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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
tiis cr.zzz:: cu::dav jsun::Ai; rcr.TLAi.TD. Sunday hoshing. july t3. is:?. Fifth Week OF BARGAIN OFFERING Commencing TOMORROW In every imjUnca and on every day which up to ttia present time mark the period already covered by this "greatest and most opportune ol . all sales," has success attended our flforts in the offering of unexcelled sale values and unlimited opportunities for economical home furnishing. . Our methods in conducting this great sales-event have been sincere and liberal in the extreme, and the continuous and aealoua buying has dem- ' onstrated thai -our- efforts-have-been thoroughly appreciated. Tomorrow we commence the fifth week of bargain-giving, and by a comparison v of all articles and the greatly reduced prices at which they are offered, our patrons will readily' recognize and appreciate the fact that we have not, hesitated in applying the extreme limit in sale values, regardless of regular selling values. ve Invite your attention to the convincing sale.baf. gains which comprise our offerings in the drapery department for this week. :' ; V ' i 'The Fifth Week OFBARGAIN OFFERING ' ComnWug TOMORROW , Fifth W eeic rrr KJTL ers 17 yv aiues m D nprececUntecl Sale- rapery Department A profusion of sale values in excellent quality fabrics for all furniture covering and drapery purposes, also in curtain materials of every description, odd pairs and broken lots in curtains and portieres, most liberally reduced -with the Intention of disposing of same, before removal to our new store' on Morrison and Seventh streets, as our stock here will be comprised entirely of new effects In all lines. This sale offers numerous suggestions for the replenishment and beautifying of the home, and will no doubt tend to remind of some favorite furniture piece that with a new covering can be transformed almost to its original condition and be of satis-; factory service for many years.' The following comprise a few of the sale items from the drapery and upholstery aale stock S58Q-, Tkis Sale Offers Unusual : Advantages for Beautifying -; ; tte Home -' Silk Grenadine Drapery Fabric; former telling values , , , $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per yard; to dote out at the . sale price,- of yard.....;. ......TSe Bulgarian Silk- Stripes for Draperies and Hangings; former selling values $400 'and $5.00 per yard; to;"' ' close out at the sale price of, yird...........f 2.0O HignGrade!rduroysinanassortment"of "colors, -1 specially adapted for furniture covering, durable and . appropriate; reduced from the regular selling value :.. of $1.00 yard to, yard.. ...................... ...60e- : Short: lengthsf TrenchrCretonfteJ,Tlirwrortn of patterns. and rich color, effects,- suitable .for bed spreads, window hangings, toilet sets, chair cush- . "16ns and 'ebverings for" shirtwaist boxes and' bed- V feats; regular selling values $15, $1.00, 35c, ;5c, per yard;., sate . values respecuveiy, per 7 yard . . . .7. . .... .... ... 75c, 65c, 20c," 15c and 12" ROPE, LEATHER AND CORDED VELOUR .PORTIERES IN VARIOUS PATTERNS r:-'-v and colors i 4 $5.00 Rope Portieres, reduced to..... s.uu Kope rortieres, reaucea 97.50 Tan. Leather fortieres 10.00 Red Leather Portieres, 2.50 BO 75 OO ed to........ .....3. I, reduced to............. .$3. s. reduced to. $5. $11.50 Mission Portieres, reduced to..... 55.75 $12.00 Velour Portieres, reduced to i 6.00 tO........ BQ.UU ,. ie.oo iced to T.50 (12.00 Mission Portieres, reduced $12.00 Rooe Portieres, reduced to. SI 5.00 Fancv Rooe Portieres, reduced $18.00Xeather Portieres, reduced to ..... , ; $9.00 ONE, TWO AND THREE-PAIR LOTS ' IN VA- RIOUS 8TYLK LACE. CURTAINS $2.50 Pair' Nottingham Curtains; sale price, pair i.f 1.75 $4.75 Pair Ivory Color Curtains; sale price, pair.....'