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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
' THE OREGON CUIJDAY JOURITAU XOUTLAND, GUNDAY HSnNHIG.' JULY 3. 1ZZ1. ,-oi,'.'!i8 DiiiiE GOOD ffiOSBESS Per Ceng Q.2 Prescrlptlopt Called For and Delivered Without Extra Charge Fhone Your Droj Wants to Private) Exchange 1J. VoH Do the Rest WOOMAm CO, ;:o gro',7 Ei;niasi,;8iic .l.zrt Aftsr Scholarship In Th Journal's Competitiv Con Urt Spend Week Getting In VoteMor; Ds- -r . serving Young People Nominated. . ' 1 Nellie litr ffeuiioo, (II Tenlne, Portland, i.Of,. ............ ..,,..41041 Bone A Wilson. SSI Bslser St, Portlasa. Or...,.........,....li4S LUllaa MoVlcker. Bt, John. Or, ,'.". ? Quy Graham. Troutdale, Or.' ....... . .... .14.M Cnas. Gross, Y. JsV C A, Portland. Or.. ... i. '. ... till Rhoda X Btalnacker, 'Albany, Or. ..... .......... ' ............... .11141 Mildred Li.. Clemona. Unlrerslty prfc Portland. Or............. .1U4I ORoy Johnson. Division St, Portland. .Or.....;,.,i.......... v IU4S liarr si PoweiL 4JT Salmon 8t Portland. Or.ii.... .litis Clar Jonea. 40 EL lltb SW Portland, Ot.-.T.. ......114-0 Cart Shelton, Forty-ihth a treat. Mount Tabor. Or, ............... 11IU Mae Pandargraaa, 111 North Serenteentn. St, Portland, Or. ......10181 John Benson, Ctaemaws. Or. V.V,,.., ,..'.. ................. MIS Edith M. Harris, Oxford Bt, Portland, Or. ................v. TIM Paul Nrsren, til Kaat Third St. north. Portland, Or 111! Bartla O. Chan, III Clay St, Portland. Or.;'........ ...... ....... Clay .Cary, Salem,' Or. 111! Harry Brant, Til Willamette bottlavard, Portland, Or............ 1771 Doroas Tan SohoonhoTan. Cora, Or. ., ......... .... ............... 1711 , Allan Hackman. Myrtle Part, Portland, Or.. .................... SIU Louise Scott, Cantral addition, Portland; Or. ..................... I0l , B. IT. CyrUS, Solo, Or.. ........... ...... .................... Ill In nM. tmAmr Wills. Or. ..................................... 111! Edward I Kinsman. Unnton, Or. ..'... ...... ...... Mil Ony Johnson, SOI Grant BL,. Portland, Or. 1110 Mahal Mafneas, Amity, Or. .'. . . ... . ... i ............ . 1001 Rath Turner, 191 Karby Bt, Portland, Or. ....... .;......... to W. X. Owynn. 141 East Thlrty-aerenta ft, Portland. Or......... I0I; George D. Kins. Klnsstoa, Or. .Agnes Evana, JJatoureU, Or... ......... j lit" 4 flrlnv la thair subscriptions. Respect fully, , , 1 M. W. COOPER. ..... t .- "Induatrlal Taachar. - -A Vow Sraaaaa ytwpoaad. '";r:; ' SaTaral nw namaa hava baen pro poaad for tha oontaat, and thty ara likely to enter tha acora llat soma tlma durlns tha present week. Tha new nominations ara as f ollowai Felix Isaacson. Hubbard. Oreaon. Walter Pitcher, Cottaca Orova, Ore ton. , Nora E. Blsbee, Aahland. Ore f on. . Eaalo Mania, Grants Paaa, Oreson. Dare Wrifht, Woodbura,. Oreson. Malals O'Donnall, Buxton, Oreson. "Lloyd Riches, Bllverton. Oreson. : Bertha, fowiea, - Mountain palt Orr ton. These" contestants lira In localities which are food for enoush votes to se cure such scholarships as they desire. It Is simply a question of hustle. '. v. Afser Sagaa Scholarship. , 1 la. a rary naat latter, Mabel Macnass, who entered tha contest quit -lata, aa-. sarta her candidacy: "I was born near Wheatland, Oregon, In llll, and hare lived on a farm all my Ufa." I finished tha Tamhill county public schools In HOs. and tha Salem high school In June, 10. Wishlns a i rutaaa of tha scholarship contest. nta were sufficiently actlvs from Mon . ay nntll Friday eTenlns of tha laat ak to secure 171 subsoribars to- The , ournal. Many of these subsoribars took aa paper for-a year. Bains sufficiently itarested themselves to help tha con - outnts It Is fair to presume that they : 'til