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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1906)
TII C.IZZ . . , DAILY JOUHI.V.L, PORTLAND, IJOIIDAY LY J, JJLY 3. .7 TCDAT. ... i - AVe have opened real estste de partment and solicit tbe business of the general public who wish to boy or tell real estate. . tnr organization is such that we caa give yon on nll led facilities in Drooerlr handlini tnvthlng intrusted to. our car. We collect rents, psr taxes ana care lor property of non-residents. W can furnish funds to develop . your prop erty, and offer all the , advantages usual to a trust company. Strangers In the city are requested to call and become acquainted, we win gladly furnish you - information on Dusiness conaiuona in any unc, and ' extend every courtesy to make your atay in our dty both pleasant .ana prpiiiBDie. - ..-.v .; ncrthwcstcrn4 Guarantee 6 Trust Company; lUimber Exchange Bunding (Second Floor), 8. K. Cor. Becona , , and Stark Sta. CONSTANT GROWTH GOOD SERVICE th tha six Say of hut wsek th deposits of th .rnnerw TM.V1 OWTAXT IW OKXOOV" r "t OTB roaxT-nun xnov la tha twslra Matte ou Mr V Ita "Wl IMWM hlOMHj tTOOlJl, 88,44.. B .,. re. Mine a gain over nm xniniD and in nonus ' " . . Are not Om Sghrae a Mm wlthta ttx aerrset I not than reaeon for Itl We ara aot to big Bar the little depositor nl m( M tlTtto fer aw big one. can t warn ro nag aoeuot, "iiioatrauoae.- r::l Irisf (c:?2;j cl Crp B. . eat, M d Oak sta, Phone Ex. ft. fmW. LOOH..,. ..... President m. ia paob-t sseretary a. 0. flOLTBA..... .AaMttaat aoeretary I-ULL O EVALD Ccztrcctcrs ssd Eiicrt tnomnc or. Mais tf. - at John- Phone ftoott tltt. " On any of out it lota along Haw thorn avenue to roar own plana oa maU monthly paymantai .. T.1. E. LEE raoao raot&e BO. - a atata atones E?.CC2E :fi7fflHtfiM ertv II Thlri Statd Rooming House Bargains ' 30 Booms, vory eboloo location . to eva a flrat olaaa boardlng-honao; long Jaaaa, low rant; owner retiring from boainaaa to travel. Win aaU or ax change, for anlmproved or ImproveeVelty piopatty ana pay eaah diffaranca. ln- anive or ua, aa aua Sunny Southern ALBERTA V X? WaTwrint wheat land, nest a took country, Irrigated or IDE, Aider atreat. 043 PER LOT aa taa Elbaraia Tlia Baak aaa arSarai !5T BS T- wltViat daUr; tbarafora tha Tbaa lota ara laeatee on aarllae aa4 prtleall, tha rtrw. klrfe. alabtly aaS w an wat, vtui ayaa a) VtOaMBfT. aoT, btcKy bia,.. TMH aaS SUrk ala. V ' WATER FRONT . 1.T9S ft only tlO.s ft , The beet in "veatraent tn FortUndi laye fin. H. W. OARXJIKD St CO, ltlH 4th 8t - WEATHER REPORT. r "u iow praaaaia areae wan noted thla Boratng aa Sotlewe: On eror eel tern Moo tan. " oathara Art arm, aod ao erer the appar Bt. Lawrence valley. The dlaterbeao eror aaatera Montana aaa aaaaed light rain . aaater Mrmtaaa aad tha CanadUa Berth weat. No rata bae raanltad froa tba die tnrbaaee orer Artaoaa. bat moder. tely keaey precipitation baa occurred to the New England and middle Atlantic at.tea tat emnorttea Twltk the dlatorbaoc arre the Bt. Uwreace rtlley. Local ralna hya also occarred la the anlf and .aoetb Atlaattcatat It la cootoTto aoalbera and aaatera Oregon, eaatara Waabkutoa. weat. era Idaho and northern Kerala. Tha Indira tloa are for fahr waeWia to rhla dlatrlct tonight and TaeadayT It w UbeootoJ tnlht eeet of the raacade aoaatalna. Oloerratlooa taken at a. a.. Pacta traa- tlmttcmm ' ' r Max akar Clfr. Orogon M Koatoa, Maamartaaeetta...,. a , fbhragev llllaete T Iarar. Colorado aa K a aaaa City, atleeoaui ...... Be lew Aoraeea. CaHtnrala.,.,, ij hew Orlaen. Leakataaa. , . . SO Parttaad. Oregwa TS e-eaebr. Oreroa. ......... SS H Loa la. Mlaaoart. ....... SO tt Lake, t'tah P0 r . Variee. Callfnrala. .. OS Mliisicie Prop Mia. Freda. M .( TO . l ed ee .oe ' M .' 4 M A 1a .0 T4 .BS se. .e s .e - re .e 04 ' , .0 SO A eo . - t t .e ee ,e to .g I 'dtano, aablartoo...... SO kane, waklnrton...... SO "mm, Waahlnflna TS a Walla. Waablagtoa.. M V- ii v. u. Ta 'eddfef I ea h.Jg. 0. Smltb A Co.. Waafc, tart nr. Peejrth aad Waablagtea ta. Waddta aad oaUlag rerda eaaiared or rutaa, a. T. Bean too, Htt Waanlagten a. y-m Bert heart) . rooa SIS Almky bldg, -. -mg and Saat BeoaWwarkl Imal glrea. EI2THS. .f "-V7, Mr. aa4 Itoa. Ala Bldat. BEiNBU H-Joly M, to Mi. aad Mra. .oba ,nr" - "a Ciatar, a bor. HOON-Jij i. to Mr. aad Mra. Joaa Booa, iTaakoa, a alrL aVAvt, It, , to Mr. aaa Mra. JaJnae 1.1 aiuina avraaa, a bay. OBlt?Y-Jaly ri ta 5?. - mm Un. B. WHITISO July SS. to Dr. aa4 Mra. Baadtore ""'V.":. roriiaae autaralty aoapltal, a aoy. PSNNY-JnlT a, fat u. .i u o. . lnnr, PortlanJ Mataralty kapttal, a any. 0B( BJIAN JuIt SS, to Mr. aa4 Mra. Abniaaar Uruhaaa, Portland Matrralty aoapltal, a boy. Wt)14KN July aa, ta Mr. and Mra. livl nan mi norm niaataaaia. a oay. . i BK'IIAIUMON July IS. to Mr. and Mr.-T. B. Rlcbardaoa. ttt ynnlnan h. I M-CIXR t to kr. aaa Mra. Joaa Ma. I mn, mm Moaijaawy. a rorl. DEATHS. to-aaSaaakaaaaaabaan TAUOHX Joly IT, Laelada Tanha. SS yaara, TIB Jaly se. Ma Tla. 1 yaar, IMA Baaoad, cbolara lafantam. . . 