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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
13 ths ore con, sunday jsvnrrAt; roinxAND. cukday uoshino. july t:?. i:::. Tha VCeTisn'o Store - LcZlzz' ClHltcro 'Fourth end Lcbding - Furriers Morrison Street IVOndaiiinniinnieir Cfleairainice Salle Extra SrpscDaD EVERY ARTICLE RADICALLY REDUCED r-r- .. .-: .... " , 11 1 - 1 - , t? l: X LMOST everyone has fled to th -i V". mountains or the mihort and , X ' tli few that remain ' will for moat part be con by the and tt thl Mk, since they 'have been ' MlHti nl a.b1ta. thai 1 4n n J July, .Thaxa haa been little of-oon-, a,uene la tha aooial world to paat ! week and 'almost ererything has been In tha form of outing partlea. Tha ten cla tournament at Multnomah club baa been tha chief Item of interaat and ' many of tha prominent ' aoclety. girl who laaa, toward athletic hay bean oat day after day with their enthusiasm and i admiration for tha sport In erldanoe. . ' Tha morning attendance haa been larger L than the afternoon, -or at least more x Interesting people have been; out than, i Perhaps that la . beoauae tha favorite j'girla war moatly entered for morning I Every day the Beat la tha shad of l the fence about tha upper oourta at j Multnomah club hav been tha aoene of ,.: social visits. Many hav gone out to 'aee tha tennis conteeta and watohad with Intaraat tha whole aeiiea to - the 'Hnala Pretty groups of whlte-f rocked 1 girls alt ting on tha grassy bank eagerly i ' A Popular Hostess and Her Assistants at the Tennis Tournament (Pho. ; ; ' '; tograph of Mist Uorriaon by Charlct Butterworth.) following every play, have tempted the camera- Bend away from .the ecenes on tha courts. As a regular part of the program all comers have paused at the refreshment booth below the tennis courts to par take of lemonade and candles and also to chat ' with tha charming hostesses Whe have conducted this part of tha work each day. A pretty, shady spot was choaaa for the booth and the walk aeroaa tha large Multnomah field and the climb up the long flight of steps may have had something to do with tha temptation- to stay which so many seemed unable to resist, but aoma aald It was entirely the fault of the fair at tendants that they missed ao much of the game. Mrs. William Kerr Bcott of Irvtngton prealded the first day of tha tournament with several of the moat eharmlng young : women of Irvlagton. .With her five aaalatanta aha aaatly man aged the cars of tha booth so that all could sea a part of tha games at differ ent times. Her aaalatanta were Miaa Bradford. Visa Barnes, Mlas Leadbetter, Miaa 8chaaffer and Miaa Woodard. On Wednesday Mra W. M. ' Chaplo took charge and" her assistants ; were Mlas Ins Barrett, Mlas Fanny Brown, Miaa Mllle of 6ai Franclaco. Miss Alice Bans, berry. Miaa Alt Bash, Mlas Mahal Ooss and Mrs. Carl Xwla Thursday Mrs. Herbert 0. Nlchola waa the hostess and assisting her were Miss Kathleaa Bums. - Mlas Carolyn Burna-n4 Mt rtiiwe WUeoa.- Mri.: t miasm MacMaster mada charm lag hosteaa Friday with her pretty group of aealata.nta. Mlaa Nan Wood, Miaa Lisa Wood. Miaa Carolyn Burn. Mies Rhode railing ana. Miaa Margaret morriaon. On tha final day of the tournament Mra Thomas Kerr prealded and Miss Naa Wood and Mlas Kathleen Burns aaalated sglB.