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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1906)
K27 TODAY. .WINGS BANK 'i,- OF THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY Pays Interest j-Ai Foiiowirr 4 INTEREST -. ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS INTEREST COMPOUNDED - ' SEMI-ANNUALLY, r Pay 4 per cant oa Certificates of De posit. Par 3 per cent on daily bal ancat of chtck accounts. ' J. Tbofbnra Rosa, President, Oaort H. Hffl, Vlca-Prcaldent - T. T. Bnrkhart, Traararar. Jao. E. Aitcfalaoo, Secretary. Ca&Hoc boar....0 a. 'at. to 4 p. m. CAtttrany. ...... ...9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Cater day artntnca...! to $ o'clock avTAzsmofton street, Coraar Second,;- ; ' PORTLAND, OREOON. St. Johns Water Front iSO hti frootagv bj 100 feet iscp, near Peninsula Lumber Co. ,i t i" 1 TaOxon-ValchtlncCo. 8T. JOHNS " fcrgdns In Real Estate Hioo l-roon heuM. lot tOOxltt. aleaa to ear; tmmy pAxmaata. flMO 7-room, new. modern bouM ' en Mount Boot r line, eloee In. two Dtooaa iron ear; Mt leexioa, wen lm- proved. 91 too Ci orner lot on Hawthorne arena. leezTt. f o . tot a Hawthorn erenne, ItxTS. i00 Lot oa Seat Main. (0x7, fin ie- catioB. - ,,Ov. aorea, within elty llaatta, at a barrnin. ' - . ; W acrea, wll Improved, with aood ' S-room houe. bara and orebardi will 1 exchanre for cltr nroDertv. i Xta In choice realdeno dlatriet en eaay - BTataaiaog-amowaT oo, no aa at. Compelled to 5ell f.' '"' T;:!'' --r On of the Prettiest Homes la Portsmouth' .Let .. llSxiee. ' X-roont . hoaea, saedara throna-hent. . Call ea owner at Me. Ill -JER8ET BTREBT. MT. JOHN a, ' either Bandar er Moadar foreaooal prlee MLLCEWALD Ccstrcctors nd Bulldars UXHTOX. OB. Mala SC. - . v at. Johns Phone aoott t(. - - INVESTMENT . Chanoe for taveetnent la an eetab Ilahed local baatneaa eonebrn, abaolutelr reliable and dividends auaranteed; an opportunity aeldom presented. This will be open for a limited tint only. -j, nn m tax voaaaar. aaiM Xorrlawa at. Sunny Southern ALBERTA XJun lUlf was finest wheat land, beat stock eountrr, Irriaated or - dry Unla, bomaaaakara' raUa W. a. IDE, 3(1 Alder streel RESIDENCE SITES J'je rear eboie ef flat aad aaapa eat of ooxioo at aorthwaet mo of SBth and lortbrap eta. Bayar awat balld ene boiM R.M.WILBUR, 110 2d St. A Money-Making Hotel If Jron hare about tll.OOOto lnreat In a fine propoaition of thla kind and can par one half eaah. I hare It Fine lo- ' ration and elwaya full; will stand eloee Inveetlaatlon. If yon mean buslneae aee me at once, as this Is offered for a few rtaye onlr. Clearing- 09 a month. Oood reaaon for aelllnt. H. O. BROWN . .CO, iTf sshin)ttonStreet PER LOT SOxinO frat tor B4B Tbare era aalr lata laa anaold eat t a trart e( TU0 lata. . and UM Hlbarata MtIbi Bank baa aroarfd tbaaa Iota aaid wltboot dalay; tbarafara tba prl will be dig par bH aaUl arary lot la anld. Tbaaa feta ara bxatad oa rartlae and aratkaUy em the rtw, blab, atchtlr i lrval. All aah ta raeulrad. Ma taraw aivaa. i-tie parraei. van aa at. . ciobaay, BT. Mrbay bld.. Tblrd aad ttwhataT BIRTHS. biaaiiHAIJWalr IS, te Mr. aad bfra. Oaarte H MarahaU. l aaraainta etraat, a slrL MARSHALO Jalf aa ta Mr. and bfra. Fra. arkHi c. Marabau, BAT Oread areaae, aarth. e rtrl. i ra iMilf M, te Ur. aad Mrs. Jobs Me- Tiara. BIT htentaneaary etraat. a 1rL 1" ATO July td, ta Mr. aad lire, few Areata, lad Oka sweet, a fVI. v, , ?er - .'"'.v lVV, WnMl U;IL, AJTlimV ur , Ulfii r ; MlMMMMaMMMMMataHMHMHHMMMkMtf 8WnmnjamnnWmn B-nmmaaaanani MMMMMMMMMMM BBnnnnBBBnanwjBBBnB 1 - ' " w LVill-- s. t think It wai an Inner tub. . .. ' -ImteJ'm wr It waa, bmuM LJhf .aaahtw. JiwutMl i,RttblMrl,!.."r.-;.-; T.M eiotannua Cubber. -.'-'.r-j I I I I I ! I ' " WEATHER REPORT. ' 1U Brttlak OotanbU hKh mnmtH arei emthMter4 and ft I sow eeetral n WTMlu aod eutwa Meataaa. a kit MMti ana to' aeweacklaa fce aorta Plfl eoaat (ton) tha aeaaa. - Btwa tba tw Blab prwaar araaa la a (ranch of low praaeara. waia extenea rroia anuak oolamMa aoatfe tnraua WaahlDatoe. Oracoa aa4 wot era tfmda to aoattaara Callfarala, aad ttaaace ut and aortk M Mtaaaaota, wbare tt aaeta with a low praamra araa of cenaloiw. abla nunaltr. Tea baroawtar sanaaee tlTaly klh la the Atlaatle autaa. Fair waatbar prevalla ea tha Padfla alopa. wltb blab taaparatoraa. abowar aie npuatad la eoatbera Krraaa. eeatbera CUb. aartbara Art aoaa, aortbara Mew btasloa, eaatral Taxaa. eaatara ObUhaasa, Kaaaaa, eaatara Mahraaka. the Dekotaa, Mlaaaaeta. Iowa. bHaamirl, Ar kaaaaa, loaiaUna aad at eeathared plaeaa la tba Atlaatla atataa. The ladlcattoBa are far Merallr fair aad eaolar waatbar la tbla dlatrlrt Saadar. Obaarratlaaa tabaa at a. at., raeine tuaei tattaaa ; atac. afta. rredB. Bakar Cltr, Oracaa M Boaeaa, Maeaaeheeetta .... TO Chleagak IlUnola .......... SO Deovar, Oolorade ......... U Kaaaaa Olty .MJaaaart M Laa Aarttoa, OaUfanila.... Maw Orlaena. tovJattaa... as & JO ? .6 eo .6 TO l ' 9 .0 rorUaad. O rafts St 4 Raaabarc, OrMtea ........ M : M .0 .e aa rraaelaao. OaUfarala.. 94 , M poena, Waaalactaa ..... M - M TaenaUiWaablaftoa M ' Walla Walla. WaablaftaB. M 64 WaahtiieiaeTD. O 0 t .01 .o .0 . .40 EmaaBaaaajajawaasvawM UARRXAOE LICENSES. Boroa, eusk a wbita. tea l Katbrra Bottar. SS. Waddtna? Oarda. W. O. Badtb Oa Waab- laatoa blda., ear. reartt aad Waahlatea aU. Waddlaa and ' ealllaf raraa easraved er ertatadTa. T. Baahtea. ttSH Waablaftea at. bflaa Bcrtba btartla. rmam Sit altokr bid. toBplsa and laa aaadlawarb) Kaaaaa - alma. DEATHS. Tlbfli Jair n, Canatapber Tlaa ea reara, Wlllanara. ralralar baart dlaaaaa. THOMPSON Jaly 17, Beatba XtoBMM, me tha, 4oe XaaT Dine. rxaaiNO July St, Joba VK. Barrtat. rears, T1S rtoot atraat. a bock foUawliut earn. CBOW Jaly At, parld Craw, S yaara, 90t Dane atraat. araaioe aotaaalaa aolaniiiaf. MITCHRLLMr. Jaeob Mltoball. aad SO yaara. aiea lair sa, laoe. raaarai aetian leiar. FUNERAL NOTICES. BOO Alt D man da - and aeaaalataaeat era re- epaetniiy untaa te attead tba rnnarai aarr - Icee of Tberaaa Beaard, wbleh will be bald at ftnley'e abapal at t p. ., Baada, Jaly St. Intarawt Looa Fli aamatary. -- UNDERTAKERS. Danntaa. MeBatae Ollbaafh, aadertakan and ambal aad Plaa. ambilajani BkoAara la ererr datall, Baraatb ala aea Lady aaalitaat. - A. B. Biwatork, aadertaker aad eababnar. Beat Tblrtaaaia aad VawUUa are. rbeae BU- Ti. Biirbaoa radertaxiaa Oe eaibalatlag, t Aider at. pbeaa bUla 1U. - ,. - 1. t. rialey Baaa, Third aad Madiaea ata. Ofnee ef aaoaty eeroaer. Pbeaa Mala S. , Bdward Bolaua, aadertaker, SS0 Third at. dark Brea fay aewera. B Marrlaaa . BITIBTIIW OXkaTKBT.. tlnfla sraaaa fie. ramlly lota tTl ta tl.OOO. The eel caoMtary la Pertlaad which par pataally aulatalaa' aad oarae far lota. Far fall lafarautloa apply te W, B. Maekaaala, War- eeater biota, city. w. M. Laaa. praaidaet. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Oeorela B. Brodla ta rttar. Tboaaa and Andraw Kerr aad ratnek a. sirford. lota a aad S. Mork M, Atbtaa... 1 B. M. and Plareace U. Oarlock at al. te Patar. Tboaaa and Andraw Kara at al kta 1 and a block , Alblna S,ooo m. n. ana ataraarai wnataar to viara A. Millar, let . block ta. aoatbara Port- land M w. u. aas ataaida a. woa at au ta Oeerfa T. Boaara, aadlrldad half in taraat la lot a aad waat 14 feat of fraetlenal lot la Berth ta ef bleak S5, Babrlgh'a addlttoa . 10 aaapa ana una la o. ratteraea a An drew Smith, aodrrlded H ef part ef donation land claim at William Waatb erbae aad tfaanab M. Weatbarhae, m ' townablp north, raaaaa 1 aad waat. I Pranela I. aad Laura McKaaaa te Noah Llnabanfh. aaat 14 ef lots aad S, btock 1, Merth Albbu , Joaapb A. and Lanre A. Balhraod ta I, ' L. MrCUUaa, lot . block SO. Sallwood 900 Banry W. aad Bllaabetb A. MrClnra te ' . , Wlnaefred M. War, lots 11, 11 aad M, . - block 4. Maaalr Hlaklaad Id Jacob Baraae te WhiflaU Soott Chapman, . ooaatioa una eiaina ne. Ta ei Joan Bannaa, belnc porta ef aattloae 4 aad o. . aim la. a van..... 1.000 T. M. Ward to Bdna B. Bald, lot . block XX, and lot 17, block SS. Waat rortland Kle Stalcbaa te A ana St.trhaa, let 0, black , aararaaca addition to it. .too ' 10 aaia Una ta Zona a Little, krta 'IX 11. 14 aad IS. Mock 4. Or. hard Hnmaa lamaci J. aad Maraarat A. Ml laa ta Wal ter a. Moaar, lota so ana si, block 11, Meant laoor viua annax. ISO Lacy M. Daare te D. Aiexaader. lot , bky-k104. Wanda tack; alaa lot K la -Waahtttitoa addition to Beat Portland: alaa north H at apntbeaat ti of eVtlaa . 10, tewaablp 1 aorta, raaxa. f waat... 1 Xamaa T. Bortehaell te Oraaoa Traat 4) . -Barhiaa bank. Vita t. 4. d. 0. 11. l 16, 14 aad IT, bloxk li- lota X t 1. 4. s. s. ie. 11. lx, is. it and IS. . blerk (; lota 1 aad 1 black 4; late 1 to S3, laclaetra. la black t, all 1a Tanaamd'e addltlaa j.. 1 Oaorya W. and Phoaha It. Shark ta B. W. . Orabami aaat TH faet af pjortfcaoat Hi fart at block 111. Orovar's addltloa 1 Bb-hard Darby to M. A. Bamae. eaat H of lota I and 4. and all ef lot T, bkvk ' tni. Helladay'a addltlaa te Beat Pert- ' ' laad 410 Park Land eompany te Sank B. Merrill. Ma 11 aad 23, block T4, Cntraralty Park I...., 400 Job w. aad Aaaa Plbik ta OeMIe 0. Allan, lot S. block t. BoaheUa. ....... 400 Pacific Realty a tavaataaant emntiaaa to Jamb Wolf, lots 1 and t, black 0. ' Stewart Park ago H. W. and latlb teatebe te H. B, . . Bnrke. bta 1. 