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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1906)
r Ml TIES victor:ou3 tctu-.d csnior " CRr.v. DllE Wi iillE I HEM IIIITEfiS V"' " . . . FlilHL L1MCII CJf Succeeds in Annexing Last Our Own Jimmy Leads League in of the Series by a Hair Doubles, Triples, Ctolen Bases r and Sacrifices. . Breadth Score.' CALLOON ASCENSION TWENTY-FOUR PILFERED :! IN SIXTH INNINQ V SACKS UP TO DATE Once More the Famous Rube Vlckera Wu Pounded for Just Enough Retordi of the, Coait Lcafu PUyeri , Who Are Leading the Performance "in Stunts on the B4 Circuit . Ron to ; Win How the , Contest Wm Negotiated. ' . Qoelnf , Sweeney la Next to McHale. t TII2 CZZZZ J DAILY JOURNAL, rCHTLANP. "r IJONDAY CVZ::i::0. J'JL? 1 '. ..... ' . . -If Portland 4. Seattle I. .'. '-.:' Batteries, Caltff and McLean; Vlokers md Blankenahin, It wu bit hole that Callff pulled ' out of yesterday end finally brought Portland under the wire a winner, te , 1. In the e vents. Inning the Callff alr hip started, but before It tot far enough away to gtrs Seattle a land the . blond wonder threw out the anchor and . landad eaxe. It put Seattle oloee to a tie, Juat enough to be tantalising. They thought ther eould do the trick again. - Nothing to It. for Callff had rerythtng am loo exoeot that one ton Inc. - .. Something orer 4,044 of the beaut and ehiTalry of Portland were present, with here and there a doaen Seattle tana, who certainly ware long on root Inc. eepeolally the fair blonde la a big red hat In the waat wins of Use (Tan stand,. She had a dear sweet eoprano roloe and the falsetto yells she cut loose; well, they should have made team win. Bare "Row's that for a -. Seattle fielder," cot so en the nerves of looal rooters that they-wanted te send out for a sleeping- potion. This fair Sam eel from the Bound City, was cer - Ulnly there -with the mdae,-when It tame. to rooting, and she was as much Interest to, the-grandstand ae the game itseir. - - But baok to the tame. Rube Tickers assayed the star role for Seattle and he had the goods sometimes and times he didn't We liked him best when he didn't. Portland's first- tally came In the third, and this was when Vlckers left his bundle -of real goods behind. He 'passed Sweeney and then shored Mm along ' to second with a bum chuck Just to be generous Rube walked Mike VKohalt and on a wild pitch all hands mora up. This gave Mike and Bill the , chanos and thay worked the- squeeae' play, BUI scoring. - The fourth opened .with McLean tear tng off singles Lister --put-"-ene-t I bIl. who got Henderson .at second, but In attempting to double Lister at Brat threw into the bleachers and Larry tallied.. ... i - --? Two more In' the fifth. Sweeney htt aara ana jaitcneii pounaea out a inpie. Bill scoring.. McCredle was there with . his timely swat and tallied Mike. - Nothing to It for the SI washes "for Bre innings, Caltff keeping them guess tag. ' Rube, In his firecracker shirt that looks like blood, was ef ter gore. He managed -to- seratch a -single. Lister booted Croll's hit . Calk whiffed Van Buren and then cams Plankenshlo. who soaked out a double, scoring