-v -; Tha spectators came and went ao that there were iiot very . many at any one time, but there ware always some lnter eatad watchara and . almost '. everyone left In town attended at aoma time dur ing tha day. Among thoss who were noticed there were Major and Mra WJ tar A. Bethel: who have recently' re turned from the Philippines. Major Bethel waa prominent la tennla tourna menta.of former years and haa eeveral cupa and his wife - was one of the younger players among the girls. Miss Miriam Strong wss out. saTcral tlmea and among others were Miss Ilao Keen ler. Miss Fanny Barber. Mlas Halea Barber. Mra.' A. A. Morriaon and her two daughters. Mlas Margaret and Miaa Dorothy, tha Misses Haael and Leslie Weldler, Mlse- -Stella Frohman, Miaa Minna Wesalnaer. Mra William Kerr Boott, Miss Frances Wileon, Miaa Wood, Mlas Lisa wood. Mlas Evelina Wilson, - BMMMaiakaaaaj z r. Mlas Burns, , tha '. Misses Carolyn and Anita Burns,-Miss Rhode Falling. Miaa Leadbetter. Mra William - MacMaster, Mlsa Mabel. Ooss. Mr. and Mra. Carl . Lewis of Seattle, Jordan Zan. Mlas Doernbacher and Miaa Laura Fox. Miss Fanny Brown and her two San Fran claco frtenda, tha Mlaaea Krts, Mr. and Mra. C H. Leadbetter, Dr. John K. Barber, Mlas Rebecca Catlln. Miss Mar garet Walter, Lieutenant Alvln iBarber from fian Francisco and Mra. S. J. Bar ber. Mlsa Amy Heltahu, Miss Josephl, Mra R. L. Durham and Edward Webb. . Mra. Tberon K Fell leavea tha first Of this week for Seattle and will sail on the City of Seattle Wednesday for Alaska. She and Mr. Fell will apend tha winter at Mastodon, tha mining camp near Circle City, la which Mr. Fell ha xtensire Interests. Mra Fell .will be much mlaaed by her friends here, with whom shs Is a favorite. She la a charming entertainer, an accomplished alnger, and a brilliant conversationalist. Mrs. Fell chaperoned Mlas Haael Dolph abroad two years ago previous to her coming-out' j . -. ' ' , : tirKsthsrC; - rohl - gave a- pleasant launch party Tueaday evening to Oewego iq honor of Mr., and Mrs. .Thomas Shan non and their daughter, of Salt Lake City. They are tha gueata of Mr. Shan non's alater, Mra. Sarah Evans, in Port UniU andJier daughter, Mrs.Pettlner t Oawagst About it went Ulr the river ; " ' )' ' : ' '' ' . -' and wars landed at a. beautiful spot at Oswego,' where Japanaaa lanterns had been hung underneath tha trees and a large table apread. r. A 'crawfish ' supper was served and the party, remained till a lata hour enjoying the beautiful even' ing. Most of the . guests ' were tha or fioial associates of Mra. Evana Among them were: Mayor and Mra Harry Lane and their daughter." Mlsa-Harriet Lane. Cap tela and Mra orasmaoher, Mr.. Devlin. Mr. and Mra Preston, Judge Robert Morrow,. Mr. and Mra J. L. Wlckersham, Mlas Umphlett of Grants Pea a, .Lloyd and -Brandt Wlckersham, Mr. Graham of Grants Pass, Miss Vir ginia Newby, Miss Ross, Misa Moors and many otheraj , v- y-t- ' A few of the younger set enjoyed delightful progreaalva dinner Tuaaday evening. The party went In automobiles from-house - to- house -and there waa soms merry racing In the effort to reach each new dinner scene first. A course was offered at each houae and each hosteaa did her beat to excel the others In novelty of plan and .decoration. 'The first course was given at the A. A. Mor rison home, and the party went from there la turn to the Wilson home, the Smith horns and the Wood home, taklnf dessert at the Burna home, where they. spent the evening. The party consisted of Miaa Nan Wood, Mlas Lisa Wood, Miss Kathleen Burna Miss - Carolyn Burns, Miss Margaret Walter! Miaa Joaephlno Smith. Mlas Franoea Wilson, Mlas Margaret Morriaon, Marion Dolph. Tom Robertaon. Harry Corbett, Gerald Bee be', Kurt Koehler, Frank Bladen. Holly Hoffman and Dave Honeymaa. The Informal Wednesday avenlne-s at the Irrington club are delightful oc casions and many -of the young people from , sota sides or the rtver gather there -once a week. Mrs. George SL Chamberlain was - the hostess last Wednesday and ahe certainly made a charming one.