4 and S, and aaat tt ef lot S. block S. Ooncb'a addition...".., 40,000 WlMtafrad and P. T. Way te Joha Mai- , , ayn. lota 11. II and U. black 4. " , Maaalr Pllahland ?. sOO Joaapb 0. aad-Mary ht Brawnawall ta v., o. ramna at au lota 1 and'tV l an ana vnaaw nvnnni aa A is: ard Laa Babe, SS Baaaaa Jaae ltereer ST. paTia w. Heaaareea. seaw miiiaear araaaa. I Ir T. Torback, i. LB. XcOae. BaatUa. Wbahlaato. tj, ra Harth Btxta f tiaal. laa.. S.000 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, V SATURDAY EVENING. ' JULY tX REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 0. M. aad M. A. eettlemetr te CWlne. D. Waxoaar, part ef lot T. blo k ISO, Baat Portland, betaf Uxli feat...... Baaaa Catholic Archblahop ef the' Pb aaaa ef Oratroa ta Boaa Conner, lot ltd, atlaa 1. Moaat Calrary cametary . . . . Banry Mataaer to Prank Kaeobar. SlxlTO feat la north waat i af aoathwaat ef eactloa 10, towaablp t eoatb. rense 1. Aaii' 'Anna ' 1. ' aau' nV Wa itaV 'a. ' BalL lot 4. block S, Archer Place 104 Samoa I and Adah M. Ooanetl ta B.-A. Lynda, lot 10. block 10, Central, Alblna X.000 eamoai ana Aaaa at. imnii to a. a Laaila. 1st a. Maah San. flaO'l aditl. tioa - MOO Mirnaoi and siiaa O'Briea to ueraiaa , aVhaild, lota t, T and , block 0, Sara toga 0. A. aad kuuloa Botara te Michael O'Brien, lota 0, I aad t, black 4, Sara roc a .j Alex Waroaer to Sophia Man tax, lot 1. block It, Oaatral Alblna.. Alaa Waaoaae ta Jot a W. Moataf Jr., let S, block 14. Central Alblna Andraw B. Jeaaaa te B. M. aad Mettle M. Abbatt. eoatb H of lot T. aad ell of km , blaefc IT. Eatherme. ....... . W. B. sad Pearl Bead te O. B. M. eompany, a atrip 100 fact tnlde eear ' lota 1. a. aad 4 ef eactloa It, towa ehtp I aortb, raaxa I aeat Sarah M., Iran B B. 0. and Maade B. . Oaraell ta 0. B. A M. eompany, part af aoathwaat U ot-nortbaaat VI af nac too 1.100 tioa SO, towaabla 1 aarth, raaxa I eaat 100 J. O. aad Aaaa Locke ta Inai Kanf atana, lot 0, bbMk 11, Mlller'a addition 1,100 B. Matnxar to Clara B. Metatar, lot S ta amended plat of lota 10 to IT. tt aad A, Moaat Soott acrea. . ...... 1 Oat year tnearanre and abetraets te reel aetata from the Title Onaraatea A Treat eeaipeay, Mo Waabinxtoa street, anraar loeoad. NOTICE. BBCBITBB'I MOT1CB la the ctrcolt court ef the etate ef Orexoa for the aonnty ef Malt nomah C lea nor Olautaad, plaintiff, ea. Tba Tradere Inaaraaca eompany at al., defend anta. Notice hi hereby (Iron that the aaeor atoned baa baaa appointed by the above en ' titled ootsrt la the a bore eo titled enaaa re- , aetrar for the ata to ef Oregon, of the defend, aat, Tba Tradere' Inearanee company of Cbb once, Ullnola. aad that by ardor ef the eaM court all pereoaa barlna alalma aaabiat the eaM defendant. The Tradere' Iaaarancn eaa pany, aratlna aa poUclae lea aad la Orefoa are required ta praaent the aame to the aadar alonad, et the eddreea below xlran. oa er be fore the Slat day ef October. ISO, and If aat ae preaeated. the aame will not partlcl eate la-tba dletri button ef the fnnde at tba - aatd dafeadaal aoaa pany, la the kaade of the recatvar. Notice H farther atvea that all retara pre Blama will be escapntad free the Btb da ef May. 104, the data ef the tneslveney of tbe eeld The Trnaerr inaaraaca eompaey. aad all policy haMere of the aald defeadaat eeaipaay are eraad te retaieare, If tnap have . not already done eo. end to preeeaf their clalma properly vermes proatptiy to the re eatTer with tbe nireaeer or tbeir aouchia, hrai for nraof af alalma an aa h i from tbe read tot er freaa tha former areata . era a sear waaam aiif a Dated Jans . lMd. A. H. BfBRMX, Beeelver. A. r. PTJSOKL AND BCACHdi SIMON. Attomere for BaoatTSS. : Add real! McKay bid.. Pertlaad. Or. IN rmm aanntv aoart at tbe etata ef for Maltnomaa county, in toe matter ex tna aetata of Hyppollte Dntard, deaaaaed. No tice Ie hereby given that the aadertlgned bee by esaelderatioa of tbe a bora entitled court bee? appointed admloletretor wltb the will aaaexed ef tbe aetata af aald deoeaeed, altnate within tbe aUW of Oregon. , All persona laving clalma agalnet the ae fate ef said dacaaaad era hereby notified te praaent tbe name, verified ender oath, wltb the proper vouchers, ba tbe nnderabjnad. 424 vaamoar ai waaww v rum,, .v. Oregon, within six saantba from the date ef xae iirai annucnHon) ei ua wn. J. O. PLANDBR8, Admlatotratai Batata HyppoUta OaUrd, Da, batod'aad cVet pabllabad July s. jood. ROTTCB OP FINAL ACCOUNT ta the county enact er tna aura or ureaoa ror miae mah eoaaty. la tbe matter et tbe aetata of Joba B. Oarrell, deeeeeed. Notice la here by gtvoa that the andoralgaed. admlntatrator ef the aetata ef aeld deaaaaed attuate wltbla the etate of Orogoa, baa filed la aald aoart bla final aoeonnt aa aacb admlnlatrator, and that Friday, tbe fourteenth day ef Septem ber, ISO, at 0:S0 a. m., aaa baaa filed aa tbe time, and tbe eoaaty courtroom aa tbe place, far tbe eettlemoat af each Sceoaat and tbe hearlaa aad detaratlnlng of abee tJaea thareta. PLANDBRB. Adnrinlatrater ef tbe featats Of Joba B. Oar- Datednd flrat pnbUahed July , lOOd. annna la karabv aivea that en tbe nineteenth Oay OX JUiy, iwe, ia.wriiii w"r"r ef PortUad. Oregon, waa duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the flrat meeting ef Ita eredltara will be bald at room 000 Chamber of Commerce nana inn, rortiane, vr,ra, oa the tenth day ef Augeet, ISO, at 10 cctoch a. m., at which time tbe aald credirnre may attend, prove their clalma, appoiat a trustee,, in. tbe nankrnDtn aad traaaaet such other bnainaes aa may properly come before each meeting.