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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
4 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY TIOHTITira. JULY. tW j 1 11 ' ' ' ' 11 I aSUliSMSr'l if WFmlmmmmiBFVKmfm 1 , ,., ACREAGE 2';( acres on car. line t6 Oregon City, all cleared, new bunding-s, crrHetely furnished. Prict $3,000. , r tJi acre on same car line, all cleared, good new buildings, com I :;'y furnished. 1 good cow and chickens. Price $4,500. 4i acres in satna locality, all cleared, good new 6-roora house. Tnce $1,600. Tracts of ont or more acres on car Una. I ;la improved andtmmvwwedv with or without new buildings. rr'"'i in price irom aidu to eel TERMS: $10 down and $5 per month per acrlr rich soil, no gravel, CITY W have a large list of city properties, business,' residence' and Vacant lots, and invite inspection by intending purchasers, V . 8. M. BARR, CITY MANAGER. -- FARMS the, state, .which w will mail to any address upon request We nave a large list of farms, comprising some of the-bet in ' THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY " .-. STARK STREET VERNON LOTS Will not be advanced again until about the 20th of AUGUST. This will give you three weeks more to buy at the present price; don't forget this, for if you are going to buy, why not do so before the ad va rice? . - ' Cara leave Second and Washington streets every IS minutes for ' Vernon. - ,. "i , Go' out to Vernon some of these hot evenings it is at least 10 ' degrees cooler than the city. r . . - We also have 70 lots for sale in that beautiful site of ;m0 ;HAVELocic " . ; ":'-r It is located on Killingsworth street and Pitton avenue. ' Take St. Johns car. We have 20 acres for sale within half a mile of MONTA VILLA, .. price per acre -mis is a Bargain. s - i. - 1 . - , . .r . - 'v I nm i zie nwESEMT co. ii Rooms 401 and 402 Stearns Building, Sixth and Morrison Streets. Phone Main 2707. . ' MMliMMtt MMMS.X X ! r I I I I I I I . II III i II ll r llx I 111 1 7 FELT s -WANT WfS- JliUc Portland Heights offers the finest opportunities for lnvoctmont alons this lino. Rents era ilffhopand vacancies fewer than anywhere else In the city. Demand far excobdiT cSonh? Every day we have calls for suites or flats which we aro unable, to fill because CUP,3 Elsewhere magnificent new bulldlncra are colnc: up. caterini? to this class. nettinrV did Incomes, while Portland Heights, the bst location of alUo overiS ment ttouse or row of flats could be continually filled with hlffh class tenanWatxSS rents . '. ',. -i )'v;1';';-;:'v-;'''''.'-i-7-v,?'-:.- 'v-'".' . .. i'.'i"'::,,.v'--,; V";?'.?V. -'-. iv-v; : ., HERB 18 YOUR OPPORTUJNITV-i-best and . YT OiT' VN only suitable sIte7onehalf block on car Une Xp -0JLJ' Phone Main 2159 D. E. KEASEY".COMPANt' Exclusive Dealers In Portland HdjhU Property Office Opposite Observatory .. - . i .1 nr-nnirrnii i lm i - . . 1 ' 111 - i MEMBERS OF POrUd Realty Board AQlifCT, WMVk Wuhlac- I. T. AVSBXWt CO.". Hamilton Bnlldtiw. UAAO W. SiiU 00.. a Clunlw W I F. BE8KE, 444 htrlnck Bnlldtnf. ' : BUOKTXL KESS. SA3 K. Morrl8t ' a. o. cmracHn.L i oo., no sxa at. COMTIKEMTAL CO.. Ut Rtark St. ' E. J. SALT. 223 rIUn Bulldlnc. DJJT W. XOWAiM, 41S OnfinlM BulldlM- souMcmori aosjio ton St. OLDBVITK A 00.. 