- - An ' Informal musical program had been arranged and those that were there say they have never heard Mra Frank Relay's lovely con tralto - to better advantaga She was given an ovation by : her admiring frlanda Mlas Ethel Lytic, too, sang sxceedlngly welt and the Nordstrom boys gave soms entertaining special tlea. There was dancing . for thoss, that wished and the hostess had prepared aoma delightful . refreshments which shs was - aaslstad in aervlag by the matrons and young girls of the club. The usual number of diners were at the Golf club last Saturday evening, though there were fewer parties than usual. There was one party of young girls only thoss of Nlta Burns' set. Mra- Edward Heathe Brooke had a larger party, entertaining - ber niece. Mlas Genevieve Park, of tha barracks Mra Arthur C Mlnott, Miss Flan d era Rodney Gllaan, T. S. McRath. Edward Orelle and Tbales Llnthlcum. .- .. i Mr. and Mra Cecil H. Bauer will leave on the first for an Alaskan trip. They sipev't to put m about a month and on their return Mra Bauer will visit in Seattle and at the beach before returning to take up har muslo work la the fall. Mra Bauer announces her In tention to curl up In a steamer chair and forget that muslo exlats for a whole month that she may get a thorough rest .-,,. i - : - - The Irvlngton Tennis club Is plan nlng a junior tournament for the first week la September, which will be of Interest to many of the younger play era ' 1 1 is understood -that Mr.- Wood ard has offered a cup. The club is In creasing In popularity during the tennis season ana even while the Multnomah tournament haa been la progress all tha courts have been constantly la nsa Mra Abe Meier, Mra. Julius Meier aad Mra , J. A. Mayer were hoateases at the 'must elabeaate affair et the baaeh saaaoo last week a large ."Tire nun- dred" party at Mra Mayer's Beavlew eottage. Mra. Iaam White was another prominent entertainer of tas week, giv ing a pretty lunoheon. WW Mra. A.. A. Morrison and her younger children left yeaterday for the Seaside houae, where they will spend a month In recreation. Tuesday, Dr. Morrison, who returned for today's aerrlcea, will take hie daughters, Mlas Margaret aad Mlas Dorothy, for a camping trip at tha coast. w w Mra Arthur Mlnott took a email party In her launoh Tuesday to the Rock Islsnd ' club, where dinner -was served. Her gueata were Dr. and Mra Holt Wilson. Mlas Falling, Miss Hoyt Miss Flandera J, C. Alnaworth. W. D. Wheelwright, Dr. JeSerds and Rodney I' '-'.' W W Miss Prances Jacobs gave a unlous plcnlo luncheon Friday at her home on West Park atraet. The couraas wars aerved in plcnlo style under the trees, where waa apread a table pretty with flowers and fruit for decoration. Part of the luncheon waa aerved in Individual plcnio baskets. There were It gueata A Jolly picnic crowd of about IS went out Wednesday evening to Dr. and Mra A. E. Rockers country plsoe on the Twelve Mile road. They ware of. the younger set end went out on the oar. returning at a late hour after a delight ful svenlng.. ... ,Jt.,.,,,...1.i ww .. ' Miss Chic HlnUe of Chicago