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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1906)
- til im ' r ' TIII3 ' OUEGOM - I5ATT.V t TftlTrr?JAT! mTTi'jn fltTiTTriAV TnrfMtMn wrr vr ' ' . ' .'-'' THEFT v LSpeclsl jAIaska OiRSCOITOS $50,000 GEMS Excursions for jo ui ii. i w aaa "Aaoviro-rtroR-aoinry szcnrtnovi VUMD WE TREAT M2N ONLY aotrrszArn Aiaau-kormL Established 25 Years In Portland CONSULTATION FREE WE TOL T"AT ANY SINGLE, TJNCOM- ' a. few rtrktk. f- J?y .ttl.. Aomrt r It. . , 8. 8. HuslMtldl. Aurat It . IS. CI. a. a. finlajr wla Auo 10 ana 24, ' aiuuit. wr it, , U-Tralas to lh Ecit Dc2y -OKI tOVTK '"'V1 , air i i s s am , . m .. a s . ' sbs . . a a a a - - a a ar "Br - . . 77?N rn n 'i v .'TT : v'. -- i Je -r inuokn I .50 bp (V -sj '.. v I w - t 1 , A- wni i i v. ! 1 ' ill VO VAX, VXWJZQQ CURED ytwm Tot J to the 8UCCESSRUL freclaliets "L.nHrabI4h,lr PERyKCT Cures by the THOUSAND) You want Pttf ANENT V If you have violated tb laws of health and are rntiu-ln e'ryvev. stent drain which ia undermining your system, come to tig before yoo" iyit win. 4i you ara weak, gloomy ana ; despondent, have bad dreams, depressed, lack ambition and energy, no- i able to concentrate your thoughts, lack vim rigor and vitality, come to? ua at once: our treatment will atop all drain, and overcome alt weaki aetata and positively restore you to strength and health. We bare cured thouaanda of weak mcq. r ; :..- ., . $ , Tboas who hav been dleppointe4 by tmakilled apecUliata art arneatly reaueeted to toreatifate our methoda and terma without ; delay, which had they done ia the begtaninc would have aaved them time and money. -- k,-, .. . "-v - ... tlMrataon, nia iIImhh. on4,tnm awtotaM, Tartooeato, tto- TTirir'r """ w a-ue aa ourenia pu of the Xldacjra We want every man In the country who is afflicted to write u about his ailment, We cure you at home. One visit only required to our offIce,wheh necessary Houra 9 a. m. to S n. m.; Everfino-i. 7 tntt- n w i i i ui-niri i Ilvn m mollis "r " msftpiisn w .;.;-,.w'..,r:,-;y. eowm saooxp avb twhu nuin toinun, om. roa tax raavciaoo vnxot. 7ulx w, Qima, July UmaUlLi. Auiiul l! to-a ofa, 8tawwaa av Vr w ob.. cteZTaL: STSt, S! ? ' . K. ut. rai. a n. Am. ' a' O. OONAMN, O. P. A.. V t ., 10 MarkM Bt. Baa Fraartaaa. wbaMnttea ... Willa Walla. . ' taa earn ... . CoWiaRiverScenerv ; Regulator line Steamers THB EXCURSION STEAM ETt "BArtET 2AJ56RTM makaa round trlpa to CAS. lucki ovary Sunday. ' iaavlna PORTLAND at a. roturntag. ar- rivao p. n. , . . Dailv aarvlra T,ti.- . Tha DaJlaa ozcopt Bunday.' leaving Port lane at 7 a. m.. arriving ahmit a vv m . frrying freight and paaaongera. Splen- uiu auuumoiooauoin xor uinti ana llveatook. ., . - . rPc Alder atroet, Portland; foot of Court otraot. The Dallee, Phono Main lit. PorUanl , On Vliv aua j eboat 1 a. aa, ... .f aatHTtx bitbb Boirm. ' .... w pa. aaw emxiv. in 1 1 tin f). TELEGRAPH raataat tha mhra Tha only ataambMt making a roung trip I Ezeapt Sunday Botwora PORTLAND and ASTORIA - Ajrs wat vonrra - i Leava PortUnd...........r.. .T:a a. am. frrivo ioria .......... ....1:1 av. Bioria,. ...... ......... a:0 4ll aswtit Frtday. a , a. EAST" -SOUTH Mrs. Halaey Corwln, whose jewels were stolen, and Alfred King, one of those arested on suspicion, and s ketches ' of the dinner . which