induce their neighbors and friends to to clva subscriptions to further tha ansa and ambitions of their favorites a this - educational enterprise which he Journal has launched. ; Nellie May Shannon, who holds tha honor of being first In tha coatest, laada Jl contestants la tha number- of sub scribers secured durlnr tha lsst week. Uia has II to her credit for tha six days up to Friday erenlos. Several others closely follow her In the quality of -their reports. Not measured as to votes, but caused only by tha namber of subsorib ars Induced, tha relative standing' of the leading contestants who showed na tivity during tha week Is in tha follow ing order: 1 Nellie May Shannon. S Horace A. "Wilson.' , I Mildred U demons. ; . 4 Rhoda U Stalnackar. t Mary E. Pewell. v. . s Lillian McVlcker. .; 7 4)ileen Hackmaa. . s juy uranam. Johnson: :7 zr 14 Mat Pendergrass. 11 Paul Nygren. II Bertie G. China. ' " II Carl Shelton. ' ' 14 John Benson. - .' II Mabel Magness. . " ; 4raduatd Tttm Chaiaawa. - .. John Benson, tha Indian boy at Cha mawa. graduated from tha United Btatea Government . Induf (rial and .' Training school this weak. His regular school duties have beea aa numerous that he has not had much tlma to' canvass sa far In tha contest. But, beginning next Monday, ha Intends to make a business of gathering subscriptions, as ha Is vary anxious to get a better education than tha Indian training school can give him. IX. W. Cooper, Induatrlal teacher at the training school, contributes Information as to Benson aa follows: . "Contsst -Editor Tha : Journal John Benson, a member of the senior class of tha Chamawa training school, has en tered The Oregon Journal's oontaat for a free scholarship. -,-' .. "Benson Is one of the brightest, elean Vsf. most ambitious and' most promising Indian boys this school has ever turned ut. He Is. a native Alaskan, . and la thrown entirely upon his own resources to gratify his great ambition for a ool laga education. ; -He is president of tha local T. M. C 'A, and is In every way a most worthy young man. His teachers and friends at Chemewa earnestly desire that ' all who ara not working for a local candi date will send their votes for him when lnta the score list with a college education.' I take advantage of I j-0tcany day hajrants io. we opponuruLiee oiierea py int rfour- l wish to ears ona -of .tha cash ,M TO BE CLOSED OUT THE REMAINING TOCK OP THE DUNDORE PIANO CO, INCLUDINO THE 8TEINWAY, A. B. CHASE, ESTEY, ElfER. ' SON, STERLING. RICHMOND, STAR, HELLER, ORAMER AND OTHERS INCLUDED IN THE . SLAUGHTER, .vjc- -,, All who took notice' 'of ht closing out tale of two of Portland music stores recently (one having sold out to Sherman & Clay of San Francisco, the other to retire from the retail piano business in Portland) : are amazed at the number of pianos that are being sold in the Dundore com pany's retiring from business, isle. Extra transfer wagons were called Into action' yesterday to make quick delivery of pianos purchased of this reliable firm. Last week was cer tainly s banner week in the number of sales consummated. Many bar--aim were secured, but there are a lew left, and those who will call early this week will get choice of the re naming stock. The sale may not run many days longer, as the store ocni is for rent and we vacate as -ton as it it rented. Why not get your '.tno at once. There is no advantage ) be gained by postponing your pur ' e until the last day of the sale We can please you in s piano, in a i;e and terms of payments, to call J make your purchase early thit Store open evenings. TUNDORE PIANO CO. ;:-itt Ortrorira T'Irs. prises, which will enable ma to attend school In Eugene, Oregon. Truly yours, "MABEL MAGNESS.' . fas IMmrr Saaid. A