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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1906)
ZZ.l : c-.l.'.i.-d. catu:j a? JvzniNo. july 3, - -J - - SUMMER RESORTS. J - ' Jeeraal eakaariVars M 14 Te 1 IoumTm wu a U. leag Wok aM Bawaorl .A.aula et rlar eeliaery Ui be aaaJnteimd. Oreet iract ram gu eeeat at tbaae aetata Eke will Mm4 areaaBUy tt I5t BEACH Xante Oobaa, eaet k4usrUn at Iiweee, Willi De k ' TiTnr to all pointa oa tee, baack. SEASIDI AaS bi.ABB.AkT fAAat-. W. B. Whitmea, een keadauertere . at Lev la Oe.'s iruf (tan, Beaaiee, Mak U7 seus a the Hlwrdtl AITS TAOVTXA Harry . Dlnlbiaa, sews aseat OerveJlla . . - ,lMa Uaai. uertera at kTawpo'rt, Or, Salivary WIIHXIT IFBIaos i. W. Xalerea, acaat, Wklbcit,- -' HOT LAXlKoi Lake eaiWrtaa Ckfc, , ' esant, Hot Lake, Or. ' . OAABOV, WAkl. Mineral Syrlaea X. tal Co., seanta. ; CAS GADS, VAaaWThenue XaffaM. - arant. COLLIN! tflXXEAZ Uir01, WASH. C. T. Belohet, efeaV Oeuiaa, Week, Bakes,..; hjrf .... tar...... . Paatagaa Grand ... ..t... ....Bertbqoake FIctares ...,.,."! Willi rani ....."Tkraa kiaa In a Cupboard" varjaeriiie VeuaeTiUe , Northern Paolflo legal representatives . hay applied to tha elty oeuaell for per - mission to out through tha panlnaula and run tinder tha following atreet In bringing tha new north bank Una tnto Portland: . Willamette, Ida, "Amherst Princeton. Hrracuia. - TAurft. Oherlln. - Ollbert, Daweon, Minerva, Willie, Roch '. eater. Bank, Hudson, North, Cecilia, Oa- neva and Columbia. The company baa ' purchased tha . property neceeaary to provide a right of way 100 feet wide f ram Maegly Junction to tha drydock . site tor tne propoaea oridge aoroee tne .. Willamette river, and now aaka tha olty , to authorlaa tha deep out that will have to be made to -.maintain tha railroad a water arada to lta downtown termlnala. viThe itreeta committee of tha elty coun cil will Inveatltata tha propoaltion and report at an early meeting of tha coun cil - . - Beglnnine; Tueaday, July 11, tha Evan- g-eiicai aaeocia.ion unauiauqua oonven- '. (Inn artjt rtm rr r n-ualln-r will K, rt-tl mt . Jennlng Lodge near Oregon City, Tha .convention will 'end Aucuat I -The ' Opening rally will be held on tha even '. Ing of July 11, led by Rev. Eira Maurer and Rev. H. K. Uornachuob, prealdlng ; aldera of tha Oregon conference. Wed- neaaay ana xnuraaay wui oa aavoiea - Ito the Sunday acbool convention. The " convention of the Toung People'! al- jiance win man inunoa mua i naa xne annua, conierence camp meeiiiia; wUl continue from AuxUJ i tl -"t""' If. Tha grounda are on the eaat bank of the Willamette river, and may ba . reached either by eleetrlo ear or by boat. Three aervlces will be held dally. ' The House' circle, one of tha popular ' departments of tha King's guild, held lta regular meeting Friday' at tha City ' Bark. Tha maatlne- was well attended during the business session, timely sug gestions and plana were made for tha winter'a work and lata In tha afternoon a delicious luncheon waa aerved under the ahade trees. Miss Laidlaw of Mil- : waukle and Miss McLaughlin of Detroit, ' who are visiting Mr. D. MoC reedy, were j- tna guests or ina -afternoon., :. - fhere, aad wl!l rreach a!-' ia Tavior treat church tu. or roar. In t- ori,- i on "Progreaalva Eeveiatloo" an 1 In te avenloa oa "Christ Came. Why?" Con gregatlonal alnglng will be a feature in tha evening. Frank Bernard waa arraigned before Judge Oantenbeid ia tha circuit court this morning, charged with Improper conduct at Hawthorne park. Ha pleaded guilty and will ba sentenced Tuesday morning... Oeorge Austin pleaded not guilty to the charge of a statutory or fense against 13-yaar-old Jennie Taylor of Qraaham. Corlnna Cadman, a young negress, waa arraigned oa tha charge of larceny from a store. Tha waa ao euaed of taking women'a clothing from the Meier at Frank company. 8 he waa allowed till - Tuesday to plead, . Patrona of sleeping cart on tha North ern Paxlflo railroad will be provided by portere with a paper sack, equipped with a convenient pullcord, the aack to be used aa a receptacle for bats, eitra Jackets. or other traveling wear, that It ia desired to protect from dust or a general mussing up. . The bags ara expected to prove popular with, feminine travelers. ,. .