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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1906)
DAILY JGw. ::tl:.:;d. hi ID PEM FOR SIXTHS Jewel Is Buiwd. for. Small Sum f ; AKhough "Worth " fifteen v: Thousand Dollars. ' : WAS FOUND IN MUSSEL : :' ; SHELL IN WISCONSIN Buyers of Every Kr-York House ' Art Being Sent "to Western' Flab erics to Secure Gems to Meet the Heavy Demand. : . '. ." , ' (Joaraal Special Sarfto.f : New Tork, July J.ffered for sal In k New Tork Jewelry store is per faet pearl weighing tt grains, which Is asking a price of 1MP. The bu - who found t In a. muasel shell In the Wisconsin bank of the Mississippi river only a few week are o!4 It for 71 cent. The pearl cam In a shell the alae of a silver dollar. Mo auoh proot aa that between Ts oente and U,00 is made by the local Jewelers as the price of such lmi double ' With every mile they traverse in their Journey eastward. As a result of the Increased success of the western pearl fisheries and the heavy demand for gems the buyers of prac tically every house In New Tork have been sent recently to points 'where the pearls are to be had first hand from tbe finders. Most of the feme found tbe present season' have come from tbe Wabash river, within 100 miles of Vln ' oennee, but New Tork Is also receiving supplies from tbe Mississippi, wiacon 'Sin. Ohio and other rivers. PARSOII 17AR0 IS IVHlrFED BY 'FRISCO rERCHAIIT Husband of Concert Singer ; Attacked on His Way to ; Church. ' , ' ; Is ' (Joaraal Special tsrvies.) Sea Jose. CeO. July 0. Rev. B. ' Ward, liusbend of Agatha Cummings Ward, the eoncert singer, who Is t Ing sued by bis wife for divorce en the ground ef desertion, wee attacked this morning on his way from-church by H. B. Wright of Ban Francisco, tee merchant, after a stormy Interview In which charges of the most sense. tionsl nature were msde. The minister ,' Is alleged to have been badly pummeled. He swore to a warrant charging hie assailant, who later eras arrested, with assault and battery, but Wright was -released last evening under bonds." The esse is eet for August t Wright has left town. - "2r (fct cl Ssverd TtOeisnndGcesscs -M Cbrrect tee Asswer TeHs fir ! ,1 I7t3 la the AatesaaeW Tele. passe Bwnoa ass by the Soaee Tslephaoe) eosapaay. Tbs mochan. Issa eaahteg the embeetlbs e sail any other eabaorlber's satephoae without the IstorrenMoa ef ha maa agency. ' The ewteah, eeaae tines sailed the gtoUeao eeafeaV tm the foreigner's fHsadi has me anoeaa, aeve tares, goestpe, vtstse -"The New Telephone Is not at . tended . with nerve-racking bells, long ' wilting, "Lias's Buey" echoes.- 'Wrong Number blun ders. No. crude apparatu s4 un sightly batteries deface the walls and 'woodwork. Bach subscriber - hse a main Una. No "Leaky Party ! Lines." Unlimited Service, no "lot Machines. Central Energy Bys teat. '.j,.vf.. - r "Service Absolnteiy Secref : ; Application for Installation . of the New -Telephone shouM'be promptly msde, se thero will be no unnecessary delay la tendering the new service. .'. ,, ' J - - . . ' '-r-: -r-' - V ' ILw isarsv eaaral OfBeeead Kaia' Sxahasge rarm aaa ex listens." . -- , " MEANING OF THOSE KNOBS ON. Wm BIG STARS Rave noticed those tittle round knobs en the points ef the pew stars of the policemen? - ' vWell. they became a part of the original design for a specific purpose, but It doesn't apply to the police depart ment at alt - ".' The new emblems of office have Just bee plsoed upon the manly bosoms of Portland's .finest. T'.iey ere 'quite an addition to the municipal plats, la the center U a five-pointed star. This Is surrounded by a wide band. At the point of each atsr a knob project beyond, the edge of the band. Now. when the license Inspectors wore plats stars they found tbst the .sharp edges-out out the llnlog-Ot.thelr coats, for the Inspectors, unlike the polloe- aaea, wore