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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
J . V- , t i THB ORSOC:? U:.T)AY JOURUAIi PORTLAND. UNDAY UPSUHra, JULY tX KZX J OF FOSSIL lUROUGII TRIAL .t Cutte Creek Company Caee I Now Well Under Way, . In Federal Court. ' v 1 .ITT.ESSES TELL STORY ; OF THE LAND FRAUD Crflaln-' How Perjury Wsa Corn. v trJtted by Several Peiaotia Because . Hendricks , Requested ; It Hawk's licmory Plays Him Peculiar Tricks . ,' Since the beglnntng of tbe land fraud rroaecutlona. , two. . rears 'ego.- various (jregon eemmunlti bare bad their day In court. Sweat Hon , furnianea rroup' of ' history-making witnesses. a'riwevUle, not to bo outdone, fotlowod eult A lull followed aad then cama tha Nlckell-Hog ceae to give floctlns ferae to tho lltUa town of Placer. Now Hamilton H, Hendricks la undergoing trial, and tha villas of Fossil eomoa to the front and helpa Itself to notoriety. ' Hendricks, b It' known, la tha moat vramlnsnt eltisen of Fossil, and be united States commissioner. Ho waa, end at 111 la. general manager of tha butts Creek Land. Livestock Lumbar , company, tho corporation for which an Fossil works. Thla oompany. of .which Wlnlow W. Stetwer, aa Indicted ex-state wenator, la president acquired - large tracts of land, and tho grand Jury which Investigated Ita methoda oama to the eonclualoD that It had vlolatad tho law, Several Indictments followed, and tha em now at bar Is tb first of tba proa- cuUons to reach tho trial stage..'. Charge Against Seadxtoks.'- Tha chars asalnat which. Hand ricks Is defending hlmoelf is that b Induced Oeorge W. Hawk and Clyd Brewa to perjur than) aal rea bofor tha federal grand Jury la aa offort to explain bow they had acquired . homestead vlalma. .Two daya have thus far bean eonaumed In tho trial. United Btatas Attorney Bristol and Special Aealetant Attorney Oenoral Haney are oonductlns tha proav cutlon, while Judge A. 8. Bennett of Tho Dallea, tho maw who- defended Soa- tor John H.' Mitch all and Consreearoan Wllllameoa. la battllnr to ears Hen 'dries from Imprisonment - - Fossil Is reluctantly giving testimony salaat Its endansered prominent dtl aea. - Its three witness - thua . far. Oeorso W. Hawk, John Myers ' and Cbarlaa 8. Fox, bars -of tea anawered "1 don't remember," but ami the proa ecu tlon he brousht out many things. Ac cording to the story' of. Hawk, whose mental machinery ' runa like cold tar. Headrlcka offered to give him 111 and . pay all axpenees If he would take up a homestead claim, prore up la 14 months and then deed It oyer. Hawk was then In the employ of th Butts Creek company. The bargain, be i- testified was made and kept; and when Hawk was aubpoenaed by th f rand Jury Hendricks told him to so to Portland and swear that Charlea 8. Fox, brother . In-law of Hawk, bad furnlahed the money with whlca th homestead waa r acquired. Hawk had not compiled .with tb law before proving up. his cabin waa -a ahara, hie crop waa confined to some seed scattered in th bruab, the falling of four treaa constituted th eleaiins. and he bad slept on the claim only two nlshta. Hawk testiried that Hendricks threatened to hare him prosecuted . If he did aot 11 to th srand jury. - Tbr for he cama to Portland and swore falsely, but his slow wit sot htm Into a tangle, and, taking back all bs hsd said, he told tha atory that resulted IS the Indictment of Hendricks. . .. . Hawk See atara Time, 'Hawk went on the witness stand la t tb federal court day before yeaterday, and sines then he has had a sad time of , It. Hoars hare been loat becauae of fata sluggish mentality. At tlmea It seemed - almost Imposslbls for him to make a flat statement ."I think so," wae often followed by "Mabe I did. and maybe I didn't." evea though Judge Hunt per ; mltted tha proaecution to lead the wlt . news, seeing ne ether way to keep th ' trial from lasting antU Christmas. ! On cross-examination Hendricks at policeman: girl, UNREQUITED LOVE, SPITE , Because the nocturnal love advance ; i ef a lonely policeman war rejected by a pretty girt and tha atory was let out by tbs fair one's employer, th dlscom- - fitted lover baa ehoeea to do a pleoe of spits work to Injur th business and reputation of said employer. Such Is , the story told to Chief of Polios Orits aaacher yeaterday by W. C. Tutu, a , druggist who