0LI July sr. Kaaaatk B. Olda, Bt yaara, BSS I r-ai aiaaiaoa. puimnaary tunarriuoaia. BULLaWaly ST. Kdc4 II. MlUa, BMBtlH IIS SnrtDC. rbalrra liiriBtum. KLOS .NU July SM. Jaaua rnrlaaf, SS yaara, t iocvdi a apiiai, vrnmomv ai iitw. BOTABlv-Joly ST, Tharaaa Boyard. ST yaara. . t laeaai aaaltarlua palaionary tubarca-1 loaia. '. y FUNERAL NOTICES. JBNSBN PrlcBda ' and areaalntaaraa ara ra. . apartfally Inrttod to attaad tba fnaaral aarr- Iraa of Carl B. Jaaaaa, which will ba bald at -Stator'a-ohapal at 1 p. m. Wadaaaday, AufUat l W iBtaraMBt Loaa fir eaawtcry. UNDERTAKERS. Daaaina. MeBatoa - at Onbanali. aadartakara I aaa amaaiBMra: atoaara,ia amy oatau. oaaaau aad Plna. Main WO. Lady aaateUaU . B. Hamataafc. annWtakoa and anbalaiar. Boat Thlrtaaatk aod UnaUlU ara, Pboaa SaU- Erlckaoa tlBdartaklna Oa.. aBhabalnaT. AMar at. Fboaa MalnllS. ' : 1. P. rinlar A Boaa. Vhlrd ond ktadlaaa ata. OfAaoraf aoaaty eorooar. Pboaa Mala S. . - Edward Bolaua,' endarUkar, SSO Tklrd at BJvraTrrw CXMITIBT. Slaarla ara re. Sta. raanllr Vrfa STB to at.Ono. Tha only rametarr la Portlaad which oar-1 Etaally aulntalna aad earaa for tot. For full formation apply ta W. B. Maekanala, Wor I aattar oiocay alty. w. at. La (Id. praaldaat. waa. -Taapjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasrirr araBaaaa REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.' Aaaa M. Maffat to WlUIara K. Maffat. parrat uaa la artioa ia, towaanip i aorta, raago S aaat; atao all of blocka : S, 4, S. LatonlaU raU. axcaptlng lota I aad . block a, aad lota 1 t 10. loclnarra, block a. aad lot 1, S, a, A block S ..S1.S90 Virginia Watson BUckbura aad Alex ander Blackburn to are. aucs wsiksr, let 11. Mack S, Caatar addlttoa annex. im I Job Haaaaa to Lane Klstsch. Bart . ' af lot a. Mock ISA, Woodstock 110 ma a Lwwta Ooodla nd Ml Ooodlag a Marr MeOowaa. aaat U ad Iota 1 and S. block S, Cantrai Park tddltioa to Baat Portland , 1,100 M. aad . kL Darla to J. a Atno- worth. tJOataa, lot S, block ISO, Coaak addition 4400 Oaorgo and Ellen M. Brack to H. Im ' CaAatt lota S aad S, block US, Coaak aaaiuoa ,..,....,...... a Henrietta B. aad Mary r. ratling at al. to " T Haary Ladd Corban, aoatk H al Z. black AO. Portlaad T.ftOO Aanto Brack -to- Haary Ladd Corbatt Iota t aad S, block lli. Coach addition. . 71 Edward aad Mary GnBdaraoa to Bertha .- lAwwoa. at l. Bioea a. anannarr. Aaaaz . addlUoa to Baat Portlaad - BOO W. aad BUa M. Btryktr at aL to Loalaa Dawlan. lota 1. S. IS. IA block. Ha. bared 1 and Uttered D la block T, Baata ioaa rara addiuoa to mmmx rort tad '. ' SO J. aad Clara Oabore to P. w. Olaaa. loU 1 aad S. black IX U. pattoa'a ad- ' dltloa to Albtoa 1.850 Praak W. aod Uonl M. Olaaa to Zllat- bath Scott, lota V- and x. block It, K. Pattoa' addition to Alblna....T. .. 1.S00 Xatkrya O. and W. H. Toft to A. P. Lacaar, lot is. Dura a, .uoniwaoa Aa- aaa 1 Kathrya 0. and W. H. Tart to A. P. i - V , . ! . 1 1. I aiiwr. wo , ipimm r u wo, Mary E. Kaott to Mercbanto' Loaa ATroat ooapaay, part of donatio uaa rlalm of John aad Ellahetb Rankin, part of la. a, jo, towaaaip m aorta. range 1 aaat I M. aaa fibb a. u. tiaaariy to aaiaana Wriabt. tot IS aad all of lot Id except IddlUM U bMk Bawthra " At aad Nlaa kL D. Haberly to Mary B. Arery, lota 1L IS aad IS. and Berth TH feat of fat 14. block IS, Haw thorne Arana addltloa a H. aad Marr B. Borer to Will and 01114 J.-Pardy, lota 2t aad SB, block 1, jocoaa rara ....... n I.mW, tm Tt rr-etMUoneh 1m St. 900 Haaelwood ... 1J0O I Barray B. " aad IMaaa Grantham to Henry iiakn, lot xo, atock an, arignai townrtt of AlMna , W. Baney to Wllllaa . Ooaalla and Harrar L. Hamblet. watt la of aortb- oeet U of eoathwaat U aactloa . IS, taamabla S Berth, rantt 1 waat 400 Ella M. and B. Wad Hampton to Wllllta O. Ooaalla tad L. uamblet. aortaweat i of aeatbwaat H aactloa la, towaablp Berth, rant S weat TOO N. and Marco ntlaehaer Harlow, traatee, parcel of lead la eao- ttoo 11, tawaahip 1 aorta, raaga 1 mimrn ..... " Klrenrtow Cemetery aaeoclattoa to Alex ander o. Long, lot 111. aactloa 1. Hirer. , View cemetery TBO A. aad Ella, c. doidb aaa ioeepn Rlmon to B. C. Harlow, traate. dondl. rlded B-S of 1.41 acne eortJoa It towa ablp 1 north, ranxa 1 waat , a Harlow to Loci la Lemche, lit acree. la aactloa 11. towaablp 1 north, range 1 weat Oeorge 1. Waits donation toad claim . 1). Winter to H. J. Darling, lota a 0. 10. block 1, Corona Park......... TOO 100 Tbomat H. Smith to Aaa M. Darling, lota 11 aad 12, oiocx 1, uoraoa ran. Carrie McQulna to O. w. Cooke. II. 000 aqnan feat berlnnlng at a point la Una between aeetlooa 4. S, towaahlp 1 aoath. range 1 aaat, B0S.4 feet aaat of eoraar of eartlona 4. S. S, 0 000 Point View Rati Batata aoarpinr to Oaorga a. cooper, mm a aaa an, otoca SO Point View .. MB M. and Barak B. M "Tenant to m i. Bdwardt, lot T. block XT, Sellwood . . . . l.arjo '. D. and Stella D. McNatr to Clarence . . w 1 Mm. 1X7MMlmee BB Bllar P"lano Hooae to Dalla B. Clancy, . loU B4, xo, , owe a, aoaax jaoea Villa 100 Ida R. aod H. T. Stoke to W. B. .Holloa- r beck, aoata on reel oe tot a, otoca m, tirat-Btraat Terrace ..,.1,000 Samoel and,' Mary Mayer to Ida O. Thnmbarg. tot B aaa a, DiocB ao. Baiiwooe ... Oat yoor Inanraaro and aba tract to real aetata froa the Title Guarantee ft Treat company, S40 Waablngtoa atraat. eoraar Beeoag. NOTICE. NOTICB OP rrrOCBHOLDBBr MEETINO The . annaal aieattng of the etorkholdar of the Coeor d' A tone Derelopmaat oompany. foe the election of a board of director for the aaaa tug year.' tad for tha trait eeet loo of each ether beelneea ee aay ragalarly eome before them, will be held at tha office of the 00m. pany. room SOI to m04 Chamber af Commerce bldg., Portland Oragoa, oa Aaguat , leog, at .10 o'clock a. a. OBOfjclB P. TfOI.Vf AN - - . Bacrotary Coaar d'Atoae Derelopment ' ' Kit la ad, Oregon, Jaly IS, 1000. BOT1CB of -fNAekBoldera Meeting The anwatl - meeting of the atock holder of the Snlllraa Eateoafoa Mining company, for tba election of a board ef director for tbe aiming year, ' aad for tbe tranaactloa of each other boelnee . aa may regularly come before tbea. wlU he bald at the office of the company, room got w 004 Chamber of Commerce balldlng, Port laad, Oregon, oa Aognet S. lore), at S o'clock p. m. UEOROE P. HOt.MAN. Secretary So Hire Kxteneloa Mining Com pa ay. Portland, Oragoa, Jaly 