, re per lb; tomcod. Te per Ibt atlrer amelt, Ta per Ibt lobatero Dor Tbi fraah mackereL 8e nee Iht crawBah, 10a par doa; nhad. Be par lb; etargeoa, 10c Per lb.' . 0X8TERS 4Tnoa1wator bay, per gaL $1181 per 110-lb aack, $4 00. . CLAMS Haroak.ll, per ' bog. ; $1.00; raaor elama, $100 per bos. ITiriTXD STATU wOTUITinrilT BOXOS, Raw Tork, Jaly $0, . OoTirnment bonds: t . Date. DM. A.W Two, regiatered....;. Iflog 104 1044, doeoupoo.... ............ jtiog -loa ln4 l.m ini,u,n,M,t,ti smttj Iiew JU oa eonpoa ......,... iwoe log Twoa, email bonda. ......... , ... 10214 104 losij 10 181 yrara, regiatered.... 1007 10$ da etmitna lnnr inn tvora, reglatarad. 1025 " 129 do coupon................ iS 1.10 1 Witrlct of Colsmbli.. Ji Philippine a no . POITLUTD BAVX STAT flearlnga Balaacea ,.M0,MtJ .. 1B1.0B4.10 If yaw feawa bo aasweTod Tha four. J Waat Ada UUly .yea, hava aottam at at hoTMtv WltB iaixvra. ,. SLAUGHTER CULLS CHICAGO Bears Oo Terrible Damage to . Longs With Selling of Wheat by Both. ?'. SEPTEMBER CAMP IS ' T ATTACKED HARDEST Option Loses One and a Hall While July Cloaea With Net Decline of ' One and Three Eighth May Off One Cant Liverpool Diacoursging; BBLATITS WBKAT T1LUM, Oloaa ' loly SO. ... .7 .... .11 Cloaa ... .72 .784 .B2B ' Oloaa I Loaa UK. July SO. Jnly...;... Baptember, Pacaaaar. May.....,, I I .01 .01 H Mi Chicago, July 80. Liquidation prored to ba lba downfall af tba wheat market todar.' Longa began aelllng aa aoon aa tha aeaaloa atartad and tha opening waa lower In eonaequence. There n nenerax laca oc encouragement, In tha aewa. Cab lea were beariah and crop damage report ara ao few and bare an little nieht that there wae ao way for the few bnlla 'C- mnining a. torn to aaea themaerrea. Tha eiangnier as tne Beptember bulla waa aepeeially rapid. Thla waa tha weakaat ennt h rbe. aaarkat and waa due to the beery aelllng by both former bulla aad old-time bear opera tora. Beptember cioaea ina any with a net decline ef 1H from Batnrday'a prlca. Next In order ta point of decline wns the Julr. Thla oorlon loot laia In prlc , Decempar dropped ,1 lia-aad-May-4c "'"i ine, oay. bieerpooi CMaea t lower or tne aepienioer una a ror tna xMceratier, tuna by Ovarbeck, Starr Cooke company; Onen. - WHEAT. High. Low. Oae. Joiy...8 .741 . . -141 Saej " Mayi "eptM... Dec..... May...., .TBI. .77 .TT4.B .804 M 14 , CORN. ; . .48 ' OATS. 4TT, .47-4, 74 .B0'4A '.47 84B SeaL.i, . Thjc..,., May.... .82 .8$ M JHB .b? -I8W 1 1B.88B 14.20 in SIT e.os -ass , 7.68 MEM PORE. July.... is 10 Sept..u., 17.03 Jaa 14.23 18.88 18.10 . . 17.03 , IB M 14.18 14.12 LARD. MO B. TO a st in 8 28 S IS SHORT BIBS. . 8.20 .. 8 PB 8.82 '. t M apt.... etr Oot S 84 Jaa 8.20 Plrtttt . Oct Jan..,.. a io 8.80 T.60 UTXBF001 OBADf KAXXXT, UvarpeeL galp SO. Official prlcea: WBKAT. Open Cloae July 0. July SO. ' July 28. Jaly SO. Kept. aa 6' .. Ba 64d ee $td- "Tea -to Btjd uutin. , -to B4d da BVd to Td to T Jd Sept... Dae.... de to 7d csnoAoo baut cab lots. - . CUeaga, aly 80 arahi ear lota: t . Cera. Oraoe. Bit. 1B0B w near .......... naa ao, a-. m. Oora 198 . f io ngj Oata 278 168 228 888 rrneax earn 100,7: Minncapolla 1ST, Pnluth ei. Ammt av. aaixmeapoiui inn, valuta SB. TONrill ALL LIVESTOCK IS " VERY DULL Receipts Are Nominal, Especially In Lines That Show Any De mand Prices Hold Same.: Portland TJntaa Btnckrardo. Jnie art u. eteck receipt; Ram CkHI. OK a Today 77.7 ISO'TT. neea ago 88 ,100 Month age g 844 Veer ago......... u Job 210 j aw jone m ail use or Ilreetock la ratbai dnIL RecclDta are of a moat nominal ,k.M.,u eaDaclally for the llaee that abow any iUbiauL urnctai uraatoca aaoUtlona: , , Hoara fleex ae mmmmm aa, bkx-kera und China fata. $0.60; etockar and ivwirrv. mrt .nr; eailia, Cattle Beat eeetarn Oreeon ata,a B an, eowa aad, h-tfere. 