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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
t::s cr.zca:i cxjihiay ' journal, fohtland, Sunday tronuiNo,' july d, y SWMMESEM ESTATE-DE Permits Issued During Month of July May Break Alt Records " "sOf Former Years. . . ALL PARTS OF CITY NOW BUILDING lP Residences in Process , of Erection ThroBchoHt All Suburbs Portland Heights Property in DemandSky scrapers Building Down Town. i There hav been few events of lm portance In real . estate circles during" the past week. . Building continues moat active, and there are indications that , Portland will - rank' high in the list of pro art u Ira cities, when the, total record i for July- ha been compiled. ' For the month, of May' this city U4 the country , la the percentage of inorceae In the : number of building; permits. For June It was well up In the list. , but July . promises ' to show a greater increase - than June, therefore July may yet be a record break. So tar this month - naarly lit permits have ' been tseued. calling for-bulldlnge-y valued- at about - 1710.000, which indicate a remarkably active month, and a gain of more than 1100,000 ever the value of buildings rep resented by tha permits issued in June :. and about 1110,000 less than tha amount for May, when Portland led the coun ' try. " - ' -.' : r-, '; . . The big Increaae- f or-May was, due to the permits issued for the Wells, Fargo a Co. building, and aome of the other large structures, .while this month per- mlta have bean eeoured tor the S wet land building, tha Jorgenson building and some of the other large structures that are going up. Next month the rec ord promises to hold out, for there are lodloatlons that the permit for -tha Cor bett building and aome others will be secured, which will make ' material In . In the amount . represented by - permits. ' ; , . . fcasg Yumae of Fevxales. -A Striking feature of tha building rsc ord being made" by Portland ia not so cnucs tna value or tne nunoings aa tne number being erected. The number, .rather than tha amount, lndloatea the city's growth. This ia particularly true - of Portland, for out of the 121 or so permits . Issued this month not more than 21 of them have been for business Jilacae, the belance being for homes, and t is tha homes that show the city's aotual growth, j The number of homes -- being built In the city today is greater than at any previous period la ite his ' tory and the elaaa f homee is better, ' vary few of them costing less than S1.000, while many of them are from SS.000 to l.000,wlth now and then a rartlcularly striking one for 115,000 or 18.000, or even higher, going to as tnaefc as 140,000 as tn permit Issued this month for the horn of Mrs, Sol Hlrsch oalled for that amount. . -Xosnes Spattered Tkrongkomt qivy. ;- In going over the permits it is strik ingly notloeabla. that the buUdlng. of these-fossae is sot confined to say one part of the city. - Of sourse, the greater number is Issued for places on the east ' side, for the wes. side, wits the excep tion of the hills, ia praotieally filled, - therefore east of the river Is the place -for homes, and tha character of those ; going up Is steadily Improving, During . the month so far Quite a number of " homes coetlng from f 4.000 - to M.000 fceva- been started in. Holladay Park .; and Irvlngton, and some very nice OSes are snder construction along Hawthorne avenue. On the west sldo the active v. JO. 4 t?Pinniro 0101 pirc rnnn r um..:.:lu uiun if 11 l i iu,.i Flamss L'estroy Cottage of Lewis Le Roy and Occupants While Lewis U B Th'f leenth atreet wae elftlng up with his sick " wife last- night flames suddenly burst forth In th rear o-the houae Le Roy carried hie wife outOf the house in her night clothes, hie daugh ter following with a mattreaa to-plaee the elck woman on. By tha time tffT had reached a place of eefety with Mra. Le Roy the flames had spread so that It waa impossible to enter the house. Only a tool chest that waa in an out building waa aSved. Tha origin of the Are waa unknown, but it la thought It msy have been th work of an incendiary. Tha house and furniture wore completely - destroys. The lose, as,abQU.tJtlC0O. wltT no In- eurance. , ' 7' A vacant residence, 471 East Ninth street, . was destroyed by ' Are at . 