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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY : JOURNAL. PORTtATJD. SATURDAY EVENING,, JULY 3, and HAULilia i. .ao end faruttur oeorA peeked i eelepiog eed ehlpeed; en work -.; !., WWTT acicm. mm yauea m far atorege. Orure BUB VU , . w ae. Phoaa Mala XT. . . . A nuVIBII Vllkiril nrt - I aad Oak eta: baggage cheeked bt.l or rel4ee direct to destln ties: iiiir-T Ibmfnn eol4 rook aa4 aaaey, .a at depots. .Priest. inauiaav TODAY'S MARKETS New Wheat Prices Art on the Rampage and Values Are About Two Centa Higher Than the Openinx Valley Cold at Seventy-One.. . , a .irr e.rae aa rtret at.. hmi Stark ad ate., pbea : plane sad furolror Hn and parked W enippiiisj coaeaH I s wareboaee wttfe separate ares t and Clay ata. , ,ON TRANSFER CO.. 184 "art SlxtS. raoae Mala OB. Heary hauling a mtmng. T SPECIAL DELIVERY. . -too at. Phone Mala M No. too M Weak- OIG DULGE IN NEW mm price Seventy-One Cents a Bushel F. 0. B. City. cOr .2US?$1tJ-' Sales of Valley Are Made at trail, while waiting, oregoa .iwiaaaaii . 18 Hire at. Pbaae Mala, ti. . , , f .firnrpcNDENT BAGGAOB TRANSFER Co. I 8-orege. 824 St ark at. Mala OT. N 7 TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, troah. ". I par moath. Portland Laadry aad Towel nnplr Co., Mtatk and Couch, rnon aiew HOPS FUTURES ARE ACTIVE AND HIGHER , , TYPEWRITERS. HEW typewriter, an make. rrI, aola aM renewed, t-oeet agency. " aw - WINDOW SHADES. OAI.B WINDOW SHADB CO.. 3BT Ball plan and taaey enaaea aiaoe a ea. Phon Mam noia.- plaia leweet Fourteen Cents ! Paid for Choice Lots for '. London Account Soma Inquiry f orjOlda but No Sales Poultry Market Is Cleaned Up. pi Icaa. WELLDIGGING. WELLDIGGINO Ocorta Robin St John rreal Street, fair 28. The armetoa features I at tba Portia ad wkoleeal aaraata today are: jnug na aew tbMi prior. nop XLUEIVE E03HER HOLDS IIP OTHER SALOOn Thief Returns Half of Money In Cash Register to Bartender When Latter Pleads. The luilra ' hlahwarman who ' tiM bea operating ao -exteMlvely In ' this city dulna; tba put , two wtekl haa ddad another ertnre to hla raoord. Tha Idaho aaioon at 171 Flrat atrcct tha acena of a holdup at o'clock thi-moraine.' Tha method purauad tor tha robber waa similar In every reapect to that purauad In the other Crimea ex cept that he waa tnagnanlmoua enouah to divide hla plunder upon the bar tender'a plea that the taking of all tba cash would put the aaioon out of bual neaa: In the caah ragrlater at the time waa til and of this the thug- took half and made hla escape. Hla deacriptlon tallies In every de tail with that of the fellow who robbed the other aaloona with tha exception of hla complexion. The fact that the hlsh- wayman laet nlaht waa of fair akin and spoke excellent Enr'teh Inada ths de- tectlvea' tor believe that Ilia criminal operatea In dlairulaa by coloring hla face with acme chemical . preparation and aimulatlna an Italian accent. -. About half anl hour before the rob bery a euaplctou charaoter eorreapond- Jnc to the man wanted, entered tne aa loon at Pine and Flrat atreeta, but no tloing aeverai men In the place walked " out hurriedly. Detectivee Bnow, Baaing. -Carpenter and Day are working on the holdup caaea but aeem to be unable to kecure a clue to the criminal. - STEAMER QUICKSTEP ASHORE IN ALASKA i (Jnora.I gseiaal tWrtra.) Nome, Alaska, July 18. The river teamer QulckaUp, which left hers forfrlm canditian Kuakokwin, !a aahore at Newaoa laland with her boiler and hull leaking; The paaaengere are camped with the na tlvea. They are lightering the cargo ana reuex wui m aent. - : Poor quality yaaebaa eoalBg. Oir K.r.da eaatakmpaa u Twa aar aaaanaa antra. Oaloaa Com from Walla Walla. Ecfplant tower wltk batter aupply. Baa ox ealmoa eoaaawkat kattar. Kgf anMatlona. are not aMlnubMSV Poaltry markat a) rieaaaa oa. CraaoMry battar ftrm at rkw. ' Baits ta Vav Whaat Frloa. : Walla the tone at the eaatera and Beraeaaa wheat markate la rather eonrUcttM tbara balnr. eoaslaarabla waakaaaa abowa one day aad tba tke aait local eandlUona are varr atrong. Lata yaatardar I aftaraooa the ftrot ralley whaat wae-affarad for eale i takes aa a baaaver rie a boabal (. e. b. part- laad. Thara waa also eoaaldarable baauiaaa 1 tat aaatara Orataa wheat ' dartaa tba paat S aoon and ktsber prlcae ware aacaad a naw Dioaateai bow aeotea at T3. tad eve and eee and elub at TOe a b thla elty. Praetleally ae bualncae ki raported ta eld wheat. - Millets hare aarfldaat eoppllee to Mat tbesi anttl tha new eroa la aad anfft- aieat par aiixlaf. and tbey are aot wllllac pay amra tbaa le a boabal premtaia. Sosm eC thaoi trUl aot area pay that aaieaat. - Bap Istaraa Are Aetlve. Ros ratsrae ware ver aetlra dnrtnr ttm eaat aaara aaa aa aiga aa 14 a poand waa paid. Thla waa for atiietlr choice rellow ahlmiliie ataek aad waa tor London aeeoant. ywirtaea eenta la bow betn u1t. freely offered for that trade, bat ordinary ateek will ant bring awn tnaa ixe aaa lae. bom looalrlaa bare beaa raealrad for IKOSa, bat aa yet bo tranaeetlone are raported. The trade ta offering nr. to Ue tor tba beat gradaa, bat Ultra are few. root aaality reaahM Oaaxiag. There ware bat arant anonllea of fans peachee In the aiarketa thla morning, flunplto omnarr awca were aeary, ana ao cheap trade- paaebea aold aa tow aa fioe a bm to Hawkers, aome ( the latter from The Ptllea. e. - A car of Rerada eaatalsnnaa waa imm, n. arriraia iroai xoa aoata. rneaa tne Mine. Oregoe caatatoaoea are eomlna a trtrio mrm freely, tat are flndtu bat little can an aeeoant or tne very large alsea and the poor pack rneoa ea these are way. down. ear ec globe antona waa fa from WaTla Walla tbla BMrttlng. Qtullly good. Price aboct the- aame. , Eggplant froai local polnta ta m Better enmhr Wtlh toe prlc dawB-te SOe a potmd. - - " Two care of banana were anloaeed alone tha etreet thla BOratng. Oaod eoadltlaa. Price tne aame. ,. . V Saa of Salntea Bsajewnat Better. A somewhat batter ran of aalmoa la ta the Columbia. Per the flrat thss In a week the trade here kaa bees abla to kaan oappim m eaatomera. Ma nay water, Bowerar, ta keeping bark the expected big -ran. rraeB aieat reeemta are Bomlaal with demand for both real aad bogs that arrive la JOURNAL'S DAILY; TIPS ON MARKETS Cdnalderable-complaint la stilt d ; being made by egg handlera, buyers and ahlppere on account of present operations Egga are d arriving In tha worat condition In years and every ease haa a d large number of "rots" At thta time the only1 aolutlon seema to d r bs for the ahlppers le carefully d candle every egg aent out, for d buy era are getting very tired of 4 poor quality. Thla haa already d had the effect of caualng smaller conaumptlon. j I I I I e I I OEllillSII JEl'iS IS GOOD JEILIOGS 10 TIIEIIIEL1E SPECI11LTIES dja WMU niioTrr'ni nirro UUOI CLirLUICd Court Declares There Is No Evi dence to Show Breyman Slg nature Is Forgery. : Mrs. Almas Lloyd, charged with lar cany by victimising local merchants on an alleged apurloua advsrtlalng game, waa discharged this morning by Judge Declares He Has No Intention of Discharging Men Who Are Doing Good Work. , J1 Milceim M.rlra t Au.. VUtk fitaal Rtnlr.,..o. cmro" tbs ground there was no ViHWMW llieMUV. eaW Tf Wl ItlMI I W m-w. W VVI VVHUIIHV W AJ TV CLI VI I VldAAO) tO Bulls in Disgrace Good Weather Is Depressing. Flight and Leading Rails Show , , ,v Gains for the Day UVERPOOL WHEAT LOSES A QUARTER DURING DAY BANK STATEMENT IS DISAPPOINTING NOTE TEOKTABUSA-Tnrnlna. mw. II He nor aaekt , r apa.a( vsrw, aja.W frm ays..aa paraalp. 1.60 par Bark; Oregon r.dlihea, Sue per d; rabbage. Oregos, II.O0ttl.; bell peppere, 10 , nar . lb; tomatoee. $1.00 no w , nor . noa: oarmina. ttorrzii.on: etring beaiia.. Oreeoa. Te per lb: caall- ""'. 1 00 per doa; pea. 4Sc; boraa. radian. SaTa Bar lh: arrlrhokoa. TAa oar doa: I aquaah. IVtSt green enloae. Oregon. l)He per 2" TOucoaa; eucnmoera, loe per box; ceHk-y, iuiioe par ana; green earn, loe per doa: aum mer aqoaah, TScOl00 par box; eggplant, S!Se OBikd pamraj inni inn Ji.Etr : apricota. lae per lb; peachee. 0 to 0, e; orop aa each 1-1S amaller .1 eat Se. Mack tailUi mmm IK: California white. per lb; datea. golden. Ttte par lb; tarda, ll.40Stl.B0 per 1Mb box. In Cfilcsgo May" Shows Tbreo Qusr. I Decrease in Reserve and. Circulation tera Decline, the Largest for the Day July Next In Lina With a Drop of Five Eightha. Loana Have Big Increase-. Read Ing Common Two and Three Quar '. tera. Higher. ;-:';; -'.-', - BKAT1TB WHSAT TALTTHS. ' ... , , . - pio cioaa CVoa . Los , . Juiyaa. July sr. ..lsos. Juiyxs. aeptember.... .1Z .TdtfB M M pecember..,.. .T . .T9A oij ' .001 Uay.. ..I...,. .MB A21a - j00 GOVERNOR'S BROTHER FINED FOR FIGHTING flasrnal Sped. I Jerriee.) ' Outhrie, Okla.. July x JS. . Orvllls franta, a brother of the governor, thla morning whipped a newapaper man for art Idea attacking tha governor. Be was fined lie. f . I Th egg market I rather alow with aaamy Poaltry la entirely cleaned as. The hoary arrlrala of tne past few day hare foand aa enormona demand eras at tb adrsnead aoota liona. Creamery batter esoted very firm at the recent nee. - Same eandltlos la chuai. Tb trade paya the following prices te front rric paid akippara are laaa regsur eracked. (23.S0 per HARTJE ATTORNEYS WILL BE ARRESTED (Joorn.1 Snectnl Beerlca.t . Pittsburg. Pa., July to. The district attorney la preparing to arrest two at torney a who were active In the collec tion and presentation ef evidence in the Hartje case on charges of conspiracy , ana xorgery. ... rsbl, near and read. ,V OKAIN BAOS Calcatta. SQ10c. WHEAT Ola clan. 70c: red Baaalan. STr bloeatem, TSci aalley, 1 lei new chih, Tori red Ruaalan. mtiflnc: binesrem. lie: valler. Tic BARLET reed, DiWI tolled. 123.00020.00: brewing, Ki t. COBS Whole. BM.0O! ton. RTX II SB per ewt. OATS Id Pro FAMILY COUNCIL IS HELD IN THAWS CELL floarnal Sneclal Sar.ha. J New Tork, July It A family ootrnoil was held la Harry Thaw's cell this morning. George Carnegie eras present with his wife for the first time slnoe the tragedy. Evelyn Neablt Thaw aad Iloger Omars wars also present. . RECOVER GOLD BRICKS -STOLEN FROM STEAMER; ... . . i wool zoneor: . or long wool, TSc(1.00 each. rodneere price Ke. " 1 white. rrnr. ua.wb.lw. rLOUB New eaatera Oregon patent. M tM; atralghta, SS-eoeS-bO; export. $J.1B; rall.y. .M; graham, Ua. M.BO: whole wheat. re. noe. a.k.wj naira, ITUrt'S Bran. I7 60 per tent ' mid- 41 1 ora. $280: aborta eoaatry, 20.00; elty, tis.oo: ehos. IlS.O0tB.11.S0. H Al' l"rdncr' price Timothy. Wlllamerte tnlley, fauy, SIIXHI; ordinary. 