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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
THE ORECOII SUNDAY , - JOUKHAlT FOHTL "AMD. ' SUNDAY M0lTrai3. JULY P. ltC3. i c w fwvrm i r. iNHURArTCB ' CO, .... .tad lo u too east ' a. the Boaton, Chleea-o. nltlnore . . ta rraaeleeo rirea. noun 1 T -iiO Cnwaierclal ble., Beoa 1M -.agio eta. racins m. "u u white, ar las. Sot Dekaa . Krt WOOD. lreT' MaMHty asd la , etoaal secMeut eurety bonds a U klada. kaoae ST. ' aacoiw . MONEY TO LOAM. MONET TO 10AK- v-nfUn. Oa Improred dty nreppcty r ".J""1" rpoJrir from , W tle, w th . two years. Loans apisroeed trow P'- money . adeanred a building ; progrssaee, mortrsrr takea ap rnl,t?-. . raSD H. BTROXtf. Financial Agent 84 gut t. ; Tim STAB I.OAM CO. ' Any salaried employe, wage-ceraer, eaa f , n a, w.u-, .-. kJon)h Month. V Month. W r -t SIS.SS M JJ or fj r to aa . or fJ-SS f f to a t 4J or 2.00 a $1. iw rv-Ppr 5 H.y . n til u.. . . '. T7m McKay Ndt CONFIDENTIAL LOANS o ealsrW tnMra-re pltrta, ptanoa. furniture, wsrre.e re- . Sots. ete.t an oreerYln liberal dT n. repaying by weekly or monthly totllroot. utlv, KRW ERA LOAN TRrST COMPART, S Abtagto bug. MONK. ADVANCED SALARIED WOH Mk bimb their wa aauM wlmoat . arrarltr: bipt . payai'ara. ' eracaa I" n r-- T monf br ttln oar tai ' ' TOLMAK, 224 AUBfUW mm-. "t ' M" - HEADQUABTERS FOB SAl.ABT LOANS Moaar a ba borrow aa aaaj W7i CRESCENT LOAN CO.. - Mohawk kldf.. ear. Talr and Montana. MONET ta Inaa aa raal. paraoaal aad nlltart ' aacurttr; aplal ttIKa to : mnn ""Z n rtti aotaa Doorar. v. w. mm, rataa bid.. M Stita at. ..- WOHBT ta loaa ea Ctarttaiaaa aaatr tonda. "b. F. and F. B. KUt, SOS CatBbar at Coai- HIGHLY taapactabla pUa whara Udlja and caata can borrow monay na dlBKaa ana ; jawalrr. Cellteral Loaa Bank, W Waab- iaa-tna at. Pboaa BUcA TL LOWEST rataa as furnltnrr and l"o. J-jat- Laam Ca., ghrrtock Md. Patlfla 8HA. kONBT ta loaa aa all klnda at aararltr. WUU Holl. roon Waahlnftoa bldg. TO LOAN Waaa b utt aa chattal aacorttr. m. A. Fraai. 514 taa UarqaaaL Mcncy ToLoan ' Ptoal arrrata tnadr aa Imprortd proparty. ? J. U WELLS CO., .9 oraaa ara.-. .v, . kONBT toaaad aalaiiad paopla a nota: ch rap oat rataa. f. A. Kawtoa. ASM Abinftoa bid. CAt-H for Narada. Artaona. Callforala. Oraaoa and Maxlea ailnlnc atoeka; na matter whit too fcaaa. wrlta aa; rnar apparaatl worth- iraa atoeka mar ba amlaahla ta aa. Karada land. CaUforala. i .. SO0 TO tX.600 to loaa aa raal aatata aaeaTlta b nrlTata aartr at and f Bar aant. 403 Commercial bld(. . MONUMENTS. JTE0 at K1K08LEY. SM El rat at.. Partlad"( laadinc tnarbla and fraatta trarka. MACHINERY. THE H. C. ALBES CO Brraad-hand aacalaarr. aawmUla, ata. Sat Oraad ara. c - BJEPBLT A MYERt. aaaektnlata.aad alaa trldaaai awatrla alaaatora, ataetrlaal aaaabtn- ' ary and (aaoUaa aatttaaa a aaaeialty. SM Oak at. Pboaa Mala USO. B. TEBNKMAN CO. Mlarna. aaamllL fcw ainf aaaahlaarri nydraalla ntnaa. caatinf l all kiada raaairad. 10 North Poarth. MIL TBIELB08N. Batrll at BKTCTat. rMta taaahar. Stadia Us With. Tai. Mala awaa. MAGNETIC HEALIN QT SCHOOL or P8YCH0LO0Y Lartara aaara and danMnatratlaoa on hrnnAilam ' mmm . tratloo. aucnatla baa ling an4 aalaiiatryt art. "' arary actaiii aauaata traataa fat all dlaaaaaa. la Beaantk at. ORIENTAL RUGS. ORIENTAL BUGS raaairad aad cMaaa by a'lr axaarta) wa naa tba arUtaal aarataMa naa tba arbrlaa! rataM 1 for aar rapalrlnsi ad Gall aa Oiianul Kn( ta ne trf. S44H Waah. at. apark aaaraatawl t aahiaa Co., Padfla OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. SR. ARNOLD LINDSAY, mdaata at tba Oataapathla aollaca at Kbrkaallla. Mlaaaarl, who , la a aaarlaliat aa rhanmatlam, atnaach and - an Caaula dtanaaaa. Offlra 410 raUIng bide., eoraaa at Third and Waahtnataa ata. , RS. ADIX NORTH It cr. 41a-l-ir Dakaat fclofr.