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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1906)
OLD - -0 j a w vj :8GiS E la . Li k- i. n f , DUL r Jekyll and Hyds of Psftarion Pur? ' sued by Conscience After Eluding Officer. ' 7oeraal Special Service.) Peterson. N. J., July 10. Ex-Mayor William H. Bcloher. who absconded ovr year ago with 1100,000, the fund of friends and firm with which ha wal connected, and haa been a fugitive since, returned thla morning and surrendered himself to a" Jailer. Th detective - nvr found a traoa of. him during hla absenoe. " It was-' aald tha day. rfttr St dlsap- As yniHam Hi Belpher Looked When peered. August I. HOB. that war ha naTMLCK ana ahow blmaair to hla friend 150,800 would be instantly ralaad nvr found v trac of. him during bis I ' I 1" I a" ' I ;- . ' - - . - "J H i liililllill SAN FRAriCISCO , to at blm out of bla trouble. - And thla whan It waa known that ha had forced paaa books of th building and loan association of which ha-waa president, and had also forged the nam of tha association' a secretary to tha ' books In order to raise loans at a bank. Went Wrong Tra Ago As day after day went' by and. tha amount of hla peculations Increased In . tha knowledge of tha publlo It was not .wondered at that ha did not return. And It . was than that those who , t known' him nest began to wonder at tha calm way Jn which for years-he had earned the crushing weight of guilt1 Belcher began to go wrong' as long ago aa ji7, and that even than ha waa . ao hopelessly Involved that nothing but ' a miracle could ever hare got him out of nls difficulties. And yet, through all this time, ha had carried himself before bis fellow men with tha frank ness of aa untroubled man, tha light . and happywhearted manner that won him friends never seemed to wane, and tha i delightful - personal : magnetism that made men seek him out for companion ahlp's sake had been hla uninterrupted , ly. And tha moat remarkable part of It baa been that no one erer gay him credit for being an actor. He wa more of a David Harum than ' tha polished membership of the Hamilton club. In fact though he kept up his membership, ha seldom went to the club. Home and tha society of his wife and a few cloaa friends had greater attractions for him. Does jret fcook Vara. Handsome, with - a strong, honest, pleasing face, and a atalwart figure, he . so little resembles th usual financial windier that had any on suggested a month before ,hts flight that Belcher -. had gone Into tha pockets of other people to tha tuna of mors than 1100,000 """he would bare been laughed at. Whether hla first wife, very sweet woman, died with a broken heart, 'will, perhaps, never be known. But her death in 1000 waa a great blow to him and . for a little time it seemed that he was declining. For a little the black ; load of worry and desperation ahowed through, th carefree mask that he wore. ' And then he married Mies James of Plalnfleld, who had been a friend of tha first Mrs. Belcher, and went to Swltssr land aava honeymoon that was the most daring and brasen, when It Is remem- be red that his office aafa waa crammed . with the evidence of hi duplicity and people war calling every day In his ab sence to aak about moneya they had loaned him -on worthless or forged se curities. But somehow luck was with Mm, and h brought his young bride back, happy, and both of them looking as If they had never a car la . th world. ... v ... '; . Xtvea Boabla Xif. .' . ' In spit of th fact that . ha waa . living a double life,: smiling and happy In publlo and terror-atrloken la his - - - . . . .. . - . 47H ' ... BROKEN IMS Cecalar $li9 tzi $1.C) Vilcw ' V SEE IYIXDOW Per Gairiwieiilt . Strctl r ' v . , .He Was Peterson's Honored Mayor. own i heart, there waa " an element of soundness about his nature, a note of genuineness that lmpreaaad avry on. When be was running for mayor of Pat arson. at the suggestion of his friends who.- wanted to substitute a f earlesa Republican of th old sort for a brewer, who waa a Democrat, he nightly stood before th people of Peterson and promised-honest' government - and - integrity with an earnestness that gave no hint of the fact that he was a criminal of th worst sort a man who took the say Ings of the poor people and used them for himself, giving .forged mortagea in return. -. . , ,: In the midst of this campaign an eld friend, who had left 110.000 in securities in bis hand for investment; wrote from Florida ordering - him to Bell . 