826o3.TB; atockera and xreoara, aau; OH 1 la, aX-OO. aaeep anoariinga, aqanc; Umhn, Ba. easternTTocs ten off. Olaloago Btkkrkat anat slow Oavtla . Ilw Oaatar XVcwar. Chleago, July M UTeetork recelptai Ham . .'.,.1- Pv . 27,ooo $2,000 ao.ono Kanaaa Oty g.ono 8.000 8.000 Omaha 8.800 8.000 Bono are we, xve nicner.- witn . Jno ur, arer from Saturday. Raaclota a rear aa-o mmrm ZZT' i.1 i Mixea, XOJ0QB.T0; ood, $ 43o.70j rough. $.Ooa.$0; light. rr.aad.7B. Cattl le Fire eanta lower. Bhoep Steady. sav rAjrcreoo ltTBTjra xxoxAaos.' Saa yrandeoo, Jnly 80. OfBdal prlcea; . . . Bid. I f Bid. Belmont .......84.85 Ophlr ....83.48 Caab Boy ,16 MrxIraB ....... e tioiaen Alienor., .no Caledonia .24 Exchequer ...... ' .42 Norcmaa ...... ,8a (.old Crown IS Oreat Bead .... .8 Reecue .1 black Batte Ex. . .08 - Tramp .90 Ooldea Belmoat. .40 A tontgomery Mt. ,4A Snnaet ......... ,2a Sceptre ........ ,$1 Manhattan ..... 4)7 Sarler-Uumprey. .18 Ieter ....,.,. 2 - Jim Butler .... 1.H aiacnamara ... .tu Midway 1.12U aioniana ....... t.10 North Star..... .41 Ohio. ., .18 Ton. Extern BJM Nerad 18.28 Weat End ..... l.BS Adam ........ ..OS Atlanta :.17 .IS- .40 . .18 .12 .88 " .OT .84 .7V, .28 vineoeu Booth Columbia Mt... Con. Qnarry ... Plamondocld ... Dixie wrannr ......... .1. Oold Wedge..... .00 . iooe ntar , .OS Ot. Bend Bx... ,.09 . Ot. Bend Annex, .oa Ooldflcld ....... Jnmbo jumbo Eitea... Creeceat ....... .08 Kendall .61 towooy , .07. nenear Annex.,. J4 Bnlla A Bear.. - .02 . May gneea .... .IB Mohawk 1.B7V4 im xop 1.70 Black Rock..,.. .02 N. T. Conaol. '. ' .88 - Little Jon 04 Mayflower ...... .28 , Jumping Jack.. .24 Red Top Annex. .08 Miiatang .18 Tramp Oca...... 1 26 Paler .......... .40 Triangle ........ .08 Sandatora .... ,4- Sllrer Pick.... .2a ,M .80 1.40 Hi. Irea National Bank. Ilenrer Cell Inee ,ai ' Oold Bar O, Bull lYog, .1 Htelnwa COB Oai L-Ym.... .IT .84 r ' TW T0 OOrrOat XA1XXT. New Tork, July JO. Cotton fataree aloeed to 4) pelnte no. Offlclal auotatloa by Overback. Starr A Oooka company: Open, rtlgk. Low. Jnrr Sr. larr 4. January ....10.84 10 M 10 81 10.87 0.8 IVbruary ...10.84 10.40 10.84 10.40 10 M March 10.4$ 10 48 10 48 10 40 10.48 July 8 8 02 02 Aoroat ..... .. a.sw r ex 111 ao ..10.00 10.0a 10.01 ,ioot .10.04 ..10.18 10.28 10 17 1021 10 20 t.i ia -10. ia to ia -io. 2$ 40 21 .,.0.28 10.84 10.31 M.Sd 10.S September October MrrwSrtHiSejB tecanber 4 .784 .BO .ttxt .88 TRADE HODS IIOl'J PUDLIC STUDS Believed That Holders of Stock V " Put Up Prices , and Then : Sold to See.' EARLY GAIN IS LOST ' IN NEW YORK MARKET Southern Pacific Active With Some Showing of Strength Retained at " Cloee, While Rest of Liet, Jnclud- ing UriiorrPscific, Droper Lower.; NET LOSflKS. Anaconda . , , Brio U Amalgamated .... Atcblaoa H Smelter v Car A Potndry.... V Baltimore , Colorado raal .... ,.C St. Paul I Cheeapeake ...... Canadian ........ 4 Leoonaotlra'w. . . , . $ Katlonal Lead.... U IUlnola Central.... 1H Loularllla MUeourl PaclDc... N. T. Central... r Pennaylranla Hock IaUnd ...... Sou tb era Hallway.. Union Paciae...... V. a. Steel , U. 8. eV. pfd... Northern FacUc... 114 HI GAINS. asnyair iMuitti-ti Norfolk Oatarle A Weatara Southwa Pacific. .. Tenoeeeae Coal ... BB . People' Oaa ..... Preaaed Steel Car. Reading Reoublfo Steel . ! Republic Steel, pfd Wall Street. New York. Jnrr an. The abwk mark ,t Buffered hadlr lata In lh. A.v mm llquldatloa of longa. Tba big Internet which haa been booetlna prleee eeemlnxlr beaan to unload aome jnat to aee what tha publle'e nt nnwi-TO, ana ran reauit waa that tba early gain and aome more of the price wa loot In moat eaeaa. Southern PnclOc wa quit actlra and held a fair abowlng of atrength right up to tha cloaa. Oa tha other hand. L'nlon Varlfle recelrad the same blow a the net ef.tbe Official onotatloaa by Orerbecfc. Starr A Cooke DEScaipnojr. naooadn Mlnine na Amal. Copper Ca....... aiicniaoa, 00m. ...1 Am. Car A round.. Am. Sugar, cam... Am 1. Baltimore A Ohio m- WAw,.. . cwn........ Brooxiya Bapld Tranalt. canaaian raclnc, com. Cht A Ot. Weet., com. Chi., MIL A St. Paul. ChL A North weet., torn Cheeapeake a Ohio.... Colo, fuel A Iron, com Colo. Sooth., com do 2d preferred...... D. A R. O., Com do preferred.. ....... Erie, com .1. ....1. . 00 xa preferred....... do let nrefeerAa IlllDole Central. .....,, LoularlUa A Naahrllla. Mexican Central Ry... Minn.. St. P. A Bte. M Mlaourl ParlSe 179 1443 17T 142M 4H 9S St., K. A T.. com.... do preferred , ew tork Central m. Loci mo tire . federal Smeltera X or folk a Weatern. aam i. i.. ont. weat... Peanaylranla By...... P. 0.. L. A O. Co iao4ji2B(a Preaaed Steel Car. eom. xtenaing, eom. Ren. Iron A Steel, com do nreferred. Bock lelend, com. ...... ao nrererrea -1 M14 Southern Railway, com. ao preTorrea ... Southern Puclfto....... thv nreferred 72 1 St. I A S. Pj, let pfd. Bt. Ia A S. W... com... Texan A Pad Be Tennaaaea Coal A Iron. . 4 .. St. Ia A W eom.. do nreferred TJntoa Pacific, com..... ..1 161 14 central Leather, eom... U. 8. Steel Co., com... do preferred Wheel. A L. B., com.. Wlaconala Central, eom. Wabaah, com. .......... Si an prarerrea. .... m. - Woolen. .... 87U $fii a Kartbera PadSe..., 206 WOOL GROWERS LOSE THEIR fJGHUBrotes: Product Stored While Buyers Re- fuse to Purchase, Having " Plenty on Hand. The war between tha wool growers and buyers of Idaho ia proving; a bad thing for tha growers, according; to J. M. Johnson of Boise and one of the largest bnyera and dealers In Idaho. "The growers made a mistake last spring; when they were offered from It to 10 oenta a pound for their wool and refused to take It," said Mr. Johnaon. "They listened to their advisers, who tried to show that tha buyer were try ina to hold them op and that later the prlca would naturally be forced up by tha scarcity of tha supply. Instead of acarclty in tha supply the growers of Idaho find themselves with mora than .000,000 pounds on thslr hands on which they ara paying; storage and In tore at on their money, tha dealara ab solutely refualna to buy beoauae of the fact that they have enough en hand to run them. Tha outcome will mean a great lose tha growers and the ktJlng of a vast amount of money In V-ea east in stead of the west. Eventually this wool will ba purchaaed, but at a nominal prloa and at a great loaa to the growers. 'Another tning tnat eontributea to the loaa of aales in Idaho wss tha su perior grade of wool grown In Oregon thla year. Thla caused many - of the eaetem buyers to do their trading; in thla etate, which means that Idaho growers will have to make extra effort neat year to bring; back tha dealera to their atate. , Tha outcome, of tha tight made by tha growers upon tha dealera haa been to gain nothing; and in fact to loss much money and their standing with many of tha large eastern dealers.' STRUCK BY BUCKET - - -OF SAND AND HURT Mike Moody, an employe of the Star Sand company waa seriously Injured at the works at Fifteenth and Front streets thla morning by being hit by a bucket of aand. The mammoth bucketa are hotated by means of a derrick and en gine, end in aome manner one of them earns down , with eueh - rapidity that Moody, whoWaa underneath, waa struck on tha leg. Tha Injured man waa removed to the Good Samaritan hospital in the patrol wagon by Patrolman Anderson. It waa found that both bones of his right leg had been fraoturedp.,..",." G UURDE Mob Ooards Train and Endeavors , to Take Negro Prisoner Away . From Officers.' V ELMER DEMPSTER ADMITS KILLING PEARCE FAMILY Save He Abuaed