pre ceded the loss and some of the mlsaing jewels. rjooraal Bsaelal hnlm l NOW Tork. July 17. The 50,06 dla - Mond robbary- atlU ramalna aa unaolvad tnyetery, although tha entire atrength of . ina aeteeiivo rorce haa beu working on the ease. The two persona ouapeotaj have bn freed, aa thora waa inaufffo elent evidence to connect them with tha tnert. with tha gema the nana of John Jacob Aator haa boon linked sg the poa MriCflTWlBLiaaLJlBOWnjjdLlJ tnrougn nor romaatle marriage after her diaappoarenoa at a Coney aland frollo had reeulted la charge of ah ductlon against her preaent haaband. ; Mra, Corwln'a anagmlfloeat lawela and the eareleaaneSf with which she handles them have been tha eauae of police ooa. earn before. Luckily, aha had Buffered no aerlous loaaea up ta now, but thle time the moat magnificent piece ia tb collection ara mlaalng and appear ta have bean atolen by band of expert uiievea. Tbey, bave probably die appeared for all time from Mra. Cor wln'a pooaaaalon. . Oeana Koatly fflfiTT'- ' ": '. Balaev Corwls was left a millionaire on the death of hie father and alaee hla marriage, la 1101, haa gratified hla wlfe'a tastee for Jowela. VHar eolleetlon aoaalata chief! r of diamonda and rubles I puiuy and unusual weight. - The moat magnlfteent' piece among the loat lewela la a diamond stomaeher. a girdle of fire, in which only gema of uia - first water are- aot. and whloh range In alasr up to sia earata. The po lice have a photograph of thia almoat Rrleeleae bauble and hope to tract It ! It la net broken up. - , ,i. Other jowela en the logg jut are made , Mra. Elisabeth McVetty, Supposed to : Ba Implicated in Jewelry Robbery. up of diamonda and Vublea. the emaUeat atonea welchlna about four carats and running from that also up ta aU earata and larger. No ouch theft of large dia monda alone hae aver boon reported ta the police department of thlg city. : . rosme Bopbe Proven tod. . Tha Jowela of Mra. Corwjn, geaer oualy displayed at the theatres and at dtnnara. two yoara age tampted two em ployee of the Hotel La Marqutae to robbery in wmcn io,eoc worm oi lewela waa Uken from Mra.' Corwln'a rooma, but recovered juat aa one Of the robbers waa about to escape wtta warn Backed In a eultcaae. - Harry J.- Derd thV-nlght elor,'an Oaorge OUckier. a hair boy.-WerO lmpU-1 eated In the robbery and eonroaaaol tnoir guilt While Mra. Corwta waa at the theatre her apartmonta wore entered and the Jewel taken from bureau drawer, where they wore lying acat tared about. At the aanae time Mrs. Corwln - wga wearing a groat quantity of Jowela and many game remained la thedrewef after the robbery. : i "Why." aald the routh who had en tered the room, "there waa ae muoh aturf there that t'd have had U ka truck to take it ell away."- . , ' Ooaoy Zalamd AagaL . Mrs. Corwln waa known ea asomust of her delicate beauty ae the Toart el Conor laland." Her father, a waU knowa horseman. -made hla seme at beopahead and Mra. Corwln wag a rre fuent vlaltor to 'the eummag elty. unr Halaey Corwln -wag also fagot- Bated with the pleaaure elty and through his laviah enpendituroe bssamg aaavn as The Coney laland Angel.,, i?