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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
"2 c.-zzii cu::dav jcur.::.u; rcTL::iD. Sunday i:cr.::iiia julv 3. ucx rr.zzz:ir ootlcc:; i3 that LCr.Q CM I!0r3 13 TRYING TO C003T n!CS3. r.1.7 YVf.ZAT PRICZ3 ARZ AL READY LOOKING UP AND TH!3 DESPITE LARGE U. 8. CROP. BUMPER iH,eE C0II1TO BUYERS jounriAL's special THQCZ CUM PER. rSC3. LITTLE WHEAT IS DEIHG r.lOVED Trade In 'Frisco Is Nominal With " Only Bid, and Ask Price J ; During Day. ; ; . DEARISII tIEiJS THE Wi . REPORT OF THE WHEAT BOOST HOPS : LiORE HOGS j Everyone . Is ". Going to Raise Porkers for the New Pack-;' ng Ho.uses Here. ; J w Reports reoelved from the bar w vsst field this week Indicate that w weather - conditions . are now w doing no barm to the erop." Har vesting Is now generally under way and although there Is a very .' conslderabla shortage of help e little of the grain will be sac . rifloed unless the expected ralna w come too heavy. Grain bags are W firmer after a ' temporary weak- Men Who Buy Ten-Cent Goods Chicago,- Market : Lower ; 3rVMh t Bulls ; In . Disgrace--Cood j: - Weather It Depreaa'mjf. ; Want Growers to Get - Excited and Hold. OREGDuVJILLGROvJ BOOSTERS WOULD THEN SELL HOLDINGS HIGHER Pincnt " ft Lachman, Conrad - Krebs and JoacpH Harris of Salem Said i to 8s , Among Those Who I Hold . . Low-Priced Contracts. '; '. By Hymen H. Cohen. Front Street, July ti. S p. m. The - prlnolpal features of the Portland Whole- gale narkete the past week were; , ..Contract holders boost hops. , , ' New wheat reins tn price. - . - - 1' Small volume of flour trad. '- -Coffee situation mors strained. ' Poultry advanoes with demand. , Eggs -coming In very bad shape. Outlook favorable for apple crop. : J Bmall Inquiries for new potatoes. ... Looal cantaloupe show poor pack. Creamery butter 1 cent higher. .... ' . Ooatraot Bayers Boee Hops. ' While -The Journal would at all times Join In a movement to advance the price or hops, or in raot any oommoaity, in . the Interests of producers and yet not make consumers pay for It. yet it can' not-speak with much favor of the prea ent manipulation of the market for ma nipulation it is pure and simple. Bev oral large hop dealers. . among them Joseph Harris of Salem, Letchman. A Fineua of the same place, ana fjonraa - Krebs have been - reported during the past week as speaking rn very high terms of the coming market.. Plneus . la reported to have purchased some Ho contracts on the coming crop,, but who they were purchased of la not known. Joe Harris has been one of the heaviest seevrers of lOo contracts this market baa known of. Re la vastly interested In keeping the market up until he has filled his orders. Conrad Krebs baa al ways been known aa a bull,, as his in formation regarding crop- shortages ana other things are well-known history. Bach Of these men has a special Inter est la seeing that the growers get e ol ted and .hold their bops for higher prices. - This would "force the market to advance artificially, and then last year's market can readily be taken as a : standard.- Just what la causing the dealers hers to pay ISO for hop contracts at this Urns cannot be explained. It Is ' certain that crop condition do -not maae tnese prices, a iw weeaa ago there was every fear that a large per cent of the European crop would Be ruined by unfavorable weather. Then the high aat-Drtce that-ceuld be secured hers on . contracts was II and ISo. and there wera . no ,takers -et-the latter- figure. Now the news comes from abroad that weather conditions are much. Improved, and 'yet we have the prices advanolng. The special feature, of the hop market this week was the otter lack of demand for.liOS s There wera a few Inquiries for these hops, but none seemed willing ' to pay the price asked. Now the cuee ' tlon arises, If there Is so heavy a de- m. m w A Im ih. .itwtii i'IIA-.-whih4 why should not the 1104's be equally as , much wanted. say at, about Jo a pound less. As far aa the Englishmen are concerned, they prefer an old hop to a fresh one. These Interests .were sup posed to be the buyers during the ores ent week. It Is h notable thing, however, that not a single contract at the high prloes mentioned has yet been recorded. jwomer ming mat sounae very strange -and savors very much of the operations of a year ago Is that the dealers who claim to be doing thla contracting are making such a big . fuss over It. " If they wanted to secure contracts so badly they would never make the of- - fers publlo until they bad secured them. What they really Intend to do. If In- up the crop until they can safely unload their contracts at a good figure. These . were the tactics used a year ago, . Grow era well remember them. . ' Mew Wheat Oalaa tn Mm kets suffer occasional relapses tn wheat priaes, this market Is showing a con stant increase in strsngrn. new wneat ' is being offered more freely, bat the holders arc not forced to sell and wait - until they get the price asked. . Although mllers stil retain quite fair supplies of old 'wheat, a certain amount Of the new crop la always usea at the start OS the season. This demand caused prices to advance fully to a bushel during the week, thus placing ths market almost on a par with the old: crop; an occurrence . that comes but few times in a lifetime. There was but a small amount of business available la the flour market during the week. Some offera of new "wheat flour at tt'by the Japanese were eocapiou . vr 'vuui mtuvn auring WW . week, Out there were far more offerings than acceptances. .The higher prtoe of i new wheat is cited by millers as the rea- son for refusals to accept business at i this basis. . fvv ; ; - . y . i - Voaltry AAraaeee With Demand.' There was a very liberal demand for i Chickens In ths Front street market dur ing ths past week. Receipts were some ' what' larger than ths preceding week, but demand took everything In ths form of chickens, and then the price ad vanced. A considerable number of coops . of ducks and geese cams in during the ' week, but demand for this class of poul try was small. Prices did not suffer, : however. Eggs cams In very bad shape during the week and the trade - was dleep , pointed. In some lots fully a third of the eggs were bad and thess were thrown out by the commission ' men when candling. Even then quality was , not satisfactory on the remaining lota Prices on strictly fresh guaranteed , stock Is a trifle higher. . This kind of quality Is very hard to find. . That some one Is substituting eastern eggs for local ranch stock. Is shown, by. the ,-purenw. in iius 'any oy - nounwii. of sn egg that had Inscribed upon it ,an- eastern address, which, continued: "The person who reoelves- this will plesse write.? . The grocer , who" pur chased the eggs mads the assertion that ' he bought them for strictly fresh ranch ator.k probably soms .Kansas rapob. reemery butter sdvanced a cent a KMind for eltr manufactured product and special outside brands during the week. This was only for strictly fancy goods. Along Front street the tone was considerably Improved but values did not reapVmd. There Is soms demand from the northern, cities, end asms from 'Alaska, but both of then can be eeslly filled without greatly disturbing pres- ent prloe eondltlona , Country store butter arrives in very poor shape ' on acoount of unfavorable weather cendl tlona , '','. Outlook Favorable for Apple Oxoa. Oregon's Dot apple crop promises at this time to break a few records of Hs own. It has been estimated that the state will produce this' year fully tt per cent oi a run crop. While there has been some unfavor able weather and early -fruits have either been damaged, or destroyed, the late apple crop will show ths best quality in recent years. - Already there haa been a great scramble amoftg European and ' eastern dealers ' for ' in formation regarding Oregon applea Russian buysrs were In this elty during the week to . contract for soms besvy shlpmsnts . to Vladivostok during the coming months. Just now the arrivals of apples In - this market - are very liberal Poor quality la shown among a large per cent of the stock snd low prices are ruling in consequence, , Sainton Oateh Is xmprovlag. Thsre was a slight improvement tn Lthe run . of , salmon in the Columbia during the past week. The sxpectea big. run from the south did not mate rialise on account of the very muddy condition of the river. The season in southern Oregon has closed after a vary successful catch. Frank C Barnes, who Is Interested in salmon canning tn . Alaska, states that be baa advloes from Fort Wrangel of the llth which stats that ths salmon run there Is about two weeks late. At that time his cannery had packed 1,000 eases,. walls the plants of ths Alaska Packers association at Wrangel had packed l.00 sasss. Ths Tes Bay can nery of the same corporation haa packed but a small amount, operations there Just being startsd a few days previous. According to the advloe the -Humps had not shown up at that time. Boas! Oamtaloapsa Snow Pooi Pack. While maintaining fully as good quel lty as' thoas received -from California, the local -cantaloupes -received . during the week found very poor sale. The reason for this was the very poor paok and the bla- slses of the fruit sent. While the Oregona sold very slowly st low prices there was a heavier demand tor California and Nevada fruit at former nigh figures. Brief Beviews of Tnrians Har kets. There Is now a limited demand for b BOtatoes for shipping. Inquiry not heavy enough to get excited over. Walla Walla onions are arriving In better snaps than. In any recent year and 'the demand is neiier cu-ims -w count. Keeping qualities seem - to be hjittaf too. - The cneese marast u .hium uila . Demand - varv good. J-CK or supplies of Toung Americas Is holding that sisa nign. " - . package coffee prices are sojnswnat excited owing to the advance of (0 eenta la Arbuckls's this .week. This puts- that -brand- II a case above the Oregon watermelons arc said to be due from The Dalles ths coming week. Californlaa are cheaper owing to heavier uDDlIee. Quality much better, ixiwcr nriraa due the eoming week. The trade pays ths following prices to Front street prices ' paid Shippers arc less regular oommissions: . . , : Otala, flee sad. eaeV-.v. .-.-, 'jf OR AIM BAOS Calcetta. eplO wuuT-ou etakw TOel red Bueiaa. tTc blwM, Tei vally, Tli ew ehib. Toe: rte BARllgT rMd. 124.00; railed. a2s.60wSt.OO; errwln.. IM.TO . COKK Whole, gN.M sraekea, $S.M per BT-l.o ftrywt.- . t- sua PMAtMn ertre ?C FLOUB Nw a.tern Orreoe eeteeta. S.eoI ten; tmlfhW, a.400aoo: export, as. is; Till.r. ; "j! wselc wheat, n. ... Kna. tn. 00: bain. saTB. MlfXsTt'rTs Brae, I1T.M ft teat eilne a, tae 00: atawta. eeoatry, aao.90i alt, .1. 71. Aa, 8lA.OOd21.B0. HAf -Prodeewe' prke Timothy. W111Bwtta vallr. faiver. 1IOO: orainary, fio.ooaio.ooj M.ts Oweos. liaoOOlT.OO: ljeA, jlo.ood, J graia. f ioaja-ao) . eeeet, I7.003t.00. attar, nn ess xeeiwr. BtTTTlB g AT T. a. a. rortUsa Sweet oram. eoer. lit. . , miTTia Ctr maiaeiy. tMMt: eat Id. taac, lt&J0c; eroiaery, 17( etere, BOOB We. 1 freeh Orates, eaadled, X1HO S2c; eaatara, lt. ,r- .'-.., OHBKlf B ww nu crwmw. uaia, Teiina Amenca, ie. . - POtnTBT Mixed chlcktas, . 18 H per lb; finer bena. 14e per lb: rooatm, . old, lOVte par lb state, far 10; nyarat lie 1HS par lb broll.r. lie par lb: Die docka. 13HQ1X lb;-eertat docka, UHvIlHe Ibi taew. 310c 'ke' let tarBre, iac P ! ear Ibi equaee, tlMOUt per Cos. slceeae liOO BOPS Contracts. 180S erop. U140 IbMOOt URfnn. II'IIM. WooilBOS ells Tantr. etMraa 'to SMdhna. t3e: flna, 4c; eaatara Orates, BOOaie, . . voiuih w.w, Boaiin.i. v HBEPSKIMB-abrarlas. Uajba earhl sbnrt wool, SSO40et sMdlea wool, aocJTea eeeht Ions wool, 7B-C100 eaeh. TALLOW PrlsM. ser la. BUcleei Me. fl aad gra.M. t3tWe, (jm 1 1 1 m uu uw Bioea, ecjte par ') leoe. tejAMe par lb. . HIDES Dry. Mo. 1, l Tba and.ap, 18SO 1TH par lb; dry kip, No. 1, to 16 ina. lv; srr ealt, Mo. 1, eedor lbs, lsc: aaitad kldaa, atatra, aooad, CO loa and orar, lOQllc; am, HOOHo; atata'and bolla, aonnd, SQTc; kip, IS to to Iba, Be; c.if. Boaod. mador 1 Iba,. 11a: Erne, enaaltad, le laaa; ralle. 1 par lb BMa; oraehtdM, ealtad, eara, $1 MI.7Bi dry, c, lX)oai.0 colt bIdM, aooaoe; goat afclna, eonuse. each, loaioei Anxora. eeea. tca 11.00, .... ' Vrens-SB TacetekMs, POTATOES New. 11.0001 8 par aaeki sre- decara' ertea for ear lotr. sOQSOa par cwi. ONIONS Jobbing -prlea l.w Walla Walla, $l.iai par aaei; saw California, red, $1.60; UTara. 11.60: tarlle. ease par lb. raiiu . jtkuiib aw appwa, wtwjw; araaaaa.' Valencia. S.o0ttS.O0l . baaaaaa. to ft !b: lamooa. abolra, to. 50 par box; faoer, e.ooQaM par bnx- lltaaa, Mnlraa, fl.B) par 100: Hawaiian, snoaebarrlM. taeo lh ebairtaa. ll.SO box; plana, aoeail OO rrata: locanbarrlK.ll 0; raataknpev. 1 2. 1002.70; ra.pb.rdaa, Vtoil7IC; blark fix", Il.tOl trapaa, tl 2801.80; blapkbarrtaa, 1 IS par rratai watrrm.lone, 10m, watad, a. It,: apricots. 1.0oL40; paaobea. toatOt. VbQITAPLKS Tarslpa. now, tl 40 par eark rarrota. 1 78 par eack; torts. U.60 ar Back; paraolpa, 11.60 per sack; Ortton, 0 par 4; rabbaao, Oraeoa, l.Ooetl.Xl ball pappara, 10e . par lb; tomatoee, 11.00 63 00 par era) paranlpe, SOctltl.OO; trlnt, Oraana. T par lb; raall riawar, 0l flO--par doa; pa. 4SSe; korik radtab. Sa7e par lb: arrlchobae. fia ear Boa: quash. 1UI BTaas obIobi. Orefoa. liHa par soa boacbaa; raeumnrre, 75c par box; ealary, T047na par doa: xrcaa eora, l&c par doa: tarn awr aqaaaa, 73c6l.O0 par kexa axxplaat. ate TdBIBB FBUITB ApplM. erapnretad, it) 1 4c par lb;- aprlcota, - 14 par lb; mf.ii, 1341SU. par lb:-aaraa. m lb iMat nraaM. 0 t eo. Be; V4 drop aa each t ie aawllar sleat age,- CalUarBU. steak )we per Jbi 'Sight From . ..... e ; . CallforaU wklte, 0W per lb; tetaa. pttdes, Twe per Ibi tarda, ll.eOCl.iO per la-lb bos. . - graiariaai Xeta. Xte. v UOAB Sack eaala Cuba. $8.80; aewdarad, S. IB; fruit graaDUtad, 4.16; dry graBelatad, 18.06: aoef. A. 65 OS: vaatara P. O.. M.SS: Bawallaa C, C. $4.06; extra 0, H 66; goldaa 0. $4 Mi D j.ltow, 4(6; bbla. lOe; H bbla, xBe; baxaa, 60s adrance ea sack baa la, laaa Sfie par ewt for eaaa. U dayai map la, MAIM par la. (Above ericas apply to aalea e( leas taaa car lota. Car Icta at apadal . prlcas eabjeet to BBcraitiooa. I HONEY par crate.' COFPKB Packaxa branoa. 61 TBoH.TS. ALT Coarae Balf aroaad. lObw tS 00 ear tea; 60a, SO.aO; table, dairy. 60a, tit.OO; 100a, an. to; lmporraa uverpooi, sua, sit.uo: xn, Iie.60; XMa, fie.oo; extra ana. bbla, aa, pa, ioa, 4.6OAS.60: balk. MO Iba. t4.003a.oni aacka. 60a, sSOMe; LlTarpool lump rock, 418.80 par ton; 60-lb rack, aaoo; 100a. 60.00. KICK ImperUl Japan, MO. 1. a; Me. 1 RtMUei Maw Orleaas keeeV le: AJes, Ba Craola. tUc. - . - .. ... BRANS gman wklte. St; larte white, 13.60; pink. t TB; payeo, 4.78; Umas, S6.60J Mexican raeav BHe. NDTB Paannta. Jumbo. Be oar B). VtrHnla vt lb; roaatad, IQSHe par lb; Jape- ncaa. oszoe: maatae. TtxTae oar id: eaooa Bats, Viewftoe ear doa; walsete, UAUHe pr lb: Dlnannta. loaiaua Bar lb: blrkorr Beta. lOe par lb; ebaatpaba, eaatara. 16a 1 Ac par B Braall Bats. 14lAe per lb; alberta, 144316s par id; laser pecaaa, ioc; aiDoaaa. lofxiie. Palata. Gael OIL Zta. BOPI Pare kUaila. ltaej stasdard. ttVei aiul lia. - COAL OIL Pearl er-Astral Ceaea 1H per gai; wal.r wute, iron oarreni lae per gai. wooaea lie per gai; aeaaugaw iiv-oaf, tl U, nar vaL . . . . 6a80UN B S-dt. aaaaa SHa par taU. tree BBMHMB -dx, sasas ZSe par gaL kbla lXUe nar aal TTJRPBNTINB In eaaas tee Bar aaL bbla BXfl nar rml . WBITB LltAU Tea lots, T per n; pCPHS Via. o par id; laaa mils, anaa par n. wiki n a 1 1 ji rrraanr Basia ac bx.xbw- LIN8KBD OIL Par raw. la S-tal look seal t-bbl lot, 6Se; eaeaa, 63 par xal; saaulna kettle bollad. eaaaa, COs par gal; 6-bol lota, sea: 1-bbl eoe par tai; rronaa eaxe, car mm, pau.w - afaats. flak and trovlalane. . 1 rRESH kfBATB rront Btraet Plots, faaey. Heocj ordinary. THeSo poor, TOTHe par 16; hll. faiiu oar lb: aaaL extra. TUatNa lb: ordinary, Tc per IB; poor, se par lb I mattes. nincT, eazaHO pw io; laroua. oo. nm BACON. ETC. Portia ad aeeh Oaten kino. lo. tn 14 lbs. ISMe Bar ibi 14 to IS Iba. lea par lb; breakfaat bacon, laQSOa par lb; Blcake. 1st par lb eottase. 10He pat lb; ratnlar anon Clears, enaaaocaa, ue par K; amokad. Ita nor lb:l clear kecks. IXC per id; iibhn too par ia; vuvm nih 10 to IS Iba; enamokad. Be par lb aaaokaa. St mr Ibi claar balllaa. enamokae. 14a nar B: amokad. 16a per lb; aboeldara, Ue per B; pickled topxoaa. t 00 ewrtar bbt LOCAL LABD Kettle leaf. 10a. lie Bar lb; 6a, UHe par lb; 60-lb tine, lltfe per lb; steam . raadared. tOa, -Ue - per lb I 6a, Ut par lb; compoano. ioa, oe. . CANNED SALMON Columbia river. 1-B talla. $1.80; S-ib talla. t2.78; faner, l ib fata. Il.eo; U-lb fancy Bat.. fancy 1-lb ovale, it 78: ilaaka telle, plak, 63 a 80a; red, tlMi aoatlaal ta. tall. 100. FISH Bock eed. Te per lb; Bondere, ee per ro; baUMt. Be par id; crnaa, i ou par eon; atrtB baaa. llu,a Bar lb: eatfieb. Be nar lb: aalaaoB, Colambla rtver eklneok. Be par lb; eteal. bandav Be par Ibi Moebeeke. So par lb barring. 6a par lb; aulea. Cc per tbr aurlmpa. 10c par lb; parcb. Be per lb; black eed. Te par lbt tomeod, Te par lb; euror re par ; 1nBatra Bap Ibi freeb maekaraL le nar lb: mwaafc, SOa per doa; eked. Be par lbt etwgaea. ioa per id. - - OI8TERB SBoarwater say, par gai, VS.BB) t- UO-lb aaek. 64 00. CLAMS HardakalL per bex. tlOOl fmoor euma, sao par box. A PROSPEROUS YEAR FOR ROGUE HIKER FISHERS ' ' eBSaeBnaBaBBBaSBBBBBBB i Salmon Season Closed Yester day Modern Methods Cause Increased Catch. ... . (pedal trU patch to Re Joaroal.) OraaU Paaa, Or., Jaly is. Tna ftakiag Bt 'efclaook" aaaaos as atearee rlrar skwed today. and all local flabermeB are hoealBg tbekr Boats and Bate till tbe aaaaoe opens atala sext Jan. arr. Tbia eeaaoa baa boea s vary good eoe for Itoxne rlrar flabarmea, ee a boat CM.OOO ponnda or enlneoc aajntoa were ebipped rrem Oranta Paaa dnrlog tbe eoaaparetlTely abort period. TboegB tbe raa wee sot aa food aa IB rormer yearn, a treaier amooai waa taxes nee er tbe Btereeses namoer ac nabeiinae Modem sietnoda ware emplored thla year, gaao- llne boat, earns eaea to eras me catenae rrom tbe ftakiag groanda, and thlpmaats were made the eaaee say er tee eaten bt ei Bleat, tbe xraater oart ef the ealmon going to Portland. the ramamdar te sas rraaciaao. very little ealmon was bom Bare, no eatca el talmas tfta at tbe spper aocoe rlrar hatobary wee vary low Mile year, eoe, it m naiiaree, n tee exist ence of tea Bower da ana ecreaa the rlrar. Tbe abort eatca ot egte wiu save ita erract, - ee flaheraaea claim, ee tba ma ot aalaaoa next year, aa wall as for the yeare to follow. ."ttW TOUT, BAjrg, STATXamr. . Hew Tort. Jaly ' Bt, Bank atatemant: ! . s..... - Increaae. ....... I 401 V. l.S.x2o i lt.T4d.eon Specie , l.AM.eoo lfaie ............................. l.mi.iaio H,IM. ' ' --.I) IB.WTTTWn ClrcuUttoa S6B,100 Decreaae. tvxtzs RARB MTiajntxiTT aovoa. Maw Tars, Jaly Be. Oorerament keedai ' Twee, rexlttered jeos , lot lo4 tlirm, rrtottrt4 1 JO-H lf4 a smiiwi . . IbMbA tcu. tnmt Twos, email Bonds lot ..... ronrt, retlatared 1B0T 10S 10 U do eeapon 1T los imZ l-oare, rafletered i 1028 IB) I0 so coapoa 1826 10 ,111 TH.trlet of Colambla ..... lid . ..... fblllpplae ea iJ10i... V '. atarllag balance Baaa. Kew Tort, mr sn irernng reteei ve swad, et CO ears, BaAUw,. , th Fields. ' , i Adapted front 8t Louis ilepubllo. LEADING INTEREST Si Range Wide Enough Is Wanted by Speculators to rVUke J i;7i .. Unloading Easy. WEEK'S ADVANCE IS ; , ARTIFICIALLY MADE No Demand for Bonds While In Case of a Real Demand for Stocks There la Always a Call for the Former Specnlatora Still Holding; Aloof. KIT OAIKB. Bld.1 '- '- Bid. ( Max. Onitral j . , , n I A - I . , n. x. oantral H Ootloa OU Locomotlre ....... S Norfolk ,.. ft N. American lC Buxar .........4. maltare ..It Baltimore , ....... IS Brookla i Oa mdlan .n,.,. It Ont- A VfM..,..r PennarlTanla ...... FaopU'e Bee Reading .......... Bock Inland ...... Sooth. Pacific .... TJaioa Pacific U. S. Steel ....... de preferred .... Bt. ran ......... WW, ,wi ....... 1 CoVk Beotb.... j venrer .......... Brie l Loalavllle 1 MetropollUa ...... i Morta. reelfle .... IS . MR LOUIS. lit Central 1 IKaty Bap. Steal ....... Tex. A Pacific,. ee pre tarred ... VilTens. Coal 1 (Special Dlapatck by Leased Wire te Tee Journal) Wall Street. New Tork. July t The action ' at the stock market today demonctrated that the leading Interests are playing for a range wide enough to enable thsm to unload securities on the publlo comparatively easy. By per sistent abaorptioa of - all Btooais . ef fared for sale and Judicious bidding up of prlcee they hope soon to have made the perspective so rosy that the outside speculators who have held aloof so long will rush back Into the market. tpaatlaisat la Chasged. Already - their efforts have caus optimism to take the place ef acute posslmlsm, ao universal up to a wsek or ten days ago. ' Thsy realise, how ever, that, their time Is . limited. , continued advance at the pace of the last few days would Increase bank loans very rapidly and put the) money market" tn a very bad condition for the demands that would be made on It when the crops have to be moved. For that reason It la believed that while they will be successful la their ef forts to carry prices higher, they can not sustain the upward movement very long. That the advance ' of the last few days is artificial le demonstrated by the condition of the bond market. . SUee Xa Artificial. No wen grounded rise in stocks has aver taken plaoe without having been preceded by activity in the bond market. At the present 'time no dis tinct sign of Improvement In ' that quarter haa been ' noticed. Notwith standing the rush of ths professional tradsrs to take their week-end profits ths stock market acted particularly well today. Oalns predominated over losses as ' compared with yesterday. Following the bank ' statement. - which failed to come up to expectations, the market sold off materially. It rallied again, however, and after the close the final prices were aot fsr from the beet of the dsy. ' . The totsi number. of ahsres cf stock sold today was 441,000 against 111,500 a year ago. .. The total par Value of bonds sold to day was 1155.000 against 11,460,000 ths same dsy a yssr ago. . - Foreign BCarkete Uncertain. Foreign stock markets showed con siderable uncertainty but this had small effect. here.- I rt London easier money was a favorable development and in fluenced by the belief that the Bank of England will secure neat week's gold arrivals from South Africa. Two fall urea were announced In the - London markets. Americans were Irregular' but Inveatmsnt Issues. : there held firm. although the. closing was generally off from the beet. ' Berlin was firm but Paris was Irreg ular with Russisns down aa were French rentes. . In St Petersburg the Bourse wss heavy but after consider abla realising the cloee there was firm. Discounts In Paris made a further, small decline, ' ' v The local bank statement made aa unexpectedly unfavorable showing. The lose In surplus rsserve1 was I4I,Z5. This leaves totsl surplus. reservist of tll.ltl.447. Last year the surplus wss only. ta.IU.tOO, wheress It hsd been eetlmated that It would reach about ft.000,000. The eapanston la loss wes PLAYIHG FURTHER WEAKNESS ; .JS SHOWN IN BARLEY River Potatoes In Sacks Are Weaker 1 PackinU fentter and Cheese Are tJp With " Heavier Demand Market Overloaded With Tomatoes (Special Dlapatck by Leaaed Wire to The Joaratl) ' Baa rraaclaco, July It. Local eondli lions were unchanged In the cash wheat market today. Beyond the usual dis play of samples on 'ohsnge, nothing of any note waa done. . With hardly, any wheat coming here any business would be for wheat to arrive as required, but the local requirements are very, small. The local call board andeash quota tions, are used as a basis for tranaao tlons la the country. Today's receipts were only. 146 centals, ' There were no speculative saiea. The English country markets wsrc partially dearer sad the French were quiet Antwerp was firm. Tbe Liverpool spot market was quiet. July was unchanged and September wes lower. In Paris July advanced and fu tures declined. . . s With a further, decline in December barley and less demand for spot and to arrive, the caah market was dull and weaker. There were no speculative salss for barley. Other articles .were nominally unchanged. All foodstuffs were la active demand. Owing te ths railroad blockade, hay Is not arriving In required quantity. -The rooetpta ot flour were 1,041 barrels. : Packing butter was advanoed half a cent per pound, and ether grades were unchanged.! -' . , Tcung America cheese was higher and two' grades arc now being quoted. Selected eggs advanced' half a cant per dosen. and firsts I cents. . . r -As a rule, the fruit market waa weak, especially for peaches . snd mslona Qrapes ere Increasing la quantity and variety.. Two carloads " "at - Central American bananas arrived.