44t (ninloek Batistas. OOODMOUOH STIUUUS, t WlMiBt m. o. olrrrar, swi stark t. Ainmsiiit A. arrBTiiv bai a1as wa" a mx s 1 " i - w v I I.. nocAasuai sjg vu., aov onwiwa duiiuidbj. KABTMAB XBOXf SOB, S QuulMr of Coa- JOSEPH K. HIAIT, S14 Ahlnrton Btllldliiff. CHASI.ES K. BEJiBT, ITS Stark BU IHVISTMIKT CO., S44 Stark at. ' E. a. JAOKSOV A CO.. 1M Stark St. CH AXLES X. XOEELt, SSI WaahlnftMa St. LAMBERT, WHITHU 00., 10T Rbartock Bulldlna-. . K. E. LIE, SS RlTtb St. Make Us . An Offer HJO-M1-8SJ lABbar Bzckaasa & MAC1LET, MOOSE IBTESTMENT CO.. ISO Waaktnstna St! koioil A TLXEDV EB. SIS Abbiaton Bulldlna. HvU uonoMrcui I THE dRBATBST 8ALB I IN THE HISTORY , . OP PORTLA1NP REALTY " High, Sightly, Beautiful Lots Between the Riv ers for Onljr ; Month Dollars SI IASS.VCSI, AM Musmzik, . On This New ilodern House located on East Twelfth one block north from Ver non car line. $200.00 cash will give you deed and we will give- you your-own terms on balance. We are cbliged to sell, so make us an offer. Only one left Apply to Owners, 223 Lumber Exchange , . - THONE MAIN 1277-,- - SECOND AND STARK 1 i ,i . , -t , i i Morrsa J. 0. JTOtTirtTf CO., OemaMreUI Block. T. a. TTranif. m PtM St. PAoino title a xavsx oo., so4--s-t rn-1 roBTLAiTD TrmtrsT eo.jror oaxaov, aw. IDlnl ano vaa Bia. 7. rSAVK rOKTEB, t Waahla(t St. BEES, TLEXSS XT J lotimn a diamoitd, mi stark st. JHO. P. SBABJUT 00., T4U Okaabar tt rnmmsrrs. I SIOUBiTT ABSTEACT a XXVST OO., T Okaa- br of Oommarca. BTETZWSOir.BaowW OO.. IIS Saaaa St. A. F. IWHHOS a CO., 2M4 WaahlBtaai St. aiHkTOTT a Binorr. SIS auM M r.oni baiobiow. 104 rirat at. ' ' O. O. SMITH. SSS Chanbar of Ouaiaraa. It a. TlTTOi MS M.rnn.a Bntldlna. THE TITLE OVABvAAXU XAUBX JOh MO Waatalnatna Bt. WILL H. WALK EE, EM FalUnf Bntldlac. I aaa a, a.iaa va ra JL. AA Aa aiA.a A WEBTEKaT OBEOOK TEXTS T 00., St Stark St WHITMO A BOVBTEEE, 41 AUnftaai JUd(. E. M. WIXEVB, 110 Paeons BU t. A. WElia OO., 9 oraas ra. A. E. BWEEBSOE, Haentarr. Have been irresistible. We have actually sold ioj iois m tne past weeK m our new tract r? I l :' Va ... I I' I I I I I f I I i 1 .V 1 . 1,- i . J . ....'' t 'E--aaBF, ,v ' ... BBaBBBaBBBBaT H O L L O O D HOLLYWOOD On the Easy-Payment Plan. $10 per month. No gravel. ' Cara run through grounds. 6-cent fare. : Take Estacada car to Watson Station - and walk one fourth mile south. . Agent on grounds Sunday. TOWNE Ca, BRAY 2My, MORRISON STREET : ; , Phone Pacific 2514 , ' H O L L Y W1 o o D ST. TWs Sale Will Be Continued for The Gateway to Port " . land's Harbor ; Eo u f D ayg M ore With its miles of deep water ' front, its two transcontinental railroads, its I deqotfe-stiipDins facintiet, its un-1 equaled factory sites, is destined to be the greatest industrial snd shipping center on the North Pacific Coast At the same price arid terms before the raise in at once if vbii want one of these Choice lots. Ask about our club where, vnn Mt. Scott Letter No. 22 W hold contract on tomt ttn. rood btrffavlna that will tAnnm In ptie vrrer our comrmoisj wxpir. mwMrr on wxpmvxm aciiviiy in MOUal 000 tt prvyvruw AaHi-r-mwvier vu av w. t ur Kiiuri tiufi w oner ' sztba aooo aajaoanrar ':. V Si.S7a aooa I -room doum ana 101 uuut, nsar atauon iioo cash and 1S par month. ..,..:.......... ..j v. ... ;- . Bsoo Good (-room houso and lot 200 faat from station 100 eash and' $10 Sl.SOO iA await s-room modern houaa, rooms all larra. armrv lot xlt, wall Improved, nne fruit trees, nice lawn, nice neighborhood, Owner wlehee to so .at In September on bualneae. Must sell. Thla la an screed. Jnnly fine property and a anap for any one dealrlnr a suburban horns. . TlUe meurmuce cvreruiK iirupwrvx i vv wan aw war. nai on pruanoa. ' - j" Ooo fearraJas la lota wmA acre traeia. ).,.,; v. -'iTTti " The Arrow Realty Co. ? FORD BAIN, aCaaagers. ' . STEWARTS BTATIOJt, Mount floott Una. LAMONT & HARRIS PHONE MAIN MM. 107 14 SDCTtf St. a4! Beaotlful lot on Multnomah, ' near E. Ifth, HoUaday Park Ad- diuon. .. . ; Full lot tsth near Korthrun. vt DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. . ""I Ftiii lot, Northrop near lid. THIS PRICK MONDAT ONLY. S05S, corner lth and Northrup. v -'' Income 1444. FEW DATS ONLT. '""1 taeh burs went aide corner, well v "vV Improved; loooms 1,4, balance . long -.arm, ' I22.CC3 Corn'r """U and MKelaalppl ',w arenuea. well Improved; ln veatlaata. :. ... 