The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 29, 1906, SECTION TWO, Image 15

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    ecnra tv6
v, ;'; ,:...., Portland, osegon, sunday -mornino, july 3, io. v- ,.;,. . '-v v-v,' a
' " " ' ' ' " , ' i '
i . 1 ' . 1 - . . . . . . . , 1 . .1
Our Store will be Replete with
Opportunities for
Careful Buyers, All This Yeek
Midsummer Bargains VJill Reach a Stirring Climax This Week at Our Store
Afer. Fall Sufs
The very latest modes from the fashion
centers of the world. ' ,
Eton jackets, tight-fitting jackets and ;
half-fitting coats. - ' : ; '
AH the new suits have the Peplum or
skirty.effect over the hips.
'Jackets fitted with the adjustable sleeve ,
that gives you either an elbow or a wrist
.length sleeve. ,;
Suits" in ' Panama, Venetian, Ladies' .
Cloth and Broadcloth.
Every- one of these new suits is splen- "
didly tailored, lined with a. fine quality
silk and trimmed -with' velvet, braid or
button combinations that give them an air
of daintiness and distinction. - .
The prices are a'. revelation when you'"
consider the quality. .
Prices $18.50 to $65.00
Ecru and Cream
Assorted lot " of ecrtt and
cream Aopliaues (narrow):
values tp 35c - Special, per
yard .
Large White Medallions in
Baby Irish and batiste, extra .
good values
Regular price ll.Sft"' "; '
-Special 88 -
Regular price $2.75. ;
Special fl.25
White Cambric
White Cambric Petticoats,
deep lawn flounce, 2 dusters '
f 5 and 4-wide hemstitched
tucks; regular price $1.25. ,
Special at 87
, Eaimlne Thlo the .needs
of your household. Visit
our store and ae how
economically ,we can sat
iafy them au.
Table Cloths and Napkins
- , Odd Lota and Broken Lines at Greatly Reduced Price. -
... Fine Satin Damask Table Cloths.
2x3 yards) worth $4.50 Special..... '..83.78 -
2x3 yards,; worth .SOSpecial v ....... 84.80 ,
-" Fine Hemstitched Cloths, Slightly Soiled and Mussed.
2x2 - yards, worth $3.50 Special ......,......."..'..$ 2.75 I
2x2yi yards, worth $4.50 Special... ,.........3.75
2x3 yards, worth $5.50 Special ,.....,..,..$4.50 v
Napkins, dinner size, neat designs Special..... ....$2.98
Table Damask to match, per yard Special....... ,,.9S (
- ' Special pricea on' Towels, Bureau Scarfs, Squares,' Bed
spreads, Tea and . Tray Cloths all slightly mussed from -handling.
, . . . v . , . " -
Children's Shoes and Oxfords
, Children need strong durable Shoes and at 'the same time they
want them just as pretty and neat as those for ."grown ups.
This is a hard combination to get, but we believe we have come
as near to reaching their needs as any one. Our stock is over
' flowing with little shoes that are neat, stylish and serviceable at
" pricea just a little lower than they should be. But we are glad
to give a little better values to children's shoes as they wear
them put so much faster.
. Three large eyelets, wide ribbon lace, medium weight soles,
. . pretty and serviceable . - - --.-m
, . r tO 8 Mi iliVmrfrrrrmTl .Wl1 -f-.SJl.B9) 7 -
.-. to 11.. :'..
v-,.ulW to 2 ......,.a.i
4)fa to, oy t . .4 ....... .... . . :-,., ..
Girls' Fine Black Vid. Kid Oxfords, blucher cut, dull mat top, v
wide laces, medium heavy extension sole, one of our most pop
ular styles :. . ' ; ' ' aii jm
; 8Vfi tO 11. ....... . . HiTiiT-tmW l.O0 ,
UH to 2...... .....fl.85
Big shipment of White Canvas Low Shoes Just Received.
Long :
Silk Gloves
Compare them with-
Gloves offered elsewhere
at greater price.
12-Button Plain Black or
White Silk 'Glpves.
Special fx.ou
16-Button Plain lack or
White Silk Cloves. 2 claso:
worth $2.25. Specl.f 1.T5
A Fertect tittinor. .