charming and attractive little miss to Mildred L. Clemens of University Park. Portland. She Is In tha educa tional contest for ona of - the capital prises, a cash purse and a scholarship la ona of tha Oregon stats- schools.' . Ambitious, as well aa fair and pretty, la this 11-year-old maid from tha Peninsula... She to striving for an ed ucation with a definite end la view, to become a writer of literature, and her tact in conversation shows that the has tha talent to succeed. She can tell aa ordinary Incident In a manner to make It moat Intereatlng and when shs gets to writing she will hava only to enlarge upon a power which Is hers already. She Is a second cousin of Mark Twain, tha moat popular humorist of two continents, and sha hopes to re flect credit upon the name of her sn- - Sha was born la Connecticut II years ago and both tr mother and father belong to good old New England stock. Tha family emigrated to Oregon when tha little girl was four years old. The mother.-was widowed and after aom time married J. - A. Renahaw, who has become for Mildred a kind step-father. ' For some years tha family home of tha Renahaws has been at University Park, and In the publlo school of Bt Johns Mildred Clemens , received her grammar school education. Two years ago aha attended the Dallas college. While there sha helped to maintain her self by organising a claas of ladles and giving them . Battenberg . lessona. Mildred has experimented with many kinds of fancy work and paints In water colors and In oils.. She haa an eye for the beautiful and hopes to perfect her self In the arts when she may spare tha time to work with the brush. , ! otk PraottoaJ and OraasEsatai. -. Always this Oregon girl has felt that sha should be useful snd practical as well as ornamental. . Sha has helped her thrifty New England mother with the housework. But Mrs. Renshaw Is spending 'the summer In the east with relatlvee ' and leaves : tha home In Mildred's care. The little girl finds It something of sn effort to keep up a 10 -room house, do the washing and Ironing and canvass for votes' In a con teat.' The- contest' work, with a- girl of Mildred's ambitions always to lead the clasa. Is enough la Itself to occupy all of her time. - , . ' There Is so much to do In this horns that Mildred hss not yet called on all of her frirnds. She hopes that niany of them will savs her steps and vol unteer subscriptions In her favor to the regular carriers and collectors of Tha Journal, making sura that tha scholarship votes en thesa subscriptions are polled ln her. jtvorta. the. oontaat department .-. ., . An educated French lady has moved Into tha University Park district and Mildred has taken up tha study of tha French language. - With Latin and Eng lish literature aha has dona something and tha French comes eaally after tha Latin. . r .. . Mildred Clemens purpose Is to take such a college course as will fit hr for the Library school, of tha Pratt In stitute, Brooklyn, where young ladles are trained to become librarians, Sha loves books and Wants to spend her Ufa with them. Proficiency In the modern languages, as well as In Latin, Is required for entrance In hls school. : Xaa Wea Medaja. In Una with her love of literature Mildred memorises readily and she re cites when she Is called upon. A silver mod-.! is a trophy which was won by her la ana of the oratorical contests of tha W. C. T. U. A book prise sha values highly, as souvtnlr of another ON ALL J , . -.v : -;r--' . ' Two and Three Piece WHIM SUITS If Per Cent 03 ON ALL shmlW Mrs mm 311 KCXRBOH ST., cpj. PcstDSca. AS TO TASTE, JTOEE BO OS OA mtTM BSl contest in reciting. The pathetlo ap peals to her most strongly in dramatic productions. ' For two weeks Mliarea visiiea inenaa