The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 29, 1906, Image 7

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    cr.zcoN suiiday jouhhau ronTLANP, Sunday nonNiNO, july to itzi.
BUMiisa ezsosts.
Jeuraal aaVaoritois eaa ad Ta .
Boaok lii aw sort. A roomier
rler delivery wtU be auiatalneA Oraae
direet freaa ni aeeat at tioea ptn,
Ska will tttul oreaaatly "
IS STACK Loals rjeaoa. ageatl
k4uun at IlwMt, WhL Be-,
livery U e.11 aetata oa the beech.
W. . Wkltmu, aeati beeAouorUre .
" t Lewis Oe.'e drug store, leaslde,
, Delivery te all aetata M the
nwtOlT ' AM TlfttTCTA Hmtt
Dlvelbiaa, im ageat OervaUU
. Beaton railroad, eaeat. Head. ,
(gutui at Newport, Or. Bolivar? te
aUpolnta ob tho boaoa.
wilboxt granoe r, w. xamt,
rat, WUhoit, Or.
HOT LAU Hot Lake Beaiterfeat Co..
rat Hot Lake, Or.
CAiioW, WAA4. Ifiaeral Spriaga .
tel Co.. unu. .
0A00AOI. AI0i BMfett,
cofuiii nrnii nu(i,Yut
. 0, X. Seleaar, (rat. OeUlaa. Vuk, .
tovxoari Ajnnnatjm.
BshSt milUKKM
,..-Bdrthqaake Pictures
Lrrlo ...A Wlfo'o Porll'
Qru4 ........... VtsdortU4
ur..... 'Three MM ta Larboard
The Dominican Father are planning
to) oeiebrate their holy foundefa das.
. On next Sunday, ftljht Rev. Father Ab-
noi Tnomaa. u. s. B.. .will preach in
tha Church of the Moat Holy aoeary.
Union avenue and Clacltama atreet, on
- Saint Dominie, tha founder of the Do-
mlnioan order. The aocaalon will bo
eeienraiea wiw greet solemnity. Mar
so s "Mleae Solannalla" wUt bo aung br
tne nuua onoir, ana b. c. Hasten s "Ave
Maria" will bo rendered by J.. B. WUd
man aa aploiat, oeom panted by W.
una. irom nan- r rancieoo, on tno vtoi.
Frank Barrott will alao bo a oololat In
tho aolamn maaa, which will ho accord
Ins to tho Dominican lit.
Mra. Judith Parry dlod July It at 1(4
Fettygrove - atroot from Injuries ana.
talned by a fall. Mra. Parry waa born
la Batevla, Oeaeaee county, Kow Tork,
' In 1111, from wheneo aha moved to
Fluahlnc Michigan, where aha marrlad
O. It. Parry, a diraot descendant- of Com.
modoro Parry. Sha waa mothar of eight
. children, six of whom aurvive her: O,
H. Parry of Ionia, Michigan; George
Parry, of Syraeuaa, New Tork; W. U
Parry, H. B. Parry, Mra. J. 3, Shores
and Mra. J. P. Sandera of Portland. Sha
WM . . fU ut, U U ... W V. .A.M. . ,
' Sandera, har four trandaona. Fred and
La Verne Bhorea, Barry and Frank San.
dara, aetlnv aa pallbearara. , , r . . .
Tho O. Baltkamper oompany, Jewalera,
will maka moat atrenuoua afforta thla
ittBDir to hold tta old patrona and ao
euro new onoa, bacauaa tha building- next
door being demollaned and a 10-etory
truatnre going up In Ha place.) Mr.
XYank Haitkamner aald todar: "We'll
make it pay people to eroaa the atrcot
pay them bettor than anything alao that
. they ean d Our prloe reductiona will
mmbi jon u loci aa mo aireei aionaaiae
'of u la bloeked perhapa three or four
montna." . ;
. Notioa to Coal Buyers. We deairo to
announce . that Mr. Oraham Dukehart
will repreaent ua as aolloltor and ealea
man. A. I Staphena. formerly with ua.
la no longer connected with thla oom
pany. we have plenty of Diamond,
Cannal ooal ready for delivery. Inde
pendent Coal A lee oompany, eueoeeaora
to Boimea coal ice company, Phonea
situ Tie ana kio.
: Thla atudlo never employe "oanvaaa
era" to "drum" up bualnaaa. It haa a
healthy Clientele of the best people, and
adopt ao artifice to Inereaa It. - Our
work 1 aJwaya the beet that cameras
ean produce, no matter how good the
other's work may be. The atudlo haa
ben aewly equipped and la abaolutaly
giit-edgea. B. w. Moore, Elks' building.