110.00810 50; eaerora Oregoa. eiswiaiii.uu: mixes, fio.ooa 10.50: ehrrrr, i grata, IT.froqs.ftO; caoat. BT.WXJO.W. rrmr, sggs ana reainry. BTJTTER thtW. B. B. PortUad Sweet cream, Zle: eoar. ibc. BUTTKhV City creamery. Ue: oet- alde fancy. lHJ0e ordlaary, lTl,e; a lore, 12 U B14C. BuflR N. 1 fraah Oreeoa. eaadlad. UUS S2c; eaaters. Sic. CHICEHBi new mil ; craaax, I fata, , une; Toting America. 14 He. -POULTRY Mixed chicken. 1IH par lb: fancy bane, le per lb; rooatere, old. 10 tic per lb; atari, lllle per lb: fryere, 17c; brpllera. 17c per m; old dncka, 1XHQ1V lh; spring dock. UHQlSHc lb; geese. SiJlOc lb) tarkeya, loc par lb; dreeaed. SO per n; aquaoa, aa.avwe.vv par sua; pigaoaa, nw Bens. Weal aad Bides. HOPS Contracts. lBOS cms. 16x14 Bh lana WOOL IPOS clip Valley, eoarae te medlaaa. Be: flne, tec: eaatera Oregoa. 10321. MOHAIR New. nominal. . SHKEP8KINS Bh.arlnf. lSttMe eack Short nraioaa wooa, Bvajia aaca: me sau.eua in goia etoien rrom ex . press of the steamer Ida May haa been dug up near the cabin - occupied by ueorge rtapnaoi, who i- unaer arreet. Xtobert Miller Wataom, on the vessel, waa also arrested yesterday. RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL "sly t and t, Aatwa a, sVaMpvembss t ass xo. Slimmer excursion rates. Bale datsa June SS. XI. July I, . August T, t, S, Sept em bar S. 10. Bats from Portland to Chicago, $71.t0; to Bt. Loula, 7.ts; Kanaaa City, Omaha and BU Paul, ft; Denver, lae. ..-. For Information In reference to rates and particulars ask C W. stinger, elty ticket agent. Third - and ; Washlngtoa atresia, r-aruana. The Astoria V road aella I1.5S excursion round-trip tickets td Seaside, good going Saturday morning, afternoon, evening, Sunday morning, returning Sunday even In a. Spend a delightful two-day vacation at He aide. Ample accommodation at rea sonable rale for all. Ticket at 14 1 Aider street and the union depot. TALLOW Prime, per lb, tUtec: Ke, t aad greaee, 2ft2Ue. cuiTiiM hakb ibuo atocs, see per n; IPOS, S0e per lb. -I1IDES Orr. Mo. 1. IS Tba aad as idUx IT He nor lb: dry kin. !o. L I ta IB lha tx: err calf. Ma. 1. sadar S lb. Me: salted hide. ateera, aoand, SO lb and ever, lotjllc; row. IHttDKe; a.lag aad bulla, aoand. eJTe kip, 15 to SO lb. Be; calf, aoand. ander IS I be, lie; Ereen. annalted, le leeai coll., le per lb leee; oraehldee, aalted, eaca, 1.2At.TS; dry, earl. 1M431.S0; coll hldea, S&tSoOei goat aklaa, rominee, each, 1042 10c Angora, eaca, SAcC ILOO. . . Trait aad Tegetaales, POTATOES New. tl TK u. mmt, mmm. dacera' price for car iota MOUIiOe ner ewt. ONIONS Jobblna nrtro Nar W.lla W.11. i ll.x6il.3S per ea.-l: new California, red. 11.60; aiiTara, cariie. Be per lb. FHKHH yRUiTS Mew aimlee. RorMll M oranxea. Valencia. S4 hiuljui' h.... e per :hi lamona. choice, SS.50 per sex; fancy. f wua w par onx; umes, Mexican, B1.2S per 10; Hawaiian. Hit.; gooaeberrlca, Q0e Tb; cbetrleaSI.B-box;-phima. (Wctlll.OO crate: mganberrlea. 11.40: eantalonoea. nuaiTt: raaphsrrlee,; black flea, (1.50: grapea, 1 Sr-ai JO; blackharrlea, ll.SS per e per ib i Get In the Swim. Colombia Slver rail. I "'' waWawloma, ItJlHe. crated, S excursion rourd-? " ti. ech.. SATURDAY PRICES IN - THE WHEAT MARKET The ivsaa Salt, ' In 11I certain village of Lorratne mod the department of forests In de tense of the right to cut wood In a cer tain forest. After nearly three cen tu nc, of litigation the supreme court at I .'P.lo has Juet given a final decision itnat the depart mept and condemned . te ay all ouata, . . . July Sept,1' I e Chicago . .. ,74's - .7(44 ' New York.. itu. e tnverpool ..... MtlUa SaaaLd e San Francisco. ei. . hhu d ' MUwaukae 74 u . .7 e. December. December barley. Bat. Zx. traAR Sack- beete Cnba. S3 HO: .10; rrait gramiiatrd, 96.18; dry graaalated, -Ofi: eoaf. A. At .not waatara p r a. an- Hawaii. B C O.. S4.06r mttrm (1 Ban.; anM.B 0. AiM; D yellow, U ; bbla. loe; H bbla, ZSe: boxea. 60c edrance an aack haa la. - laaa Be par ewt tor caah, IS days; Buple, 14QU par llic , , .rrL7J,T" " I teat . from rridw'. Tnrle.. Chlease. Jnhr X- Th arhaai aaarBa a haarlah today. Cable were aomewhat aft from reaiaraay, uirerpool showing a loaa ef Hd la both the Septambe and - Deembr eptlona. Weather enndltlona ara IrUal i Mn . 11, i damage informatkm la coming, mocb te th dlaguat of the ball. The largeet loa today waa snrfared by the May, which had a Bet decline ef 4. Tha Jalr waa next In line with a drop ef Sc. September end December each Anaconda . . . Amalgamated .... Sugar ........... Smelter ......... 1 Baltimore.. ....... 1 urooxiyn Canadian a. d..i saw, ....,.,. Cheaapeak Colo. Fuel Colo. aoath.... iMnrar Brie Leulerille Metropolitan ...... North. Facitle .... 1 Bid. i ...... 14 al irr OAiits. ir, Bid. kfax. Oentr.l N. T. CenUsl Oottoa on LocemoUre N. America y,nll oat. a wml , rannajirania Peoole'a Oaa ...... Beading S Bock laland , Sooth. Pacific ... . unioa racme ..... V. S. Steel do prefarre .