11:19 WEEK; BUILDING T- - - 'V : - ' . v . . . , ' . ; -f ttK . x. - r'i. ;'- f -; 7 building seotion is on Portland Heights at preaent. although quite a number of homee are going up on Willamette Heights. ; On Portland Helghta at pres ent between SO and 40 houses are be ing erected, and all of these are of a high character,, aeveral of . them -: rep resenting an Investment of from 11,000 to, ... ;,,.:;:, ., y . ' . Wew Factory o Bail. ., There were several events during' the week of Interest to realty circles, be cause taey snow (be industrial develop ment of Portland. Among these can be mentioned the new factory for tha Paclflo Coast Syrup company, and the pew plant of tha Aome Mills company. Ia addition to theae are the steel works at the toot of Nineteenth atreet, now under construction, and the new plant of tha Willamette . Iron sc Bteel works, which promises to be a model. The steel slant Is preoably of the most' in' tercet as the majority of ' the 100 or more hands it wul give employment to will eome from th eaat. It ia esti mated that when these works are under full eway it will mean an- increaae of at least It fan 11 lea to Portland.- - A, , Tew alea Staring Weak. . . Sales of realty durlag tha week have been vary few. Operators report that the market at prent 1 flooded with persons aeeklng investments for sums from $11,000 to fll.000, but with euch an amount they want to get right in' th csnter of the city. One real eatata man, who makea a apechUtr of inatde proper- ty, said the other day that .ha had-eboutl given up trying to make deals for old time Tertlandere, for they do not appre ciate the Increase in values, due to the inorease in population. He said It was almost Impossible to drill the new val ues into the beaae of old residents, hut that a ' newcomer can be easily , con vinced of th fair valu of property In Portland. Thla operator aald: - "l think it would be a good thing if the .Portland Realty Board would get up a free excursion and send to Los Angelas and Seattle for a few. months MA Residences Everett Street, o'clock this morntng. It was a six room, story-and-a-half building, valued at 11.000, partially Insured, and be longed to a Mrs. Sullivan.- The auppo slUon was that It caught from a spark from tha house of Lewie Le Roy, de stroyed early in the evening. In th ad Joining block. -mmmmmmt BBsasjaassBj ev-aasaassj CHINESE LOTTERY IS v , 4 a RAIDED BY ; POLICE "Unable to find any evidence af gamb ling In the accustomed haunts of the Chinese, Patrolman Smith managed to single ' out the room ef Jim - Lee at 117 Vi Second streit, as a place to raid for lottery tlckete. Accompanied by the rest of the Chinatown squad, con sisting ef Dtctlv Hill. Smith climbed three flight of ataire leading to the chamber of the wily Celestial and broke open the-door. w to wae found reclining In hie bunk, watching the smoke curl' celllngward from hla pipe and -ploturlng hia return In- triumph to thai, ilear Canton, with the golden harvest he was to reap from the lottery. Smith put an and to his idle dream by announcing hla mission and Lm woe , carted, 'off ... the police tiesdqurter."t-A-i number - of lottery ticket a found ia the bed with the Chinaman wcr booked as evidence,- ACTIVITY ON INCREASE - t i;-;.:;i'--:'J .New Houss of Chsmler Bloom, Eleventh and some of the old-time Portlanders who have money. . If this could be dona I am aura they would return convinced that Portland realty values are far below anything else on the paclflo coast The people will wake up aome day and real ise what they have, but it Is going to be a hard, long campaign of education, but I fear - the Portlanders themselves are going to lose thie golden opportunity." . ' Week's Sales OeasrsJly SaaalL : ' Fw of the sales during . the past week rank in five figures. - One that did, and which attracted much atten tion, was th purchase of - the half block at Bast Third and Yamhill for fli.000. Thla is considered a very low figure for such a site, in view of ths faot that the block oppoeite aold recent? ly for H.000.. Announcement is made that the Moore Inveetment company has purchased through F. O. - Northrup ft Co. tha quarter block at tha northwest corner of Twelfth and Lovajoy streets tor t 0, 000. There are two stores and a dwelling on the property. - This '-Is located adjacent to the big block ef property which waa formally trans ferred during the week t the Port land ft Seattle railroad for terminal facilities. It la right in the warehouse district and It la understood that the Moore company purchased it for invest ment purposes. ', . Thers was a report during the week that the Unitarian church had been of fered 1100,000 for Its quarter block at 8eventh and Yamhill atreet, but tha re port-has not beea verified. - Such a prloe la evidently aot la keeping wun values naked for In that vicinity, for It Is a known faet that there ia. now on the market one of the corners, of Seventh and Taylor streets for 1110,000 and a number of operators regard the price as attractive. '. ' . Activity on Portland Heights. ' Portland Heights property continues to move and operators are turning their attention In that direction. Laat weak it wae announced that tha Oraenway ..'v'-'-f. Near Twenty-Third. WORKMEN SHANGHAIED TO SCAB AS SAILORS i J;C'': 1 . ;'" " ivy "; When They Objected to Fighting ; Union Agents Looked Msn , , Up as Prisoners. (Special Dtopateh by teased Wire to Tb learaall Ban Francisco, July' .Thlrty man were taken from the field near Fresno by . the shipping sgents of th United Shipping A Transportation company, ena of them named William Barton. ' and brought to thla city today. According to eight of them, who refused to continue with the guards after reaching Port Richmond, tha men were placed In a car In Fresno and locked In. They were not allowed to leave the car or held com munication with anyone on the outside. On arriving here they wera kept prisoners until the regular ferry had left for this side ef the bay, and than the guarde attemptd to drlv the, men onto a steamer, but at thla point eight of them realised that .they, were being brought to fill the placee of union men and refused to go any farther. The iiyi.S.OIIWaiSwpwtWtimWAu.WLWWrje r 1 4.M Harrison Streets. tract on the Council Crest extension had bean aold to a ayndicate for 110.000, and It is now reported that the Rlnghouae tract of ten sores close to this haa been sold for about 11,000 an acre. The work on the Counoll Crest extension of the Portland railway is being pushed rapidly. . The grading la practically completed, and the tracks have been laid to th beginning of the loop around the crejt. Vice-President Fuller says that he hopes to have the line - in operation tn about a month.' At present there is eome difficulty - tn securing gravel to properly balance th road, for tn tha building of thla extension the railway company . la exercising ' th greatest caro, and making the road one of the' best constructed . ones In and around Portland. - . Bast sin Feopl ynrohaelng'. ' Several Portland flrroa ., report -a. ao tiva inqulrlea and sales from eastern people, and one which hae a - large olltataga of this elaaa . la the Dunn Lawrence Co. In addition to two aales announced yesterday by iala company they report eeveral others to eastern people. Walter - Clng. recently from Kansas City, has bought the Pierschke property at Woodlawn for 11,800. or. W. Q. Cole of - Pendleton purchased through the company a tract, of river front land recently, and baa since-sold It, nearly - doubling the original prloe nid. ' Los Angeles parties have pur chased the -quarter block at the cor ner of East Eleventh atreet and arena avenue and ' they will ret on . it a "modern tomlness block, i. J.. Pr-Youngi a newcomer 1 from Xanssa City, haa bought a residence at. Eaat Twtnty- seventh and Morrison streete for 11,150, and the same company haa sold to JC. Mortrud the Ernest Kuhn farm at Beaverton for 14.600. ? Mrs. Anna Campion, ha