Seventh and Stark. -
Sunday River Trip to Oregon City.
Tana tno river ride, no duat; no heati
no noise; no worry. Three hour cool
and refreshing recreation. Steamer JH-
tona leave the foot of Taylor atreet
at a:io ana ii:i a. m. and 1:10 d. m.
Ieavea Oregon City at 19 a. m. and
and i:so p. aa. Tlckota interchanged
with aleotrlo ear. Bound trip at centa.
Applicant - for aid - from the - San
Franclaco relief fund muet apply at the
Travelers Aid deck at the Union depot
between tho hour of 11:1 and 1:1
p. m. dally, except Saturday. Appllca
tiona made by letter will aUo receive
careful inquiry. lola O. Baldwin, secre
tary, T. W. C. A. Traveler' Aid. .
. Water, through lie for prtakltng
yard or aldewalk. or wasUlng porches
er windows, must be paid for la advance
and uaad only between tho houra of I
and I a. m. and f and p. m. It must
ot be ueed for sprinkling atreet. If
sod contrary to these rules, or waste
fully, it will e ahut eft - -,
The forest "flr which crept danger
ously close to tho ranch building of
Pater Overmeier, south of Llnnton. yes
terday apparenUy burned Itself out lata
In tho day, aa no sign of a fire could
be soon from either the Cliff House or
A Deceitful Watch
Would Aggravate A SAINT!
' There ia no deception in oar
timepieces. .
There it none in any of our
jewels or precioua stones.
There ii none in any depart
ment of'thlT'citablifhment
' ' I people,
: SM MOBBXSOir ST. ' -Otoweett-Prlcod
jrewebry SEea ,
-, fo Tla aooda."
Don't git dijeouraged. Be prompt
in everythin', etpecially in pay
ing your debts. Maintain your
integrity as tacred thing. . Save
some regularly out cf your in
come, and nothing can - prevent
your success. -': -v
;!. . Portland, Or. V " ' .
W. H. MOORS. Preatdant
. H E. LTTLE, Vlea-Prealdent '
Claremont tarera late laat night Thla
neigh bar hood la vlalUd by-Urea every
year and almoat every blaae deatroya
aoma property.. Two yeara ago . tha
people of Holbrook atayad up more than
one night watching the flame aweep
through tha wooda.. At that time the
Davie Fuel, oompany loot aereral thou
aand eorda of wood and only oonatant
work, and . watehf ulneaa eaved ' much
mora from being burned. -. .
' On Invitation of IX. C, Freeman, au
perintendent of the park department of
tha O. W. P. By. Co., and Manager
m. M mediander of the Oaka. the Port
land Admen'a league will be entertained
at the Oaka on the evening of Wednea-
I'day, Auguat 1. A apeolai oar will be
provided foe tho members of tho league
and their gueata. A bualnaaa meeting
will be held at the elubhouao of . the
Oregon Tacht club. V After adjourning
the party will viait the amuaement feat
area on tha "Avenue. i .
Artlclea of incorporation of tho Ore
gon ok Washington Lumber Manufao
turlng aaaooiation were filed In tho
offloo of tho county clerk yeeterday aft
ernoon by Harrlaon O. Piatt. E. t. 8hok
and George J, . Perklna. Their objeajta
are to gather and publish data relative
to valuea and mafketa for Paciflo coast
lumber produota,-practical rulea for
grading and weighing lumber products.
and to do everything possible for the
advancement of Paciflo coast lumber In
dustrlea. Their capital atock la $500.
Evergreen-8anltariumt0 "-Corbatt
street. A quiet home. for the sick of
both aexe and women ta confinement.
In charge of graduate nurses from Bel-
levu and Polyclinic, New Tork. Splen
dldly furnished rooms and surgery la
connection, ., Telephone Main 116. ---
. O. W. P. trolley excursions today, to
Oregon City, Canemah Park, Oreaham.
of Oreeham, to' and Including Estacada,
(ft cent round trip. Ticket muat be
purchased. On aale la - waiting - room.
first and Alder etreeta.'
Vacation Notloe .The -'Oregon -Trust
Savings Bank baa a large fire and
burglar proof storage aafe deposit vault,
where you can store your trunks, silver,
ware, and valuablee for the Bummer,
at reasonable rate. ' Sixth and Wash
ington atreet.
Knock the File Us Child' "So-Boa-
o," tho beat and cheapeat fly apray.
Coats lee than H eent per day per head.
Ulvea the eowa comfort and you get
your money back in the increase of milk.
Ask Portland Seed Co Front and Tarn
hlU atreet. ... .. . fV.-,..'
Diamond, watch and Jewelry on
eaay paymenta at lea than elsewhere
for oaah. We give you poaaesslon when
making first payment, &
ourlty, charge no interest. , Marx A
Bloch, Third street rr,
Now 1 the time to arrange a trip to
your old home la the east. Reduced
rate tlckata on aale Auguat 7, S and .
For particulars call at Chicago. Mil
waukee St. Paul railway ofnoe, 14
Third atreet.
' River trip today. ' Go to Cascade
Locks and return on steamer Bailey
Oataert. Leave Alder street dock
a. m.; return 1:19 p. m. - Dinner, 10
cent. Far IL Phone Main 14.
t ,
This will remind roa that now la the
time to have your hair mattraasea reno
vated and returned the same day. Phone
Main 474. ' The Portland Curled Hair
Ifaetory, H. Metsger, proprietor.
A newspaper man with a little money
can have half intorest in a good propo
sition in a good Oregon town. See ad
under Business Chances column, today
Joamal -r .. ' -
Week daya'steamer Multnomah leave
foot of Washington atreet . for Scap-
pooee and return, 1:19 a. m. and I p. m.
Fare, 10 centa one way; 71 cent round
trip.. , ... -
Why not enjoy your vacation 7 W ad
vance you ISO, pay ua back at 11.10 par
week; 010 at 11. and ISO at $1.15. Cres
cent Loan company, 411 Mohawk build
ing. ,
For Sale New modern - up-to-date
l-roora cottage. Mason atreet and Van
couvar avenue.:. See owner, 161 Mason
tiaet. ',. ;
.' A special chicken dinner at the Naeve
restaurant today, 110 Fifth atreet, for
00. Everything flrat-olaaa.
Mis Rebecca Brumberg haa returned
hOme after a visit with her' sister, Mra.
L. B. Karo, at Snohomish, Washington.
' Dry, short wood, 11.00 per load, deliv
ered. Phone Mala etc. The Nloolal
Brother Co. - - ; ,
Leading dalllea from all the big cltlea.
Carl Jonea, Fourth and Washington.
Acme Oil Co. sell the beat safety coal
oil and fine gasoline, Phone Eaat 710.
Aeme Oil Co. sell the beet safety Ml
aad fin gasolines. Phone Cast TOO.
'- A nice chicken dinner today at SOS
TamhUl atreet for 10 centa. , . .
For Quality, Quantity and Quloineea,
go US Morris restaurant. .
Wooster seila every thin
Ington atreet.
01 Waah.
Pa&aaxa hatter, U.tta. Phoc Paa, I0T.
siiiiOY m to;
New Electric' Concern Formed
. With Capital Stockvof One
" Hundred Thousand. ' :
Company Already Haa Contract lor
.Lighting Oreaham and Expects to
Have Current Flowing Through
.Wires Before End f Year.
With a' capital . atock of $100,000. of
which 167.000 1 aubacrlbed. the Port,
land A Bandy River Electrlo company
waa Incorporated ' yeaterday, to con
struct an electrlo power plant on the
Sandy .river, : about 4 . mile eaat of
Portland, and .transmit the currant to
Portland and other points. The com
pany ha a franchise to light the town
Of .Oreeham .arid has promised to de
liver the current before the close of
10, Construction will be commenced
immediately and 1,600 horsepower will
be developed.' '
The Incorporator .' are Dan J. Ma
larkey, M. F. Donoboe nd Charlotte
Ohio. At a stockholders' meeting held
yesterday vMr.' Donohoe, an engineer,
waa elected prealdent and general man
ager. He- ra the local representative of
W. N. 8 navel y and Denver associates.
who own $56,000 of the- capital atock.
A further sum Of 116,000 haa been
pledged. It ta aald, by Portland . In
vestors. " . ' .....
. . Donohoe Veil of Flasaj. '.
Manager: Donoho aald:
. "We began about a year ago. to de
velop our power project on the Sandy
river and have been-quietly acquiring
landa and ' making aurveya. We have
not aaked the .city of Portland' for
franchise to enter thla city and will not
do ao until our tranamlaalon llnea reach
the city Umlte. . We now own approxl
mately 1.150 acrea of land, embracing
about Ave mllea of the Sandy river on
both aldea of the stream. Our plant will
be located in aection 10 or 17, town
ship t south, range 6 eaat. Clackamas
county. We will build a 46-foot dam
and with a flume 1,600 feet lona we will
get a head of 110 feet The Sandy
river haa been measured by the best
engineers tn Oregon and also by gov
ernment engineer and it la found that
at low water the available water power
is 10 to It horsepower per foot of head.1
It la estimated that when the de
velopment 1 fully mad the plant will
have cost $1,000,000. .The company la
now getting eatimata on naterlala and
machinery and preparations are being
made to begin construction of the dam.
The company was originated by Mr.
Snavely, ' who waa" formerly" a -resident
of Baker City, aad la aald to have been
the pioneer In Irrigation . In Baker
county., (. :. v .... ' . ... ;
Good Showing Due to Legit
imate Increase t Business,
. Says A. L Mills. . ' ;
Portland's bank clearing for tha
week ending July 10 ahow a larger per
contage of Increase over the correspond
ing period of laat year than any other
city on the Paelfla-ooeat eaoept Spokane,
according to a comparative statement
compiled by the Bradstreet Mercantile
agency. -- -
The percentage of Increase for Fort-
land la ehown to be $0.0. Xoa Angeles'
tnorease waa per cent, Tacoma O.a per
cent, San Franclaco, 1$ 8 per cent
Seattle $4.8 per cent, and Spokane 40.8
rtland's Increase
A. I Mllla, president of the First Na7TUonrn--ths rsslrtanoAdlstrlctofthe
tional bank, aald laat night:
"There have been no large traaeao-
tlona during the week that would In
crease the clearlnga. It I just the or
dinary .legitimate increase of bualness,
and It appear to be general. - Mer
chants all over the city have told me
that their business is from 10 to 40 per
eent greater now than It waa at the
earn time laat year.
Our business ha been Increasing
steadily from week to week, aad it la
now much better uan it waa a year ago,
and that waa the fair year. Our de
posits are $8,000,000 larger than they
were at thla time laat year.
Ordinarily thla Is our dull season. Pe
ine just before harvest; yet. we are
unusually busy." ?
ajto coves era.
Crura of Oklokea Sony
(Pie with
- . . Meala). . .... .
Shrimp Salad with acayonnai ,
Dreeaiaa- sua
Siloed Tomatoes 10, Onambesa.lOe
reea Oaioaa Banaaae aad -
mass . ........ i j.iuc
Pried Smelt ...15
Salmon 1B, Xallbao ....16
Boiled ataokerel with Brawn ' -
Bane . ... v . 9Ba
Steamed Uttla Book Clams .......SO
Clam BoaUloa with Voaat ........ 1S4
Boiled Ox Tomgae with Bora. ,
radlah . ..... k ... t ........... .ao
Chile Con Cars 16
mail Beef Tenderloin with Baeom.aSe)
Cold era Beef with Potato Salad. 5 j
Calve Bralna with Serambled
Bgga as
Short Bias Beef with Btewa Pot -
aea SO
Chlokea rot PI with Bailing.. a 5 )
Stuffed Oreea Pepper .......... .204
Beef Stew with Teretablea 1B
Santa of Caleken Oibleta on Toat.204
spagaevu wtn ease, ukuaa ,
styi lot
Saaaaare with Xot Stew ........ ..20a)
pioeefTeal wttk Itokied Beet. .. .IBs)
Corn Beef Xaafc with Poaehed Bgg . 1B4
Baaaaa, Prlttera wltn Biaady
Same . 1B
Banana Fritters, Sad Order ...,...5
Beast Chlokea with Bieealaf ......98
SVeast Pork with Breaatag .IBe)
BVoouot Kattoa with Protag 16e
Boast Teal with Breaalaff
Boast prime Xrfunk vttk mat
Saae ....SOd
Boast Beef with Pear Oravy 16)
Celery 10a), Zee Cream .10
Plekled Beete 5) Watermelon.',. .104
Cantaionp .."..uwi40r
DDBIilG fflllll
Takes Out Building Permits Ag
gregating About Quarter
1 v Million Dollars:"
Section of City Across the River Be
; coming Great Home-Building Dia
trict lot the TownMiMjmSTJS:
mcnta Contemplated. ; ' ; ,
(Baet Side Department.) '
In . the value . of building permlta
July prove a good aeoond to April, the
banner month of . the year,' when ' the
permlta Issued by the building Inspector
totaled more than $1,000,000, Up to the
hour of .closing yeaterday the building
inspector had taaued during the month
building permlta to the value of $710.
000, while plana of bulldlnga were in the
handa -of the Inspector, valued at
$35,000, permlta for which ' will b Is
sued Monday,- rendering It practically
certain that the total for the mrsnth wilt
go wall above $850,000.