- ' Pated, Portlaad, Oragcaj, Jaly IT. If)- Be ferae ta Baakraptcr. PORTLAND, OBBOON, Jaly It, 1SO0 nealed bids will ne receiTeo as iss o.a rrbool clerk, city ball, bp to 11 m. Taeaday, ly 11, 1000, for plumbing aad drainage, etc., for tbe Beat Portland high ecbool balld. lng. Plane and apaciaeatlona for aame caa be seen at tha efnee af the architect. M Baat Third at., elty. All proaoaatn must be accompanied by a eartlfted check for IS per coat ef the a moan t of proaoaal. The erboal beard roearvae the right to reject any aad id en Bide. . . THOMAS . jonae, Arcnneci. MOTICB ef Stockholders" Meeting The anneal meeting er the etocKooiaera oi too emnns E i Una Ion Mining eompany, for the election of a board ef direct oca for the ensuing year. aed for tbe traaaaet loa of each other baeineee ea may regularly cease before them, will ba bald at the ofSce ef the company, rooms 0O1 to sod Chamber of Commerce building. Port. laad. Oregon, oa Aagnat S. ISO, at 1 o'clock n wragon. on f B0LUkK tocratarr Balllvaa Extension , Mining Camyany. Portland. Oracoa, July IT, loot, MOTICB OP SPECIAL STOCKB0LDRR8 MBWT- INO Notice m Barony givea tnna a special meeting af tbe etockholoere of tbe North Pa cific Lam bar company for tba election et a board ef direct ore baa bees ordered by the board ef director,. U be held et the office ef tbe company In tba Wore tar belldmg, la the city of Portland. Oregon, on Satnrday, the tth day of Aagnat, IMS, at 1 o'clock p. av. sad will beee bald. D. MACKAT, Preatdeat. W. a MACKAT, Secretary. Tbe anderajgnad will read re aaolsd bid for a stork of ajMrcbaadlao ef tba Invoice valne ef $14,000 er thereabout, together with flxtarne amotiatlng ta abont ll.XO, located at loae. Morrow eoaaty, Oregon, Bp te 11 O'clock aooa ef August 1. IPOS. A cash deposit of 10 per coat ef the aseoaat bid mnal aeeomneey each after and the light la reeerved ee rejoot any and all hide. Tbe Inventory may be eeea at my effice aad the property may be lnapectad at Datel atPertUad, 0reoe, this 11th say a. sa siairi, pwnaas, NOTICE. MOTICB OP ITOCKROLDBBr MEETING The aanaal meetlnx of the atockbaldera ef tbe Coenr dAkme Develenmeat eompany, tor tbe election ef a board of direct ore for tbe enan h$ year, aad for the transaction of aacb other baa baaaa aa may regularly come before them, will be held at tbe office ef the eenv . pany, ronjna BOl to 004 Chamber of Commerce own., rwtJiN vrvgon, aa Anaoaa a. avtaa, at u e eioca. a, m. eeretarp Coear d'Alena DaraJopaenl Oaa : Poctiaad. Orecoa. Jaly 11. ISO ' MOTICB i raraona baring oooda or Berchandbw etorad with me at my warehouse, 11 North Front at ara hereby .aatlfled that I have laa aad the pram lace ta othera. aad that their property most aa removea witnia ao a aa. All goodo remaining aa the premlaea Sept- I win ba removed aad atored ekaawhara at owner's eapenaa. I thank yoa all for year patraaao ana laa eannaearo repoaea in me. rain aitxEL. '' MEETINO NOTICES. M. W. A.. Oregon Or pa Camp, Mo. S.PTB, Mon aeya. Jita aaa anranaui vmirara welcome. If. W. A. BVBBOBKBN CAMP, Met, ateata Wadneadny eveaia, Alleky bldg., Third aad morriaoa ana. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A monogram watch fob with Initiate C. P. W last avanlnc aa 17tb at., netwean MarahaU and Overton. Suitable reward for retara te Curt la p. Weeeele at Waatara Cnloa effice. Phoae Mala UT. " LOST A eileer watch pad gold ring, veined to aw ear aa aeepeaie; tan la aoaae at eve Sherman at.t latlala oa gnard. Betara to Joaraal affloa. - aeward. BTBATBO at Stolea. from Sylvan. 1 hay aoree, a yaara aia. eoo ponnae weignr; em reward.- Metlfp C. W. . Iteckdale, Sylvan, Orogoa. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED- lot nova far annrontlce te aa America atsamar. Tbay will occupy the poaltloa of patty officer oa board. Moat he Amerteaa bora and aver IS yaara af age. Tbe altera ef engagement shall be three yea re. Wages HO per month flrat year, 190 par . month second year. See per month third year and a boaua at the end et tbe third year ef faso. Par term and enadltlooe apply ta y Homer prtteh. aecretary Steamship Aa elation af Saa Praaataea. 