17, IPtiS, Tba aaderatgned will recelre eeated bid for a etock of aaercbandla of the Invoice ralae ef SU.Ono or tbareahoet. tnretber with filter ee amoantlag to a boot $1,830, located at loaa. Morrow eoaaty, Oregon, ap to It . a'clock aooa of Aagaat 1. IBial. A eaah depoalt of 10 per reat ef the moant hid aaat accompany rack offer 'aad , the right I reaerred to reject any aad all bide. The larentory aay be eeea et ay office lad the property may bo tn ported at Dared a Pertlaad, Oregon, thla 18th dtp ef Jaly. J aod. . - - H at I. BABIN, rVaat and Aafceay atreata, Partltad, Ortama. I.0XIC3. ' WaAOE V XI AMIMATIONS. vatlaa la aan-y airaa that tba aaaa' auparlBtaadaat at Multaoaaab aouoty wl bold tba raarular azaaaatloa mt appllcaats ra- aiaia aua uir vapara at tha laoa acbool. Waaf aBa Uxllaoa eta.. Port- laaa, aa xoliowa: ro "TATB PAPEkS. . ( OamaaaclaaT Wadnaadar. Auauat S. at e'cloca. a. a., and eoatluuio aatll Batnrday, a v vmiru a. i Wadaaaday Paaauoaklp, hutoty. apalUaf, IT 1 aaoarapiiy. raadinv, payeBOMey' Thuroday WrlttM .rlthmalla thaof toarblDs. aTamaur, . bookkaaploa', BhyeUa, cml avrarnmaat. Prlday Phyaklor, aaoaraphy. awatal amaawtlc. cootpoaltiaa. aUrbra. . Batordar Botany, plala aaoaartry. I hlatory, Enallah lltaratura, acbool bar. roil mnNTv aiUBRi ' Oaa)awactn( WadBaadar. Aufnat S, at O'clock a. mt., aad roatlDOlaf aatll Itlday, "l? ' a aioca p. a. t - v aaa iDira-BTaa MnumiMf Wadaaaday Paaaunahlp, klatary, rapbr. raadtna. . 1-baraday Wrlrbnl arithmetic, tl toarhlBi. (raaimar. pbyaloloy. oruMia;1 tbaary af rrlday 4aorapbf, autl . artthBMtie, arnooi nw, rltll goTaraaiai ntM m.n t rrimary oarcincataa:. Wadaraday Paaaunabla, arthoaraphy, Tharaday Art of aaaatlaolaff, tbaory of" taarniof , anyaloloay. - Aprllraan dValrlnf lUBaaaipta fnrwardad aa otoar eooaiiaa Tur aradlaff ahaaid awwa tba arrlttaa coaaaat of tba eounty aaparlB tandtat of too oouoty wbara pa para ara to be aaat. : . .;, , . - j . : V 1 . . ROBINSON. - . Ooanty Bcbool Soparlotaodant NOTICE OP 8PXHAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEET- : IP.U Notlca la baraby (Itob that a apaclai tnaatlB of tha atockholdara af tba North Pa cific Lambar company for tba alaetloa af a board of dlraptora baa baaa ardarad by tba board of dlractora, to ba bald at tha of flea of tba corn pnr la tha Worraatar balldla. ta ' tha tlty of Portia od." Oraron. oa daturday. tha dtb day of Aaroat, 1000, at t o'clock p. a... (ad will ba ao bald. D. MACK AT. Praaldaat. W. B. MACKAT. Bacratary. NOTICB Parana baTtne soda or BMrehandlaa aioraa wua m at my waranooaa. mi Norm Pmat at ara baraby BotlMad that I bard laaaad tba pratnlaaa to othara, and that tbalr pro party aaat b raroorad within SO daa. All ronda ramalnlae oaj tha pramlaaa Rapt, will ba ramarad and atorad alaewhara at ownor a axpanaa. I thank yoa all for i patrooafe aad tba aoafldaaca rrpoaad la ma. PRBD BICK8L. ; MEETINO NOTICES. HAWTHORN B Lodca. No. 111. A. P. A A. M. Special oommnnlcatloa thla (Monday) aranlng at S e'oloek. Work la tba M. M. degrao.. All rlaltng bratbraa walcoana. By order of tha W. M O. . MILLBR, Bacratary, ,., Oragoa Orap Camp. No. S, STB, Motv day. iTta ana atarasau; rainra wtiooiaa. M. W. A. EVBROREEN CAMP, BdeM, aaata waanaaaay aranug, lliuf oiog., TBirg aaa Morrlaoa ata. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A eflrar watch aad gold Hag, rained to owaar a aepeaa; an ia Bocae at out Bbaraaa at. intiaia oa gaare. Botara to aooraat uiaee.' arnn. STRATBD or otolaa. froa Bytraa. 1 bay Bona, s yaara oia, aao poaaaa wwightr fxo toward. Notify v. W. Stock dala, Bylraa, IAWF Largo aradaMotorod At Prar'a atabla. Plrat Jaff. Notify W. H. Dlxaoa, flrathta. Oragaa, raoalre (award. FOIJIlD Ooraar Slat and Halaay. Baaday aft boob, a paarl aonborat pin. Inoajra dantal " department woodard, ciarao Co. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 100 hoy opraatlo oa America a ateaner. 1 Day win oecapy taa 'poaitloa of petty officer on board. Moat ba Aaerlraa bora and ever IS yaara of ago. TJie term of engageaeat abaU be three yaara. Tbay wl Waaaa SSO oar month flrat yaar. SSO par month, atcoad yaar, gto par mocth third yaar and a Bonne at taa ana ox taa taira year at S3S0. . Par term aad eendltloa apply to . J. Hoeaar Prltch, aacratary Staamahlp Aaae- ctaaoB ox aaa, rrai Ban rraaHaaa, Cat SALESMEN to latrodaoa . tbo world'a (Mtracla). Choice of territory. Caah weekly. Aaaraaa waaaingron riaiiai .eanajtaj. in)' " ponlek, Waablngtoa. ' WANTED Towag aaa to leant telegraphy and . railroad aceoaoting; eaianee gTB.00 to fee.00. . For free eatalogoe tar) 1 More College- at Talegrephy, SO tttb at., OakUad. Oat WANTED Two or three flrat-claa. altantnd maahma men; permanent poaitloa. goad wag. Oragaa Paraltara biff, Oa., Macadam road. W A It I'll) Mori ng-ptctvre naacblua upmttata; will taaca yoa the oaaiaaeai term eery roe Baaable; potltloo aeoartd; goad aataxy. Bi ioh auxia ax. WB gat work for oat member; apaclai a bora. t& T. M. O. A, Poarth aad Taabtlt WANTED Mattraaamakara, SS North mat, ear. wara. WANTED Man and team at Zenana A So. brickyard. Thirty -etyhth and Bandy road; good wagee 10 ngax pan taa. raoao aax xsva. WANTED All-arooad blackanrttb; wage SS; mora ir aanaraeiory. Aaaraaa w. r. acna nappaar, ijcagoa. ' 1 AOENTS wanted to eall annortor. high-grade - aarsery a roc a; eoapwte amtrit raraubod rree eaah weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nareary Company, SaJea, vreaeai. 