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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1906)
THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAU POnTLAWD. SATURDAY rTTZZlUZO. JULY 3, KZX J IILIiJG :' THE EDUCATIOnAL COHTEST rl Town Loyal to Their Own Young People and Help Their. Candidates to Succeed Interesting Letters '. : V' About Contestants. 'V ' . :".. ;iumm o ooTBTJurT zk totm. Nellie May Shannon. Itt Tenlno, Portland. Or... Horace A, Wilson. Jl Hley Bt, Portland. Or Ulllan MeVlcker, 8t Johns, pr. Guy Graham, Treutdale, Or. ....................... Chaa. Groan, T. M. C, A Portland. - Rhode U ' 8talnackr, Albany, Or..,,.,...,.-.,.... ,,..............H4I Mildred I Clemens. University rtrk, Portland. Or............ .v.l Mary B. Powell liT Salmon ML. ortlnd. Or... .'...,,....... A.. IIMO Roy Johnson, 74 Division St. Portland, Or. ;.,....-. ...... ......UIIO Clay Jonea, 0I E. 11th St, Portland, Or. ................... .... ,10(1 Carl Bhelton, Forty-eighth street, Mount Tabor, Or. .....v.. ....... .11IJI Mae Peodergraaa. Ill North Beventeenta St.. Portlan60rrrrn..lZl John Benson. Chemawa." Or.'TTiT". . . , ..TVTiVTrTi'i r.V.",vrr.T.V".'. Hit Edith M. Harria. 4U Oxford SC Portland. Or. ............'..;.... Ill " Pauh Nygren, lit Eaat Third St., north, Portland. Or............. Bertie O. Chan. Ill fcuy St, PortUnd, Or. .... . M9 Clay Cary. Salem. OrV .V.'. .................'...v...... ........... lilt v Harry ' Brant, '711 "Wtlldmette boulevard. Portland. Or.,'.,?..'.;,.. IT7I Dorcaa'Tan TJchoonhovan, Cora, Or. S7IS ' d ; Aileaa Hackman. Myrtla Park, PortUnd. Or. ... i .. ..v.. .......... Jill Xoulse 'Scott; Central' addition, Portland, Or. 1001 R. W.'Cyrua. Scio, Or.'.,.Y.. ,.'..;;.. . . .... f . . . Ivy Owens, Cedar Mills, Or. ......... HTTVVu.i;'Ilt'4' I Kdward I Kinsman.' Llhhton, Or. ....i..., 4) Guy Johnson, 'Ml: Orant St, Portland, Or. .1'. lilt 4 Mabel Magna, Amity; Or..'....."... .. ... . .'.vS. .'..'.I. 100 ' i Rath Tsntr, Ml Kerby St,' Portland, Or. ..'A........"........ 100 ' , W. X. Owytuv East Thirty-seventh St, PortUnd. Or. ........ -- ; George XX King; Kingston. .Or. T. 10 . ; Agnes Evans, Latourell, Or. 101 : Scbolarahln eonteatants In tha educa mai con teat oaah in many votes at cloee of tha week. That account r the ahlftlna- in tha position of oandl tea at this time. The score lUt to orrow morning may '- ahow other aages, as that will Include all votea t between I o'clock Friday ana , clock Saturday, ' ' ' A large number of tha eonteatants In a score Hit are In portlaAd. - There vould bo needy and deserving young ople la the towns outsjde of PortUnd ho aspire to the benefits of the ex. -ulent schools - avalUble in The turnal's contest. As a rule small jwna are more Joyai In- the aupport of .adidates than are larger towns and das. Scholarships " often have beea "on from the subscriptions secured on wo or three rural free delivery routes, nd contestants will-find The Journal popular -paper amonc the farmers. v. Aev a cUaa, farmers are generous and pondy readily to the appeal to help educate a young parson. . They are -l patrons of their . own district ,h,;s. They are kindly disposed to rs all boys and girls who strive to something for themselves and who avo knowledge. As a class, farmer 1 re great readers and are ready buyers f newapapera. ' The Journal's contest- tats .will do wall to visit them. Several letters have bean received set. 'Kg forth the cUims of oontestanta -d are presented here. The friends of aer contestants are invited to occupy aco In these "columns In a similar . isnner. .