110 Beat street. Sea Franeteoa, Cab SOO TOritO mew for Bremen aad brtkenten . oa lending rallroadet experieace annscfsssryl Bremen get piuo, araaemea anl rapia pra motion te engineer er condactor at doable ' the aalary; poeltiona bow open. Addreea near, est office. National Railway Training Aaa'., TS0 Paxtoa blk., Omaha, Nebraaka, er SU Bldge bldg., Kaaaaa City Mleaourl WANTED Toaaf people te pveaare tbemealvee ' aa bookkeeper and ateuoavapaero; have bad , 041 call nlnee Beptambor 1) placed MS la position. We will place yoa wbea eea- .petent. Day or Bight. Catalogue. Behake- . Walker Boa Ins aa collage. MRN AND WOMEN te lean barber trade ta eight weeks; gradaatee earn .from SIB ba t2S weekly; export Instructor: catalogue free. . Molar Syetem af Celled. M .North Peavtb at., Pertlaad. SALESMEN to Introduce the world's wonder In finite Berbanh'e new etoaeleae plum i Miracle). Cbaica ef territory. Cash weekly, ddree Waablngtoa Maranry earn pany, Top penlah. Waablngtoa. WANTED Toang moa to laara telegraphy and eallimaS UnvinHii,' aalarian XT3.00 ta SSO.00. Pnr free cats loan addraa bforaa College ef Telegraphy, . aoe istb at., u axis no. uai. lltb at., Oakland. WWTrD Twa er three flret else, all-aroand machine men; perm on aat position, good wage. Oregon rural tore Mfg. Co., II aaa dam read. WB aet work at apodal S X t. ta aad TambllL WANTED Bey abont IT. eteady North Front at eoraer Davta. work. WANTED hUttreeamakera, ear. Dart. - - SS North Front, WANTED Men aad teem at Jeaae B Sobs' brickyard, Tbbrty-elxhta and Bandy road; good wages to right part lea. - pln-Baat 1301. WANTED Men for brirkverd. Tertc-Oor - Brick Co., Slat aad TUIaasook ata. Take Irvlnftna ear. . WANTED All-aroand blscksmlth; wage It; , mora If eatlafeetory. Addraea W. P. Scrlvaer, Heppaer, Oregon. AO PINTS wanted to eeB aaperter, . nnreery stock; complete outfit fai high-grade farntahed free: eaah weekly; write todar tor choice of ter ritory. Capital Ctty Maraery Company, Salem, Oregon. WANTED Foundry men who has s little money; - a One chance for the ,rlght Baa. Addraea box D S, care Joaraal. WANTED Par offfce weab. ronag ma. raamna, quick aad ocenrata at Scares. T, car Journal. OOt.lCITOItS waatod for Pel Window Shade Co., MT Salmon at.t steady poaltloa for right party. WANTKD A anod anarblaamaa la farBitare factory. Call 10S North lltb at, WANTED Movtne-plctuT - Bicbtn-oprator will teach yoa tbe boalnaaa; term vary re eoaablet poaltloa aecured; good salary. Mew. ' maa. 16 Sixth at. WANTED Toeng maa art aeodlework: stead t do etanrnlng for tdy poaltloa. good aalary. -A4dre P 0, cere Journal. WANTED Toang aaaa to drive milk wagon , bottle delivery): good wages to good maa. . V. D. Smith's Pars , Milk Pab-y. , Phase Mala odftS. WANTED wood weaver) - Heady- work a good pay. . Apply Peadlatoe Woolca Mlllo, WANTED Maa for brickyard. 11.00 per day. Seventh and Baenell at. Jsma Aaderaoa. WANTED On good eement-lnlsher. rait room 427 Lumber Excbaage, Second and Stark. THE T. M. C. A. caa plsca one boy. IS, ta wholesale arygooa sou, ene notei portce, en fnrnltur packer, one cook, one bandy boaaa man, ene maa aad wife as janitor .Sad cook. Apply thai afternoon. WANTED Energetic 1 trustworthy maa to work la Oregon, representing large ntanarac tirrlng company; eatery MO to 000 par Bioatb, paid weekly) expenee udvaaced. Ad draea with samp, J. H. Moor. Portlaad, nMrSa!omaaansmnm'annnnannsm ann mil HELP WANTED FEMALE. BANHEN-B LADIES' AOENCT, saV4 Wublng. too at. cor. Seventh, apatahs. I'BOO msi Mel. Pamela help wanted. OIRLB WANTED Opart tore bp work ea skirt ana overalls. Loaaon given im inert enoaa. Apply at Standard fectarp Me. , Oroad sre. SAdW Taylor st, HELP WANTEDFEMALE. acpnh1eBnbjnnnha aaaanje WANTED Olrl to mah "Boaa af All" ever. alto al TO Far t. - TBB ROME LADIES' A0ENCT. - Peaulo kelp furnlahed tree to employer, n . i .,-. , t n ri 1614 Poartb at. npatalr. room XS. Mala 5S2. BEND 10 aeat for Beauty Secret formula! ala circular or loo other valuable receipt, i ' Angela Receipt Co., Loe Angslea, CaL 01BUI about IS pears ef age to war ta fae. apply at ance. Amaa ainnnnu Ce Ptfth and Dana eta. WANTED Help, and Columbia. Vaksa Lndry CO., Beeead WOMAN, over M, fatr'odeeatloa, ontno b-ulnea saowMago, must areas aeatiy, te take poaiuoe . at one, sa lowib oiog. WANTED Hoaeekeeper for widower, small family. Addreea X X ear Journal. - . MIDDLE-AOED woman for email housework; . no washing 440 Everett aC GERMAN or Swedish girl for general ho He work, 1M te 126: excellent home, waat old. Mala lieo. . 0)1 RL of 10 or ever. M0 a Bwatb; beaatifal boom; must ae goes eoos. Mala inn WANTED Olrl for general bona work. 180 per month. Addreea 041 Clifton at-, Portland Belgbta. WANTED Kitchen (M at 104-4 North Seventh i., at one. WANTED Waltreea st 104-4 North Baveatb at, at one. , WANTED A rood plan cook, at 180 Fifth at.; prlvat boardlng-bonao. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. RELP waa tad aad applied, male er female. B. . urea, xuoa waaninotoa ax. racina inn. MAN AND WIPE tor work ea antrarbaa born! no cellar n. n so, car eonmai. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. KNOINBBB, S yeere" experience with dredger. wieaea worn any a inn. w in. euro aoarnaL SOBEB, reenectabbf young man want 1 poaf- lion aa anvev xor aanvory wagon; a raw year' experience. A ddree 4M Waehtngton et. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE MIDDLE-AOED woman, eevcral year" expert- once ae matron at large city nopiti at Met er city, desire poaltloa of trust aad re npoailblllty ; exceptional reference. . B a, core Journal. . --- Uinm X.intn l.da wanta noaltlnsi at work, small ramuy. uu at aaee, bbm la ton ave room M. BXPERIENCED woman cook wishes position in rsmp or noraing-Boae;. gooo wage; coantry employer writ. D IS, Journal. WANTED AGENTS. INSURANCE AOENTt AND BROKERS, ATTENTION! Why not blace your health and trident , risks with tba Continental Caeuelty Company er . cm cage, tae largest company in ins world dofnx a strictly health and accident baainemt They alee have collection privllegea ea EIOHTT per cent nf tbe railroad mileage ef t1. 'S.r rbey write1 tha beat contraeta and pay tba highest commies lone. Call on or writ Mallory a Co., manager northwester department. BOS-4 Lnmber Eichaaga bldg., Poctiaad, Oregon- BIO PAT to en agent ta each county working rnr to leveetore' oaio. ui jaarajuam oiog., Portlaad. Oregon. WANTED Agent: eomofbtng new; goad eUr Big wags. , warn mcaay aiog. MAN af good addreae, every city ia Oregon, te take agency Accident inaursnTO Co.. aa.ogg,. 000 capital; large comtntaelona. General Ac cident Co., Mohawk bldg., Portland, Oregon. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. TBB PortUad Employment Co., 90SH Morriaoa at. Fnoea faoio xw. BAMSBM'B EMPLOYMENT OPPICB FOB MEN. M Mortt Second et. Phone Mala ISM. BIO FOUR BMP. AOENCT Bale eanpHad I is north Sacons St. Phone Mala lsis. WANTED TO RENT. Wanted to bbnt Robm. tettsm, fiat. stores, etrices, rnomlag-houaaa, eta. lauM lorde will da wen to call on . - PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OP OREOON. ' Phoae Ex. IX ft. B. Cor. td aad Oak. WANTED Houses, Sate end stores to rent; pareeaal attention given thla department. BEST a VAN FOSP.EN. ' M1H Morriaon at Pacific Mil; 8 CNPUBNI8HED ' room, atrlctly new and , modern, la let or home, within 10 Mocha ef 10th and Washington at. Addreea P T, - rare Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Bnalnee er real dene property la th city la exchange for aood farm land; . caa handle anything from tl.OOO to ttn.ono; w ala have mat axeelleat bay la timber rand greet ng land. - Cull aad ae an;, we . went to get ecraalated wltb you. . . . . , TURNER a WALKER. -v ' " , ' Room 4. BOSH Waablngtoa et. WANTED Lot la exchange for equity la S or 7-room bouee. Phone Baat 1841. WB WILL 1ELL your propel ty, ae matter what It bl ae where located. Bead deacrlptlon now and w will do th rest. Investors' Onlds -Co., til Marquam bldg., Portlaad, Oregon. .. WANTED 10 to 40 acres for ranch; meat be wltbla to mile er reman aaa near trana- portatloB. F IT, ear JoaraaL WANTED Small tract nr ctty; have cash - buyer.. The Continental Co.. Ml lurk at WANTED Small aareege. Bear city, at fell particular. F 14. care Journal. 100 OB more tend la northern Klamath county; state lead preferred. B 10, can Journal. lis 000 IN eacaritlee paying S par cent te ex cbang for Portland realdeno or beelneee property. Lafayette Realty Co., I11H Weeh .ingtoa ft., room 11.. - WANTED On, r more lot la It. Joba; Bill pap eaak, t. Jesraal, WANTED FINANCIAL. BriHTnlun to anaa nn new Conner mine: will give an extra-good opportunity and In ducement, cell IB forenoon Jooee noon Ml Alder at I avaKTBiv ia of 11 Ann an aood farm . mile from Portland; big' aecurity for the money. Addreea 1 a. car cournai. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE WILL BUT. SELL OR TRADE ANT OLD , THINO. WEBTEBN BAUVAUE, w., ear 4 WA1HINOTON. PACIFIC TOt. . WB WILL BUT roar furniture any old 'time. Waatara Salvage Co.. 42T Waablngtoa at - PAINTINO, apraytag and wbltwablng tree. baeeraenta, baraa, baraa, doc ks. etc; largeat gaaolln aeraylng outfit en tbt ylng nutat on tbe coast. M. O. Morgan A Co., 121 Union eve, Phoae Eaat 417. Mala OtOB Mala BOH ITBNITTRS WANTED . : . fob . - -" ' spot cash portland auction booms ' . til First at. - . Mala MSS WHO IS M. O. MORGAN B CO. T HIGHEST cash price paid for eaeoad-baad good. Phone Boat SOTT. 1M Unloa are. wanted T take a nartv aa eamnlng trln a good outfit. B. H. Sbaralgbouaea, B. P. D. No. 1, Ureenam, or. WANTED 1800 for 1 yeers . from Brivat party; houe and lot la St. Johns tor ee " carity. D 10. Joaraal. WIDOW wishes ear ef child; bl. TOO Mleaourl are. i TmnTn-i si.ffarnw mm FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE BICHELIEU. H NORTH SIXTH ST ..Elegantly furnlahed. steem beat aad hatha. TBB GRAND, 4MA North Third at Room for gentlemen per week and an. THE BBNNETT. SSH4 Morriaoa t 1 block rrom rortiana notei, anoer new maaagameat Remodeled and refurnished; nice noroalala baths aad bot -water all the time; roooea by the day, week or month, alngle or ea aalte, at popular prteee. . Pkoa Mala 1885. 