- , v- From a late supper one night at laland, given by Mr. Corwln and a which Miss Kooerta - Mongoe wsg guaat. the gay party adjourned Brooklyn and wore loot eight of for two ea throe dsys. Ms, Mongoe wag furious ever hla daughter'e aiaappeeranoo and wore out a warrant for Corwln, eharg- tng him with ahduetloa. Before the charge could he proeooutod Corwln and mm Meagea were marnea at me atetei Clarendon, end the wedding waa aele. bra ted at A (east in which wine flowed la rtvere and money waa showered upon waltere and eerveatA. PERFECT HEALTH mafcee maaheod equal to an omargancies at leant equal to toe erdlnaiT da. uoa of life. n eveame rneaieaj ireermani tnero are oertain qualifications that yon ADiuiy, experience, akin and an ahAulfl raaulra Af vnnv .tlMitn. estaDlianea reputation for RELIABILITY, wo otalm tha above reqolra- wwivn . . ur auocvaauiu tnauatni ox oioeaooe OX meov VARICOCELE , HYDROCELE WEAK ORGANS NERVOUSNESS r CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON RHEUMATISM LOOD ANDT SKIN . HEART -LUNO . LIVER KIDNEY BLADDER AND L URINARY DISEASES r : l Vt Czcrcstw Cere ia livery Cats Ve UnicrUie v. - or Cb&i-fjt No Fee ;:- ' The doetere ef thia institute are an regular graduataa, have had manr weere' eaparlenoe have been known In Portland for II yeera,- have a repu tation to maintain, and will undertake no oaae unleaa certain euro eaa i ha aifaetad. VO nam La uoa Jree. euro eaa tot tore eonfldanUaX InetmoUve book for man, mailed symptom blank. Borne treatment - a Sundays and holidays, 10 a, m. to IS, .free, in plain wrapper. V ' ' rou eannot eail at efltca, writs for jaeeeeaful. '.. pffios Hours a av to p. av fundi Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. fcesUng laeojaJlgts In the arosthweea. Offiees la TvAM NOT BOTKU MM THIRD ST, Cor. Pino. Portland, Or. Arrive Portland :00 p. av r Mi-AjJ SERVED A LA CARTS Portland Sanding, Aide Stiet Book. AsSoata T.aaHlag. Oallendee Booh. . B. SCOTT, Agent Phone Main lit Mr ISM r: Q save, Ae. A LASRA , PAS AMD POnrLAB BTHAhtSBIPS ; toeve Seattle .;, , "XErrtnBOW,- Jhrae SO. t It. Si. ; owtyani," jaiy a is, so. ... CAIXtKO AT Eetcatkta. Tinwaa, Doeglae, Batoea, Bkae Wax, Osaaeete with W. P. A T. note far , AtUa, Sawaoa. Taaaaa. IfeaM, eta. Par All Soatheaetam Alaaka Perta. ' Ckil av send Sar'Trtp fc WMoarM Alaaka,' A A 00. 7 PortUaaV am traak Weaker Oa, A.nta. mm uaa wu . VMoa f SaVat. Bowborg Aaa taad, Smmawaax fa rraaalaaa. Stockton' Urn Aaaataa,wn p,T l"',0rlne aad the eaet SJSam vaia eaeaeeej el waadbera aaUy esceet . ? : i Saaday arttk trala far V WaadUag eag KatreaTTT. SHB gel 2T".,t Sm wttk . , ZZSLA' ead SUvar- fjrvallle paaaMtaw :( eaa :! adaaaaaaaaear 4tM pal .S:M e rn?.T eaaaeaoar. . 1i-0 pa) )M a Dally. Hn.n Amday. " ' - jrrraaaoftTBiirr grATtoi. - Par Dallas and lataraMdlate potnts aatiy T:" ead 4:Vf a. m. Arrive fortUad lft:. EHeJRailroad For Maw aad card ef OaWere aakareai Spplr at City Ticket OfOrl stadia. Ticeate te bam pelnts aad Rareeet ekr lapaa, Chtn. BaNihl aad AaatraUaT city IhM ftfa cnrrMT Third tad Waat STTNOBn. Wm fcfwrrmfte to nw rou abb bobtobabx . sun a xion-nx avoaarr. . c om wo rn 6Sv" TIME CARD Walaa - - Clty-St Leata Portlantfg . I2r-St. Leata Spaatal far Widely Known SJJ""'?'"- t uy I - Bray's Barker. Boat! and Successful Chines ; Medidnai . Root"nd"" Herb Doctor TRAINS -rPortlAarwij- v Laava, Autre, BARREL ROLLER ' SEEN IN ENQLANO.; Notices Tbaf Attract Attsntloa and ;-: V ;J: (,.Causs Wondsf. 