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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1906)
. I. p. PAGES 9 TO 16 4 ' PORTLAND. OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING. JULY r 8, 1906. v i ii 1 . , - , Newport eleul Oarreeaoadenee of Tee Journal.) in, vr.,- juty z 7. Everybody this to be the banner season at for several yeara. Tha mer- re all doing- .good . bualneea Ight tba boat brine in a lot jrJimpers. Every evening tha dock did! appearance bf large city ate- " - -atf th to platform stacked wltn -. .s. Tba ho tela ara all wall crowd' . d , I more peopla are here now than were anra laat year at tha earn time. . Three hundred and alxty-flve persons peat a very pleaaant day at tha beach Sunday, Rain - fell on -Saturday night. laying tha dust Kline's "Randy Kids df, Corvallla and tha fillet Indiana played a game of belt The) Corvalll team won by a ecore of 8 to T. Tha three-ttmee-a-week dance at tha opara-houae ara proving popular. " The mualo la furnished by Rosebrook e or chsstra of .Toledo. v" -. -'-. t - ? V Mrs. Bessie Young of Salem la spend- I wag tha aummer at Newport. ' Mr. J. C Morrison of Independence. ' accompanied by Mine Vavla and Ralph 'Morrison,- ara camping out. for a few vhu at Nye creex. ,-.-:( ' Mr., arid Mra R. B. Flaming of Salem are apendlng a few weeks at tha Irvine ,. house at Nya creek. With them la their niece, Miss Ruth Fleming, of Omaha, ; NebraakaT-" 7. f Mr. and Mra. O. C. Merrick Of Port- . . land are spending a few days at tho 'Irvine hotel. . O. B. Thomas of Portland ia apendlng a few days at Newport. ,C Mr. and Mra. George Prlnoler.of Al banv ara snandlna their honavmoon at Nye creek. "" ' " - Rot. rrantt Caldwau ox FhUomath la camolng at Nya creek, Mr. and Mra. John wlllson of Portland are visiting Mra. Wlllaon'a mother, Mrs. Q H. WUllama. ft Newport Mra. E. Hoefar and family ara located for tha aummer in their cottage In Ol aon villa. - Mra. Rockia Mason of Albany la at Newport for a short sojourn. - -s; : . Mrs. Cora Newton of Corvallla has been visiting her- cousin. Mlsa Paya Johnson, of Ny creek." " Miaa Dorothy Renroid of "Walla Walla, Washington, is at tha Abbey house for a short stay. '4 . ' ' ' Mca. Butler aTid daurhtr of Dallas are registered at tha Abbey house. -- Miss Jean V. Rankin of Omaha, Na braaka, la a guest at tha Abbey house thla week. - - ... - Rfglalaiad at tlia hotels:' ', Albany House J. J. Wtaeman. Dallas; k W. E. Waun, Salem; H. 1 Jonea, Jef. (! nt Jack Baker. Portland: C. W. Cot- :hlca(ro Mr. and Mra. McLaod. d; Mra. Butler and daughter, I Mra. J. J. Hill. ' Mra. J. I and Mra. J.' E. King. Shaw; J. riknpbH and Henry Krata. OaU kanla;fMlsa Maria O'Connor. North Tarn hill: Daniel Curry, Portland: Henry Nice. Walport: Theodora Roth. Portland; Jean V. Rankin and Mack Wise. Omaha: Mr. end Mra. R. 3. Smith. Grants Pass: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lane, Pendleton J. S. Bokhaion and family and George i- N. Conkey. Independence! Harley Luts. Toledo; Mra. Mason. Albany; Mr, and Mra, Allison. Portland; J. Kutner, 1 Slleta: Gladys Farrar. Katharine Far- rar, Kllsabeth Lord nd J. W. ' Shoemaker . and daughter, ' Salem; ! r I. Leavnna-ood. Roseburg; J. C, Rob- fii. Portland.. M..DHammoncl. Cor- allia; J. R. Flynn. Portland: Mra. - Lucas, Monmouth; Mlsa Burnic Lucas '- and C. I Divan, Portland: John Stevens, Marvin Stevens and John H. Stevens, . Albany; L. K, Bedwell. Monmouth; Mrs. A. 1.- Bersh. Margrelta pergh. Mrs. M. F. Moore and Mrs. W. F. Buffum, Port- , land; Mr. and Mra. W. Polders. Eugene; i Mrs. J. H. Rodgera end family, Inde. pendenca; Arthur Saunders, Harrlsburg; . J. C. Morgan, Royal Cummlna and E.VJ. Warnock. Portland; Mrs. Ch. Jones, - Alta, Iowa: James Read and Mr. and Mra. George Irvine, Corvsllls; J. M. Woodruff, Eugene; Clara E. Boorey, Cleveland, Ohio; H. H. Cromtse, Corval- ;.lls; George Van Doran, Albany; O. E. jEdgln and D. Klgar, Corvallla; J. H. ' Albut, Salem; Oeorae W. Albut and ' Agnes Albut, Ianalng; Mr. and Mra. George MoGowan.' - Portland: Al B. - Weatherford, Albany; E. W. Hahn, Jef ferson; Mr. and -Mra. D. J. McLnrdy, Albany; E. 