- Notice to Coal Buyers. We deelre to '. announce ' that Mr. - Graham Dukehart : will represent us aa solicitor and sales. man. , A. L. Stephens, formerly with us, Is no longer oonnected with this com pany. Wo have plenty of Diamond. Rock Springs, Carbon Hill and English Cannel ooal ready for delivery. Inde pendent Coal aV Ioe company, auceeesor to Holmes Coal aV Ice company. Phones Main 78 and 441a. , On his way from San ' Francisco to ' Chicago, Julius Kmlttechnitt, director of maintenance and operation ot tha Harriman lines, is expected . to vlalt Portland. He la bald to ba making an effort to break the Jam of eara In tha . terminal yarda of San Fraaolaoo, where nearly (0 per cent of tha entire freight rolling stock of the Southern Pacifio Is . tied ud because of failure of oonslcneaa to unload freight. " . - --5-: ' Sunday River Tripe to Oregon City. TsJca the river ride. Nd dust;' no heat; no noise; no worry. "Three hours' oool and refreshing recreation. 8teamer Al tona leaves tha foot of Taylor street at 1:10 and a. m. and 1:10 n. m. Leaves Oregon City at 10 a. m. and 1:10 and 1:10 p. m. Ticketa. Interchanged with' aleotrlo cars.' Round trio 11 oanta. . Water . through hoee for sprinkling . yarda or sidewalks, or waahlng porches or windows, must ba paid for la advance and vsed only between the hours of I and I a. m.' and I and ,p. m. It must not bo used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to theee rules, or waste- ruiiy.u wiu do shut oft. - Exquisite Designs Wa . are euro to have a auit that will please you, as wa have over 1,000 up-to-date patterns. . We make any suit In the house to order for 1 15, no more, no less. Style, fit and workmanship guaranteed.' Unique Tailoring company, 101 Stark street. near Dixtn. . : Sunday at tha White Temple Rev, James S. Klrkley, D. C ot Elgin. Illi nois, will preach. Morning topic, "Op portunities of Old Age"; evening -topic, "Prlnciplea Versus Rules." Interesting snort sermons and excellent nualo will ba rendered. " Now Is tha time to arrange a trip to .your old home In the east Reduced rata ticketa on sale August f, I and . For particulars call at Chicago, Mil waukee eV St Paul railway of flea, 114 Third etreet . " . ; ';.'; vv-:.'; ; On account of tha death of Kenneth Olds, Dr. F. Burgetta Short has found It necessary to forego hie proposed trip to Seaside to take part in the' dedicatory exerrlaes of a new Methodlnt church oaboov nrsAsa Arrant axnumr -x (DaUy Paper.) '"I m. mtmArfit ..,, iwrtffWW ayVia 1ia flamee began to roar, A White-haired woman patient climbed upon the pantry doorr ' " There she roosted like a turkey and re- xusea to nuage a peg, And an old man wound a blanket 'round the kitchen table lex. A boy grabbed up a puppy and began to twist Its tall. And A girl hugeed Mr. Cal breath till the . . fellow did look pale;' A busky, waddling n'gress, weight at leaat two hundred pounds. Throw her arma about a n reman and - bora hlra to the ground. Tha sight was really tunny, yat, indeed. aupreraely sad. And we eogltated thualy: "Many women here went mad . From overwork In washing tot the loved . . onee in their homes. And our laundry could have saved them . all theae tears and sighs and ' , groans." - T . TOWN LAUNDRT. ... TaL Vain 191. AeCond and Columbia, U XamUy waahUit and ironing 4 lb Deputy County Clerk R. A Reld and Mrs. Reld have gone to Long Beach for a two weeka' vacation. Deputy J. H. Bush will leave thla evening, to bo gone two wetk, part of which time he will spend at Gearbart park. Deputlea Harry V, Batnford and Tbeo B. Wells have re turned from a two weeks' outing -and will resums- thsir duties at the court bout. Monday. . . . .;.' ' Where to go on Sunday, Steamer Multnomah leavea toot of' Washington street for St Helens and way points at I a. m. Return leavea St Helena at 1:80 p. tt. , - ' ; Week days' leavea foot of Washing ton atreet for Scappoose and - return 1:10 a, m. and 1 p.- m. Fare 10 cents one way:-. 71 cent sound trip. ., Applicants tor aid from .tha San Francisco relief fund must apply at the Travelers' Aid desk at tha Union depot between the hours of 11:10 -and 1:30 p.