'tf .' There 14 a great dee! at fcumor, son- aoioua or saoonseleuA In pubilo notleea. moat of it probably falling under the latter description. Of thia aatagory, let ua generously sonelude. waa tha fni. lowing annouaoemsnt which was tg bs eeen a row weeka age en a ahapel net , far from Manchester) "Balaam's Ass Speaka. Tonight at MS." Although the aame can scarcely be aald ef tha notice which la to be loon eny day ta S certain American saloon, "Pleaee do not ahoot the pianist , He ia doiqg hg best" " .. ,. Over the hospitable door of n way . aide. inn in tha north of England ia tha following equivocal' legend: ."Enter, talnment for Man and Beast (cyclists apecially catered for)"; while in thai ' neighboring town an enterprising lady attracta patronage by a notice which shows the range. of . her accompltah- raumi;' rnca nan, eauaagae ana mashed potatoes. Loaaona on the plane and violin and In elocution," At a cycle ahop near Glaagow 'the wayfarer reads the following aanonnee. menti "Broken-down bieyeiee received in this yard on a Sunday, aa a work ef neoeaslty and mercy. Ke repairs eaa. outed on the Lord s dayt guch will be ' promptly attended te en Monday. Terms moderate' and aatlsfaotlon guaranteed, An enterprising gobbler in the north of London announeea himself fn thia - Imposing fashioar "John physl. clan snd parson, guaranteeg to heel his 1 clients expeditiously and satisfactorily. ; bambaia pi.a LTwe.ej CaaAl an root Louis 3. Xruger, ea-ehamptea long-distance foot racer of Oermaay and Hoi- land, writes, uec it. iivii "During my training of sight weake root races ai asu mm ctir, in April last.! used Ballard's Unow Liniment te my greatest aatlsfaotlon. Therefore, I highly recommend Snow Liniment te all who are troubled With spralnn, bruises or rheumatism." tie, lee and 11.00. Sold by Woodard, Clarke A Co. c 1 and hlSd Undertakes the euro of solas. Mis motto la. True to the Last'" Some time ago a tradesman In a pro vincial town was muoh annoyed by rival taking a ahop next door and pla aardlng Ita front with thle notice i -nanarvpt Stock I Belling off!! Selling Off 1 1 1" For a few dars tha Intertoacr did a earing buslnoaa until the police intoirenoa, ana it leaked out that the enterprising tradesman waa himself the bankrupt, who had removed hie own Stock for the mtreoee of dlesaainat or it When the establishment wss closed at taa Bidding ef the law, the local trades man had hla llttls raven ae In this form Ha made a fan email aits rat Ions in his rivers placards which mads them reed thue, to the great amusement ef the paseere-byi "Bankrupt Stock 1 Selling's en ii nsuing-s onin- - We have most of ns heard ef that'in- genleue man of the raaor who offered tnia tempting invitation te oustomara "What do you think I shave for nothlnn ana give aometmng to drink."' Unfor. tunetely, ae he had te explain to hla clients attraoted by such a generous prospect, ths painter, had omitted the punctuation marks, which would have mads the notice raad rather differently -thust- "What! do yes think I shave for nothing and five Something te drink t" A meat preposterous idsa sure. ii , uui tne tonsoriat axtlstas be ealle himself Q: Sharp, who boasts that he "haa never nut' an enemy, mush toss a mena.