Little Girl and When She Told Mother Woman Tried to Shoot Him sad He Assassinated ;, Them. . ir.,":;';:,:..v:v , : ' (Joaraal rparlat Serrtra.) Washlneton. Pa. July go. Offleere Drought timer XJempater beta from Can nonaburc this morning to prevent hie being lynched.' A mob of 18 men board. iITIluPITD II'.;; RED ed tha train juat outalde of Cannonabnrsri ana aragged ma orricera and their Drt oner from tba ear. In tha etruggle tha officer ware victorious without killing anybody. Three hundred met) met tba party at tna atation here, and aur rounded tha courthouse crying "Lynch Cannonabura. Pa.. July $0. The off I ears returned this morning with Elmer Dempster, aged it, a negro, who charged with tha murder last night of Mrt, eamuei rearce and her two xhll. dran and with shooting of a third child. Wmpitar waa employed on tha Pearce farm. Hd waa tha last person aaen about tha scene of tha traa-edy. No bloodstalna were found on tilm, but tha offlcera believe they have good grounds ror holding mm. It Ig claimed tha police have obtained a eonfeaslon, Tha police say the bbbto-I told them tir was accustomed to abusing tha d-year-old daughter of Pearce, and last nlghf aha told the mother and the mother triad to shoot Uim. Ha wrested the revolver from her and killed her and Margaret, aged . and Robert, aged 2 Then he shot the Infant Dwlght, whq was lying in a cranio. . - SUDDEN DEATH OVERTAKES THREE TRHWI.IEH New York Central's Pacifio Ex press Wrecked With Shock ing Results. (Joarnal 8 Dedal Bervlea.l Poughkccpale, N. T., July 10. Three men were killed and 14 people were fa tally or seriously injured In tha wrack of the Pacific ax-press of the New Tork Central' 11 miles south of this place thla morning;.. The dead ara: Engineer wells. Fireman Nlles. . v. Trainman Harlan Jack.. It is likely that three or four others will die, as they ara ahooklnaty Injured, The wreck was caused by a landslide. which waa brought down from the high bluffs along- tho-track by tha recent heavy raina. ,. SCOTTISH UNION &, NATIONAL FINE SHOWING Thla Compaaiy, Afte raytnr UT San rraaolsoa leoaaaa, Caa Stand Aaothei Big rira. .... " (Soeclal Clan trtIo Tha 7oaraaL Oakland. Cel., July $0. A special die- patch has been received by .Oettera! Agent T. J. A. Tledemann from the head office of the Scottlah Union oV National Inaurance . company, giving the latest statement of the company, which la aa follows: - . Capital ,.....$$0,000,000.08 Total aasats . 1,$11.840.1$ Assets In United But as... $,$7$,l$$.0$ Net surplus in United States S.llt.Otl.ll Thla fine old company was organised in 1$24, under 'the unlimited liability laws of Great Britain, Sir Walter Scott, Bart, the dlsttugulshed author, being Ita first preirident. Ita netlonscs In .theJSan Francisco fire amount to Il.teO.OOO, and af thla amount It has already adjusted on the dollar for dollar basis and paid by eight draft near ly $1,000,000. After paying all loaaea In curred through tba Ban Franclaoo eon flagratlon, tha Scottish Union at Na tional Insurance company will have in tha United States alona a net surplus of over $1,000,000, or sufficient to meet a similar catastrophe, should such a misfortune occur el ae where, - BOISE CAPITALIST, IS IN PORTLAND H. I. Cox, a capitalist of Boise, Idaho, Is In Portland Inspecting streetcar lines snd eleotrlo railway systems for the purpose of gaining idaaa to be used on the electrto line he is building between Boise and Caldwell and In the city ot Boise, - .... Tho company in which ha la Interested will probably build a park about five miles from Boise similar to the Oaks, which place Mr. Cox visited laat night for the purpose of becoming acquainted with all that la desirable In a place of that character. Hie company haa a alte of 