- m. dally, except Saturday. Applica tions made by letter will also reoelvo careful Inquiry. - Lola Q. Baldwin, secre tary. T. W. C A. Travelers' Aid. ' 'O. WVF. Trolley Excursion Tomorrow. To all upper Clackamaa river points to and Including Estacada, 10 . eenca round trip. Dinner at Hotel Estscada Tl centa. Cara leave First and Alder streeU, 7:10, t:10, 11:10, 1:10 1:40, 8:44. 7:1. Tickets must bo purchased, on sale' In waiting-room. .. , . ,rt . Trolley Trips Tomorrow on tha O. W. P. To Oregon City and Canemah Park II cents round trip. - Dancing afternoon and ovenlng. - Cars with open trailers, leave First and Alder streets on the odd hour end every 40 minutes. Tickets must ba purchased, on sale In waiting room. ., '.',, Sunday . River Trip. Why don't -you try a trip up the Columbia tomorrow oa ateamer BaUoy Oataert" It e the finest river trip in the United States, Steamer leaves Alder street dock I m.. returns 0:10 p.. m. Dlnnsr 10 centa Faro 11. Phono Main 114. ; . Week days steamer Multnomah leavea foot of Washington street for . Scap poose and return, 1:10 a. m. and 1 p. m. Fare, SO centa one way; 71 cents round trip...."::. ;.rv -.... ;., PilRil SVSTElI Initiative On Hundred Is Op posed id Purchase of Parks Plecsmsal: , GENERAL PARK SCHEME . SHOULD BE LAID OUT Portland' Landscape Fajort Davcl opment bf Elaborate and Beautiful System of Parka, Drives ,- and Boulevarda. -: ' ' . Why not enjoy your vacation T We ad vance you 130, pay ua back at 11.IS per week; 110 at II, and 160 at 11.16. cres cent Loan company, 411 Mohawk build nay. i , . v.. . . v : ' Japaneao Antldust Compound for sweeping; floors. F. E. Beach 4V CoM tha Pioneer Paint eompany, distributing agents. 111 First atreet Phono 1114. . Concrete Conetructioa Co., T01 Cham bar of Commerce, manufacturers of concrete stone blocks. Contractors for all kinds of cement work. Tel Main 110, Sunday excursion up tha Columbia. Carson. Cascade Locks and return, fare II. Steamer Charles R. Spencer leaves Oak street dock July 11, I a. m. Rational divine healing, embracing the lawa of mind and spirit Ask for pamphlet ' Rev. P. J. Green, 141 East Twenty-sixth street Milton A. Nathana, attorney, 1000 Btelner atreet, San Francisoo. C em m le sions promptly executed. : Insurance ad Justed... . L , Dry, short wood, 11.10 per load, dellv ered. Phone Main 41. Tha Nlcolal Brother Co, .. . .;. . , v r Prise waits. Cedar park. Dancing Sunday afternoon and evening. No llquora, y . - ' ; .;. - Unexcelled French dinner at Richards Sunday, I to 1 :10. II per cover, with wine. Acme Oil Co. sella tha beat safety oil and fine gasolines. Phone Eaat Til., Alex C - Raa. publlo accountant - 10 Concord building, phono Main 1411. Women's 'exchange. 111 'Tenth street lunch, 11:10 to I. Panama natter, HI 4th. Phone Pao. tOT. f i m FLOWER CONTEST V PRIZES AWARDED : I. Tha first section of tha flower . and ratable contest la which school ehll dren of tha county are engaged la prac tically over, aa the - prises - have been awarded. Tha sweet peaa raised by the girls are still on exhibition In tha elty hail, but Fred V. Holtnaa. Mra. F. R. Holmes and A, J. Clarke.' the Judges, hare completed thetr decisions. The' girls who are raising asters In stead of aweet peaa will bring In their produots la'a'few weeka Later la the season the boys who are growing pota toes will show what they have dona, ; Following are - tha awarda: County prise, division 1, eaat aide, Ethel- Uoa law; aecond, division I, Powell valley, Gladys Holgata; division I, Columbia valley, Annie Brlce. The division prises were awarded as rouows: ' East aide, Brat Ethel Ooslowt seoond, Mary A. r Lewton; .third, . Feral -Glbaoav- Powell vaiiey, nrai, uiaays noigate; seoona, Jennie Strebln; third. Mettle Bauman. Cascade, Cecilia Woodward. One Entry Columbia valley, first Annie Brice; seoond, Lena Burlingarae; third, Floaeie Ogden. Tha weat aide dl Vision had no entrieav,. . ., . y atnildlag Permita. Tha. following permits have been Is sued: T. J. Hammer, repairs, Wash ington between First and Seoond, coat 110; Peter Taylor, repairs. Park