11 AND CP Nicely farntahed roam, lot lxtb it, eat. w aaa. otara. raoaa raciac Zbso. FOCB feralabed room, flv mlnut walk te Citofflce. (20. CU Hathaway',. Sixth aad Unoa ata. BEAUTIPULLT raralabed rooma, modera flat; cna. bath: Cheap for tare months. Ml st. THE PALM, 180H Third et., comfortably fur- nnuiea rront ana etaer eatsioe rooma; traa alent and weekly. . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE MITCHELL, PtaBdcra end SeveBtb Boom, boueakeeping aad Jrnaslent; eea venlent; price raasonsbl. LARGE elegantly furnlahed bonaekecplng- room; yea rang, running water, to ia)wna dale. 008 H Alder at 11. M PER WEEK Large, clean furnlahed aoueexaeping-rooma; isnnory aaa tb. 184 Sherman, Booth Portland. 11.00 WEEK UP, elcaa furnlahed bouaekeen. ing-rooma, who 7 . ru. parlor, launary, oatn, furaace heat lOSVi Stanton at V car. 1 FURNISHED booatkaeplng raeaia IS. - SSI aoveath St. THE JBFFERSONIAN. 114 Jcffanoa at. Nlcelr rnrninnau ennea as res av lore rooma with ell eoovenleacee; cheap. FOR RENT S furnished heaeekeepiag room, grooa savor, sa etiiawa ai.; u car. SUITE, .completely farBlabed, gsa rang, 819; central, bee leaauty. 14 North 14th. Pboaa Mala 8178. ... BURNISHED bonoekeeplng rooma er tents t lc ocntioa. Lwm ana tiara camping U rounds. Mount Tabor. Phone Eaat 4128. - UNFURNISHED ROOMS. - NEW S-room flata. til: lngl rooma, 8S. 180 etarxet at. - ataia eeo UPPER floor, 18 noma, new. IPO Market iib one; ROOMS ND BOARD. WELL-FURNISHED room with board; reeson- aoi ratea; nsoqern. eajj atrcreon t FOR RENT HOUSES. 4 POR BENT Modern S room bouee, eouthesst eoraer Mtb aad Eaat Pine; rent 818; thla ie cheap rant; tbe boon I 1 good order. Mall a Toa Borstal, 882 -But Buroald at Phone Baat ISO. KADDBRLT TRANSFER CO., prompt aad re- HBDie piano ano surniiurr-moven; aiea etor ag. Phoae Mala 1W. Offlc 110 M. Third. POR RENT 8-reom cottage. No. iBloth at.. hi!.... Haw BnA In!,.. 1..1. . M A ROOM cottage, centrally Vacated. ekM in. rwiy pereu, good coudltloa, I12.S0. Pboa lid .MODERN cottage, I large recast, is minutes' walk from downtowa. BAOEMANN a BLANCHARD, 01 ntth t. T , - .; ; ton BENT A aeat n-room bona ta Moatavllla. 10. 25 Eddy et. Phone Tabor 4. ' MODERN T-room cottage foe rentrto. dot , Fourth at. Inquire Qeorg W. Cart. IT Third t. n 'FURNISHED HOUSES. PLRNIflHED houe. T rooma. 0 blocks from Portland hotels rant 130. Call. Hathaway' Sixth and Salmon ata. F0RRENT FLATS." 129 10-BOOM upper flat, furnished, er tw flata, suitable for boarding S. P. men or twa me and their wive. Pboa Baat 0068. ' 1 "" t ' HOUSES FOR "RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. . FOR SALE Furaltars of 18. MS Mill St. S-raoBj houe, rent FURNITURE S room at M4 Columbia atl prlc 112S; anapi rant 130. . ..- - -- T-ROOM bouee, furnlahed, M80, tefma- Ml . Birth St. Low rant PTRNITURB ef 4-rooni bona for -as la, 1140 If . 'D'W'WYIM'M t j FOR ' RENT ST6RES-OFFICES. PABT of gbop t nut. saltabls tor aalatar er plaaiber. SOB rear lb St. FOR RSNT TCr3-crr: '4 OFFICB-POOMS, snfurni.ked roo gad saw-'. room lut rsai. wooasamaja o . app re tor. , ' DESK and mom for real, SS a moa'h; fine kxatlon.' b)4T Waohlngtua. Pacific tud. PEHIRABLB store oa Unto are.; rent fiT.40. llartman B Tbompaea, Me, 1 C camber of Commerce. SUMMER RESORTS. LOCKSLET HALL. SEASIDE, OREdON Uader BSW management! conaerte, Mhtna, damhakra, picnic. taaab fr be masta all tralna; 100 elegant oatalde roama; pri. vat hatha; electric llfhts ) annex aeerlooklng- th aaa; enttagea. For rate, raaervatlona, addreae Harry T. Butterworth. Bianagar, or phone Mr. CarUal. fortlaad. Paclao 880. MECANICI'M INN. Beaalde, Oregon Hon d. ' rectly facing ocean; sowar ad apadaaa grounds, electric llghta, eandy beach, borne cooking. Ml B. Da man, prop. Oat eft . at rieeanicum iuob. . . . THE BRITT, family bot at Long Beach. HOTEL SALT AIB, Ccntarrllle elation', accommodatbai. . finest THE PORTLAND. Iradtag botl. North Beach. HOTEL WICKBAM. New ton itatioej excalleat . rulalnc. BUSINESS CHANCES. WRITE ne quick about recant Important Ae. velopmenta of the Hunt Antematl Switch dj Signal Co, 1 buy slock before big edvanee. . J. P. Herat 4 Co., tod McKay bldg. , THE homeeeekers' escuraMn to eeateen Oregm. overland, will leave a boat flrat of July. Call M6H Fourth at., ream 19, for iaforasatlos. 