130 acres set aside for the park. which will contain a theatre l. which will be given comio opera, attractions. The company has already laid many mllea of road outside of Boise.' and from six te eight mllea in tha city. Mr. cox la stopping at tna Oregon hotel with Mrs. Cox and Mls Cox, who waa one of the hostesses of tha Idaho building at the Lewie and Clark exposi tion last year. ASSISTANT WEATHER OBSERVER RESIGNS William H. Warren, who waa recently appointed assistant weather observer and assigned to duty in this city, haa re signed from the service and will be auo ceeded by a new appointee, Harle M. Johnson, who will report here August 1 from Ia Crosse Wisconsin. In thla connection, EM at riot Forecaster Edward A. Beals eajre examinations for tha position ot assistant weather ob server will be held October IT. thla year, here and at the following cltlea la thla state and Washington and Idaho: Aa torla. Baker City, Eugene, Belllngham, Port .Townsend, Seattle, Taooma, Spo kane. Walla Walla, Bolae and Moscow. The position ta worth $710 a year for a starter with possibilities for an annual Increase. . Although there la no vacanoy at present, there la room at the top on the eligible list and ao tha examinations WIU pa held. , Alp Wit TRJDAT IVZti If yon have violated the laws b5 v stant drain which is undermining your system, come to tie before you become a nervoue and physical wreck. If you are weak, gloomy end -despondent, have bad breams, deprese4, lack ambition, and energy, un able to concentrate your thoughts, lack rim, rigor and vitality, coma to ua at once; onr treatment will stop all drains, and overcome all weak- nesses and positively restore you to strength and' health. ,We have cured thousands of weak men. r . - - , , ,, ... . . v .,....,...'. ', Those who have been tjieappolnted by tmakilled specialiate are." earnestly requested to investigate our methods and terma without delay, which had they done in the beginning would barer eared them time and money. . A LIFE LONG CUM FOU 'c ' ood lsow, kl IUasia. otaa, Tloara. gtrtoTora. yartoooela, Hidio ele, Wervona Seollae, Waakmaaa, VOee as OhroaXo Diseases of th Kliaaya ' an Vtosaaaa, ...... We want every man In the country who Is afflicted to write us about his ailment. We cure you at home. One visit only required to our off Ice.when neceisary- Hours -9 a. m. to 5 p. in.; Evenings, St. Louis UEEICAL AND SDSGICU COUm nOOaTO AJgl TAJCZZXVXi Of the puniest, weakest, spool-' . mens of manhood. 'We care not how long they have Buffered, nor who haa failed to euro them. Thla ta not Idle boast, for we have done it for thouaande, and many of them had spent hundreds, of dollars without obtaining re lief before coming to ua ea a laat resort. ,, . - ,, , SX.OOS WeFfaEie Wa treat with' unrivaled sucoesa Blood Poison (Byphllis) ' In ' atagea. Bufferers from this fearful dlaaaaeahould consult us at once. - atrormmom Am uzvAjr Baazurr. A thorough eourae of treatment for all these affllctlona. In thla far famed Institution, will Insure robust health, physical strength, mental power, manly vigor and all those virtue and attributees that combine to make splendid manhood. . Wa have cured h und cads of these eaaea that were considered hopelesa. and will guarantee to cure you, , r t TJJeMKKian ABTD XTDJkOOXtLM. - Cured without tha uae ef the knife and without pain, by a new aysteaa of. treatment peculiar to ourselves. Permanently cured without, cutting or dilating by an absolutely patnleee procedure, which dleaolves every obatructlon In 10 days, leaving the organe ta a perfectly normal condition. , , . . . wa oni Miouiu nr on wnx. If unable to call, write, arlvlng symptoma in full. Treatment by mail . successful. Consultation free and strictly confidential. . wa