bought from I Rosenblatt . through Lamont ft Harris a lot on Hoyt atreet between Twenty-third and. Twenty-fourth. Sh will erect on th lot a handsome' modem home. guards cajoled and threatened but It waa unavailing and tha men came, to the city on the next ferryboat . Andrew Furuseth waa told of the al leged attempt to hold the men prisoners and an investigation showed that' they were taken to the, Paclflo Mall com pany's ' dock and later placed en board of the steamship Coeta Rica, of the Ban Francisco ft Portland Steamship company, an adjunct of the Harrlman lines. ' He tried to communicate with tha men, but could not. A large number 'of the erew ef th Paclflo Coast Steamship compsny'a steamer Santa Rosa left tha vessel today on her arrival from the southern porta. Five of them were boys, who were shipped at Redondo. -" They were Seasick throughout the run up the coast. , BOLD FOOTPAD GETS V TEN DOLLAR ROLL J. E. Woods, who resides I at 106 Vk First atreet,. was held up at. midnight last night at the Corner of Twelfth and Ollaan street and relieved of 110, all he had. The highwayman poked a- gun under hie noae and ordered him to "hold up hla hands snd Wood promptly com plied. ' TJie victim furnished the police with a description of tne roooer. were detailed on the eaae. Detective I . , J i . - ?) I' m nisi i f i! 1.111111.1 : i :- TRAIJLIEN REACH THEIR LiniT Situation Among Southern Pa- clfio Freight Employes Is -" Exceedingly Crave.' . : BUT SLIGHTEST SPARK : .WOULD CAUSE EXPLOSION Overwork and Long - Hours Have Created 'Condition ' Where' Men -Would Go' Out Without Notka-tt " -Not for Wise Counsel (Special Diapetrfe by Leased Wire te Tne Journal) . San Franclaco, July 18. The situa tion among the freight employee of the southern Pacific '.railroad, particularly with the freight conductora and brake men. Is jul exceedingly, grave ' one; in fact old membere of th Order of Rail road Conductors and Brotherhood of Railway Trafnmen Bay that tha present statue ean ba likened, to a leaky gasoline stove, and that the tension la ao great that the slightest spark will precipitate an explosion that will tie up the entire system, notwithstanding the clause re quiring so daya before caning a etrike. 14 yvbuimi uuiiuiivii ' ss-4 ioa .iiutu th fact that many of th tralnmrj have reached th limit of human endur a nee, it ia said.- and overwork and long hours with no rest ha Ve brought about a condition bordering on desperation, - ' leaders Are Oalm. , It is due to the ealm, conaervattve eduneel of their leaders that tha freight conductors, and brakemen are atandlng to their duty and they will wait for re dress through the eeouetomed channels. The -new schedule which haa beea adopted by the Order of Railway Con ductors wiU be presented to the offl elala of th Southern Paclflo company early during' the coming week.- . - One of the grievances which the order haa gone so far aa to bring to the at tentlon of General Manager Kruttachnltt la the continued us of boxcar aa ea booses for the train crews. Some time' ago It waa positively promised that the men would be given regulation eaboosss, but thla promise has not been kept and boxcar are still used, with no venule tlon, bunka or bade, . - aten Jadg Ooadlsloa, . One of the feature of tha new schedule that will better the condition of the men ia a clause that gives the men the right to Judge whether their physical condition Is such as to warrant their re turn to work on the 10-hour basis In stead of being bound by an Iron-clad rule which entirely ignores the human unit; - - Manager Calvin aald today that tha freight tie-up altuation waa Improving. A thriving commission which haa been built up with the yard tracks of the Southern Paclflo as storage-room will be nipped in the bud to make way for the unraveling of the freight tie-up on tha t roaL : .... r-? A differential demurrage charge en hay and lumber will be promulgated by th railroad to compel tha unloading ef cars of those commodities as they eome DALT0N MUST HANG FOR ST0TK0 MURDER (Speelsl Dlspatek a The loorsal.) -Spokane, Wash., July