The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 30, 1906, Image 5

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    .::o, july tx 1:::.
w - 4 A J aev v a. e .& w e .... iJiit 4
Tor'" -I th't ta c-e 1--
a a npt. raise- f ) i
for i r tatte aure, end Is lvn..i..
for st.isllcants to meet him at the Oregon
Hotel thla' evening. Further evldenoe
of hla lovs for Portland Is shown by tbs
fact that In January be came here and'
carried away with him as hla wife Mlaa
Mellle, a prominent Portland lady. The
Intra! eaVaoriVem eea Te
wedding took place at the Portland
Hotel, .
r ,
(ouraal Hi at Seaside,
f mi Uw; wui e malataiu.4. 0r
Street (rem ear imt at estate
a J I. III -aa. ' Ja,
a BZACK ILnla Ookaa. aswtl
k Mi .UAitr Iiwaaa. .ah. lie.
Umnr to all ants an U"h.
SieJi uj kai&iif
W. K. Wkltmu, Mast kaaSfaantera
Lewie Ge.'a 4m "tor, !.
0 Salivary to i BeisiS ee to
STXwrOB AB YAavnr&-Knf
Mnlbia, -mr-(iM-raUit - A'
: Uatora tailmed. agest. . lieee-
riartare at k airport. Or. . Delivery to
1 Jkn'nto n the tNtk.
wiLirux svautas i. w. KiLuu,
uut, Wiihoit, Or.
SO r LAIX-ol Lake SeaHeriaat
erat, Lake, Or.
WASH. KiMrU frkwt He-
oofujri imrxmAX. narvas, wash.
0. X. Beleker, CW, Wui '
' fconsBX't Axutacum.
Lrrte...... . v.Tha mcctert
Grasa ,. . j VatdTtlle
"Tfcrae Married Men
........ VaBOeTUie
. t.
That muio of the kind that pleasea
van an aesthstio mualo lover can be
produced by the municipal band waa evl
' denoed yesterday aftarnoon at tha. eon-
eart at tha City park. Charles U
Brown lad hi a man through tha wadding
march from tha opara "Tha Rat Charmar
of, Hamalln" In a manner that brought
heexty applauaa from tha throng of peo-
pla under tha trees. It la tha nam a of
thla ptaoo that baa prevented Ita being
"generally adeptad aa a popular-wedding
march, popular airs wara not forgotten
by tha band In their auooaaa with tha
classics!. Altogether tt waa ono of tha
moat auooaaa ful concarta ever praaantad
vy any band, in tha city.
Dr.' It A. Ballon baa been appointed
by tha Women's Homo Missionary so-
claty of tha Vancouver Avenue Metho
dist mlaaloo to go to 41 In rock, naar Noma
City, and taka charge of tho mission for
Eskimo Indiana located there. This will
not be a new experience for . Dr. and
Mrs. Ballon, aa they had charge of
; Mrs. O. H. Jonaa. widow of tha -lata
O. H. Jones, wrltea Tha Journal from
Ban Jose, California, to tha affect that
hr hoaband haa been dead for fire
years and consequently la not encased
- In tha monument Duaineaa in roruana.
Tha eauaa of tha latter waa a statement
la Tha Journal thct tha firm of Q. H.
Jonea Co daalvners. Importers and
builders 01 monuments; mausoleums,
aults and similar structures, had lo
oatad. In the elty after learlns; Ban
Vranetaoe. Tha firm undar that title
la doing business In this eity. v .
Oeorse A. Beisnsr, a Canadian,
DOuncad all allealanes to King Edward
In the United Btatea district court this"
morning and became a full-fledged
oltlaen of the United Btatee. He
Jly.tdJn this country since ha waa five
yeara oTirahoTalwa luppvsad that ha-
waa antiued to citisensnip out isarnea
that ha. had taken out only hla ftrst
papers. Belgner came to Portland from
Kansas, where ha lived for If yeara.
' Kotioe to Coal Buyers. Ws desire to
announce that Mr. Graham Dukehart
will represent ns aa solicitor and sales
men. A. 1 Btephena, formerly with us.
. Is no longer oonnected with this com'
. pany. We bare plenty af Diamond,
Rock Springs, Carbon Bin and English
, CaAnel eoal ready -for dellrery. Inde
pendent Coal A los company, eucceseore
to Holmes coal xca eompany. rnones
Main Tl and lilt. , ; ;
County Judge Webster thts morning
- - admitted to probata tha will of Ann
Boilers. A daughter. Utile Boilers Jones,
Is bequeathed fa, and tha remainder of
the estate, oonalatlng of real aetata
- aald to be worth 11,000, ia left to the
. husband, George Bollera, who la named
- executor of the estate, ''j..".7-
Deputy County Clerks Harry . Bam
- ford and Theo 8. Wells hare returned
' from a two weeks' vacation, and- re
sumed their duties at tha oourthousa
.-this morning.-..' I'.ct ,
. . J, J.. Wolf,' manager of tha Fmlr de
partment store. Beattla, la at tha Ore
gon Hotel iliv Wolf thinks so well of
We aim to gi to
you the Tory best
Printing Serrice
that can be' had
- inrrr.. I , ,1 ,
Co.? Printers
Twt IMret Llaa,Btk Kaln 111
Applicants for aid from tha Ban
rtanclaco relief fund muat apply at toe
Travelers' Aid desk at tha Union deot
Dsiween ine qoure ot n:so ana .:o
p. m. dally, esoept Saturday. ADDllca
tlons made by letter wlU also receive
oarelul Inquiry Lola Q. Baldwin, aecre-
tary, y. W, C. A. Travelers' Aid.
' Tha BtJohn'a Holiness Gospel mis
sion, aa , incorporated rallslous body,
will open a month's holiness camp areu
Ing on. the triangle at East Twelfth and
Division strvvts on Wednesday . after
noon. There . will be evangellstlo
preaching every- afternoon and evening
ana eariy morning prayer service. '
"Star through heae for sprinkling
yards or elda walks, or waaklng porch aa
or windows, must be paid for In advance
ana ueea only between the hours of
and I a. m. and and t p. m. It muat
not be used tot sprinkling streets. If
used oontrsry to these rules, or waste
(uuy, k nu do snut ort , .
Mrs. Mary X. Holaington of Prlns
ville, Oregon, deairea Information rela
tive to tne whereabouts of her son
George Harold Roberta.; When last
ummw Aivm uiiwh in roruana.
" tlow la tha time to arrange a trip to
your eld home In the east ; Reduced
rat tickets on sale August T, I and t.
For particulars call at Chicago, Mil
waukee m St, Paul railway of floe, lit
Thira strsst. -. ,
' Week days steamer Multnomah leaves
foot of Washington street for Bcap-
poose ana return, s:so a. m. and I p, m.
Fare.10 esnta ana wayj-7i csnU round
trip. ......;
Why not snjoy your vacation f Wa ad'
vanoe you 1)0, pay ua back at ll.I per
week: f 10 at It. and ISO at Cres
cent Loan company. 411 Mohawk build
Concrete Construction Co.. T01 Cham
ber of Commeroe. . manufacturers of
concrete stons blocks. Contractors for
au unos ox oemsnt work. Tel Mala 110,
- Corlnns Cadman. tho negrees who was
arraigned la the clrculteaort Baturday
Mission In southeastern Alaska for soma oharged wUH'shopllfUng ; pleaded not
time. The Vancouver avsnus mission.
v of waloa DT. Bcuon, naa oeen in cnarge,
save a farewell reosDtlon In their honor
Wedneaday night. Reeolutlone were
paaaed expressing regret at their de-
.. parture, but wishing them all success
In their, future work. .v
Charles Itoger. Rae Patterson and J.
R. Doyle 'were arreated last night by
Chief of Polloe Hammerely of tho oaas
and booked, at tha elty prleon on eharges
. of disorderly conduct. ' It Is alleged that
1 they boarded an Oaks car at 10 o'clock
laat night and tendered F. H. Hunting'
ton. the sonduetor. several pleoea of
transfer la payment of their fare.' Thla
; the oonduotor ref uaed to accept and
upon tho refusal of tho' three man to
pay tho regular fare, he attempted to
eleot them from the car. a rignt xoi
. lowed In whioh Huntington wss badly
" beaten about tha head. The eaaea were
continued In the munloipal oourt until
" tomorrow morning. ..;,',..".
John Walla, a 11-r ear-old boy reald
lng at III Bavler street, was struck by
'a ear, of the Sixteenth street. line at
Blsteenth and Bavler streets- yesterday
afternoon and severely Injured. -The lad
attempted to board . the forward step
while the ear was In motion and missed
his footing. Ho fell to tha ground and
. was struck by tha rear step of the oar.
The boy waa removed to tho Good
' Cam art tan hospital.-where It waa found
- that ho sustained . several outs on the
, head ' and body In addition to Injuries
to his back ana side.. The boy a eondi
f. . -"ft he will recover.
guilty thla morning.
Dry, abort wood, per load, deliv.
ered. Phono Mala III. Tho Mloolai
Brother Co.
Aome OH Co. sella tho beat safety eoal
oil and fine gasolines. Phono East Til.
Woman'a exchange, ill Tenth street.
lunoa, u:ss to a.
Panama hatter, til 4th. phono Pas. tOT,
J. E. Moor Potet a Philanthro
pist and Has His Faith In
, Human Nature Jarred. -
J.-B. Moore's faith In ' human nature
baa been given a rudo Jsr by his first
venture Into "the field of philanthropy,
Moore, who resides at tho Albany house,
tt North Sixth street, -was approached
OB tha street last Bight by a' young fel
low, apparently about II years of ago.
Tho youth reolted a dismal tale to the
affect - that ha was Tn'r-lT , withmil
fuada, and eoussuuanuy waa unable to
secure food or lodging. Touchsd by tho
plaintive appeal for assistance, Moore
volunteered to allow' tho atranger to
antra hla room. Accordingly . they re
paired to the Albany house and retired
for tho night.
Moore went Into tho lend of Nod with
a self-satlsned feeling that he had been
of aaalatanoe to a suffering fellow man.
Upon awaking -thla morning ha found
that his charity had been rewarded In a
most surprising . manner. His" new
found friend wss not In evldenoe. and a
silver watoh. III in eaah and a certifi
cate of dopoalt for 17,001 on Ladd A
Til ton s bank had disappeared. Moore
loot no time la reporting tho matter to
the police and stopping payment on tho
certificate at tha bank. Detective Ras
ing haa been detailed on the ease, and
haa an excellent desorlptlonfjtha-UUsfr
August T, , a, Beptembet S and 10. '
On the above datea tho Great North'
era Railway will have on sals tickets to
Chicago snd return at rate of IT1.I0,
St. Louis and return f7,IO, Bt Paul,
Minneapolis ana iMiluth. superior or
Sioux City and return. 110. Tickets
flrtt-clsss, good going via tho Great
Northern, returlng- same or aay direct
route, stopovsrs allowed. For tickets.
sleeping-car reservatlona or any addl
tlonal Information call on or addreaa H.
Dickson. C P. T. A 111 Third street.
Portland.: : ..;.'..;-,
Angrurt r, S, S, Ssptamhai and 10.
Bummer exourslon rates. ,-Bala -dates
August T.'l, I, September I, 10. Rate
from Portland to Chicago, 171.10; to
Bt Louis, 1(7.10; Kansas City, Omaha
and Bt. Paul, ISO; Denver, III.
' For Information In reference to rates
and particulars ask C W. Stinger, city
ticket agent, xnira ana Washington
streets, rortiana. .
In response to a complaint received
from reeidente on Kelly ' street. Patrol
man Fonas was dstslled at an early
hour thla mofnlng to vialt tho resldsnce
of Jamea Burke, 711 Kelly street, and
aaoertaln' the eauaa of tho disturbance.
The policeman reports that Burks oamo
homo In an intoxicated condition yeater
day afternoon and proceeded to break up
the furniture. '
Not aatiafled with this form of cele
bration he fired ssvsralwshots- from "" a
revolver, and consequently threw tho
neighborhood Into a state of excitement.
It Is alleged ho repeated tha performance
early this morning, but upon tho ar
rival Of the patrolman Burke had be
come quiet and retired to bed. Tho
neighbors threaten to prosecute him In
the event of repetition of tho disturb
ance. . '
rWIwaukls" Country Club.
Eastern and Seattle races, Take
Sellwood and Oregon City cars at First
and Alder. . (. . ..
Preferrea stock Panned gteeda,
Allen at Lewis' Bsst Brand.
Crowd at Union Religious Cerv
' . Ices In Park Adopts Retolu- -;
tlons to That Effect ;
Eight' Hundrtd Ptopla In Open-AIr
- Congrtgatioa VoU in Favor of Pur-
chase of Tract , by City Other
: Events on tho Eaet Side.
Bast Side BepartmanV .
. At tho Interdenominational - aervteos
held laat evening In Hawthorne park,
Rev. E. Nelaon Allen Of Hawthorne Park
Presbyterian church brought before the
meeting the queation of tha purchaie
of that park by the -elty council. - He
contended, in the oourae of hla remarks,
that the auoceeaful work attending theae
aervlcea waa directly due to the attract
iveness of the park and general aur
roundlngs, and aald that whUe people
came primarily to church On thess ooca
alone, yet a beautiful place la which to
have the church service was a feature
not t bo overlooked. Rev. Mr. Allen
read tha following reeolutlone, which
were unanimously adopted by the audi
ence: ... i .
Whereas, There has been aa agitation
on ths part of tha pubUo for tho past
fsw weeks looking to the purchase of
tho Hawthorns park by the elty of Port
land; and.
"Whereas, The following central east
side churches, vis., ths- Hawthorne Park
Presbyterian, ths Calvary Baptiat, tho
Trinity Methodlat Episcopal, the Evan
gelical, the First United Brethren, the
Second Bantlat, tha Centenary Metho
dist Episcopal and tho Third Presby
terian, are now engaged in a aeries Of
union Sunday evening eervloee In the
park, and, by the use of the same, ws
havd-becomo fully eon vlhcednhartha
park would be of Inestimable valus to
tho public: therefore, be It - -
"Resolved, That we, tho pastors and
congregations of the aforesaid churches,
together , with Others who. are present
at this service held July II. In number
about 100 persons, dsslre to give our
unqualified approval and indorsement
of tho movement to purchase, the Haw
thorne park, and wo furthermore be
lieve that It would bo to tha beat Inter
ests of 'the publio that tha purchase
should bo msds without delay.
L "That wo hereby appoint Rot. A. 1
Black, k. k. Steele ana ut. j. b. Hewitt
as a committee to represent this assem
bly In furthering tha Interests of - tho
movsmsnC . - j..:. ..-i-
Montavilla camp No. IT, Woodmen of
tho World, haa installed J. W. Hlggln.
consul commander: FT H. Ausnaugh. ad
visory lieutenant; Gua Johnson, clerk;
J. N. Bourglner, banker; . Burdlok,
eeeort; E. Berger, Inner guard. - . .
VUla lodge No. 114. L O. O. F In
stalled tha following: Noblo grand, D.
W. Hooker; vice grand, H. B. Dlokln
aoa; Bnanoial secretary, C R. Hayworth;
treasurer, B. Epton; chaplain, ' J. W.
At tha Inatanation exeroues of Ban
ner assembly No. Ill, United Artlsana,
tho following officials were Installed:
Paat mastsr Artisan, Neal Taylor; maa
tor Artisan. Frank Barrlnger; superin
tendent, OrvUls .. Btsvens; Inspector,
Emily Johneon: secretary, J. W. MUla;
treasurer. Lulu Mills. ' -
Dnrini a sermon . delivered last nlSht I
at HawtliuimTaTsTBlshop J. M. Tho
burn of India took occasion to Indirectly
rebuke certain local preachers for the
aenaatlonal topics they use to draw a
congregation from the highways and
bywaya. Biahop Thoburn. however, ad
mitted that, id ls.aestrabio to nave a
good sprinkling of sinners In tho aodl-
ence. Tho meeting in Hawrnorne para
was attended by about l,000peoplo and
was held under the auspices of jtha EnJ
f worth league of Centenary M, B. church.
During his sermon Bishop Tnoourn made
the following remarket -
"Tho trouble .with your Portland
ehurchea la that there are not enough
sinners In them. The ehurchea aro hand
aome and comfortable, but they should
be filled up with people who need Chiiot.
These -should bo Invited to oomo. Ton
should go and bring them In. Do not
asaumo that yon aro better than they,
but rather assume thsyars as good aa
iuu ana-mats' tha m feel that way. Thla
is a better wsy than the nfo of sen'
sstlonal and frtvoloua topics that aro
sometimes used to attract tho people.'
The Her. Hiram Vrooman haa formed
a new Evangelical church society In ths
school house one mile eaat or Lenta
Thla suburban district hss been one of
the ranidlr arrowing outskirts or port'
land and tha eetabllshmsat of a church
and Sunday school there has met with
the enthualaatio ooopa ration of the peo
ple of all denomination Rev. Vrooman
haa but reoentlr moved to Portland from
Boston, having sstabllshed himself on a
small farm In the neighborhood of bis
newly formed church. While Mr. vroo
man la a Bwedenoorgisn ciergymsn.
nreachlng for ths church of his flanoml
nation In Portland at 11 o'clock Sunday
moraines, his afternoon eervloee in
this suburban church are lntaraenomi
national In charactar..
August Is ths month In which east
slds ministers betake thetneelves to tho
seashore and mountains. This summer
the exodus Is eald to be general. Rev.
E. Nelson Allen of the Hawthorne Park
Presbyterian church will leave for Can
non beach on Elk creek, next Friday to
remain until the middle of September.
Rev. Jerome McGlade of the Mlspah
Presbyterian " church, will spend tha
month at Newport. Rev. D. A. Thomp
son of ths Sellwood Presbyterian church
will spend August at ths beach. Rev.
Henry Mercotte of the Westminster
Presbyterian church leavea today for
Wlleon river. Rev. "Andrew J. Mont
gomery. Third Preebyterian church, left
this morning for Mount Hood. Rev. H.
H. Hoppe, Centenary Methodlat church, la
at Mount Hood and will remain until
well into September. Rev. C A. Lowla,
Bell wood Methodlat church. Is on hla
farm st Courtney. Rev Mr. Lewie
spends a part of each week la the Olty,
superintending the construction-ef hie
nw" church. Rev. W. T.' Jordan, Cen
tral Baptist church, will spend his va
cation at Belknap Springs. Rsv. J. J.
Btaub, Bunnyslds Congregational church,
leaves todsy for Little Bear ereek,
where he Will spend a couple of wseks.
Rsv. B. C ' Lapham, Second Baptiat
chOrch, la at White Salmon camping on
the bluffs overlooking the Columbia.
The ministers of . the Evangelical
churches of the east side will spend
their vacation at River View Grove,
Jennings Lodge, during tho first two
weeks of August, where the Chautauqua
conventions of that denomination are to
be bald., ...... .:, . ,
St. Johns Is enabled to maintain a
-.-.iyery creditable band through tal goner
) .
' . . : . ' ' . ' - '. : .. ' ; , . : . ,. ;
1 0,000 pairs cf t?;!t-grade Shoes to b sold in the nert 30 dsys at prices of great Importance to every faraHy b it
NorthwestStandard Footwear of the best style marked at flsnresthat do not cover the actual maanfacturins cost A
fjock-redodns sale condacted on the tralck-telUng plan, which means good shoes at low prices Look to yocr needi.
03.00 Shoes for 01.19
S3 to $3 Oxfords U9
Women's $2.50 and $3.00 Lace and But.
: ton Shoes, in vici kid, box calf and satin
-. calf,' Cuban, military and spring heelsi
. nearly all sizes, good styles; regular
$2.50 and $3.00 values; on Cl 1 0
. sale at this low price, pair. , , .4) 1 1 y
05.00 Shoes for 03.69
600 pairs of Women's high-grade Lace
and Button Shoes, in patent kid, patent
- colt snd vici kid, with hand-turned snd
. ' welt-sewed soles; G. and T. Cousins'
celebrated make, in all sizes ;' regular
$4.00 and $5.00 values; on sale st this
low price, .: M Q
per pair. $ifJ7
04.00 Shoes for 03.38
200 -pairs" of Women's Russia Calf
; Blucher Shoes, welt sewed, largs eye-
. I it i a ', a sm a
lets ana riorxm uces ; u. ana i . cous
: ins' celebrated make ; all . sizes ; regu-,
; lar $4.00 values ; v., .
- special price, pair.;. . . . ... .e)aw.uO
Women's 04 and 05 Shoes 03.20 Pr.
; - v?Whrt ' : :. ' u: :-f'-:;-: ' 1 .-I
'.Women's $2.60"and ' $3.00 Oxfords, In
: patent leather, tan kid and black kid,
1 broken lines of good styles in nearly
. alt sizes; regular $2.5t) and $3.00 val
ues; being cleaned ( ; t Q
up at, pair.. 4le)iy
For Misses and Children
500 pairs of Misses' and Children's Patent
. Leather. Box Calf and Vici Kid Shoes,
spring heels,' lace styles, nana sewed
. soles ; G. and T. Cousins' famous-make ;
grand special values at ' ...
Sizes 11 to 2; $3.00 values, pr. 82.10
Sizes 8V, to 11. $2.50 values, pr.&l.SS
Doys,antjYollths, Shoes
Women's Heavy Weght Calf Lace Shoes, with hand sewed soles
: snd low heels, regular and 9-inch tops ; just the shoes you want'
- for mountain and outing wear; regular $4.00 and " ' C7
$5.00 values; your choice while they last, per pair.
Women's 05 Tan Oxfords 03.45 Pr.
400 pairs of Women's Tan Oxfords, in chocolate kid, champagne
kid, tan patent kid and light tan, Russia calf, turn aha welt
soles, Cuban, military and French heels; very best,, ,4? A g
i footwear made; $4.00 and $5.00 values, at. ...... .sPaee4i)
850 pairs of Women's Tan Oxfords, Russia calf, in light and dark
. shades, also chocolate kid, with, heavy light soles, all sizes and
widths; regular $3.00 and $3.50 values; your ' . , On
choice at this special low price, per pair............ PleOl
250 pairs of Boys' snd Youths and Little
Gents'- Shoes, in patent leather, box
calf and vici kid ; broken lines of the
best makes ;-values up to $2.75 pair;
to be cleaned up at this ' GA AA
wonderfully, low price, pr. .Pl.UU
Doys Q3.50 Shoes for 0 1 .58 a Pdr
500 pairs of Boys' and Youths' Shoes in box calf, vici kid, velour
. calf and Russia calf, blucher and lace styles, solid oak soles;
'every pair guaranteed satisfactory; $2.00, $2.25 CJO
and $2.50 values ; sizes ltyi to iy r at pair. .V; . . .'.fMpl .00
Men's: 03.50 Footwear 0 1 .95 a Pair
Men's $3.50 Russia Calf Shoes and Oxfords, welt sewed soles,
; , this season's very best styles, in blucher or lace; . d ' QCJ
, all sizes ; standard $3.50 values, on sale at, pair. . . ... e)l Ju
Mail orders will be promptly filled. y - .
Women's 03.50 Tan Oxfords 01.87 IMcn's 55 and 06 Footvcar 03.85 Pr.
400 pairs of Men's Fine Shoes,-French,-Shriner & Urner's xele
brated make; in patent calf, velour calf and box calf; broken
; lines of regular $5.00 and $6.00 values, on sale ' Of"
'. at this unusually low price, per pair. .............. ej)eWaOu
Seventh Annual " August Linsn Sale"
Starts tomorrow and continnea throgyh Anguatlt U an event always looked forward
to with great pleasure by Portland 'a best home wives because It offers, c choice from
J ' i
M afeT 1 . ST
the world's finest Table Linens at the lowest
prices of the year In addition to Table Linens
we place on sale very unusual values la Bed Llnena
and Housekeeping Linens of every description.
Look to your linen needs. Space permits' listing
only q few of the extra special offerings.
uiv entire line 50c grades of Bleached Table 9 fWv
Linens, 50 patterns, per yard , ,OVC
Entire line of 75c grades of Bleached Table' Linens, , CC,
. 70 patterns, per yard...... ....................... UUC
100 ityles of $1.00 grades of Bleached Table QJn
Damask, on tale at, per yard...... .....Ot,v
40 patterns of $1.35 grades of Bleached Table , Cl fJ
Damaskv per. yard.. ....Plel.av
40 patterns of $1.50 Bleached Table Damask, . -t 1i
. . beautiful designs, per yard....... ....ePleO'r
Entire stock $15 grades Bleached Table Napkins, QO,
, , best patterns, dozen.. ........................ ... "Ow.
Entire stock $2.00 grades Bleached Table it A A
Napkins, best designs, dosen..... ......eJIeUT"
! Entire "stock $2.50 " grades Bleached . Table " C" Q
Napkins, best designs, dozen.......... .;..4XeIO
'All our finest Austrian, German, Scotch and aFrench Table
Linens on sale at special prices, during the great "August
Linen SaleV- ;.";"v;;,,:;'......'',v;,V'';,t'..'. r" i
Linen Huck Towels, tha best f 'n
18c values, on sale at, each.. ........le7W
Hemmed Linen Huck Towels, the best i '. 7
25c values, on sale at, each.,..............l la
Hemstitched Linen Huck Towels, regular . Ole
30c values, on sale at, each..... ,...Jbis
45c Lines' Huck Towels for, each.... '..,St
100 dosen Bleached Turkish, Towels, each..'.lS .
Bleached Hemmed Cotton Sheets. 2x24 1r
yards, great special value at ...UeJC
HemstitchecL: Cotton Pillow Cases, sise Qn
45x36 inches, fine quality, great value
200 dozen Hemmed Cotton Pillow Cases, ' f-,
great special value at, each........ ..I IV
... All lines of Bed Linens low "priced. .
Hemmed Marseilles Pattern 'Bed Spreads, QA
-regular $1.00 values, at... ...... Out
Hemmed Marseilles , Pattern Bed' tt 1
Spreads, best $1.50 values, at. ePleXl
Fringed Marseilles Pattern. Bed Cl AC
' Spreads, regular $2.00 values, at..,.. ..epleU?
ringed Marseilles Bed Spreads, the '" 'Cl Oft
besj $2.50 values, on sale at....,......PIaVO
$4.00 Marseilles Bed Spreads for. .......... .f.88
Fringed Marseilles ' Bed Spreads in ; Cl tZ
red, navy, pale blue, pink, $2 val......ePleU?