place of business la at tha corner of Mississippi avenue and Shaver streets, v .v',. ''.5 : The name of the lonely policeman is JB. Thompson. He formerly had the Mis sissippi avenue beat at night, but Is now stationed In Sallwood. Th nam of th pretty girl was Laura Cratchfleld. The . employer was Tattle. ..' a Tbe Tuttle live back of their ator aad th servant girl roomed oa th offlc ; floor overhead. According to Tuttle, ,' ; Thompson ' beat up ..and down Shaver i street i watching the wlBOow whence . twinkled Miss Crutchflald's candle. Whaa the eendto was snuffed out Thompson breathed a midnight serenade beneath '.. her window. . What was the uae of bik : ' mg P and down th darned old lonely ' street, anyhow? ' Tha policeman mht back to his beat . aad the- next -night - h - watched th . Clrkertng candle light again. ,' Sunsequently' he found that 'the am- ployer bad heard of his visits and his .conscience troubled . him. Fearing that FIRE : CH1EFACCUSED OF . -lOOllXG DOCK T Assistant Charges That Cook ; ; Set , Bad Example for Men Under Him. Seattle, Jaly ll-nvhy should Z, as ; swoend asslsunt fir chief, report to tb department bead that articles had ' been taken from th Arlington dock 1 during t he fir of 'May T by members of the department whaa I atood there and saw Chief Cook himself take a ! pound sack filled with bottles Of Cock tails? Could Cook and would Cook have , paid ear attention to me when be him had set aa example by taking stuff t Ba4r mi exes aad whaa. I a4- CODES TO FROM OF torney devoted much time to testing th memory of tb witness. ; Haws oiant remember the day oa - which he . waa married. It was la November some time, he said. " He didn't remember how long he bad been engared. It might have bean a month or two, or It might have been five or aix months. "I didn't keep ne record of IV eald Hawk. ' "Have you been f Indicted?" asked Judare Bennett. "I don't know whether I have been or not" answered the witness. This rslaed a laugh. r .'.. A few minutes later Kawa aeciareo atoutlr that tr bad eome-to- Petr.fie help Headrlcka, even though Henaricse had ahortly before that time "fired" htm from bla job In the Butte Creek company's mill. .' ; . . 3oeeat Case What Mappeas. "I don't car what becomea of ray. self.- he eald. . "They oaa do what they pleas with ma" Another thins Hawk waa sur of. H had not. read -4he-af fid vH-on final J- proof. Handrlcka. whe waa then a United State commlaeloner, had aot read It to hint and he -bad signed It blindly at the request of Hendricks. " " John Myera and Charlea a. Fox were Hawk'a wit aesses on final proof.: They paid a visit to the claim, and at the request of Hendrloks awore : that the Improvements were worth 1119. Myers Is sn old man. Many things he didn't remember. What he told on th witness taad was as lollowsi , ; , - Xrsts veils We Story,' I waa asked to- look at the claim by Mr. Hendricks. 1 Charley Fox. end Hawk and I went there on day aad at dinner on the land. I looked around a littler saw a cabin of rough lumber built Ilk a shed. It had no floor and thvr were aa Improvement around It There was ne "Clearing. It waa right In the timber. . Three or four trees were out, aad wheat waa eown la the ander- bruah without plowing.' The witness denied anawerlna- the queatlons filled out la th dooumeat ef final proof, Mr. Headrlcka told me to sign." bs said, "and I algned. I didn't know what I waa signing. I dlda't read It aad Mr. Hendricks didn't read It to me." Charlea 8. Fox was th brightest wit' aeaa of tha tore. HI a atory tallied with that ef Myers. "The cabin had a noia for a door," be eald, "but no door. There waa ae window. I didn't see any bunk in tha cabin, but there were noma blankets lying near a tree. The land was a rough, broken pleoa with timber ea it . Four trees bad been eut la a squsr. Thar waa no cultivated ground. Mr. Hendricks told m th proof would hav to ahow that th Improve ments were worth (110. H said thlnga coat a groat deal in that part of the country and It didn't take much to be worth that amount He asked me to elgn the final proof, and I algned It, al though X knew the Improvements didn't cost iim." Fox was still on the etand when Judge Hunt ordered aa adjournment un m tomorrow morning at t:iv o clock. Actio fe otaar Oases. Prior to the resumption of' proceed ings la th Hendricks