- ib less known to fame. - Among amusing , ganounoemente by various continental hotel proprietors ars the following! "Renowned for ita eat able cookery' 'Tha hotel ia lass than 400 feet distant from the polloe station mere is a ooeior aiwarra in tne nouaa. The English bar. somclste ef all freahmenta. haa attractions guch that fsw eaa of them eel vea leave It This betel ia rled In the high valley en the main road te the capital high above the level er the sea which runa broadly past Ua- door.," GERMAN OWNERSHIP,"." Municipal Necessities Ars bl Po V aasstoB' of Towns. , . O. J. K. Raaen nf loeat irovaniVisnl board In London haa issued a special article en loU government In Osrmany, eoilcd with eshsustlvs fuineaa. Ths t :-:.: r.2t-t t-g utis-fi ef Oar many toward the much vexed pre tern of municipal trading! . , 'In moat ef the large tewag the gA water, marketa aad elect rleltv under, takings ara owned end managed by thd leoal authorities. Aa ragarda tram, waya, Oermee towns are' not qulu se advanced aa towna in England, but It Is the dvtdent Intention ef the eommnnal bodies generally ta obtain poeaoaelon ef that Important means of eommnnleatloS whenever the Opportunity pffere. In ad. dltlon to the undertaklnga mentioned, all towns ,of any else ' have thety own savings banka, and moat ef them earff en the' buatnoag of pawnbrokarA r A large majority, tee, poseeas niualaipal thaatroa and eoneert halls. - A few own auarrlaat ene (Oortiu) engages in ths manufaoture of bricks and lllea, ewne a coal mine and manufaeturee artlflalal atone. In eenneotlon with the owner, ship of communal foresta. several tewna deal In timber for building purposes and the oupply of fuel. Harbors, docks, quays and wharves are also owned fey various towna" In the opinion ef many ef Its apse. nente municipal trading ehould sot fee eondueted with a view te proflta. In Pruaala thia question Is aettlsd fey Iks law. . Section t of tha eommuaal tasa. tton law ' provided that "eoeamereisl undertaklnga ef the eommnnee shall he administered upon tha principle that the Inoome . raised snail aumoe at least te moot the whole ef the expenditure aria. Ing from tha communal undertaking. Inclusive ef interest and reduction ef the Invested eapltaL An exception la admissible ae far as the undertaking ssrvee at taa aame time a pumie need which le.eot otherwise met" The latter part ef the, provlalon refero to water- worker markets and - almllar Under. takings, trat these concerns are, eo a general rule, te fee ee managed thai as lose Bhau rail ea the local taxes. Pes eniek reealto nee taa Wmas aaa. aamne or waa aevaaj. A limpls - - BtrVals EipedWoualy. Barrels are ant ths easleet things fa the world te handle.' Rolling them from ene place to another presents dlff IsvIUss not always overcome even fey the long Shoremen, the unwary barrel Inclining summoned before him, at Newark. Tim- amy nmiay, a eiievuie. New Jersey. lustloe Of the Peace. Thia iMatloa ia AppUancs ' fog Handling Charged with having turned Arlce Men. wvw . m.mii. UJ mm Simple (wnw ua pinninff a igoacco uf on niB goat and giving thia written permit tg Simi ' Tim Sldley, X P.,' do give permis sion to At toe Monglno to Carry a re volver for self-protection," ta travel front sids te side, Instead 1 "n.mB b? ' Is ft direct path. The consequence fa 4ro? wf lB' fVstieo a Baal that the peraon doing the rolling severs w h la Informed mush more ground than la