ovu tot, rxaa tow at vm. ; Ofloe Xoura a. aa. to p. aa., umdars u BoU Cara, io tola. V,., ,;. ,. : . ;, y. . .; j w- Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Ta. Jtoy XotoL, UH ThiH eataea, Oonaw Timrn, Portlaad, Oregwa, All iVlecll6lnes Pre Until Curttd e POOR RELATIVE VAHTS K0E OF- SAGE'S KEY Cripple Creek Pioneer Could Not Be Hired to Touch Ru eli't Cash. (Joaraal Bperlal Serrlee.) Crinole Creek. Colo July 10. Tou oouldn't hire me to touch a penny of the old miser's money." said J. Craig, the Cripple Creek pioneer of thla dis trict, one of the peat Known mining men In the weat. and a relative of the late Russell Bage. Sage' a first: wife and Craig's mother were sisters. Thirty- one years ago Craig, who waa then a mere boy, waa employed by Sage In his New Tork office. Craig became restless and came west. During the pioneer daya on Cripple creek he located con alderable property which he aold before It waa developed, and which has alnce proved to be among tha beat In the dis trict Craig la not proud of the rela- tlonshln with the dead flnanoler. He waa not mentioned In gage's will, and when aaked if he would Join the ether relatives in their contest emphatically declared he would not. FUNERAL OF L WILL - IS HELD AT AURORA l. . ji . A..... ..... Aurora. Or., July 10. The funeral of Leonard Will, who died mday at his residence here, -was held Sunday, aer v. Ices being held at the grave by Rev. Sole. The funeral waa one of the largest ever held in thla aection. people com ing from mllea around to pay their laat reaper t a to manwhom everyone .liked, and admired. Leonard Will waa bora in Krugenorr, Bavaria, Germany, November II, 1118. Hla age at the time of his death waa II years, T montna ana ii aays. in ies he crossed the Atlantlo with his parents and eight brothers. The family made their home In Iowa and from there moved to Bethel, Mlaaouri. At thla place he married Trlphlne Foratner May 14, 1180, and In 111! thay crossed the plains with ox teams and arrived t Aurora October a tne aarae year. He haa since resided here and been engaged In farming and atock raising. . - He waa the father ef eight children, Established 25 Years IPcrtirsd CONSULTATION FREE WE WILL TREAT ANY SINGLE, UNCOM PLICATED AILMENT FOR $12-50 FOR THE FEE. , . ; ;,.,.'. ;. ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLE33 CURED Come Totlay to the SUCCESSFUL Spaciallat , who number their PERFECT Cures by the THOUSAND! You want a PERMANENT Curel We can ACCOMPLISH XT. of health and ara conscious of a con 7 to 8; Sundays 9 a. jn. to 12 noon. ary MXMaT. Soap, Water xil ?dz For spring houeecleanlng,' eapeolally faint, are most essential to- a tldv ouse. Tou will And BAT STATS) palnta the best aad brightest, mora per manent and most economical. It Is ao easily applied that every good house keeper will find It particularly adapt able to put on the finishing touches after houeecleanlng. , - Tata axe) axyt mmm.'..;. Fisher, Thorsen &Co. non Atn aiomaisoa ara. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED A fire ar alx-reeta fernlahed kaeeef rant reaeonablei will bur If eh... Woaia ilk to bear froee ewnera aoljr, f bee Mala 81IW, betweea S aad 18 a. aa. Taeeaar. LOST Small leather pane emtalahig flS gaH. . naoar pleat, return ta raaaa ee, we bug., and raeelra reward. live sons and three daughters all sur vive him with the exception of one eon, who died at the age ot 17. SHAW IS LOOKING 01 IN IOWA POLITIC: (Jearaal Special Serviee t ' , tea Volnaa. Ia.. July lha T. - llcan etate committee met thla after, to arrange for the state eonv Wednesday. It la staled thee v 1,848 delegatea and loe oonle i. will likely be two eonventlm tary Shaw Is In the state f , be 8 jus teasing ee. -- - - Disnens aU ,..v,