trial yesterday morning Important actloa wee taken In connection with . eeveral land fraud a.. As told la Isat evening's Jour nal, juage Hunt sentenced Martin O. Ho- to four-months Jn-tha-eounty-.JaU and a fins of tlO snd gave Harry W. Miner and Frank B. Klncart -each a year at bard labor on McNeil's Island. Hogs baa already be run to aerv sa- tence. Charles Nlckell .the fourth man la tb "Bmmlttsburg" land swindle, has is days' stay to prepare a motion for a nw trial. Other Important developments ef th morning were as follows; Maris War MeKlnlay pleaded aot guilty to . th conspiracy charge In th oaa known aa No. tllT: th bail of Horae O. Me. Klnley, fugitive land swindler, wss for reued aad a bench warrant waa Issued for his arresti e eve ranee waa aranted congressmen Blnger Hermann aad J. N. Williamson In the Blue mountain re- servs cas and th proceedings against them went over until th next term of court On tb bond of McKlnley ar Eugene Blaster and John Grant who went security for $4,009. . McKlnley Is present in ShsnahsL China, and owing to tne lack of an extradition treaty th government haa net yet found way w onng nim Baca. druggist. his superiors might Hara ef the episode he called Mrs. Tuttle at 4:10 In the morning to tell her that he wanted to aee her husband and square the matter with him. Un. Tuttl told ths police man to - so about hie business and a day or two later the druggist told the day patrolman, whose name wae Bey. mour, of the incident and asked him to tell Thompson aot to come around wak ing his family so sarly in tha morning. A few days later Tuttle and his wife were subpoenaed to appear before ths police commission, as Seymour had re ported th matter to headquarter and Thompaon was "oa tha earpt.M Mean while, however, th -errant girl had left and a Tuttl did not wlah th po liceman any barm he eald as little as bs could a gal net Thompaon. , , All thla was three months ago. ' it waa only laat Thuraday that Thorn neon. tne aruggist says, sought revenge. . At the laat election the Lower Alblna pre cinct "went dry," the saloons - wars closed. -The policeman ' filed; ohargee agalnat him, saying he underatood Tuttle was running art illicit saloon In ths back of hie etore. "I don't aell a drop of llauor." de clared TuttleT "The charge Is all spite work." .f...-, , Tuttle ssys that though ths charges ware filed last-Thursday, no officer has aa yet ahown up to make sn Investiga tion or aie piaee er business. . vlaed agalnat hie doing soT " " .: - This serious charge mads against Chief-Cook by-Joseph- Xataantr- former flrat assistant chief. In excusing him self for facing to report t htauprlors ths acts of looting at the Hxllnston dock, cama aV a atunnlng surprise ' td ths spectator in th ffle ef th. alvll service eommlasloa last night, whed that body waa giving te Latham end C. C Graham, former captain, a rehearing of the charges that caused their dismissal from th department i , .... . POWDER CAR EXPLODES 1 : : KILLING TRAIN CREW Salt take. Jury IS A ear loaded with giant powder In a freight train en th Bio Grand Western exploded at Ooshon, on the. Tin tie branch, at noon today, wrecking the train and scattering the equipment over eh mountain eld.; All wires ars aews and deulls ar meagre. It to rumored the entire, traia erew was Ml, ...... ., HEIIDIilCKS ' :skv YV ''' ' A X IT I . ' 17 11 ILl irn i i u a . Li m o-i; . rrf I easBBsr an as w .B bw -av . w, Herman RothchUd. of Union County, Lone Democrat-of the Oregoa -,,.'' " .f'';.'fi Houee of Repretentativesv .' ' ,' ' Captain - Cross of- the - Cavalry, Friend . President Roosevelt, Runs Away With ; Daughter of Connecticut Farmer. (Special Dkpeteh by Uesed Wire te The Jearaal) Torrlngton, Conn, July II When Ida Pang burn, a farmer's daughter, had flnlahed milking the cows In Avendala laat night aha walked up the road, lighted a match aa a signal, Jumped Into a chaise and" In fifteen minutes was th wlf of Captain W. Cross, of tha United Statea cavalry, who la a per sonal friend of President Rooeevelt Th ermony waa scarcely over when two rough riders, cousins of th bride, start! in pursuit of ths elopers. Ida's father had vigorously opposed th match because of tb disparity la ths ages, his daughter being only 10 years SPRAYS BAD : FRUIT 17ITH ROCKEFELLER'S BEST Inspector Deftch ; Takes This Method