and canvassed for votes on Sauvle's Island. Sha did quite well there. But thmu"lnberbf famlHea on Sauvle's island Is limited and Mildred had to look for larger worlds of Vontest votes to conquer. . Sha says aha is delighted with the encouragement which people give her and that the educational con test meats with favor everywhere. ; - BaDo Box Votes. ; ' Much Is promised ' for. "Richard W. Ollvin of Roseburg, Oregon, but so far he does ' not place bis name In the score list. It Is said that ha has secured a number of promises of sup port In Roseburg and that ha can move list wun a ouncn 01 George D. King of Kingston desires a course In the correspondence scnoot In locomotive engineering and - that Is the reason he gave for going into the contest He la II years of age and at the tlma be was nominated In the eon test was working as a section band on the Corvaills and Eastern railroad. He has not bean catting on very well lately. Maybe he has not bean able to get away from bis work enough to canvass Ruth Turner of 101 Kerby street. Portland,. is the youngest graduate of the Thompson school. She completed her studies thsre laat Juna at tha age of only II years. She wrote her class prophecy and shs ' to highly recom mended by her teachers. . .' Boom For Others. Every bay and girl In Oregon may re ceive an education. If the mtana are not at hand for a course in a special school or college, the chance to earn a scholarship snd cash prise for Inciden tal oxpenaes to offered by the educa tional contest inaugurated by The Ore gon Journal. .During thla summer va cation, from now until the schools open In September, next years schooling may be , provided for by. enlisting in The Journare contest. Often ambitious boys and girts whose parents are not well off Join In conteet propositions In order to show their par ents that they can do something for themselves. Nothing gives a parent more pleasure and confidence In a child than to see a manifestation of self reliance. And fun and the excitement of conteat work quite compensate tor the labor involved, to say nothing of the substantial benefits gained. . In another column of this Issue to an advertisement of the scholarships and cash prises offered now In this conteet Besides tre commissions to be paid on new subscriptions to every contestant, tha winning contestants at tha close of the contest will receive In scholarships and cash values exceeding 11.000. More scholarships msy be added as tha num ber of contestants multiply. Every one who enters Into ths contest work vigor ously may expect ample reward, ILLINOIS PREACHER TO SPEAK AT Y. M. C. A. " -Rev. R. B.- Marshall of Mount Car roll, Illinois, will give an addreae to SKreve& have oo . uW their usual compTet i lock, of DIAMOND and GOLD JEWEUWWATCHES SILVERWARE, CLASS WARE ETC.. AT Post StreJ and Grant Avenue end 24!j9JachaonStrewt Stn Frsnclioo Prompt and cartful attent ion given to correspotuUne young men at tha T. M. C. A. meeting this afternoon at 1:10 o'clock. His theme will bo "Three Points In Man Making." Mr. Marahall is one of the most gifted of the younger ministers of his state and 1s expected to give an ad dress OfUftusualinterest "to" young manT Ha la pissing through tha city and will speak only once. - Miss Eula R. Bennett, soprano, will sing: Ths meeting Is for men only and to free. ' Salary of Hundred Thousand. Caruso, tha eminent Italian tenor, re ceived over 1100,000 for bis - work In grand opera last season. t Come in and hear his wonderful voloe on the talking machine. Largest aad most ' complete stock of. Victor and Columbia ' grand opera records at, lqyeetjrlcca. , F.llera Piano House. , . . - ... , Elastic Hosiery, Abdominal : ' Supports l. and Belts . .. : "TT-A