cor ner Davis, eoat, UOOi Beck Broe re pairs, park corner Washington, - eoat; w. H. Truitt two-etory dwell ing, Cleveland avenue between Maegly and Oolng, eoat. 1,I00; J. R. Capias, two-Story dwelling, - McMillan between Ross and Benton, cost 11,100) Tie Htng, repairs. Alder betwean Seoond and Third, coet, 1 100; P. Dunham, East Bumalde between Eaat Sixteenth and East Seven teentb. eoat, 14,000; White eetate, re pairs, Third betweea Stark and Wash ington, soar, 11,100. ' It Is said strong opposition will de velop against the acquiring of any mora elty parka by piecemeal. . Tha Initia tive One Hundred will, make a cam paign In favor of a municipal policy of developing ' a gral system of parka, parkways and boulevards, along Unas followed successfully by Philadelphia, Cleveland and other eastern cities that have gained national reputations for the beauty 'of v. their - municipal pleasure grounda. ' : -. - "Portland s natural landscape favors the development ot an elaborate and beautiful parking system. . Mora and better results could be (Obtained for the money outlay In Portland than baa been aecured la any other city," said F. L MoKenna, prealdent of the organisation. "We ara opposed to tha purchase of HaWtborne park or any ' other park ground by piecemeal. Before the elty of Portland spends any mora money for park' grounds It ahould lay out a com plete system, have tha surveys mad and the plans complete for a general system of parka, parkwaya and boule varda, so located that every part of tha city will receive lta fair share of bene fit. Such a parking aystemf would prob ably coat 11,000,000, and It would be a good Investment for the elty. Tha money could easily be raised by a bond issue at low interest and the Im provement to property would advance valuea aufflclent to pay a profit- on the Investment, besides making Portland nationally famous and popular with tourlata. - - ' . ;.,":''. . Favors Ooademaatloa Frooeeillnga. "I would be In favor of condemnation proceedings as the method of acquiring grounda and rights of way in every In stanoa. By that method there could be no cbargea of graft' ralaed and every foot, of ground neceeaary for parka, boulevards, drives ad speedways would ba appraised -by-a Jury, and only actual 'values paid by: tha city. Small parka would thua be secured by the various residence sections, the elty, for '. ex ample, purchasing Hawthorne park, tha Montgomery tract' nssA tha Northwest Door company's property a tract near Scllwood, a tract on Mount Tabor, an other 6n Mount Scott, one at ' Stony Butte or Vernon, and so on. " Ail these ahould be connected with aectiona of boulevard and apeedway, with ; email parkwaya at pointa wherever they might be conveniently Incorporated Into the system. Of course, this chain should connect with tha range of hills on the west side and embrace tho present City park," " CARGO FOR SIBERIA Norwegian Steamer Otta Will Clear at Custom House ; . This Evening. RUS3IANS COME HERE 1 . FOR CONDENSED MILK Biggest Jem of fcargo ! Onf nd s TJiir Million Ft of tuinber, Al though Hold Alao Contains Larg :v Quantities of Flour and Salt , ' With a cargo valued at something In the neighborhood r f 100,000 the Nor weglaa eteamer Otta, Captain tiinkhaU' ser, will clear for Nlkolalevals and Vladi vostok, Siberia, this evening and aha will probably gat away frcrmHer Port land berth' some time tomorrow.' The Otta has been In -the harbor about week and has received quick dlspatoh deaplta the great 'demand for long shoremen. , t r - . The cargo consists of 1,100,000 feet of lumber, 100 tons of salt 1.S00 barrels of flour, 100 caaes of oondensed milk, a lot of Iron beds with springs and mat tresses, a number of sulky plows, sev eral cases of saddlery and a lot of mis cellaneous general merchandise. - - 1 Siberia Is buying great quantities ot supplies end tha demand is expected to tnorease steadily now that steps are be ing taken to bring order out of chaos resulting from the war.