. For (he first time since January l'of
the present year the value of east aide
permlta fall below that .of thoae la-
aued for the west side, weet side per
mits totaling $400,000, eaat aide $150,
000. . This reversal of the. record, how
ever, waa caused byjha Issuing -of per
mits, for several large west side busi
ness houses, botably the Swetland build
ing, at Fifth and Washington streets, to
cost $02,000; . the four-story Jorgensen
business house ' at Third and Main
streets, valued at $15,000; repaira en the
Chamber of Commerce, to oost $40,000;
residence of Sol Hlrach, Waahlng
ton and : St. Clair atreeta, $40,000, and
Sol ' Roaenfeld'a Park avenue dwelling,
$ . "
Among the more Important eaat side
Improvements scheduled during the
month are the following:. Councilman
Maatera' restUenoa on East Madison
street, to cost $8,000; eight flats, build
ing on. East Taylor atreet, $30,000; the
Bummers dwelling at Eaat Fifteenth and
Haiaey streets, $5,000; Bethany -Baptist
church, Tacoma avenue and East
Eleventh atreet. $4,000; the Jennings
residence, Washington and East Tenth
streets, $(,000; the handsome home of
Toll Thompson, East Thirty-third and
BelmonL to cost $8,000, and three tele
phone ezchangea to cost $46,000.
- Kaay Swellings Be lag Bull.
In the value of dwelling alone the
eaat aide haa a alight advantage over the
weat aide, each dlatrlot applying for
permit for about $150,000.
The most aatiafactory feature con
nected with the report of the July per
mlta 1 the eubatantlal character of the
Improvement going up in all parte of
tha-clty. -Especially Is this noticeable
on the eaat aide. Residence lota in that
portion of the city have become too
valuable to build on them cheap, flimsy
houaea. Few permlta were laaued for
structures costing less than $1,000,
fwhile $1,600 to $8,600 waa the prevail
ing coat given. A number of permit
were laaued for eaat aide dwelling ea-
M00 ta tia.OOOl
The change Inaugurated by the building
inspector's department requiring the
value of the improvement to be correct-
ly given in the application- tor-the-er--Uhe
mlt la noticeably brought out In the
daily report of permlta issued. A $10,-
000 residence la no longer described aa
$8,000 cottage, In order to save the
few dollars difference In the cost of
the permit.
The fine weather that haa prevailed
throughout the month haa atimulated
building prolecta in ell parts of the
eaat aide. Some difficulty haa been ex
perienced because of the scarcity of
labor and 'material. - It baa been next
to impossible to eupply the demand for
cement and gravel. Along the Mount
Boott oar line a serious shortage tn the
lumber market la reported. . .COntrac-
tore heaitate to. aubmlt blda on work
where a penalty ia attached to failure
to complete a job on time. -
A algnulcant change is noted in the
character of bulldlnga under eonstruo-
oentral east aide; the two-atoryQuaeil
Anne oottag la giving way to the
modern city flat Numbere of theee
atructurea are going ap in the Irving ton,
Uolladay and Sunnyslde districts. In
vestors elalm that a better return on
the money inveeted can be had by
building - flats than by covering the
aame ground with cottage.
A - force ef men from the city en
gineers office la engaged In eatab-
llahing the gradea of a number of
streets la the University Psrk and
Portsmouth ' addltlona preparatory to
doing a large amount ef atreet grading
and aldewalk work. In a short tlm
eatimatea will be ready for advertialng
for about five mllea of atreet Improve
ments on the lower penlnaula. Several
miles of plank sidewalks are to be built
in thla district before winter. It waa
originally planned to build theee alde
walka of concrete but . this had to be
abandoned en account of aa inability to
get csment and gravel. The grading of
Portsmouth and University avenue 1
well under way. The contract for the
grading of theee two atreeta la the moat
expensive. .-atreet Improvement in
progress on the penlsula, the contract
prloe being near $30,000.
Counterfeit 11-cant pieces have made
their appearance among the merchante
on the east side, on confectioner find
Ing throe bright, new bogus ojuartera
In hla caah reglater a few evenings ago.
The colne are aald to be clever imita
tion to weight and ring, though they
may be. told from the genuine by the
oily feeling when ' rubbed between. Abe
finger. Twe of the counterfeit coin
were passed on a atreetcar conductor
Wedneaday evening. Eaat aid mer
chants complain that shovers of the
jueer Invariably seek that locality when
vlaitlng Portland to work off . their
spurious product. ,
BrealdenV Fopalartty."