-JMr aad Waablaataa ata rbaaa PRINTING; THE MODERN PRINTERY Artbrtle nrintlna. wai Dioa., aeana aaa Mnrmaa. raoaa ANPERSON . DCNIWAY COMPANY, Prtnttn. lltbofraphJna. blank SOS AMar at. aaaaa. raoaa Mala it. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. ". . REACH CO. Tba Ptaaaar Pa tat Can wtadaa-alaaa mmA las ri Phaaa IW4. PLUMBERS. ' C DONNBRBERO ft BADEMACHER. raawrad at Ma. M Baraalda at. . OE CO., aaaltary ptaartwra, tSl taraaa. bat. Mala aad Salmoa. Oraaaa Pboaa Mala 2001. FINNIC AW BROS. CO., SM Third at. pbaaa , Mala Saoe. Plamnara and boating aactaaara. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO, rattartne. rrnalrlng aad aanaral Jobbing. J. Loall. SU j.frmoa at. Paa. 144. RUBBER STAMPS. r. v. rr wuaaa, aav Atarr at..paoaMala 710: rabear aUmpa, atala, atanalla: bargaga, trada abwkai arad for catalogaa Na. S5. SAFES. ' DIBBOLD Mangaaaaa aad fireproof ear cat aae aoaafal prograaa aaalnat baralar and flra; lock ata aprnad. Mr. Snpar, aaiaaleal ainart wit J. B. IHTla aa Third. Pboaa last. SECOND-HAND GOODS. ATWATBR CABL farnlrara baaaa Htgbt . prkwa said for aaeand-hind taraltara. CI hxoad at. Phona Paalflc 4M. STREET PAVING. WABREN Cuaatrmtloa Ca., atraat panag. aid, waia aad araaalaga. Tl Oragoauaa bldg. t Bartwr Aaphalt Paring Ca. ati Part land. l n god Waraaatar blk. . L rrtOWCASES AND FIXTURES. L ovrtIM f erery daaarlptloa bank, bar e4 atre Bataraa atada ta ardar. Tba Lata kanufac raetag Ca.. Fort Una- -- R. R. PlBrtSAI-L Aealrwari araat M. W Intel laaibar Ca.. T TTaailHoa bldg. Mala attaO. SIGN PAjNTERS. OOLD SIONS, wlndaarlartaHnc. aleth banner, ccneiwailcal lecfrt alana and atgna at all klaaa oul-klr. rnate m Klrtaar. rifth aad Krlt. l aoaa Eicbaaga tA. ' i i e.r i -a ' n . .. JT. P. PERflER BON. BM TamMll gc SlgM J rrrrjaANCB. A Heine 400 - A- PURE BARK - AND HERB REMEDY THAT IS ' A Positive Cure for , , - .Grip. And all similar pestilential combi--nation of diseases. -The most uc? cessful Chinese physicians have used this powerful powder, as recorded in Chinese medical works, for nearly half a thousand years and it is as positive in its results as is the action of Epsom salts. :t It Has Never Failed in a Single . Instance; And best of all may be taken at-home with but little ex penditure of money. , - " ' ' , J The Prescription Is Valued at $100,000 : And couldt not be bought for that sum. I would not sell the formula for even that great figure, because I know that it is worth much more. I likewise have an ; . . Unfailing Cure for Paralysis I invite any paralytic in the world to. come and see for himself that I can cure him. The medicine has never failed me yet, and I, have given it many, of the most ex acting trials. . V w - Mine Are All Bark and Herbal ; Hedidnes From China ; - The country where physicians are held to so strict an ac countability, that to misrepresent or prey upon the credulity of their patients is punishable1 by death. . . ' : bRoiWlNQ-EE Sanitarium, 27 North Fifth Street, Between Burnside and Couch, , Portland, Oregon szziszsssssigissiz: TELEPHONES. THE aalr aiclaalrn tlpbot f honaa. B--R. aoyM fifth at.: - -TRANSFER DllULINOrr SAFES, plaaoa aad fnrnltor BMaad, paekad - taadr far ohlpplBB aad aWppadall work raarantacai taraa, a "w warabaoaa tor atoraga. OfSra M Oak at. C. M. OUaa. Pbaaa Mala a4T. . - THE BAOOAOB OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO. cor. alitb ana waa a. i aacaaaa ca from haul aa rldaea dlrart ta daatlaatloai paaaaagara tbarafora aaald nab and aaaay anca at dapota. . Prlrata Eichanga S. - C. O.1 PICK. afSra 8S El rat at., batwaaaStark axrrad and paekad for ahlpplng; roaiBKidloa brick ware ho ua with a para t area roue. Front aad Clay ala. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Blith. Pboaa Mala OW. uaary aaauii aaa mivw-mw. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Na. BOOM Waaa Ingtaa at. Pbaaa Mala Bot. CUT rata aa hoaaahald gnada to all Boira taa l era nana aa aartoaaai aaaam jrw " trnnka while waiting. Oragna Aata-Daanateh, IS Klrat at. Phaaa Mala T1S. - INDSPBNDENT BAOOAOB TRANSFBB Ca. B tore re. nza oiara ai. aaaia wi. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb. tah. Aoap. II par biobib. rain Li " Boppir Co.. Ninth aad Conch. Pbaaa 410. TYPEWRITERS. ' ' NEW typewriter, all make, ranted .Bald and rapalrad. voaai aancyaajrwmw. WINDOW SHADES. V OAt.B WINDOW BADB CO Balmja at.. niaia ana lancy o ,w loweet prlcea. Pboaa Mala B67S. WELLDIGGINO. WTJLLDIOQINO Ooorg Robin Bt. lokBB. HEROIC SUICIDE. Devoted Husband Sought Death to ' ', Arouse Sympathy for Wife." Wbaa I'm atma doobI win fal aorry tor ny poor girt aad tba'U tak better care of bar thaa I ahall arer b abb) to." aald John W, Hill. Thaa aa iwallowad a doa at phlna. Thkt wa oa Bandap. Today tba doctor thought they Bjlght aa hat Ufa, Bay a Water- bar (Conn.) aoecUL. ... Hills Is aa aipkye st tb Water bury Hocaia compaay. Ilia wlfa ht a halplaa iBTalld waa haa bean confined ta bar bad tor 10 year. Tb boaband haa worked early and lata, with lnxat fanatical anargy. t Aire hi Wlfa BMawal at- tend oca aad tba taw pltlfnl llttl laiarlaa h Btoat bare t keep bar allra. la IS yean BUIa ha aot mlaaad a day t tlw raatory. Krery ararning aa ana at a s ewri la enter ta watt ea ate wlfa. pre para aar break. faat and auk bar conrortabie toy tna any. Bine tba woman tint fell 111 he baa beaa bet aalr aar. eerraat and mean of aialateoaar. Twice they bay broaght Hill noma iroa hi work ta atata of completa aenon oollape. Oa aotaa of thaa accaaloaa ba clutched ha hi haade a tiny baneh of flowers he had parehaead at a flortat ta feaigbtea tba laraiid' room. Of lata Hllle haa aaaa tba battla going agalasl klaj and ba grown aoro. 1 "If aar thin banoena to aw. what will 1 Co of herf' aa cried ta a friend wb T letted bin on day. ' "Baa wlU b prarlded far,' replied tb trtaao . 1 . Thl nr Bill the inaolratloa for hi aarl- flna. Ha aoacelred tb Me that by etaatrertog hlmaelf h weald roeo poblla laterVet la hi wlfa raodltlaa aad rncraaaa far bar tb atten tion at charitable folk; Ha breaded Bona thl plan aatll It became detenBlaatlaa. Thaa ba iHirenaerd tb Morphine, pat hi few worMIt affaire 1a ardar. kieaed hi wlfa traderly and awaltwwe wa arag. - -I rhaak lod aiy ksaband ha at III t apaxed t aaa,'' aald Mn, UUlg thai aftcraaoa. Year - s Id GIVES VAI1C0UVER PROnillEIICE Norwegian Steamer Thyra Will Be at City on the Columbia Thii Morning. , FIRST FOREIGN VESSEL - TO RECEIYE CARGO THERE Under Engagement to Carry Lumber to Australia and Part of the Cargo Will B Furnished by the Van couver Mills. . :'-'r'' ' When the food people of Vancouver, en the Columla, awake this 'morning they will behold a targ-e ocean-going freighter at the dock of the sawmill. which recently went In for the foreign trade. . The presence of the big craft will ' be of more than paaalng Impor tance because, bealde being a deep-sea freighter under a foreign nag, aha wUl be th largeat vessel ever to go far ther up the ' channel of