-- The Pacifio eoaat la being called upon to furnish a large percentage of tha enppliee and Portland la In tha market -for its share. While no steamers are under charter at present to follow the Otta, the sup position la that one or mora win soon be fixed for such business. The Otta it the second vessel to leave Portland for Vladivostok sines the culmination of the 'War, the British steamer Cambrian King having preceded her a few months ago with a cargo consisting mostly of flour. J Foreaeveral years prior to tha hostili ties between Japan and Russia Portland exported Immenae quantltlee of lumber to Port Arthur for use In, the construc tion of rail road a and other government projects, throughout Siberia and it la supposed that with tha end of the war new projects of similar character will gradually ba taken up. A large portion of Vladivostok was destroyed by fire early In May and building material Is fn great demand there, so officers of the steamer Otta report They were there shortly after the conflagration. ON VOYAGE A MONTH. . - 6ILTNER WILL ME TRIP TO MOUNT JEFFERSOil Secretary of Chamber of Com merce Prepares to Take An nual Vacation In Mountains. E. C Olltner, secretary of the Port land chamber of commerce, aeoompaaied by a number of friends, will leave next week for a trip afoot and on horseback to Mount Jefferson. This Is Mr. Gilt ners annual recreation,, and he la famll lar with the haunts of fish and game along the way. Ha will devote the camp ing period to fishing and resting In the neighborhood of Mount Jefferson. . Prior to departure he is clearing bis deck of matters pertaining to the cham ber's publicity work. A leaflet le being prepared for use In letters sent out by Portland business men to eastern cor respondents, embodying a recent report made by Weather Clerk Beala, to the effect that there la less rainfall an nually In Portland than In a number of well-known eastern atatea. Mr. Beals says In his report: The annual rainfall or Portland la slightly less than 47 Inches, and there ara many beautiful eastern and southern cities having more rainfall than Port' land, without the publie considering them undesirable places to live In, so far aa the alsmant of moisture Is con cerned. Among them may be named New Haven, Connecticut with an annual rainfall of 41 Inches; Chattanooga, II Inches; Atlanta, Georgia, 60 Inches; New Orleans. 10 Inohes; Galveston, 41 lnffhes; Little Rock, 14 Inches. . - "Other cities bavins' so nearly Port land's annual rainfall that there la prac tically no difference are New York, with 41 Inches; Boston with 45 Inches and Louisville with 41 Inches. Last year tha eastern region of greateet cloudl ness was along the shores of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, where the average was 1.4, While In Portland It waa l.t. and at Seattle I.e." , Chamber -of commerce officials be lieve those facta ahould be circulated far and wide, to correct a very general Impreaelon In the minds of ths traveling publlo that Portland is an sxceptlonally rainy and cloudy place. The difference between Portland and Boston Is that of the 'noxsle that pours a atream and the nnula that inrira. ' while both die. chaa .the same volume of water In a given period the spraying process Is clearly proven superior, ss Is shown by ths luxuriance or Oregon roiiage and flowers, particularly roses..l.T GLEND0RA HOTEL IS BOUGHT BY BIGEL0W Charles T. Blgelow, clerk at the Bel vedere hotel, baa purchased the Glen- dora hotel near the corner of Nineteenth and Washington and will take charge August l. . Mr, Blgelow 'baa been with the Bel vedere for Ave years and . previous to his services there was with the Esmond hotel. Front and Morrison. Ho la a thorough hotel man. ' v. , - Mr. Blgelow announced today that he would have the Olendora refurnished and thoroughly renovated before taking charge. After the changes are made he aeys there will be 100 room la the hostelry, and It will be known aa The Blgelow, : - - . , greroiiod Stock owned eeaa -Alias Lewis' Boat Braad, - v. Schooner Mabel Hale t ' - '" Pedro to-Xuntbeai,-"--: ' By making acme quick : trips from this port to Ban Francisoo and ' vice versa tha schooner Mabsl Oalo has earned the reputation of being a smart sailer, but yeeterday she came Into tha harbor exactly a month out from Baa