-i.v5 i SBadorsaaiaal my W. . S)ardser. W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Toys and GlrU" Aid Society, is taking tJi actrva interest In The Journal's Ed ucational contest. Superintendent Gard ner has a wide reputation for his good oeeds In furthering tha Interacts of boys and girls and bo makes a careful study f every enterprise which is Inaugurated la their behalf. His letter follower "To the Editor: It gives me sincere ' leaaure to recommend to the Oregon journal Carl Shelton, one of our warda. for a free bualneas scholarship. This oy. In my opinion, deserves reoommen atloa and also encouragement, for if a continues aa he has begun he will oms day become the bead of some Urge teroaatlle Interest and a credit to his fiends. . Hs was bora la Oragon on totober I, 111, but at an early age 4t both parents and was' committed to a BO ye- and oirra am Boetety from oik county In Februaryr-1IT. The rst pUos found for him waa In asst. -r Oreson, but .school facilities not wing to our liking lis was istuiued.nd; a the year lo he waa placed with ' r. aad Mrs. W. E. Potter of . Mt. 'labor, where he was sent regularly to school and baa bow graduated from the aiammor orads. "This boy's principal talent seem to' bo in the mercantile ' Una, hence his anxiety to receive a bualnesa education at one of our well equipped buslnsss colleges, . ' "I beg to as In conclusion that here Heart , Palpitation Indigestion causes tha storeada , to axpand awaH and puff Dp against the. heart fhU crowds ths heart and intsrferee with Its actioa cansinf hortnass of : fcraath, palpiUtloa of the haart, :. Dyspepsia Cure tISESTt WHAT TOO EAT : v-a..-,-, i,.,vi takM tbo strain off tho heart, and contributes nourithment, strngtl end baalth to tvary orjan of tha body. - Cum indU tastioa, Dyapopaia, Sour Stom ach, Belchirtf, Qas on Stomach, and all Stomach troubles. Ptaoyg, lows, ' larst ftm ft I waa afflicted cita ladlfsstioa as mcfc that; , I was la caatiamal aala. JLftar -ating mj fcaait was alsctsd aad I hat asaothsriaf ssasatiofls. '. Tw UTl3 Of Kodol eursd bm. 1H ", rVss 11 1 1 at m taswajrj' of a c ss wm 0 cow ac u A TO AID HUSTLERS e ... ..-,., ...........,.......,.... ...into .Mltl Or - la indeed a deserving . eaaa as Oragon born boy,' an orphan idaalroas to laarn and with energy enough to try to make man of hlmaalf. Therefore I 'sin cerely trust that 'you may aeo fit to grant him ths acholarahlp sought' for and fool certain that yon will never have eauae to regret the . choice yon nave made In the eeleotloa of thla Ud for higher education.' - ' "I am, dear "sir,- yours vary truly, W. T. GARDNER. ' Supt Boyr and Girls' Aid Society - : of Oregon.? Btalsaksv of AlDSay. .-. H;. M. Crooks, writing from the office of the president of the Albany college, espouses the cause of Miss Rhode BtaJ ttaker, tha young lady who 'has Jut en tered the contest and whose good sub scription broom Is making a clean sweep of the Albany newspaper field, Profes sor Crooks' letter is ss follows: To the Editor I desire to say a word through your columns which might aid tbs candidacy of MUs Rhoda Btalnafcer for the Albany college scholarship. ' ' "Miss Stalnaker . was first honor pu pil at the Albany High school a year ago; hones we expected much of aer In her work In the college this year, her first with us. We havs not been disap pointed In the .least. Her record thla year shows an average ot l-l per cent la six studies. She bas-sporeovtr stud' led In muslo In addition, and I rejoice to say, has had an extremely good time, "Her church r affiliation la United Presbyterian, her ambition to be a high school tsscher. She U .very popular, and I would say, were I not aware of her objections to be so spoken of, a handsome and a very decided brunette. "I trust that her candidacy may meet with the success that shs oeserve and will achieve In whatever she attempts. Very trulv, . H. M. CROOKS." SHHrto aanmmasids Amity wtrL , Mabel Magnesa, tha courageous young Udy of Amity who entered tho contest a few days ago, already has passed by several who have been In the contest longer than herself and shs bids fair to climb up the Udder very rapidly. Let ters In h.r favor, are comlnsMln from prominent people 'In ..Marlon county, which Indicates that she will ' receive support , In subscriptions from mors than ons locality. . . t. H. A. Deck, psstor of the United Evan gelical church of Salem takes up his pen In her behalf and writes: .- i ; v "My attention has been called to tho fart thMt Vf1. V.K1 ftrngnmrnm . trr-j- ute of the tsalera High school and a member of ths church of which I am psstor, desires to snter tho Hat of con testants for a scholarship aocordlng to jour pUn. 1 deem her In every respect worthy of a place among tho eonteaUnts, and If such a place Is given her. -1 shall do what I reasonably can to make her can didacy s success. " Sdaoatiea for AO. '- V Every boy and girl in Oregon may re ceive an education. If the mtans are not at hand for a course. In a specUl school or college, the chsnce to earn a scholarship and cash prtss for Inclden tal cxpeneea la offered by the educa tional contest Inaugurated by The Ore gon Journal. During this summer va cation, from now until ths schools open In September, next year's schooling may be provided for by enlisting in Ths Journal's contest. , Often ambitious boys snd girls whose parents ars not well off Join In contest propositions In order to show their par ents that . they can ' do something for themselves. Nothing gives - a parent more pleasuro and confidence in a child than to see a manifestation of self reliance. And -fun and the excitement of contest work quite compensate for the Uhor Involved, . to say nothing of the subsUntlal benefits gained. Jn snot her column of this issue Is an advertisement of the scholarships and cash prises offered now In this contest Besides tre commissions to bo paid on new subscriptions to avsry eonteatant, the winning eontesUnts at ths close of the contest will receive In scholarships and oash valuea exceeding $1.00. Mors scholarships may be added as ths num ber of contestants multiply. Evsry ons who snters into ths contest work vigor ously may expect ample reward. KISSES HIS CHILDREN J THEN COMMITS SUICIDE Joerael Bpeelal ervUe.t ' . -Deer Moines, Xa-, July Johs Oregg kissed his two little children goodby yesterday snd then. In their presence, sent a bullet through ths brain of his wife snd then killed himself. The trsgedy was ths result of Oregg's wife's persistent refussl to dismiss her peti tion for divorce and live with him again. Ths divorce application was based upon drunkenness and cruel treat ment. After much eoaxlng Oregg sueeeeded In getting ths children to witness ths circus parade. He then bought them new clothing and took them home to snake a flnal appeal for a- reunited family. Tho ' refusal - wee ouiesJy rfoi- lowed by murder and suicide,- , CHURCH SERVICES SArasT. ylrsW-Tae Watte Temple Twelfth asd Tayler eoeeu; aev. J. waitcoms Brought , u. v. St a. Bk, Bible ertabol at SaTter-etreel hrancst 10 a. a, eae-aceore srarer Metlusi 10. HO a. si., weraale wit sreeeoiiut br alee. JaaMe a Kkfley, O. D, e( Klflo. Illinois, ea "Op eortealties of Old Ass"; It 10 . ss.. TesipW Bible eraoel: I N p. ., B. T. P. U. t Inci I'M p. St.. popular earTlee, preaoslog br Bev. Jaoiee Kortley. O. D., of Blgla. ikiinum, . --rTiacipMS vervue Buee. - eceoe eireaut ue fiast ABaesy Bev. StastM C Lantaaia. Servlcee at 10:SO a. asd T:eB; Bible scbool at soea. - ' Oraee-KoaUTlue; k... OUmaa Parker. Preachlas U the morulas at, 11 o'clock tm the eTsoTaa at O'clock. . ' iMUHtl Beeoad aid Wesde stieeUi Bev. O. W. Urlfsa. oaoay erbaal. 11 b B. Y. f, U., : s. Ski sreeehlag, M:M s. BV sad T:5 p. m. . '.' Lslrrrmlly raTB-fCsev OBS Ilea wee 'weaoay rhool, 10 s. Si. ; pre chips by Bev. A. towreace iiacs of uaiearr eaarca . at T:el a. m, s MarUa Lather, Central Cast Twentieth aad Aakear streets: Bev. W". X. Jordan. Preacblos, 10:30 a. m., "Prist to Ll.e'i SauUjr acuol,..U Bk ss eveolns. service." ','' Arleta-Bev. Joaa Beatsles. ' Basday eetawl, 10 a. a. eersMa at 11 a. Bk br Bev. W. W. Cbase ef Maeeacbsaetts; s. Bk, eerswa by Be. A.,. Lawreaee Black. Meant Ollee. SerenU end Bverett streets. Preechias at 11 a. Bk asd s. Bk by kit. J. W, amlts.- t . " - - . t. Joba's Bev."B. A. " tooard. r asssay Kkool, - U a. a.r sreaehlag.. 11 a. 8k;,TJW . m.. vreacbinc. - , , " . - Third Vaaceveer avenae aad Knott street: Bev. B. at. But. At M a. snadey acbool; 11 a. Sk asd ,T: s. Bk, sreaebtaf ; U., t. t. V.. S: p. Bk ' . , gwedlab Hot sad VI ft ten tb streetst - Bev. Brie BcberstroBi. Preeeblnc. 10:4s a. am. aad I SO p. m.t Buadar sebaol. 11 Bk . i i ' BasaellTiile cboeUeeee. , Basday ScbeoL :.. Bk:, - -'. . v ,'' ' ainena ana suu su-eeis. rreeca Ib. 0 a. bj., by Bev. B. M. - Bliss; Saaday ecaaal, 1:10 p. Bk ' ' Meuat Carmet roortaeath . and Flanders streeas Bev. A. J.- Kbepbard. Baoday : acaoel. tl ski preacMng, 11 a. Bk and S seuwooa sieveais ' ana . i niiuu airaut BWTenia ' asa . i nnuu simut A. Leara. Sanda eebeol, 10 a. f. U a. m. and T:4S B. m. iaa-r-roarth and 1UU. streets: Bev. Bev. a eerie Ok: preaeblns, . w irai tteru)ae-r-vverfB sua aui.iui.iai J. Kratt. Preaching at 10:i a. Bk aad t JO p. Bki B. T. F. V., T4B p. Bk . . ecoed Oeraiaa Bedney aTease and Morns treat: Bev. W. Bueeraua. Preaching. 11 a.' Bk sad T:W P. si.i loader scbool, S:ef a.. Bkl B. T. P. P. Bk , - Calvary Eaat Eifbtb aad Orant streets; Bt. Lawrenee Slack. .BlbU acbooL.10 a. Bk etrswa. U a. Bk. by Bev. JebB' Beat. atea, . . - - - . : ;. t' t '. . ii ' t . v ' 1 PBXSBTTKBIAsT. . . " ' .' bttenab--M ery and Powell streets: Bev.- Je fobm B. MeUUde. D. D. Preeeblnc arrvtoes at 10:10 a. . Sk, -'BeUsloas Lessoae rrosi Ue Bealsi ef Instlnet") p. Bk by. Bev. Bobert ale Leas ef Porto Bles. ' Calraiy Bleeenth and " (Clay streetsi Bev. Beat-Kara Btllee Ely Jr., O. D, Berrleea, 10:10 S. Bk sad 1:41 p. Bk . - I Third Eaat Tblrteeath and Pins streets; Bev. Andrew I. . ItontsosMry. Preaeblng at lO-.M a. .! a-M aa. thla ebereh anltae with eaat side churches U , sales servlcee st . Hawthorne suet Benjiae - m . i Bar. . lAmmr p. BUL ' D. D.. will nreaeb at.betk serrlcMi U the evenlnf the' last U the series ef sauriasis ea me aoij kano. vva, "Oaaiaeeas. Where Paol Was Ooerted." yn-tb First and Olbbs streets. Praeeb rng at 10:10 a. a. and T:l . Bk by Bev. W. B. Holt, D. D. aaday school, U Bk X. P. 1. CT- B., : B. Bk ' - Hewtboroe Twelftb sad Bast Taylor; Bev. B. Kelaoa Allea. Preaeblns.' W:K -. -; BOB. dav eebeol, 11 BM o evening aorrlee U ehnreh. Maraball-ttreet Beventeeatb end Marshall; Bev. C W. Bars.. Basday school. 10 a. ski preaeblnd br Bev. A. D. toper, U.S. Bk so evealng service. , BTXTEODIIT. " . A . ' Taylor-Street Third aad Tartar streets; Bev. Dr. r. BorsetU 8 tart. CUseee. SO a. ; aersMta by Re. W. B. Rolllnsshead; Bandar eeeool, 11.16 p. - St.; . Epworth L.o, J: p. B.;; sersMa byliit. J. T. Abbeti at Ttel Bpwnrth Tweaty-thlrd' and IrvUg etreets; Be. Henry T. Atkinses. Saaday school, 10 a. Bk BMrnlng eervtce. 11 e'eloek; enasMf evtnlat service rreai 7 -we p. aa- , Orace Twelfth and 'Tail" streets; Bev. Clarenee arue wiiaoe. v. v. si iv.w . Breachlns. "The Law of Oood Peftusei at the I wl light serte st T e'eloek Dr. Wttaea will lecture ea "Brifar sraga.-- . Pattoe Michigan aad CarpeBtae eveosee; Bev. Melville T. Wire. Preeeblas. 11 a. am. sad p. bm Saaday aebool. 10 a. sv; Bp worth Leetve. ' Central Boaaell sad Berby Streets iBev, Jt v ikhut. CUaa maetlaa. S:eS B. m. : preach. Inf. 10:10 a. Bk. -"The lord Comforting Blen": under erbool, IS m.) Epworth League. 1:45 paa.; sersMB. T 4B p. Bk. "God's Bawdy fog Centenary East Vlath and Pine etreets. Prearblns. 10:10 a. Bk by Blahop Jaaee M. Tbobera: ne eveelag aervlee at cbarch; Sunday eebeol, 1:11 a. Bk rT- .' lJI100PAt. " : inniir r iaw.ow. M , . ' Hnl. iiii.m ..ii ii.i a Bk; BaorBlnc service. II o'clock) evealag m V. . u m " . . , w, ....... reader, ktoralng service at It o'clock; evsaing m. r 1... V.' ITSMietk - mM ' ltMmt streets; Bev. 1 B. Vaa Waters, loader aebool, 1:48 a. aa.J eboral Baatlns and seraes by Be. H. D. Chsmberc at 11 e'eloek. - Be, Andrew e tnl eetaii a-srs: Bsvr w. 'Z. . a. w, Ml, IMII anwi.r.uwo.1 mmrw. , m. TwwelL Bandar aebool, 11 a. Bk service and Oeed Bhepberel BeUweed street asd Vaa eaeer aaaoe: aev. Joha Dawsea. tmAtj aesaea, H a. aa. ; noralnc serWre, 11 e'eloek. ar Wattkew'ak rirat and Caratbers streets: Bev. w. A. M. Brees. Holv ceaaaaantoa, T:tA a. as.; iBBSaj eraeoi. S:4S a. Bkl arme. IM aaiBiaa, 11 a. Bk aervlee aad address, T:t a. Bk, ..'::.':- I TnRTXO XVASOXUCAl. Baret Beat Tserk aad IbenBaa etreets f Bev. A. A. Winter. At 10 a. ., Sanda eebeol) areeehlns. 11 a. B. aad T: fx Sk aeewd -Targo aad Kerb atreeU: Bev. J. Bewareos. At 11 e. aa.. "Dllne iBdwelllns") p. sk, ''KBeearaseawBt so Prsrer"; Suads aebool, 10 a. at.; K. L.. C. .. T:M B. aa. Bt. Jotin'a I ran ho and Jobs streets j Bev. B. B. MeVlcker. R under school! 10 a. Bk preach In. 1 a. Bk) i. K. U C. B., 1 0 s..ak a K. U C. .. T p. at.: aaJoa aervlces, I p. Ok Oektrr Ore.n- Bandar school, 10 a. B. 11 a. aa.. nreerhlas: -Teeas Peuole'a BlMtlas. T p. at., prea chins at p. Bk . , LVTXZaVaJr, at. JaBwe BnfUab Wet Park aad Jetfersoa streets; Bev. J. A. Leas. Barrio st 11 a, Bk, eoadurted br the paator. Sandaf erboal, to a. aa. There will be Be eventns service. Ratanla Danish Unloa anne aad Morrla street; Rev. uaonasa ,urui. saaaay earvleae. M a. DB. . U f. n KmmIii Sraod Bast ' Tenth and Orant Street! Bev. O. Uasoea. Bandar aebool, : S. BkrvervKes at ii a. m. aaq nan. .1 .... .a vM.a. wMuk . ft J. U. Kervlf. Services at 11 a. . and 7:90 p. Sk ... ... . ...... ,. ... ,r ... . ' OOVaBXOATZOBat. HtaaaloStret Beat -Beventb and Haaealo; Be. B. K. Ham. At 10:SO e'eloek, BMrnlns worship, subject, "The Of (ease ot the Croes"; IS ak, Bandar aebool; :4l p. aa., Teanc Pee nle'e swetlns: t: e'eloek. evealas service. aub)et, "The Ooapel That Bavee." rirat lladlsna snd Park streets; Bev. B. L. Honae, O. D. Sermon. 10:B0 a. aa., "Three rte wayto tvr tr o L Conuins Nothlnf Injurious. ..; : v , . VcTT EssT,tO, Apprf. Bseellemt lee settle -end heraas. 'dtmUed -tar slleh eews will car for I tee Li a deaea tlaaaa eer la Inereeee ef milk. Prteei Quart .Oaae. leel waJlea TJaae, 1. "OUB OWN" BDrersrs tat aorallns Cow-Baaa. U1 wc. J. J. BUTZER i 111 1-V.OaT BV. MITTJIB nl ' 9 1 M Just as fast lis we could get them,' and the carload just received won't last long. It will not be necessary to say more about them than that they are POSITIVELY THE BEST REFRIGERATOR EVER FASHIONED BY. THE HAND OF MAN, and our $0,000 bond, proposition- that this is s6, heretofore mentioned in these ' - . - We a the house, to be found in a :."." . C'.v ';; Telephone Main : ; 1383 SAY! DIALER IN: AIi KINDS O?. '.HARDWARE,7 GARDEN AND CARPENTERS' TOOLS AND CUTLERY. ; ' ;H rU,U;U Ll ; ; Stimulation Without Irritation. Objho Laxatyre Fruit 8 yrnp it a new ' ' JaxatiTe eyrop combined '.with' the deli- cious flavor of fruits,' and is Ter'pleas ' , 'ant to . Uke.: ;Jt'wiU not gripe or sicken. " . It is much ' more pleasant ' and eff ectire ' than Pills,' iTablets and Saliae .Waters, as it does Hot. derange the .Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, liver or Bowels. ;'. .''.. .. . . v. . . Constlpatione. ! ,;; .v l' Osnro Xaxatire Fruit Syrup will posi- tively cure chrqnio constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal ' . tract Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the' stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any -permanent benefit having been derived. OUU GUAtsAHTEE 'l: r V . Great Bfea-l 'TB p." .. "The Pslstat ef tbe Tata G.Uerr"! Bandar SCaooi. U Bkl X. Ft MB a a. bk ... . Bast Tajks . asd ' Bast Tatrtv-a-ST etreets; Bev. t. . SUab. lllf service, 11 e'eloek. bjert 'B.TCre M-j' ; venlns aervlee. e'eloek, sab)eet, "The Ship. wreck") aoadav sebeat, M a. Bkl tiaa Bndeaver anatlns at T a .aa uuui nmA. a MAM-JVfbaalaalDol Carls. rremoat etreets :Bav. William h. w.PPr SaodaTTKool,-i0a.TS.S aermoB. 11 as.. The ProtecraiB Wins; Carlatiaa Badeeves. T aTBk jaormoo, S p. ik. -As IsiperUat Qaes. Ham' , - i- . v .;- GXBXSTZaeT. '''-'' rtrat Park aad OelaabU a treats: Bev. fj B. Mocklev. At 10:0 a. Bk, A oeoajarer ana RIs treast."! p. at-. Te Moosaetarui Oaadltloaa of r.llowahlp"! Ohrlstlaa BBdeever, T p. . Bible school. 1:1 a . . Tw.nti.fh and Bast Streetsi Bev. J. F. Ohormley. D.D.. At 10:48 a. sk. "Tlthee la the Btowlieise"l a Bk, The TesUona ef Vartyreoaa.'1 epsdal aseale; Bonder ecbool, 1:1 B,mBk Bealor Badeavor, tvndneriTesne Rodner arewoe aad Baett atreeteT BevTr. Blme Jtobiaeou. At t:4d -a, BtBlble school: 11 . -. '-The Bj,nlca.e, c? Cbrlettea BapUaai"! T p. Bk, Chrlatlaa Ba- eeaor. p. aa., speeiai tot ewrrree. . mssxova. allaaloa 11 lifbt aorta. Preeeblat n alfbt aad a-Boay - DTTtaraJ- MUslsa MS First .street .seat Coluiabl. Preaeblns every aint at Vjavj Snada; trs. S p. aa. I Bunaar scaom. a:av a. Sk loha'a HoUneae MlesloB 3B Beeeae street mmmm U.lnf BM. JebB W. UlaeCO. every aisht aad Saaday st S aad !: p. Bk. ' " TTA8tLI0AL AaWOOlaTIOV. .' rirst amcUah Bast Sixth snd Market streets; Be, a A. Slower k. Preachlns at 11 a. Bk saday scbool. 10 a. at. 1 at 0 0 p. ak, anloa earvleae la Hawtheree park. ' - rw. liti: Ha. H. o. Header ao a. Preaeh. Ins. 11 a. ak aad p. Bkl Toug People's Al- I p. Bk Boaoar eceewi. v a, aa, . 4 .' , 0. ABD BT. A Ohrlstlsa aad Mlsaloaary Alliance tilth aad Mala streets; Be. 0. D. Sawt.ll, Preecblng, 10:M a. si.: Bandar school, 11:1. . Bk I Teen People's aieetlas. 'M p. . Bk , evaasellat aervlcee, T:W p. au y - MXTKOOIVT, SOtm. First dTlts Beew4 Be. B. H. Mown. street. Fereeters tall) At 10 a. aa., Btmlar school; 11 a. m., preaehlac; II as- efflelai beard Baeetlns: T a. m., Kpwerth leagae(t V ,mm W " - . TTBTr AXXAB. . ' Church ef Onr Father Seres th aad Yamhill streets; Rev. Vi Q. KHot Jr., minister; Rev. T. L. Eliot,. D. D., nlBlster ameritua. Serv. Ice et 11 a. sabject, "Toll sad Beet." , , '.' ' . . . ..,.'..',.; . . ' T. M. a A . ' Aseoelatlea andltorlnm. 1ST Foarth ' afreet, anda?, S:n p. m. Address te roaaf nea br B. D. Harebell of Illinois; special maale eoa slating of aopraao sows by Mlae Bala B. Bea sett j v. ; '.' " :" ' 'i T faOB. ' ' ! Christian Catholic Chsreb ta Bles ABaftr ball, second floor. Third snd MoerUom atraeta; Bev. Charles A. Ho, elder la cnargfc . At i p. Bible stuojj t p. Bk, earvleae, t ' ' vbttzo FunTTxaiAjr. ' Cfcnreh ef the ".trans ere Waera street sad Grand aaaei Be. B. Karl DaBola,! Moral ng aerrlce at 10t4 o'clock; Chrlatlaa Bndeaar at T:M Bk' eealnf Breachlns, e'eloek. , tATTEB BIT lAIVTS. ' ' Chnrrh of Jeans Christ ef Latter Day taints Hall 400, AHakr halldias. Third aad Morri son streets. Berries st 11 SO s. ak aad T a ak Boodaf aebool at 10 a. Bk TJB1TIII BtXTirBXaT TM CHVB9. ' first Bast Fifteenth and Morrtaos streetsi Bev. L C. Rbsffer. . Blbiaf school at 10 a. .; aermoa at II a. m. ainoa aervloaa at Bar thorae park at 0:80 p.m. . i , ' , ' APTZVT. V ' : Adveat Second street, aetweea Ran sad Lincoln; Be,. Charlee Heffeadea. Bandar school at 10:M a. a. praacaing at ll:so a. at, aad lbs . " ' TnrryiBsAUBT. Fires CasT'BigBta aad OeacB strMUf Rev. W. F. "mall. At 11 a. Bk. aermoa ea "Baar sflceat Trata"; 10 a. ak, Buadsy school. , , T MTTKOOtBT. ' Pre Methodlat Beat Klnth Bad Milt treeta. Preeeblas, 11 a. ak; laadar eebeol, 10 a. . CBXIIT1AW BCTIBCTC. CkBMh ef CSulft, We have sold : A , advertisements, Family Refrirerator Tteniagnifkenc is an eye-opener to everybody who sees them. ". ' - V Do not forget our Removal Sale of household articles. We are going into our own building and have the tcople help4js to move.:So wc are-selling-otT DISHES, GLASSWARE, COOK TlNG STOVES. RANGES, BLUE FLAME STOVES, and almost everything else used about hardware store, at pronounced reductions from regular prices. - It will pay like a gold 1 mine to' pome in and see us now. ' 'c.-';: '':)' -;'ri,.- yjociio I a Pleasant The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why Fills and Aperient Waters never rive permanent relief. Their violent action ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely, "tVhy OIUNO ls! different. Oanro Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organs PwaracJ only by POL1Y OO, Chloase, IIU : 4' - $il4 - .A: SOLD AND nCCOMMSllDEP DY - WOODARD. CLARKE CO. AND AND SKIDMORE DRUO Bite ' eatbedraL streets, Sarvlce at 11 a. aa.; eab)eet et ear. bob, "Spirit"; Saaday school at eleee et Banrnlng servicer so evealag aervlee. Second Chorea ef Christ, Scteatlst Btka ample. . Stark aad Savants streets. Bandar aervlces et 11 a. Bk aad 1 a ak eabjeei, "Bplrlf'l Saaday eebeol at U a. ak i ' ' ' m-mmmmm .''' " ornrBox of sob. CBasati ed 0a W0 Haetheaa bibbbs, Siii Fleet Sptf ttaal rttaal BeadatfWOSH Third Street. U a. at. ssa S pv m.; Joaa' Slater, micas et nUZaTBIAI, MTneamUl Daws . A. B. ban. Mnlilaaa etreeta. Urn rims at t:M p. aa. U GRANDE CLAIMST ;free MAir deuyery : ObMelel Mspateb te The Joerael.) Zat Grande, Or, July livO, O. Lati mer, postal Inspector. talB " tha City making an Investigation ef eondltlona preliminary te the sstabUshmsat ,.,,T.r. j. 0-d... clsTm Tor frood I Matofflee isoslntB. which for tha veer pos to f flee reoelpta, which for the year ending June-1 amounted to tll.40s.TT. Exclusive ef box rents the amount re ceived' waaV 110,100.47 Last year the receipts were tlO.ltt, but this Included box rents, which would be greatly re duced with free delivery, and ths re Cjulremanta call for receipts of more than 110,000 per year, not counting box rents. ' If the inspector sends In a favorable report oa the condition Of the town, the poetoffice - department gives assurance that further steps toward ths establishment ef free de llvery at La Grande will be taken with out delay. . ( . . ;' -Allea at Lavwia' Best Brand. There