'JS. Bailey, Salem: D. M. : Averlll. Long Beach; Mra George Llaba and Miss Valeaka Ltebe, Tba Dalles; Mlsa Annla King, Miss Louisa Curry and Mlaa R. McDowell, Portland; W. E. Lojren, Seattle. ' . - - Bay View -Houaa, Georga- A. Snyder, Vi S. 8. Columbine; A. B. Graham. Mary , L. Graham, Gerard Graham.- Katharine Graham, Mary Hollowmead. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas, Portland; W. B. Rosa and Ray Spencer, Lebanon; Mr. and Mra. D. D. Davis;. Mra. L. H. Camp- . bell and child, knd Mrs. W. H, Hamil ton, Portland; Earl England, Albany; W. H. Bettla, Coeburg; Mra. R. A. Booth nd Bsrabra Aehbury, McMlnnville; Mr. ind Mra. George Frincler. Albany; Mra. A. J. Shumakar, Mra. 8. E. Rolland and Howard Reevea, Jefferson; Edward Warmoth and Wllford Odds. Eugene; Ralph Lewis nd Frlaa Torgenson, Al-i-bany; R. M. Davleon. Portland;1 E. C. Hickn, Albany: Mlsa B. M. Moeck, Mlsa E. Richardson, Royal Cummlna, Portland ( Ma S. Mulet. AahUnd; Mra. J. C Morrison, Vsra Morrison and Ralph . Morrlaqp. Iodepasdenoa. , ... ' ! -.' in Oeah. Home H. R. Kineaid, Mra. -H. R. Klnrald and Miaa . Emily Robaaky, Eugene; Dr.- J. H., Brewer. Salem; Mr, and Mra. Edward . Schmeer, Portland; M. I'orter. Corvallla; 8. G. Spicer and M. J. Drug, Eugene; Mr. and Mra. E. W. E. Bartgua. Waltsburg, Wash.: J. J. Hlcker. Mr. and -Mra. B. J. Hlcker, Mr. and Mra. H. A. Hlcker, Albany; C. W. Sherman. Portland; T. W. Traanon, Independence; Mr. and Mrs. T. C Barnes. . Portland; Maiy A. Reese and Mrs. Eno Burmelster, Oregon city. - -,. Irvine Hotel William Steele, Albany: Sot J. Baum, Pendleton; Miss Nettle Redekoop, Salem; Mra. J. N. Steele and eon, Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Charle A. Burden. Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Nebraska; Mr. and Mra. R. H. Dearbon, Eugene; Mra. Ada Beard and Mlaa M, Thomaa, Portland; Mlsa Julia Wllllama, Miss Opal Wlnlama and I R. Allen, Salem; Sadie Noyes. Mr. and Mra. E. A. Noyea, Portland; Mlaa Belle Ward, Al bany; Mlaa Gertrude Gallbrath.-Salem; Mra. A. J. Caprbn, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Taubman and Mlaa Taubman,-Eugene; Mr. and Mra. J. A. H. Baund, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hlcker, Tha Dalles; TV 8. Tomllnsen, Albany; Mr. and Mrs. S. A.' King, Mr. and Mrs. O. C Merrick. G. H. Carlson and Ralpta Carlaon, Portland; TBL C. Hickman, Al bany; T. D, Hoeva, Salem; Dr. J. H. Miller, Portland; Miaa Loulaa ' Weber, Portland: Mrs. S. E. Huelat, Mrs. Ed ward Wcller and Miss Stella, Ward, Salem. - --. Grand Pacific S. Solmon, Portland; Lloyd Pruett, Yaqulna; Mr. ' and Mra. Thomas Hllsop, Portland; F. W. Trea nor. Independence; Thomaa R, 'Town eend. Roseburg; M. t. Hammond, Cor vallla; JohA C Eulberr, Portland; John R. Flynn, Portland; Mlaa Stevena, Al bany. . ' . . North Beach a tlpeetal CorreepoaoMee et The Joaraal.) ; North Beach,- Waah.. July 17. The residents or North Beach tnlss Jhe dally trips of the ateamee Potter mora than their friends at home - can anorectal. Ta meet the boat at Ilwaco and welcome the friends that ware aura to be among the crowds that thronged her decka waa a feature of each day alwaya anticipated with great pleasure. The keeneat res-ret Is felt here that tha old favorite of the beach will probably be out of Commis sion for an indefinite time. A beautiful night and a cheerful bon fire waa the setting for a merry party which gathered aroml the cottage .of Mra, A, Richards at Sea View on Friday nignr.- songs ana stories, maranmeuow toasting and fortune-telling war fea tures of the evening's amusement. Those present were Mra. Tyler, Miss Maud Tyler, Margaret Gibson. Luella and Edna Halght, Misses Edwlna and Alia Mas- Tie. Mf. .nJ MM. HdWarSKusse Misses Cora' and 'Maud Maatick. . Mrs. Bennett Mrs. Daniel Kellaher, Mies May Coon, Nora Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Wolcott Alta and Manslnlta Richards, Melville Fell, Guy Patterson, Rayne Bennett and Mra. Rlckarda. - A party of 19 made tha trip to Fort Canby on Tueaday by train to Ilwaco and from there acroas tha bay in ' a launch. Miss Ethel -Kern, Mlaa Bessie Kern. 