Pedro, and still when naked concerning the trip the Scandinavian tars In the forecastle said. Tine weather and a fair voyage." . The truth of the matter la that the Mabel Gala had to buck strong north' westerly winds most of the way- but they were only enough to make the run interacting for the tare who look upon a- ersooth- and motionless sea aa too monotonous. Some fog was snoountered The Mabel Gale eommenoad loading lumber at Inmaa, Pouleea A Co"s mill thla morning for a return cargo. FOR SEPTEMBER LOADINO. V Conurvatlom Cmitodl" mmmm SAVKGS DJO , Pyo 4 per cent interest on savings accounts, compounded semi-annually. Pays 4 per cent , interest on yearly and 3 per ' cent on six months' time de posits. .',.U "'' - V. '- . Call and see us at our new banking rooms , in the Labbe building, eornerjf Second and ' Washington"otreeTs, for further particulars.. '. ' -'V ' . ''' . - ,.' : ...... ' ' '- : OFFzona ajtb Bxsaoroaai ' ANDREW C. SMITH, President DAVID M. DUNNE, Vice-Prealdent . LANSING STOUT, Cashier. " C B. SEWALL, Assistant Cashier. v ', JOHN DRIBCOLL AND D. C. ' '' GODDARD. . - Columbia, but her order -wore changed yesterday. The Irene waa 14 days eomisg north from Redondo, strong northerly winds holding her back. Otherwise the voy age waa featurelesa The Irene will be the first sailing vessel to reoelvo cargo at the mills or the Standard Box oom pany. The steamer Meteor received -a record-breaking cargo of railroad ties there, however, a few months ago, also for Redondo.' . California ia in the market for all the ties that can be bought and men are la the field continually buying up the produot of the mills along the rivers tributary to the Columbia. . ,- CONTRACT IS AWARDED. ; Trafflo Warrant Zxa- provememts on ao KUbasm. ., '., Coaatwlae passenger trafflo ' Is ao heavy oa the regular steamers that for several tripe past thsy have been com pelled to turn away passengers because of lack of accommodation a. Ia view of this fact the operators of tha steamer F. A. iKllburn thla morning closed a eon- tract with Anderson Crow for- the extension of the upper deck . on the steamer ao aa to give room -for two more stateroom a. The work will bo done when the steamer arrivea from 8an Franolaoo and way ports next Tuesday. A smoking-room will also be provided for ths comfort ot the patrons of the KUburn. .NORMA NOT INJURED. She Addl- BrttUb Steame Sheikh. Tndav " to Ouit to naops. Balfour, Guthrie A Co. have chartered tha . British , steamer . Sheikh to load wheat at Portland or Taeoma In Sep tember for Europe. - She Is a large ves sel of S.sii tons net register and will carry away about 1,100 tona of wheat The vesaal arrived at Liverpool In May from Bangkok and la now supposed to be on - the way from , Europe to the orient Moot of the vessele taken for the grain business this season are fixed en the condition that the etxporters may load them at any of the Paolflo eoaat porta aa conditions may suit best By this arrangement -vessels will be given less delay and tha Warthouees will not bo overcrowded at one port and empty at another because of the uncertainty of the arrival of the sailing veesels and the shortage of railroad ears. TROPICAL FOR KANAKAS. Dusky stoker on Steamer Barraoouta Emjoy Swim in SaiX. The Kanaka atokera of the steamer Barraoouta found the weather so trop ical yesterday afternoon that they apsnt most of the day 'In the . river. . They played about the old cargo carrier all afternoon and whan tired scrambled on board by meana of a Jacob's ladder for a rest- Kanakas are supposed to be oxeerts In the water, but this fact notwith standing the men from the Barraoouta would take no chance In the Willamette and so provided themselves ; with life preservers. Ths Barraoouta la booked to aatl for San Francisco thla evening. She la finishing her cargo at Alnsworth dock today. , . ;.' ., . ; -.. , IMPROVING THE CHANNEL naafoat aad Dredge Are at Work . ; Tpper WlllajnattaT David B. Ogden.. aeslstant United State engineer, returned from a tour of inspection on ths upper Willamette thla morning and reports that the snagboat Mathloma has cleaned out the channel at Devil's -Elbow, about 