has been the gueat of Mrs. CHorgs WUlard Brown tha past week. She will remain here for some time., During the paat wank shs has been entertained with several small picnics and auto tides In an In formal way. " "" " ... " ; , . '. w w : ZJeutenant Alvln Barber spent Thurs day with hla parenta. Dr. and Mra. 8. i. Barber, on hla way to Monterey to take part la tha rlfle-ehootlng conteat. He has been with the engineer corps atthe troops' summer encampment at Ameri can laka .. ' ' W w "" Mr. and Mra Max Pleisnhner and Lhelr daughter. Miss flora Flelschner. left Thureday for a stsy at the Beaeld houae. The Harry Hendricks family left Friday to occupy tha Knowles cot. tags at Clatsop beach.' Seaside- . Mr.- and Mrs. F. S. Doernbecher and their daughter, Mlas Ada, have returned from a week spent at Rainier. WW s ' Mr. Joba Cavanaach of Irvtngton is 'i w at . tr ttv ' a TT n Ladies' Fine Shirtwaist Suits Cfi 09 Worth un to $13.50 : .1.. ; . ... VVIU A11 our finest Linger! and Net Clearance Sale All Our White Wool Skirts These Ultra-Stylish. Summer Skirts are positively worth $8.00, . $10.00 and $12.00 ' each made itt mohairs, Panamas.' broadcloths, serges -etc., all the latest styles, pleated, gored and . circular, CaC OCT ' reduced to. i. . . . ... . '.ly0 J modeling and Repairing of Done Now at Greatly. Reduced . . Display of Eyerything will be placed on sale nothing to be reserved. W are going to, clean up thi stock regardless of cost First come, first choice. Hundreds of bargains to pick from. entertaining Miss Georgia. Springer of Olympla, . Washington. , Miss epnngsr haa been snendlng some time . at the Breakers at Long Beach. ww Mra Marcus 3. Dslahunt is planning to apend the fall la WiwJorK ana at other eastern polnta She la spending the summer In town, only taking occa sional week-end trips to th seaside. Miss Florence Wolf haa returned from a vtatt with the L N. Llpmana at Tioga Beach. Mrs. Llpman will accompany Mr. Llpman on a short trip to Port land this week. w w : Mr. and Mra' Frederick W. Goodrich and their little daughter will spend the' month of August at Newport. - They will leave towa on Monday morning. w w ' Mrs. Mastlek and her four daughters are popular outers at Seavlew. They are occupying their pretty cottage there and entertain extensively. - WW Miss Failing will go ts Long Beach tEis wsek" tdTbsTlleTrai Ladd and Mra Helen Ladd Corbett Mra Frederick Pratt of Brooklyn Is now with them. 'WW Mra John Andrew, Mra Ines A. Hlb- bard and her daughter are at Seavlew, North Beach, where they hav taken the Robertson eottage for the summer, - w w .'. ... iv. Mra -wHllam Kerr Scott is expect ing her mother from Dayton, Ohio, soma time next month to come and make her horn with her. Mr. and Mra Thomas Kerr were gueat s at "The Wlllowa" last week, the beautiful beach home or Mr. and Mra T. B. Wilcox. - -ww Mra Charlea Mac rum of the Portland Is entertaining th Misses Taylor of Minneapolis, at hsr hotel at Long Beach. The Missel Doech are to entertain Tuesday svenlng in honor of Mlsa Elisa beth Mills of Ban Francisco. - - w w Mra F. Waachsr has just opsnsd her beautiful cottage at Seaside and will en tartaln there next mon,th.- ;-'. .. - w-w. ..:.