of Warning Publio v Against San Jose Scale. , If you buy any fruit that tastes of coal oil, take it back, for It haa been teeted by County Fruit Inapector Deltch end found wanting.. That Is tbs dis tinctive mark of ths Inspector's disap proval, and whenever he finds fruit of- fcrart fnr ssls that Is inft-d wl'h " Joss seals bs sprays It with Rocke feller's beat te prevent Us being sold to unaus pec ting . persons. Th Inspector buys tbs oil hlmsslf end be says "A little of it soee a long ways en fruit' Mr. Deltch says there Is mors or the scale now than he ever saw before, and b la making determined efforts to keep fruit that haa It off the market Every morning at :I0 o'clock th Inapector may b found at th market on Bast Madison street and Union avenue, where moat ef the peddlers get their day's supply, closely examining their loads to b sure that no bad xruti win pe ox fered by sals by them. Tbs San Joss seal is a very small in sect and Inspector Deltch says he haa seen as many a 1,000 of them on a single sppls. . Fruit trees In yards ar reaponalble for most of It according to th inapector, ror ineae trees ars seiaom sprayed and he says he alwaya finds ths scale en trees that: hav not been aorarad. ' It baa been rporta mat seais is at tacking ornamental trees and one man came In from the country who eald he had found the wee bug on nasal busnes. So now when ths Inapector finds base! nuts In a stors bs looks thsm ever to see If this report Is true. '. . ;. Vigorous msasurea to exterminate th scat ar being taken all over th stats and every oounty where fruit la grown haa aa Inapector. It Is said that moat of tha fruit growera and commission merchants ars much In favor of th movement and -ar doing everything In their power to keep scaly fruit from betas sold.',"- " -' :-, PATROLMAN SAVES ; ' .LIFE OF OLD MAN : The naroio action o rairoiman , 'Parker saved William Howaon ' ' from being ground to death be 4 neath the wheela of a Sellwood ) . ear at Flrat and Morrison streets - .last sight Parksr was oa bla 4 way te police headquarter at the time, and was riding on ths e front end of th car. Howaon, e an elderly man, atood on th e i 1 tracke, apparently oblivious ef ' e tbe approach of the ear, daapite e e tbe ringing ef the gong by the e motorman. ' s " Just as It appeared that the man would be, knocked down,v Parker, bracing himself against : e e a stanchion, grabbed th man by e th coat and shoved him out of e danger. Howaon- was so ever- ) .come with fright that .he could e) e hardly give bla name, and, atlll e trembling, made his wag down e e the etreet. e Y af-" ea S ef age, while Croa la 41. The cavalry man and his bride -eluded their pur suers but wsre forced to drive into eeetion ef th country unknown te him la order te reach a place of safety.. The hero of many battles and, who has sight mSdals of "honor for bravery on the field, wrapped his brids la a blanket and headed: for; the woods. Twics th captain was nearly overtaken by tha pursuers, but .by strategy -be eluded them, m " At 1'te this morning fee mads bis way into Torrlngton but not until he bad sxplained his wild drive' was he per mitted to enter a hotel with bis wife. HEARING f-TITCHELL TRIAL DRIVES JUROR IMF : T. 0. Rex Thinks Holy Roller Women Are Pursuing Him . TZ,& Avenge Aoquittsi. ; ; - (laettol Dtopste Tke Jearaal.) Seattle, . July 18. T. O. Rax, one ef the II Jurors that declared that Oeorge Mitchell was guilty of ae ertme whaa ha ahot aad killed Creffleld, was yes terday committed te the Insane asylum StWlacoom by , BpelM: . Judgeloccasionafeedjas th ejiulrrels., Orlffla. Th man is a hopelee maniac Rex waa In good health durlns the Mitchell trial. - . . . The-Insanity .Ifollowed- a . stroke of paralysis, which is the second that he has been afflicted . wltB . recently. He declared at th examination that he waa being ' pu reued by Eathar Mitchell aad Mrs. Creffleld and that th Holy Bollera war attempting to kill him for ac quitting their leader's slayer. ' Rex talked f nothing but tbe Mitchell trial. It la his maid hallucination. PORTLAND POLICE r - HAVE NEW; BADGES No, gentle stranger, there la nothing peculiar about tha vain aad glorified air of the local policemen, for the hand- aome new emblems ef authority ware oniy issueo yesterasy in piace 01 the an tiquated pie-plate badges which