'Irene Albee, Mildred Walrath, Francea and Edith Sheehy. Mr. and Mra. Watson. Mr. ' snd Mrs. McDonald and Mlaa Blckel eomposed tha party. Tha spacious nvmr-room of tha Salt Air was well filled on Monday evening, the occasion being an informal; card party. Mlaa .Pennick furnished jnuate and Five Hundred waa played at atx tables, Mr. Stone and Mra. Hurley ac quiring tba hlgheat scores. . tha bathhouse Wednesday moralnar and 'spent Awp hours diving and plunging In tha warm aalt water or tna tame me party waa composed of Walla Walla peopla eacluaivaly. : They were; Mrs. Cornwall. ' Mra. - Brewer, Miss Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. Will Upton, Miss Le Camu, Mra. Stanley Deane. .Mrs. Stork, Mr. snd Mrs. Meyers, Miss Kenworthy and Miss Gilliam.- An afternoon card party preceded an elaborate ' dinner - on Wednesday when Mra. Isam White entertained for Mrs. J. A. Meier and Mr. Eneing of New Tork. Twenty guesta were aeated at tha table, which waa artistically deco rated with nasturtums and wild wood violets. :: - - Miss Lea Todd Bingham entertained six girl friends at a t o'clock tea Wed nesday. Mlaa Bingham's guests were Mlaa Helen Lytle. Miss Ann Dltchbnry. Mlaa , Margaret- O'Connor. Miss , Helen Rosenfeld and Mtas Florence Wolfe. A Novel Dinner.;;; The progreaatve dinner given In honor of Mr. and Mra. "Jack" MacMIUan. of Seattle, who ara ffueats af Mra. H. R. Robertson, was novel and delightful. Three conveyanoea carried tha tnwrry company about to-tha vemous courses, which were served at different houses on the beach, at a great distance from each other. Clam chowder waa served by Mrs. Dr. MacMiccan. at tables placed In tha shady grove which complexly surround nr cuuage. j nis provea a very good starter, and when tha house of Mrs. H. R., Robertson waa reached every one In the party waa ready to partake of meats and vegetables which awaited their eager appetites. Tha drive from Mlsa Robertson's at Shel- bourna to the Dlckaon cottafte at Tioga waa rather a long one and tho salad and coffee which ware found there proved very acceptable to tha guesta After a drive back ta Shelbourae Mrs. John - Campbell nerved lea cream and cake en the lawn. Thla completed' tha dinner, after which flva hundred waa played for tha remainder of tha evening. Dutch lunch waa given by the Misses Schocht i at their ' Seaview cottage on Monday. Tha toasta were clever and amusing, and tha hilarity at tha table waa Indeed great when Sloans Hackney delivered a facetloua speech. Mrs. Tsd Wood and Mrs. Milne were guests of honor. : ' ' -1 Five hundred waa played at six ta bles on Thursday evening by the guesta of tho Hackney aottaga. and a few In vited guests, Mrs. H. Lancaster and Miss Ethel Honeyman. captured tha first and second prises. Those present Included Mlsa Julia Wilson, Miss Cora Kadderly, Miss Ethel Honeyman.-Miss Pearl Harder. Miss Sehadt Miss Schaefer, Mlaa Tudya SchadtMr. and Mrs. Davlea, Miss LotUa Jaoossan and Miss Myrtle l:tohy, 1 ... " ' 'JK i 4 A- flva-- hundred party "was given at tha Hotel-Wick ham on Wednesday even ing. Those present were Mra.. J. Lang lin and Mlsa Lucy Thourn. who eqo ceeded In carrying off the prises: 4 Mrs. Herbert Gregg, Mrs. Monte Gwynn, Mrs. J. Shemouski, Mrs... H. Holxman, ; Mr. and Mra. H. 8. Jackson. . - . , A delightful card party was gtveif by Mrs. A- Meier, Mrs.