-, T. Scott Brook and his nieces. Gene vieve and Msrgaratta Brooke, arc at Seaside for their, outing. " w w Miss Heller of New Tork is th guest of hsr grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Llp man. , - ,..w ..,, ,'V: Th Ed Ehrman will leave thi week for Hotel Breakers at Long Beach. . Mra Frank Hart will spend th month 'of Au.fust at ths Seasld House. w Mra Walter Cook and daughter Mar garet are at the ceaat. w ;- Mra Mary H. Steers la th sweat of Mra Buchanan at Tioga, , I W'W " - ' Mra P. J Minn 1 spending a few days at North Beach. ' - '-.WW- ' Mrs. George Good ... entertained at luncheon Friday. . . . EVENTS OF THE WEEK. Th second of a series Of unlqu par ties given by ths Twsnty-Thres club. ons Of Portland's popular bachelor glrla organtsatlona, took place Monday even ing, July ts. The jolly party left the Hotel - Portland, chaperoned , brMes- BEGINNING MONDAY SILVERFIELD'S Afii.OUf.CES A Our daintiest, most elaborate lingerie v These Waists are the most stunning styles of the season, lac trimmings. Sheerest fabrics. ' V .' --''x A SPECIAL ASSORTMENT OF WAISTS Waists made of sheer Uwns, dotted Swiss, colored batiste and tailored linens., An .exceedingly large assemblage of these .waists, , and most of them are readily worth $4 and 3 each for Monday special : . .;! , r f ,' '.r:-; All our elegant $7-50 Linger! Waists, V . ' QjP 'All our stunning Lingerie Waists, worth tfjaw arv - speciaf at.;,... .,,.....'..............vyae0 $12.50 special atL....v,',. '..... s iJU 'AH trar-ibeautiful $9.00 Lingerie Waists,' 1 : ' sf' An 'All ."our Veryfinest - Lingerie - Waists, ex-: CQ QQ specially priced........ 1... .wT.....vtK,eJCj ejoisitaly mafle, worth up to$20.00, at.,,,,.,..vCeIO Ladies' 'Sheer White W a I s t s In Ladies' $2,001 Waists. ' all new sum'. Ladies'Pretty Summer Waists, moat daintiest new styles, , P no worth up to $4.00, at.....lsZfO Dresses at big' Prica Reductions,- Prices Inspect Our Magnificent New Styles, .v-;'1' dame D. 3. Gregory. B. & Franklin and P.: Planch, at T o'clock and after a trip out Rlveralde drive, returned to town and repaired to Claramont tavern where a delightfully novel "Skldoo" upper waa served. A large electric carryall was taxed to its canaeitv In conveylrigTBeTnerry girls on their out- Ing and ths return homeward was en livened by lmproptu songs with string aocompanlmenta . Ths club members participating war th Misses Georgia Franklin, B. Spooner, M. Wleet, E. Abst, I. Goldman, K. Murset. TO. Spooner, R. Calender. P. Cunningham, B. Barrows, n. Hubbard. 3. Hubbard. A. MoPherson. Bl Jones, - H. Rlsglsman. ll. Dullbre, u, weua m. Lerner, s. . Fit nki wish, m. Nelson. M. Laweon, B. Harper and M. Foley. The dub uemberahlp Is lim ited to 21 girls under th axe of 1! and all social events are held on th Ztd of th month. -The next party' will be a launch excursion to Multnomah Falls on August IS. - w w' X A. Bsokwlth. H. W. Johnson and Harper N. Jamison were .' the boot Wednesday evening at a delightful 'rany, Atan early guests gathered at th Portland Row ing club where they were met by th young men with boats and rowed up th river. They landed at a pretty spot on Ross Island, where th houssboat HSlsa" Is moored. . Supper was spread underneath the trees and the Impromptu dining-room lighted by a hug bonfire. Th party conalsted of Mlas Isabel Beckwlth, Miss Elsie Barr, Mlas Hsssl Ford. Miss Ruby Archambaau, Mlas Nellie Kennedy, Miaa . Corinne Crook, Mlas Haael Crook. Mra C. W. LaBarr. Mrs. Julia LaBarr a. Harry Swart, Edaal Ford. J. C Steve neon. Harry Hendar- shot, R. J. Upton, George Barr. Harper n. jamiaon, . w. Johnston and J, Beckwlth.' .... w-.