the oaoges on ineir win coats where they had plenty of chance to rub agalnat the outer garment . . In ,the course of time new hedges THREE NIGGER BABIES STOLEN; POLICE WORKING ON THE CASE Idolatry , or. ton similar - offenss might be the speclflo' charge 1 placed against ths thief who stole a three headed Image from the ptcnlo grounds at Ross island last Saturday morning. Howevsr. contrary to the Impression that might be gained from the descrip tion furnished to the police, ine sioten property does not represent sny. of ths paraphernalia of a heathen faith or se cret organisation, but la used In that fascinating rural- paatlme commonly known bv the euphonious title of "nigger baby. -v' -:' For the edlflcaUoa of those not .ee quatnted with "nigger baby.' It may be eald that the game consists ef throwing IIEriBREE VERDICT LIAUSLAUBIITEB Compromise Is Effected by the Jurors In Murder Case Tried (J In Tillamook Court; HE WILL NOT APPEAL r 1 TO THE SUPREME COURT It Is Understood That prisoner Will Abids by Decision of Men Who Tried Him First for Murder of His Wife and Child. i,;V;;Vr ' : 7 : ' ' SpeeUI Dwpatch te Tae Jeanal.t ' m Tillamook, Or, July 10. A verdict of manslaughter was brought in against Abram Hembree, eharged with the mur der of hie wife and daughter December it, after deliberation $f about 14 hours. While there was no such charge as manslaughter mads in- ths case against Hembree, the clrcumstanoes allowing but murder in the first degree or ac quittal, the verdict was reached as a compromise, it being evident that had ths prisoner neon acquiitea as wouiu have been retried in another county at great expense and it was ths general opinioa that tbs circumstantial nature ef the evidence Introduced would not warrant condemning Hembree to 'the gallows. --v "i . . ".. " That Hembree shall abide by the deci sion of ths Jury has been decided upon as the beat plan, for In tbe event that he wae released upon tbs verdict or man slaugbtsr upon appeal to the supreme eourt there would remain the posslbll Ity of his reindictment upon ths charge Of murder or upon the charge ef arson. While there Is anything but a friend ly feeling here for Hembree, there la the greatest sympathy for his brothers, who are resident of McMlnnvllle, who are held In the highest respect by ths people ef Tillamook. Although Hembree saved days In which to perfect sn appeal to the su preme court it Is understood n- good authority that he -does not Intend te carry his case to the higher eourt. ; HUSBAND ACCUSED. fobs Toss trades Ansa Charged wtth - Wife Bfarder aad Arsoa. - : (Jearaal Special gervbe.t . ' Chicago, July SO. Charged with mur dering his wife and firing his horns te cover ths evidence or his crime, John Voss is under errest here awaiting the outcome of a coroner e Inquest. . The i mains ef hie wife, Earsatlns Voss, wers found charred almost beyond recognN tlon In the ruins of a summer kltchea which wae destroyed when the Vose home wee burned early yesterday morn tag. The actions of Toes at the time of the fire and statemente msde by him te some of hie neighbors led te his arrest on suspicion of the crime. BALLOON'S THRILLING , : K : 1 SUCCESSFUL FLIGHT New Tork. July to. Charles ' It Walsh, whose novitiate as an aeronaut was apent in the French army, won tbe distinction of being the only member of the Aero club who ever made a long trip alone la a balloon and -landed without mishap. a-' Hla Journey was a thrilling oae. Start ing from One Hundred and Thirty-ninth etreet and the Harlem river today, he tgsagged as the winds shifted over Long Island sound, and after half a dosen escapee from being' plunged Into the water, landed safely at East Nor- walk. Connecticut, lees thsn a quartsr of mile from tho shore. Thousands saw the balloon, la Ha fllghtr -'-',-; DIE HORRIBLY BUT ' SAVE 'THEIR CHIEF Capetown, July