the Columbia river' tban the mouth of th Willam ette, iv ' ,v - .. ' '. , The vessel du to rch Vancouver this morning Is th Norwegian steamer Thyra, : which arrived at Astoria, yes terday afternoon and left up at t o'clock under charter te load lumber for Port Plrle, Auatralla. She will receive part of her cargo at th Vancouver mills and then com to one of th Portland mills to 'finish. Tb Thyra is wll knowii here, hav ing carried lumber out of this port befor, and a number of friend o th master and officers intend going over to Vancouver - this morning to pay a visit The Thyra cam from Comoz, B. C, wber she filled her bunkers for tb run across th Paclflo. . . OFF FOR THE BAY CITY, j annus assiBsemaaj fjlos aatohee aad " XVvea With Big CHirgo. ' Th stamr ' Barracout flnthd loading at Alnsworth dock last night and want to th coal bunkers to fuel up for the trip south. She was expected to get sway early this morning. Every bit of avallabl space was occupied when the batch wercloo) and Ban Fran. Cisco consignee wUl undoubtedly r Jolc when ah arrives at the Bay City, for under th present congested condi tion of traffio they are sadly handi capped. No word has been race Wed at th local office of th Ban Franclaco Portland Steamehlp company concern ing the future movements of the liner Costa Rica, and it is supposed that sh Is still lying idl st Ban Franclaoa 80 far a known hers th Barracouta will continue operations despite th strtk Of th sallofs, although "the Intention waa at first to Ua up all th steamers of th ' shipowner" combine -aatll a settlement of th troubl. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The British" ship BuccUuch wUl be bere la the SaU to , load wheat (or BR?anTatn-Eaa- AKD Wit TREAT MSN . If you have violated the laws of health and are conscious of a con- stant drain which is undermining your system, come to us before you become a nervous and physical wreck. If you are weak, gloomy, and. despondent, have bad dreams; depressed, lack ambition and energy, un- , able to concentrate your thoughts, lack vim, vigor and vitality, come to. us at once; our treatment will stop all drains, and overcome all weak nesses and positively "restore you to strength and health. f ,W .have"; cured thousands of. weak men. ;; ;. ''; ;..J.:'::;,,.;';;v 'v Those who havo been disappointed by luuldlled specialists 'are earnestly requested to investigate our -method and terms without delay, which had they dona in the beginning would have saved them time and money.- ''. . A LIFE LONG CUHE FO Woow Vcdaoa, Bkia Slaaaaaa, Boras, tneawa, Bmrlokara, Varleooala, arrSjro eala, BTsrroRS Saolima, Waakaaaa, PUaa Caraaia Ptagia of ta WMmf t ' Md PPMtoM, i - We want every man In the to write us about his ailment. We cure you at home. One visit only required to our off ice.when necessary Hours-9 a. m. to S p. m.; Evenings, ol. LODIS sk:gicai co: noon aid taxzxu a nxarma mamv to - It la a Brloua thing that man contract dlacaaaa, but tb most aerlous reaults quickly follow neslaet or impropar treatment . COWSTTLTATTOeT . XafATZOaT Don't BTStem wait until year who baoomaa polluted with diaeaa. nr until vour narvoua ayatam la tottarina under tb . at rain.' ana - yen -ww--e pnrnm and mental wrack, unfit xor worn, bualneaa or studr- Uncartaln. or ' impropar traatmant can only do harm. Thar la only on perfect. " aaf and laatlnf eura for you. which you will And at the Norton t-v. . m Ajtlel r?n. Rtart . rieht. and ataxt axnotu--Delays -are aanaeroua, : ; . ;, ,; ; . wa " nuiA scbbt ; onr ajtd orrma Taarac qthctclt. X.T AJTS rXOBOTTOBXT. Bwarr bbm Btta'arlRa' wttk aUsaaMM, wariexMMaa, hydrooala, UdAaye hladda dlaaavs. blood polaoa, aerra dabfllty nd by " or with any of their numerous and dlatreaatnr symptoms, owes It to him- . aalf. his family, and especially to th future Bnaravtlons, to cat cured promptly, safety and thoroughly. , -. . .' vrmXTU worn raaa aooK. .! . ' x If yen can't call at our offlo. writ for book which dwCTibs cur method. AU Jotters are Riven speolaJ attention. ". Our terms are moat reasonable.