-a. . W. W' Mra Martha Wilson of East Ash street entertained a number of young people Thuraday evening In honor of the loth birthday anniversary of her daugh ter Mary. About to were present and ths vening waa passed on the lawn with muslo and gamsa Strings of Japan lanterns lighted the ground and rugs snd -pillows mad an attractive affect. Refreshment were served by llttl girl In whit frocks. The guests wsrs Miss Nan Burrett, Miss Wllda Hariia, Mis Mary Wilson, Miss Wllda Harris, Miss Mrs, Theroa EFelL" m walsU will go Monday at most finished with clusters of dainty tucks, also elegant mery styles, . v Sal 17 ipeaal.. ............. ....4leX ;;l.!...'WASH JACKET SWTS Etona, Boleros, etc., prettll trimmed; our former $8.0&; . . stunk:ng wash jacket suits At great reduction An our $12.00 and $1100 Wash - v CQ 7Vt Jacket Suiti .... .7777 .7 ... . ....... . .3Oe 3 Clearance Sale All Our White Wash Skirts These stunning Skirts are made of whit Indian Head linens, 3 in serted cluster pleats .with, pretty wash trimmiags at top ffq no et elneter. aenuina 1&00 akirts in on lot. at.. ......... . VJ f O (VOflBDomieirv. I At One-Third the Pfice AU Hat left from our Half Price Sale only a few will b closed out , at ONE THIRD THE PRICE. ; - - - Ague Green, Miss Dorothy Adler, Miss Jossphln Perklna Miss Halll Worden, Mlas Eisl Starr, Miss Mildred, uerser. George Hoyer, William Masten. Murdock Williams. George HUIyer. Percy Lang don. Cooper Smith. . Mauri oe Miller. Fred Saddle, Jama Doon and Collum Mor I "sett .-; Miss Nettle Allen entertained a num besaof ber young friends In a pleaaant manner Thursday evening. The parlors were prettily, deoo rated with fern and th dining-room waa tastefully ar ranged In red with ribbons festooned from the ohsndeller to th table. Dur ing th evening muaie and singing wer njoyed aad later a light supper was arvd.. ' . Thoee present were: Mlsa Harriett Kunkle, Miss Stella Burger, the Miss Garrett, Mis Mayos L Jonas. Miss Ella Gaynor. - Mlsa Margaiat Heavold. Mlas Rom Schats and Mia Nettle Al ' w w Last Saturday Mr. aad Mra Henry Thlelaen of Salam entertained a fe friend at dinner at th Monterey hotel. hour theTnr Nwpurt- Cotsu a-eie laler-fer-4 and full Justio waa don to th re past by those present Later in th evening a - huge bonfire was built around which th guest sat and told funny storiee. ' - Thos present were Mr. and Mra Baumgarten, Mr. and Mra Hugo Behrendsen. Mr. and Mra Henry Thlelaen, . Mrs. Baadford. Mis - Nellie Thlelsen- and Josephine , and Lenta Baumgarten. - , Th Portaala club waa . ntertalnd Thuraday vnlng. July It, at a whlat party given by - Mr. and Mra. L. r. Thornton In their new bom 144 Sixth atreet Mra Woodburn and Mr, Paul m war awarded tha prises. Tha Port tas la club was formed several years ago by th employee of th O. R, dt N local freight office for th purpoee of giving, socials, and oanoing parties dur ing th season aad thsy take plsaeur In announcing that Ukase par tlea will be resumed in th fall. "V W ' Wlaslow Meade circle No. 1. L. bt O. A. A.. Spent a delightful evening with their member and friend Tuesday. Muala waa furnished br th Veterans' quartet, and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, severer readings by Miss Delia Brad ley f th Columbia School of Expres sion, and a selection read by Mra Ella Himea After some pleaaant remark by th president, Mra. Daisy Abraham, and several stirring reminiscences by th veterana loe cream and celt wr rvd, . 