100 Torn a men for gram aad hrakaaea ea loading railroad; experience aaaaceaaary; Bremen eat 8100. hnkaaen San, ranM nre. - aottoa to enalneeY or eoadactor at doable tn eainry; pool t lone now open. Addraaa ae tr eat office. National Railway Training Aora.. TOO Paxton blk., Oaaka, Nebraaka, 1 ar est Bldg bldg., Kaaata City Mlaaoart MEN AND W0MBN to learn barber trad la . eight week; gradoatea earn froa SIS to SUB weekly: expert Ina tract or; rata lorn free. , Motor ftyttea af CoUegea, SS Morth Poarth at., Portland. . WANTED Per office work, re ne ft' on ick aad aecarato af Sgurae, ear Journal. WANTED Good ' wearer 1 ateady work- and good pay. Apply Pendleton Woolen Mill. WANTED Man for brickyard. 2.S0 par diy. Beraath aad Baaaell u. Iti taa Aaoere WANTED Toong aaa; etoady work., SB Front corner Darla. . WHIBKBT aaleawiaa to aetl retail trad ta 1 Oragoa) very liberal ptoooatUoei refereoea re , emlred. Addreae ALIlRHT MEAD 180 Eaet Mala it., Loularllla, : Union Hotel - o SI NORTH SIXTH BT. ; y Ptaa omnlovment to Mir oatpie. - Weekly rate; Room. 01.88 apt rooa and S4.W op, letnr. NEW HOTEL Ton want a ilttutloa ta hotel , or reauaraat eall ap Jamaa, Mala 1400. WANTED Erpeiieaetd trawworkar and hoar to work on machine. 404 Dart at WANTED Oond tlli round plntar for aanalir dally and Job office: aober and nUabla. An drea Bartow, Boeebarg, Oregon. - BXPERIBNCBD draggtot. D SO, ear Jonrnal. WANTED A milker wba baa wire . amau dairy eloee to city; bone fnralahad; M 10 to 90 cow. U or arliireea O. W, Giaa toa, Eaat 24th and Thorn peon t. MEN wanted. Ion at. McMahon Brea., add and Drrt- HELP WANTED FEMALE." HANSEN'S LADIEB' AOENCT. S4SH Watblng ton au, cor. Screntb, upatatrt, raon Mala ' 900S. Female help wtated. 0IKLB WANTED 1 Opantor to work oa abbrt and eeeralla. leaaon glrea to taex perl eared. Apply at Standard factory No. a, Ortnd are. tad Eaat Taylor at, . WANTED Olrle to make "I alia at TS Pint t af All" Tr- THB ROMB LADIES' AOENCT. . Female help furnlahed free to eaploya. Raglatratlon Free. lOBtt Poarth at., apattln, rooa St. Mala BBSS OIRia mm waeea who waat Work of any artavel ahatn aaafe aaa. I m.A m. A AW Ma h anlted at the alp iNg emca. ev.le 181 Aid et HELP WANTED FEMALE. OIBLB a hoot la aaara mt aaa to work la fao 1 Aaola at Co. rifta aad Oaala ata. BHD 10 oaata for Baaaty Bacrat tomrata) akw ctreaiar of 100 othar valuabia racaipta. a Aaealaa Kacalpt Co., Loa Aafatoa, Cat WAMTETt Hala. . aad Cohuabla. raioa Laudry Cw WOMAN, oaor SS. fair ad ant loa. nowiadca, aaat draaa aaatly, to take poaitloa at anoa. SS Lawla bld. , MIDDLE-AOBO worn a tor aatll aa washing. 4S0 EToratt at. , WANTED Olrl for - ganaral bona work, - 30 Er moatb. Addrraa 6SS Clifton at, Portland alcbta. .. ... ., . , . WANTED A rood plala cook at 1SS fifth at priTaia aoaraind-aoaaa. ., . WANTED ct entitle palmiat. atddla-arad; cuoa apportUBity. Addraaa aia norta intra. WANTED Chambarmald; alas waloeoa. Cia- eaoa Hotel, ICS North Blxta at. . . NEW HOTEL Ton want a attoarlon In hotal or raatauraat, call aa Jamaa,. Maut lew. WANTED Bxnarlaaead aalt and rMak lady, aiao aookkarpar who andrratanda, typawntlnit and ataaojrraiihy. to ao to Ifaattia. . Apply thla ermine. S o clock. J. J. Wolf, Pair Dopart aiant itora, Oraaoa Hotel. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP win tad aad aappiiad. aula or famala. B. u. vraaa. now waaaiBxron at. racinc wo. WANTED 400 hop-plrkara by Sapt. 1) baat yard ia u re iron; good accommodation, apply ta Aadraw Xaa A Co., Ufl Morrlaoa at. BETOIICHBR and artlat. ootnoetant to work on pnnta, not op neratlrea, for commercial en- S raring. SI Balelgh bldg., Wtabmgtoo aad Ixth. , - WANTED Teacher for Episcopal Chine aila. a loo, xss Baoona at.; t:bv to p. m. srruATiONSwTO ENGINEER,' S yaara' aiparletic with drrdrer. wlabe work any kind. D 18, rare JouruaL PBACTTCAL tanadrymaa with Troy experience, city or country; reference. A IB. Journal. A SOBER cakt-beker wtnta a job. A 92, oar Jonrnal.- r- .-- TOCNO maa atenographer, tborooghly compe tent and reliable, baring everal yaare e 1 parlance la grocery house, dealre permanent poaitloa with wbototale grocery eoacera or aoma almllar Hnet best refcrencea. Addraaa P St care Jonrnal. BTirCATED aaa, SS, ladnatrloa, reliable, want alraatton of aay kind: know se recti langaagea) can free refareacea. B 90, nre Jour aal. . LATNDRTMAN, IS yaara' experience, wnhe poaitloa a Al working mremaa: recommrnda. tlene exchanged; Bratclae ealery expected; open Aaguat 10. Addrea D 80, JouruaL 1 1 ll' ra l "ii' t i t, SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE MIDDLE-AGED woman, aeeera year" expert aoet a matron of targe city hospital a east- el ty. dailrot poaitloa of trust Bad ro- epoaalbllity; axceptlooal rafcreuoat. a a. nre woornai. COMPETENT womaa. good worker, want a day wvrs: iso experaencea o-oner, xuu naya only. Paelfl 96TB. , WANTED Position aa hoooekeeper for bachelor or widower with one or two children, by wdow: good bonaekeener. Call ar address Mr. Rose Holdea, OSS Tseoaa ara., Sellwood eiauoa, Portia no, uregoa WANTED AGENTS. INBUBANCB AOENTS AND BROKERS, ATTENTION t Why not place yoer health aad accident rlaks with the OeotlBeetal Caaaalty Company -of - cnioago, the Mrgeet aompany In- - toe world dolor a atrlctlr health and accident boelneaa T They atoa hare collection prlellege ea EIGHTT per sent of the railroad mileage of V. S. ; they write tbe beat contrasts and pay the highest eommieslon. CaU on ar write Mallory A Co., maaagsn northwestern Portlaad, Oregon. MAN af good ddrasa, every elty la Oregon, to tsao agsacy nceMeat ineuranc vo.,, 000 caoltal: larr General Aa- eldeat Co.. Mohawk bldg., Portland, Oregon, BIO PAT to one agent In each county working ror tbo invntor- union, mil jasrquam aug-, Portia sd. Oregon. ' - WANTED Agents: something new goad eeUeri aig wages, sou sjenay tiog. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB PortUsd Employment Co., 9CH Morrhma ax. raoaa rnoui km, . . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOR MEN. as north aocood st. BIO FOtTE BMP. AOENCT Hrlo supplied fro. if norm Bacon sr. rnone Mtia li. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BB NT Houses, aottaeea, flat. sToroa, oineea, roomiag-haain, sta. Land lords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREOOR. Pboaa E T2. S. BL Cor. Sd aad Oak. WANTED House. Sat and stores to rent; pmsoaai aitentioa giren this nepartmsat. BE8T A TAN FOBS EN, 9S1H Morrison at. Pacific 9881. H0TJRE8, flats, toomlng-hoasat. store, of- ricee, ate. prompt sttantinn assured. Phone Mala tlTl. Llndhard a Jack. McKay bldg. WANTED Furnished shed hooae of S rooms, ; and flowers; a children; ale est yard wits fruit ar west side. . Abo S or 10-rooa famished honaa, waat ltd. .Aloe vacant flat or house of 0 or 0 rooma, 19 btocke of poatofflea. List year furnished honaa with mat de Band greater than the aupplr. H. 0. BROWN i CO., B4T Wtthlngtoa at. Ptrtfi 900. WANTED Rooni aad board by widowed gen- nvna) sou nia -yer-oia angntr; place where child na hare ear and oom forts f home. Address w. Blatr, eaat and Madison sr. oriage. city, WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Business or reel dene property la tn city ia exchange for rood fera land; na nanoie nnyining rrom xi.nray to gBO.oiioi we aiao have tome excellent bur ia timber aad gracing land. Ctll tnd ee as; ws went to get cquilnted rltb yon. ' ' TURNER WALSER, r V ; ' Booa 4, 808 4 Waablngtoa t WANTED Lot la exchange for ermtty la 0 or l -room boubs. raone nasi vou WB WILL BELL your property, no matter what it ll or where located. Bead -deoerlptton new- and vr will do the rest. Inreston' Onlde Co., Sll Msrqaaa bldg, Portland, Oregon. WANTED 10 to 40 a crew for ranch; mnat be within 8B miles of Portland and pear traaa porta t loo. P IT, rare Journat 100 OB more land tn northern Klaatth county; atate landa preferred. B 10. rare. Journal. 00OD Income and raaldanen property Vts. farrar ing and nmner lanaa. U9UHIKU JAVA, Meaty Bldg. WANTED FINANCIAL. ' WANTED SAOO to open ap new ermper mine; will give an orm-gooa opporrnnitr tnd In ducement. Call la forenoon Joan' Book Store, 901 Alder at WANTED Loaa of 81,000 an good farm SB aiie rrom rortiaaa; erg eeennry tar th asoaey. Address D 0, nre Jonrnst. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB WILL BI'T. SEIX OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 027 020 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T0S. WB WILL Bt'Y your fm-nitnre sny old time. w eaters Salvage Co., SZT wasblngtoa at. PAINTTNO, anraflaf aad Whitewashing treee. aaaementa, narna. dorks. etc( wrgest gasoline spraying outfit aa tbe eoast. M. O. Morgan A Co-. 822 Ualen are. rsene Kaot oil. wanted i:::cllani:ou3. Mala seat Mala SOU rvmmi't WANTED luR PPOT CAatJ ... .'"aTLAND AlCTIQN BOOMS Bit Plrat at Mala SSH WHO IB M. 0. MORGAN CO.t HIGH EST aaaa acW mu r. faooa. Paooa Boat eOTt. IBS Caloa ara. WANTED-Oood It-root aanoa. rara Joomal. Addraaa D Sf, WANTED Stn.OM aocond-hand rnraltare: toot i raab. Addraaa D 18. rara Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU. SH NORTH SIXTH ST. iiirnianao, aiaaa aaat aad hatha. THB GRAND, 4SH North Third at Booae for iwiiwiw pr waa aaa ap. THE BENNETT, SHU, Moniaon at., 1 block " roruana riotai, andr new aaaaraarnt Rauodrlrd and rvfurnlahadi alec porcvlala hatha aad bot water all tba tlma; rooaa by tha day. Week or month, atrial or an aulta, at popular price, I'hon Mala lSi fl AND UP Nlealr fnrnttbad rooaw. log lltk " .j-m i I., ' i"-TTaniraTaTawiaa FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL, Plandera and SeTanth Rooma, boiiarkaaping and' tranalant: eoa raotant; prleaa raaaooabla. ' - LA ROB elegantly furniabad hoaackeanlna. roaoki; gia re ire, ruBolng water. The Lowna dale. BOSM Alder at- - 81.25 PER WEEK Large, cleat fnrnlthed . booaekeeplng-rooma; laundry and hath . 1114 emuiM, BuuiB rortiand. . - 01.OO WW! I'P, data fnralabed booaekeep. . mB-rwnw, who yarn, parlor, Mannry, nata, fiu-aac belt. 30SM Stanton at. U nr. THB JEPPERSONIAN, Old Jeffereoa at. Nicely furnUhed aultea of two or three rooa with all coneenleoceay chaan. . . . SUITE, completely fnrnlthed. gaa rang,' 0l3;Te boainaaa man. Call 107 "4 Third at central, bait locality, o rioma iota, raone main on a. FURNISHED housekeeping room or tent; nlc tocatloa. Lewh) and Clark Camnlsg. Grounds, Mount Tabor. Phono Eaat 4120. . . PI'RNIHHKD hoaaekoentng aad atoeplng rooma, week.. McCoy. jniH Morrlaoa, room C. BOMB nice hooaekeeplngoom t 044 Petty. grere at.; wood or ga for fals ; FOR RENT 8 fnrnlabed hooaekeptng-i ' ground Boor. 148 Bellwoed it. trai -v- UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT S rooma, nafnrnlibed. aire toca-,I.OD,,0"-,n1 Erarett . Inquire on premise, 020 Ererett at. u , . NEW S-rooa flats, fil; tingle rooaa, 88. Market at. Main (DMM. too ROOMS AND BOARD. WELL-FCRNISHED rooa wtth board; 01 rata aodera. 449 Jeffereoa it. HOUSE8 FOR RENT FURNI. TURK FOR SALE. PVRNITraa of Broom boos for aal, 8100 tf aora tola wees. rjf East Momaoa tt. FOR BALB Furniture of lt-room hooae, right ' ew emu-. rmxuDs; a spisnoia MSCSUOn. Utll " ap Mala 8880. SM-i. t .is i i i ii lAamwsBP3cassaesarm-Tr FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART of abop to root, auttabl tor painter ar . yniaitiw. jeuxe exnarxa ax. OPPICB-ROOMS. BBrarntibod rooma aad atmple- aw mb uvxsanouga aiog. . nppiy ' rsMsr. - DESIRABLE stor an Thjn nve.ryenf SIT.BO. Hsrtmsa A Tbompoon, No. S Chamber of vosamoroe. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDBRLT TBANSFBB -OOnromnt and re liable plaao and furniture-raorora; aiao stor. ng.