- If your means are limited wewflj ' accept weekly or monthly Installment. ( IAU CAN PAT HE CURED. Tou can depoait the pr!s cure In ANT BANK In Port- , land, to be paid to ua when you are entirely well. . . if you cannot call, writ and deeorlbe your troubles and we will ad--1 vise you if you can ba cured at home. ...: . ;. v''; T " Office hours I a. m. to t p. m. Sundays and holidays. It to It, ; .'"" Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. ZrSadUg BpaXlUllaTU ta the tliweaa. BSW.bUsh4 1BBS. TA VOT MOraia, PflH TTBJBP UTH Weakr-Nervouo Men Thousand of Teas and Middle-Aged Maa ara ammally awapt ta premature graaa throegn early Indlaoratlon and later ,. and ConaUtational Blood Iiiaaa aaaa ruined and wracked the Ufa at (nany a promising young aaan. Bare yoa any of the following aymp tom! . Mrrroa and despondent; Tired la Morning J No Ambition; Memory Poor; Bully ratlgued; Eirluble; Eye Blor; Pimpl oa tb face; Rest lea: Haggard Leaking; Blotcbes) Bora Throat; Hair Looae; Palna la the Bfldyl Sunken Bye: Ufeleaa; Dtatroatful and Lack at Energy and Strength! Our .Raw Mathed at Traatanaat will baud yoa ep , mentally, peyaleally aad i tally. Carea Oaaraataad r aa fay. OaU a Writ SR. T, J. nZBOB, B1H Third Straat, FarUaad, Oregon Europe. : Sh eoma undr chart r to th Portland Flouring Mill company. The British ship Brabloch and th schooner Irn wlU arrlv In th har bor thla evening in tow of the stamr Harvest Queen. The Brabloch comes under charter to Balfour, Outhrle A Co, to load wheat for the United King dom' and th Iran under charter to Charles MoCormlck A Co. of San Fran. Cisco to load railroad tie for Bedondo. A - number of owners of gasolln launch wr warned ystrday by In spectors Edwards and FuUer to obrv th - new , regulations governing the operation of power boats on th rlvr. Fallur to oomply with the instruction of th Inspector will lead 'to prosecu tion. Two or three launch owners who are not cltlsens of th Btate have bean refused license. JUNE SHIPMENTS LIGHT.- , Bailors', Btrik Xatrfrs With Orays aarbor &unbB M0vMnna. (Special niaaateb t Tb loaraaL) Aberdeen. Waah, July t. A record of the-umbr shipments from Orays Harbor for June shows that th sailors' strike has Interfered materially with the shipment of lumber by water from this port 8vral of th mills on th har bor report no cargo shipments in Jun. Among the ar th Orays Harbor Commercial company of Cosmopolts. the National Lumber A Box company of Hoqulam, and th Anderson At Mlddlaton and Union mills of this plac. Th mills hav made shipments by rail, but all of them send out large cargoes by water under usual conditions. The-strlks situation Te main shout th earn, with no encouraging faturs. Each sides sme to b waiting for the other to mak th flrt mov .toward a compromla and to b prepared for a struggle of Indefinite length, Th Injunction that It bnrughs-agalnst th sailors' union, th longshoreman's union, and several Individuals, has been triad befor Judge Irwin at l(ontsaao, ONLY Established 25 Years in Portland CONSuLfTATION FREE WE WILL TREAT ANY SINGLE, UNCOM PLICATED AILMENT FOR $12J0 i : FOR