5 Th young people of the-Carletoa formed a launching party up the river Friday evening. The launch Mabel car ried a company of St to tha llnka where landing waa mad and a Dutoh lunch aerved. A number of at ringed In strument and singing bslped to pas th time pleasantly. :: - w w . Mr. Dunham gave a musical Tuesday evening July 14,-at the residence of B. F. Cannon at Archer Place. Thoee present beside Mr. Dunham were the Misses Tcager, Ralph Okeley, Mr. and Mrs: R. O. Datson, Mr. Tart and Mr. and Mr. Edward F. Cannon.. ,- Th wedding of Mia Lounett Silver and Ernest 0rsnr Thursday artsmonn, at i o'clock, waa a very pretty one.- The ceremony waa oelebrated at th flat of th bride's mother. Mr. Jaaale Silver. at IStH Ollsan atreet. Large bowl af sweetpeas wer placed at Interval along U stairway.,. In. th -, - - 1J--L -TL 11L WEODINCSr v V l' ........ i exceptional reductions in price. S2.8 popular style, 6 QD. at....... ..ZJOIZ . WEDDING AND VI5ITINQ CARDS W. G. SMITH & Co. Washington Bnlldlag Mqrdaunt A. Gopdnough ""fiajto AjnTxAJiMoaT Pupila Enrolled at Any Tim. Send i 1 or Call for Catalogue. ' as, Zrfibb Bidg, ssth wash . tagtoa Street. . xecept weetpea bloaaoms mlnglsd in wer fea toonad to the chandelier in the eenter of th room under which th bridal party toed. . Sweetpeas In profusion war placed In the window and on atanda Th brlda wore a atraet suit of cream ' with an Alice blue check made with pony jacket. , Her bodice waa t cream all-over lace. She carried a bouquet of Bride rosea. Her elster, Miaa Call 8U- . ver, attended ber and ah wa la whit embroidered Swiss. Shs, too.-: carried ' Bride rosea and caught th bridal bou quet when it was thrown. Ths bride- -groom' brother, William Oetsen. wa th best roan, Rev. Harry Obera of the Trinity Methodist church officiated. An informal reception followed th ceremony and refreshment war served In the dining-room. Two - room had been thrown together for refreshments and were" elaborately decorated In red. . Bright streamers were festooned over head ' and joined in th eenter of th" archway connecting th two ' rooms. There a green basket filled with red rosea . and tied with m larg red bow " was suspended from th chandelier lm- . mediately ever th center of th table. On the tabl was a larg cut class bowl ' of red jacqueminots and a high vaaa at; each end af th tabl held a few of th long-stemmed roeea. The aldeboard was banked with the sam flowers. Mr., and Mra Oetsen - left - lmme- diataly on a trip to the coast and they win d si noma in Vancouver artar . thre weeka . .......----'; Miss Julia Kaplscbka and Rudolnh A. Sylvester were married Wedneaday evening at th Second Baptlat church -by Rev.- F. Bueennann. There .wer . neat decoration of out flowers. Miss Mart Schaldennann and Albert Hoelssr attended the bride and bridegroom. The bride wore cream wool batiste trimmed with lace, a tulle veil and carried white " earnatlona ' The bridesmaid wore white Ilk and carried red carnations. An In- ' - formal reception at th church followed the ceremony. ' Mr. and Mra Sylvester will b at horn at III Seventh street. - ,rf- Mis Beasl Edna Myers snd 'Robert Lee Dunn wer married at 171 'College treet ' laat Sunday evening by Rev. Henry A. Barden. Both are recently from Emporia, Kan see, but will rsald vi a-saw wiwswu v a. avuusi . ' . Av 1 its ... . A very pretty bom wadding took place t thi raaldenc of Mr., and Mrs. J. D. Clyde, 1111 Belmont street, on the evening of Saturday, July tl, when W. H. Zleglnr and Oreo R. Cook were mar ried by Rev. J. J. Staub of the Bunny- tContinued oaTsg venlen. :