. $2.25. $5.25 Pair Ecru Color Curtains; sale price, pair .3.00 $6.75 Pair Cluny Arabian Curtains; sale price, pair... .f 4.75 $6.75 Pair Cable Net Curtains; sale price, pair $4.75 $7.75 Pair Cable Net Curtains; Sale price, pair s)5.0 $8.00 Pair Cable Net Curtains; sale price, pair....... fS.OO $9.00 Pair Brussels Net Curtains; sale price, pair.. ... . 5.50 $10.00 Pair Hand-Made Arabian Curtains; sale price. Y.6.50 $14.00 Pair Hand-Made Arabian Curtains sale Price. : .f 8.75 $27.50 Pair Hand-Made-Arabian Curtainsrsale price.fl6.00" $65.00 Pair Hand-Made Arabian Curtains; sale price. 5S8.00 BONNE FEMME CURTAINS IN WHITE AND ARABIAN NET ' r ' : ART TAPESTRY PANELS REPRODUCTIONS QF THE WORK OF WORLD- ; t . FAMED ARTISTS v f Various subjects to choose from, suitable for framing and hanging as pictures. . - . - ' - ' $ 1.50 Tapestry Panels; sale price....;. $ 1.75 Tapestry Panels; sale price.... .........1-25 4.UU Tapestry faneis; sale price. ............. o 4.50 Tapestry Panels; sale price .....82.90 5.50 Tapestry Panels; sale price,. ............... ...f3.50 6.50 Tapestry Panels; sale price.. ....... ...........f4.50 8.00 Taoestry Panels: sale price (12.00 Taoestry Panels: sale price............... 56.25 ElS.OO Tapestry Panels; sale price.... ......4-..7.50 MADRAS CURTAINING IN A VARIETY OF. COLOR EFFECTS AND ART PATTERNS ; 35c Yard Madras, reduced to .yard. .................... 20e 50c. Yard Madras, reduced to, yard.... '25i 75c Yard Madras, reduced to, ysrd .401 $1.00 Yard Madras, reduced to, yard.... ''52 $1.25 Yard Madras, reduced to, yard... ................ OS , $1.50 Yard Madras, reduced to. yard. ..75 ; HALL OR DEN LAMPS IN ART IRON OR I RRASS 1' ' $4.00 Arabian Curtains; sale price. V.'.,.',..f2.00 $4.50 Arabian Curtains; sale price..... 52.25 $475 Arabian Curtains; sale price ...2.60 $5.00 Arabian Curtains; sale price."....... i..f 2.50 $5.50-White Curtains; sale price ...9275 A Oft Whit furtaint! ! orice. . ......... . . . ... . .. .93.00 .93.50 2.00 Yard Madras, reduced to, yard................ ..9125 2.50 Iron Lamps; sale price IJ'f .00 Iron Lamps; sale price,, ..... 5.00 Iron Lamps; sale price.......;..". 5.00 Brass Lamps; sale price. ....................... 950 ............... . .........95.00 - $6.25 Arabian- Curtains ; al e price ...... . . EAST INDIA HAND . ' , . EMBROIDERIES v . This assortment Includes a variety-of beautiful pieces embroidered in silk and gold, . suitable for draperies, etc.,;also handsome Table Covers In red and black,' richly embroidered in gold. To close out at a great bargain in this sale. . . J $6.75 Arabian Curtains; sale price. SOME SCREENS TO CLOSE OUT AT THE V REDUCED PRICES ....... 92.50 ,f 2.TB S 6.75 Screen, reduced to................ a acre en, reaucea o 1 $ 6.50 Screen, $ 9.00 Screen, 12000 Screen! $33.00 Screen, reduced to.... . ..920.OO a, reduced to.... .............. .9325 u, redtfeed to...... .94.60 n; reduced to, . t. , i . , , , , , . . ...... 910.00 $9.00 Iron Lamps; Sale price $10.00 Iron Lamps; sale price SILK STRIPE, MADRAS AND SILK CURTAINS 3.00 Pair Silk Stripe Curtains; sale price, pair.......990 ft 00 Pair Silk Strioe Curtains: sale price, pair 94.00" 0.00 Pair Silk Stripe Curtains; sale price, pair..,...:.95.00 611.00 Pair-Madras Curtains; sale price, pair 9?50 M2.00 Pair Silk Curtainsrsale pnce,air. .iv.ijji.f .00 -3.00 Pair Madras Curtains; sale price, pair...... 6.50 515.00 Pair Silk Curtains: sale price, pair ........9T.60 $18.00 Pair Madras Curtains; sale price, pair ....90.00 art grilles in oak and mahogany "..."Finish $5.00 Pattern Grilles, 7-foot; sale price..... fl,T5 --$6.00 Pattern Grilles, 7-foot; sale price .7.T.