110.000 worth, of tha securities and send him tha money. Belcher put him off la One way and another as long aa he could. and when th man finally put th mat tar In tha handa of a lawyer he inter rupted hla campaign long enough to hurry to Florida, go down on. his knees and beg for mercy, promising that after hla election he would get the .money that ae had spent and aend It. The creditor, for old friendship' sake, gave him another chance, but- h never got th money. . ....... , , ? r,. ' r-. Bwalt &Ik SennM. ' Belcher's farm at ' Mid vale, ' called "Snake Den." waa supposed to hare been selected by him as a summer horn be cause it - waa secluded and oulet. He loved peace and solitude, hs said. But now It la believed that he lived there Ilk a hermit, because it was practically Inaccessible, and was off the beaten path of travel. There are those ' who think that this lonely retreat Indicated that ba lived in constant terror and wished to escape as much as possible from his fellow men, la whose faces ha saw nothing but their aateem for him and their confidence In hla integrity. After ha waa mad mayor The used to talk to tha children of the publlo schools upon Honesty . and, upright 'living. In way that pleased I even the churchmen who found fault with him. gently and good naturedly, for not going to prayer meeting. - v - And after, these talks he would go up to. hla farm and hid himself for daya at a. time."-. ;- He waa never a ' good lawyer. ' He studied "law lata in life, and now It la found-that" many of hla legal opinions, given to clients with hla signature on them, were really written by some of hla friends, to whom he submitted the facta-and asked for their help. It la characteristic of tha - way . that these legal friends looked upon him that they did this gladly and with no expectation of recompense, though until the laat few weeka before hi flight he . often paid them handsomely. - No, there Is no better dairying coun try on earth than th Willamette val ley; and Is there any better part of tha Willamette valley than old Yamhill? ' Icserlsl - Eetel CeIIJ- - III II I .111- w , M I. I .1 ( i - Sixteen Hundred Men Quit Work ' ', on Street rtallroad ThleT' :;';';v,-';'i Morning. CANNOT LIVE ON WAGES GIVEN BY EMPLOYERS Atk for Eight Hoar and Higher Pay and Say Enormous Rents and Food Prices Have Made Increased Seal t Absolutely Neceatary. T ..-j (Jesmal Sptelal Ssrrlos.) Ban Franc Isoo, July 10. While the re- bullders of Baa Francisco have not be come discouraged, they are getting a bit weary of the constant demands mad on them for more t wages by men la all walks of life. - , Th threatened strike on th street railroad began this morning; when about 1,000 men quit work. They were refused an eight-hour day and aa increase In wagea. r, . These men were track layers and pav ers, and sine work haa begun oa the re construction of San Francisco's street railroad aystem hav been working 10 hours for $1.60 and I1-S0 a day, respec tively. ' , Some time ago they mad a demand for aa eight-hour day and $1.(0 and It. respectively, . which waa refused. - Ef forts were made to arbitrate the differ ences, but nothing good resulted, and the strike followed. This Is one of th worst blows th re- bullders have bad, aa there are no men to take the places of the strikers. Th statement Is mad that th men cannot live oa the wages offered. With th aid of tha soup kitohens some of tha workmen were Just able to keep body and soul together, but since restrictions were placed on getting this help they have found It impossible to live on th small wage. The coat of housing fami ne ha Increased enormously, clothing is high, food la costly, and la every way tha ezpenae of living has gone to a point where th men say It la Impossi ble to live on th wages offered. Although the strike seriously hamper converting th old cable line into a trolley, system, a large force is still at work. The union Is making every effort to win th men over, and It la likely that they will lay down their tools la the near future. - , - SENDING OUT PHOTOS; ' r OF. MISSING CHILD (".serial Dlsvateh t Tb JaemaLl Walla Walla, Wash, July 10. Hun dreds of photographs of -. little Cecil Brlttan, who disappeared from Toll Oate July It, are to be aent throughout the northwest by Mr, Brlttan in th hop ef finding some trace of th boy If he 1 being held