IS. James Hel ton, convicted of tha murder of Off leer Stotko on April '4, 1101. must hang.. Tha supreme eourt of the atate affirmed th Judgment of tha Bpokane eourt, convict ing him of murder In the first degree. There le now no escape except through a pardon, which ssems hardly likely. The fight for the condemned man haa been long and bitter. The case waa car ried to the aupreme court of the state,, where the attorneys for the defense tried hard to reverse the decision. Mrs. Stotko, widow of the policeman, waa -of the opinion that Dalton waa Innocent. and her aid was secured in defending the man. The crime, one of the moat cowardly murders ever perpetrated In thla city, ia committed about 4 o clock In tha morning when the officer waa return ing home from hie nlght'a work. Bafe blowers in Shlnn at Co.'e storssswilml coming, waited for him and shot him sa ha passed. STOLE TEN THOUSAND IN JEWELS FROM EMPLOYER (Sseclsl Dispatch by teased Wire t The Jesrsal) Chicago, July II. Dr. Jacob Svoboda, alia Carl Lattaur, alias Louis Hallart, and varloua other allaaea, waa arrested here yesterday for the theft of dlamdnd valued at 110,000, May I, from the home Of Mra. Edward It. Walsh ef Philadel phia. More than 17.000 worth of the gems were recovered from varloua pawnshops. svoboda. which la hla correct name. flrat appeared in Chicago years ago. when he ownsd a restaurant. . He drifted away during tha Spanish war, and next appeared eomlag overland la an auto from Ban Francisco In company with James Wallace, who had been a bellboy at the Baldwin hotel. . They speedily ran abort of funds.. The automobile waa otored, Wallace want to a cheap lodging-house, and Svoboda aald he . would skirmish for money. He went directly to Philadel phia, secured employment May I, as second man at the Walah residence, and two daya later disappeared simulta neously with tha Jewela. He returned at once to Chicago, aought out Wallace, and the two began a gay Ufa. - MONTANA MAN SELLS - MAMMOTH, WOOL CLIP (Special Dispatch fe The Josrsel.) BlUlngs. Mont., July II C M. Bair ef thie city, tha largest individual wool- grower of the North American continent. today consigned his entire clip to Brown aV Adam ef Boaton. The clip ia esti mated to weigh 1,100,000 pounda, and it -will take vl-freight-Tars te mov tha shipment eaat. The clip, which wtll bring the owner 1710.000, I now being loaded' on eara at thla point. Mr. Bair also controls the wool output ef eeveral good-alaed companies In thla vicinity, but they have not pf fared their wool for sal a AMERICAN WOMEN NOT BEAUTIFUL, SAYS RAJAH (Speelsl tMeeetek r UaeM Wtr te The Jeeraal) New York, July II. At least one princely vial tor to America haa gone away from theae choree unwilling to pay the tribute te American women that all intervlewable foreignere have hith erto etated ef their own accord. Thie exception tr the Maharajah Oaekwar of Baroda whe sailed today on the CedrloJ AilHctiQini By J. T, WILSON 5,t-i - Auctioneer illpi Monday, Wednesday end ''''(.?. Friday' SuQi- At 10 s. m. Each Day, at Sales room. 208 First Stv f:;S"l;:..X .Three Important SalV ;r ON MONDAT we will sell a well-ss. nrl -A Ia m.4 D I T "itJ Y IDD 1 DV U1N1NO - ROOM, BEDROOM " and KITCHEN farnishings. The original cost sggregstes 11.600. ' We are deelr ous of making a clean aweep to make room for following aales. : The princi pal offerings comprise costly chiffonier, NATIONAL cash register, HA LI, SAFE. upngnt piano, ataeooara, dressers, Mor ris chair, csrpets, rugs and linoleum. chairs, rockers, toiletware, Bn folding nans, aisnes and glassware, steal range and other t valuable f umisblngjh , . -.WEDNESDAY'S SALE : At 208 First $U at 10 a. m. Com"prls's CONSIQNMENTS, STORAGE QCXmS, FIXTURKS, CARPETS, BED DING and MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE HOLD EFFECTS, ETC . ; THURSDAY'S 180 Fifth St., Between Morrison and Alder, at 10 a. m. JUSTON 'S RESTAUR ANT Ws are Instructed to sell without re serve the equipments of ' this well known resort, comprising wall mirrors, electrlo fans, table linen, cutlery, large coffee urn. inlaid linoleum, ehalra, ta bles, dlahea, glassware, French rsnge and utensils and all ether furnlshinga o thla NOTED eating-house. Bala at FRIDAY'S SAIX At Wilson's Salesroom, 208 First St-, at 10 a'm.vr-';--;; C ; to'easea choice French aardlnea, 1,004 yards of different grade carpets, 6 aa oried ehalra, IS asaorted rocking chairs. 