neeeaeerT. h"- Monglno. deoerated with hla tag A mre effective war would be to nee I armeg-, witn tne permit end ,a re- ""wf w-"aeaees wveg asap ntryni(JIUn who dlspisaae him and driving them to tne wooua. , WOMAN LEADS BURGLARS. Gang of Robbers Loot Clothing Stors of Tract Load of Oooda. Wltk a weaaaa as their chief a akaa a fearslars sarlsgly setered s whekmle etetelag a lew aaars rrosj nwacwag Bad TwaatleU Street tote Wednesday audit aad eamee.eei a rsaiaac or vsMsklo epaarel while oacupkats at tta OeaHaeatal hotel leek ad o, ears me praw Trk World, Tha amaua amnl Ht. aaaa vd Ma .... I ia ssleetlfeg the autarlal to be Ukea. She aoteaiBeaUd theai treaa the track leas the a wieweo. earn snasie ef ewiaisg ef street There eke maerie leaded U aeeklag ef AU taa) SnseetMag Tbaf aeUevad the won rvtxjNo barrels. asot even i smiv tt Teats Old. . "I am only If years eld and don't aa wnan mm to na real aid ta t Aloe- ma soa nothlae i keeps the Old as young and makaa ins wnt ai airuna av irtia arana tonia medlolno. Dyspeyaln, torpid liver, in. flamed kidneys or. chronic constipation arc unknown after taking Electric Eitt.i iiTVAt -eonablc time. Ovnrantad by v a v.v v a-'K-; a, .VSI.A tratlon. the Invsntloa ef an Illinois man. Its method ef use will be apparent at a glance. It ia not unlike a pair of loo longs, The hooks ars secured te the eade of the parrel and the operator finds ae difficulty la transporting the barrel, whether It ta empty or futL Simple appliances use tnie save time and are welcomed fey the workmen, aa they lee- eon their labor and make their tosks KSkSE ta the it SB tke waaoa. the Oaatlaamai aeWeas Saw. that the saws Was belag reeked. rd the eeaeara was aaorlae aad that the woaiaa was a BebsweaaeB as Saar. en ike? Is route of the wark. the watoa feed as etga ee It aad few e the wtlseaaas eeaia ffive we Bene eesariptioe- Beeaece af the Boldness ef the sahkety Ike poUes leel that tkay tare aa axraadlaeir elevar haad, TaeoaM. Sfattle, Spo kaae. tnrtotoa. Barto, BK. nsaa, uaaaar., naa- . . eae City, St Loals aad " Soetkeast dally SaTBaa . dlSBr Hortk Coast UariteA .tea. . " trie Ufa tad, aw Taeoaae '" ' Bsattto, Bsokaae, Batts. Mtsnaaoetla. flt Peal aad Oia Bart, dally S.-Otam fnTSw rort Bnaad LhntteA - . -,r CtaresMitt. Caehans, fVa tr.Ha, TaaoeM aad Seattle enly. dally w Snwyas SrSgg Twla aty RTimaa ft . , " coma. Settle. Spekaaa, " " fT.L-aa Rati. Bf. Oanl. prapare aad Bat a for Mlnaeapells. Tin cots. St . tal'T,-- Ke BMraary, losapk. Ksnsse aty. Oate. ; ear kind aaeA . Fatal. I L. a. 1 - - .iiwa.! "LT'-,;'i . I Hums af rats. Ptrert f 'U-J.Lt tToablae.c.t.rrg. Mtha. t .d n-f :rz. r'-vJ. vi3- a. d. atABMr-j.. nvAU rBotmiee Aim aix pbitaxb ; DISIABXA "e nue m ajtelaadlaa atataaaeani ta tha BfSlotad. A earn aad laatlas ear ta tke ealch- awi poaaipia uh aaa ai tae alkie for Iweaat traatawat. 