- rnooe Main leao. oran no N. Third. FOB RBNT 0-rooa cottage, . 149 10th at.. - wiveai jxoyx ana xrring. . nppiy next aeor. FOR BBNT A oet 0-rooa boo In MantaTllla . 89. 35 Eddy M. Pboo Tabo 4S. - 8-ROOM aottage for rent 010. OOT Beeoad at. 4-BOOM 100x100 lot. bt 00 aoath r aoap.- rn aad large t -chicken-! ateuoy, a. Morrlaoa. FOB BENT 0 rooa eottasm, . Bntolgh 18th. Q18; key at 880 10th, north. FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR oBBNT 0 room farntobed hens, with piano, at ML Tabor.. Phone Bast 0704 from 0 to 1 and 9. to 0 on Sunday, or room 213 t nam oer or commerce o to I p. ax. week' daye. T. B. Bchallbammer. FOR BBNT For S moatbs. a cuaatotelr fori alshsA aodera S-rooa boa In South Port land, appiy ax azi neny ST. . FOR" RENT FLATS. iE"Tf1nlshadj5ocbjpjlCoort comer 10th ana narnson sti. ; a. 4, a, n-room apartments; heat water end janitor Bertie farntobed. inquB-e on premise. SUMMER RESORTS. LOCKSLEY HALL, SBASIDB. OBEOON : Under new management; anaeorts. Bsblng, eleabakea, picnic, teaala; free bn atoetl all tralna; ' 100 elegant oatalda rooms; prl vat bathe; electrl light; annex overlooking the esa; cottages, ror rarea, reaiwrattoaa, addreae Harry T. Butterworth, manager, or phone Mr, cariiai,.. rorusaov racinc bbo. NECANICUM INN, Beaalde' Oregon Hooae di rectly lacing eceeo; sowers arm spacst inMna, .m u m ... u , men, mmmw cooking. Miss B. Paaana, pre. Oat off at Nscanlcnm station. THB BBITT, family hotel, Lang Beach. HOTEL SALT AIR, Oenterrtlle eta tloa J flaeat tccornmoaatlona. THB PORTLAND, leading hotel. North Beach. HOTEL WICKHAM, Newton its tloa; zanat - raism. on ramping trin; AUCTIONS. ABSIONEB'S SALB. - Tbe atock of the Hygienic Mtttreet eom- psny, insoiTent, consisting or pin aoraie fiber mattresses, .full equipment of etock and machinery to msnnfsrtnre antrum, tnd flrst-clsss office furniture, will be sold at ' suction Friday, August 8, at 10:80 a. m., at 88 Grand ore., by ardor of th eonvt. BUSINESS CHANCES. WRTTB oe antcfc about recent Imporrant do velopment of th Hurst Automatic Switch A Signal Co. ; buy atock before big advance. J. F. Hunt a Co., 200 McKay bldg. THB homeeeekerC exenrrtoa to aaater Orfrn, . ererlaad, will leave sboot Sret of July. Call 108S Fourth at., room 93, for Inform tlo. $10,000 WILL buy 00x180. eentrally located. Income f2. 100 per yean pay 0 par cent oa I.16.0O0; tble property should treble la vame In tba next 10 yaara. balcg better eocurlty than any bank, aad three times better fhaa loaning money oa real cerate. Mra. Bound, SOSVk Ktantoa, eoraar Commercial, Albino. WHO IB M. 0. MORGAN A CO.T MEAT market for aal cheep; 838 Union tre., north; doing good bnalneee. FOR SALB Pro lot ef tbelvag, all ar part cheap. Pboaa Pacific 2217. WANTED A good mlnlnr proposition to In. eorporite ssd Snsnce. . B. Bailey a Co, - 4.11 Lambar BncbsBge. BARGAIN Class stars. bllllsrd-l t eresm psrior aaa restsnrnni; oonnis oaiiaina. cheap rent good location; tsklng la from $20 to two pmr day; will sell for less tksa coat of fixture. For particular call 0 of ddree W. II. Morehouse, 1870 Best ISth St., or prone Bsllwood T4. FOB SALB -Hah-dressing . manicuring - as -Watty perioral a splendid prnoealtlon for person understanding tha halBBUi B ear awsxssu. Eu::::r:3 c::A::cr3. BAB(BSI woald bay a abop U raaaooabla. . nn wau 0ONPECTI0NEET cigar at oca, aood I tloa. 4o0; laraatlgatt. Jobaa. tt, ruuog. St 0O0D groeary I tor far MH) , wmuaaa it. will laroica aboat 1,000. CaU at 1OTH Rccsilasr HCaise At poor owa prtea: IS rooaw alcaly fnrnlalied, Sna locatloa; auai act) at mra; rltm SaoO. Dt will yoa glral Se It today of ta- H- W. OAKLAND CO. laaPonrtb at., oot. Taylor. - SAWMILL far aala, SO, 000 capacity, flrat-cllaa order, raanlng aad paying; plaoty of faad . tlmbec. Por partlcnlara rail 11TT Haw. thorno ara. or addraaa Sawmill, . Latouralta Palla, Oragoa. GROCERY Plna location, clean ifock, good ppfii neuum. ooing anouv w a aay; food reason tur eelllng: Inmlce about H.eoO, H. O. Broaa A Co., 04T Wl ah In too it. . ONE .THIRD Intrrtit la manufacturing bnal-a-ae In Portland; will clear 1 12. 000 (a next , VI moetbi; proflta lucre aaa annually: . price 5,000. I) 8ST nre Journal. ' WATER PLANT ia good order, krlnxinr good monthly Income; good re eon for eelllng; little gold ata for oucbody. g 94, ear ' Journal.. - : FOR RENT 8 atorr building 80x1)0. brick baee . meat. SO room furnlahed. at Vancouver, la forasttloa 1ST Front at. ' - SALOON Terr choice laeaHoa, long leaaa, for : tale or' will ax eh age for city or farm property. , Inquire at OS Sixth at. . INCORPORATED company -wtnta aaetataat manager (or Pacific count at good atltry; new buelueai with unprecedented taceeea; mnat Inreat from 86.000 to 810.000; money Inrestcl ' guaranteed; after one year money refunded - if dleaatlafled. Addrroa W. II. Fulcher, 1208 gcrenth t-. Oakland. California, Wat bare aharn la aa old eatabllahed wbnlo aala builneaa for aal at nar value: with thla 1 atOCO a eonA OalavlMl Mu4 Mnn n ke h.A he 1 SI non WILL buy a well-eatabllshed millinery Doeineaw paying nms a year, ia ttrma Hirer, e-e owner, ana Humell tt. Pboo Eaat IB3T FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. I NEED MONET and will aril ay 8 -more booae . ana corner lot, nuxiuu, in aunnyaide, at bargain. Addraaa B 81. nre Journal. 9400 CASH and 80 moatb at 0 per real bay new o-ronn moaera Bouse, Don u. g. Boay, i MUI OOO. .-.'' $3. TOO MODERN A room hone hi swell East narnno district, hardwood floors, fireplace, te. Lambert. Wbitmer 4 Co., Hherrnck bldg, IP yon waat to build any kmd of balhilng, amall - ar largo, go to America a Ina for lambar, tlm- aer. aoora, window, plaetar board, te. 87.000 100x100. two block from Grand are., ana piocn rrnm siomson: tone around. ' . LAMBERT. WH1TMEK CO., Bberlork bid. . - TOO 4-ROOM hone Mount Scott line; 1-8 oown, aaiaao monthly. a, ear JoornsL LITTLB FARMS IN THB CITT LIMITS BI LL BUN WATER. . 1 Trscts ItOxtne feet, en rranHB avo.i rich ..aotl, aU cleared. 8800; corner X0. Apply to .. 1404 Plrat at. V . . " - . 8-ROOM modern honaa, corner lot, Hawthorne - ran, ai.eoo cash, balance 820 per month. H. c. Bastbam, oZS Chamber of Cam i FOR SALE 9 aodera 0-rooa houses In good - location: our ox owner aae aav eommlwloa. . rooa woodiawa sua. 900 FA EMS. amsU tracts aad totot bargain an v. w. r. eierme line. u. n. Aaoitoa. btaa. ' uregoB. lass mobbx nootx ssr, sc. osv avsjasar-- nuiivrey arva a, vn a. axni w e r . vzsir- , line; H la nltlratloa; 0100 per sore; fl.ono BA A s S3 trSl Of aamflota assa an aVs,s at assay St u nan. remainoer eeer xerma ni naa aenr - y-; tall BX IWft TDira IX. HAVB (aodera Bonn aad let la ehoicwat real' dene eectloa of Eaat Portlaad to trade for ftra withla 20 mile sf Portland; no agents. u i, care donraai. FOR SALB SO scree ef ehote apple ' toad tn Hood Rrrer at a bargain, partly, improved: will trade for Portlaad proper ty ar nil oa , easy term a. ' Two fine new modern houses la ufoatsrllls. on 0 and one S rooms, largo ton, etoe to nrnne; win sen means nay tornuv Also 9 c boles balldlng tots, one huBam corner, at a nerlfln; small paymenta. 903 BnaacU et. Pboaa Eaat I0ST. FOR SALE Good Toont hone with lota, 1220 East Main. 1 or BCSINE88 lot on ITaiott are.. Very centrst only 86.700. Iaenlr at 880 Bast Washing ton ox. . . . FOB SALB SO seres near Estanda, ptoe torsi . land, ill In cnltlrsMonl all crop to se with the pis ca; arm a,oiaj, 498 acres, ftneet dairy farm tn Clarka county. Waablngtoa: loo arroa In cultivation. BO-aere orchard, (0 acre timber, balance ; ptanre, 100 acrea sultsbls for a stock raagn, with hena and barn, aenral acrea cleared, for 81,000. . ' H. Ia. BHOWNINO REaLTT CO, 1 101 Morrison St. FOR BALE Bis harasta for aulck ntot eaborbaa cottage, (round 100x100 feet trait and shrubbery; by owner. 0. W. P. Town aide Co.. SIS Alder t, la Cv W. P. i By. mltlsg raw, 1 , FOR SALE OMW Lot 00x100, 23d aad CUaton, . Paona Etst 0448. FOB BALB, CHKAP d and T-rooa h on tit I aod era; part naa. "TO Garaaid v. 11k Woodiawa car. Phon East 8041 10 LOTS, OOxTOn, a Taberslde, $80 per lot. CaU at 10T Third at - r . SBI.LWOOII LOTS, $S down aad SB a swath I froa fTS to 9200. Sellwood Townslte Co, H. P. Pslmer. asaaror. Phone Bast 4T04. BT. JOHNS PROPERTY IS tots oa nrllne, eloe In, only $8,000. in lore, eloee Is. only 81.850. This to a rax chanee ta gat elooe-la prop. , arty cheip. . BA0EMANN A BLANCH A BD. 01 Fifth t WE hav a. firs-room cottars so Karen elew drive, Portland Heigara nrnne, wita a oasrnv Inr view, tncludlns Mt. Hood, but not Or. yon la a tower; modern Improremeatsi Bull. Baa witsr; will be sold for 82.800 If token al once; a ehiaee to nenre a ehnp and charm ing hone la tha 'coming fatbtoaabto district! So minute from Flrat at. AMEBICAN INVESTMENT CO, OSS Sherlock bldg. 0-ACRB tract, sear slectrl lino, 10 fare. laquir neaaoicx, s uiim a,sxscoaa or, . FIFTH-ST. PROPEBTT wiu oay aa ineai noaa an na art to In; bo better bay on the market. . . l HAOEMANN A BLANCHABD, ' 81 Flftk t CHANCES TO MAKB MONBY Bargain o-ronra souss, eamn, water aae ess. nrlce 81.800. Vi block In basins district 10th uA Kearney. g2o.ono. Fine farm, 4414 icree, Wtahlagtea county, iS mlln from Portlaad. Sfi.OOOi laproveaMat 1,000. Inqalrs 900 Fourth at 14 ACRES One ltad In good state ef enltlrs-1 tloa, m miles rrom uregon city, H mile from csrllne; with this plan foe ill farm ing tools, about 90 tons bay, f belter; this hi a chetp boa for $2,000. Call at 107 H Third at. BOT'SES built en Instsllasnta, tor If Oetlrid. all commercial oiog., asia jaeo. gH. BOO Two blocks of wtterfroat raaalag back X ... f, v - B ...... mm Hh.J . , , . 1 far mill or fsctory. LAMBERT. wnjTMEB tt CO, -Bberlork bldg. 140 ACR - 8- miles rrent Deiiaa, on mill crsekr new S-mem bouss, (tons baoement; also s-rooa booae, her us, sheds, etc.; water piped t boon and bare ; deeded Irritation ditch through place; about SO acres ta cultlratloB, be Lanes la limber and pa it ore: 90 icree la rtrom toad, SO arm In frotte and herrtoaj noreea, S wagooa, birneea, plows and sll tools sod farming Implements seeded oa piece, with all th crops. Price 88.SOO; $4,800 cash, balaac aa ttaa; place Is la beat mt condition. DIB, A AMEY. SOS Barns! ds st. Phone Mala 0804, 0OOD 0-rooa hens a ad corner let 00x100 feet; aae loeaiwm, i efoca rrom nr. in aunayaidei l( taken tbla week will sell for Sl oop. . PATTtBSON A STEWART, 100014 Belmont tt. BROOM booae. 9 tots, fruit tre, car 3 block! ; prros fd mvv xarrms; nixsisne. a. U. awaa. bass, 13 Chamber ef C earner eg. F03 CALZ--AL LITAT2. -e- Baditd';IIcirm'!; 342 east norJson ST. - HAVE FOR SALE '- The Bailey Brick oa Union in., bat Pine and- Oak; good for 1100 per aoath; priee 10.000.. ; ' 100x900 Bast aide. Third Vbt Mtdlgoa ; BB4 HawtborBO, tor 480,000. . 100x200 Beat Taylor" bat. Biased and TbU-d; a good hay for IIT.OOO. ' 00x100 oa Beat Morrison, brtnglng on loag leas 180 par month, for $18,000. Two htadsome M - blorkt en Oraad ava.1 . en for 0-10,000 and one for 881.000. .'. Either of these H block oa Eaat Morrison. , and Third; will atk yon rich la e few yar ,ak aboat, the.... 1 . . 80x100 sa Bnloa ara.