Manufactured on our own looms. Everything fully guaranteed. Ladies in attendance. Pri vate fitting rooms ;, Little pricey Trusses Trusses of every description- Fifty styles to 'select from. We can fit you, and no extra charge is made for the services of our expert fitters. -Prices ?1.50 up. - . Cratches and Invalid Chairs, V , v For Sale and to Rent. . Artificial Eyes. . Every Shade and Shape. ' Aids f 6 the Deaf 'All the latest appliances which aid In V the .restoration of hearings : . ; ' London Hearing Horn. ?2.o0 Wilson's celebrated Artificial Ear Drums . .. .... ? Conversation Tubes, Mohair .......... $2.50 Conversation. Tubes,' large size,-extra p - . ; strength .... ..i... .............. .$34)0 .' All Hearing appliances Sold on ApprovaL ; Money Back If Not Relieved. , Garden Hose V " Special Reductions In High-Grade Hose ; t ? 50-FOOT LENGTH Soecial. ,Shorthorn,,, -in., reg. $12.00...... $10.00 HOSrirSof r-ltrTreff." siotou. ;.'..... . 88.2 "Oregon," y-in., reg. $.uu. .......... so.ou oodlark,M -in., reg. $7.00......... $6,00 ...Our prices include couplings -and nozzle, complete to Uttach ' to faucet. We have all implements necessary for repairing hose. , fevy Arrivals in Art Brass Candlesticks, Candelabra,- Floor Candlesticks, Samovars, Jardinieres, Fern Dishes in chased and plain finish. Photo Department We are exclusive agents for Ansco Cameras and Ansco Non-Curling Films, Seneca Cam eras and sundries.- Di Nunzio Sepia Platinum Paper, Cook's Lenses,- Lumiere Plates, etc. Vie Develop andPrlrJ ras Buster Brown Camera No. 8.... Buster Brown Camera No. 1, folding. Ansco Camera, No 1 . . . . . . Ansco Camera, No. 2,,...iM... Ansco Camera, No. 3. . ... . Ansco Camera, No. 4, folding. .....J Ansco Camera, No. 5. folding... Seneca Camera, No. 29 .3.50 .13.50 kC5.00 .C7JS5 .87.75 S18.50 P20.00 .$3.00 Sights and Scenes of the FairPortland ' and the Golden West ' A book containing 180 views of the Lewis gad Clark Exposition and a collection of . O views. of Portland and Oregon. Special...... Ol 8cenic Wonders Portland and Columbia River . - . Recular $1.00 Special 50c . - : Cut Glass Twentv-five barrels of the famous Quak'er and Empire Glass' just arrived. Exquisite de signs and cut. Let us show you, ' ..J..'... ; y : Batteries Everything that is made in the war of a Battery can be found in oury stock. House,' Medical, Galvanic, Faradic, used for muscu lar exercise, or one of Mcintosh's electric in struments for removal of superfluous hair. Needles, attachments, etc. ; hfT fluid mil 1 ;5 I dry ccllsrepairTmadc on all kinds of appar atus tor little money. - Home Medical Battery ,.............$6.00 Hilton's Malt Creates a : healthy, vigorous, appetite" and is above all others the best Summer Tonic J good for well or sick people. V ' v 1 Pints. 25: dozen:. . . ... . .82.50 With Pepto-Manganate of Iron, pints, 35f; .dozen $3Q : IS JQ ini n toT toi "TQi pi 1Qr Kd . Q. 2 DAILY TRAMS 2-' August 7, 8, 9 September 8, 9,-10 : . r Portland to Points East r-':.via:-.f- y-xi-: DAILY TRAINS ST. PAUL, DULUTH, FARGO, : , MINNEAPOLIS AND THE EAST - LINCOLN, ST. JOSEPH, KAN SAS' CITY, ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST Y The Regular Yellowstone National Parli Via Livingston an Gardiner Gateway, the Government Official Entrance Route ' ... SEND SIX CENTS FOR WONDERLAND, 1906, OR IT CAN BE HAD AT THE ' r ' ; :, 'i OFFICE FOR THE ASKING, v. -V- ;;: ' -:' : SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS IF INTERESTED IN OUR V - BOOKLET, JUST OUT' .; ' An particulars, rates, routes, etc., at Ticket Office, 255 Morrison Street, corner Third, or by letter to A D. CHARLTON ASSISTANT GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, PORTLAND, OREGON O L- -e- o D Q o D Q o