1 f fanaet eall. write for sratpteai blaak one ajraaies. laeiaae e eeaaa ta etatopa, oevgnxTATio nn. lb wee We Oklaaee Btadtala. Oa, 1SSH rbet St, Oar. Marriaaa, BarUaadToa, riaaaa bibiiob cni BU raanftlaa taa hnatlart. ad wkieh we lotaart Slnct from the Ortoat fca hut? gaaaatiaa aaa as aia aa-tenute araga ei e en pntats Asststaat Seaeral P am street, eames Taa Z Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Cc. Every Woman aarfnl acey vsar r"mwr7p AjJ- . eat- TanlCTt. -i teBBaannnaBaaWN. wsssayww eBkwaUhBAip AdtyjasdiaasUtn.. Ay Lial-lT- ath.r, txtt , far "Av , g.. Va lliiuiratad k -.k-wU. Ttsfvaa ' TV M I tTatea Par laarsara. kihba fflata. kaale. Waatport Cllftna, ' Astoria, . Warraatna, via. -val, HaaiaMMid. rort Star, aaa. Oearhart Park, Baaalde. SMS em Aatorla aad Saaaaora. aa- praaa dally TiOSbw "Partlaad-gaaslde rijai" galsseaf taaraa Portland :10 p. aa. . An trams daflr. ' ' J. C MA TO. O. P. aad P. A.. J I C. A. BTBWABT. OsaanrakU Alder sweet rkaae Mala SOA fall pan..., aad a ir la. " C pxain. Sccirs S::.::l-Fc;a c:;soiss a ntmn cure Psr '-Jtfioa arOatairb of the git .id Jbleaaaad Kid. IWl kOB..dBSAf. Caraa Uklr aad aaraaaaatly tbe rt a el a arrheea a - t aa uiui el kow gsaeiateir V anitwi tm w Bnala at aaa. A DrUlaMM ft 1 Far Sale by Weadard, Clarke A Oe. (aof la work sgalaat sad ae taer are erect! eally wttkeat a lae they leer it will be a dlfaralt taefc ta eantarc tke aUeke. A ait e ears Ufa' teats was Jaaad an tke Soar when ewpiorae er me sraj oral to wmfc ymtwday Btorabig. ... The alaes rsbtied was that ef t. A Harris A Bros., at Ma. eg Saat Tweatlark atraat. Tka sria aeeiBim nte saws ereaad Boar ef tke aatMlsg sad sutae g eaeetaity ef WaaMBS feel that way ae long aa lean get A trie i Bit tors jmys Mre, fc. H.rua ef Dublin, US. Surely there's noth else keens the eld as young and ma TOBACCO TAG AS BADGE. Jus tics of ths Psacg f idlgy Tbtts Dee- orates His Appointsa.' - Although Jersey Justice la blind aha news a tobaoee tag from a constable's badge, says the Hew Tork World. Prose tutor Xua RM alsag Ureugh. feg . a turtod Advertlaemeat in n Snranten Hewspapar. ear. doeepn wniteaeraky ef Ilia If eade avenue attended the blrthdav Cirty ef Mre. Weeler In South Sorentea st evening with hie two nooordione, Whloh he got from VlennA He cor. talnly Is ths best accordion Player In Oerman muela la Scran ton. lie nlara all ever at moat ear. social affair, at ! A msoaabLg rioa, , , --v.':vi;.v;:.-,i!;,) BXUXTI3I9 24 Hours ALL CZAXY f c::c:us::i BachCae. aula beers aaaataanSasJl aTaV jagkakSaaVaaVfatoaaW1 Sraeaarw "ey wBBBBywaB"aBJ Varaala bvaU draawlaei, nyVWAWV i a a Krl .VI II Irx. i I n vi tTd i 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 SI e II 11 AAAAaVa a... i a.a 11 " TNK COMPOfrfABaC wafN. 20verlss J Trrlzj tzr J ' VIA BBATTLB AWP gPOKAWB , ---r . Dally. , Leave. Perrlasd rhae arkadale . Te end rrew SpnkaBe, St. Paat Mlanaapolla, , .. lialotb aad all solata act via Seattle SiSS ew uea pes fa sad fram St Past, WlnaMpalla Dalatk and all Mats Cast rla Spokane . ....... OrtSew Dalir. Amra. OS aw SASaa) Bresaai I a a eNtCMroTin a BRtlsa dari ls aaa 094 M.IIM laa, -d T I f1 W e I if a . a i j- . -Km . a I VI It aa4r Jfi C-a.i . JsZl-L.r - " l e"r as S, i. , waaaa US.. .iWaas ai. Vartkara Balllna raa Baatrle fat J.s.a Cklna porta and htaella. earrrlag paw seacare ead fr-lskt . A A Dakota, SeptoaaVar S s . I. A hUaaaaeta. Oataker SS. ' , BirrOB TTSIM BAiSWg ilap.a Mall Btaaawtila C. L Skiaaae Mara will mil fl"- t-artle ab-.ut Asmat 7 lor J. p. a e fhlna parts, earrytag Seaaaaeare a . s!Lt . . . . . yer naears, raias, aano naww Msae. a.. aaU ea er aedrsas h. r-ow, o. p. t. a,- r ' aav raBd Orage. Pkeae k a v S. S. F. a. Kill ... pes cam tar. r t hi if Seat aslllag srMa 1'.. " Seat mlllag f. i f t r 'a., T?- f. r -