THE FEE. - ADSOLfUTE GUAnANTEE NO PAY UN17209 CURED Com) Today to the SUCCESSFUL Specialists who number their PERFECT Cures by the THOUSANDI You want a PERMANENT Cure I , W can ACCOMPLISH IT. ; ; country who Is afflicted 7 to 8; Sundays, 9 a. m. to IZ noon. inim jroBnauro, oa. 0OJtt TVnQMTLAMXi, OM. 1 but th court has not yst rendered a de cision. . Most of the mills that wr closed down for a week or two by the strtk hav rsumd operations and ar run ning rull time. t . , r ! Soma of them took advantage of th enforced Idleness to make repairs and install machinery. Prospects ar good for th erection of another shingle mill on thf south sld of th Chahalls rivr, on lauid leased from A. J. Weat and J. A. Hood. It will hav a capacity of 200,000 daily and will be built and put into operation as soon as poaslbl. ,;;'jl'r MARINE NOTES. V Astoria, July IS. Arrived down dur ing th night and sailed at 10:O a. m. steamer Aurella, for San Franclaco. Ar rived down during th night and sailed at 10:10 a. m., steamer Cascade, for Ban Francisco. Arrived down at noon, schooner Matthew Turner. Arrived at 4:41 and left up at d. m.. Norweaian steamer Thyra. from Comox, B. C. Left up at s p. ra., untie ship Brabloch and schoonsr Irenes. San Francisco, July tl. Ballad at 10 a.' m., steamer Meteor, for Portland. Ballad, steamer Roanoke, for Portland. 1 Port Harford, July II. 'Arrived, steamer Whlttler, from Portland. ' Astoria, July H. Condition of th bar at p. m., obscured; weather foggy; wind northwest " -','. BOY MAYORilN FOR SPORT. Beckerof -Milwaukea Behind ., Scheme (or Boxing Matches. That $100,000 can be raised for the Auditorium fund by a serle of enter tainment. Including horae how, box ing and wrestling matches and lectures by Mayor Backer, la th belief of Wll 11am F. Honker, private secretary of th city executive, says . a Milwaukee Ua-.- . ' '. .' " uisnzEsarv lt . ' -r v : TRAKSPOKTATICM. ecid Alnka Excursions Oattag City, uly BT. Aagaat 10 aad V Tare BSS raaad , WtB. - . ' ' -' , aou-ruo-souarD, ixcTauoRt , aTur rrvx ,Axa. SOrTHEABTERW ALASKA ROTTTB. rmaa au.rl .I B k m rn. Katcblka. Junee. Bkagway, Wklt Hone, Dawaea ad falrbanka ... . .. 8. B. City at Seattle. Ansae 1, 11, Bt, si. fl. S. Humboldt. August 8, IS. M. ' S. S. Oottaee Cl la Sitka 1. July ST. Aagaat 10 aad 14. Third saUlag S. 8. Baaatar sbout Jaly S. . toa, sajt rBABmsoo zvaxox. Froi Seattle a a. an. City of Pueblo. Joly IS. Qaeea, Jaly SB. Uautllia. Aagaat &. rarUaad Of leer Set Wasklagt-s S. ' - B. BL in, Paa. Ft. Aft.'. C U, BUB.1, 9. r. A.. ,v:;'.- M Market Bt.' Baa a Regulator Une Steamers THE EXCURSION STEAMER "BAILEY GATZER makes round trips to CAS. CADE LOCKS vry Sunday, leaving PORTLAND at t a. m, returning, ar rlv t p. m. , I Dally arvlc btwa Portland and Th Dalle except Sunday, leaving Port land at T a. ra., arriving about P. m-, carrying freight and paanger. Splen did accommodation for outfits , aad livestock. s - - Dock root of Alder street, rortiana: foot of Court street Tb Dalles. Phon Main 114. Portland. TELEGRAPH j - ' raststTa em the aire Th only steamboat making a sound trip v r. :"t : ,. r, BAXXiT , : v . .... ;,.', ' '" BxcDt 'Sunday Between ' -' ' PORTLATiD tad ASTORIA Lav PcTtland...........,...T:M a. w. Arrtve AstortA . .. ...I'-. bv Lt Astoria....... ....i:io p. m. Arrive PorUaiui ,,.S:00 p. m. VitMMlJB IIRVED A bA MKTS . pcrUaad Xtwdlnr, Aides SHreart Zroeh. Aaata. al- Oallamda SOOR. ' B. B. BCOTT, As-ant. :i Phone Mala 111. ALASKA VAST AITO POPULAR mtAMSHrPt y '.; . tmave Seettie ',.. ynTrrt80,, ub bo, h it, Bt, - "DOLTKXS," Xaly a, IB, BO. . . . . OAixnts at XeteMfcta. laaaaa. Bof Us. Bata, -way. Ooaaaeta with W. P. T. roata tar Atlla, Dawaoa. Xaaaaa, Moaaa, at. . s Ter AH Boatlieaatara Alaska tots. Call er sand for "Trip t Woadarfal Alaska, . "IndUa Basketry." "Total roles." . .