- Julius Meier and Mra, J., A. Marar -at tha cottage of Mrs. Mayer during the week. Trip on a. Launch. . V -i f h - A party of 16 Visitors to North Beach en : Friday -were . the- guests of Fish Commissioner Burton, wh toot then In tha government launch across Bakec bay, around Sand island and almost Xo the bar. ' Among those who made tha trip were Major McDonald. C Juessen, Mra Weed. Miss Mabel Weed of Bpo- wuie. Mr. And Mrs, oeorge piper, A. Raymond of Saattla, Mr. -and Mrs.. Otto Burkhardt Mra. -Ted Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Bart Irwin and Miss O'Connor of Portland. ' - .An event of the week waa tha party given by Mra. Captain Robertson on Friday In honor of Mra MacMIUan of Saattla. Whist was played at alx tables, Mlaa Viola Noon and Mrs. MacMIUan befog , tha fortunate prise Winners. Misses Cynthia and Bella Robertson and Mra. James 'Campbell aaalstad their mother tn receiving. - - A novel -dinner was given by Mlaa Agnaa ' Mcintosh at the -Wlllowe on Monday evening. Each gueat waa ra quested to .cook one course, tha men not excepted. Mlsa Mcintosh's guests were Mlaa Margaret Gibson, Edwlna, Alia, and Cora Maatick, Luella Halght Persia Sargent and Flora Dunham, Cur- tls Sargent-Melville Dedsua. Hubert Mcintosh and Guy Pattereon. Mlaa Luella Halght le entertaining Mlaa - Persia Sargent and - Mlse ' Flora Dunham at Seaview. Mra. Frank Heltkemper la Visiting her mother, Mrs. Jamea Allard, at Seaview. Mr. and Mra. Herman WIttenburg are cosily situated at Newtone for July and August Miss Frances Obertuef far, who hae been studying very hard during the past Iff f r ii 5 Tret Stump Cast Up by few "months In' preparation' for har en trance, to Bryn Mawr, is at present tak ing a much needed rest at Ocean fsrk. Blaln Hallock le With hie mother and slater at - their-" Ocean -Park cottage. Clarence Allan .came to the beach with him and will be hie guest for a tims. - Dr. Robert Wendllng la a new arrival at the beach for three or four weeks. . The Bhoulderman eottage at Seaview hae .been opened by Mra. Shouldermaa and her two daughterav.-iT. .j- Mre. WUlla Fiaher and little daugh ter, Florence, are keeping house at Mre. Baker'e cottage near CentertUle. - Mr. and Mra. T. - C. Amoe and Mlaa Tlllle Amoe have opened, their eottage at Tioga. " :, Miss Evelyn- Bell and her mother are reflate red at The Breakera. 1 Mrs. Samuel Schwab and Mlaaea Mar guerite and Genevieve Boh web. ere at Seaview tor the cummer. . , v A Cay Party at Long Beach. - Councllmsa. Dunning has established his family In a cottage t Seaview. ' --'-.., - ' ' . . ' ' : Vr Among ;the Cottagers.; ; .. - Mrs. flames Monks and family have a pretty eottage on the ocean, ridge, near Centervllle. -.-":. - 3.; - Mrs. P. J. Mann of Portland ia apend lng a -few days at North Beach.-;-.. ' Irving Potter, formerly of Portland, now a resident of San Francisco, la guest at the Kern cottage, at Sea View, :, The Misses Marion and Olga Knotha are guesta of Mrs. D. W. Crawley . a,t her .beautiful Tioga home.. ITb.e farolly-.of R; Raker- of Portland hare taken a-eottage a,t Sea View for the month or August Dr. Boys, Mrs. Boys and daughter are rusticating In true beach fashion at Sea View. J. H. Diindor span' a few daye with hie family while they prepared their Sea View eottage for occupation. J. B. Hosford and family are settled ooihfortably for tho season at Sea View. E. H. Hodan has bought a new cot tage and haa Installed hie family there for the summer months. Mrs.-Milne la visiting Mra. Brannen at Sea View. , Mrs. Dr. MacMucan ' le entertaining the Misses Taylor of Minneapolis. Miss Margaret Boot le vlsltfhg Mlse Helen Braideii at Tioga. Mr. and Mra. Hoar, Julia and Ourtla Hoar are In a eottage at Shelburne. Entertaining Visitors.- Miss Frances i Fuller Is the gueat of Miss Edith Sheehy at Sea View. Mlaa Georgia Springer of Olympla, Washington, after a weeV at the Wnf.l t Breakora. left for Portland, where aha will be entertained at the home of her aunt Mrs. John Cavenaugh et Irving-ton.---- ! , . .. Arthur Nlcolat la visiting the Kad derly family at Centervllle. One of tha prettieat campe at Sea View la that of the Flnley family, who intend to remain aa long as the warm weather lasts In Portland. Ed Levy and L. Elian Buck are eta ing at Hackney's. 1 .Wave at North Beach. Miss Corlnne Riley le -visiting Miss Ethel Sherpe. :jL-j:...-.