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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
TIIS OHZCON CUIIDAY JOUHIIAi; Xenix AND, SUNDAY tlOHNINQ,"' JULY 29, 1CC3. i - -. WATC1I US COW ccrrr voory- , WATCH US CROW ; PcrthncTa Nov Department Storo vf;--hi:i;;v.-.:;-- Tte Pit THE THIRD AND LAST J WEEK OF mm v. V'" V-w. Y- ;'- ;'-v: y-Y-'; ML Mi 11 ivr- A lf2 Read Every Item Read ILvery Square Every One a Money Saver ' 75c " ' ' ' 4' '' 20c . ' ' 35c '.-".' 53.50 $1.75 and $1 Turkish Misses Shoes Jroninjj ' "Back " Towels Drawers hisses; Musim .for Ladies' Patent Boards Combs ; A5ne,e?f for V for Drawers of . Colt Bals., , for : - JaOaXKi liUnbleached-; J- "SSTiW $2.49 V CI lif0'? iA. , gold and silver IOC Turkish . LW stitching on heels, hand- J 1 0lng Boards. ' 45 C mounted, also - ; Towels, extra ruffle, embroid- ' ewed welt, 5 feet long, jeweled, . heavy, 20x40, . ered edges, dull top, of hardwood, t. , for 49 . for 15 -.- ' for 24. ( for 92.49 for 91.24 I i i .I i 1 1 ii i I I i hi 1 1 '' fey isc ; -y.vv Children's Hose ; ; Standard cinn'n Brand of for 9r Children' 'YYY White and -Black Hose ' Supporters, durable and ' strong, for 9 65c Dress Silk for: 39c Fine quality,' Fancy Dress Silks, brown, . navy green and red, 18 inches . wide, for 39 52.25 ' ; " Children's Children's Dresses White Lawn , - - Dresses, lace . ana insertion 7 C trimmed, pin .It tucks, yokes, full skirts, deep V hem, 4 to 14 years, $1.75 1 52.25 . Lonj; Silk Gloves for " $1.59 Long - -Black Silk Gloves for 91.59 1n Hair Brushes Hair Brushes for : with good . f English white EAt nd bUck , . UUv bristles, hexryr 4 . .:.'; :.. mahogany - v.-;-'';'Vrv::: backs, 'for 50f 75c Men's Underw'r for ".'aV 45c - Egyptian Bal-'. ) : briggan 1 Under- wear, silk fin- ish, double -- seat in drawers, for 45' 51.75 .Muslin Pettic'ts Fine quty - .. Muslin Under- ' I0F : skirts, with 3- rows of lace in- i.t K ' tucks in groups of 8, lace edge, for fl.25 - ' 1 7 5 aia 55.00 'Shoes' V'-v 0, " Ladies' Patent . - Leather Bals., $2.98-;-, matt tops, all widths A to E, for 92.98 51.75 Long White Gloves for ' $1.24 LOQfe White Lisle Gloves ; , '.. , . i for 9124 .. :. 4 ', 50c Hair Brushes for' 25c Hair Brushes with hard rub bar and oak" . . backs, dark and light English bristles,' v..,,: :; for25f 51.50 ; AustraPn Fine'Natural' ' Woo Australian Underw'r Wool, Men's for, Cv , Underwear,;;' medium ' : weight,' full T v f;i-li ll vl 73 "15c . "-'' " ' Children's Drawers for - Children's Muslin Drawers of fine quality muslin, with" three " . tucks, for-11 - 55.00 Shoe for Ladies' Vicl $2.98 . . . ; -French heels, .j '. il H widths,;.'' ' AtoE, ;; ; for- 92.99 - 51.50 Bed ::";'--Spreads v for" r "Utopia" Bed Q -Spreads, full . heavy weight, ' '"..U ' ' '..;' Marseilles 'pat-' .,' .''.,'.