-. m AIABXA . 8. 00,-.. - 'iV,;' rraak WnUsy Oa' Agenr. BKt 'Oak nt.--.- , . v PortUad, Or. Erie Railroad TO BlW TOaX AWT BOfTTOa A83C C. GEE WO PortlsncTg ... 1 " ' i : - Widely Known and Sucecsaful Chlnest : MedicJnA Root and tlerb Doctor" Bla f anmn ramedlee. ' tba lccredlenta t wblefe wa Impart diraat from tba Orient ta large qaantltiee and pre oar and pat a fa nee ta kla ap-to-dat labatory. w mereury, poAaons or sraga at any kind aae. . Paralr Doctor treat saweeeafafly aad saarantaa ta cor all ataaiaeh troabla. catarff, cstbma. lung, throat, rbeomatlam, swiuuaaiss, urea. kidney pa Kat aaannonn riJlALX TaOTTBLKS AMD ALL UVATB v- SIBEABXS. . . He falsa ar mlaleadlng sUtemeats ts the fSleted. A seta and lasting ear la tb quick est poaslbl time sad at th lowest east poa slbla fat Boaeet treatment. If yoa eanaot call, writ tor yapto ala ah nd rlrcalar. Inrloaa 4 ceata In stamp.. OOBStrLTATlOaT yRKX. ' The 0. Wa Oblaaaa Madiaiaa Oa,, lMVi , Vint Bt, Oar. Merries, Pertlaad, 0 Pleaaa meat tea this paper. Fook San g Co. BKIX.I.BO OaXH asa nviua. AT TU CHONO, Mgr. I Alder SU Portland Pure, Beautiful ' Jad Jewel ryf Gold Bracelets and Signet Ring of all descriptions mad to or der. 1 American names engraved In Chinee character ton Pur -old id-luck ring ngraved with th thr cardinal Chine character, via l Olory. Prprlty and Longevity. Charges reasonable and ordera of any design promptly executed and sent pre paid to any part of the United State. ISVSS KBOWBT Tw TktU Tarrant's ban f Cwaabs and Oopeibalu Thti'wa,aejdiwesaBlsfui , glees, wanw, ww aw take, eoeeenMB Se carry, rifts JpTaaaaeeafnl aa. PrlaaBl. Raw A klartra'a. Ml Waablsgtoa St., Pertlaad, Oregoai or by mall free Tea Tarrsat Co.. 44 Booaea at- new Vara. E s!iv(!oyflL,(;jy.3 RJK as4 M4 MMIIIs Wase, seals I itk else rlUs. Take aa etker, I i aaa . pstch. Mr. Hooker will submit a ptsn to ths Auditorium committee at a maet , s.a hia thla week. Mr. Hookar propos to procur a larg circus tent in whloh tR nrtainmni are m oa held. ' - - ' i t- MnAaratavl that Ifr. Hooker I mrly gathering another Of th boy mayor's ideas wnn n aya: -i am con fident that wa can rais fss.eoo on a mm ,1nna ' It wIIl attract fiao- pl from all parts of th country, and hundreds win com xrom umcago. it would ' b good, clean sport under the close survalllanc of the suthorlU." ColiiinbiaRiYerScenery i .23 .! -V' .. la BaBeettailaaM aaa uua. Bey at Js Drtot, er ef4 aa. m uausfcT rarelealre.TeellmeelaS a ARellaf IW La4ls a bsMr. ay re. w.ii. faaMTMisMWi. B4W frra.rtri OkUkeetev sr. Maltaa Saaaee, TKAKrronTATic::.- . I "aa r si maTyeaWaVSnr Ta W- i-mm sbms. . 3 uiaui t l'ulv f -Trains to the Cast DsHy 3 rMllmaa atandard end beariit alee. dally e Omaha. Chlaage, Bpakaaaf Oaaolns-eai , dally to Raaaaa Cuy recltalag (aalrasi (seats free! ta dallyv .. rm.7 wpo . Maa. anna, ntraso-Partland Bpeetal f iT.- vis Huntington, dir. S:SS sal 10 pm aJTfi" for vsatara . ... .r'Ja"a- walls Walla. . . I . ' trji. bar d'Alan ul Ai?JI?,St,,r" 0,t "r- 'Mtm at am t!J for the Baat J"a between Biggs sad '' Wttead. Sail.. v.. 'StIS-sbj i:Mp . COrTVBTA RIVER PiyiBlOW. , Baa 1,.1. ... - . . uu - -r" - way poiara, emaenuw wna E" for Hwaea and North Beaah. ataaate aZ. " " sesTea a a SB. - eaiisv Suadari Batardae. 