-r.W7T.9250-75c per foot Grille in oak or mahogany; sale price, foot.25f - Drapery and Upnolstery : . Fairies at Prices Far 'Below tte Regular .Value , j; Fish Nets in beautiful colorings; reduced front $1.25 ' yard to, yard ................50e Silkolines in all colors; reduced from 15c yard to, yard '. ....-rwTrrrrrTr;8"l-8y - Sixty-inch Couch- Covers in various Oriental effects; regular selling value ; $4.00; reduced to the sale - value of, each. 92.00 , Sofa - Cushions, covered in the finest fabrics silk, wool and cotton among which are many In- East 'lndirtand "embrotderyr prices covering this" lorlisve" been reduced so that they range from.75 to 9300 . ODD PAIRS OF PORTIERES TO CLOSE 11 L ' OUT AT HALF PRICE j ; .. $4.50 Tapestry Portieres in red; sale price, pair.. 92.75 : $10.00 Cream Portieres; sale price, pair.. jjS.OO t $15.00 Linen Taffeta Portieres; sale price, pairi.9T.50 $14.00 Mercerized Armure Portieres; sale : - - price, pair ........ 900 $13.50 Mercerized Armure Portieres; sale . price, pair ...................... ..........97.00 $20.00 Tinsel Tapestry Portieres; sale price, pr.flO.OO . $20.00 Figured Silk Portieres; sale price, pair..$10.0O V $20.00 Oriental Tapestry Portieres; sal price, - ' pair. ................v.....91bO $25.00 Velour Portieres ; sale price; palrM....912.50 ' .( $27.00 Velour Portieres; sale price, pair.MM..93BO ' Many OciciPieccs in arioua Xesigns ... ana Finisnes w Included m tKe Sale Stock ... " ' - '- ' : ;''.'"".' .s''. , '""'' ' ',; ,'.-''V ' $3.75 Chair in the mahogany finish; saje price. ..92.75 $4.00 Tabourettes in the mahogany; sale price.. ................ .92.25 $4.00 Tabourettes In the golden oak; sale price.,.."..,...., 9275 y$4.00 Pedestals in the golden oak; sale price.;....,...., 92.90 ' ' $5.00 Tabourettes in the mahogany finish; sale price. ........ ...... 92.05 $6.00 Pedestals in the golden oak; sale price ............ .94.00 $7.50 Pedestals in the golden oak; sale price......... ...... ......9S00 $7.75 Maple Bedroom Chair; sale price................. 94.75 $8.50 Bedroom Chair in the mahogany finish; sale price.. I. 9575 $9.00 Desk Chair in the mahogany finish; sale price.... .....'.96.00 $14.00 Bedroom Chair in the mahogany finish; sale price. ...... ..99.75 ' $8.00 Music Cabinet in the mahogany finish; sale price... ....... .9490 V - $9.50 Ladies' Desk in the mahogany finish; sale price - ...96.60 $14.50 Music Cabinet in the golden oak; sale price ...........90.75 , $18.00 Combination Desk and Music Cabinet in the mahogany finish or golden oak; sale price . ... ........... ... ....... . . ........... 91225 ' --- $18.50 Large Music Cabinet in the golden oak; sale price... ....912.50 : - $21.50 Cellarette in the golden oak; aale price. .................. .914.00 ; $22.00 Cellarette in the weathered oak; sale price......... .916.00 $22.50 Shaving Stand in the weathered oak; sale price.. ........ . 99.75 . $23.50 Rattan Chairs, patent spring rocker construction, in. the green . . and natural finish; sale price.........'...." .915.00 ; $37.00. Hall Seat in quarter-sawed golden oak, hand polished; - - - ssle price ....925.00. $45.00 Mission Hill or Bungalow Lamp in the weathered oak; ' "kale price .Tm Tivrr;-.' .!.- rmr. 916.00 . $52.00 Cellarette in the golden oak, hand polished; complete with decanter, jar, glasses, etc; sale price........,!. .95. 00 ' $80.00 Large Grill in the weathered oak, copper lined, exten-' . " sioh sides and shelves,. equipped with gas stove; sale price... . 990.00 Some ; Sale Offerings From Our , v Crockery D epartment DINNER SETS ' $8.25 Decorated Set in semi-porcelain, 50 . pieces; sale price .....96.50 $12.50 Set in semi-porcelain, flow blue deco ration, 62 pieces; sale price....... 