-.' tern, for 9125 25c. Shelf Paper for 10c 10 yards of Embroidery ' : Edg Shelf ; Paper, all colors, for 10 35c -Supp'ters- for 24, Ladies' Bon . Ami Hose V Supporters,' with girdle, all colors, well maderfor Z4f 20c hildren's- Drawers Children's , for . . Muslin ; . , Drawers of Arj extra fine qual JL v ity muslin, , with hem- ; , stitched ruffles, ' for 14f , 1 55.00 Men's Shoes $2.98 Men'svicikid and patent colt, also enameled, hand-sewed welts, all sites, fo7 92J98 51.25 Sets Sad Irons for 89c Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons, full ' nickel, 8 in set, with handle and stand com plete, for 89 5 1.00 and 52.50 Back": Combs ; for 69c Tortoise Shell Combs with fine dull fin- , ished gold -. mounting, also plain polished , shell, also . jewel mounted, for 69 - 25c Turkish Towels for,-; 17c Bleached Turkish -Towels, extra heavy, 21x46, for 17 V' Y 51.69 Peter Pan 0 Waists for 98c Peter Pan Waists, with : black polka ' dots, all sizes, your choice for 98 . 53.50 Shoes v for $2.49 Ladies' Vid " Kid Bals., Cuban and ,T" military heels, ".' welt, for 92.49 Play mi 25c Ladles' Hose for 19c. 'Burson Fash ioned Hosiery, the only Hose ' that is knit to fit without a Y. seam, "No Seam" Hosiery, for 19; 54.50 Children'sChildren's r- Dresses ' White Dresses ' : . of, India Linen, ' . embroidery in- '. isertion trim- , )Oailr Timed, also lactf . ' " .." , trimmed, with : ' i very full skirts, 20c -:;'. Jersey, : Ribbed Jersey Ribbed Vests Vests, sleeve fof - " less, lace edg t I ing' UpS 8trutlg I rCj around neck and arms, , , ' for 12 t.' ' 51.25 Lonj: Lace Mitts 98c Long Hand Made Lace Mitts, silk, - -latest patterns, for 98 15c -Ribbed -Vests 1 Jersey Ribbed for ,' '.". Vests, button- hole stitched Mn -, r. edges, linen r . tape drawn, sleeveless, . -for 9 50c Cream Mohair Fjne quality 5 Or Mohair, in ; y . cream and black, 86 inches V ' wide, for 39 Tine Fit Every Day 35c Jap . -Silks for 25c Fine Washable v Jap Silks, . " black, white ; and all other Y colors and , shades, 21. . inches wide, for 25. 3c :;.,-Y', Bars of Soap 12 for 25c Twelve bars of "Morning Glory Soap, 'none better, for 25 ' 75c . .. ; 10c ' ' . '.' ' ' Butter ... '. Cakes of -.';.'Y . Sets - Sapollo Sapoiio, ; "for v Y Imitation " A for '' fapolb, . iraiianon Sapolio, every-. ACkrr Cut GIaS8 i Cv one knows. highly polishedT : " what it is and . , ' what it is T . Hece butter . ; Y : worth, 4 cakes . sets, for 49 ..... ; : for 25 ., :'. ;y 25c 51.50 : Night " Couch : . Lamps ' Covers Tapestry Silk' f0f- Z Decorated r " Finished Couch" Night Lamps, . Covers, Roman- 10c b ; $1.19, chimney, all e M ' colors, - around the 'i for 10 ' edge,' 91.10.. ;' ' ' 98c ctures for y 24c jTitiuics in guk and ebony, oval frames, with glass 18x15, for 24 55.00 -$afcty EvcrReady' Razors Safety Razor ; for Sets, complete witn seven ; blades, in . , j 0 "- - , Monday extra ' extra blades, . all for 91XK . $1.00 35c . Pictures for 18c Pictures in rosewood frames, with glass, hun- dreds of sub jects to choose from; for 18 25c Sunbon nets for 15c Sun Bonnets," t all colors of " . the rainbdw,' for i5 Y-V J .. Y 5C Bars of Soap 7 for 25c Seven bars of Fcldman'a ' -' LNTRoyal. Savon Soap for 25 fifefc Me Cor.3dQYomhi!l Entire Corn:? Mail . Orders Carefully -Filled iSame Day as Received, Charges Prepaid 4 .l,. w V