From the Washington Post
Edmund Burks, a lawyer of Loa An
geles, who spent IT winters here during
congressional sessions, haa Just returned
after an absence of four yeara. and is
at the Raleigh. "I believe,", aald he,
"that the prealdent la a bigger man In
the eyea of the people of California than
he ever waa before. The people there
think hi couree In the railroad rate leg
islation waa proper. They believe be la
responsible; largely for everything good
that haa been done for them, particu
larly tha apreed of ' Irrigation In the
statea of California, Idaho, Nevada,
Colorado and Oregon, They believe that
he waa . more largely reeponslble than
any other person for the granting of
aupplle (or earthquake sufferers by the
United State government. If-beM
anxloue for a third term; they will sup
port him. He la, by all odd a, in the
opinion qf the west, the biggest man to
day; The people Just worship him,"
We here to have atere reset aad ia order ta sot It we Bars doollod to have e TWO WTTB' PEDPCTIOg I
ef! ea
OAS TOTJ ATT0BD TO KIM THI8 CKAaoXI Whoa we error s rodarttee M le boss fide,
plaia Msm-to aad jroa oa ooe for yoerMlf joot bow Boeh ef a rod actios jon are fittluf.
r A I'll kin 9a A I por coat rodaetloa oa dlsatoeao (whoa
-lr,laCJ tD.y tr( Krodtly adToarlai) nooaa quite
tsmca&am milt. Broidoo, we hove alwore hod the '
reputattoa of lllng dlaiaonda err rooaoaable. Tale 1 a oasaoo .
yoe coooot of ford to otorlook. . ,,
Is U aiade Mpaclally lor lie a nd omr pUco lo oumsod with
oar name end emu 1m a sreat Orel an lllfr thaa th r(alar
platod ware. The pattaraa rooomklo the solid silver oe closely
that It is almost Impoatlble to toll tho difference.
1 OVA KWTVEO. TOaXS AMD aPOOke ore oopeelally ftae sad sat-,
terse iotlrely dlfferoot (rum othrr pUiod ware. ,'
ft IT 11 Afhwh IS tBia SEPAATanm we make s Mg
VJI JU-fCJiJ rut. aa wo here a Urge shipment aa the
smsasaBBaBBmaBaBBcaaai road aad ao ploee to pot It. Beautiful '
pieces from $1.00 up aod a largo aoMrtsaeat to choooe from.
BxaraarsiTB Txqa
jewelers JAE G ER B R OS;
Wallowa Valley Railway Com
pany and O. R. A N. In
" , Legal Contest.
Wallowa Valley Company Organised
, by Cook Farmer Had Loot Faith
I ia Previoua Corporation Which De
layed Construction of Railroad. '
Before Judge Aiken at La Grande
final taearfng haa been had in the cases
of the O. K. A N. Co. against . tno
Wallowa Valley Railway company and
W. J. Cook In an effort by the O. R. A
N. Co. to establish title to oertaln right
of way wrested by it from poaaeaslon
of the company headed by Mr. Cook
when the two railroad projecta in the
Wallowa country claahed a few montna
ago and the Cook project waa throttled
by the O. R. A N. people.
The oourt haa taken .the case under
adviaement and a decision Is dally ex
pected that will either confirm the O. R.
A N. in possession of the rout through
Grand Ronde canyon and up the Wal
Iowa river to Joseph, or will declare
that Mr. Cook - waa wrongfully dla
poeaeaaed of, the aame by force by the
conatructlon. foroea of the u. n. a M.
Co. In the latter event it la believed
the Wallowa Railroad company and
Cook will bring a ault agalnat the Har-
rlman line for a large amount of dam-
About a year ago the Wallowa Valley
Railroad oompany was organised by
Cook, who, backed by Portland capital.
made a survey and secured bonds for
deeda for rights ef way for a railroad
from Joaeph down the Wallowa river
and through Grand Ronde canyon to
connection with the O. R. A N. company
Yeara-provloualy the latter oompany
had aurveyed a similar route, but had
neglected conatruction for so long that
the people- believed it had - abandoned
JroJeot and whatever rlghta it poa-
aessed had elapaed.-
Aa soon as the Cook project took deft
nlte form the O. R. A -S. company's
agent again. went into the field, aecured
deeda for the Cook rlghta of way from
the farmers by giving the latter indem
nlfylng bonds against the bonds they
had- given to Cook. The farmers, believ
ing again that the O. R. A N. company
menat to build, and being protected by
Indemnifying bonda, yielded to the Har-
rlman road .and a conatructlon force
went over the ground and fenced the
right -of way,- deaplta- atrenuoua objec
tlona by the Cook company.
Then began, in the local eourta, a se
ries of legal engagementa that are now
drawing to a conclusion, but may not
put a final quietus upon the contest. If
If la decided that the Wallowa Valley
railroad company waa illegally ouated
and fenced off Its right of way the
eompaay-wlll ha.yoground for a suit toltermlne to permanently revloe the rate
XfeeetJoa of Vew Corbett Block Stake
It Beoesaary fo Jaeger Brothers te
Seek Temporary Quarter XOaewhet.