- - River potatoec In Backs were weaker. Onions wsrc unchanged. Tomatoes fur ther declined,' the market being over loaded wtth them. ' Those In small boxes wsrc entirely neglected. , : The poultry market closed quiet and week, with quite a quantity of stock on hand. . r , -, - tlt.T4l.40d. while the Increase tn de posits was 115.177,709. j DESCRIPTION, anaconda kilning Co... Amal. Copper Ou. ...... Atcblaon, nam. ........ do preerred....... i. i". Car gonad, eon do Breferred . 55514 ita 7U l7i. la, Buxar, oom Am., earn....,., do preferred......... Baltimore A Ohio, eeea. do Breferred 1M law 11S Brook Ira Ranld Trault Canadiaa Pacific, eon.., rkl m. n nr Chi., kill. St. Pael... ini si h. w com... Cheeapaeke A Ohio... Colo, rnel A Iroa. eoaa Colo. Boutftarn, ooaa. .. o aa prererrM..., lo lae acafafTail Delaware A Hedaaa... Iela., Lack. A Weet.. Dearer A R. eoaa,, do preferred, Erie, eoaa M 41 42 4S 42 lo 8d preferred . . lo' 1st Dref.rred.... IlltaMle Central ISO 17S Lealarllle A NaabTlUa.. ian 14t M.troeolltan St. Rr... Kanhattan Rallaray. exioas Central Hj.... Minn., Bt. P. A Bte. Bt ktlaaoert Padfle....i.. at.. K. A T.. com do preferred........ Kaw York Central,..., Am. Oottoa Oil , la LoeoeiotlTa. ....... Pederal Smelter.. ...... National Lead 104 1S4 PS' 3 Tl Iforfolk A Weet., aoa.. Wit s SSH oo Brererrao.... North Aaaaricaa N. TK Ont. A We. tern. PennsylTanla Railway. P. O., L. A C. Co 47 ill iioil: reaeed Steal Car, earn, do Breferred 4 e ia3 Pacific Mali A S. Co.. Beedlns, com 1S4H do sd preferred..... do let Breferred...-.'. Ren. Iron A ftteeL eats, dn preferred......... Rock I.l.nd. rem..... Bonthern Rr., com.,... do Breferred PS Southern Pacific....... dn preferred St. L. A S. P.. Sd pfd. de lat Breferred Bt. L. A S. W.. eaaa... do Breferred . ........ Texaa A Pacific...... Tenneeeea Coal A tree. Tol.. St. Ij. W com. do preferred.. ...... , Union Pacific, com.,.. lB0H'IMi 180 no preferred ....! I Central leather, com... Tt 87 PS do- preferred.;. IT. 8. Rnhner. ranv , , .. do preferred ...,, tT. S. Steel On., com... do preferred, .t ... Wheel. A L. 1. earn.. .. .Hoi ei 4H 44 .... 10S innu, I loe vi Doe ulinae; '"141 "a' '"Hi la n sd preferren.. . . , "do let preferred...... J4 24 an Wlacmetn Central, ena, do preferred Weitwn ITnlnn Tel Waha.h.' enm. ..... ..... .r, do nreferred. .. .. .... 4S JTt 4 at Am. Wvtl-n Ml (Mat Northern Pacific. Total aalea for 4a r. 441.000 aheraa. . ; bostost' corrsB kabxtt. Boatos.jMly Ofndal cloee. nia. Bid. A4r.nture 8.00 .. Allones ....... N IC Arcaillas ..... X.M Atlantic ..... 14.17H Blnrbnm "AO-Bl Parrot -rrrrrtv.tM.M -Pboenls ...... .OA Qnlarr Jt M oo Rnral ......... 19.75 ahannoa 4 25 Calumet , ,...4fl (V Centennial Cop. Rants .. 7S.40 Daly Weat ... 14.60 Franklin 17.19 Oreeim Cos...'. 93 00 Tamarack .... .100 00 Trinity ....... SO t'alte4 Cap n SO I't.h .......... 57 50 Victoria S oo Winona ....... T.7S atlrln. .....145.00 - IJ. S. Mlnfaig .. M M - Tenn.. Cop s 50 Sir T OO Granny ....... 11 40 I Hia Tan Mkhlraa ..... 13211 Mohawk ...... el fr Neraila Con... 1 HJUj No. Bntte . .,, MJB Old Domlnloa. In uo j OeceeU 106.00 Roaton Cos..... M.ISVi Cal. A atte Coala... S1.00 SAV TBABCIICO LOCAL STOCK. Saa rranefcwe, Jaly 24. Official etnas; Bid. Contra Coats TCater. ...... st Spring Valley Water 2D Otent Powder.'. . rti iViimmrMtr ao W. a a well Sapar. ......t.t Onomea Siiaar... 12 Paanhaa Sugar..... IB Ahj.ka Parker.' i en PaeUie Statea Tlapkoa....v..... S - Aak. - ei " -s 43 ALL SUPPLIES WILL t : ; : BE NEEDED BY TRADE Cattle Market Shows Extreme Weak- , ness With Lack of Buying eclpts Not So Great as a Week Ago but Pries Is Fifteen Cents Off. - By Brmas H. Cohen. -Portlaad falsa Stackyards, Jaly 21. d ,. sx. Ltreataek reeelpw: BofM..- Cattle. Sheen. Thla weak. 75. 827 . ; 1.124 Last weak 1 . Tl J.70B ktoeta age ttt KI : 1.2B1 Tear agT BJ BOO 4. Preaant alfns la the lire. took - market aa hardly be mletakea. ao premtneatlr sra they dlaplayed.' While than are but few koga tn tale vMnlty Jeat now, every one la going rata the bnalneee at laat a coon ate end by the time the anr Baaklna! Bleats era ready for opera tions they will ta all probalite be ready te seUTer. This sots sot mean uu uera in noi S chance for erery eoe to enter tba hog boat. bobs. There are plasty sf abaneea and from thla oetlook It aeems that aU e tbeae chance are of tbe money-making kind. The Paclflo coaat la rapidly taking Ita place aa one ef the seat livestock eaatara Is tbe world. Koga are -the principal thing aeedad sew. There are plenty ef aheep being rained ' aad rrem the PaolUe north weat they are sent to Ue four aaartere ef the world ea dreeeed etoek that le, after the eaatara packera bare aaesred control of theaa. With the eetabllahlng of huge packing. boaeee m thla city, some of thla trade, whlcs rlshtfolly Belooga ee thla side ef the eteefciae, wUI eosM te Portlaad.