B Latest, patterns. ' '
C Varying finger lengths.
D Double tipped, reen-
forced. '
Plain and Lace Extension
Tops for short silk gloves,
with rllltic .
Lace Extensions 8Be
Plain Extensions.. l.Wi
High Grade Thin Coat Enameled - Ware, Blue,' White Lined
10-inch Pie Plates;" value 20c Special ........ . :T7iT. :r. . . f
Wall Soap Dishes; value 27c. Special............. ......
Ij-qt. Extra Deep Pudding Pans; value 25c. Special... 20e
1-qt Dippers; value 33c Special SMj
2y-qt. Kettle, wood handle bail; value 33c Special....... Se
IVi-qt. Coffee Pot, wood; handle, enameled cover; value 67c
Special 4. ; :;B4e
8-qt Lip Preserving Kettle; valuc20cSpccial ... : B6e
12-qt. Lip Preserving Kettle; value $1.05rSpecial .....
8-qt Tea Kettle, enameled cover; value $1.50. Special.. .1.20
. A complete line of this attractive, cleanest of all Kitchen Ware,
is here for yon to select from. - (
V . Sleeveand Shirtwaist Irons. . .
Detachable Handle Shirtwaist Irons value 35c Special.. 28f
Petachable Handle Sleeve Irons; value 40c Special... .. .82
'o.-. . '.''Steel Ranges. . .
Steel Range, high' closet, everything the best
16-inch oven; value $37.50. Special.. ..........'......32.BO
18-inch oven; value $49.00. Specid...............v...M2.00
Special 18-inch oven, steel range; value $30. Special..? 2T.OO
-''-' ' .-; Lawn Mowers.' '
Superior quality, brass bushing , . A
12-inch Mower;-value $3.00. . To close, each.. il'lZ
14-inch Mower; value $3.25. To c ose, each.... a.3B
16-inch Mower; value $3.50. To close, each.. i.........fa.o
. , ',.' Grasa Hooks' '--:.v"
Value 40c Special.... U .............. .2
Silk Petticoats
These prices for ' Mondsy
: only. v -J :
Our entire stock of Petti
coats, in plain silk, change-.
able effects and taffetas, all
colors; worth from $5.00 to
$45.00.t Monday - -prices.,..
82.BO to f2T.BO
$1.00 Link Button Seta '
, for 69e . - . .
An assortment of gold filled
: Link Buttons, with Scarf Pin
to match, a variety : of de
signs; regular $1.00 values.
Special ............... .B9e
Sofa Cushion
"Heavy ricfi velourrplush "
' Cushion Tops in green or '
.red, very pretty 'floral de
signs; regular,, price 65c
Special A1
- : i ,:
Lien's Fancy
The best fancy Hosiery of--fering
ever . made in Port
land. No ; imperfections
every pair a superior 50c
grade. Short lots from one
: of the most reliable hosiery
houses, in the United States.
On sale Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday at only 27f '
:,':. I - . -. . ' i '
Pearl Waist Sets at Special
. prices.. .,; , .
' Finest quality white Mother
. .of Pearl Waist Pins, 3 pins
to a set "
: Our . regular 15c values " -
Special 10
liOur regular 20c values. .
Special v:7.-..7.J:7r.-f .14-
Our regular 25c values.
, ; Special i 18e
Pretty Gold Filled Scarf Pins
:-:r - for 89e
Pretty Gold Filled Scarf
'"Pins, in tfe newest head de
signs in the two-color pro-
'-' cess; our regular 50c values.
" Special for .....S9e
' ' Solid Gold Beauty Pin'a Per
. , Pair .