10 mllea from thla city. -a This afternoon the boat le engaged at Rock Island rapids near Oregon City de fining the narrow channel by new buoys. This work had to be done becauae of the low etaffe of the weter,. Early In the week the river ia blgk above the locks becauae-of the ahwtdown of the mills over Sunday. One of the dipper dredges will bo nut to work in a fsw day digging a chan nel across Candlanl bar, where the water has shoaled to two feet - - - - Schooner TIES FOR REDONDO. Irene at Standard Win Zrsad ' Boa Faeeory, The schooner Irene.twhloh arrived at Astoria yeeterday will eome to the Standard Box company's dock In East Portland this afternoon or tomorrow to load a cargo of railroad tlea for Re dondo. It waa at first intended to load nog at an of tk snlll on tk lower Is at Alnawoith meoetvlnr tlonal AlMtAlon, Tha eteamer Norma escaped Injury In bumping up againat tha bank of the upper Columbia river while paaelng over th Pine Tree raplde and ehe I now at L Alnsworth, where a new deck will - be laid and coal-burning furnaoea Installed. First report were that she was greatly damaged. According to information received to day the Norma struck very lightly on the bank and came off without assist ance from tuga or shore. The Norma Is owned by Captain Jacob Kamm, but 1 under charter to the Northern Pacifio railroad to haul auppllea for the North Bank railroad.. ; DAY DOAT UCi: CONNECTIONS WITH BOATS AND TRAINS FOR OCEAN. HZ TK2 f. .... ' .y- w"...e a LINE 9AZX.T (XZOXFT BOTTOAY) Between Portland and Actcri: AJra wat ponrrs. LEAVING TAYLOR STREET DOCK AT ? c. r 1; Phone Main 613 The Cup That Cheers but Does Not Inebri:: riON'lISTOXiCA TING - T APPETIZINO .'AIVD : REFRESHING : THAT OLD 8TYLB GINGER BEER FAMILY TRAPS SOLICtTEP . Phona Bait S3 1 Z The BREAKERS HOTEL ; adMBRXCAK PIaAN, .J y.;.-Jjfr 'a ujjnxsa summt ubobt of tmm faczfxo sroai Beetrl Ugbt, Steaaa, Bot aad Ootd salt Watar la Mverr Tee. Bay Tickets ts Breaker! Paeiae Ooaaty, Waaa. PeiteMee Aedreee, Breekera, Weak. TO LOAD LUMBER. Bla Fleet of Coaster an Bomto The steamer Meteor and th brig Lur lln left San Francisco yesterday for Portland to load lumber and tlea for return cargoes. The Meteor will prob ably take a full cargo of railroad tlea and tho Lurllne will take building ma terial and tlea --The Meteor was her a few "months ago and sailed with tho largest cargo of tlea ever ahipped from thla port. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The British steamer Kalvlnbank will probably sail for Ban Francisco tomor row morning. The Italian bark - Caterlna Aeoame will finish her lumber cargo at Knapp ton mil la next Friday. She goaf to Genoa, Italy. . The steamer Alliance will probably get away for Eureka via Cooa bay Mon day night She Is receiving cargo at Montgomery dock No. I thla afternoon. Tha Norwegian steamer Thyra I due to arrive at Aatoii thla ovenlng. The Thyra will receive part of her eargo at Vancouver, Waahlngton. and she will be the first forslgn tramp steamer to load there. She goes to Port Plrle, Aus tralia. Ths oriental liner Nlcomedla Is dis charging freight at Alaska dock. She will probably get away for Hongkong via xokonama a week rrom today. MARINE NOTES. Amnanmm. BASEBALL tOener Yaesks ead Tweaty-f earth. P0nAJTSL TS. . ssattls.: facias Celled at tiM p. at. Belly, OaUad I laelae' Say. snansaioa. Vrliay, CHILDBBS. lOe. VkiaiTlilSiA rOUBTJT AaTB BTAkx rra. BtJT raJflLT TBJBATRB. X. B. Oartls Will Preeeat Sis Feaeeas Bat, :-;---7 ,; aaal ef Fesea.1 Akern. WIU Bake. . ' M M Bat, Tae Sarelas. The Blesraaa. Jeaa Wneea. feinaisaseis sally st I SO, f : sad B at. Adalaelaa. We aad BOe. The Grand Stellar AHme- elea, Xalth DeaVsy , Oe., " TTI LAR ' CHAM CX." Week of July 23 Oamsaay. The Ufekaet Qaartai. . Viae Meed Baetty. . Ttvlaa awaa, . Jaaaaa Berka. . ftieaalaeape, . THE STAR TWBLITH WkEBi ITA B STOCK 00. THREE MEN IN ; A CUPBOARD " Is Ooaaeetlea With e trees Vaadevllle One. . Frteee ead Tuee as LaaaL Aatorta. July 11 Arrived down dur ing night steamers . Cascade and Au rella. Sailed at 10:10 a. m.. steamers Caecade and Aurella for Ban Franc) eco. San Francisco, July II. Sailed at 10 m.. ateamer