havs sojnng been an eyesore. In accordance with th announcement made - In Ths Journal several weeks age. Chief Grits machsr distributed the new badges yes terday afternoon. Ths badge is a five pointea snciroied star bearing ths words "Portland Police." in bold black lettere with the patrolman's number In tb center. Th members of ths depart ment are greatly pleaaed bv th chance aa tha former shields were almilar in design to those wora by hotel runnera and expressmen and aot suited for the purpose for which they had been made. HARRIMAN PLANS TO Tu : RUN LINE TO CANADA (Ipeelal Dltpateh to The Jearaal.) Seattle. July II J. O. FarrelL a repreaentatlve of. the Harrlman Inter- esta in tnia atate, said before the eoun til eommltte on corpora t tons yesterday tnat tne Oregon Washington, ths Union Feci no extenelon to Furet sound. would build north from Seattle when the line la oompleted te th seuth. Th tunnel, planned as a part of the Harrl man terminal System In Seattle, is es sential ' to , train operation toward ths north, . ... - Ths official announcement of an in tention to build to the British Colum bia boundary la expected within a short time. ' Today Mr- Farreii confirmed thla atatament that his Una will build north and said It may bs extended Into British Columbia. . Ths towns that will bs tapped en route are aot definitely de termined, and the program for work In the northweat la not fully determined. . Oroe,aet at French X4ok .' , . " From the Mlnneapolle Journal , The crowd at French -L4ck will have to play croquet and rely en Mr. Tag gart'a good nature te brlns sat a sail ef lamonade ea the hot days. iu uiifldiy Widow WiU Distribute Fortune for Be'nefH of ' Publio - Gifts on Broad Unav- woMaW SUFFRAGE TO EENSFIT BY WEAUTH urnv.. tr..u.t umi . . - vv w nuin anui Enawmant.Halan 7 (nuA ' a ' tta ,1 Agaiaxea in ner wc-Die werk Among tt4 Eut Side Settlerrfcnts. V , ' ' ' ' ' n , " """" (Special Blapateh r Uaead Wire to The Jesraal) Piew lorn, Jujy l. The Sag mil Hons wW go t charity. 'On of the lawyers acting ta the settlement af th aetata i left bpusJl Sage te is widow paia woar imi it win amount to at least 170,000,000. Mrs. Sags Is TT years of age. but la la fairly sood health. Ae- oordlns to her phyalelana, she realises that aha haa not .many yeare to live. She has, however clearly defined Ideas as to what, she Ifateads te do wJth the asas-ffl-aar viaffii tvriwie--w sare, -sianew Mr. Base haa lew it te charity. She will double it . Wbat can aha do but give -it-a wart How eould a wonts ol her advanced Tears spsnd a thousandth e : -f -- v i r .. : "Mr. Sage, knew hU wife had mad a atudy of philanthropy and that aha knew much mora than he did about It He knew that In leaving It te her aha would take advantage of tale study shs had mads aad distribute the fortune wisely. Dasplt th Impression which the will may have given, ths fortune m owma m o coariiy. "I do not know Mrs. Sage's exaetlllos and Manual Furtido. two Portu plana That she. has certainly aorse t'l'J. ?u!?- H.r. I'" T. .TZr. , ' v .r... forma of charitable antemriaaa foe tha sailors and soldiers,, for the Young Men's Christian Aeaoolatloa and la the hospitals. That Is all I oaa eay te la- qicate wnat wm become er th for- tUne. . i' ' - oellent authority, that a large sum will be eet aside by Mrs. Sags te aid ths woman's suffrage , movement ia the I United Statea Mrs. Bag was a warm personal friend of Susan B. Anthony and has taken a nut! but varv aetim intereat I rears In ths batUs which haa. been .Ths barn having bn cut In i. twain, fought for acual political rightaTor the the dairymen divided their cattle, each sex. With thle money. It la pointed out ef the herd, and then each the scops of the work oaa be greatly selected eae of the two homes. -broadened and carried ea with greater, 1 T Jti ai.n ii;' :,rei also that Mr, aag will add materially to th sums left ta relatives If there 1 no contest , But if th court are la voaea sn wm ' Mra.nage s views ox ins are 18 oru llaat contrast to that which her hus band - bald. - She ,' has - nothing of tho Shs la charitable and phUanthroplc, utlfm0 'lV",YItf' never has beso - ostentatious la her th!in1, k . ' . Ie summer reaorts are a number Aiaea eoaia xos wsasw. ' . . veapita tne raot taat aae aas aeea aiains people ror years sns never iaen tilled herself 