vlckera, . Croll tallying later on Henderson's bum chuck ef Householder's grass cutter. ,, Btiieb connected safe and Blankenshtp crossed the plate: all that waa com Inn to Seattle, for Callff by this time had got out his anchor and held, the Biwaabea 'aafe after the asoenslon. : Portland went south today and with thm - went the best wishes that thay will return still beading the league. , The score:, :"' V, i PORTLAND. -:- ' t v ABR1BPO A B , . .,- ... AB.R.1B.PO. A. B. McHale. ef. ..........4 4 4 Sweeney, as. .. I " I If Mltohell. If. I ' 1 10 0 , McCredle, rf. ..v...... .1 ,4 . J. Smith, lb. 4v 1 I McLean, a. a .. 1 1ft , Henderson. Ib. 0 1 4 Lister, lb. a 0 Callff, . ' Totals ,. ......II I II II , t i . '.. SEATTLE. . .V AER.lB.FO.Xa CrotL th. ............ 4. .1 1 Van Buren. ct ...... t Blankenahlp. o. 4 I 1 Householder, rf, r,' 4 ' t ? Strelb, lb. . , m . . 41 Motv lb. I Smith. If. 4 1 a ,i; IsbeU. aa. t VUkers, p. ..,.... t 14 0 it Totals ............11 a a 14 It r if. SOORB BT IKNINOS. X ' Portland Runs .. 11IMM mts i a a t Seattle Runs 4 t Hits ....i. ...... 1 a ft 0 4 VV- l J .; STJMMART. : r. i '. ' " Struck out By Callff, 1; by Vlckera. I. Bases on balls Off Calif 1; off Vlckera; 4. Two-base hit Blanken ship. " - Three-base hit Mitchell. Double play IsbeU to' Croll to Strelb. Sacrlfloe hits Mott, Van Buren. Stolen bases MoOredle. Plrst-base on errors i B settle, a. Wild pitches Vlckers. Left on bases Portland, I; Seattle, I. Time of game 1 hour and 44 minutes. Umpire Hodeon. , y; , ...i . , I; PACIRC qOASTLEACUE, I I 1 .1.-, - :;: . Won. Portland ... 44 San Pranclsoo Loa Angeles ...M.....4f ' SeatUe .......ST " Oakland ............... It Fresno IT Loot PG rrrtwxr rorvrrroM., . . ContsJoa Nothfaig Intwrious. Verf.Ettfj.4o;AppJf. for esttte ssd AssIM te Mirk enws wlu tier wlU for itssif s OSMS la IrkrMH f aiilk. liioei Quart Out. Met Oallea Oul II. E uH" sprerera far spraiag Cow-Cue. (0s eeca. 7, J. J. BUTZER ' 114 rBOVT IT.. POtTTAirn, OX. Bseas, rWtr. Bespliee, tertUiser. I ywniM, llsriei f Bteek, lwt, BulW. .r Feadlnj from left to right tht oaximen arei - PembertoO, No. 2; Zinuxmrnaa, llo. 1; JKinatroke, and Smid, DEFEAT SPRINGFIELD Local Marksman7 Proved to Ba Superior (Whn It Came ;; ... .to Batting. ' (Spselal Steeateh s Tee oorasl. ' -' Springfield, Or., July 40. The North west Oua team of Portland defeated the faat Springfield Blues In a hotly con tested gams yeaterday - afternoon. A feature of the game was the fine pitch ing of Rodney Hurlburt, who allowed but five scattered hits. T slips ro of Springfield also pitched a steady game, but the - gunners were a little better marksmen when hits were needed to bring the goods home. The score i NORTHWEST. ' - , AB. R.K- A.PO. Smith, rf ... ....... 4 114 4 Dranga, lb .. I 4 4 ,4 II Bmiich, e 4 4 1 McElwaln, If..... 4 4 1 Fleming, lb..........;.. 4-1 Brown, cf. I I 4 Satar, ss . . . . . ... . . . ... ...411 Price, lb 411 Hurlburt, p 4 I t Totals I I 11 It : "bprinofibld: v..'v, :. AB. R. H. A.PO. X Tallpero, ss.. 4 14 4 4 Tallpero, p.,..' 4 4 '4 4 11 a a Hill, lb 4 Driver, lb.. a Jockey, If a Smith, Jb....... , I Lemliy, lb.............. 4 Anderaon, cf. ............ 