- ... Cmrr oTtwefPoTtlanoVwBo-TiM made euch a brilliant record at Colum bia' college, and who Intends opening a law office In New York City In the fall, apent aweek with Mra. Margaret Allen at Long Beaoh. - Mrs. Qua Pfunder le mistress of a comfortable beach cottage near Tioga, . : Dr. Roy- Matson finds the- beach around Tioga very attractive and It la probable that he will remain here some time. . Mrs., M. Botefuhr and 'daughtere are at Sea View, . where they have had a eottage for' a number of yeara. -Kill Henrietta Failing la expected to arrive the early part of tha week. , 8 he will visit Mrs. W. 8. Ladd. Mra I sum White entertained a party et friend at luaoheea on Friday, after X ' . '. 'A - I which she took thsm for a long drive on the beach. ' t - Mr.: and Mrs: Thomas Karr were gueata of Mra.-T.- B. Wlloox at-her beautiful aummer home at the Wlllowe during the week. . ... '-. :..-'.. ' , Mrs. W. M. Ladd la entertaining Miss MacCorklo, head of the Young Women's Christian association of Portland. 1 One, of the moat enjoyable parties of the season was given by Mrs. F. ' A. Home and Mrs. W.- D. Carter at their uceaa fan realdence on Tueaday even ing. - Taffy pulling, vocal and inetru mental music, recitations and numerous gamee . were enjoyed. Those , present were: uiss Henna Btaurrer..- Miss ana. craig, Mlaa i Mabel Caraeadden. Mis Susie Carscadden, Mlaa Mildred uarscadden, Mrs, F. Bi Craig, Mrs. E. M Sau 101.. C "Pyegue,, Mlsa ma Carter. Miss Thslma Home. Mlaa Lotta Hadlay. Miss Charlotta Mi.rr Mlsa Barbara Huff, Mlae Jessie Home, Mrs. F. A. Home. Mrs. W. D. Carter, B. J. Bprague, David Hood Jr., Guy Alli son. T. Beechy, Harry Dreyfooa, Ernest Hood. - . Motored to tha Beach. ' An Interesting figure et the Hotel Breakere thla week le Ralph Hopklne of Seattle, who arrived Tuesday even ing after a two days trip In his auto mobile from Puget sound. ' He etarted from Port vTownsend. arriving at Brin non two hours, later, where he took the steamer for Union. City. From there he again took the road. Hia next etop was at Montesens,-en Grays- harbor, i where he took the boat for West Port and came from there down ''ft Tmmm I to ioae itov He nad hia automobile towed acroas the entrance to Bhoal water bay to oyatervllle on a barge, com pletlng his trip with a atralcht run flown xvortn Beacn to the Breakers. Mr. Hopkins says that an excellent automobile route could be laid out be tween here end . Seattle and faele as sured there will be one at no far dis tant date, ee there ia already a very gooa roaa between Seattle and South Bend and a rough one running around Shoalwater bay to North Beach, which can be easily Improved at a alight ex- pens. Mr. Hopklne will leave-here at the end of the week for Portland and after a short visit there will take a trip te uuiioraia, in ma car. At the Hotela. Breakere Hotel Emley Seaman. Frank C. Benton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Strong, Mra B. G. Rosenstein. Mr. and Mra. Bj- N-Buttersi- Mre." Butters. Nor- man-Butters, Mr. and Mre. Lewie H. Lambereon, Fred Ii. Rothchlld. Miss Enid S. Rothchlld, J. M. Rothchlld. Amv v. Kotncnua. Harold Qermanus. Mra K. Back. Miss Harriet J. Oxer, E. & Ed wards, Mra E. 8. Edwarda, Mr. and Mra George F. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Jamaa G. Wilson, Samuel Hlrsch, W. J. Rosen feld,, F. H. Psge, Mrs. E. H. Bell, Miss Evelyn Bell, A. C. LohmTn, Miss Carrie Seal, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lambert Mr. and Mra J. M. Russell, Edna Russell, T. J. Armstrong, I. H. Amos, Mrs. I. H. Amos, Miss T. C Amos, O. W. Slmlng- ton, J. A. Ellis, Mra J. H. Hall and children, Mra. Walter- M. Cook, Rev. ansl Mra. Francis Burgette Short, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. De Varney, Mrs. B. W. John eon, A. G. Wallace, M. Gordon, J. M. Auherd, W. G. - Brown, all -of Portland: 8. Schmeer, Charles P. Richardson, Spo kane; Mrs. 8. B. barker, Carrol Barker. Vera' Barker, Kenneth Barker, Mary Ktbber, Condon; Mr. and -Mra E. 8. Chase, E. Morgensteln. Eugene Clark, Seattle: F. J. Koiman, AUlwaukee. Wla; F. Ormond, H. E. Draper. Oregon City: Adelaide Ogier, Theodore Russell, Butte; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Henderson, Pittsburg. Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Lembart Philadelphia? Seth-L. Barger. Ban Fran- Cisco; Frances Louisa Harar, Walla Walla; Evelyn Kenworthy, Dayton, Waah.; Llna Burhaua, Tacoma; Arthur Rosenfeld, Stanford university; -Ralph Hopklne, Seattle. Hackney Cottage Mre. L. V. Haskell. Luella Jenkins, Louie Watson, Pearl Harder. Ethel Harder, Ethel A. Honeyman,'- Mrav-W.-- B.- Honeyman,-A. Bell, Mr, and Mra El wood Wlloe and son. T. W. Norby. J. O. Sterling. Raymond O'Connor, G. R. Knight Wldd Honey, man, Mr. and Mra. C. C. Tanner, Roy B. Nloolal, V. C Wever. Arthur; Or ton. May Dellenbaugh, Mrs. B. Dellenbaugh. Roy Wennerberg, L. Buck, Vj V. Mc Moran, Mr. and Mra, Monagle, . Anna O'Brien, H. S. Irwin. B. B. Levy, Law renoe M. Levy, William B. Honeyman, Mr, and Mre. John And re we,, Mre. T. Ilibbaxo, . George jr. FelU, Edward Jeffry Jr., Marshal Rlckard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farrelt Mrs. J. W. Watson, Louise Watson. Pearl Jennings, Port land;" M. T. Mantos, - Seattle; . J. ; W. Gleeanar, The Dalles. -. Hotel Salt Air Mra. R. H. Hurley, Clara M. Dtnnur, Marie Smith. Elisa beth ' Kelly, Mrs. F. & Kelly, B. F. Slnchelmer, Ben Slnchelmer Jr., Mrsr L. Krauae, Albert L. Krause. , William Krauae, Myrtle Chamberlain.' Mabel Finn, Mlaa. Nina UMt -Portland i--Mra Arson Fox, Saline Fox, Troutdnle. ' Hotel Wickham Mr. ' "and Mrs. J. Shemanaki and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rred Strong, Mr. and Mra. J. H. Murphy, Mre. M. L. Holsman and daughter. Dr. H. Hogue. Mrs. J. Hall, Mr. and Mra H. F. MurUIg, Mrs. G. E. . Weaverson. Mr.- and Mrs. Charles Liner. lone B. Moore. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. John Klrkman, Walla Walla. Long Beach Hotel C. Ward, M. Hena han, C. D., Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Howitt Miss Foster. Mra. F. A. English, Miss Verona B. St el nagger, H. C. Baker, M. Grant Dr. J. M. Tatee, Mr. and Mra. W. B. Patterson. Dr. Alma Yates, Mildred -Armstrong. J. Marx. John Greek, Mre. F. A. English, D. Reich t. William Relcht Mr. and Mre. J. B. Eddy, S. A. Sax. Mr. and Mra J. C. Moeer, Ray Terry,' Mr. and Mra. A. W. Worthey, Portland; R. Walklna Cathlamet Washington; Walter Mao MUIan, C. C. Benedict Centralia, Waah lngton; Mrs. J. W. Parr. Chehalls; Mre. J. Waason. F. 8. Wilson, C O. Denlson, Harry Howell.yArthur Beeree, Mr. and Mr a. J. H. Btaeger, South - Bend; - M. Johnston. Pasadena; Kate Young, Oak Point; William Grau, L. Conner, Minnie Hlnton, Walla Walla; Ed a on M. Romley and family, Vancouver: M. B. MacMee, T. L. Holfer, Edith Sapplngford, Salem; Mra. L. L. Gilbert San Francisco; Mre. G. A. Dryedale, 8t . Louis, . Missouri; Mrs, Jamea Appolone, Mlseoula, Mon tana; W. H. Mack, Denver. - Chamberlain's Mr. and Mrs.-N. Wsl 11a. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Meyers, Walla Walla. Washington; Mr. and Mra. laoor Hill. Walter Scott Portland; Mlaa Llssle Corn well, Mre. O.-T. Corn well. Walla Walla, Washington: Mra. Anna -Fowler, Mlaa Mary A. Fowler, Mra. J. F. Crepp, Miss .H. Cropp, Mra G. Gardner, Walla Walla; Mlaa Burke, Portland. . Tha Portland W.' H. Houaman. T. O. Coleman, A. A. Merriaa. Lydla Smith, Arthur Buckman, W.' H. Jaynes, Mra Jaynea. John ' Rledmore. ' Mr. and Mra Mr Conn. C F. Bpauldlng. Harold Bain, Marian Knothe, Jf. G. Baaher. Mi M. Taylor, Mra A. wickham, C W. Corne lius, Mr. and Mra. C- J. .Browne. Wil liam Powell, JehajOellaie H, Li.KnMt Fred Seller.) Mr. and Mra. J. B. Eddy, Mlaa Gertrude Eddy, Marr Beaatllon. R. W. Stearns, t"W? Tj- Swank. Portland; Harry-. Holmes. rej." O.-Smith.-- Walla Walla; H. "Hers, Denver;- R. B. MoKea slck. Lewlstoa, Idaho; Bert Staeger, Roy Huf faker. South- Bend, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles . Adams, Astoria? Mra. Halmerdlnger. Butte, Mont. ; Una - C Smith. New York; Mr. end Mrs. George A.'DrydaIa. Bt Louie; .Edaon Ram bey. Vivian Ram bey. reari Kaupe, L.yaie Kauts. Vanoouver; -Mrs.- Basher, Salem. Garden Grove Mr. and ' Mra W.- C Elliott Mrs, J. M.Werd and daughter, Frank Walker. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Schmidt Mrs. J. Kennedy. N. P. Matson, Port land; Mra John MoCarthy. Mra Jamee Padden. Vanoouver; Mrs. Morris som- mer, Freida : Sommer, Milton , Sommer, Welaer. Ida.: Fren Warner, a a. rreia Oregon City; Mre. J. B. Kane, Portland; B. J.. Wood ward. Vancouver. The Brltt Mr. and Mra. H B. stent and children. E. Asp land. -Lee Neue- tedder, Mrs. A. Dlgman. Mrs. B, Hulmei - . . airs. ti nufuj, miiw, uu, .iu, Jesele Digman, Margaret Thurkelson, Bern Ice- Hulme. Haael Hulmav-W. H. Hi iiuime.w. M. I sen, B. Mauska, Mra J. Lockhart Mr M1chen. MlssLwoillLsnd Mrs. John Matthews, A. 11 KJuVaey Adam a, Mre. MTchelirTlTsirTenhlaTBurton. Henry J. Schats, Mrs. J. Claimour, Mrs. J. u. Albrscht - Nellie M. Albrecht Mrs. w, A. Kirts, Portland; Miss Mary Hill. Huntavllla. Wash.:. Miss Evelyn Ken worthy. Dayton; Miss Franoee Haver, C B. Proaaer. Walla Walla; J. W. De trick. L. Loomle. Warren ton; Allen Ruble, H. T. Pltser, North Yakima; Phil Batson. Mre. Ooburn, Mlse Mary Coburn. South Bend. Waah.: John Barton. Aaron Barton, Wslser, Ida.; Olive Gelbart Ja maica, la.; Mr. and Mre. N. V. King. Winona, wash. The Driftwood Mlee Kate Stone braker, Mr. and Mra. Pap worth. Miss Larma Lange, Mr. and Mra L. J. Shell, Mra T. W. Marquam, Mre. B. B. Scott Mre. O. A. Krough. W. H. Mall. Miss Ada Meroer. Larkln Shell, L. Knott Miss Rebecca Knott Mra Von Baratel, Portland; Mr. and Mra C. A. Wall, St Paul, Minnesota; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. SnydsrVancouver-k R. McKlnley, Phila delphia. - , . The White House Mra W. H. Brown. Helen R. Brown. Mrs. E. B. Hyatt Mre." Strunsky, D. Reldt. w. Rewt rort Isnd; M. H- Merk. Denver; Mary and Edwin Gilliam. Omaha, Nebraeka. Tha Knappwood Mr.- and Mra J. Baaler, Miss Anna Baaler, Mlse Rose Baaler, Mlaa Agnea Baaler. Mra Qui La Fontalna Miss Pauline La Fontaine, Mlse Olga La Fontaine and Miss Helen La Fontalna Pendleton; Mra. J. Worlck. George Kaiser, Mra O. H. Anderson, Mra P. B. Sharon, Mlas Bess Sharon, Mr. and Mra M. J. Brennan, Miss Ousta Rackle. Mies Minnie Wohlere. Ed Sharon and Mlaa Delilah Sharon, Portland. y..-T, aaswsaaaeaewaaiBai Clatsop Bcacly (Kpeeial Correapeadesee ef The Jonroal.) 1 rli.tann Raeh. . Julv. 17. The ' num ber of thi summer residents who ar rived during 'the past week hae been temarkably larga Many of the . cot tages' are ' etlll unoccupied. - but the gueats at the hotel and boarding houses equal past seasons., That thla resort Is growing; In popularity Is shown by the number " of real estate salea Portland people spending thousands of dollars buying altes and Improving them. The naual round of aummer galtlee Is In motion. Bathing and fiahtng are of the beat and are much Indulged In, while clemming and even orabblng have their share of devotees. - The Moore hotel has secured the serv ices of an of floor formerly ia govern ment employ to take charge of their life-saving apparatus. A buoyed line 190 feet in length hae been run out At the extremity ef thla la a cross Una A lifeline also haa been placed at the Tier for use In an emergency. , 1 C M. Brannock of , Portland -was at the Moore hotel for a short stay. - ' Howard Butcher Jr., Edward Sher wood. W. A. Reed of Philadelphia and L W, Anderson et Spokane, Washington, mmmmmmmm ' representatives of the Willamette Val ley Electrio Light and Traction eenv -peny, were at Seaside this week, . Evening Events. '- musical and Shakespearian reading given nunaay avenlna-. John Blakely and Mrs. Laldlaw, with Mra W. ; Kruee aa accompanist rendered several elaaale selections In an agreeable man-' aer. Herbert Miller gave reading r from "Macbeth" and "Rlohard HL Tha first hop of the season took plane Saturday. Oscar Meyer was master of ' eeremonlea . ,- - J ' Mra J. D. Meyer gave a hrldaw wfclat party Tueaday evening. " Those present . werei airs, avruse, Mr. ana Mra Rosen- blata Mr. and Mra Mover. Mrs. T. Kaufman. ., v . i . , . ,,, , Mra B. Hlreoh and Mra, Caldwell of Portland are ependlng the' season at Gearhart Park. Those reglatered at the hotela are aa ' followa: Hotel Moore Mr. and Mra John Hall, Mra O. H. Flandere, Mlaa . C W. " Flandera Mlee