by kidnaper, as he now fully believes. Although It will take almost his last dollar If th reward Is1 aver claimed, Mr. Britten-has offered 11,000 for the return of the boy alive and ISO for hla body should he be dead. - Mr. and Mrs. Brlttan and tb remain- In r children hav returned to Walla Walla from Toll Oat and Mr. Brlttan has reopened hla photographic studio. Tb parents plainly ahow 1 th strain they have been under since their son disappeared. Mr-Brlttan will now de vote his energies to loosing ror some clue that might result In finding some trac of hi son. . . , DONAHUE ACQUITTED ; , OF LAND SWINDLING ' (Speda! trtapatrfe to The Jfleraal) Helena. Mont-. July 10. The Jury fa the United States court, which for 10 days haa been hearing the evidence In the case of tb united atates against Michael Donahue and W. J. Walsh on tha charge of Illegal fencing of ll.tOO acres of government lands in Meagher county, today returned a verdict of ac quittal as to Donahue and guilty ae to Walsh. Clemency waa recommended for the latter. Donahue was formerly gn eraljnanager of Marcus Daly's Interests In Montana, and Is 'now a resident1 of Saa Francisco, . , ;. ... ,C&n Francisco and Portland Steamship Co. Takes Steps to . Accommodate Traffic. . STEAttZR C0LUM3IA TO GO ON COAST RUN SOON Passenger Will Be Carried on the Columbia and Costa Rica if Sailors Can Be Secured to Properly Man . - the Vessels. j "v. : :.-: ?'',: SJtiA e n ViimIuia SV PnrtltnA 'lltiMm I ship company will hav three steamers the Columbia, Barracouta and Costa Rica plying between this port and San Francisco by the- middle of . August This Information waa given out i this morning by tha officials la thla city. Tha Costa Blca left San Franolsco Saturday night and Is due to arrive here tomor row evening or Wednesday morning. Bbe comes full to the hatches with freight, but no Information has been received as to her carrying passengers this trip. 0 1; - The Columbia came off tha drydock at Ban Franolsco three daya earlier than waa called for la the- contract and ac cording to Information from the head office In Baa Franolsco she will resume operations In th Portland-Ban Fran cisco trad by August II, If sailor can, d aecurea. Portland as well as - Baa Francisco shippers and merchants have been com plaining bitterly because of the poor service between this port and Baa Fran olsco, and thla undoubtedly prompted the Harrlman People to get tha Colum bia out aa early as possible. The Bar raoouta left - Portland. - Saturday night with 1.085 tons of freight for tha Bay City and still th situation waa only allghtly relieved: Travelera. too,, have been complaining because of being deprived of the chance to take the sea voyage along tha eoaat while making a tour of tha atatea un less waiting for the steamera Roanoke or F, A. Kllburn, which are not able to handle the heavy traffic , With th Columbia and Costa Rica back oa th rout there will be live steamers in regular commission between Portland and Baa Francisco, as before the earthquake and strike. With that many carriers regularly oa the route and a number of ateam schooners pick ing up freight now and then fairly good service wiu be maintained. - CARGO SPACE SCARCE.V raNt to Zasav It aeds of Toms of might Behind. When the steamer Alliance sails for Eureka and Coos bay tonight hundreds of tons of freight wUl be left behind because of the Inability of the veasel to carry-all that la being. offered. Freight baa been refused ever since the" steamer arrived Friday morning and still she will fro out full to the hatch covers, ' Coast business never was so heavy before la th history of th port. More steamera will Jiav to be added to th rout la order to handle th traffic any where satisfactorily. - The California Oregon Coast Steamship company, which operate th Alliance, haa been oa the lookout for a suitable veasel for soma time, but haa not succeeded la finding one so far. " The steamer F. A. Kllburn will be In thla evening. She. too, will undoubtedly go out full of freight and Crowded with passengers, while going as far- ae San Francisco, she also touches at Coos Bay and Eureka. The Kllburn arrived at Astoria this morning and should reach Oreenwioh dock thla evening. Aa extension will be mad to her oabtn so as to give space for -mor passengers. NEW CRAFT IN HARBOR. Brtttsfc Ship " Srabloak and Sckoomar - . Xrem Xer to LMl. ' - '- Two sailing vessels the British ship