The erection of a ten-atory building
by the Corbett aetata corner Fifth and
Morrlaon atreeta, haa necessitated the
vacating bf the premise by the several
firm who have occupied the building
for many yeara, notable among - them
Jaeger Broe., Jewelers and optlciana.
who began business there five yeara
-. When thla firm first went Into busi
ness they only occupied one half of the
store, but in a very ahort time their
bualnaaa grew to euch an extent they
found . It neeeaaary to take the entire
atore and Immediately, at their own
eapenae. put In an elegant new nlate
glaaa front, aomethlng entirely different
than the regular, being constructed with
an upper and lower window.
Since moving to their new quarters.
1$$ Fifth street, they have found It noo
essary to add another watchmaker and
optician te thslr already large force,
and even now have all. .they ean do.
They feel grateful to their euatomera
and friends who found them in their
new quarters, and although they ex
pected somewhat of a falling off In
bualnaaa, they have a decided Increase
and think their new location- will prove
far better than they had anticipated.
Tha firm la composed of J. P. Jseger
and B J. Jaeger, .who' are thoroughly
experienced In their respective lines
and wide awake to every opportunity.
The new building will be completed
In about one year, when th firm will
occupy the exact location from which
they moved, and their new quarters will
be refitted with the very lateat ftxturee
on tha market and an entire new stock.
Before opening the new atore one of the
firm will go east. Inspecting eastern
Jewelry stores, aa It la thslr Intention
to open up a atore which will not only
reflect credit upon themselves, but upon
the city.' . r
Great Bargains.
. In ladles' skirts. Every one greatly
reduced In price. All summer goods must
go. Our prices will make them go. Don't
miss this opportunity. : .
17$ Washington atreet
Milwaukle Country Club.
Easter aad Seattle race, Take
Sell wood aad Oregon City ear at First
ea.! Alder. T. ' -o-
Tkere a saaay Want Ad ta today
roaimal that will tatcr rem, ,
.,4 ... . ." '
all Wateaee. Cloaks, Jewelry, Oat Sleet sad
sraw abobbss, isx rxPTX stbbbt,
The agency foe the WHITE SEWING MACHINE
i, is now located with
PHONE' MAIN - 6102'-;:r"v:: ;:;
Railroads ' Concede Contentions
of MilrOwnere Regarding
:. Minimum Rate.
Traffic-Department of O. .R. ft N.
Delivering Lumber at Omaha at
Practically One Hundred Fifty Dol
lar Per Car Contention of Each.
Practically the entire contention of
the lumber mill men has been conceded
by the rallroada In the matter of cubical
mlnlmume and ratea lor eastern snip
ment of lumber. The railroads have
granted a continuance of the old mini
mum aublect to oertaln limitations.
and- the question la again shelved until
auch time aa the railroad companlea de-
and put Into affect a lumPerCUssUlca-
Tha O. R. A N. trafflo department.
which has been active In effecting a
aettlement of the controversy, la de
livering Oregon lumber at Omaha at prac
tically S1S0 per car. The lumber mllla are
required to load the car ruu ana me
weight at ear capacity la accepted at
the minimum weight, regardless of the
cubical, spaes.
The contention or the rauroaoa was
that thsy had- In yeara past been haul
ing green heavy lumber at a given rate
which, when applied to kiln dried stuff
and inferior finishing materials, was not
yielding a normal revenue to the com
pany In proportion to the carrying ca
pacity of the ear. In ahort, the rolling
atock could not be made to earn a fair
profit hauling feathers by the pound in
comparlaon with hauling pig Iron at the
aame rate per pound.
The roada propoaed to compel the lum
ber mill men to crowd all kinds of lum
ber Into a ear to make It weigh as much
aa a load of the old-time green lumber.
and on failure to do ao the lumber ship
per must . pay freight en weight esti
mated by cubical space Im the ear.
There waa plainly good - argument on
both aldea of th question, but the lum
ber men won out,, end the old mlnlmume
will remain in effect, within certain
limitations aa regards weight. It la
believed that before many yeara the
rallroada will Introduce a lumber class!
flea t Ion by which a higher freight rate
will be charged on the floor gradea of
dry lumber.' ' ,.
One of the landmark of th Nob hill
district ha changed handa and will
probably disappear, Mra Frances J. Van
Randt of Los Angeles having purchased
the old Koye homesteed at th north
east corner of Twenty-second and Ever
ett atreeta.. Thla corner haa long been
a familiar place,' with Its large trees
and vine-clad heussa The aale
made by Hartman A Thompson and the
price paid waa which la con
sidered remarkably good.