to. The barbarism practiced in German Africa Is -said'' by returning visitors to have been horrible beyond word a Shocking cruelties were praotioed on men round witn arms In their hands, and even the helpless wounded did not escape the fury ef the soldiery. . " After a skirmish, say some eye wit- hesses,. about ef the rebellious na tives - were wounded, but their leadsr escaped. The Injured men were urged to reveal the hiding place of their chief, bet refused, and, one after another, were ptttta death. The last man died horri bly, but the Oermen soldiers did not learn where Chief Harlage lay. con POLICEMEN WEAR were ordered for' the license inspectors. Meaara. McEachern and Hutchison. Mr. Hutchinson went to work to evolve badge that -wouldn't cut hie coat. He drew a design for one, a star encircled by a bend and having five knobby pro. Jectiona .which would keep the eoat away from the edges of the star. Theae bad res. were ordered and have been worn bv the InsDoctors ever since. Last spring It wss decided to replace tbe old police Shield with stare. Mayor Lanei and the members of the police committee of the executive board looked at a number of designs presented by a local stamp works.., Among, these wss Hutchinson's design. It caught the eys of the officials, though tbe utility of the knobs wasn't considered. no u the policemen are wearing stars .'with bands and knobs now. Tbey are enough to -inspire awe Into the mind of any youthful -offender, for sure. : . - baseballs at a number of wooden fig urea ranged in a row and generally painted an. African tint. In the language of the spieler It la: "Step up lively, gents. If ysr hit one ysr gets one segar and If yer hits two yer gets two segars. Come on. good people, snd try yer luck. - McFaU Johnson of lit Madlaon street reported ths theft to tbe police yesterday and Detective Andy Vaughn, who recently became a father, has been detailed on the eaae. The theft fol lowed a clam bake given at the laland. end the thief incidentally carried away two boxes of clams In addition to the lmsge. .-. EISriT .SE DaOITKED by v;r.ECsi::s of mots Sloops Capsize on Bar of Here ford Inlet, Resulting in Loss of Lives. .;. :s ' ,. - (Jooraa Specie! Berrlee.) -: , Angleaea, N. J, July 10. Eight per eone loat their lives- la accidents oa Hereford Inlet bar yesterday, when ths yachts Nora and Alvin B. were cap- slsed la the breakers, There were 13 people aboard the Nors, a sloop yacht, and It on the Alvin B. But for the herolo work of Captain Lud lam and hla men from the Hereford Inlet lire-saving station there would have been a much greater loss of life, . Seven bodies were recovered and Sam uel Lordner of Woodbury. New Jerssy. is missing. Tbe bodies recovered were of: Frederick Fisher Sr.. Philadelphia; Herbert Hammel, Lansdals, Pennsyl vania; Walter Snyder. Phlladelohiai John Fogarty.. Haverford. Pennsylvania; j. oiaraey, rnnaaeipma; John Donohua. Philadelphia; unknown man. - r FOX JAKES THE STAND 'I (Continued front Pago One.) ' front either the foreman, whose name was McKensle. or from John Stuart, the bookkeeper. He further testified that Hsndricka generally ssnt his orders to his subordinates by telephone. Judge Bennett took tho witness In hand, and evidently brought out more than he cared to hear. Oa erose-eaaml-nation Fox testified that when ha waa told to pay a visit to Hawk'a claim he understood that his pay was to go oa Just the same: Instead of objecting te r ox- giving wnat je understood Judge Bennett asked him who had told him that his - wages would go on, ' Te the juage s surprise ths answer was not in definite. It was straight to ths point. "Either tho foreman or. the - book keeper," said Fox. "I don't know which. as I got orders sometlraeV. from ths one and iomttlmii th nth" Motion Sealed by Oomrt, -V- The defense asked that this be trick. en -Out, but the prosecution maintained that Judge Bennett had bv his own questions mads tho anawer eomnotant uatuu we court aeniea us motion. n .u.Mutv iir mi . mia somecning else that was new. It wss to the ef fect that Hendricks came to him after nawa naa returned to Fossil following his testimony before the grand Jury and said: The Indictment sgslnst me Is oa hswk s snd Clyds Brown's testimony Ton can swear that you let Hawk have tne money to prove up or etood good for It" .'-.' According to the testimony already givsn oy riawa tne money wss furnlnhed by ' Hendricks Fox testified that Hen dricks Intimated that ha wantsd him te commit perjury. The proposal made hint mad and Hendricks changed the sub ject and began . to ' talk about work around tbe mill. ' Clyde Brown wss the next witness. After ths defense hsd vainly tried to snut out nis testimony he told of how he came to take up -a bomsstead claim. Brown lives In FossIL . Twice he has been employed by the Butte Creek com pany herding aheep and cutting wood. In lift while he was out of work Clar ence B. iachary, foreman of the com' pany's ranch and owning a fifth inter' est In ths corporation, - asked htm If he wanted to take up a piece of land. He anawsred yes, Later Zachary" agreed to give him $600 whea he proved up at ths end of five yssrs and in tbs mean time give him work aa long aa he wanted It Zachary told him to 'go to Hendricks and macs his filing. -He had no description of any land, but - went before "Hendricks,'- who - wss United States commissioner, and, made hla entry , end affidavit . Hendricks wrot in the description of the land. ' . -Brown psid no money. - Ths receiver's receipt for 110 wss sent to him by mall. He did not cultlvste the' place, and slept on it only one night going there st Zacharfs suggestion. A rough-board cabin mil was bullpen the land, but Brown didn't build It ' Tho roof of this csbln wss unshingled; there was . a rough board floor, but no furniture of any kind. There waa a place for a door. but no door. The builder mode ho pro vision for either a window or a stove pipe. ..' ' '.' : '-' - ' "Wae -there any fence aroand your pleesT" , asked United Statee Attorney Bristol. .1 - . . "There wss a fence back of the plsee. Mr. Eachary naked me If the company could put up a fence there, and . I told him they could." It was evident that the proseautlon brought out this yvldencs with ths Ides or snowing istsr tnst tns Butte Creek company needed thla particular piece of fence to fill a gap between other fenc ing and a Una of rlmrorh.-thtie Inclos ing a large tract of government land. The direct examination of Brown waa still in progress when the eourt ordered an sojournment astu e clock. O HFFffiS Jillll SiKES Twice in Three Weeks Harold Currier Day Encounters Rep- . tiles In California. . ; , 13 BITTEN BUT LIFE S ' CAVED BY COMPANION First Experience Waa la Well When He Best Head Off Assailant Lait Tims Was oa ths Trail Up Mount :;; Wilson. ;;--.'' (Joornal Special Strvlot.) v Sierra Mad re, CaL, July 10. For aecond time In three weake Harold Currier Day, a well-known and wealthy resident of this city, hss had an excit ing experience with rattlesnake. . This time Day was-not so fortunate as be fore and the reptile sank Its range into the calf ol his leg snd but for the prompt action of Dr. Bloomer, Day would sot be here to tell the tale. Day and Dr. Bloomer were on - their way up Mount Wilson and the rattler. hlch was lying alongalda tbe trail. atruck . Day without warning, r- Dr. Bloomer immediately ' cut open the wound aad sucked the poison out. Day at once came to Sierra Madra, but the draatlo measures used or tbe physician had checked ths poison before It entered the system. . Several weeks ago Day was precipi tated Into a well with a rattler end after beating lta head against ths side threw tho reptile out . Day's nerves are to eome sxtsnt unsteadled but he doee not feel any inconvenience from his experi ence with the enakee. : -'. - ' ... - -, ENOUGH TRADE FOR SHIPS ; (Continued f rota Page One.) another laid up or sunk ths plane and arrangements of the commercial com munity are upset and everything- goes wrong until other boats are started, which usually Is so long a period that ths movemant of business naa changed to. other, channela. - . '' Portlaad Waking' VSv Portland was a long time asleep to the efforts of Independents to start steamships with this city as a terminal. Steamship men say that recently there is a decided change In the attitude ef Portland, and conditions in this respect are getting rapidly better. Thouaanda of new people have been comiag la end new bualness man are taxing hold or affairs. - The policy of the oldtlraerS is broadening and new enterprises are be ing welcomed. Instead of depending on the old-established steamship companies to build up aad maintain the carrying trads they are welcoming new com panies, and the feeling of optimism la- getting - eo strong tnat eoua Dull ness men are oven talking of the ad vlaability of organising steamship com panies with local capital to push Into the Alaska and San Francisco trade. A recent can rasa shewed that about to per eent of the bualness men solicited were in a receptive attitnae on mis xina ef a proposition. It Is believed that before the eloee ef another season there will ' be steamships operated or la process of construction by companies financed la Portland. . , . .- '. i ' At the present time the North Fsclfte Steamship company is ' operating with marked auocess ths steamship Roanoke between San FranolsoO and Portland. It Is said the company's business Is stead ily growing,''' and tt la but a queation of a year or two when thla 11ns will be enlsrged by several ships. The Bedondo, a ehlp that has been operated betweoa the two porta, has lust been sold to ths Simpson Lumber company of Coos bay, which , will probably use her sg a lumber carrier In ' place of two of that com pany's ships recently , wrecked. The steamship K 11 burn is being run between Portland and San Francisco by the Wat eonvllle Transportation company, . and has a larara and arrowlnar bualneaa. There are nearly half a dosen inde pendents the Northland, Johaa Poul ssn. Anrella, Despatch and othsre. pri marily lumber schooners, but which car ried freight prior to the sailors' strike at San Francisco. - Blocs that time they have refuaed freight It la said thay decline te land at ths Pactflo Mail docks at San Francisco, to avoid a possibility of taking agitators sbosrd, and for thla reason they have no aocoss to frelgTil landings. .' f '": Vow Xssaev ' ' ' The transportation committee of the Portland chamber of . ooramerce has taken up the question of Improved trans portation facilities . between Portland and Ban Francisco as a permanent Issue. It is proposed to make a thorough ln veatigatioa Into cauaea of the long and severe troubles experienced by this city regarding eoaatwlae -steamship serrlce. " When once the situation is thoroughly understood by ths oommlttee it will Inaugurate a systetnatlo effort, backed by the combined Influence or Portland's sommerclal - Interests. to . effect a remedy. - It Is easy to assumo that ths Hsrriman companies. In view of their expenditure of ssvsral millions of dol lare in rebuilding the Southern Pacific main line In Oregon, will not employ e policy of playing ocean transportation agalnat rail tonnags, and it Is not be lieved that the city of Portland may expect much in the way of up-to-date, aggreaaive steamahlp service from the Portland tt San - Francisco Steamahlp company so long ae it remaine a Hsrri man line. - -- .. ... .' WW ran Together. The transportation, committee," In whatever remedy It undertaken to apply, wilt nave practically tne united sup port of other commercial bodies. Presi dent Wall! Nash of ths board of trad aid: ' "At a meeting of our Alaska trads oommlttee today there was not a suf ficient number preeent and we postponed discussion of ths subject I do not know that it behooves us to go' Into the matter .very strongly -at- the preeent time, elnce the chamber of commerce committee haa taken It up Vlgoroualy. We are ready and glad to help In any way we can and will cooperate with the chamber committee In pushing ths cam paign along. Any movsmant to develop mors stesmshlp service or te organise Independent eteamshlp - companies , will hare our united support" 1 ' . SPRAY SELLS BAND OF THOUSAND EWES : (Spertal Dtopetdl te The Joeraal.) ' Horsy. Or.. July 10. J. F. Boray hss sold to John Hughes 1,00 heaa of owes to be delivered next fslL - The price paid wae II I per head, with the provialon that this-number Is to be ths pick of the nsnd. snd they are to. be summered by Mr. Spray. These ewes sheared II a head, and win raise about 10 per eent ef lamb before being delivered, . .. , ffJUlLOlilA. is a kx ether ITarcctia tnibrico. Itj c3 h It3 iitc3. It dcroys Wcnn czi clliys PeTeridmc It cures Dhirhca czd TThi Oclis. It rdicTCs Tccthirj Treaties, ' - cures Ocnstlpaticai cad Hstnlsy. Jt fzirit:3 t!i3rcod,r?juht:3 ths Ctozi!icIi ; .end BoTTcb, Giyhs- healthy edv'titid drrTb caiV'z:zr-lti Mcthsr's Pristiuv:; ..'nrv'.Tha Sli Toi:Hara x-rays Tj-ht, tzl idA Isi been fa iza fcr crc? f SO years, has torna the , rignatnra cf Ohii lteherifLd'his tsca noda under f vjila personal rapexbr &ce'.itii'. fallacy jUl; xa' jkij to deceive yea fa this. 7.AH6ratteib and endanger thai health' of Infanta end (Mdren--Experienco ecinst leriinsnti : t7 iitiHi).i' j ANVSetuUerVcparalioalbrAs slr1i!i!3 ttsraxlandBeeala-tr-3 t S fr-T-ftrfa nnd Jkmvs of Fromctes DiesSarLOimful rrsa and Hr.CcflUlns ndtJw OMumlorpLine nor fiaual liorKABCOTic. ApedEKttaesriedy forOoMCp. J rkm. Soeir StocactrtDijuTtioeH. Vronns JConvulsions Jtvwisiv im aalLoss OF C3ZZZ. Keeaato Sifnebjnafl 1 EXACT 00t Of 1MSFB. . AMUWWMMM9U. THE LYRIC " Week Begsuiag Htr . yerrensaaee evaty Afeameea mi THE SMUGGLERS .1" tbs araat comedy sulka. :' '. . la Three Acta, . THE STAR lSTB WEEK STA 8TOCX COMFAJtT. . "Three Married Men? la jeaaeetloa with a floe Taadevttls Olio, ., . , Ilra1d by ... rn yaiajtaas. - ' Tbne aad Prices ae .CeaaL PANTAGC5 ".$Sr 1 naJLtS aSZSTaJEZ Kile Xlas Van. Xasa City OaaitM. WaltMi aa U a. Jaaa Drew. - ' ykalpe ead Kayaee. , -y Jaaa WUeea. Tk Biagnwh. , -rarforaianrM daily at S:SO, : aa p. av Adnlaaloa IOC end S0e. Boaea Kc Ledlae aad chlldraa tak any aaat at weekday. Mtlaaee for IS CENTS. -. . . Week or July 30 a.llaUira Brae. Mr. aa4 Mra. Ju. . lee aas Little Maae. Uiaa. -Kr. Tiaey MeSenaett, Karray ani DeVaia. Mr. 7ama Bwka, Sraadlaaape, TOE NICKELODION WATCH FOR. IT. , STONE TO BE RELEASED (Continued from Page One.) was taken In charge by a representative of Uncle Bam' government He wak eharged with praising ene of the government's money 'pledgee. The penalty ettaoneo would - result la his Impalsonment for at least , one ; year. Witnesses wers called and ha waa gives a hearing before a United Statee eonv missionsr. He showed thst he had been working and that he went Into Frits' north-end saloon on the night of ..the erlms. - But there was' a brie? half hour In the evening for which, he waa unable te prove a elear alibi. So he was held to trlsl. - ' . -i. Specisl Agent ' Foster, ' however, doubted the man's guilt and eo ex pressed himself. However, he eould find no evidence to eonvlnoe himself that Stons was not the man who passed the raised not. . . Realising that hie peat record would work again, him and that he was un able to prove his Innocence clearly, Stone volunteered to plead guilty to tbs charge provldsd he wss givsn only ens year's Imprisonment. ' Saturday, however, a letter arrived from Butte, Montana, in which a man singing ths nam ef De Larme stated thst he himself wss guilty aad ex plained the manner ot the crime In such minute detail as to convince tho offi cials that he told the truth. Stone will released. But be has served more than I day Imprisonment and. there - attache ae ' 4fmJ : I .