Another lot of those pretty
little Beauty Pins, guaran
. teed solid gold tops, pins well
.. made throughout, in either
Roman or polished 'effects,"
filain or beaded 'edge; re?u
, ar 50c values. Special 85e
Monday Specials
Japanese Lanterns, doz..60 70
Papyrus' White Wove 'Envelopes; .
value 6c. Special.............. 3r
Holland Linen Bond Box r Paper ;
value 35c Special. .. . .19$
Playing Cards; value 16c
. Special N.. .V..;..v;.... ...... .,10 "
Japanese Twilled Linen Box Paper;
- value 19c Special..;..'.. . 12
' Cobweb and Oxford Lawn Cabinet
Box Paper, 1-quire paper tablet and
48 envelopes; value 50c. Special 30e
' Long . Bar French Castile Toilet
Soap ; value 25c Special . . . . . 15e? '
r 1-lb.' Jar Petro Jelly ; value 19c.
Special .....lOet
: California Cream of Lemon, nature's
toilet soap and facial cream; value
25c' Special, per tube. .......17
Imported Tooth Brushes; value 25c.
Special ............ ... . . . ,12
Whiteole, white canvas Shoe Clean-
er; value 10c Special.... ...,.7 '
" Pearl Buttons; value 10c.. , Special,
per dozen ............. ....7 .,
Chinese Flat' Cake Ironing Wax.
Special . . . : . . V .;. . ... .4
Brilliant Cut Hat Pins, all colors;
.value 15c Special. ...... ..... .9et
- Darning Cotton, on spools. . Special
8 for .........................5
Needle Book containing large assortment-best
English - needles;
"value 15c - Special ..... 10t
Croquet ' Seats Special Reductions. .
Summer Suit Silk Special.... ....8BeV
Colored Dress Goods, exceptional
Tvaluea. it;v. rVit.T;82f to 8r.41
Hen's Fancy Hosiery..... ......V.2Te
Special reductions la Lace; Curtains.
' " Portieres dearance t for - fall - Stock.
Havilaod China Plates at... Hall Pric
Haviland China Dinner' Plates greatly
reauceo. , t . -
Final .Millinery dearance. . .
Table Cloths and Napkins, all reduced.
Ecru and Cream Appliques, SSc '
values ,. .....9e
.White Medallions, largcOSend f 1.2B
Summer . Bags of, all kinds half price.
Ladies'. Petticoats Special lot.V...T3e
-Infants'-Wear.. S. Beck Stocks choice
at 7... Half Price-
Children's Colored Wash Dresses, mag-
, nifJcent values, from 47e to $9.84
Ladies and Misses' Sun bonnets Special
at ....J ..IB
Sofa Pillow Tops, rich velours Special
rt , ' ........47f
JlfcKf-Fa Coats
Gold-Filled Unk Buttons, value
per set ...9e
Mother-of-Pearl Waist
Sets.,,..... ,.0Y 14f and 18 .
Pretty Gold-Filled Scarf Pins, 50c
' value ..88
Solid Gold Beauty Pins, per pair..SBv
Children's Shoes and Oxfords, specially
low prices. - ' " ,
'. Royal Worcester Straight-Front Princess
Hip Corsets; regular at $1.75.
Special ...81.13
3 to 9 inch Embroideries and Insertions
Spedal, per yard...; ...,...lBe
Hemstitched Cross-Bar Handkerchiefs.'
worth 20 cents. Spedal 12e
Lace Chemisettes, and Yokes In white '
Venice, worth from $1.50 to $3.00.
Special .. .8e
Plain Linen Hemstitched Turnover CoU
lar and Cuffs, per set..............l9e
Children's White Lisle Hoae, extra value
25c Special, per pair........ 18e
Women's Merode Silk and Cotton Knee-
Length Tights; regular $1. Special. 73 V
Women's Silk and Cotton Merode Union
. Suits, sleeveless, knee length; regular
$1.75 value. Spedal..... $1.29
Women's . Lisle Long-Sleeve Vests, 45c
quality, each .....29e
Women's White Extra . Sise Cotton
. Vests, very neat; value 35c Special. 2Su
"Women's Fine Cause Liale Tan Hose,
50c value. Special. . . . . , .T.83
Women's .Black Embroidered Ankle
Lace Hose, imported, value 75c .
Spedal 49
Women's Long Silk Gloves SpedaL
black or white.. .....$l.BO and $1.78
"Plain and Lace Extensions for short ailk .
gloves, black or white, .85 and $1.00
Enameled - Ware, blue with white lining
-Special reductiona. - : - ;1 r '
Sleeve and Shirtwaist
Irons ....32 and 28
Steel Ranges, very low price.