1 prominently with any great pbllantbroplo or charitable Insti tutlona - For more than 10 -years -she haa been Interested in ths woman s hos pital of this city of. which shs Is pres ident From Mr. Sage aha secured 50,- 000 with which to erect tbe new build' Ins at Lexington avenue and Forty ninth etreet For eeveral years also shs hss taken a moat lively Interest In the Pascal Institute, where young girls ar taught tha fundamentals of Cress making and millinery. Probably the closest friend she has Is Miss Helen M. Oejuld, and Mret Sage 1 believed ta be Interested la a great many ef the charities wbloh concern Mies Gould. Both are members of the Audubon eoclety and have been ob- served together la Central park en many Is oaeaasakeK Mrs. 'Sage alwaya forcibly expressed bar views ea marriage, - tne prooiem anomso suojv, j. maintain ma a mmam w"" bomamafcen . not a wase-eamer. BBll haa aontributad many article on domeatlo economy to megaslnss and her olear grasp of tbe eubjeet together with her streigntrorwara styt 01 writing gave special value to her articles. r V.V !. atA aaa aaa at whlnh tha aetata J.MatI-'Vkoui ' E0 oio la la ieal .f""!:!?.,!r!u-.!.-. 'c!?..i,iBwI?.K la iatate. eonslstlns ef the bouse on Fifth avenue, the plaoe et Lawrence and a few other emeu parcel, or tne per eoaal property about 110,000.000 Is ia loana and the rest Is ta securities. , a contest probably will be made by aome of the hairs It Is sxpctd by th lawyers In eharge of the aetata. By a clause in, the Will any. beneficiary making a con teat' forfeits his ar .her sa vvu tea v svi aaa vi ,lw" I anare. lawyer tn V"IT. eatate say. that thla , la good and will hold. The contest will erobably be made on the ground that Mr: Sage five years ago we not competent to make MILLIONS FOR DEFENSE.- -,,; asaesSsaeaeaanasasBBsap : . . , (Continued from Page Ona Ing every energy ta build up the dis trict attorney's esss. ' Mrs. Stanford White The deed man's wife. Who wUl be la New Tbrk at the time of the trial to advise the district I aioraey. ' I Ethel Thomas a enorue gin wno sued Thaw for damages becauae ef an alleged whipping which shs received at I his hands. This wttneaa may be uaed tra'a flrat piece after a long wait Laat by ths defenss to provs Thaw's tendency I night's audience did not it' was plctur to emotional insanity. ... I Ing the cheating ef Mr. Whit. It did Detective. BarghotT Employe or White I to trail -ThaWi- who haa heart tn'oat active In bringing chorus-girl witnesses whs hate Thaw te tne district attorneys of- nae. - :-'..".. V Peter Cooper Hewitt end other personal friend of - Stanford White, who declare that hie death shall not go unpunisosd and who are doing everything that their wealth ana prominence suggest ana permit to build up the prosecutor's ease. ee 11 1 1-11 nMM. Alienists The authorities en mental dlsessee who are jrtder, a continual re-1 Ulner from Mr. Jeroma several of whom, have Already tried te examine I Thaw. - I unknown uuaniiiiea stra. wblt 1 Holman. motnar 01 in prieonera wira 1 who haa possession, of letter from I Whits which will throw greet light oa I delivery by employes of ths park da th if produced at th trials- J partmant-wh have- UtUework- -te-d Howara weania sroiaer er arveiya Nesbit Thsw, who hee taken u the I pattie ror nia moxnr against nis sister I and who delar4 that ha would take aw swhi aseaisie meat .-r . no , : .. . ... Local tontesiants victorious at rieison, i.iaK ing a Clean Sweep of Senior ; ;. n i Singles, Doubles and Fours. (Special tHepatck to Tke Searaal) Kelson, B, C, July M. The Americans at , the regatta, have - woa everything. Portland made a clean sweep of tbe senior single, doubles aad fours. . setter attended and muen better ar- I ranged than waa the ttrsf. Ths regatta began with a si-foot launch race, woa by Matbyiete, Brydgea, owner. - Th nxt race waa lapeteaic roura. which waa moat exolUng. The winning ereWa stroke, F. Arundel, lost his ear aad seat at th half, aad th rao looked te be loat He picked up, however, end woa narrowly from what waa .thought to b a stronger erew. , The Udlea double was woa by Mis Neweombe, aad thea cam tb senior : singlea .-.