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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1906)
jxjly C3. ...wa '1. -w. 't liJiiltiilLJIi) 'Luu.itiilJ UK Lillltuu 4 t . .. a V l I I 'a Educators. Clsrrymsn end PrcfitsSonxl Men and F arch ants Writs . Concerning Character, Integrity and Ambition of Thosa ' . Working for Frae Scholarships. ; ' ;'; "S ssm .....lt4 TAxva or ooimiTAjmi or totxs. Nelli Mey Shannon,' III Tsnlno, Portland. Or. Horace A. Wilson, Ill Hslay St, Portland, Or. Lillian MoVlcker, St. Johns, Or. .., ...... ..Mils Guy Graham, Troutdale, Or. ...................... ............... .181 : Chaa. ,Oroee, T.. M. C A Portland. Or.. .......... .11170 Mildred t Clemone, Unlvaraltr Park, Portland, Or. .......... ,.167 Rhoda L. SUlnackar, Albany, Or...;.. .......... ...... .11141 Roy Johnson, T Division St. Portland, Or ...................... XII4I Mary B. Powell, 41T Salmon St, Portland, Or. ...... a-, .. I 14111 Clay Jonas. 0 XL ISth St, Portland, Or.. .11410 Carl Shelton, Forty-eighth atreet. Mount Tabor; Or. ....11111 Maa ' Pendergraaa. ill North Serenteenth St, Portland. Or.. 10181 : Bertla O. Chan, lit Clay St, Portland, Or. ......... . MOB 'John Boneon,-Cheniawa Or.v..V..,T,"77..TrJ..'i. ...,... 1011 . Edith M. Harris, 111 Oxford. St. Portland. Or. Till Paul Nygren. Ii last Third St, north.. Portland, Or llll ,e. Clay Cary. Salem. Or. ....... ...........w.... ......v.J.,.. ...... Mil y e -Harry Brant. Til Willamette koolerard, Portland, Or... ITTI e -Dorcas Tan Sohoqnhoren, Cora, Or i...,,...., ......... 1711 ' Alleen Hackman, Myrtle Park. Portland, Or................. 111! , Louise Scott Central addition, Portland, Or. ..V.... ...... S00I ', - R. W. Cyras. Solo, Or... ................... ........ llll ,; Ivy Owena, Cedar M Ilia, Or. 1110 . : ' Edward X Klnaman, Llnnton, Or. .,..,.,,, ...,.,............ llll Guy Johnaon. 101 Grant St. Portland, Or ...................... Jill , Mabel Magneaa, Amity. Or....;...'.............., 1900 Ruth Turner, foi Karby St. Portland. Or. ..................... too e W. XL Gwynn. 141 But Thlrty-aeenth Bt, Portland, Or......... - 100 George D.. King, Kingston, Or. ...... .1 ...... I0i ' Agnes Evans, Latourell, Or. ...... ..... ,109 Letters - Indoralns the , eontaatanta atrivina; for acholarahtps eontino to . come to. The Journat Theee letters are valuable aids to the larva public which la called upon for aupport by the candi dates, - -a the contestants cannot be "known personally by every person they , call on, - It la natural for men and ' women to - what to cat the moat out : of their money. . The patrons of Tha Journal who ara paying for The Journal gener ' ally want the rotea which come without extra coat with every advancement on subscription when they know of a young person who can be helped by aueh votae and when they are aura that tha boy or girl .Is deserving' of such support - The Widows SaafUte. - Rev. W. P. White, one of tha leading divines of the Willamette valley, has become - Intereated In the scholarahlp "ambitions of Mlaa Rhoda Stelnaatr of 'TUbany. This la what ha says about her: - . . : . "Editor Dally Journal I am not ao ooalnted with any -of tha other oon teatanta In Tha Journal eonteat and do ' not know tha relative elalma af each, but I. want to apeak a good word for Mlas Rhoda Stalnaker of. this' city. "She la tha only daughter of a widow who haa the prlceleaa fortune of having four upright and Induatrloua .children. "Rhoda haa. been one year In Albany college and haa a, high standing aa a student I have not the least doubt that aha wtll get a first-claea educa tion. She har that which la mora neeea aery than money tha determination to get aa education and tha will to uaa It properly when aha geta It The reason that wa all Ilka to help her, and the. reason that I give to lnduea others to give her Journal votes, is that aha la na who will succeed In life whether we help her or not MA subscription to The Dally Journal la a aplendld Inveetment for any one PORTLAND ACADEMY " Portland Oregon v . ;' ist na wxza orsnr ray, it. Pita boys and girls for Eastern and Western oollegea. -Includes a primary and - grammar SChOOl. . k : . ( Boarding hall for girls affording tha comforts sad care of a refined home. Office hours during .tha Summer from I a. m. to II m. For catalogue writ to tha 'addreas given above. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY A Roardlnr and Day School for Bove. Manual Training. Military Discipline, College Preparation. Boye of any age admitted at any 'time. Write for Illus trated Catalogu. Dr. J. W. HILL, Prop, and Princip a rail term wm open aept. i, live. -- POHXAW9, OUOOI. CrWERS SMt Etadaheaad reuefeall tbetroablea taat do to billons stoteef the syataa.eaeh es : iMistaMM, KMSMa, pi i)mliif, Pletwe aA aUii, Pala la tea BiiWka. While their noe I aea beeasaowa laeaBsg Batdaoba, yet Cartor'e Uttle liver POIs am equally velaeble la Oonettpettoa, eerteff aa pr nuUnf thlsaaiioytaeeoaipUlat while thr elae eeneet elldlaatdan oftheetoawsh jttmnlete the , Urm and wgalte thebowela, Mtftaeyealy mm Aeaetheywtraldbeebjsoetprledeeitetheetwha aafler Horn thti dllneilm enmplelntt ant fort. Mtely IhelrsnodBaMdon Dotend hM thoM wbooaea try Uwrn wUI Aad thaw UttlepUleval. able la seaway wmye that they wul ao bewlW ilagtodowtthoattbMa, Bat after all aVikhaid the ban of eeaienvMre ' wesMkeeurgMathaaat, Oar puis eai II wail ethareaeaot. Careare LHtle liver Pills are very email and vary eeay to lake. One or twe ptlle aaabae aeae. -" Thay are atrloiiy Vagaiahle end a not gripe es em bothy thetr geaUeaettea plene ail who airs xsri 19 nr rxx. Who wants a ' clean newspaper In the home, but to aaslat a worthy person to .receive an education la the beat money Investment that I know anything about. Sincerely, - W. P. WHITE. "Pastor ' First United . Preebytertan - Church." ';. , - i '. v- ' " ftt1! IS yuagaaea. ' C. A. Mock, president of the Dallas college, haa been numerously and atrongly Inddraed by people of Influ ence. Her candidacy la attracting un uaual atUntloa and aha la harvesting a wonderful crop of votes. Bhe haa a definite aim in this. contest and that la to win ona of tha cholceat prises and to be included in tha money prtsee, so she cannot gat too much help. President Mock's letter follows) "With reference to Mlas Lillian Mo Tloker, a constant for ona of The Journal's scholarahlpa, I with to state thai she Jiaa jmant s ysar at Pelfs ont laga and that wa have found her to be aa exceptionally strong studsnt In the study of anclant languages aha haa manifested unusual ability. ' Mlas Mo Vieker la a worthy studsnt and deserv ing of all tha help aha may receive In the present contest. Very respectfully, . t .-. ...v.r '. "C. A. MOCK." -'-;-mrpo Ss Cnmmseilsbls t "Rev, w. F. Small, tha talented paator Of1 tha Unlveraallat church of Portland, haa volunteered . a ' letter In favor of Edith M.' Harris, which .la aa follower "I am glad to offer my word of In dorsement of Mlaa Edith M. Harria aa ona of tha competitors la Tha Journal's educational contest Thrown n her eve resources, Mlaa Harria' ambition to gain a buslnsss sducatlon so aha may earn her way In tha world la most com mendable. Bhe la an earnest and con sctsatious young lady. ' ' "W. F. SMALL, -v ; "Pastor Unlveraallat Church." ; V?-'''-':'. Boos fog Others. -: N Every boy and girl In Oregon may re ceive an education. If the mean ara not 'at hand tor a course in -a special school or college, the chance to earn a acholarahlp and cash prise for inciden tal expenses Is offered by the educa tional eonteat Inaugurated by Tha Ore gon Journal. During thla summer va cation, from now until the aohoola open In September, next year's achoollng may be provided for by enlisting la Tha Journsl's eonteat - Often ambitloua boye and girl whoa parenta are not well off loin la contest propositions in order to show their par eats that they can do something for themselves. Nothing gives a parsnt mora pleasare and confidence In a child than to ae a manifestation of self reliance. And fun and the excitement of eonteat work quite compensate for the labor involved, to say nothing Ot tha aubatantlal benefits gained. .. In another column of this Issue Is an advertlssment of tha scholarships and essh prises offered now in thla contest Besides the commissions to be paid on nsw subscriptions to every contestant the winning contestants st tha close ot th eonteat will receive in scholarships and cash values exceeding 11,000. Mors acholarahlpa may be added aa tha num. bar of eonteetants multiply. Every on who enter Into th contest work vigor ously may expect ample reward. CORNET PRESIDENT ; .OF DIXIE COMPANY (Ipeelel Dispatch to The Joaraat.) Sampler, Or, , July 10. The Dixie Meadows Gold Mining company haa elected th - following officer for the eneulng year: R. C Reeaa, president) Ov M. Cornet, vlce-preeldent; A. M. Klrohelner, eeeretary; V. C. Belknap, treasurer. Following 'la thee board Of directors: R. C. Reese. V. V. Belknap, O. M. Cornet T. M. Baldwin and Oeorge Knight - R. C Reaaa waa appointed superintendents The mine I on of the best In th Sumpter district. Hints for tb fgasida. Some people .when they prepare chil dren's clothea for tha beach think of nothing but warm dreaae and under clothing and forget the many warm aft. ernoone when the little anee ahoulA bav aomethtng fresh and cool to wear. It la extremely bad tor the complex. Ion to go "without a hat when you first arrive at tha beach. . Tha akin la then very tender and tha audden burning In jures It beyond the aid of cold cream and face lotions. It is now the fad to be brown; but winter festivities ars not very far distant' so let your skin tan gradually If you would save youreelf much work and worry In tha faU. Also take along i ona of th popular witch hasel .preparations to us on th arms If they are painful from the' expoeure to sun and aalt air. Theee preparation are thoroughly reliable and can be used frequently with good results. A useful thing to take along, even If you Intend to board, la a email teakettle with an alcohol burner and a few cups and saueere, - People ara always hun gry at the beach and tea and wafers will not corns amiss. ft H'-t-M' ' Boaton-Coolar. Cut email alaed cantaloupe la half and sat on ice until needed. - When ready to serve fill each piee with to ream or water lea and lay on th top a slice of orange and a maraacbin cher ry. This makes a pretty and appetising dieh. ; -.: . : - St ft- ft :::;;:; - : ' Uses for th Dyepot If you have a pair of white ehoe that look dingy deaplta your cleaning, have them dyed the color you prater and they will look as good aa a asw pair. ., . " . . Pastel colored smbrolderlee ar quit axpenalv but every girl may have a walat ot Mils baeuUful material at lit. tie coat It she will buy the cheaper whit and color It to eult herself. ... . A whits lace hat that haa beea much worn may, if taken apart and dyad some becoming shsds and retrlmmed. take a new lease aa aa evening hat for winter wear.- . - Allover lac and net dresses may also visit th dyepot with sueeess. It Is well to remember, when attempt ing to do the work youreelf, that' you should aiwaya b aura that you have th deelred ahada before dipping th ar ticle to b dyd. ... .. ' It St ft -. :'(. To Senrt Bar-l4)utv - An extremely pretty way of serving th popular dessert known as bar-la-duo la aa follows! - Arrange a few delleat heart leaves of lettuoa la a airole to Slmillltf fe-M .i.lirftlMMH Press on or two cream eheaaas through a licer onto th Inner part and stem tha enda of the lettuce leava, forming a wreath of the cheeee. Fill th center of th flower" with red bar-U-du currant or etrawberries. Serve aa usual with plain wafers or the daintiest and erlapeat of crackers, aa a last eouree at lunchson. ' ; . , ft ft ft Son Baths. I AT THE THEATRES. ' Thg SmucgUrs." The enfttemmt of that three-aet eonxHlr. drama. "The," st the Lyric Sarlof the rarreet weak bids fair to saet with ewMh sppraral fmni the targe aatreaaee af thla saee lar pUraaeaa. The prasuettaa Is Bade axt mterestrag by Ite thrlfiln eltsatlesa sad etKmg tneiin, wun woica je siaeaatt a aeii My Of a deeldedljr fatehlag eharseter, ; - v At tha Grmnd,'; V' -' ' "The Msa AetsMe la the snng eoaMdy erhlce the Apelle Peer, the frarere set et the tfreed, ereeents. It Je eaawthlng sew- far a aaenet to atteapt to teU a eury la east, yet tale to what the a pa Ho roar seeceeee at aoeeeipllahlag. ' . ' "Tbra Marriad Mgn." 9tm mm aftauaV aa mM mwU.. i.. rled Maa." the effartog af the Star etarfe enin. saay thla wek. The piece to betag gives Its first PartlaaS aeXaatVna aaiia w ef totrta. ' Sun hatha coat nothing, and ara tha most refreshing, life-giving baths that one can takewhether slek or well. Every housekeeper knowa tha neceselty of . giving her -roolena tha benefit of th aun from time to time and especial ly after a long rainy season or a long abeence of th aun. Many will think of tha Injury their clothea ara llabl to from dampneaa, who will nsvsr reflect that an occa sional exposure of their owa bodies to th sunlight is . equally naceasary to their own health. The aun baths do not coat anything, and that Is a mlafortun for people ara still dsludad with tha Idea that thoa things only can b good or useful which cost money. St ft ft ' A Hat of tht Hoar. It has a high crown.' ' Th brim la wide and straight Th crown la circled with tight folds Of ribbon. . At th left front la a hug roeette. This la th hat numbers of girls ara wearing. It la moat frequently seen la all black. Pretty examples, though, sra la white straw, with th roeette of whit ohlffoa. Theee hata ar tilted allghtly forward, with tha front brim somtlms bent a trifl. ;- " - --. .. , They ar elraple, yet dreeey. and gen erally becoming. If -a girl haa pretty hair and a pa sea hi face. ARE RESPECTFULDY lNFdRMED J . That my , announcements will appear in Jthe Monday, Wednesday and Saturday editions of this paper for 2 months. I have ; devoted much tinis to their preparation, and consider them first-class. What others may think, I am unable to say. They are from u The heart of the busi ness" by one who knows and do not contain a single slap at competition. This never pays, but ; is something that writers are slow to realize. Read my advertisements as they appear from time to time. Changes will be frequent, and ideas may be suggested which are adaptable to other lines A P. Armstrong, LL. B.; Principal PORTL AND BUSINESS COLLEGE Park and Washington Streets S ; - PantifM' Ntw BilL . The faataaea haa eaataa hi fh.M am this vreek, hasdad by the faaane rreaca atb at, M. Klaa-Nara. la hie astoalahlag W.laht telaaeiag aad eealUbrlet aet, A Written Guarantee - JJ VSjUAat nNCTM la th best aaeejreex yea aaa aav f tb sspsi lssMs af the Columbia Grcphojxhcne si sr safe yi Wob la Mat. Ail Ideal Sornmef AaMtsement I Oe r porthl la the meamtahta i the waters Th Sooohorc 1 aeywtwrel Th manic ( a CWAPTIOPttONC he the fcw I CLfAS, atrftT AN PAS WACtWW. freai Trial and Easy Paymest Offer Tha I TALK a y cnaao t aeear Has SCT w HAtiMMC rlAac, MlMlbl fett. Ws Accept Old Machine of" Amy Malta ia Part Payment '' araad Prh, Parit, ItM . eetls Srasd Prbe,. LawU, IH4 mtaar Award, rarttoss, ipag . Columbia Ptonograpt, Com'Cmi, m WAsauraTOw ar. , v T-fl POSTXAarO. Mathll detail ef year Saay lea,. 0UR; W ARE ALL EMPLOYED T During the . past year we have placed 7287 ; pupils in ; lucra tive positions. ; WE WILL place YOU when competent. V Below are a few places where our pupils are employed: ; i JOHN DOUQLA3. . . . . . . Merchants National Bank FRED TRUE . . . . ,7, .... Merchants National Bank R. C. PACKARD Merchants National Bank RODNEY BAKER...... M. Seller ft Co. , MAE FREY.,..,.........M. Seller ft Co.'. EDNA WILLETS .Olds, Wortman ft King NORA TRUE. .... . .. ... Olds, V7ortma!n ft King STELLA RAPPLEYE. .Olds, Wortman ft King . HATTIE HEDRICK..... Jennings ft Son , CORA L. EDDY ......... E. A. CoveU , 1 AGNES HEITKEMPER.E. A. CoveU . EDWARD MAQUIRE... Columbia Engineering Co. LAURA DAY. .......... Marshall-Wells Hdw. Co. MARGARET McDONALD.............. ' 1 . i . .... . '.'...'. . Marshall.Wells Hdw.. Co. . LUDEMA BENNETT. . . Marshall Wells Hdw, Co. V I. ' R. C. MILLER. ......... WeHs-Fargo Co. , NELSON HEWITT. .... Lipman, ..Wolfs ft Co. ' ' ' FRANK BATES . . V. . . . . . Oregon Savings Bank ' A ;, ; JACK CRABILL........O. R. ft N. Co. ; J'!; C. C HESSIMER........a R. ft N.Co.( CHESTER PERKINS... O. R. ft N. Co. ULX.fZ. MARGARET FINDLAY.O. R. ft N. Co. . .FRANCIS McPHELIM . . O. R. ft N. Co. ; ;: i C. CBYARS. ...... 'U... North Pacific Lumber Co. VICTOR DALGLEISCH. North Pacific Iaimber Co. A M. DICKENSON;; ..Peninsular Lumber Co. " JOSEPHINE LOVETT. . North Pacific Planing MiSa VERNON GUTHRIE... Archer ft Schan LOLA LIND ... . ... Portland Gen. Elactrle Co. FRANK HAYEK........ Germania Life Ins. Co. i. 1 T BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE , Day and Night -.. BLKO BUIaUDlNO t -. . Open All thJ Ycit. J A.