Lawn Mowers. .......$2.10 to $2.40
Grass Hooks at..... ..........25
Our new stock of coats, just received, is '
one of the most attractive exhibits' of
fashionable apparel for women ever
shown on the Pacific coast If you look V '
over our-stock of new fall coats you will
know the dictum of the world's great de
signers of woman's garb. ... -
. " Imported English tweeds and Scotch
Domestic plain cloths and plaids. -.
aids plain grays and blacks, bine
mannish effects.
Velvet and fancy combination eoHars,
Plain and fancy trimmings and but
tons. ...,. ,--...-,-"- '
Prices $6.50 to $58.50
. . . v A .. " . ., 1 ." ' . :' 1
Children's Colored Vash Dresses : Summer Bags
Something Sensible and Economical " ..
Our entire line of Colored "Wash Dreaaea in plain,, striped,
checked or 'fancy wash materials, two or one-piece suits, in
Sailor, Buster Brown, Russian and French" effects, ages from 1
to 14 years . '
Regular price 60c to
Regular price 90c to
Regular price $1.30 to
Regular price $175 to
Regular price $2.25 to
Regular price $3.00 to
Regular price $4.00 to
Regular price $6.00 to
Regular price $7.00 to
Rearular orice
Regular price $11.50 to
00 to $11.00.
75c Special. 47
1J25. ' Special. , 68
1.65. Special.................. 9Te
LIS. ' Special... ....... ...... ..84
!.75. ' SpCdal. ................. $1.67
Special. $2.34
Special... .........$2.84
Special........ 83.67
Special ...$4.34
Soecial $B.OO
Special............ $6.67
Special. t. $7.34
Regular price $14.00 to $1650. - Special ..$8.84
Complete Millinery Clearance
. Ready-te-Wear Hats; values to $7.50. Your
. .. ...Vw
choice .......
All Hats Reduced to completely dean up stock for fall line
The beginning of the enU.,Ouly a short time and another sea-
son will be upon us. - The few remaining aummer hats we have
left must be sold now within the next few days. Radical price
reductions are bound to accomplish this result. Monday you
have your choice of remaining Tailored 'and Ready-to- Wear it.
Hats; values as high as $7.50, for............ ....... ....$1.00
At Half Price
JTo dean up the balance of --
our stock of Summer Bag .
we offer all our Gray and
White Leather Bags and all
colors in Linen and Silk
Bags at just HALF of the
former price. Thesa will go
rapidly at this great special '
: offering. Come early to make
your; choice. , .
: ' ' .' 'X; "T
Women, Look to Us for
Royal Worcester , Straight
Front Princes Hip Corsets,
.for medium figure, made of
.English white or drab con ;
tille, velvet grip hose sup
porters at sides and in front. .
sizes from 18 to 26; regular
price $175. Special at $1.13
-Sunbonnets inM
: Ladies' and Misses' Sunbon- "
nets, our entire line. Spe-
cial i-.UlB- v;.
Decorated Plates
Look to tile Comfort and
. Appearance of the Baby.
Large number of small lines
aialf Price.
of Odd Plate, closing out at
, ' " 'Some Very Rare Bargains.
-Value $275 per dozen. Spedal, per dozen...........
Value $3.40 per dozenfTSpecial,-per-doenrT.w
Value $7.50 per dozen. Special, per dozen....
Value $9.00 per dozen. special, per dozen
; " breakfast plates
V.l... tXAfl rrr Anrrn . Soecial. Der dozen.".
Value $670 per dozen. Special, per dozen....
-Valnr $7 SO ptr "Tfn. gprg per dozen..
r.l 7 7 rt.r Hnr.n. Soecial. oer dozen.'.
Value $850 per dozen. Special, per dozen....
........ .
Fine and varied assortment- Make carry, selections of
VJhite Wash Skirts
All White Wash Skirts on Sale Monday
Tuesday, Wednesday at Just Half Price
Underwear and
Post yourself on what is
newest and neatest in Ladies'
Underwear by looking. over
our stock. ' r
Women's Merode White Silk '
and Cotton Knee-Length-Tights;
our regular -fJ-OO.
r quality. Special .. ,....73
Women's - White Silk and ;
Cotton Meorde Union Suits,.