- . Ths Vancouver maa'a win asalnat the Portland Junior of yesterday la six seconds leaa than the record time was thought to give ' him a chance of winning against Olesg f Portland. The ml nan mmt BJS, BY SAivr:3 it : i:i tivd Cow Are Apportioned Equally and : Each of Former Part nere Selects Dwelling. I (Special Diepatcs by Leased Wire to The Jearaal) i uaaiaad, July is. nnen , joe mil' I yuese dairymen. egrd to dissolve Ipartnarshi, Mveral days age they found that they poseeeeed 10 cows which were aouees la a earn te reet long, xaey aise bad two small houses In which they lived, aad these formed tbe total amount of cartnershln eroDertv. t. order to nroceed with th lust aad Iun,1 a Ik, th, mAB . . " ' 7. ' " , latending each sectioa te be 48 feet long. la due tin th barn atood In- two sections oa Ita foundation but by soms trick of workmanship the sections wers aot ef equal length one blng nearly tan ft shorter than the other, Portland people at NEW ENGLAND RESORTS d ' ' (Special PUpatch to The Jearaal.) e Boston. Mas.,-'- July - la. lev l rurmnai ui.suii, f-uu- w. Whlddan aad L. M. Whiddea t-ar at tha Summit Mount Wash Ington, New Hampehlre; Mr. and 7 e Mre W. w. cotton are at tne e Mount Washington, at Bretton-e-wooda- New Hampahlre; Charlea a Baaey Is at ths ueeaa view, at Bailey's lelend, Maine, and Mlaa Caroline Strong Is at Polaad Springs, Maine, MORBID CROWDS, People Pajr to Set Place .Where Whita Was Shot.1. Men and boye craving ssnatlens at first hand had chances to satisfy their cravings all day yesterday. They mobbed I the Tenderlola police station, ponce headquarterarthe Jafferssn market court and the criminal court buildings where are the erneee of tne coroners, ney - , (nybody who had ticset nm,i rA u ta tha varv roof aardan r . 7 T. where the killing took place, says ths New ork Sua, Becauae the Madison Square oaraen roof la bla It held the audience. The crowd wasn't like the uaual second night which is more or less emphatically urbaa In Ita aspect Many of thoss who ul" ln whispers aa they went up in the elevators Isst night ware of the kind that gather thick around a woman who bee fallen on the etreet and is being put Into aa ambuianee. One buver of a ticket on the eldewalk made sure te ask before paying for the ticket 1 '7s this ; whss White was aiiiea r : - 1 ,v . . - . pale girt who tode up la one or the elevators, whispered to per gin 00m ..., t k U a .n..tlnn with amnha. sis on is."-' ,, V A aTar-halrad man sat at a tabia naareat te the one at whloh Mr. White was wbsa hsawas murdered, hi did not know why so msny. people kept looking In his direction and whispering. Many did not know exactly where the shooting had taken place. .There waa no, little arguing, sapeclally among dm en. ss te lust what spot was th moat Interesting ens en the roof. They argued from the knowledge they had sained from newspaper "I Snow It waa on in iwcniyimn etreet aide." matntained en gin, 'Te- anaa tha oaner said so." "Well, anyway, there Is ths shrubbery that all the papers speak about was tha newer. An audience will applaud the orches not care a continental what tha mug- elans - played. .Wben the musical frivolity got along - toward Its end, where, according to the newspapers, vouna Thaw ahot Whit, the audience did not pay any attention at all to tha t stage,- And er tr inatumaiJLJbg an to dlaperaa. DETROIT TO CUT ITS ICE. Mayor Plans to. Ut Park Depart ' - MMe ICmniowee In Winter lnePt m?loy Winter, Mayor Oeorge P. Codd bt TXtrolt has announced that a hae under way plan for th atanuanmni orr a munlelnal lee plant waicn win rurman ice to cltl seas at ths ettst ef cutting, storsae and In winter, and soms smplovea of the water department He plane to seenre the I from tb channels around Bells Isle and te erect on ity property aleee me rtrev nruBiowsj loecous. : .... latter, however,' hung oa to his youth ful opponent, snd though the raee eould not be said to have been won up to within a quarter mU ef the finish of, the one and a half mile eoaree, ret. finally Oloaa won with two eeoonds to epar. hi time being 0.01. lowering hi own -record byJI eeoonds. ' Then cam th ladle doubles. ln canoe, won by Miss V. Cummins and Miss. B. Blakamore, aad thea-the rase of the day, the Senior fours. There wers only two entries, Ths Victorias aad ths Senior -Portlands. The latter. It aulckly developed, had a faster end a cleaner Stroke, feathering at the knee In new atyle, so that ear hit water oquareiy, . k ; , . ' After jome . minor 1 events came the final N. P. A, A O. etrugsla, the doublea, Sawers and Teanent of Yea- eouver agalnat Oloaa and Sehmld of Portland. It was really a procession for , Portland. Indeed the erew that Port- " lane" has brought up, their training aad . rowing, ar something exoeptlonL ' OIL l(l!G ESCAPES John 0. Rockefeller Returns to t New York After Two Months' Spent In Franoe.