3 NOB HIIX QUARTER BLOCK. Ine alt for rate or apartment house. MONO AT ONLT. " An elegant full lot on John eon " at, between I4lh and 2Sth: half 0m caah. . WON'T LAST LON(i - . IJST OF PROPER TT IS "FLL. i'AVBAouTw,eii!:tDM0,l,c what ... ooac If you want a small tract we have It S acrea, honae, barn, oloee to school, cP.uri fnd po'tofflco; IS acrea cleared, all tillable. Flneat aolU llvlnsr water! ear Una quarter mile U.IOO, fl.OOO eaah, balance to ault Per cent. 61 acrea. . tmlmprovad, nne water power on land, timber enough to par for land. ; Pries i.SOO, eaay term -ii.'4 0. n,ar Orea-on City, to acres . i balance open land; fine orchard 14.000, eaay terms. Property to ex coansa . facoto mmairr cot '. '. S. 144) H FlroS anveeS. Such ' concern as the BLAUSn TDTUB OOlTVASrT, BWITT a OO. and the AJUfOU FACKUTO COMFABTT, and many other captalna of tnduatry, have reoosmlaed the convenient location of St. Johns and Ita many nat ural advantagee, and' have aecured sites In that vicinity; others are securing them almost daily. In a few more years thla BXAuTXFUZi FB B IITBOIA will be entirely occupied with prorree- aiva raotoriea ana tnruty nomea. Tnia freaumptlon la warranted from the fact hat two yeara ago there were only 100 people llvlne; In St. Johna, Its aaaeaaed TAIiUATIOBT waa S3 00.0OO, lta KOITTX. I.T TATatOIaXi SSOO. STOW 8.000 FBO U ABB FBODB TO MU ST. JOXBTS TBTSim BOO, Its monthly par roll Is 110,000, Its aaaeaaed valuation nearly 13,000.000. COKFAKS) the TV XVMM with the FAST and draw your own conclusions. EVERY INDUCEMENT OFFERED TO , MANUFACTURERS AND HOMESEEKERS. .; For further particulars call upon or address , t .. may get a lot for only $25. si Jdnns' connccoAi qdj - ST. JOHNS, OREGON. Secretary's Phone, . Main 447. -U?JJAL 17ANT ADS pay dest mi Iff HUM'"! '' '''ll'f ,.' ,, i '.' ' m ' . J- V K' av . 'i MUOtRN HOUSE PLANS , FROM $3.00 UP Designs mads from your own sketches, and with skill and taste. E. KRON1R, Architect 1S-1T OamartAre Bldg- B. W. Ooraer Third aad aaorrlsoa, Fortland, Or. O. A, JONES , Agent Always on the Ground 27th and Alberta Sta. M m GHAPIN 246 STARIC STP RRT 'Offlw Opn Erenlnr TAKE ALBERTA STREET CAR, SECOND AND WASHINGTON LOOK! READ! 5110,000 Will buy, a quarter ; block situated Only one block from the Portland Hotel. No better investment in Portland; .' : i . . ..... v. . f see us aoqui iu . i , S20.000 For the northwest corner I welfth and Lovetoy j 100 by 100 feet; rent? for about 2,500 Lot- n Johnson street, between Twenty second and ?Tweirty-tMrd stre'ets; lot 37yi by 100 feet...'- - "r 1 - Moore Investment 150 Sixth St ' Phone Main 2707 From the Wadeahoro Aneonlan. Mr. Junius Lllea was hare frnm MarshYllle sundsy. "Junius has many friends, who are always (lad to see him down. DUIcnS IDE STREET Choice corner, 60x100, on Burn side and Eleventh streets 930.000; only one third cash. ; FIRST STREET , 50x100, near First aqd Washing ton f 30.000. ' -. 60x100 with 8-story "brick, ''on ; Jfirst street $ ZS.OQO. The Jlealylnvestment -. Company 210-214 Ablngton. 106 Third St Parrishr Watkfns asYAa: 1STS. KealEslIalle ' tsTsxrsAjroa ajts ioam r " A0nm. Washington Street 80x100 50x100 30x100 25x100 50x100, Substantial Improvement, pay fair Income Washington ; street will double In value by the time Port-' land has 250.000 population. . . Portland Hetghtsy ThreejoMhejchdlcest Jois, vLew directions. r.-, 7 Iro'iiall- O Acres 1Q Acres Near 3d and JVoshington Corner pays 6 per cent net on price less than $50,000 easy terms. 222 Falling bld. DALY bhone main 5333 r r. 259 IHlzt Street PcrCr:!, Cr.