Brabloch and th . American schooner Iran arrived up la th' harbor yester day afternoon, th former to load wheat for the United Kingdom and tha latter railroad ties tor Redonaa. The Brabloch-has been lying Idle at Astoria sine laat November, when ah came north from Ban Diego In search of business. She waa finally chartered a few day ago by Balfour. Guthrie Co waa taken to Banfleld' dock to dis charge ballast and, will commence re ceiving... cargo about th middle of August. , Tb schooner Irene went to th dock of th Standard Box factory at th foot of Bast Pin street and began receiving cargo there this morning. After taking on 1.000 ties at thla dock the Iran will shift to th mills of th Portland L,um bar company to finish. . V EARTHQUAKE AT SEA. Papas la ef tha fMaooaw Sspada reports Strang Bxperlaaoe off Mcndoomo. Th Paclf lo ocean was disturbed by two distinct earthquake shocks- off the California coast oa tb morning - of July' . tit according to Information brought by Captain J. IV Sarrlna, of tha schooner faspada, to the branch hydro graphlo office at Ban Francisco. None of th vessels that hav arrived here during th past few day report having felt th peculiar vibration of th sea, however. , .- Captain Barrlna says that at, 1:11 a. m. on July 1! In latitude 40:1 north, longitude 110:11 west, or about II miles north 10 west true, from Cap Mendo cino, be experienced a slight earthquake shock. At 0:10 a. m. he experienced a sever earthquake . shock that lasted about six seconds, and It felt aa If the ship was grinding over rocks. , The weather was olear at tha time, th wind light, th sea very smooth and th barometer showed 10.94. . - MAY TAKE MORE CARGO. Morwegtaa etsamer - Ottev . StQI .mm , . : Awaiting Orders. , Th Norwegian ateamer Otta, Captain Linkhauser. was to hav Bailed yester day for Vladivostok, Siberia, but she Is still In tha harbor because orders are coming for more freight, and a there la spao on board for a few hundred ton more la th hold th big Norwegian will probably be held a roupl of daya and filled-to the hatches. It waa aald thla morning that If more cargo Is offered It will be moetly flour, for which there is a good' demand m Vladivostok and th surrounding coun try. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The British steamer Kelvlnbank left for Ban Francisco yesterdagk to load redwood lumbar for China, . Th cargo Uriicks on Snlc Tuesday u FROll 8 A. M. T0 1 P. 11. a to 1 a.m. :;;---V Summer Blankets ' Fine Summer-Weight Blanket, white or lilver grey, dainty' colored border! ; value $275. Special ,. ......fl.69 8 to i A.M. -v; Shoe Value 10c, per dozen. ...... .6 8 TO 1' A, M. . . , ' 45-inch, 90c and $1.00 ; values, special ................. ,.53f 8 TO 1- A.M. ' ' India Linon 1 500 yards of fine ' Sheer India "Linon for suite and waists, war? , ranted to wear: value 20c. Special 12 8 T0 1A.1L Black Mercerized Sateen Petticoats Ladies' Petticoat of ' black mercerized aateen, in a variety of flounces: regular price $2.00. . Special ............. . f 1.34 Summer - Suit Silks These are beautiful', fabrics every ' yard . it this season's latest, weave and design worth Lcvlr00Jnr $ f.25 per yard. .Tues , day and Wednesday, yard. .984 The New Fall Are in ,M5?f,,tr5i8.50 ' w "- you will know just T TO , wnat tasmon aecreea tor tne ing season....... PRICES will probably be furnished by. th Eu reka mills. Ths Norwegian steamer Tbyra com menced loading lumber at Vancouver this morning. Captain Bergtr reports an uneventful voyage In coming to Portland. Th Thyra carries a Chinese asow. BheLwUI finish her cargo at the, mills of th PoruaHg -tiumbes com-. pany. Th steam schooner Johan Poulaen left Ban Francisco Saturday night (or Portland to load lumber for a return cargo. Th steamer Stanley Dollar will not come to Portland to load but another steamer of equal capacity will ba sub stituted for hsr. Bh was under char ter to th Pacific Export Lumber com pany to load her during th latter part of August but as ah Is Idle at present and the exporting firm unable to handle her while th big steamer Sutherland la In port. It was mutually agreed to sub stitute another steamer for th Dollar later on. - Th nam of tha Stanley Dollar haa been changed to the M. 8. Dollar, under which nam she sailed the aeas for many years before being known as th Stanley Dollar. MARINE NOTES. Astoria.' July 10. Condition of th bar at I a. m. smooth, wind northwest, weather