-- REFUSE8 TO TALK TO " NEWSPAPER REPORTERS Founder of Standard OO 'Appears I Pitur ol Baalth Upon Landtag " From Stormy ' snd Disagreeabla Oetst. Vofge.y's'v .TznZ-iy " By WUllam Boater. tSpeelal fnspatck fcy Leaaed Wire to Ths 9eraa1 NeW York, July Is. After eight daya . 9t rain and fog, a moot unpleasant voy age throughout, John JX Rockefeller to day returned home aa -the Hamburg American liner Amerlka, oomplatlng a vacation of two months abroad, all of which waa spent la Compeign. France. II ailes from Paris, where Mrs. Strong. jtr, Kocsereners invalid daughter, Is residing during the eummer. , Th Amerlka docked by th Hoboken pier, at 1180 o'clock. There war no Ohio sheriffs la waiting, an no aur- rises ef any kind, although It wss evl ent that Mr. Rockefeller wss expecting eeamning-otitr-et-tae- raiaarpvf whan th liner reached quarantine and1 It was announced aboard ahlp that th revenue cutter, with the euatoms offlc re and a band of newspaper men, waa approach ing, the oil king went to hie otateroom and remained there. - Th other mesa-. bora of th party. Including Mra. Rock- . efeller and Dr. Bigger, stood by th railing during th trip upxNew Torn bay and the Hudson river to Hoboken -pier. . But Mr. Rockefeller denied himself to the Interviewers. Hs remained la his staterooms several minutes after the beat landed, aad waa the last passen ger over the gangplank. When the liner warned into her dock. John D. Rockefeller Jr. was In the front rank of the crowd. He was first to try to get aboard the ehlp. aad hie eagerneceT cam near resulting in a serious seal- dent whloh might have eeet hlaa hla . Ufe. When the gangplank was shaved eut from the pier young Rookefeller dashed . eut en It The ehoremen shouted a warning te him. but he kept on. Near 1 1 tne ana or tna aiana aia weight tipped 1 it. ana put tor tne strong aims at th- sthsr snd hs wsuld have been droneed into the river. When the plank tilted roung nocxerauer seises the and hurried beck te the pier. He eup preeeed his eagerness until th word wae given that everything was all right, aad then rushed forward, the flrat to board the ship. He went te hla father'e etat cream, where he remained ' ta conference for eeveral mlnutea. It la, probable he ae- eured hi parent he was In ne danger ef subpoena aervera. At any rate, when ell the other psssengere war off th boat Mr. Rockefeller mad ' hla annearanoa. He walked with a epringy step and looked ' in pieturs or health and good nature. HI son and Dr. Blaser aooomnaalad him to the pier and to the automobile that waa ta carry the party away, Mr. Rockefeller experienced no difficulty with the euatoms officers, and wss aot delayed.'. , BANKERS OF, SPOKANE: : ARE HELD FOR TRIAL' (Ipeelal tnapateb to Tke JearaaC.) ! Spokan. Wash.. Julv Si. At tha am. elusion of their preliminary hearing In Justice Stocker's court this sftornoon B. W. Swanaon. president nC tha atata Bank ef Washington, waa noun ar aa. der 1100 bond, and B. C. Clura, cashier ef. ine Dana, nnaer x. 000 bond, te answer to the superior court en the eharge if Illegal banking. This is tha flrat Aee n .inn m-wwr inen nera. tm s,i ciai are energea wit takrng dopoelts dWpo "r n oana waa insolvent. HOSE COMPANY PUTS V OUT FIREjIN PARK Fire broke out In the brush tn OHIO SHERIFFS park early last night. Kn.e " No. I responded to the CA11 at T o'clock In ths svsnlng and did' not succeed in -"--- putting It out until efter midnight. The supposition Is thai' the brush -4 , by sn Inclndlary. ", . , T" TONOPAH MINERS NOT K LIKELY TO STRIKE (Ipeelal Dlapateh y leaaed Wire to The Jearaal) Tonopeh, July IS. By vote of . Ill " te It tbe minora rejected the propoeU tloa of the operators and now a mm feranee U to be held. A strike la aot likely. , .. .','... I Vareeeareefal. From the Kansas Cltv Jmimr ': Ruaalan lawysrs must be a queer lot ,T It le kiever eno susrested that Aa. -; mlral Rojsetvanskr waa suffering from ewvwBsi wvajia fs sua S Oa eSseSbi ; , y X f. i I;.