11 center tables, 1 sideboards, 10 dif ferent, st vie beds, 11 mattresses, couches, I extension tables, 4 sets of toiletware, I up-to-date- sowing ma chines, on refrigerator, bamboo and rattan furniture, pictures, .oil - paint ings, gaa and ateel re n gee, kitchen uten sils and furnishings and many useful household effects, te. NOTE Now is tha time te phone Main M2f and have us valuate your be longings. We have the time and cash WILL BE TOO BU8Y, THIS FALL. Attend our aales and see us at 201 Flrat street - - J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. riO s BY. BAKER & S0N On Tuesday INoxt We-ar ttSstruoted to-aell by-auction a auantltr of ooa oax rurniture and o Brussels carp fa, removed . from Irving atreet to BAKER'S AUCTION EOUSE Corner Alder and Park, for convenience of eale, Including mahogany parlor eulte, FISCHER UPRIGHT PIANO, oak dining-room aulte, handsome iron bode and -bedding,- aood Brussels carDets. ruga, fine rockera, couches, odd dressers and chiffoniers, mantel clock, fancy chdlra, gas range and other good lofa tor nousexeepera. - - el Tuesday at 10 o'clock. On Thursday ISssxt The furniture and carpeta of seven room flat, sent to BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE for positive sale. Party ia leav ing ciiy Sale at IS o'clock. BAKER it SON, Auctioneers. Portland Auction Rooms "STSCHTJBACH, Prop. 1 Auction Sales Every Afternoon at 2 o'Clock We have a splendid aelection of fur nishings for this week s sales, such as a SUPERB SOLID MAHOGANY BOOK CASE. HIGH-GRADE PIANO, OAK ROLL-TOP DESKS, MALLEABLE STEEL RANGES, mssslve round and equare extenaton tables, genuine leather upholstered couches, large and small French plate mirrors. Iron beds, folding beds, ehalra, rocker, couches, draperies, carpete In fact, there 1 nothing In th furnltur line that doe not find Its wsy to our sslesrooms, where you can get it at auction sale prioea. Solea every afternoon at I p. m., at f 11 Flrat C. L. FORD, Auetlonsar. of the White Star Line. That the American woman le everything but beautiful, the maharajah waa not loath io admit. v" - . j-. "But to speak frankly." he aald. "after reading and hearing all that I had about the wonderful beauty of tha woman of thla country, I have failed to see It, and I have traveled oyer tha greater part of the country. I grant you that thay are independent,, frank, aelf-poaaaaaed. and altogether - a pleasing type of womanhood." . - ., Aaked whether he thought' American society crude and that an unpardonable curiosity had been exhibited in regard to ol wire, tne mansrajan intimated that- allowances might be made for a certain degree of crudity, DIETETIC COMPLAINT IS KILLING CATTLE Salem,' Or- July II. Dr. Keeler, a local veterinarian, reporta dlatetle com plaint among eattle In varloua parts of the county. Several anlmala nave died near Howsll Prairie and sf faded ones are reported in Polk county and else where, i .... The ailment le hot eontagloue and le brought on by feeding on dry grass and due te tne axcessive neai ana long ery spell. The alimentary canal drlea up. but ia scarcely noticeable until the cattle fall to eatnd fait off In flea Feeding household salt la tn beat remedy, a it . tends to make, tha cow a drink freely, removea constipation -and eliminate Indigestion. Me mm Furniture H'Ofl'-L... Property will double In vs'- t yeare. You ran buy a whole 1 for I3T.D00. We .-an sell you al ter block in the eame section at and an Inside lot at I2.0o oa r able terms. A good Inee - - property on Seventh street ky t l at 117. 