4 Humphrey, rf..... ...... a Totals ........I4 I 111 II ' , SUMMARY. Struck cut Br Hurlburt I. by Tall pero I. Bases on balls Off Hurlburt I, off Tallpero 1 - Two-base hits Sater O. Smith 1. Smith 1. . Sacrifice hlta Emrich 1, Hill 1. ' Stolen bases Mo El win 1. Sater 1. Smith 1.. Tallpero 1. Passed balle Bmrlah 1, Lemley 1. Wild pitch Tallpero., Time of game 1:54. CHILLERS DEFEAT THE KE17BER6 TEAM f 4 1 ' Although Badly Outbatted Cigar Men Manage to Take a --: Close Came. ; y''l The SchlUers defea.tad Newberg by a score of I to I yesterday. In an exhibi tion full of hard hitting, fast fielding and daring base running. The features of the game ware the superb pitching of Springer of Newberg, who held the-hard-hlttlng Sohlllers to 4 hits, and the work of tne' Parrot boys of Newberg. Fay at short. Houston at third and Parrot In left field did splendid work. The score: Schiller : A. B. R. H. B. Fay, ss. ... ...... ...ot........ 4,4 .4 .4 Burns, -cf .'. 4 1 ' 4 4 Parrot, lb........... I . 4 4 Parrot, If 4 1 1 I Patterson, lb..... M 1 .4 4 Houston,, lb........ 4 " 114 Blarin. 4 .,1 rf 1.4 Weed,. r-. 4 .. 4 i 4 . 4 Myers, p - 1 1 . .'. 1.1 "1 "n 4 i 5 Newberg-' ' -" ' A. B. Hi ' H. B. Pellen. If I . 1 14 Parrot lb.. .ri....... S . I , Parrot as. 4 1 '. I . 4 Hannatt rf ................... 4 t 4 1 4 Parrot lb................ 4 . 4 , a 1 Parrot,- tb.......... 4 4 ; 14 Springer, p... 4 4 ,1 1 Bryan, c 4 4 1 4 Klnoald. f.. ........ .....-. 4-4.1-4 mi u . a Score by lnnlm SchlUers Mewberg ..... ...V S V A V V V w 14144 4444-1 ......... NORTHWEST LEAGUE. .- - At Spokane. .? R.H.X. Butte .....1 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 I II II , 1 Spokane ...4 444444404 4 I Batteries Banaenn end . Swindells: Belt, Franklin and Buese. ;: - . . At aXoe.alaas. . - . R.H.B. Taeoma .......................I II Cray's Harbor I I 4 Batteries HI ggtnbotbaa end Shea; Ooodwla and Hurley. , NATIONAL LEAGUE. . ' , Won.' Chicago ......... m ..,44' PltUburg 41 New York ............44 - PhUadelphla 41 Cincinnati 41 Brooklyn .IT St. LouU ,.ll , Lost II'4 41 PC. .414 .411 .414 .417 .444 .414 .171 JM BRACIAKD UAROOriS BEAT niicsHoocxs Hull of Kolso Fame Had , - Curves Maroons Could ; ij-'i? Not Solve. ' ' No " Toung Mr. Hell. Kelso's orack twlrter, eaaayed to put the blinkers on the Bralnard Maroons at Astoria yeaterday ana aa s reminder or what might Happen te ambitious slab artists In a game of baseball, the Maroons Jumped onto his choicest slants for two singles; one two-bagger and a home run In the Initial Inning, and annexed eight more nice hits in the succeeding Innings. Ooodell, who twirled for the .Maroons, waa In beautiful form, allowing but two hits, i and , his , teammates allowed but three men to ' reach first ' base. Man gold and Gray, the elerer third baseman and shortstop of the Maroons, deserve especial mention for their fast . and heady work In their .positions. Captain Qraham of the Shamrocks, and Stockton, who backatopped for the same team, delivered the goods also and were In the game at every stage. The Sham rocks lost because they were fairly out classed for the day, and the Maroons won because they hit hard and fielded Hfco veterans.