( . - prove that th signature of Mrs. A. H. Breyman, president of the woman's elub, to the letter of authon satton waa - a forgery. Frank Albert Lloyd, the huabaad of the woman, was found guilty on a charge of vagrancy and sentence was suspended. Judge Cameron In giving his decision stated that It had been shown that Lloyd had not been engaged In any legitimate occupation durlne- hla a tar In Portland but n the contrary had been ejected from the baseball grounda for gam bling, and was a patron of the Milwau kee gambling reaort. The court thought that the notoriety given tha defendant waa sufficient punishment and there fore suspended sentence. It Is thought by the polios that the Lloyd will leave - tha city for new field of advertising In view of the pub Uolty riven thlr -operations -They are said to have secured over 1700 from the sal of advertising spaoe la tha Wom an's Club booklet. .. - ANNOUNCEMENT ALLAYS ' FEARS OF MANY MEN Secretary ' McPherson Files With . " Mayor r List of Employee Who ..Were r Appointed Illegally One : Hundred Seventeen Names Listed. I BATTLE WITH PANTHER. SncroatloML) HON RT SS.SO pet erata. . . COFrEK Package brand. S1S TS014.T5. SALT Cnmmm , Half amun I... nana mm ton; 50a, ts.60; table, dairy. 50a. tlt.00: 100a. II. to: Imnortcd Llrarnool. SOa. SIT Oh? 4ona. 1 50: OV4. (ta 00: aitra Sna. hhla a. &a In. i. aOa.lI kiifb MA 1 a A nut! nn. ..-k. oanwc; urerpool Inmp rook, 419.50 par ton; BO-Ib rock. S.00; 100a, SS.OO. a, no. 1. RICE Imoerlai Janan. ReSHe; New Orleans head. WWIt. DC. BRANS Smen white. S4 Set 7c; AJax. Mo. a. Si ta.ov, piaa, bo.toi payos,; uma. o.ou: lexlran red. 4te. NUTSPeannta, Jombo, Sc par Ihj Vlrglnta. per ; roaatea. aiwui per to; 4 pa ne. 6Wfit4c; roaated. 7i7He oer lb: aocoa. nnta. SfiifOO per doa; walnut. lSfllSHc per iu-, piocnuu, iiicjixa par 10; nuaory naca, 10 per lb; eheatnuta, aaatara. 154JI0C per lb: Braxll nnta, 14jUc per lb; Albert.. l44Ua pet mi 1 aaiBcy poeaaar aaci atlDOBaa. Vslata, Gael 00, Zta. - ROPE Pur Manila, Utf standard. MUe; alaal, lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Csee ISVie per saj. watrr wnii. iron Darren) lae par gal. woooon lie per gaii araaugnt, xVHieg, i UUe per el. hamuli c ns-oeg, caaea hm per gal. troa Dt.. Dee May Sept., Dee...,, May... bbla lc per gal. SB per gal, troa BENZIM bbla 18Hc per a. I TURPENTINE la eases sa par gal. wooden hhla sac oar gaL WHITE LEAIM-foa lot. T. per Tb; BOO-ft mia. sc per 10; wee iota, Bae per m. WIRR NAII.S Preaent beat at IIS. LINSEED OIL Pnre raw. In B-uol lot. See; Midi mi. oocf caaea, aie per gai; geaaine kettle boiled, caars, SO per gal; S-bbt lota. 6e; 1-bM vk aoe per gai; grouna case, car iota, azu.ou par eons iran una car Kta. 90.00 par BTeata. Fish aad Provielon, r FRESH MKATS'-rront Btreot Hoes, fancy. UQBc; ordinary, 7H68c; poor, tematm lb; holla. 118 We, per lb; real, extra. 7WiSe lb: ordinary, 7e per lb; poor, 5c per lbi mutton. lancr. ntgtMO per 10; iamnr wc. HAMfl. BACON. ETC. Portia nd pack Ooea!) name, iv 10 1 ina. 100 per 10; jt to 10 loa. loe per in: nreaaraat nacon, 1037:200 per Ibf irfcnice -lfc oer lb r rort (. ItJV.e nar'lhi regnlar -ahort clear. ana muked.- 13e-ner- Iht nioked, 15 per lb;; clear bark, nn.moked. 12 per lb; moked lac per lb; union butt. 10 to IS ino; nnamoKea. so per lb; amoked. per lb; clear belltea, nn.moked, 14o nor lb: amoked. l&e ear lb: abonlders. 12a nar lb: picaiea lOBXuca, eo."u quarter 004. L.IM.A1. LAnif tvaiiia mar, job. 1Z par lh: 6a. 12He per lb; 60-lb tins. llHe par lb: team eeadered, 10a. lie per lb; Sa, 11 W. FT 10: maraon, lu., CANNED SALMON Columbia rlrar. 1n t.lla II. 0; 2-lb talla, (2.76; fancy, l ib Sata.; U-lb fancy data, l.15: fancy 1-lh oraU, i2.7; Alaska Ull. Pink, soOMc; red. 1.50; Bominai weat will vary likely hare somewhat of a ear nine ef this year', crop of 100.000.000 hwehele. with this crop, which meana a high average yield per acre, the principal part will go to ina 01 nnu mat aectina, wmca or now applying growmg population, and a portion of lower Canada. The last eroo waa M.000.000 boahele. Official BSOtaMaaal rbo -ftiallaMk. Cooke companyi . WHEAT. Ones. ' Bleb. . Tatar. fnry. . . .74 a .73 a .74 2H .2i' , COBN. M , .. .43 OATS. JtJU uma pork 18.49 . 1S.4S 17.0S 17.00 14.42 ' 14-M LARD, : S ST 8 AS S8S SHORT BIBS. Sept-... S15 . 015 e.18 Oct...... " 8.SS ' S.ftS ; S OS Jan..... T M T5 " ' TA5 m. Central .. Ban. Steel ... so preferred KXT LOSSES. !Kty (Missionary Prloa, of Central China, IB tha Chicago Tribune.) It waa dark, and the windy darkness wag - full of tha mysterious nolaaa of the Jungle. Mr shikari and I were hud dled silently on a platform built in the ,w, that soma will be requlisd te take rw on ins niru ina 1 axamlnstlona over aarsln. Mayor tans thla morning announced that ha does not Intend te.ehuok whole platoons' of elty employes out of their Jobs because of tha decision la the Bruia case. ' .. . ' - T have bo Intention of throwing out a lot of men who have been doing good -work.", said he, 'Bat something must' be dona, for If a suit is brought against Kay, suits could also be brought against any employe If aomebody wanted 10 see him out or wanted-his Job. 1 -' : .. "Of course, tha boys could appeal tha ease to the supreme court and the su preme court has ths power to reverse the decision of the circuit court.' Tne announcement of tha mayor will ' allay a lot of feare In the brssata of aome employ a -who believe the mayor would Ilka to see their places occupied by other men.. It la still possible, how . 34 Tex. Pacific..,. HlTaBS. Coal ....... .81 tart CVaw. .82B .Bfltt eU)S w.n Street, Haw Tork. July td.Depft a very dlaappolntlng hank atatrmeot, today' trading In th Mock market waa balllah. There was good baying of Beading. Baltimore . A Ohio and tba a teal israaa. The largeet gain waa la Reading, th rloalng being 24 polnta ap. ' While today' trading waa balllah, aentl meBt Is set ao mack a aa daring prertou Official osotstlons ' by . OTerbwk, Starr 'A uit company 1 - - BBnCBIPTIOK.. Bept.. .82 Iee.,,, .55 May .S3 Inly.-.. IMS Sept-... 17.00 . Jaa 14.SS . t Rapt.,,,, . S.AV Dee..... ' 8.M Jan...., B.SS Anaconda Mining Co. ; AmaL Copper Co.. stenjaon. em em S.S0 ' 18.48 1T.0S 14.S5A ; e st 8 40 8.25A SIB I.H IMA imF00t SRAXX BUXXXT. LrrarpaoL July 3. Official prior . .- WHEAT. IV ; " ' - Cloae - 1 1 , Jnlv ea. . September..;'.....,. 5a Hd December d September..,..,... Decetubar.. ........ CORN. . 4a 6Hd .. 4 Td Cloae Ijemm July IT. Xuly 2S. Sa SHd , Ud 4A Slid 1 Td 0KX0A00 CASK WHEAT, Chicago, July IS.. !. I red.. No. I red.. No. S hard. No. hard. -cars wheat I Bld.l -'-; .. .761 No. 1 .751 No. t northern. .14 wo, s apring... .78141 - . Bid. I .T7J .1 SAB TBABCTSOO BTJBTBQ BZOBABSB, ; Saa Francises, July 28. Official prlcasi ta. talL S2.C FISH Rock cod. Te per lh': Sounders, Be per m; aauoui, or per id; craoe, ai.ou par aoa; atrlped baaa. ISVie per lb: catflab. Sc Bar lbi aalniea, Columbia rreer Chinook. Se per lb; ateel- neaaa. sc per id; oiueperxa, sc per ib herring. Be per lb; aolea, Sc per lb: abrlmpa, io per in; pares, c per u; oiacn coa, tc per lb; toBxod. Te per lh: ellrer emelt. Te nee lh; mnetern ner id: treea mecaerei. bc nee in: erawneh. SO per dus; shad, S par lb; aturgeoo. tuc per io. OT8TERS Shoal water bay, par gaL $2.23; per iiu-iD aaca, ee.uu, CLAMS Hardahell. net BBS. . 22.00: dams, 12.00 per box. . , , UCK GF ARRIVALS NOT FELTJH YARDS Receipts Are Small but Demand Is Not Heavy Packers Say Price Is but Little Object. . Belmont Caah Boy .... Ooldea Anchor. Home Jim Butler ... MacNamara . . Midway MonUn Nnrth Star... Ohio Too. Extra, ,,. Nevada Weat End .... Ada ma ....... Atlanta ...... Bluebell Booth Columbia Mt.. Con. Quarry... Dixie Gold field ..... Jumbo jnmno Kendall Leguna .... May wooes t,r Mohawk Bed Top Sandstorm ... Sllrer Pick ... Bt. Ire ...... Mat Bask .... Denver ....... Eeltpee aold Bar ..... Bld.l I d.BB - .IS .48 .18 1.12 . .ov .18 l.TTtt .4a .2T B.T.1 18.00 2.50 .04 .IT .18 - .48 .20 .12 .OT .84 1.05 -.24 .50 .22 .15 1.8TH .4T .2T .8 .40 1.40 .82 1.00 O. Ball Frog... 9 Bteleway ..... Bid. .18 Con. CaL Ta... At Ophlr 8.40 Caledonia . .28 Excbeqaar ..... ; .42 Norcroaa .......- -.88 Gold Crown ... .18 Great Bead.... .88 Reaco ........ . -IS Tramp 100 uoia. eimoTn.-.wo Mt. Montgom. Huneet ...... Sceptre ..... Manhattan . . Baylor Uum Paxter ...... Granny ..... Gold Wedge . Lose star .., Gt. Bend Ex Creecent ...... Cowboy Penrer, annex. Bulla Bears. Bock ... N. Y. Cooaol Maneoa ....... Little Joe .... alarflower .... Jumping Jack.. Rea Top A an ex Muatag 40 .54 .14 .81 .OT IS .42 .12 .08 jOS ,09 A ,04 A I .10 ;.OT .01 .08 .25 .81 .04 .SO ' '- .24 .08 .12 SB preferred Am. Car A gonad., eom e preterre.. ....... Aaa, Sugar, com Am. Smelt, com. do preferred......... Baltimore a Ohio, eom. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, eom... Chi. a G. w, earn ChL, Mil. A St Paul... ChL A N. W, com..... Cheaapeak A Ohio...., Colo. Fuel A Iron. com.. Colo. Southern, com...., do 2d ore f erred -do let preferred Delaware A Hudapa..,, Dela, Lack. A Weat... Dearer A B. G, eom.. - da .preferred. Erie, com do 2d Preferred . . do let preferred..... tlllBole Central. ....... Loalsrllle A NaahTtll.. Metropolitan Bt. Ry... Manhattan Railway.,,. Mexican Central Ry Minn.. St. P. A Sie. If Missouri Pacific M... K. A T.. com - do preferred Kew Tork Central...... Am. cotton on........ Am. Locomot Ire. ....... Pederal Smelter.. Nation.! Lead Norfolk AWeet.. Com. do preferred....,.... North American N. Th Out. A Weetera. PasnayWaala Railway. r. u.. Li. at v. uo Freased Steel Car, eom. do preferred Pacific Mall a B. Ob.. Reading, com.. - do 2d preferred do let preferred Bep. Iron A Steel, com. 4(1 pWrf T1b1 . aaaS Bxk IUn4, fcmtlMrit Ry., con,,... Ho HilVi Twrl , afcmtbm PaHf1e.aee.aa, dO Kprej fH f f V rl . a. .aaa... St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd. . flft Mt pntmA, e e e St. L. a IW, eooi.... do preferred . .......... Texas A Pacific Tenser Coal A Iron. Tel., St. L. A W om aetWT"l?eBl BO8T0B OOFFXB bTABJEXT. Portland TJntoa stock reoelpu: . Stockyard, July . L Live- . tr.. . A.UI. ev . W. WIPTir. ... . 10u Today .... Week (go Moath ago .- . - B4T - ' SOB Vear ago SO. 200 1 While receipts are nominal. There la an great eatery for euppliee. The abeenee of bogs la felt more than In aay other line, - bat price re aireaay ao nigs packer wiu aot pay more. If w offered a cent more." aay on, "w could not get any more hog. They are not acre to get., loat a su." latti auii sheep atrong. Official llrestock receipt: Ho Beet eaatera Oreren. ' ST.2BcxT.88 blockers and Chins rats, 5O.0O; reeaere. Bs.iat: nulla, sx.oo. Cattle Beat eaatern Oregon . terra. 2S 80: beet row and heifers, $2.502.75; . stocker and eder. S2.0O; bulla, S2.A0. Sheep Bhearllnga, 4(t4tts: lamb, Se. NEW FREIGHT RATE IS BOTH GOOD. AND BAD Boatea, July Official . . BIO. Adeeatare ....8 Allones 83.50 Arcadia ..... 2.50 Atlantic ..... 14.87 Bingham ..... so.29 Calumet 885.00 ' Cenunnlal .. 22.00 Cop. Bangs .. 73 50 Dalr Weat ... J8.50 FrankUn 17-24 Greene Coa,... ZZ.00 Granby 11.50- Maaa T 25 Mlchtgaa 12 25 Mohawk SI. IU Nevada Coa... 18.82H No. Butte .... 88,23 Old Dominion. 88.00 Oaceol - 105.00 ' Bid. Parrot $28.25 Phoenix ...... .85.; Qulncy ........ SS.OO Royal 1075 Shannon ...... 8-25 Cnloa Pari fie. do preferred.......... Central Leather, com... do preferred... ...... C. B. Rubber, eom...., do preferred.......... V. S. Steel Co., com.... do preferred ...... r. Wheal. A L. B., com... . do 2d preferred.,..., do let preferred , Wleconotn Central, earn., do preferred. .. Weetera Cnloa Tel.,..., Wabash, com...... de preferred A m. Woolen Northern Pactfte 250 1UU 1 1884 150 118 US TTio'l 188 M IS isoH las 88 54 84H ou 4SH dix 180 143M 184 83 834, 188H HI. T214 8814 8514 474. 130, 4H w 88 128V4 88 S14 244 SS I ao ta is' a" 83 iaoM 252 101 u 188 list. 12014 165 18U 181 aoaii M4 S& 50 TO e 180 148 250UI282 184 84 V 83 V4 1ST 814, T214 e PS 14 STt? l0i ioj, 88 I 180 PS 80 14 UK 844 TO T24 iiii 188 IOV US US T8'A 16.114 17 'A 1804 58 58 54 4 44 42 '! ITS 142 83 38 181 80 80S ltMtAllOSTI, 4811 47 8TI 8T14 208 1208 12041. IBS SSI 188 1 7a e T ISO 4814 a 85U 128 'si' so on Tl 82 38; 100 ot 1 7 100 87 S 1B6 181 118 Ve T7 184 IS 180 308 88 54 84 40 J 881 220 620 So" T84A ITT 143 108 140 Jungle. Below ua the undergrowth was lack and atllL for the moon had not yet risen. Suddenly there waa a move ment as though a portion of lta black nees had detached itself from the real and begun to creep away. Juat at that moment tha moon rose and revealed to ua the lithe body of a panther Blinking through tha undergrowth. 'A shot rang out and with a yelp of pain the panther dlaappeared Into tba buahea. ' With tha sunrise we descended from the platform and began to examine the panther' a trail. Tha effect of the shot was shown by tha patches ef blood oa tha ground, which led aa through a cou ple of hundred yarde of thick Jungle. After crawling on handa and kneea un der the brushwood wo reached a narrow nullah. A UtUe beyond thla we came upon the . wounded panther scaling a tree. I fired, but the retire waa too long and the ahot proved futile. The dtaturbaaca had tha reault, however, of atartllng the animal into falling from the tree to the ground. : . The ahikarl and I followed autckW on lta, track. It led finally to a deen and thickly wooded nullah, whloh had taken the form of a horseshoe. Tha panther entered the nullah at the center of the bend and turned along the left arm, growling angrily - as It covered - the ground In heavy strldee. Wo kept about 30 yarde from the nullah and aklrted It along the right until the top of the oena was reacnea. - Here a. halt was made, while I approached the nullah, the panther growling away at tha other ana. about 200 yarde distant Soon after noon today. Secretary Ma- Pheraoa of theolvll eervioe commission filed with Mayor Lane a complete report . of the employ ea who passed examine tlona whpee notices were not publiahed 14 day in advance. There - are 177 v names .on tha Hat. Tha fire department . shows up with the most man affected, Tt being now technically employed Il legally. . Thla Includes tha ehlef and tha battalion chiefs as well aa nearly every . captain. ,- . -. ' : - '- Fifty-two members of the polios de- ;.' per truant are on the list, as are it in the englneer'e department, a id tha ' street cleaning department, t In the City -park, I In the auditors ffloe, 1 In the treasurer's office and 1 . la elty hall work. : : . - ' 1 e i"n .-: '. . 1 PI LOTED THE DEWEY. , The Skill of the AcedPOot Made ' Trip of the Drydock Success. : ' While tt waa predletad by aome that the drydock Dewey would never be able to pasa through portions of the Buea canal, which are . only . slightly wider than tha great dock, the aged head pilot of the canal, A. Pap pa, knew differently, ' : and It waa .his skill and caution whloh made It possible for the Dewey to get through the teytuoua waterway la such a satisfactory manner, according to a ' report af the trip Juat made te tha navy department by Commander HsH. Hoe- ..; lay. who was in -charge .of the Dewey . . and the fleet which- convoyed It, - Although Pappa la very old and waa . So 111 that he should not have attempted Y the work, he aasumed full charge ef the Dewey's-esnsl-trltv-WorTi ea--xy the- carefui watching neeeasary to aave the dock from disaster, tha old man waa un- Then all was StllL The animal asatmad to have vaniahed. Auddanly it sprang out right from under my, feet, having doubled back along the watercourse, without making the ': sltehteat nolee. 81 - Caasht bv Btlrnrla t ftrael rsiildrw-swit 2 lartepped back to avoid- the animal's I spring, and in ao dolnar fall into mil. I l-K "T.m. . ... . I ,M eMeillAel ,t(Mtlnn an.lae eev M 9 lh. .. " uvjai mumvni ino pantnar vil 1 . v v - " - on me and bad fixed Its tseth In tnv arm I nights the Dewey waa In th canal. He Suddenly my little fox terrier Toby flew at the panther and fixed tteelf on Its back, tearing hard at tts nsek. This diversion caused the panther te leave me to attack the dog. and I was abla to stagger up and out of the nullah and run to where the native trackers were cowering. There I fainted and was car ried back to tha bungalow bleeding from 14 wounda. . - was eared for ta the quarters of the general manager ef the canal, and reso- lutely rasarnett lilgwork 8.nd directed' T2i 118 rT4 82 88 ' 184 ISO TIM 8T! 43 84 108 SB toeulimta MBteas Wooden noes, O As a rule, nature adjusted Itaelf to surroundings. If you give It time things will be ae they ought to be and protection will be provided for every thing on earth horns for goata In the mountains where bears and panthers would destroy them; teeth six Inches long and muscles atronger than ateel for the tiger, who protects himself and family from the beasts and serpents ef tne jungle; poison for the festive rattle ! snake, who might get hla head mashed 3 18 33! 22 34 48 t 88 1? th tugs which were doing th towing ; by means of a system ef flag signals -which provsd affeotlve. Tor many year all ships bearing crowned heads, members of royal faml- -Ilea or other distinguished persons have been piloted through' the canal by the ' venerable head ptloL whose service haa been ao Indispensable to the company that hla proposed retirement and return - to Oreecs, his native land, are regarded by the canal ofllctaia with extreme re gret. A abort time - e go "the steamer Chatham. loaded with dynamite, waa aunk in the canal and offered A dsngsr oua obstruction to navigation. Pappa was th only employ of th canal cem pany regarded aa being capable of ataer- ,; Ing veaaela around the hidden danger, . and he worked constantly day and night until the explosives could be removed. Many Kupoaaan dlgnltarlee aave- showered Pappa with lettera and glfta, thanking htm for the care and aklll with . which h has -taken- them - through the Sues. Commander Hoslsy sent the old pilot a letter of appreciation, and In hla -report to the navy department the - I American officer suggests that aome . aulUble trophy be given to Pappa by 34 30 4TU 881 1204 his Jaws and the musle In his tall, a corkscrew-pointed sting for the little bee. who would lose his honey monop oly but for his wonderfu maglo awl that makes men run and boys howl; and the horse, had he lived In the desert long enough, would ha ye grown broad hoof, Ilk snosrshoes. enabling him to walk over ths soft sand with speed and eom-1 the American navy In recognition of th , fort. "" . - . I unuausl aarvlce for tha Dewey. But In the eaae of modern California nature had no time to meet the emer- Tamarack , Trinity .. United Cop rtah ...... Victor! . , Winona ... Wol Torino , U. B. Mining Tens, Cop. . , BIT Boatoa Coa ...100.00 850 ... 8250 ... 5T.50 e.oe-- .., T.TB r .140.00 . , 58.50 , S9.50 . 7.00 38.12 Cal. A Art ansa. 110.00 Botte ueia... bi.uv A eirrnler Inst leaned by the Son thorn Pa. rifle company announce tb reduction of the freight rata a hope ta tha eaat. Tha new rata oa car te la 81. 80 per hundred pounda. become. effeetlr-os Ausoat 25. Oa that date th company will begin a charge of Be per bale for etorage. , Heretofore thla ha been free for ( period of 60 day. The trad will be forced to par local rate on . email blpBMBts te thla city after tn.t oat. . . , ... i i , , "irrw" TOBX COTTOB BAR KIT. Hew York. July 28. Cpttoa future closed by Orel-beck. Starr A point lower. Official quotations Cook company: January 10.88 reoruary n ....1U.4T Mt 8.88 September ... 10.08 October 10 IT November ,,.1018 December ....10.27 ones, rtirs. Low. July Jaly 2T. 10 38 10.84 ..... '.10.88 10-18 J0.4T 10.48 '10.48 10 47 x s.oi 10.05 10.08 10 .04 - 10 on 10 23 10.16 10.20 10.20 10.21 10.18 J0.21 10.22 10J11 10.88 10.28 ' 10.80 TXTTXB ITATM OOVERKxCIirT BOBBa, Kew Tork, July 28. QoTrrnmeot rwmd: Date. Bid. Ask. Two, registered JM8 104 104 do coupon inns 104 104 Three, registered 10O8 108 04 do conpoA ' 10S 104 . 104 Twoe, smell bonds 102...... Fonrs, Teslatered 10"T 108 108 do coupon inoT 108 1W(4 Fonrs, regUtered .......... 1828 118 180 do coupon 1025 130 - 181 pl.trlct of Cohtmbla... .... .... 116 ..... rblllpplo 4 ., iw ..... IW TOBX BABB. STATXMIXT. New Tork, July 38. Bank statoSMntt Reserr 408.52 Lena V. S. 1.802.228 Loana 12.746.4O0 Specie ...1.84.8110 Legale 1.111. WW) Deuoalte lB.8TT.Tt4) Circulation 858. 100 Decree. Uvrpt Cotton Market. . MverpnoL July 28. Cotton future rtnaed ssier ana ancnangea t s P"inta ap; ' apota, ewouy, a new. mf eaieo, i,wf Baiea. . F0BTLA1TD BABX STATZBTXYT. Cleerln 8n80.81B.T8 Balcs ., 48.764.36 I SAB FBABCI100 LOCAX BTOCrXB, Baa Francleao, July 28 -Official clnast . Bid. - Contra Ceata Water...... 57 , Spring Valley Water 28 C.l.nt Powder M n Makawall Surer.............. 851 Onomea 82 PaaubaB Sngar. ...... ............. 1 Ala.ka Packer". ........ .... ,. 60 Paclfl State Telephone.......... 58- . Ask. fx it'. -' ! v " Bterltag Kxohaag Bake.'. " " . J-rn'nr en. nieritBg raUBI ! Baaa. ess ar-eara, . TTp to Baas. ' From Hanver's Baser. New Waitress 8 hall I say "Dinner Is served' or -"Dinner . Is ready." ma'am T Mistress If that cook doesn't do an better, just say "Dinner le spoiled.'' Total sale for day. 442.000 share. aVolloe CTUefw BTtory. -. "A man and a woman," said the polios ehlef, "occupied a compartment of a Pullman.' In a desolate pi aoe, the train speeding like lightning along,' tha man said to the woman; ' - 'Madam, I will ask yon to look out of the window a few minutes. I - am going te make eome ehangea In my ap parel.' . , ;. - - " I "Certainly, air.' said the woman, no. litely. . ., . .- . "Two or three minutes, filled ' with odd, rustling noises, passed. Then the man said! ,--.-.