Meteor, for Portland. Astoria, July 17. Arrived at 4:10 p. rn.i schooner F. S. Redfield, from San Francisoo. - Arrived at 1;1 . p. m, schooner James Johnson, from San Francisco. . Bailed at 4:60 p. m4 British bark Procyon. for Queenstown for or ders., -... San Francisco, July IT. Sailed at 4:10 p. m brig Lurllne, for Portland. Astoria. July tl. Condition, of the bar at I a. m., obscured; northwest wind; weather, foggy. LECTURER, ASKS FOR PICTURES OF OREGON A request to the Portland chamber of commerce from Axel Hill. Fish, a noted eastern lecturer, Is being compiled with that will result In some valuable ad vertising for the Paolflo northwest, and Oregon In particular. Mr. Fish asks for photograph of landscape. Indus tries and olty vlewa,- for us in making lantern slide illustrating his lectures. He lives at Isllp, New Tork. and la on the leoturlng staff of the department of free lectures In Nsw Tork City. He writes to tho chamber aa follow: ' The supply of Pacific eoaat pictures In print shops Is pitiably short - A dosen views of Mount Hood and the Co lumble river are about the -extant I want photograph of soenea throughout Oregon." r . . The chamber wui gather all tha cred itable photos It can seen re. and they wilt be turned over to William McMur ray, general passenger agent of ths Har riman lines In Oregon, who will sup plement them with a selection of photos made by the Souther Pacifio photog rapher, and the whole collection will b rorwaraea to how zees, . . . . . THE BAKER TODAY T0K1OHT. llartnaa, 1:18. BaanlDf, 1:11. - kotos ncTTars or rnx zabtrstass aitd rax. Moot template sariae of vleare ever Made at tbe liak ot life and limb. Twe plctenc at acme time, . shewing before and after. Matlaee. 10c; evening. IBs aad tee. The Nickclodion vrtH ra it I Tbe llotet Eslttd: XV Oool, Qnlst aad Hafrasklnf Among tha Pine at tk . s?1 aatWaaw aaa stl n saw si " Hotel" Xstacada, on th brink of tho canyon, la tho beet moot comfortable! easleet-reached re - sort near Portland. Admirably auapivu iur vuuoa ymriwm aa ' wooded park of 100 aeree sur round s th hotel. . - Perfect -AppointmsRta -and rirst-Class Cubing ' Catering to hlgh-elas patronar. MagnlAcent aoenery of mouataua chasm, forest and field. Every attraction of a secluded mountai reeort combined with axil ok. - quent eommuni cation with . t olty. j ' -' , . Trains tverytwo "ISacrs ' Special rate upon application to MSS. Ia. O. M'MAHON, M ager. Phone Kstacada Hotel. 0 SCHANEN- blalr ca StABBLI An kAKITI - WOBJU. Artktle sms . etaota. Baeae Nai, Cametary ea4 bnlldlnf wrk Biaaefactarad tmm tka eaat at tarblaaod fraalta. Comaronarw as erdara preaptlr ettaa4ad V. at' M Hadltaa Strict arWt PORT LAND - Saturday Service to Xroa- Beaok Fotnta Ample Aooonunodatlon to All Ylalt- . or to Popular Beaak Beoert.-. - . Th O. R. A N. Co. announce thst thav have arranged for sufficient additional service between Astoria and Long Beach point to accommodate all visitor desiring- to visit this popular resort leav ing Portland either Friday or Saturday and returning Sunday evening. Boate 111 be at Astoria to accommodate all peasenger arriving on tho boat both Saturday and Sunday morning, and ale those arriving on tho train Saturday evening. Boats will alao be in readlneee at Ilwaoo to convey passengers desiring to return to Aetoria Sunday even In a? to make eonneotlon with train for Portland Milwaukls Country Club. Eastern and Seattle race. Take Sellwood aad Oregon Cltv ears at Firai o Portion . PORTLAND. ORKOOX. KUX.OPKAN PLAN OM.Y HEADQUARTERS FORTOUHIT " AND COMMERCIAL. . - TRAVSUEJU. , Kverrythlng t eat and drink, ' tt costs ns more In tke..TT. Tr. , . Portland Hotel UtlMkCr than oleewhere la th cltv. weekday night from l:t to la. sc. a. BO'Srsnsa.' Cloud Cap In l Oregon' r famous mountaia resort t i ' aaow lino , .. on Mount Hood Away from "the beat of the elty. T moat delightful resting place la t northweet Full Information at t ;.. ". . , O. R. A N, TICKET OFFICE, Third v Washington Sts. PRIVATE BOARD AND HCC: ati. lAkAX OBAKBIlXAIaT, tea Seaaa, Good MssJs iL Homs Ccc " New Era Campmcctin; - raa Baemetoa Ny, f Round trip tlrkete fri Poi EVEltYBODT INVITT . "