- .. . . ,. -w.liama Weahaess ts OhtUe. While raealpta ef rattle are decreasing, tie tone ef the market during the pest elx dar was very week. Arrlrale are Just about, half those of last week end la aboot the earns pro port Ion re those received a year age. The drrlaa' an of the ranarea canned eattlemea te .m . i.ree aar eant ef their am-phie bold- lnxa to market. Tkto moretneat Is jest about coBclnded and while ae tin medial, improve ment la anticipated la prlcee there le every Indication that the low lave! haa already bean reached. During the past weak prlcee mat about We per hundred pound. '' stags sad Sheas) Strang. ' .v 'Knneltv aa atrons as tbe preceding week. bath the aheep end hog surkat .showed se change U price during the period. Bacelpts ot koga. while small, were a beat e third kearlrr thaw tbe preeedmg aU daya. aad Jnat about the eama aa a month age. Sheep did not COBM ta market ee feet this week; aa during say period ef the month. nHM.i llwanen... eaMitarteaat Hoga 1 1 Beet aasters -Oragoa. fT 2B0T7.2J; Blacker and Chine fata. 54.50; ateckere and faedara. 8.O0; bulla, 4 2-50. i Cattle Beet eaatara Oregon ataara. 12 50-, seat eowa and heUera, 2 60Q2.78; stockers sad feed era, 2.oO; bulls, sao. Aeas oheexUsga, 44j4He; tasabs, Se. - -. sVeaalsts ef the Weak. . The following srrlvala war shows la the yarde during tbe peat wees: Sunday W. H. Walford brought ta twe eara of cattle from Heppneri B. at. Browalog had Is korees from Kugene, going to Aatorla. Ttonday J. B. Warner of H rg cam. la with eae ear ef eattUt T. H. Bamaay sad la eoe car ef aheep from Skaalko, going ta Bed Bluff, California; R. Oaaener brought is mr. a,re! Bdaon A reelk ef Oaaeila, CaU- fornix, had Is four care ef cattle, going ts Care tana Packing company a Taeame; the Pa rifle Coaat Gone traction, company had la eae ear ef mulea, which tbey . ware ehlpplng ts Utoarell. Oregoa; A. U rord ef htcMlnn. rllle brought la aa ear of cattle end sogt rwn W. KeateraoB Broejdlt la eae ear of horaee from kUllard. Idahe, for Seattle; Joh Shew at Xcbe bad la eae ear ef cattle; nr rant ef gararnment horaea axrlved tree Call- rornia. . Taeeday Twenty ears er goTernmenf Bona arrtTod a tbe yarde; R. m. Morrla er Bow- land had la eae ear ef cettie aae box; u. D. Barnard had la - four car of cattle from Coedoai II. A Lamb ehtpped to ansa hog ea tna etaamer liaeeott Oeorse Kohlbagaa ef Rose- berg bad five care ef cattle ea the market. Wedneaday- S. U Overtow - ef BrownerUle came la with twe ears ef aheep aad bo: J. a. neela of Rbedds had la ea ear of ebeepi J. - Jlclntlr brought ...Is. BMBahaga-lfartla-A Leosatd Bad In s Danes er eeraea. wniea uwr war ablpplBg t Seattle; B, W. KcOae had In some horaee, going to Seattle. - Tonraday J. V. jonnaoa nao noma dowb on the market: Beckler bretkare ef Oakland hd twe ear of aheep ea the market; Daa Sera re ef Wlllamlas kad four cars ef akeep ea the market; D. Taylor ef Bsuwy ssa la sac ear ef cattle.. Prtday J. B. Klrklay acougBt m sogsi emer hauled la a load ef base la e wages; J. N. BteFaddea ef Junction brought aa twe care of ebeee aad bega mixed. Saturday J. a Dsrie ef abases neougns is eae ear ef aheep. . ; COW 0IVE3 MUCH MILK. ; Xaadred ' aad sWventy-rtve Fonada la Btoatb of Xaly. ' ' (Special Dtepatrh to The JouraaL) ' ' ' llhibora. Or.: July 28 Washington county eowa lead kt ouantltr of milk. Joseph htann ef this city si the proed owner ef e T-yeer-el4 cow which gave, dsrmg tse monta nay, 1.1TS pounds ef milk, and during tke time from July 1 to Ue 23d gave PSO poenda. Pncaoaor O. L. hfcKay. la charge ef the dairying department of Iowa Stat Agricultural college t Am, saaramia e large ana ap preciative eeslence of cittern st the court hoe here xaatarday vaotng. The eubject ef sis asdree was dairy and creamery Inter act, la Ue state ef Oregoa. Prof moot McKay ld he thought Oregoa would ooa be eae of Ue Beat,- If sot ths beat, dairy etato la the United States. NEW FREIGHT RATE IS ' , BOTH GOOD AND BAD A dreular laat leaned tr tbe Boa there Pa ri flc company announces the reduction- we- Ue freight rate oa hop to the eaat. The sew rata oa ear lota ta $1 50 per hundred pound. It become effective oa August 2e. Oa Uat date U company will begin a charge ef ee per sale for storage. Heretofere Ula eat bees free for a period ef CO daya. The trade will aim ba forced to pay local rate oa small ablpsients to this city after that date. . jriW . tOBJt COTTOB XAXXXT, New Tork. - Jaly SA Cottos fularae cloaad 1 point tower. Official cuotatloo by Orerback, Starr A Cooke company; ' Open. High. Low. Jul 3S. July ST. January XahraarC io. te lo.ti ,lo tn I044 , 10 .84 ' 10 44 - IN 10O4 10.20 , 10 21 10. 10.3S 1047 est 10 04 .10 20 1072 10. M March ......14 47 10 4T 19 4 a 10.PS 10.14 10 19 10.2S Anguet .. S.M Septembat .,.10.08 October 10.17 NoTcmher .,.10 14 December ....10.27 CPS . 10 09 . 