-1 bet Pine tod Ash for 86.000, v . . oa Oraad are. betwnn Ash and Ankaay for 88,000. - t . ..' Nice tot oa Tinton tra.; Sna for grocery stun, for 12,800. . .. , , On watt aid, an Second at.. 4-ttory Nick, 86x100, Incoa dM par aaontb; tbla to worth a tboogbt. . ... A LARGE NUMBER OF io'ises",amd Lots TO CHOOSE FROM 4-BOOM bouse aad tot, ehnp. at.. Mt Tabor nr. iot Euteaeth ;i 500 Homes For Sale Farms and Hty property. THB INVESTORS UHIDB CO.. . Sit Marqoaa Bldg., Portlaad, Oragoa. 88.000 WILL bay a new T-room bouse, modem nd coaventont Including new velvet -carpets, :. sbsdr and , screens; combination gas nd electric Sxtnrn thronghent; haa i four light - bedrooms, fall cement baa. -ment ' stationary . tube aad furnace; eemest walk aad aldewtlk, rod lawa : and non; la a most detlrshle Belirl borrxo.!. eonnnlent to town tad five b I next from acbool; owner waring eltyt must nil at encei terms. 80S Broadway, near 10th. NEW 8-room modern bean.- $S.O00i S.'OO. bel ann 828 aeothly. Owner. Phone East 0TS. 82.000 T ROOMS, modern hi , walking dtstanr. en wet aide. 1 block front ' nrllne; tbla property net the owner S8.000 raw a your cuaaco ror a aoma or aa Bavnt- at; 3.800 4 room, modern, fall nssmsot corner lot, - writoi tsrma. .. . 01.180 S room, half block fin 3 cee. rinse, 1H olork from Piedmont nrbsrai $4M .will handle tills. . Talk aboat a snip, tbla hi $1,1000 monja. 3 tor. IS fruit tree. 1 block from carllne. Center addition. (00 down, 9TS will brtv a 4-rrnm bann sod 3 tore st Or Craaslne on Mt. Scott, nrllne; owner toavln the city; SITS down, bclsnc on tlm. This I euran. - -. FIDEUTT LAND CO., Main 1084. SIT Oregon! Mdg. $TA 8-BOOM hoare. fntl tot. on Mt. Scott car. lino nsa. nsiaajee 810 per month. H. rj, Biatbam, 013 Chamber of Com met oa. asasssssiiissi w,i si i si i use arm, ihioii essim mm FOR SALE FARMS. CALIF0BNIA BARGAINS, acar Bra Lomond. the popular aummar resart, . 820 acre wend land, with nerrr-falllng -creek thrcugh It: Sne anTpbor spring. O.otrd cords wood, good rood. 1'i mllea out, $7 80 per aer If sold withla 80 daya; worth much men. 00 acrea Sne land H mils out; Broom ftrmbnan, mall bare. WO bearing apple tree, fine wood land, taring water, piped; sprinkled county road; excellent toll for tree or vines; $0,000; term. A ddree J. A. Walker, Boa Lomond, Csllforala. . 4 WB hsvs 10 Inrnrored farms close to railway - aae aaar together, all level, all fenced, every aer tillable; 010 per. ten; rsa fumlab any part of 8.000 sere st this price; other fern froa 812 to $100 per acre; office eyra even. . Ings, T to 9:80 p. m. OREGON FABM A HOME LAND COMPANY. OOT McKsy bldg.,- Third sad Stsrh st. CHEAP lands on railroad stirrer. Eaiteva Ore gon, will raise good crops without Irrigation; . bomestrad or for nle: tiro timber relin quishment!. Sttptoa, 903 Worcester bldg.. Port FOR SALE By owner, good wheat farm on : Willamette rirer; all ami; only $28 per acre; very cheap- T. Jscksnn. 300 n't ark. . 40 ACBRS. 2 miles from Brenafteld S scree cleared. IT acres slashed, 18 bearing frnli tree, small bonss. fumltnra, barn ana farm ing Implements. This place If near .A tar la and a barsalw tt BTBO. HT0. Brow Co., 84T Waablngtoa at. - FARM nd atock rsach. T40 scree, K miles from Engsns; well improved, telephone, gxjcg boon, S largs barns, 400 arm plow land, every acre producing tries or cr.ip. sew fences, 400 acre Inclosed In coyote and do. Crnof fence; price psr sere, $2.1: M down, lance low Interest, loss tlm. or will ex. cbe nap for Portland property. Job a Ingham, Eugene. Oregon. ' YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOB SALB. We bars listed nae of .tbe best farms hi the eeuntyj If yon ar looking for a farm, call an or writ ... : - . WARREN A STATER.,, MrMlaavllto. Oregon. FOR SALB 840 arm; 80 arm troll cleared. SO acre well eeeded led fenced, good bnild togs, orcberd. Irs creek throwtb form, good well st house; U mil to graded reboot I mil to church. 4 mllea ta eh In landlna aad railroad etetlon; fine soil. Write or rnll on i. S. Huntington. Kelso. Wish. Other firms. FOB BALB. CHEAP 01.800 for 40 icres good Man, mile sour el fireenim. ih mile from O. w. P. carllne, 14 mils from school house ; good roads, nelly cleared, running water; term, half nab. balance tn pay. meats to suit barer. . Addrro Albert Bod Ins, Sreebtm, Oregon. FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED tcrlD. aay its prices, w. u. howsii, Boa caimDor at (joa- LAND SCRIP BOUGHT AND SOLD. ATI kind Of Isnd scrip wanted sad tor nto. Including approved forest rsssrvs sne rtiirose Isnd scrip, for surveyed, nrnurveysd, tim bered end prslri lead: approved raited Statea military bounty land warrant; re. certified euldler' additional homestead serin, H. M. Haailton, th Portlaad betel, portlaad, Or ear a. .. 100 ACRES near HUhrboro; 4 000.000 feet Sr na redsr. l.onu teiennone noiee, l.lMl puma; Many logged; good uan ail tee clearing; 84.000. easy terms. B. B. rising. .100 Jersey St., St. Jobs. TIMBER rlalm la Wtltown eounty are open to location at 1100 neb. Bog 144. eooepa. S-O 3" very' desirable arllllag propeettloee) omeining reeiiy rssacs: sista amount you wish to Inreat and write N. 1. Baa loo ar, Ashland. Oregon. . HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOB 1'ird-Tna, 9.000 poaad I team, 9000 pouada, ana 1 sseap locee, poaae. Pbeas East Mil 388 Beanll St. : SO HEAD of bssry horses, weight from 1.180 to l.soo. ana ao eats et nsrneea. ro se aoie at Bed mood. Crook county. Oregon, en August 0 and 4. F. C. Row tee, . TO EXCHANGE.- " FOB EXCTI AN0E80O-ITS fully IT fully equipped Orvt. for Portlsad property I rodnrera and will stand righto of the beet, 40- cicn piscor mine, ror ror mines are dlvidend-prodnrera ttimtlgsttoa; water righto of the best. co-en r. u. box aai, raat raes. WANT TO BXCHANGB etock ta good snm. sony fog vassal tot la snberba, -OuO Mahay -9':. - 7