110.000 WILL bey OOxlaS. centrally Iocs tad. income 11100 par yean pay a par cent on SaS.OaOl thla property ebon Id trcbl tm veto , In tbe- at 10 year, being bettor aecurity - than aay bank, aad three time better thaa Inaalng money ee real cerate. Mr. Boned, ' 101114 Stanton, eoraer Commercial. Alblna. WHO IB M. 0. MORGAN CO.t .A. MEAT market for aale cheap; 838 Caloa av., aarth I doing good boaleeee. - FOR SALE Ptne lot nf ehelvbig, all OS part, heap. Phoae Pacific B80T, ' . WANTED A rood mining propositi oa to ta. corporate and Onanre. , J. B. Bailey 4k Cev 431 Lnmber Excbaage. DRUG ffTORE Excellent locatlcn. good baal. reason for celling: will etand Invaetlcatlont fine opening for yoeng moat will eacriflee for 14.400. H. O. Brown Co., MT Wnablng. ton t. Pacific to. - . -) . t rN place yoa In buelnew anywhere la United Statee; big profits, aad a uses salty; email capital raeulrad. Call at wagon, aortbeeat corner Pint aad Washington, week day. BARBERS I weald bay a Shop- If reasonable, B a car Journal. - . BARGAIN Cigar store, billiard-roam. Ice cream .parlor aad restaurant; double building, cheep rent, good location; taking la from 120 to ISO per day; wlU ll for leo thaa coat af Sitae. For particular call ea or addreae W. B. Morehouee, 14T0 Beat lltb - t., or pron Mllwood T4. FOR SALE Halrdreeeiag. manicuring and beauty parlors; a eplendld proposition for a peraoa understanding tha bnslaee. DM, ears Journal. ' MOO WILL bur a restaurs! and lunch counter that I making money even la thla dull aee. - ana: It tables. It s too la, good Bxturee; goad ' laaaa; One location. ' , -BAOEMANN A BLANCHARD, - - (i puth et. CONFECnONERT aad Clgsr atnre, good Iocs tioa. 840 1 laeeetigate. . 8. H. TUlag. tt, - John. BARBER-SHOP FOR SALE cheap If take at once. Apply to ewaer. MB Pint t. , im SHARES ta an eld established who lea ) . bualneae at par vaine or piuu per aaare; wit thla stock a eoed Boattloa caa be had for buatnae man. Call at 10TH Third at - PARTNER WANTED br S maa thorougblr posted la the maaufacfure ef wood alcohol, wltb equipment ready to aet ap. Call 107 Third et. . ......... SAWMILL FOR SALE 4.000 capacity, 4 Ono.flra) - feet green timber; good local rrsoe. Lau isi Morrieea at - . . . ton SALE OR EXCHANOB Oroeery tor ta. lire raiiey town or xooo popnutioB. Adarcaa P 8, cere Journal. FOR SALE Hotel and feed barn In thriving town la central Oregon; railroad new banding to th town. Addreea B S, ear JoaraaL SAWMILL for aale, 20.000 capacity, first -els a order, running and paying ; plenty of Bond timber. For particulate cell 1177 Raw. thorn av. or addreae Sawmill, La to valla Palla, Orefoa. ... WANTED At one, a capable new ape per maa for half Interest la beet country proposition In northwest; anaet have 11.000 to 82000 and be a worker, with boom editorial ability. Addreea B 0, JoaraaL O.MALL grocery tor aale, stack aad future. . alaa furniture of 1 living name for sale cheap. 178 Wheeler t. . n . BU1INES1 CHANCE 18 000 Hardware baetaeesi alee dec gterk -In thriving valley town: annnal aalea . will , rua about Stn.ooO; would trade for a good farm or Portland property. What caa yoa effwt Principal only. Tell what yoa bars nd price In your nwr. F M, Journal. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATET 1100 MODERN Snom borne; ga. bath, basement, etc, One neighborhood, eeap walk' isg diets nc. wet side. BAOEMANN A BLANCBABD, ' SI Fifth at , POR BALE Oood T-eoom bona wilt I Of B lot, 1228 Esst Mala. . . . FOB SALE. .. Oood. lot ar Hawthorn are. sad 4M St., MOO; 810 down, 810 per month. BccMcl-& Kcras Ml Baat Morriaoa at. BUSINESS lot ea Union av., very central, only M.T00. Inquire at MO East Washing ton tt. it REAGB on the penlnenla near the St. Johns ?..! ' several fine tracte for Bale by Bamael Waldoa. 14BVt Third at. - - . P0B HOMESEEKERS 81,4)01 lovsly lot wltb Bice fruit tree and ale 8-room cotug. Eaat lunnyslde; isno eaah. balanc Ilk rent; d not mis tbla , . II yon wsut a ale bom at bargain price. P. PUCHS, Ml 14 Morriaoa t WEST SIDE CORNER . - 81.400 Corner lot 84x100 With S modera bomee, which wlU bring la aa Income of SJaioBtb; eloee In; tbls surely will sol HAQBMANN BLANCBABD, Si Pitta t. ' , BARGAIN, choice level land, eul table for line of new euburbaa electric . Batcbalor. 804 McKar bids. Ta acre putting, en road. P. M eieciria - : bldg rtk Ice byl fi- go with f ,0teao?i'i?7' .er" " Eatcda, -alc the place; price ixooa , 7 evil?. w7V. "slrp farm Is Chirk Z?? wi!n,nf,en: IM acre in eultictlon. putni, 60 sere timber, balanc hoil! .TT Mltabl for s etork Naga, wmT 1 1000. rn TI acres cleared, for ..' H. U BROWtriNO RlAtTT CO.. . ll Morriaoa t. .. r0?h!rAni;lt.,,t , fo e"" saei 4-mow ?r;s TO.'w.i! - -Mi4Jl,. . o. w. . ar. USlP0 1NTE8TMRNT -side bridT. Sirr lort tTrrm T Sid brldx Ringing grwl Incom er term. r. FLCHB. Mm w . 1 IK 'OB BALB BT . ... Bncbtd El Kcnis ' Tw MaaAam? ll orsaa st: ----- - Meem lu h Fir la ad) easy terms. r:9M. hon... nmdM - HiSxlfLJ fssilllae.' . bagemann a planchabd, , 'JSl-Ut 80,100. 12d and Cllatoa. WIIJ, buy ince monthl, 'a.'""1' 7 payment bef- st, am ItMk, " Put 1 'l "I 3 T '' 1 - 4 ;;.T 1 2 -a-rTTt. , "a .