- ;. " 'Now, madam, I am finished.' " ' "She looked 'at him., and. behold, he had tranaformed hlmaelf Into a dashing girl, heavily veiled, fashionably dressed, end with rich .. and beautiful : blonde hair. . . - . , - "Some moments later, in her turn, the lady eald: "Now, sir, or madam, whichever you are. I'll ask you also to look out of th window. I have some ehangea to make In my own dress.' - v - "The other complied, and,- when he waa permitted to withdraw hla gas from tha passing landscape, what was his surprise to find the lady changed Into a man. He gave a loud laugh, t r Tt seems,' he said, that we are both fugitives; hence we should be pal a I am a bank robber. What are you T " X' . said tha ether, "am Detective Hawke of San Francisco, and for three days. In female attire, I have been shad owing you. Wrists together, please, so that I may now slip the nippers on.' "Thus." concluded the police ehlef, "did my friend Hawke arrest the no torious Jack Graeme in 117. It was the naataat arrest, from the melodra matic standpoint, of the year." ' " arpxIxOdla;. v ; v ' From the Detroit Free Press "Sweetheart, where la that eoda si phon I put In the icebox last nlghtf asxeo xoungnuD, "Oh. dear!" -cried the June bride. "Did you want thatt-1 used it up this morn-J I ing sprwaung we plantar gency, so an ingenious man Invented the device of bolting blocks of hard wood to the anlmal'a hoofs for travel ing In ths flat lands In southern Cali fornia. ' . , They aay that In one ef the early experiments when the horse discovered how completely he waa equipped with hla wooden feet, ha pranced away over the plalna like a Diitoh dancing maatar In clogs out to where tarantulas, rat tlesnakes and Qile monsters were hav ing a sun dance. , For about an hour that horse .mashed the life out of every thing of a reptile nature that wasn't dead. The half-breeda said they had enough fraah meat after the horse had flplehed, hla work to keep the hoga and men fat for a month. The Braised Worm Will Turn. ' From the Detroit News, v It Is shocking to think that one of our fellow jcitisena has been punctured by three bullets while erosaing tha care fully kept lawn of another eitlsen. but hundreds who have been dally outraged by that aort of vandallem will not be sympathetic. The police department will bring the shooter Into the tolla, but ths wanton destroyers of private property and painstaking handiwork go or, undisturbed In the malicious work of destruction. The man who tenda hie lawn care fully, maintains a perfeot grade, keeps the grass sprinkled and trimmed and seta out beda of 11 o were and shrubbery Is doing a benefit for all. It la such enterprise that makes ths elty beautiful and which gladdena the eye of every witness always excepting the soulless clod who hss no eye for beauty, no regard " for ether people's rights or property. A dosen men In a ward can do mors dsmsge than a herd of hogs Too laxy to follow the walks that the system of government hss pre scribed Tor publle accommodation and which private enterprlee has even ex ceeded, they plod ruthlessly across lawns softened! by " heavy rains or laborious sprinkling, smash shrubbery, uproot flowers snd leave their signs, ttire in telltale tracks which give no the vandal. There Is a limit to patient toleration. and the bruised worm la likely to turn en any msa's pet lawn, PRETTY LEG FAMINE. Shortage of Chorus Girls In New v y York Bow-Legged Barred. . Kew Tork la suffering from a chorue girl famine, says a New Tork dlapatoh. Thla may Bound Improbable to the un initiated, but managers of musical com edies which depend largely for their popularity upon th graceful and lithe limbed creatures In spangles and tights woefully declare that the famine has really reached Broadway and they are reaching out to ether cities to recruit their supply. Only today the Shubeits, who ' pro duce more musical plays than any other firm, advertised for too. Charles B. Dillingham has had an even more atren- : uoua time. . The reasonf ' There ere three, accord- , Ing to men who have etudled the altua tlon the Thaw eaae, general prosperity and a change In atyle. Perhape It lan't generally known that there are atylee In chorus girls as well as In my lady's gowns, hut there are. . "The Thaw case scared out of town k ' big percentage of our very beat' ma terial," aald a manager today. "Tea, elr, ' It Just Beared 'em right off, and away they went, with pursea filled, because tb season haa been prosperous. . And you bet they won't come back again un til thla mess la cleared swsy. They're afraid of getting subpoenaed, and thai might break up somebody's happy fam ily. Tou never can tell In theae strenu ous time a - "Those who did not have fat purses , hsd good friends who sre always ready, to come to the front-in an emergency, and the way they all hot-footed It for Jeraey would make you sit right down end weep. - "It was sll right enough for Thaw to pay off his grudge, I suppose, hut he might have done It In the spring, when a lot of us were wasting our gray mat tar hunting up an excuse td close ahead trf time Instead of waiting -until w were""1 just ready to send out our notloee." A Bit ef Baleaee. ' From Fact MagaslnA Scientists have noticed that girls who whistle - usually become - hideously -wrinkled and prematura! jr aged. . r .7 ' ' 'a A ' eW . T Y