( sleeveless, knee length, extra
' silk trimmed; tegular $1.75
quality. Special, suit $1.29 ,
Women's White Lisle Lonj
Sleeve Vests, pure white; 45c
quality. Special, ' each. 29
Women's White Extra Size
Cotton Vests, , sleeveless,
neatly trimmed; value 35c.
Special, each ......25
Women's Fine Gauze Lisle
Tan Hose, specially fine for
this warm weather; . regular
50c value. Special pair. 33
Women's Black Embroidered
Ankle Lace Hose, imported;
value 75c. Special, per '
pair ..i.....49
-Children's White Lisle Hose,
finished foot, double knee,
sizes 5 to 9i: value . 25c-
.'Special, per pair 18
Plain '. Linen Hemstitched
Turnover Collar and Cuffs -Sets;
regular 35c value.
Special .19
Lace Chemisettes and Yokes
in white Venice; worth from
$1.50 to $3. Special.... 98
Hemstitched Cross Bar
; Handkerchiefs,- ia lawn:
worth 20c Spedal, ea.lf
A line of Embroideries and
Insertions, from 3 to 9 inches
wide; values to 50c a yard, in '
-Mrip -of - 4 jOo.j6iiIrR
Special, yard .......... 15
Haviland China
Decorated Dinner Sets
Plain, standard shape, ex
quisitely decorated in pink
floral design, rich gold nan-,
dies and knobs
60-piece Dinner Set: value
$20.90. Special ....$16.65
100-piece Dinner Set; value
$29.65. - Special .... $23.25
Croquet Sets
Just the time to buy a good
, Croquet Set - at greatly re
duced price ..
75c value. Spedal. ;-60
$1.75 value. , Special. 95
sz.50 value.
$3.50 value.
$5.00 value.
$10 value.:
Infants' Vear
We will continue to sell the
Infants' Wear Stock bought
of S. Beca for another week.
While the sizes are some
what broken there is a good
assortment of all kinds of in-
f ants' and children's wear to -select
from. Your choice
lace Curtains
Special safe of one and two
pair lots of Lace Curtaina .
86 different styles to select
from, induding Nottingw
, hams, Ounys, Cable Nets,
Corded Arabians. Renais
sance, Real Arabiaoa and
Novelty effects, prices from
$275 to $100 per pair. All
go, while they last at ONE
Value $5.30. Spedal, ear
er ' "
ame peaaI, pi
air B
Special. $1.65
Spedal. $3.95
Special... $5.95 '
Wash Petticoats
Special at 78
Blue and white striped Seer
sucker Petticoats, double
Spanish flounce, 2 rows of
ruffles and 3 rows of fine
tucks', regular price$1.00. ..
Special at ..............73
Summer Suit
Only 66
Great clean-up sate on Sum-
ner-Suit.. Silks. Every yard
v. this season's latest weaves
and colors. This line has
been one of the favorites alt
season; regular values are
$1.25 and $1.00. Special for
"j "dayr onry,-yardnrtr6e 1
,' t . . ' ;' . 1 ' : .
Value S0.U. . Special, p
pair ....$-
yaiue 5.uujSpeciai per
pair .$5.23
Value $70. SpedaL per
pair $5.60
' pa
. value fv.du. speaai, per .
pair. ...$7.10
Value Special, per -
pair $8.28
Value $12. 0a Spedal, per '
pair $8.98
Value $1500, Special, per
pair $118
. . -
Colored Dress
Goods Offer
Special clean-up --sale of
Novelty Summer" Suitings.
These are all new choice late
styles, splendid values at the
regular price, but must be
. . sold as ' no goods are cr-
ried over for next season.
Shelves must be freed for
new fall goods. Special clean
tip Monday, Tuesday and ,
, Wednesday
Regular $1.25 values.
Regular $1.50 values.
Special ............ ...fl.C3
Regular $1.75 values.
Special Xt.Z
Regular $2.00 values.
Special ,