Cotton Russian Crash Toweling, regular Ain
7j4c grade, on sale at, yard ..tV
18-inch Linen Crash Toweling at, yard......... 9f
20c Linen Crash- Toweling at, yard. ........... .164
Carpet Sdo
100 rolls of a splendid quality
Brussels carpets in (Jriental
and floral patterns; regular
. grade, on sale at the
special low price of, V
" " This " price inciudes "sewing,
laying and lining Third Floor.
The celebrated Cordova Brussels
Carpets, neat Oriental effects,
in the best colorings; borders
to match; regular $1.45 quality
on sale at this spe- f-j
cial low price, yd.... ..vleUO
100 rolls of "Windsor" Brussels
. Carpets, will wear as well as
. any Brussels carpet on the mar-
ket; Orientals T and two-toned
. effects;- regular v J
$1.50 vals., yard.......-vIeaeO
This ' price includes sewing,
laying and lining Third Floor.
5,000 yards of Fiber Matting, neat
and attractive designs; regular
70c quality, on sale at,
; per yard Uol
This price includes sewing,
laying and lining Third Floor.
20 Per Cct Cbcent ca
All Scu!l IXcr?
Mail orders promptly and care
fully filled.
Special lot of 50 high-art Ax
minster Rugs,9xl2 feet,beautiful
, colorings and designs; every
one in the lot regular $40.00
value; your choice while they
last at the wonderfully low
Carpet Department, Third Floor.
Japanese and Chinese Straw
Matting in handsome carpet ef
fects; entire stock reduced.
20c Mattings for 1B.V per yard
22c Mattings for !Ce per yard
25c Mattings for Se per yarj
2Sc Mattings for 20f per yard
30c Mattings for 2 ley per yard
eelty ot .the Commercial elub ef that
city, whloh contributes III per month
for the purpose. A few month aco tha
band was sompoaed almost. entirely of
beainnera. bet ao rapid baa been their
advancement that they are now em
ployedby the elty to give eoncerta .a
the publto square. A bandstand Is to
be erected at the Intersection ef Jer
sey and Philadelphia streets.
' BaOaimg yeesatta, J. -The
Tollowtnc permits have been
leaned: Clara a. Love, one-story dwell
ing. Esst Afaln between East Twsnty-
third and East Twssty-fourth. cost
11.100: George Kleer. barn. Baker be
tweea Water and Uood, eoet IIOS.
ai;d then beats him
Edward Schuttz Chargsd With
Murdsrous Assault on John ,
Qroff In 8aloon. - "
Edward Bchults wa. Srreated last
nlfht In Paul Ossehlnd's saloon at
Twenty-sixth , sad Nicole! streets by
8ef feaiiOoriei tddnioorsrTfie' etty
prison on a charge of an assault with a
deadly weapon. It le alleged that
Schulta fired two ahota at John Oroff,
a fellow-countryman, and falling to kill
him In thla manner, belabored his In
tended victim over tha head with ths
handle ef the revolver.
From the teetlmony of eyewitnesses
to the affair Oroff Invited Sehulta to
Join htrn. in a drink. - Notwithstanding
the fact that both of the men had el
were been on friendly terms, Scbulta
declined the invitation with the state
ment that he did not want to have any
thing to do with Oroff. The latter In
sisted, however, and thereupon Bchults
drew a revolver from hla pocket and
flred two shots at hla friend. It
bnfyyTheflulclPscUon trQro"f I ,
dodging that the bullets did net Uj
effect. -' - .
Thoroughly angered, tt Is claim "
Schulta chased Oroes Into a corner e
beat him ever the heed, eeuelny t
eatenstve lacerations ef the ecai... '.
police were notUled snd Servient 1
upon bis arrival placed avtai
arrest Schulta maintained t-
had attempted to commit S"'
thla stare ra ant la eontrauictei 1
the witnesses to the aair.
In -the mnnlclnej court f '
the case wss continual u
. .... ii ' ' -
Tea are as rr I
re. a aelsaa la a j ;
Waa At -
--vs. say