The houae waa originally built by
Captain Noyee, a retired sea skipper,
who made It hjs home for quite a while.
More recently It ha been' owned by
Miller Murdock, the attorney, from
whom Mr Van Kandt purchased It, The
put chaser la a widow, who waa for
merly of Nashville, Tennessee, but for
several yeara resided In Loa Angele
Some months ago ahe eaene te Fortland
and waa ao charmed with the climate
nd beauty of the city that ahe decided
te-make It her nom. .it is understood
that Mra Van Zandt will remodel the
old house and make a number of Im
provement before occupying it, . (
SALS. 10 ta 8 set 4
ao- fake. We stork sll ef ee ' j
: Je if fkll VFn txnvonos ov aouo r'-
Owa-ll Oll.Tt.t4 VEB Is like Undine mnmty. fr V
- BaBBBkBaBBBBBaamemaBDBsssi elaas of (oode otoodilr
Tearing the last year aad 1 boaad, so blghet my abort..
tVATfHF ' f vov ma nrrsvs to m i
trATOK, doa't aUos thla eheaee, aa ear
""""""" blggrpt rod on loo will be and ta thla -
' portmont. ' Wo have to many watrhos aad tboy have to ee.
TXIXX 0? IT I A 17 Jow.l watrh for goatloaMa as low aa $IOi
,: Udloe toed geld-Mled watches for OS SO ead pi eolld sold for
$18 sad ap. This will be year tteaee te save setae easy, v"
: lADrxr .AWD oxxTLXioara cKAixa avb roaa-we aeve
bad a Urger aooertawat e pick traaa. Tke very latest styles
" Is both solid gem aad goM-aito. - .;,r . t, -
bbab nan.
'"' 1
, . ' (Fsmsrty raraMS) ' " ' ,
801. M. M Taw at, ear. Jetton on, ;
, Bit Store of Uttle Prices .
roixowTJie nxoxs wni bats to ae
somuo'S sist SAxxse xovnoa -
la etlll. sec lb JO
8 skga atagaelta eleesed earraata ........ .0B
0 pk(S bow a wows sora0 ralalne ....... .JSo
0 lbs sew 0'Otowa lease Koonttla Oae
1-r eaa Moral baking aowdor eos
Crease Black-well's eMve ofl. at Bortloo. .00
1-lb Hi Ana A BaaiaMr telt .,., It -
lal eaa faaey table eyrap.............,..eoe
W-cal eaa faaey table arrap. ............. .ane
ehreAded Waaat blaeali. aer sag lee
Faaey Barly Jaae reaa, par ob............Oo
IS bars Moral Bavea ooop
T eaaa boot U sardlaes la etl SBc
Cove eyatefs 1-lb eaaa. aollO. see aea.. OOe
H-O eata, B-Ib akga, per sag 10
eree eeeaaaet, par ..Ue
Rard-wboef goer, per eseb .............. ALB
aeoteb eata. Bar kg .......tee
Pnetaai eeroal. Bat pfeg .....ane
roll's Msetka asoe. per oar e
Boot eeft-wboat floar. per eecb M.O
lava A Btaeaa enffee (rogelar OOe) ...... .Jo
H box eeoa craekors (aboat 10 lbs Ma
Roallab Braakfaet toe, aer ..... Ue
Paaey OeapawOar tee (regalar OSe) lie
Oaaaa BuwaSt, per pk. .................. .e
Uet 01 so BoUverlee Teeaaaye aad
," now atAor eea.
Dankrupt Sdo
Of the $8,000 Stock
L.MJNG tV COT, 80 6th St.
Ladles' aad GnH' rnrnhhlag Oeeds ef
sll kiss et MJlLT faiOX. -Coma
is and look over e laaaaoaee
atnrk before baring elsewhere and yea
will bo sere to stake s pwchaao frea aa
after getting our eatreneiy low prlcoo.
00 Sbtth Otroot, Betweea Oak aad Stash.
"' WOAAA ' '
Artiotto Booee..
Strata. Baoao
hnna. CesMter
end betlaia Wo. J
fraea tbo boot 1
orMoaaaaTooi' .
Pr. Ssndersoej'
flavin and Cotton T
Th beet aad
remedy for T
Hods. Cure t
Btlnate cases In 0 to 14 l
per bo, mallei in air t
dress T. J. PIERCE,
street, Portlend, Oro-
The Baal
Vonraal ate
V sreora eroaipuy
, sttaaded to.
y V Eatl tad
I I trtetlrk;t
. por
.. . ocj'