- The attendance was large and the game fast and snappy. The .score:. BRAINARD MAROONS. - " ARR.H.PO. A. . Gray, ss. ............ I 1 1 4. I 4 Henkle. If. I Trowbridge, lb. ...... I Mangold, lb..;....... I 1 14 . ft Campbell, Ib .1 MeKenna, rf. ........ 4 McPberaon, ef.......k 4 Broock. e.. .......... I Ooodell, p., .......... 4 Total ' i la at-ii i S .- a ASTORIA. , ' AB. R. H. PO. A. X. Grant, ef.... ........ 4 4 441 R. Graham, ss. ....... 4 4 4.4 1 4 H. Graham, 4b....... 14 114 1 Crothers. lb.. ........ 14 1 11 11 Stockton, e......... I 4 ; 4 114 Jackson, lb.......... 144J4 10 Bracke, lb 1 4 4 4 4 4 Weatherford. rf 4 4 4 4 4 4 Hull. p........ . 1 0 4 4 1 1 Painter, If............ I 0 0 11 1 " Total T..,..'.I......ia ft "l IT II Ti ' SCORB BT INNINGS. Maroons, runs. ...I 14 114 14 4 T Hits ......4 a a a i 4 4 un Astoria, runs..., .4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hits. - ......a o o o o o ft ft 4 a ' STJMMART.. . Struck out By Ooodell I,' Halt ft. Bases on balls off Hull I. Two-base hits Mangold, McPheraon, Crothers. Home run CampbelL Sacrlfloe hits Brock, Crothers. . Stolen bases Ma roons 4, Astoria 1. ' Passed ball Stock ton. First base on errors Maroons 4. Astoria 1." Wild pttoh HulL Left on bases Maroons I, Astoria a. Innings pitched By . Ooodell I. by Hull I. Baae hits Off Ooodell a, off HuU 11. Time of game 1 hour . and II minutes. Umpire Halderman, pf Astoria. SELLWOOD TAKES TWO : . GAMES YESTERDAY The Sellwood nine won two games yes terday. The first waa a 14 to I affair with Multnomah addition, the second a 4 to 1 oontest with North Portland. The lineup: - r ' - ...-.,-., Sellwood, . 7f ., Multnomah Add. Thomas. ..... 0 .. . e .....m..... James D. Craig, Terll Durall ....... ........ Castola Looke W. Castola T. Craig BaboocK Bammons ........ .If. ,....... Holborn Mclntlre of Howard Jenklna rf. ............ Gatea HunUey ......... ..p Neibert Bases on bailsOff Huntley-1; off Neibert 11." Three-baae hit Durall Home runs Neibert 1. Locke L Struck out by Neibert I, by HunUey T. The second gems lineup: Sellwood. . North Portland. Tbomae ......e. Shea V. Craig lb....;...;... Rlther P"T'L4AH jj u . .; i-Wlld?r Looke lb... McDonald Culbertson Laddard HunUey ........ .rf. ...... ...... Marti Cox of. ......... LaReau Setnmons ..If.,. m..... Thomas J.. Craig ..........p.. Williams WYETH AND CASCADES r , MEET ON DIAMOND ' mnselal tMsasteb e Taa jearaal.l - Wyeth. Or, July 10. The Caseade Locks team met defeat at Wyeth yeeter day in a closely fought game. Wyeth held the lead from the first The Cas cades made a good rally la the ninth, but steady playing of Wyeth and the fine work by Pitcher Klein both In the box and In the field savsd the game. Each team has now won a game and great Interest will eepter In the final oontesC. . ' . ." .,' , ,( opJi 4xt keppier Uuui . ever t - iU8 ,, i I T...I THE TDAKERS TAKE S:mm SAINTS St. ! Johne Nine Not In Same ; Class WrthMerry Trunk ' Destroyers. Bt, Johns teem wee defeated yester day by the, Trunk Makers by the soore of II to I. - r The feature of the game was the hard-hitting of the Trunk Makers, who secured II hits off Lee. Brown at sec ond played an errorless game with eight assists to his credit and two put-outs. The boys played a fins gams In all de partments. The line up: - T ' PORTLAND TRUNK CO. ' i-X, AB. R. H. PO. A. SL Brigga. ef. - I l lift i MeClellan. aa. 4 1 4 4 4 Jameson, lb. ........ ft I 111 ft I Van Nortwlck. If. .M. I till 4 Day lb. .......... ji III I 11 Antolne. o. ail I- 1 1 Brown, lb. I a I a I ft Taylor, rf, ....... ... 4 1 4 - 0 1 Harnden. p. 4 114 11 Totals II II II 17 II C - , -; St JOHNS. ' ; . AB. Rr PO, AS. Elmore, lb. .......... 11114 1 H. Loy. lb. 4 . 4 4 14 4 Wblte. . I. ft 111 Norlne, es.'... ....... 10 0 Scales, lb. 4 4 1 Lee, p. 4 4 4 T. Loy, rf. ...i...... 4 4 . 0 Petterson, cf. ........ 4 11 1 4 lift' Jarrla. If . 4 11 Totals .............84 a I It 117 . i . SCORB BT INNINGS. - "': ' Y . ' ' Hit IB Trunk Oo . 4 1114414 114 14 0 St Johns.. 4100444414 7 ' . SUMMARY. Stmekont By Harndan. I: m Lee. ft. Basse on balls Off Lee. a: off Harndan, a. Two-base hlta Van Nortwlck (a. Antolne , (I). Day (1). Sacrifice hits Brlggs, MoClellan, Taylor. Left on baaes Trunk Makers, I; St Johns. 4. Time of gams two hours. : Umpire uaraner. . AMERICAN LEAGUE. AM St Xula. K. H. St.' St Louis ............ ..........I ll Boston ..I I I Batteries Howell. Jacobsen and Bpen ir; Tanneblll, Olbeon and Armbruster. At Chicago. -; .: . ,.. -; v. : R. H. K. CMoage . ............ .........4 I I Washington ft Batteries Walsh end SuUlran: Smith and Wakefield. . 8 PORTING GOSSIP. '! The Qlants left last Bight for Oakland, where they will open up a series tomor row with the San Francisco team. The locals are going away with ths best percentage that has ever been their good fortune to possess and If what Manager McCredle and his men say is true ths Portland boys will return with ersn a better standing. . e , e . .... ' Callff came nearly causing several thousand cases of heart failure in the sixth Inning yesterday. Portland had a good lead of four runs, when ths visitors managed to chase three runs aorees the rubber. - At the - proper time Callff pulled himself together and It was ell well for Portland -onoe more. : e e . ' : ; Next Sunday the Sohlllers and Trunk makers meet In a match game for 1100 a aide and the gate receipts at Recrea tion park. The money for the aids bet is on deposit In The Journal office, e e t Secretary ' Hart of '. the Rowing elub had not received word up until noon to day whether or not the local oarsmen's entry would be received at the Wor cester' regatta, on aooount of It being a day too lata. The aplendld - showing made by the senior crew at Nelson n Saturday makes the local oarsmen bo- Usva -that, the JPorUandsrs eould at . Qulnalgamond on August 11. Mr. Hart said this morning, that the crew would have to start at once if It Intends to compete, and If the entry Is accepted, steps will bo taken at onoe to raise the 11,140 that -will bear the expenses of the, trip. . . Angela Take Two. (Jearnsl SpMtal eerrfes.) Oakland, July 10. The Angels gave the Seals A double beaUng yesterday. Scores: . ... . ... . ,x First game R H. B. Los Angeles. ft ft ft ft ft ft I I a 7 11 1 S, Pranclsoo. 