10 p. Be. Arrives aboatSa m.. ere-t Swads. TAMHTLLBIVRsj goTrffj. -- - . . ' v.iij mm samniii na KV ''? JfB, o. A-k-ot. Sec.' "l,''.'2rS Sunday (water pee. t"w:b rm tntrra. sMm-4. wi. w llmm- "5 way point frai in. Cl' a A' staaaeaj Bpekaa and Lawta. Tick OfSca. TbM and Wblncwia ata. ' - Telephone Btal TIB. . MeMUR RA T , Oaom Faaaaoga Ag-S ; EAST -SOUTH DMaat ave. Arrrra, Oawland Eipraa ,,Tre . for Salem, Roaebarg. Aa Uad. Sacramento. Ogdea. aaa rrancwan, Stork to La p. ' Maw Orleans and the mmm sss nfm- Morning trala i naaails at Woodnura dally, sieeot . . . , Bnaday with trsla for Meant Angal, Slleertoa. ' r- Rrawnaetlla. BrtHngflald. ' ' Wendllng and HatreaTTT. ! nm ungeaa naasvngs ana- . .. nacta at WoajflMirw sriea wt ..TTT drti pm lcrM ....... T:S0sm l-Mptm M M) pa km fount Aaeal aad Bllsea. 10a loeat. , rmrrani Bbarldan forest Orore pssaangar.. TSM pat : lS:0 I -INUiy. "PsIVt ereept rMy. ' yRrYMMN-frTREirT BTATTOlf. - For. Dalle and intermediate polhta daily T:S0 . as. aad 4:18 p. m. Arrlv PorOand 10:10 . m. and S:SO p. m. " Par rim and cats at Oeweae sabuibaa trala apply at City Ticket OfSe. ee atattoa. ' Ttekar. ta Beater point, and Bsiu am Sanaa. Cbtaa. rlonerala and Anatrana, . city Ticset orne enrnar Thir tarn wssa. ktoa straeta. Phow Mala tlA 0. W. BTTNOBB, Is. McKTTRRAT. ' TIME CARD OF TRAINS . Portlandt ralhnratnas Par Rl vm-m.j Awvr. Aeiwwwee .- rHa'.Hn. . ..' C1ty-St. Uots Special for - - -Cbebane, Oaatralfa, Olya. pis, wray-a asraar. owia ' , Read. Taeaana. Baattla Sao- -. kaae, Lewleton, Butte, BJI- . Ha Ikne Oasaba. Ran. " r'- t".; sas Oty, Bt" Lanus sad ' ' ' ' Boatnaast, any .......... paaBaai a pa North Coast Limited, ala. ...,. trie tl gated, for Taroma ' the Boat, dally ........... liNl TiSSasi Paget Saaad Umltea, Sep CTaremrmt, Chahlm, Cca J'. ,r. 1 1. f ' only, datly Slav BPS : Twta City Bipi ass far T. , ibm. . Seattle. Bpowana,, net. Batta. Bt, PsbI, Mlnnaapnlla. Uncem, . st, , ; . SC " w w otta Asse. ba. Bt. Lecla. ant beat ' . at ear. Wraet rim- : v Beetle ear ait ajoa -Bvat and Sxwtb-aet. deny.. tlrSI MlSS mm . . . eaiereoa i 1. r f fleaasal . mMigeT Ageet. BBS Horrlaoa street, araar Tbied. ranmno. wresF. ,A , Astoria & Columbia r: Rivpr RailrnaH f!n. Unto Dene- . : La, . Antra. Par Mayg-ra, Rainier, Clats, hint. Wratport. CUftoa. Astoria, : Wanes ton. ria eI, Hsmnwnd. Fort Star. ana! C-earbart Park, Seaside. 1:00 . H:SS SB Astoria and Seashore, ex- preaa dally Ti" Slawpw "Portlsad-Beastds rlyw" Saturday aaly lesaes Portland S:10 p. at. . ., An train. dltT. ; i. a ma to. o. r. sad p. a., ut. or. C. A. BTBWABT, OommsrahU Ac. S4S AMar atraaf. raaas yM. ,H;,f J; 11 - ; tNt COatrOrtTABtf WAV. 20verlssd Trsis DsSy 2 The Orleatal UasHad, the Past MaSw ' VIA BBATTLB AND SPORAWBL ' Dslly. Pally. . Last.- ArrlT. PartlsBd tlm scdsls T and from Bpokane, St. Pal. MlBnaapolm, ., . -,i,..-.u tmlath end all polat Bast tls Seattle ! U4fpm SwBpm Tb and from Bt rsl. - " ,-; ... Mlnnaapolla. Oohtth .. , . ; and alf sol at Bast - . ata Spokane StlSam BrSSsm rraat Berth em Staamahtp Oa, ' . S.lllng from Seattle for Japan aad China sorts sad MaaOa. earrylag seaaer aad freight, , . . S, 8. Dakota, awptemVar E , " I. t. Mlnnaaota, October SO. ". ' BnyPOB" TTSEB ZaUSHA !Iapa M0 Sleamehl On.) a B. Shlnaaa Mara wul aO tram Beattl (bout August T tor Jspaa and Cblns parts, ssrrylng . psaeeagera - aad Cnleht. - call o "e B. PtCKSOV, O. P. T. A., It Thtrl Ah Partlaad. Oaagoa. rbaaa Mala aSO, S. S. F. A. KHburn " irg Caea Bay. Bartka sad sas Prawsu, . Next sailing from Portland, Thursday, Aug. B. Bait sailing from Ban Ftss., Thurs., Jsly M. P. U OREBNOCOH. Agent,' Otwaawlck IXk Mo. A, . PboB Mala 1SL n ICloei .t aslr"l ((?))