609; another near ktorrisoa a, 120,000, :,- !a Ct:t Path3 Warehouse altea are etlll cheap. Ty cheapest block on the market la Ill.Ov-t a half block will coat 1U.0OO, but we hav a cholc quarter- which may be had for 18.000. The Blllng of the flat la progressing rapidly, and It la a shert hsul from these site to the buelneas center of the city. ". . . On Grand Atarrsa A qusrter block, with a good, house, well rented, may be bought - now for IM0O. , ; - Ia Aliina A choice corner opposite the bank, paying I per cent net, may be bought tor fMOO. . . . - ,. In Irvingtca The beat quarter block for a home Is offered now at 12,600. A modern t-rootn house, with full lot, msy be your for ISOft cash, th balance te ba paid as rent. $25 a month. A choice lot at 11.100 in thla section IS a fin buy. . ' , .A bettea home than you could build for fl,100 more i now on sale at $6,300. C- Near-Woodlawn t. v A tract 6t nearly 7 seres, surrounded by eltv lota. Is nnw thrown an ths nih Tket. It -Jles beat!llfully, and csn ba ptattsd asliyreHrets now on - two aids of It. Tou- would dtwll to pick this up whlle It Is offered ar-T.50t. Bplendid cat aervlc to thla section of the city. , : . . ; v j 9 per Cent Net HERB IS A CHANCE TO INVEST $10,000 IN A , NEW BUILDING PAT INO A BIG INCOME. . THE PROr ERTY; IS CLOSE TO ' MORRISON STREET AND' SURE TO ADVANCB UN VAL,UE.V ' Portland HeisbU ' A Swiss chalet,-and over 1 lota, with th finest view and one block front car, at j 17,000. ,..(.. ; . Willamette Height. A choice lot on car line at 11,400. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. TRUST BUSTERS 450 4-room now cottage and lot (Ox IIS." three blocks car line, Woodstock; snap. : ' " SSSO Oreat bargain, l-room new cot- tare and lot 6 Ox Hi. near Woodstock and car line.: " tlSOO Desiring to get divorce, laving couple decides to sacrifice thla l-room cottage home and three lot 10x111, with a full brick basement. Center Add. Montavllla car line, to get money to pay attorney's tees. : Terms too eaay. B14O0 Like getting money from father, -room, hard-flnlahed house, brick baaement, bath, etc.; full lot. t blocke Mt. Tabor car line $560 cash and balance easy, -, :--.; AOSBAaa ABB aTWBtrBBAB fSOO So fSOO Will boy your choice of several very desirable 1 14 -acre tracts, - near car line, church an school, dty -water and fine neighborhood; good or chard and in a Bne atate of cultiva tion; torma reaaonaoie. lao Will take thla nice auburban ; acre home oa the O. W. P. car line: . land la well Improved, all klnda of - large and small fruits; good 4-room - cottage and splendid barn, nice shrub bery and abundance - of pure, - cold water. . SISBO Buys this ihotc lU-eer tract In a goodTatate of cultivation, with lota of nice fruit; .a. fair house and barn, good cistern, near Woodstock csr lln. . gigoo i u scree of choice land fronting on tha Willamette river; all under cultivation, nice orchard, well located for a quick Increaae tn value; line eoil and only I or mlnuteo walk to car; a xery good buy. S3S80 For Wis beautiful I -acre tract, t eloae to the cHy, good car aervloe. aplendld atate of cultivations large orchard of full-bearing fruit treeei , fair house and barn, a lot of good hay, a fine cow and calf will go with the place; eaay terma. J. Frank Porter II WaeUagtoa anreet, Oeena First, Over Waltlag Staaioa. ACREAGE FOR SALE .: . on . Easy Term Flvs minutes walk from Laurel- wood station on O. W. P. A R. car line; the only acreage left in that sec tion: streets are cleared and water pipes laid in front of each block. Tfeey are selling rapidly. Now is ths ttaia to buy before they sr all sold. Bdw. . Barrett, mm at asaasel. wee elnatoa. - C C SMITH, tel Room 226; Chamber of Cororacra Bldg. Phons- Msln STZ ELECTED DELEGATES ; PLEDGED TO HEA (Special Dhmateh r UaeeS Whe Is Tke Cortland. N. Juiy is. in i - ratio county convention to elect gatae to the atate senatorial, cor: - alonal and judiciary conventlone ) held here todsy. J. W. Fassetl of 1 - mar, Eugene Terrtll ef Clnclnnat I J. A. Jama er cortians were e. delegatea to the atate convention. convention wae harmonious and t r eeedlnga wera without a A resolution waa a". - i struettng the delegates te ts veatloa te "work and vote I ft lesa, untiring truat-""'" - ' 0f rus, dempcraoy.i V. . LAURELWC3" XL,::'.:, -1 V (