9975 $45.00 Haviland Set in the plain white, con- , sisting of 108 pieces; sale price.. 932.60 CUT GLASS PIECES AT .-J. ; REDUCED PRICES $4.50 Water Bottles reduced to 93.00 5.00 Celery Dishes reduced to 93.00 " &.5Q Large Bowla reduced to.,.....f 5.50 CHAFING DISHES , $6.50 Silver-Plated Chafing Dish; sale price 990 $8.25 Silver-Plated Chafing Dish; - ssle price .......95.75. $9.50 , Silver-Plated Chafing Dish; ' ssle price ..f.T VARIOUS OTHER ITEMS FROM CROCKERY SALE STOCK Richly Decorated' Fruit Plates, fancy pat tern; reduced from $5.00 a dozen to, dozen 92.50 Richly Decorated Fruit or Cake Plates; re duced from $5.50 set of 6 to, set.. 995 - Hand-Painted China Chop Plates; reduced from $4.50 to 93.00 Best French - China Plates, fancydesign, - richly decorated;, reduced from $9.00 a dozen to, dozen....... .95.50 '$10.00 Silver-Plated Chafing Dish; sale price ...... . .T.T.OO $11.50 Silver-Plated Chafing Dish; sale price .,.. .....97.60 Tea Pots in semi-porcelain, china "and T stoneware at removal sale values. : - TOILET SETS -:- $6.50 Colonial 10-piece. Toilet Sets in three colors, blue, pink and gray; sale price 1. ... ...... ...9350 $9.50 Colonial 12-piece Toilet Sets in three colors,' blue, pink and gray; sale price 93.90' HAVILAND CHINA'AT" ; - REDUCED-I'WCES- Haviland 654-inch Plates in white and gold; reduced from $9.50 dozen to, dox.96.00 Haviland Decorated Chop Set. . 1 large round dish and 10 plates; set reduced .;; from $18.50 to........ 97.50 ,.4 kisale-EmDraces-Manjr Opportunities forFumiskmpi Living Room and Library A FEW.PIECES FROM THE SALE STOCK! " $9.00 Magazine Rack in the weathered oak; sale price. iaMM... 9625 . $9.00 Chair in the weathered oak, leather scat; sale price. ........96.00 $10.00 Chair in the weathered Oak, leather seat; sale price. 96.75 $13.50 ArmeChair in the weathered oak, leather seat; sale price. .9900 , $15.00 Combination Desk and Library Table in the weathered oak; saleJ .. price ......................... ............... 910.0O $20.00 Library Table, in the weathered oak. leather top; sale . "'. r. price J...k.;... 919.0O $25.00 Library Table in the golden oak, hand polished; sale price. flT.oCv $27.00 Deak in the fumed oak, copper trimmings; sale price..... 91075 $16.00 Ladies' Desk in the mahogany finish; sale price..,. 910.75 $16.50 Mission Chair in the fumed oak, upholstered in leather; sale price ........ m f 10.50 $24.00 Mission Arm Chair to match; sale price. ...... .....'...?.916.75 " $48.00 Settee ; 'to 'match; sale price..v;.;.V......;v..V,.,.....933.00 1 $16.00 Arm Rocker in the weathered oak, carved back, panel; 'sale '" price ..........MMJM...... 910.00 . $26.00 Ladies' Desk in the mahogany; sale price... ............. 919.00 $30.00 Bookcase in the mahogany finish; sale price. ........... .919.00 $35.00 Bookcase in the weathered oak; sale price. ............. .922.76 $50.00 Large Bookcaaelnlhe golden oak; sale price.. ......935.00 ; $48.00 Settee in the fumed oak, equipped with loose leather cushion;" . sale price ............................................ ..933.00 - $52.00 Large Mission Library Table in the fumed oak; sale price. 939.00 " Sot1 I Tout etiorr I' r f 1 1 I Ul LI b H II I V U U 'I I h 11 1 V fl IV 17 13k MAKE YOUR jj OwMTCStt I ul1 : 1 Your CreJit Is Good And w exUnd to you every trtTl !( and eon van lance afforded th ron eh our almplo and liberal ' era4lt-irlna Bjratam, whathar It partalna to the aalactlon of a aln- la furniture place or the com plat a furnishing of the home. . a YOU CREDIT fl. i aooo - J rr C0MPLj1005lyFgRmSitIi?.5 MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS V