The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 28, 1906, Image 7

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    z:zz co:i-daily ' jouh::al; rcnTLAiro, satuhdav svenino. jtjly m, wci
B?ls p TM tkill asl asasrtaJL I Ml St. A A - -
Atf WmPllea- Hg IS THElffN
-ss.. v -n, . w. . 4
i W ' ' - :- r' -f , TluT60ojH.t MoT., "
I h W!1 s not niii'.iyiiMWjjiii.iimmijiiai Jl 1 Feanaaiiv f M$ IT 1
This Number Is a Series of Charming Shskesperean Tableaux Entitled,
' . y' '. '.. : "' People. . ' .
Count Who MarrUd Washw-
worman't Daughter Seeks An
nuiment of Marriage. :
Kobleman to. Regain Hia Inheritance
r Now Shams XnsanityTQoes W Asyi
lum and Casts Off Pretty Daochttr
f tha People, '" '. '
JttTlln. July It Anath tmtn
4dd IS tha romantlci atorv rViunt
Erasmus p-bech-Erbach s marrlase to
a uhiromm'i dau(htr, who had
naraair served apprenticeship at the
tubs before she wedded the lafatuatad
. younr noblaman. It- mlcht be entitled
j "Tee Sordid Soquel."
" It's-a oaae of Cupid vanquished by
povertr of love yloidln to luxury. To
. rid himself of his wife, which is neeee
sary to secure his reinstatement as the
onr to a macnifloont property end IW
oo.oooa year the count has had re.
eourab to the Ignominious plea, that he
waa of eneound mind when he con
tracted the tnarrlate end has retired to
a aanltarlum, while his relstlvee worfc
the machinery of the law te procure the
wwuiiuem oi ine marriage. :
- Her Berrarly BttBead.
The count's father munvkn. .11..
Bar I0 a month. That la a bea-a-arlr
stipend for a-countees, thoush it ie a
bis sum for a washerwoman's mkt
However, she does net think It enouaii
and has broueht an action scalpat her
. ! uvmnin-iaw to Sl OSr SUOW-
anco Increased to 1115 a month, on tha
round that, as she and the count,
while they were toother, had lived at
the rate of $40,000 a year albeit on
creau to oe compelled to live on
l00-a-yer scale wae a terrible hard
-ship. Bhe con tended that she ehould
be treated as a countess, rather than as
a flaurnter ot the tuba . . i,
But this View did not brerall with
the court and the verdict went aa-alnat
ner. . ii waa poiniea out to her, further
, more, that If the marriage were not an
Bulled she , oould set no allowance st
all. So she Is left to ponder over the
: question whether It la better te be sn
ex-countees en lie a month or a cress-
wiaow counieae witn nothlne at all and
the waahlnf tun her only means of
earning a livelihood.
" o Blssolvs starrlaere. . '
.- " The next euge will be an aotlon for
; the dissolution of the marriage,-and It
is pretty euro te succeed In a German
'. court In that event the count will no
( . doubt be speedily restored to reaaon end
, In due course wlll.become the reigning
ooitnt nimseii ana ngure among - the
shining lights of the hereditary aris-
' tocraoy..- ' - .. ..
- The count's. marriage took place only
V last year ana doubtless the mala feat
ares of the queer story are etlil fresh
In the memories of American readers
... It was celebrated In London, bees use
there, as both parties were .ever age,
parental objections do not count The
count s father and the ether members
' , of the family made a greet to-do over
' It. :
'" ' Banal to atoyelty.
The Erbach-Brbache belong to the
meoiatiseo nobility, which mesne thet
; they enjoy equality ot birth with the
. roysl. femlllea of Xurope. The head Of
the house Is entitled to style himself
a "serene highness." By lew, too, de
signed te protect their blue blood from
levels elnt, the etrsprtnr of ms
' e.llsnce, as, in ths ease of royalty, ars
barred the succession. .. ".. .
,'The "house laws" of the Erbach
trbaeha, whioh have been la farce for
ever 09 years, provide furthermore that
. - the head of the bouae may disinherit
any Erbsch who marrlee a woman not
. of reyal rank. At a solemn family
council ths threat of disinheritance wae
' launched against the contumacious eld
, , eat eon end heir. .,
Yeasg staa-s Beflaaee. :
He answered It la a strain of heroic
defiance. Not for s moment did he re-
erret the Step -he hsd teJten. - He - lo-red
bis wife ana she loved him, sod though
r.:c:jopoLY: lodcs entertainments.
turn im kMKW,Htiw
5nrlFi6ft,4 SANS H0C,Sah
ef humble birth, ehe wss far worthier
ot life-long devotion than any ot the
pampered daughters of royalty or he
reditary petty potentates. As for being
deprived of his income . by bis irate
father, tat did not bother him. a bit
He rejoiced la the opportunity It af
forded blra to prove to the Erbacb
Erbechs and the hereditary aristocrats
Of Europe generally that there wae still
left a matt of noble birth who welcomed
the chaaoe ef showing his love for the
purest and beat women on earth by
earning a living for hen And so on
and. so on.
Xgaotalaloas nrreader,
It sounded very ftne. The hereditary
workers clapped their bands. This Is a
man of ths right sort, they said; he
shows tha proper spirit; he le toe good
for the aristocracy: he Is one of the
people. - . -.'; ;'
- But the aristocrats knew the breed.
They said "wait." And It did hot prove
a long wait, either. Ae long ae the
heir to the princely Brbach-Erbacha
could Hve ea credit lie and the washer-
Woman's daughter were happy and the
question ot raising the wherewithal did
not keep him awake nights. But whan
his credit was exhausted end It became
a question of hustling for a living or
going hungry, he saw a great awaken
Ing light. He left-his wife, crept back
home and asked his family to get him
out of "this awful hole I've got myself
into and I'll aubmlt to anything. And
they are helping htm out of it. .
Son of ceroids Passes Away
. After Lingering Illness of
'. Over Two Years.
The store of Olds, Wortman A King Is
closed today on account of the death ot
Kehhetn Summers cud's, tns sonbf J. C
Olds, a member ot the firm. The young
man died last Bight at the home of hie
Kenneth Summers Olds. '
parents, til East hfadlsen " street.
Death came after a long Illness, in
directly the result Of playing football.
in the apnng or liui Kenneth Olds
entered the Portland academy. Two
years later he waa urged to Join the
football aquad of that Inatltutton. The
practice was hard and the training se
vere and tha youth caught a severe cold,
followed by a serious Illness.' He re
covered sufficiently to go back to
school, but In the spring ef last year
gathering came la his throat end he
was compelled to leave school. The boy
waa taken to Arleona laat September
la the hope that the dry climate wonid
benefit him. He returned last May little
benefited. . Hla strength gradually failed
and for some time the family have
known that death was Inevitable. '.
Kenneth Olde was born In Portland
11 yeare ago.
The funeral will be held tomorrow at
O'clock from the family residence.
' A OroeS Baeeee, , - "-
From Judge. -T
see Robinson's married a sain
married his first wife's sister."
Tee, He eatd tic didn't-want to -have
to .break la another mother-in-law."
-nV IlkIl . SMSaBlal Mat, Ulttl
isaiJ i
CtTtXM. Wf NlH hi ttwrtrfFel
WAY TSW4.RP rut MIHT, tun m
The Seven Ages of the Common .
-.";,n....';;-;':-: .'., '-V--
W. I. Creelman Found He Could
Not Live Honestly and Pe
J v cided He Would Die.
(RDeeUl Dtmteh to the 7oeraal.t
Spokane, July I! The unknown mas
shot yesterday morning by Merchants'
Police "Wood, died last svenlng after
disclosing his Identity and asking that
his relatives In Loe Angeles be 'notified.
He was W. I. Creelman, IS yeare of age.
eon of wealthy parents owning property
in Ban Franotsco and Los Angeles. For
twp weeks he has. been employed by
the secret service department of the
Northern Paolfle railroad. .
Creelman Confessed he had been la
trouble much of hie lifetime aad served
terms in Jail at Seattle and Walla Walla
for alleged burglaries. Deteotlve Btauf-
fer secured hia confession, promising to
tell only after hla death. Ho aaldi
T era a -brother of Hubert Creelman,
who formerly ran the Warwick pool
room in this city, i came here from
Walla Walla two weeks aa-o and met J.
Hlndman, speflaX agent for the Northern
pacific, who gave me work and money,
had determined te live square, but
eould not. . -
v "I r want to exonerate the officer who
shot me. When he shot I rsn. hosing
be would kill me. I did not want to be
tsken alive.
All my life I have gotten the worst
Of it, .When I went In for burglary my
companions slwsys put me In the dan
gerous places snd-lf anyone wae caught
It was I.
."I will never tell the name of my
The sum of Ills -was taken from ths
Jewelry store which Creelman
burglarising when discovered, He had
Tins in nif pocxeta.
No word has
,. . .,
brother as to the
disposition of the
(Ipeetat TMipsleh te The Jesraal.t
Orants Pass. Or.. JuIt sh. Tha
Oranta Pass Water eompany has placed
s crew of workmen to the tesk of en
larging Its plant In this city. The rspld
growth of Orants Pass has made the
present system Inadequate to meet the
demands for water. Accordingly, the
water eompany. Which Is comDosed
principally ef Portland capitalists, will
spend a vaat sum enlarging and better
ing the system. A new end larger
reaervolr will be built and set on higher
ground, larger malna to all, parte of the
city will be laid, aad best ef all, the Vater
will Da nuered. That the water, ea It
le taken from Rogue river may be purer,
the power plant will be moved from Its
present location Juat below the city to
White Rocks, a ehort distance above the
elty, to be above the eewage and dump-
ing-grounov - . -, .
(Ipeelal Mspatet te The Jnerasl.) .
Grants Pasa, Or., July II. TBouxh
already one of ' the very largest end
handaomeat church edifices la southern
Oregon, the Newman M.- E.t ch-urch of
this city Is being enlarged to meet the
demands Of ths congregation and San
day school. A large wing or annex,
which will enlarge the auditorium and
afford additional rooms for the Sunday
school classes, else give a reception-
room end kitchen, is being sdded. With
this addition Newman ehurch will have
a seating capacity of over 700. '
' tp.rll Ptapelck le The JoareeO
Pendleton. Or.. July 11. Following
an explosion caused by smutty wheat a
thresher belonging to Budd Nelson of
Wild Horse Creek was burned to the
ground on ' the Peter Tachalll place
yesterday afternoon. The machine
burned wae a stationary steam thresher
and had been used for come time, - It
belonged to Redd Nelson. Considerable
bsrley wsa burned also. In all about
160 sacks Id the stark. That which Waa
not destroyed will have to be rseacked.
ae the eeck were turned. The thresher
waa valued at several hundred doUare, ,
Workmen Chout With Clee as
v They Tear Down Walls of
Old Multnomah Block. -
Dealers Report . Much .Activity . in
f Firm Property and Large - Sales
'Are RecordedOtto Hanson Farm
TEi TSbtd to MIrmea'pdnsPhyalclan.--
"I believe men take a special delight
In destroying things when they have a
ohance," remarked a bystander yester
day, when looking at the man rasing
the Multnomah blocs, getting the elte
ready for the ten-etory Corbet building.
The remark was brought forth by the
shouts of pleasure from . the gang ot
workmen as they tore down a wall or
tore out a window.
A person gaslng at a crowd of house
wreckers cannot out feel that the men
do get a certain amount of aatlafactlon
out of destroying a useless building.
They go st It with a will and If an
effort In tearing away quite a large
L portion at one try te successful they
seem to giost ever the big pert tney
have destroyed. Nothing seems to give
wreckers greater pleasure tbao smash
ing a big glass it the opportunity of
fers Itself. Of course moat large plate
glass Is taken out carefully and etored
away, but now and then . there te a
window that possibly It would cost more
to remove than , a aew one eould be
purchaaed for, end If this happens It
la broken with the greatest glee.
Teeterday there was a partition ht
the Multnomah block that had to come
out . It waa first aeeeaaary to put a
hole through'the wall ee a rope oould
be fastened. Several of the workmen
picked up a long piece of- timber end
with one or two blows went through
the etandlng Wall. The third blow -enlarged
the opening bat the timber went
eo far through that It broke a pane
of glass, that fell tinkling to the
ground. - When the glass fell the work
men Just shouted with joy, "That's the
way to do It.".
Vscsa lfoieily la Bexaaad. '
Nearly every dealer in the city re
ports a most healthy demand for farm
property and quite a number of sales
are reported. ' The Dunn-Lawrence Co.
reports that the demand for both City
and country property is greater this
summer than it has been any previous
summer. The greater number of these
demands come from eastern'-people.
The Dunn-Lawrence Co. has . just sold
to Dr. C. W. King, who recently came j
to Portland- from Minneapolis, ths Otto
Hanson farm in Polk county near Mc
Coy. This is said to be one of the
prettjeat country hougee and one of' the
finest hop farms in the etate. ' - The
price paid for tho property by Dr. King
waa $11,000. Another newcomer from
Minneapolis le Michael O'Brien, who haa
purchased -through the eama company a
tract of land near Piedmont This tract
eontatns several acres end the purchaae
price wae 11,000.
deed "recorded that has attracted
considerable attention was one from
James T. Burtchaeli to the Oregon
Trust aV Savings Bank. It called for the
transfer of between eo end (0 lote In
Townsend's addition la South Portland I
and the eonaldaratintt waa atitiaunrad ae I
nominal. Some of the dealere thought
there wss a big deal behind ths deed
but it Is announced by the Oregon Trust
Bsvings Bank that It Is a truatee's
deed and that It haa no eijmlflcanee ef
a big movement In Couth Portland prop
Other steal BsSaSe Seals.
Another deed that has attracted at
tention le one for a nominal eonetdera-
tlon from George A. Brodle to Kerr, Gil
ford at Co.. for property st the eornar
ef Railroad avenue end Clark street In
Alblna. On this property le the plsnt
of the pact no Pulp Plaster CO., snd Mr.
Brodle had a lease on It' The deed Is
merely a quit-claim, Mr. Brodle relin
quishing his lease, the property hevlng
been previously purchaaed from - Kerr,
Olfford St Co. from Mergee St Oarlock.
the owners.
Mrs. s. O. Stiff has awarded to W.
R. Stoke Co. the contract for a new
home at East Taylor and Twenty-alxth
Street" Tt "i " "" ii.afte
A two-etorv frame store building hss
been started by Toll Thompson at Eeet
Thirty-third street snd Belmont evenue.
It will. cost about 11,000.
J. D. Hewitt will build a 11,000 frame
building at the eorner ef Williams
avenue and Clackamas street. The first
floor will be store and the second
apartments. . v .
The program selected for tomorrow's
band concert at City park la one of ex
ceptlonal merit. It will: open with the
"Wedding March" from "The Rat
charmer of Hamelln." Ben Drtecoll,
cornet soloist wllf render "Ths Rosary."
aad other feature, on the program are
a number of new eeleetlone Juat from
the publleher. The concert commences
at t:IO o'clock.
Following la the program:
"Wedding March" from "The Rat-
charmer ef Hamelln". ....... .Nessler
Serenade, "Bright Star of Hope"...
- r Robeud!
Overture, "The Mill on the Cliff'..
, Relsslger
Cornet nolo, "The Rosary" Nevln
Ben DriscoiL
Medley of popular songs, "Ths Star"
(new) O'Hare
Introducing: "Listen to the Big Bra;
Band," "In Dreamland," "Kate Kear
ney." "If I Should." "In a Birch Canoe,"
"Tou're the Flower of My Heart Sweet
Adeline," "Qood-Bye, Little Girl, Oood-
Bya" i -
. -Intermission.
Polloe patrol, "Blueooate on Parade
(new) Edward Merrlt
Scenes from "The Highwayman". .
"Mlnuetto e Oavotta" from Tagii-
aool" , ....Leoncavallo
"Hungarian rantaela" Tobanl
Chtracterlotlo two-otep, "Policy
King" (new) Brown
- Charlee L. Brown, conductor.
Mra Carrie Erlckaon and Erick Ertok
son must remain married regardleea of
the earnest efforts of both of them to
secure a divorce. - So decided Judge
oantenbeln la the circuit court this
Mrs.- Ertekeon commenced a . suit
against her husband foe- divorce on the
grounds ef cruelty, alleging that he had
used abusive language to her, and had
beaten. the children till enme of them
had become feeble minded. Ericsson
tr ncrce't- Favorite Prescribes 1
Is a towerfal. Invigorating tonic. Impart
lag health and strength In particular
to the organs distinctly feminine. -Tha
local, womanly health is so Intimately
related to the general health that when
diseases of the delicate womanly organs
are cured the whole body gains In health
aad strength. For weak and sickly
women who are worn-out," run-down
or debilitated, especially for women who
work In itore, office or schoolroom, who
111 at the typewriter or sewing machine;
or Sear heavy household burdens, and for
asrslag mothers. Dr. Pierce's Favorite
PreecrfpUon haa proven a priceless
benaat because ot Its health-restoring
and strength-giving powers. '
As a soothing and strengthening nerv
ine. Favorite Prescription is on
es sled aad Is iavaloabie in allaying snd
lubdulng nervous excitability, frritabll
Ity, nervous exhaustion, nervous proa tra
il , neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea,
ar htt, Vitus i danoe, and other distressing
nerves symptoms commonly attendant
upon functional and organic disease of
the womanly organs. It Induces refresh
tag sleep aad reilevea mental anxiety and
- Cures obstinate caeee.- Favorite Pre.
setiptloa is a positive enre for the most
complicated and obstinate eases ot fe-
Rale weekaess, painful periods, irrega
rlttes, prolapsus or falling of the pelvic
organs, weak back, bearing-down senna.
tlons, ehronle congestion, inflammation
and ulceration.
Dr. Pierce's medicines are made from
harm lees bat efficient medical roots
found growing In oor American forests.
Ths Indians knew of the marvslons cura
tive value of some of these roots and lm
fiarted that knowledge to some of the
deadlier whites, and gradually Some of
the more progressive physicians earns to
test and nee them, and ever since they
have grown In favor by reason of their
superior curative virtues snd their safe
and harmless qualities. ..
Your druggists sell the" Favobitb Pb
ecnirnoK and also that famous aHera
tlve, blood purifier and stomach tonic, tho
Ooldbs Mbdical Disoovkbt." Writs
as Dr. Pierce shout your ease. He la an
experienced physician aad will treat your
ease as confidential and without chares
fr for eorrespondence. Address him at the
invauos uovei ana ourgioai miutaia,
luflelo, N. Y ot which Ee is chief soar
Seitiag physician. -,
I I 1 1 l r e gaj
filed a cross complaint charging his
wife With cruelty and Infidelity. Each
of them asked the euetody of the minor
children. : .-,'
Judge Oaatenbeia said that neither ef
them- had proved their charges, . that
neither was entitled to a divorce, and
that the auit avould be dismissed aad
each would have to. pay coats. . 1
Ertekeon and hla wits were mar
ried In Clay county, Kansas, in lilt.
Eiickson Uvea on his farm near Eugene
end Mra Briokaon la living In Portland
aad support herself by working as a
eook. -. .
"Mr. Roosevelt le merely try
ing in a partial way to enforce
thoae principles which Mr. Bryaa
wrote in his DoUtloal Dlatfornaa"
says O. SL S. Wood In the oouras -e
of a fine article written for The e
Sunday Journal. - The article, e)
"The Demoracy of W. J, Bryan." o)
la'.one of the moat interesting d)
' contributions to political liters- e
ture aver printed In . this etate e
end will arouae wide dlecueelon.-
It la ono of many excellent tea- d)
:turee tnat wui appear In The
Sunday Journal tomorrow.
. , v
You Do Not Me a
Drug if You Treat
With Me
I do not enslavs the stomsoh with
nauseous and poisonous medicines I
relieve It of this unnecessary burden.
My. mervelouo aucceaa le directly at
trlbuuble to thla Mine Is
That means that I curs by Nature's un
failing proceseea For the cure of
stomach affllotlone, rheumatism, neu
ralgia. 8t Vitus' Dsnce and all nervous
and female diseases, '
sro oms ruAriaisTT oar xabtbT
' It Is now well known and conceded
that medicines crests more dlseas
than they euro. I create no afflictions,
ror i give no arage, hence
xt ovmas ui rBmatAnsrr.
My patients get well and remain well
strong, healthy, vlgoroua
I Have Cured Hundreds of
PatUnts In Portland
and the Northwest
Many of theee have kindly permitted
me to give their namea and addresses to
their afflicted f el Iowa If a eufferer,
you Will be Interested In knowing all
about how these ware cured. Tow may.
If you will can at my reeldence and
sanitarium or Inquire of me by mall.
Dr. N j. Fulton
Corner CUr.' eee tlnck from II. ft. vef. ea froal
taut iuwt Nr. 1 for
m jrrreea ear. -
aAi. viii tiate. m
. Tehwaene Mala iuis.
Free TciUon
yjg soxoou
TAXTa oni ssmoo
Besides cash commissions , allowed la new subscribers. The Orec
Journal offere pursee of ooln to the amount of 171 and scholarships l
the leading colleges ot Oregon to the- young people who make the mo
creditable, records in collecting advance payment .from aew and old auu
eortbera - The subscriber pays the regular subscription price of the
newspaper and the student ie credited thereby, ovary payment from en
month . to more being measured la vetee or points.'
. Scholarships In the best schools of Oregon have been eelaoted as the
prlsee ta this enterprise. As the number -of contestants laoreaee achetor i
ehlpe may be added to this list .
Detailed Information concerning the scholarahlp prlsee will' be' pub
lished from . time to time, or furnished on application to the Contest D- ,
partment - - . .. ,
ACADEMY OF HOLY NAMES, Altorls.'..,. ........ ..4..,,.fa50 1
ALBANY COLLEGE, Albsr)y.iJu,J.,..., . ........ j, ...t......s)10C
COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, Portland M..i......s)100 !
DALLAS COLLEGE, Dallas . . . . r. . ........ ....... ... 9100
GILLESPIE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION. Portland. ...........180
HILL MILITARY ACADEMY, Portland . ............... .... , .9100
HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland. .................... flOO
ton, Pennsylvania ... ................ ........... .......... 90
One Pianoforte Scholarship m. .,eee.990
; One Violin Scholarship '. .................... .9133
- One Guitar and Mandolin Scholarihlp....,..M.M..MM.s)aoO
PACIFIC COLLEGE, Newberg.. 9100
PACIFIC TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, Pottlsnd.. ............. ..fl3
(Y. W. C A.) ....7.?9VOi
SACRED HEART ACADEMY, Salem.. M...M.MM.,M...w.9sC3
ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Portland............ w. , ., ,,ltf00
X Oaan to aewlBt pnpU electing to attend any state or private tnetlto-
tion providing free tuition for a period ot not leee than one year.,ttlS
I Anothe pnrse, same conditions ae above 1M
I Cash for incidental expenses, in addition to a scholarship te be se
lected from the above list .tUe
4 Cash for incidental erp sasse, with second ehotoe of The Jeamal's
scholarships ITS
I Oasm for Isold eatal expeaseo, with third ehotoe ef The Joernal's -
scholarships ... , ..I. ............... tit
I Can to laeideaasi expeasee, wim
echolarehlpa ..
Oregon Joarnal Educatlooeil Contest
Nemo Of Contestant ....m...... ..... .........
Asej, ,. M .. .Address ...
Reeommended by (Name). .....,..
Address . .
$200,000 JND SKIPS
Trsasursr of ths Naplss Branch
of. Bancs Italia Defrauds
" Customers.
- ' 7eeraal Seedsl SerrVe.)
Kapfes, at July II. Arturo Vscca.
treasurer the Ifaples branch of the
Baaoa Italia, ' haa disappeared, after
having defrauded a capitalist Slgnor
Osetano Marti re, of $100,000.
Investigation ahowe he had numerous
other vlotlms, who have been defrauded
ef various sums, amounting altogether
to about lteo.000. A brother of Vacca
has also dlaappeared,
The defalcation occurred during the
conversion of the law requiring the eub
etttutloa of new bond a for the eld Issue.
When the bonde held for customers by
Vacca were called for he wes unable to
produce them. ..
e No better contribution to the e
e political literature of thle ooun- - e
try has ever seen pennea insn w
the article of C E. 8. Wood on e)
e "The Democracy of William Jen-
e nlnge Bryan," which will appear e
s In The Sunday . Journal tomor- e
e row. It doe not matter what e
yonr poiltica, you wui enjoy inn ey
e estimate of the commoner for ite e
e elncerity snd honeaty, and if you e)
S have no ponuce you wiu eiui w
e Snd pleasure In reading Uie o
e article which Is In the beet style e
of Oregon e rreesi, ciearesi sna . y
most Interesting thinker. . e
ev l .
fltBeetal MsDetch te The Joarnal.
Freewater, Or., July II. At the last
council meeting the resignation of
Councilman W. R. Stewart waa accepted
and Jeasle N. Baakett was nominated to
Alt the vacancy. Herman Wolf waa si
lowed to reelgn ss councilman snd was
appointed tow marshal.
,V', Cheap Rates East.
On August T, I. I. September I and 10,
the Canadian Paclfle will cell special
round trip ticket a to eastern terminate
at very low rates.
Tickets good going via Canadian Pa-
el flo. returning eame line, or via any di
rect route, with stopovere end long time
limit For deaorlptlve matter and full
partloulare regarding rates, eto call on
or addreae, F. K- Johnson, r. and p. j
Portland. Oregon.-
- (Joe nut Special Bervlee.)
Flagstaff. Aria.. July -II. A local
Santa Fe west bound and aa east bound
freight collided headlong at Aggas four
miles weat ef here leet night, Engineer
Kangandolar being Inatantly killed, and
Fireman Neglar Injured.
. .. non
Is a violent Inflammation ef the mueeue
membrane of the wind pipe, which
sometime extends to the larynx ead
bronchial tubes; and la one of the most
dangeroua dlseaaee ef children. It al
most alwaye tomes on In -the night
(Jive frecuent small doses of Pellard'
Korehound Syrup and apply Ballard's
fnow Llrrfment externally to the threet
Mc. lOeAnd 11.00. Sold by Weedard,
CUrke U ,
Cecil ?5I7Z2
ros smnz
ro wax, Oram st;j
-...9 40
.f 93
rourtn ehoioe of Too Jonnaara
Sixty Per Cent of Profits of Sou
Kitchens Due to Swapping
? of Provisions.
San Franoleeo, Jul y -1 a Slaty t
cent te tho profit ' the- soup klteh
proprietors have bees snaking oft the-
trading meal ticket for raw too
Thle Is the etate ef affairs which
been brought Into the lime-light by tn
Investigation being conducted bv LAv-
Henry H. Soott department euperiu
tendent of campa. . .
Ueut Scott was given authority e
Thursday to stop the trading of sne
ticket for raw food, eseept ea aa are
from a phyelciaa. - The arraageeae,
brought a number of protecting eov
kltchea proprietor to relief
ere yesterday. Close euestlonf-
brought oat the state meat ad the
they have beea making.
Fo a II cent meal ticket tMy nat
beengir1ng three-egga, werta i mm'
and a loaf of bread worth IM ceav
which foota op IH eeata For the
they received from the refugee a me
ticket which they have turned In t
relief hesdqsertere for It cents, gtvlr
them a clear profit oa each traaeaetfc.
of iH cents, or SO per eent
Augasl T, S, S, Ssptembes S aaut 1.
On the above date the Greet Norts-
ern Railway will have oa sale tickets V
Chicago snd return at rat ef
St. Louis and return 117,10, St Paul,
Minneapolis snd Duluth, Superior
Blous City and return, MS. Tloketr
flrst-clsaa, good going Via the Ores
Northern, returing samo or any dlrec
route, stopovers allowed. For ticket
sleeplngcar reeervatlon or any add
ttonal Information call on or address I
Dickson, a P,A T. A, 111 Third strse .
Portland. ..
At tha Baker. '., ;
At the Baker theatre tonarruw aftenMea aad
Blast Menafer B. B. ta Moaete ef tke Baa
rranclsra Ukmete eompaay wUt ta addition te
the moving eietarM et tae-ftre as eerthenake.
exhibit roc the (list ttne tat Pertlaad werlag
Ddrturee ot the eeart trial of Majnr BVernM,
aalng ever eoo feet ef flhae eeekrtlag sosnee
of this taaaees trial. Matinee st H it, 10 eaatv
to eny eeet. aad evealaaa at Silft, arlaee la
aad SS eeata : , .
. ."'-". "A Wiia1 PerlL
There t ee enest tot that the fsnreet met.
drama, "A Wife's reru." whlaS tj the eferb-o
of the Lyrle stark eisay tor the eerreiK
week. Is liaarvlns ef the large setresege whtee
It at teeeivlog. i . ,
.. At th4 Grand.. ''...;'v?.'.'
Wtee e eieias hat lass tke ft) ethnrtes V-
whk-k te find e bmo eeS sierry aim or el'
forfeit e vast eetele, ehe will sat weete O-
This Is the efory to4 la "Her Iel Ctaac
the feres wklrh k teehired at the Oread t.
, r. At tha Star. ,
Tnlav sad lemiiiea- the lee
ef "Three Ilea le a Centner" will h
at the Star. It Is a eoaUlve tare for 1
hose aa la, ...
- Curtis st JPanUfee,'
The redvllle featwe ef tke t'
. Cerlla. 'tbe emtneet e'Me. st
theatre, IB t tvlal ef "hai ef )
lnrmt areeeetloa isei eti e-i
Willamette valley f
- 1 1
more eewe - aad g J t