M. L. Flanders, Mlse Unch. Mlse F. H Lewie. H. C. Berrian. Mre. W. B. Grlgga WUllam Bailee, A. ' A. Wright Harry Wright J. W. Smead. B. P. Btott, Mra F. H. Ransom. Lewis Rosenblatt. Mrs. Rosenblatt Mra B. B. Forbes, B. W. Dlngman. L. A Bailey, i, Mra. BaUey, R. B. McClung. G. O. Latl- mar, Mr. and- Mra John Ecklund. K. M Brannlck., George Baldwin. W. D. Smith, Mr. and Mra W. 1. Maatera MUa M. . Heggle, Mra B. O. Dalton, C. W. Tay- ' lor, .Mr. and. Mra Sol Blumaaer. . Mis-" Haeel Blumausr, Miss Dorotha Newhalt ,' G. C Nloholaon, MlliaA Word, Margaret Hlggins, F. N. Hoffa Mr. and- Mra In- -man, Mlsa Ivy Inman, Portland; T. J. ' Kolman, Mllwaukle: Mra 1. Hi Bhl.M. and Daughter, St.- Paul; B. A. Merrick, Spokane; J. MoGulra Astoria: Mra. l. Kee, New York; Mra J. W. Childere, Enterprise: Mlse H, L, Stone aad EL 1 Stona Washington. IX Ci AJvi Smith .- New York; H, D. Morris Jr, New. York; ' Mr. and Mra George Hartman Jr.. Pen dleton: Mr. and Mra H Butahar, Phila delphia) Dr. D. W. Day, Waahlngton, D. C; Mra K. JM. RundeL Denver; Dr. -B. Ovtatt Denver: L. W. Anderson. Sno. ' kane;Bella Faik and Theodore Falk. - van irvin. vnicago. ,. jj oionuu Hotel Mr. and Mra H. n. Bleat Margaret Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. ' H, . TJapesor. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Han- cook, Mr. and Mra Henry Mett and children. Mr. and Mra Charles Meredith, Mr. and Mra C O. MoCUron, Mr. and MraW. J. Erickson. Mlas Sarah Jones, Mr. and Mra W. B. Mahoney. R, Haa sen, B. Mauaka Mra J. Lockhart Mr. Mr. and Mra A. K. Eleklng. Frank Boa lara Portland: Mr. and Mra A. M. Cheney, Ortn. Cheney, C- W. Pope, Mr. and Mra J. A. Mochukl, Mr. and Mrs. Mochuki, Nellie ) Gardner, A. W. Cheney. G W. Pope, Oregon City; Maude Carry. NeUle Bennett Stella Gabrlalson, Bos ton; Mra Phillip , Cohn and children, Heppner; Mr. and Mra T. A. Harrison. Aurora, Neb.; Mr. end Mra W. C An- nett, uoiae: b. w. Purdy, , Caldwell; O. N. Hartvlck, 8t Paul; Mr. and Mra J. W. Gleaslva The Dellee: L, Cornell and Allle Cornell, HUlaboro: Mra a A. Tau alck. WaUa Walla; Mlae Luoy Davla, Weukeeha, Wla , , , Kruae's Beach Hotel Mr. imI Vm J. L. Barnard, Julia L. Joyalln, B. L. Nlckela Mra Robert L. Sahln and ohl!. dren, Mra R. Btott Mra David H. Smith. aara aaaunca jteinatein. . Bertha- Raln eteln; Mrs. F. H. Ransom, Frank Ran som Jr., Herbert Miller, - Mra - Philip Buckner, Ruth Lillian Buckner. Mra W. A. Wlsa Miss Jordan, Samuel Ballan tyne, Mine CadwelL MUe Hlreoh. Mra A. D. Gill and Mra A. N. Wright Port, land; Mra Auguat C. Kinney. O. C Ful ton, John Nordatrom. Mra J. B. Gratka knd children, Astoria; Captain and Mra w. h Jordan. U. 8. A-: Mra A. Tllser, Mra David Jordan, Miss Clara Boot William Brussa Mra L. N. Strong. Dun can Strong, Mr. and Mra Alexander Bernstein, H. Bchmld. Mra A. Miller and daughter, Portland Marie Opsund. Biiverionr v. h. jtansora, E. c Meara Mr. and Mra Martin Marka Mra Jacob. O. Rosenblatt Harry Lang. T. W. All win, ; Mra Jamee Laldlaw. Mra Sol. Goldstein. Cheater Goldstein, Mr. and Mra J. M. Maine end children, II r. and Mrs. I. Wllllama Mrs. W. Ksene. John Blakely, Harry J. Litt E. P. Stott W. Oolby Jr., Mra M. A. Owen, Mra William Turner, L. F. Brode, Jamea B, - Kerr. M. Relneteln, Portland; Mlsa Jea- ale Myers, Boise; H. T. Ralston. Seattle; Mr. and Mra riumaurer, Haael Blu maurer, Dorothy Newhall, Dr. W. O. Marrlon, Mr. and Mra W. A. Maatera -Mr. and Mra Phil Metachaa. Maater F. Lorentsen, Anne-Ditch burn. Mra I A- Bailay, J. L. ,. Batlaay Dv end Mr. A. C. Panton,' Portland: "Mr. and Mra W. C. Annett Boise; Mr. snd Mra Aug- - ust C. Kinney, Harry Flavel, Astoria) Mls Lulu HBwohy and Mary O. Zwohv, San Jose. Cal; W. V. Smith. Mre. F. R. Foote. Mlee A.' Fllser, A. W. Stowell, . George W. Llnoon, Portland. Cloud Cap Inn (fliwrtat 6nreBidet ef The Jmr-- Hood River. July !. Climbing i Hood le growing In populsrltv a i t number of gute st Cloud Cap I g-reater at preeont than at thla t e previous season. The moiint'i Flrat-clasa condition for ellr so far this year IT parties 1 ,lCentlael on I. "v. i