0 ft ft 1 ft ft 1 ft 0 I 4 1 Batteries Burns; end Mangerlna; Simons and Robinson, Seoond game ' R. H. B. Lob Angeles. I ft ft ft ft 1 ft ft ft I I I S. PranolBeo.e 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 00 - I' 4 , Batteries Nagle and Ellis; Myers and Wilson. . . . . , asssaliislslal- )s I- Vaefema rtock CanM toed .. .. .. . aVUea A Lewis' Met Strand, - , Following are the records of the Pa- elflo Coast league for horns runs., two. baggers, three-baggers, stolen bases and sacrifice hlte up to and Including last weaneeaey-a games: , z,-.. . . Mohler a. Bpenoer 1. Williams 1. Vlckers L Henderson 1, McCredle 1, MitcheU V Delmas I. Ellis 1, Crarath L ' Three-Base SUts. - McHale I. Sweeney .4. Mitchell I. Mo- Credle 4, Smith (Portland) L MoLean 4. Lister . L Donahue L Casey i. Mc Laughlin 4, Cartwrlght I, McGregor L Woltsrs 4, Began t, Dashwood I. Del mas L Van Haltren L Franckl 1. Kruger S, Heltmuller 4. Devereauz I, Haley I. Spencer 1. Wheeler I, Hllde- brand I, WlUlams 1, Sears I, Wilson L HItt 1, Bernard I, Cravath I, Dillon 4. Ellis I.- McClelland 1. Kane 4, R. Hall I, Btrieb 1, Mott I. Vlckers L House holder 1. Walthoura I, Jim Hackett. L Ats I, Henley 1. Waldroa X Coleman i. Hogan L i- . t s . . McHale T, Sweeney I. MitcheU 1L Mc Credle 10, Smith (Portland) 7, Moors I, McLean 14. Lister I, Henderson I, Callff I, Donahue 4, Gum 1, Doyle 4, Casey 11, McLaughlin I, Hogan I. FlUgereld 1. Cartwrlght 7, Wolter 1. Eagan 11. Dashwood 7. Delmas I, Van Haltren IS, Francka 4, Kruger II, Smith (Oakland) 1. Bliss 10. Heltmuller 11, Derereaux II. Tom Hackett I. Reldy i. Graham 1, Cates 4, Hopkins 1, Haley 1, Spencer I, Wheeler It. Mohler 11, Hllde brand II. Irwin 14, Williams 14, Sears I, Wilson I, Bradbury' L HItt I, Ber nard 0, Qochnauer I, Crarath 11, Dillon II, Ellis I, Toman I. McClelland . I, Eager 4, Bergman 1. Randolph 1, Burns L. Mangerlne 1, Kane' 14, -Van Buren 1, Croll 4, labell 1. R. Hall 4. Btrieb. 4, Mott 4. O. Jonee 1, Vlckers I. Hansen L Blankenahlp 7, Householder I. McOilrray I. Spies 1. Cox 1. Markley ft. Dunleavy 1, Walthoura I, J Hackett I, Walters I, Frary 4. Tosar 1, Ats I, Braahear I, Ross 4, Arrellanee a. Cor- bett L - . . ...... v , ' Stolen Baeeev McHsle lt. Sweeney 11. Mitchell 14, McCredle 14, Smith (Portland) 11, Moore . 4V. McLean 8. Lister 7, Callff a. Donahue I. Esalck -f, Doyle II, Casey 14, McLaughlin II. Hogan 1. Cartwrlght 4, Wolters 10, Eagan I. Dashwood I. Delmas I. Van Haltren II, Francka 11, Knigerllj-JmlthOakland)!, Bliss 7, Heltmuller 4. uevereaux it, Keiay , Graham 4. Cates 8. Hopkins I, Haley I, Spenoer 14, Wheeler II, Mohler 10, Hlldebrand II. Irwin II. Williams 17, rt - . ..rj . . baVm e nnslAH nut s, uaroaru si. uwnmuw i. Crarath 4, Dillon 4, Ellis 4, Toman 4, McClelland 4. Bergman L Randolph I, Kane 14, Van Buren I. Croll 1. R. Hall Btrieb 7. Mott 4, O. Jonee I, Vlckers Blankenshlp I. McMurdo 1, House- holder I. C HaU 1, McOilrray 1, Ar rellanee 1, Waters 1, .Waldron t, Scho fleld 1. Markley 1, Jim Hackett 1, Atg Brashear I, Robs 4, Bptas 4. . SaMlftoe Bite. McHale I. Sweeney 11, Mitchell ft. MoCredle 7, Smith (Portland) 4. Moore McLean s. uater a, uenaerson e. Callff 1, Donahue 4, Esalck 1, Van Halt- 11, Francka 4. Kruger 8, emitn (OakUnd) I. Bliss I, Heltmuller I, Derereaux II. Tom Hackett I, Reldy 4, Graham -4. Cates 4, Hopkins a, Haley 7, Spenoer - II, Wheeler r 11, - Mohler I. Hlldebrand I, Irwin I. WiUiama a. Sears I, Wilson 1. Bradbury I, O'Brien 4, HItt 1, Bernard 7. Qochnauer II, Crarath I, Dillon I, Ellis I, Toman 4, MoClelland 4, EgarT. Bergman I. W. Hall 1. Randolph 1, Burns 1, Man- garino 1, Kens I. Van Buren II, Croll labell I. R. Han 11. strelb I, Mott 11, O. Jones 1, Vlckers 1, Hansen I, Blankenahlp II, Welsh 1, McMurdo a. Householder a, Doyle I, Casey dt. Mo Laughlln I, - Hogan - I, Fltigerald 1, Cartwrlght I, McGregor 1. Wolters 14, Eagan I, Dashwood 7, Delmas I, Walt hours I. Strsel 1, MoGllrray. 4, C. HuU Ats a, Braahear I, Ross 1, Spies 1, Snodgrass 1. Markley 4. Jim Hackett 1, Bales 1. Bchofleld 1. Henley 1, Waldron Waters 1. Stelts L Lemke 1, Arrel lanee 1, Walters I. - , lgew Bit the BalL - ' ..... (Jenrnsl speeisl Berrice.) ' Fresno, July 10. Ths Tigers f took yesterday's games through better hit ting. Soore: Fresno I II 1 Oakland 4- 7 1 Batteries Fltsgerald and Dashwood: Reldy end Bliss. .. ... , , - - - V, i ;, woodhurm Bee. 9. Feed. , ; ' (BpeHsl fHesatek te The Jeerasl.) Woodburn, Or., July 14. The St. Paul team was downed resteraay dt ine Woodburn team I to t, The Hop Golds failed to appear. . .- , , ' J . MRS. GEORGE PARKER DIES AT BAKER CITY (IpseUI XHspsteh te The learaat) , Baker City, Or July 10. One of Baker count ye pioneer women. Mrs. George W. Parker, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Mary B. Hyde, Saturday morning, harlng reached the age of II years. ' , Mrs. Parker was nusan r. cooper. She was born in Kentucky Norember ft, 111 4-end - was - married- to G. . W. : Parker April II. 111! and In 1117 they mored from Kentucky to Missouri. - Mr, and Mrs. Parker cams to Baker City In 1IT4. '". " ' The deceased has eight children, eix of whom era llrlng: Thomas D., John H.r- Kdwsrd R., Rolland T., and Mary BI. of Brarett, Washington. . Tnare are II grand children and three great grand children Uring. . ' . ' , NORTH POWDER HAS . DEVELOPMENT-LEAGUE (Ipsclsl Dispatch te Tae JearasL) ' North Powder, Or., July 14. A derel- opment league haabeen organised in North Powder, with the following offi cers: President, R-W. Barnes - rice president, W. R. KJrett: secretary, E. O. Bailey. The object of the organisation is for ths making of a greater North Powder. . A.' good membership Is ez- ete4, . ' -The cribrmoiis popular ity of this splendid cigar has been won by quality -r-extra good quality con sistently maintained. j At Your . msTMBUTEits.'. . PORTLAND, OREQOri The BREAKERS HOTEL AMERICAN PLAN. MS ,. ' IJWJil !! .". ':;:...:lf!,.s,;M.,. " "i" .e, . :; - . . - 1 w U49H4 SWMJUUS BBSOBT OF Bleetrle Light, ttesas,' Ret ssd CeM gelt Wster la kTry Tub. - Bay Tickets' te Brasaera, PaetSe Ooeety. Wssk. ttrntoitm aodress. Sraakers, Wua. --Tr ;rr; - ForlcediTea USE Devers Golden West . Ceylon J Tea f'fy. Pecolisrly Refreshing. "SAld Pscket( Qosset Devers . ALBAHY MAN TO HOLE .- GRAliD ROiiDE PRUNES Yasssll Brothers Win BuHd Big . Drysr at Coys to Treat I Local FruH. HImM m n liimssl.t u arande! Or- July 14 J. T. Laa- selle of Albany, Oregon, baa been In the Grand Rondo ralley for some days ar ranging for the handling of the prune oroo of thle ralley. Lasselle Bros, own .ii nnerate the fruit dryer at Union and they ere putting in new furnaces and making other raluable Improve ments preparatory te handling the 1101 crop of prunes. - ' ': . ; They ere also arranging to put up a dryer at the Core at a cost of kbout 11.141 and will hare It ready for this season's business. They anticipate a.niiiina- not leas than 1.000 tons of prunes at Union and Core thle fall. - For these prunes tney win per e t.e uni aa last rear. It Is sxpeoted that drying will begin about October 1 and run prooaDiy eo nays. r huto i in pounds 1.000 tons of prunes means 1,000,000 pounds. . . ' . ' . , IS- SHORTAGE OF-MEN - rrr IN PAL0USE COUNTRY (Rpsetsl Wspatea te The JoorssL) Pullman, Wash- July 10 Three lines of railroad are being built in this seo tlon, and the streets of Pullman are being macadamised. A new electric Una la being built here from Moscow to fur nish light and power for Pullman, and a new telephone System Is being In stalled. - All of these Industries need men, nnd thsy are fighting among them selves for them. As result wages are being boosted skyward. A number of men quit ths eleotrlo light company a few daya ago and went Into the harvest fields. They had been getting 11.11 per day and boarding them selves, but got 11. 60 per day and board In the harvest fields. The alsctrlo light company raised the wages to II. 44 per day and got many of them back on the work. Labor la king la the Palouse lountrjr this ream , Dealers S J: Ml -.;. , e:;:-v , CXB BAOXTZO BOB' r - TgT - gT The Hotel Estacada It's OooL Quiet sad Befreshla . Among the Fines at the . - ' . . , Clacsamas Oorga. Hotsl Estacada, on the brink of the canyon, la ' the beet, moot comfortable, easiest-reached re .aort near Portland. - Admirably .adapted for outing "parties. A-. wooded park pf 104 acres sur rounds ui hotel. Perfect Appointments ' and first-Class Cuisine ' Catering to high-class patronage. Magnificent scenery of mountain Thasm, forest and fleld.i Every attraction ef a secluded mountain" resort, combined wtth quick, fre quent communication with the ' citjr. r ..' . r , .-. , .Trains Every Two Hours Special rates upon application Mo ME 8. L, O. M MAHON, Man , ager. Phone Estacada Hotel. . w. CUT RATES ) ; ' For 30 Days Only' ;v ; I 11.91 Oold Crowns. ............SS.OO 1.41 Oold Crowns.... BS.SO 14.44 Kates B6.00 114.44 Plates fT.SO Fillings, up from.. 3Ae '.Work amerantsed. ; f,-; Boston Dental Parlors 1H Morrison St, Opp. . O. and Bankrupt Sale Of the $8,000 Stock , : L. RUNG A, CO., 55 6th St." tsdles' ssd Gents' Pnrnlihlng Oeeds ef sll klads at lilf PalCi. Come Id sad look ever ear Immense stock before serins eisewknt end roe will be sme Is auks s pureksse tram es after getting ear low prises. ; TKS rUOES AkI OUT Of HALT. . IrlAH, SJNG 4B CO 44 luttk Itnet, etweea Oak sad Stark. . ' tit' - f i M'i i issi ) s.-:.v y-'-;.,. .... - ' : , ' V 6" e r ' . .