b One 3 and Only One. . You do not know thai Soda Dacker until you know' ; : i yheeda Biscuit To taste Unecda biscuit is to fall in love with them. Tou never forjet that first taste, and you renew it every time you eat Unecda Diccult a &t tight. - (fOy 'moisturt proof packagi. " JjaSy . !';- J ' t NATIONAL BISCUIT-COMPANY LSI those celebrated goes on this lot also, v t rA w. nv - B DSf mm to tabe and does not results in an unnat TaKe OIUNO Laxative Fruit are not satisfied your money PARROT CAN SPEAK THREE LAF.GUAGES FLUENTLY " ' - - - ' ; '. . ' . ' , - i'; " " IAbdut""t6TT aIcr8cond'T rip Across American Corttinsnt , . tnd th Atlantio Ocean.' - After learnlne; sboskIi ef the laoauaae ef Aaasiiea to "ret alonB," a areea par rot ovned by Mrs. J. Klsenschmldt, vlfa ef Chief Engineer Slaeasobmldt ef ths Ham bora-ArosrloaB liner Nleomedla of the Portland-AslaUo fleet, left Portland this moraine; for Hamburg; Germany, to renew eld aeqaalataneas. Ths parrot was brought to this city About a year ago and upon returning home will havs crossed tho oonUaent, as well aa tha Atlantic, twlos. Although the voyage wfll be mads la a oaara It la said that thla nartlmiler polly oould easily maka the trip by him- riatlya tangamteTt I lT talks Oermaa aad XYeach quite fluently and has enough English te make his wants understood. But ths transportation companies have made ne preparations for handling "birds, no mat ter how well educated, and ao ne ex caption nan be made in this ease. He will therefore have to travel permed up In a eage with only a piece ef wood te perch upon. - .... The parrot will be accompanied by Mrs. Elsenschmldt, who looked after his .welfare coming out from Oertnany. ..'afe Bfff i ' Burglar AH I want lady. la your money, '.... ' Old Maid Go away, wretch you're just like all the other men I know I ' .CI V. ! Soda Dacker at S19.50 CiJFe2wV.'sTc;!e First cJ lllzt 15. n gripe or nauseatov can not cure Chronic Oonstipation,Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc -v For Biliousness and SicK. ; '.";;'' :v- Hetache. -n,;: ; Take Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup.7 It sweetens,the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and . bowels without irritating these organs. v 'is Clears the Complexion 1 1 v i Oiuoro Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears, the complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children 'as it is : mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. Refuse substitutes. , Syrup and If you will be refunded ' jA: CO. A Written Gusxcntee JJJ PasXaB C1ICISW la HsbeatsM. Faa asa have ef tbe osasilsiltB mf Grcphojihcnc Ib AsawawPefteBTrSeV VM K-Wff IMMfe af Aa Ideal Stmmte Amuesmeiit I eaamaarjaaaFeaJjaaBBaaaa abater ef Mas eeaebore emyvsre I The fmtatsef a OBA"THt0t he Has eBwB te CtfAB, aWftT ANB) TAW lrtACriT. Tree Trial fMKi Easy Psneat Offer TMe Is year afcaace te as oars fa kfBT T ALBINO HACttMC MAK. ea barBaeat wewah wSI net fee ftt. We Accept Old IrlacWrres of Aay ' Make la Part Psnetit . ersad Prtey Perlse ISe . BvSwMe erase! Prize,?, law, t4:', . IWfbes Awwrd, artlams, I toe . CoiumWa Photwgrapb CoVt,Cat( T-l MBTXVAJrO. lead BM fan detaileef yea Beer raaaoaa aae. rarhaa. Your Fortcsa Toli FXUttt T Intmdnes BV sew and wonderful srsena ef OBIBBXAL AsTBOLOOr, I will end yea s reeding el rear life absolutely - BBEa Bead birth date and I rents to cover poataga. AaV dresst raoy. romo, peat, tt, 10 vTeet 4h st. Bew Terk, W. T, r HAIR BALSAM (TLaenaea mmm haaewraal Sm Beta. rSiaipaal aaanoiaat mvanK ,eaei yal's V - I uittll Ve. , f f rise. . -.1- . - ; i t (' - ,.t 7 r - i mm V'V r. I 1 '' 1 M