cloudy. Arrived at T a. m. and left up at 11:10, steamer F. A. Kllburn. from Ban Francisco. Arrived down at 0:10 a. m. and sailed at 11:40 P. m steamer Asuncion. Sailed at 0 o'clock laat evening ateamer Barracouta for San Francisco. Ban Francisco. July 10. Arrived at a. m., ateamer .Northland, from Port land. Sailed at 10 a. m. yesterday, steamer Atlaa for Portland; at 1 p. m. ateamer Noyo for Portland. Balletf at p, m. Saturday, steamers Costa Rica No auceaaTtful contaatant hetvlnjr appeared for t He bemutlf ul prjnt we advertlaie(l to iflvea away on June 30the ea 8oond award will ba made t gU. YWei - AND sce WHAT MJCKY PERSON call at uur stores w.w. carry away the - BEAUTIFUL PARLOR SET and MAGNSFICLNT COLLECTION ' df CUT CLASS 01 C--0RE60N IMPORTING CO.-- 0 r THIRD AND TAYIOR STS. - Phone M'w 380 iuesday Specials Helpful Suggestions tor ; , Cztetul Housewives ' ; Beautiful ' Sunn e r-W eight BLANKETS at......... 1.69 Attractive HAMMOCKS at .......,v,..,..85 Black Mercerized SATE EN PETTICOATS, . special.? 1.84 Fine quality HUCK TOWELS at........v,i:.85e. and 1.0 INDIA LINON reduced V to ,.....iaH 45-Inch WHITE NETS,.53e SHOE LACES, per docen 6 FRAMED PICTURES. V. 83 HEM STITCHED i LINE N TURNOVERS reduced to. 18e TAPESTRY SOFA CUSH IONS, fiUed V with silk . floss, only ..:..T3e LVasA; Skirtsm AH white wash' skirts on sale Tassdiy nd Wedntsdsy at Just ' Half Price Fit hirVout from top to toe neatly and in-. expensively. " The Beck Stock of -Infant IVcaiL : still on sale" v At Half Price Baby Suits The Nev Fall Coats com - f r e B LACK E AO LE GOA L I nffA I . gglf EAST F. B. Jones & Co. and Johan Poulaen for - Portland. Ar river yeatcrday, steamer Tiverton, from Astoria. ' Saa Diego. July It. Sailed, schooner W. T. Garros, for Portland. Astoria. July II. Sailed at T:10 a. m. British steamer Kelvlnbank for Ban Francisco..-..' , .,.. PROVIDES FOR BABE THEN TRIES SUICIDE Helena, Mont- July ' 10 A woman giving her nam aa Mrs. Garryette haa been placed In custody by Sheriff Bcharrenbrolch on an Insanity charge. The woman appeared at - St. Joaeph'e Orphans' Home In th valley and re quested that her child of tour or five year be left there, stating that aha could not provide for It ; Th request is acceded to, when, an -instant later,- th woman, who la about It and of good appearance, produced a bottle of laudanum and attempted to swallow. It but was thwarted by th Sisters. Of The) Stors Thst Gives the Handaome Presests Away NEJ7 I -ottia. To' p.V.:. t .TO P. M. A Good Hammock "M j Either, open or canvas weave, ; -with pillow, concealed spreader, and with valance: value $125. Special , . .... . . . 85 1 TO P..M. Framed Pictures ' Value 75c, special. T.7 88a) . 1 TO P. M. ;,.V ''l ; Hemstitched Linen Turnovers Value 35c, special . . . . , . . lSdt , . x to 6 p. m. . ; ., " . Fine Huck ; Tovels r ' Sample line of fine Huck Hem stitched Towels, extra - large, ' with - fancy damask ' borders $15 quality Special, -each -,. . .....,.. i. ...... 85e. l - $1.50 quality Special , each 81.0B ' ' " I' 1 TO P.M. Tapestry Sofa Cushions In assorted designs, plain black. ; tassels' in each corner, filled .with. best quality ilk floes; . regular price $1.10. i Special ....789 . !, '.-" .:''-''-. - ; . '', " .: ' ' Men's Fancy Hosiery Not an imperfection in a single pair of Hose in this lot. All a -good liberal 50c value. Short lots from one of -the- most re- . Jiable high-grade hosiery houses " in-the United Stair. ; Tueeday, j.N and Wednesday, per pair.Ty . Brp In English Tweeds, fi9$Q ni 111 Scotch Plaids; to Domestic Weaves . PRICES $58.50 181 E Vcter Street ficers were sent for and th woman waa taken to th county Jail, where she again essayed suicide by swallowing a powder which she had hidden oa aer person. SALEM HAS SUMMERY RESORT BY . RIVER i. . Salem, Or- July 10. Salem will hav a summer resort on the west bank of th Willamette river. A number of young men ' hav put In ' snap the grove near 'Vamp Willamette" where tha Oregon National Guard rtf 1 tourna ment waa held, and hav had the Salem military band give Sunday evening eon certs. - - Several refreshment booths hav been erected and the place Is proving popular, being frequented by Salem's best people. The park haa been called "The Maples," and m to be a recreation park only . without ' any special effort being mad to provide amusement of a carni val nature, -, .,.-..- - 270 was::: ::t:i ' Phe- 1 t .. . i .