10 23 ; 10.21 10.11 Uverpeal Oeetes Market. LlrerpoeL July 2C. Cottoa - rutares ' eleaed gulet and uachansad to S point ap ataady, 1 paint ap; aalea, t.Ouo bale. pot, . - . CLAIM A KIOK gsMCl. (XpeeUl tM. patch to Tbe Jaeraal.) Sslem. Or.. Jaly BSJuUe Plneus, s local bee- eerer, ha. gives It set that he and Louie l-acbuiuud hare contracted Ue laat few day. for 730 bale ef hope hi Ue .trinity of Del la a and Selena at IS cent a e pound, wklc la the hlxheat contract price -ft t reported toithe Wil lamette tail. . . I , LIVERPOOL WHEAT LOSES ; 1A QUARTER DURING DAY In Chicago Mar Shows Three Quar ters Decline, the Lat (est for, the .DawJuly Next in Lin With a -Drop of Fire) Eighth;''; ;:'VT' ' i ;-:,r tXLATITI WHBAT TALCBS. "' Oleee Otoe , CVwe ' Lena July, fair 3T. lie. Jaly; Jaly.. Septeml ibar.. ,.TiZ ..... '.TSH Decern bar- stay, .SAB v A21B : ...... Ohlcago. July 2. The wheat market Wee bearlah today. Otblaa ware eamawbat etf fn- Caterday, LlTarpool howmg a loaa ef 4. It th Ue September and Dacemher . opu' . Weather aoBdltlona sre Ideal aad very li damag hUOrmatloa le coming, much to t-e dleguet ef the bull. The largest loaa tod-' was Buffered by the Kay, which had a r decline ot .. The July waa next la line W" a drop ef Se. Saptambar sad December eau loet c from VTlday' price. The Bacord-Rcrald aaya: Th Canadian north weat will very likely har aomewh.t of a snr. pin. of this year' crop ef 100,000.000 oaab.-.. with thl erop, which means a high- svarae-, yield par acre, Ue principal part will go to the bis mills ef Uataeetloa. which are pnw supplying s growing population, and a B-t'" of lower Canada. The hut erop wes SB.wAlw bnebl. , . , Official suotatioBB. by Orerback, gtsrr 4s Oeoke oompanyi-- . . . . wtraiT. . . -- Open. ; - ' Blrb. Low." July. Scot. S .78 , . .74 ': ,Ta " .TB .TP : ,Ti 2H , i Al Dec...., May..... Sept.s4 De....., Mar .TV .. .61 - AS- COBN. ' ..47' '. ATi ,47 ,A .48 e OATS.. Sept...... Dee..... suy... SJU J2 J2U.7. Jtsvl v.28S ; : Mi - -4 afXSS PORK. Jaly...:. Sept-... Jan..... is.a 1T.00 14.IS ) Ait S.S8 AM 14 48 . it a 17.08 - 17.00 , 14.4J -lABS " r LARD.' A ; S ST - . - I.BO 8S S.M AA -"Ase , SHORT BIBS. e.i5 , , e.i ! 8.M . '". '.- TAS .' ,TJ ti. 1T.0S , 14A4A S SS ' 4.40 BJ8A . - S.18 : TA4A "tt. Dec.. Jaa.., Sept..... SIS Oct SS Jas...M J.44 JJVXAJOOi. SBAIlf - J LfrerpaaL July x- Official srteaai ! , t WBBAT. , .: ... . 1 ' Clone . "t)loae LB - ' ' , -? V Jaly tA Jury 27. July 41. September. ...r Ca d 4a Hd v VI Deoambar,. .......... 4a 4S4d Se ed V.4 - . t .COAN.--x - - ?- Septombar ,. 4e A .' 4 74 . : it Decemket.. .......... es TA " 4m IHt -( i "'"' '-OHXOASO OASX WSXAf. '2 ' Chicago, Jaly - Ceeh wheat: 1 ". uia. Ke. S red. .,.. .T4 Mo. S red..... .T No. S herd..... .74. he. S hsri - .T4ii No, t Borthers.l .7741 No. S northern. . .T4A Ke, S aprlng... ' .74 sax nAoxsoo immia xxesxamz. - Ba. Iranclaoa. July 23. Omolal prlcee: Bld.1 F'4. Belmont 4.P4 Caak Boy .... . .14 Ooldaa Anchor. .44 Rab. .... ' .14 o. Bun rrog...$ Btainwav . . .14 .r 4 S M .44 ; ' .14 . 1 .14 T.OO , A .40 M i .14 Coa. Cai. fa.v. Ophlr ......... Jim Butler ... t.12 Caleeoaia ..... Eaeheouer . .... MacNamara ,. .ee UMw. ' .18 Norcroea ....... Oold Crown . .. ' Oreat Bead.... Beecue ........ Tr.aan ......... Montana l.TTVi North Star... . Okie Ton. Rxtau. ... S.78 f.rada ....... 14.00 Wat Bad .... AM ' Adaaa .04 Atlanta .IT Blaeoell ...... ' .1 tmtk ........ .44 Oold. Belmont. Moetgeta. SU.. Banaat ........ .MM,. Manhattan .... , Baylor 11 urn... Columbia Mt.. .to Dexter Hu&na. 1 4 Dill . .07 Oold Wedge ... i Jt L . , .( A '.04 A ,'ao 1 .of .01 .04 1 .24 .84 ' .04 ' .40 ' .24 '. .04 Ma Ooldfleld Jumb irtmr Jumbo Bxta., Kendall ...,.. Lag una Ma Queea ... Mohawk ...... Bad Top a Sandstorm .... Surer Pick ... St. Ivaa ..... Mat Bash ... Dearer .. ... .84 . V .W I .18 1 1.4THS ' .tT , .. .40 1.40 AS i.o Looetaiar .... Ot. Bead Bx.. ot. Bd. Annex Creecent ..... Cowboy Denver, Walla A Tl 1 . -W Bm. K. T. Oosaol Mancos Llttl Jo ..... U..UM, . Jumping Jack.. Bed Toy Annex Muetag ....... Bcllpee Ooid Bar . OBXOOsT MOT COBTEAOrS. (Spectal Pmpstch te The Joatmal.) , SatemTjely X Blaber. WU A Nar et Fortlaad have mad hop eoatreets with tbe M- fewlng pereoeai ' ' ' Colllaoa Bros, ex weooourm, iww r"- " a n ur 1mm and HiuUi Oraalaiee e Oarvaw, 'l 0,000 pounds at 10 ceaml Haary . . T... , a Ann, cmrMm. a IOW caau; Patrick Muttar at' St. r.ul 20,000 eeanda at 11 coot.; wears a. aacuieima aa n, 10.0U0 pound at IS aeota; A W. Joace and Jobs La Ckap.ll. ef Oervala, 10.000 pooaM . 101 cent-. T. J. Kerr ef St ParJ. 4,XJ pound st 11 eaato.- ; ' ' - TABht LABOBXBS SOABCB. ' t ' , Irrlgoa. Or, jur as. .lanorarn rev oa ear Tet flld are acaree areu with wages reaalng from 42-40 ta aa per cay. n mm greavra. drawback to wheat ralalng Uat a whole year'e w 1 eraln ta not eared for os Ue vary day leeat that It le ready. "Arc Very Rich. Soir.2 'A MWi!dccts.,,; Whichlftlnd rc f You Trading In? Write me, giving nams and lo cation of tnlne. If I am aol U , forrned, , wUI ask my correspon dent at Tonopsh, Gold field. Bull frog, TtfrvJaw or Round Moun tain for facta No charge to vou. - All listed stocks bought or ac'l oa eomsatosiOB. - :.'::i'jiqdzzss A;cj. WOO: 1070 r3AtTTAT, C ' Ooaa. i .