-VS.'' The Grand Asersvr AD- tar Skew. The .Apollo . Tour ' y (Uej'ioii'uri tzi C:?'C:r Lcttcro from Proinlncnt Physicians v ?i ; cidrczzzi to Ciizo. II. F!ctc!:crJ I , Dr. J. Gerald Kattner. ot Buffalo, N. Y sayir Tour CastorU la good for ehOdrea and I tra.aBtlx preacrlb It, aUways obtaialax tits desired f"."-v-: V't ; I, v V' : ? Dr. Gastavs JL" CUrffisnDtt;'(0f St FtaT, Una, saysr "I tar uaedl yxmr Csstorta repeatedly ta my practice ertth good results, sad can reoom- . tnead it sis aa xollat, mild aad hajrmlass remedy (or ebildrea.' ; v Dr. B. J. Dennis, of Bt Ixrals. Ifa, says: "I have used and prescribed your CastorU Ja my ssnltarivm and outside praotlos for, number of years snd And Ktokssa vnsllsnt remsdy foy.ebUdim,'. . ' .. ' ; Dr. S. A. Bnchanan. of Philadelphia, 'F says: Tl bar used your Cas tori la tb case of my own baby sad tod it pleaaazit to tsks. snd nav , obtained excellent results from Its r , '.V ' ; , ; fl Dr. J. B. Clmpsoa, ot Chkasa 111.' saysr "X bar need your Caatorl la eases of collo la cblldrea and bars found tt tbs .best medicine of Its kind ; oa tbs market.'' " . -4 '. '.r,:-.' - iyt.' .,-, Dr. R. K. BaUldaoh, of Omabs, Neb, says: "1 find your Oastorla to be a standard family remedy. ; It Is tb bast, tbiag for Infants aad children I bare ever known aad I recommend It"..,..'-. :- -:.'--T-t- ' Dr. L, R. Robinson,' of Kansas City,. Uo, saysr .TourCastorla certainly -has merit Is not Its are, Its continued use by mothers through all these : years, aad the many attempts to 'Imitate It sufficient raoommendatloat iWbat aa a physician addt Lsava ft to tho mothers. v Dr. Kdwla T. Pardee, of New Tork City, says: ."Tor several years I have mommoadad your Castorla aad shall always oontlnns to do so. as It baa tararlably prodaeed beneficial results." : : f : Dr. N. B. Blssr, of. Brooklyn, N. T, says: "I object to what are called patent medicines, where maker alons knows what Ingredient are put la them, but I know the formula of onriumq C ACTO Rl A alvayo THe Kind Ton ua7G Aluays BougHf In Ua For Over 30 Vcsr3.rS ,-i,r-r-H--r! &7C Bt?st S3 Hat :;:5Kr;vBeora-:This Label LEADINQ WOLM.Um Pwc. EXCNAN ' LWlUMN -x. S -nw !.'.',' j', ' -i V r First Lifs lotursncs Company Oriranlzed to Orepsn . ' Has Lower Guaranteed Premium Rates Than Any Other Company n '' t RellablS Men Desired as RepresenUtives r U I )" '.' recompense or remuneration for his dlagrae or, hi servitude, - . &. : CREW PREPARES FOR BIG STEEL BRIDGE ..-... x.;.. (Bseelal Dtopeteh te The tearaaLI Aurora, Or, July 10. M. Oterbeck's pile-driving craw la hare -ejlth the pile driver putting In the pllee for ths nsw steel bridge over the Pudding river that tae nonuarn racine road has decided on st this plane. The old wooden bridge bad utlivd It usefulness sad th 1. c1 Oil, r::::l:f Zh di- oner your Cagtorla and adrls Its as,"- in the World HATTER THsaBWUxoaV.P. creating heavy t raffia made It impera tive for modern bridge. Otterbeck Is the man who had hla eld woodsa pile driver up on ths P. R. aV N. aftsr ths floods a fsw weeks ago and hs drove pllee ell around the new eteel, up-to-date plledrlve'r that Is used en that road. He did such good work thst the chief engi neer said he would rather have him, his crew and .the . old-fashioned-pile-driver thsn sll the new-fangled rigging they had en the O. It. N. . . Ths stoeaJaMeai ef The lomraal hi Fertlaad aa la Oiegea eaeeedg a ag any etasa Orsfea aswspeoej ' f4B KlflSwffvA AT fatv SMeW em ay WA aaam 7 .