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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1906)
t:::: 'ciJlicori daily jounriAL.' rcr.TLAiiD. Saturday evening,' july 23, i:ci "V- Cur Grc:nc!33 Arc FZ '1 . ' LmIILULs : .KJU -UU U tJI I.XHOSAH FffllS IJILL DE PLAYED TODAY Oregon Ctats Tournament Has Simmered Down to the Last i . Day's Matches. ; C03 ANCELLINGER- ARE ON THE SCHEDULE Goaa Beat Afar and Dan Had a Hard Run With Fenton Mlsa Joaephi Defeated Mlaa Leadbettcr In the Ladies' ' Consolations. - TTlth the completion of yeaterday'e taenia at the Multnomah club eourta five matches remained to te played In tha five eventa for tha Oregon Cham- , plonshtp. Tha five matches left - over for today are tha ftnala In three events '" and tha challenge round In two. ' In tha three unfinished eventa there will be no challenge match. Therefore each - round today will decide a championship, barring of course, tha consolation " matches.-' . i- By defeating- Agar and MeAlpIn in ' btralght aata Goaa and Lewis won the rlaht ta meet Bellinger ana wicser ' sham ta tha challenge matoh for poa- session of tha doublea cud. This con ' . test Is scheduled for 1 p. m. and will . undoubtedly take the better part of two . boars and, will be the Swiftest doubles contest tit the tourney. , Miss Robertson and. Mies Booth mat In the finals of the ladles' singles ana Vies Booth went down to defeat in , straight seta. Miss Robert eon playa the challenge match against Miss Hetienu ', at I o'clock this afternoon and tha battle ahniiM . ha one worth seeing. ' tinea an1 Bellinger reached tha flnala la tha men's singles: Ooss, by defeating Armr and Bellinger ' disposing of Fenton.; Agar waa "all In" and Ooee dtd not have to extend himself to win m i naint. He Blared listlessly In '.' tha third set and allowed his opponent to annex It. Bellinger won from ronton In straight aete. the Strokes- of the younger player being a trifle too alow --v- for the fast net work of Belllnger.Tbe t latter played la hla beat form and should crowd Ooss closely In the' finale, which are acheduled for S o'clock p. m. Mlaa Heltshu and R. Wilder, who ware picked to take tha mixed doublea, want down to defeat before Ooaa and Miss Weldlsr. -The winners must beat Wlckershsm and Mlaa Robertson to cap ture tha event. ' ' ' ' .v- . -j Tha contestants In ths-Tlaarround of tha ladlee doubles are Miss Wsldler and Mlsa Morrison against Miss " ' Heltshu and Miss Joseph. , . ... Tostsrdaye suaaatte. i - Men'e alngles Ooss beat Agar, e-1. , 4-1. -l; Bellinger beat Fenton. 1-1. ;'. dj.$ $ ' ' ' r1 Men'a dotiblee Ooe and t-ewla boat MeAlpIn and Agar. 1-1. - . Ladles singles MUb Robertson beat -' Miss Booth. 1-4. 1-1. " lM A Mixed doublea MlseWeldler and . ooaa beat Mlaa HelUhu and Wilder, a-i a-. Man's consolation MeAlpIn beat Saw yer, e-ss Moaipln beat Shivers. "Ladles consolation Mlaa Joaephi - beat Mlsa Xaadbetter, 1-1. YESTERDAY'S RACING AT BRIGHTON BEACH (Jearsal Special Berries.) : New York. July 1 . Brighton Beach Summary l '.' : Five and a half furlongs Botanist won. Touranna second, JCddl Wars third; time. 1:07. - ' Six furlongs, eelllng Woodaaw won, A sells, second. Robin Hood third; Urns, 1:11. ... - Mile Kot Toddy won. WBHtTiav ' end, First Premium third; time, 1:40. Mile and a furlong Red Friar won, Belle of request second. Lotus Eater third; time. 1:11 1-i. - Mile and a quarter, selling Tyroa MULTI-MILLIONAIRE LICENSED AS ATLANTIC- CITY BUS DRIVER This Is (ha bis nickel badge No. 14 ; which permits Alfred O. Vanderbllt-tol . drtva his coach Ventura from tha Wlnd . aor hotel In Atlantlo City to tha horse . .- ahow grounds, Tha license of which y this badge la tha sign and symbol cost Mrr- Vanderbtlt-ill and. permits either him or Ws manager, C. H. Wilson, to M drive tha coach over tha routs for one i V . Mr. Vanderbllt refused to permit the mauajltmaat af the horse ehow, to pajr Pictures r show three participants . fat ' the Olidden tour. . The picture ' in the lower left hand corner' show! v C J. Gliddcn, donor of the trophy, - and R. H. Johnson j central picture . ahowa Percy Pierce, holder of the - trophy,' and in the upper right hand - corner la Webb Jay and Aufuitua Post, In the car which. was burned., vwuiiiiuiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii won, Bmbarrassmant second, Little Scout third; time. I:0 1-i. - Five and a ' half furlongs Bartngo won, - Revenue ' second, Sphinx third; tlma. l:0ll-t..? . :' RUNNING RACES AT : ' SEATTLE MEADOWS (apedsl Dtosataa ts'Tbe SoersaL) " Seattle, July 18. At the Meadows: Five furlongs Contestrlx won. Water Wagon seoond. Wheats tone third; time, Flva furlongs Ban Lado won. - Peli- groso second. Mrs. Matthews third; time, i:ei. . .- . .. Slx fnMenge gnawatiter . wen, FaOdy-l Lynoh - seoond, . Carrlck third; time. Six furlongs Meringue won, Bell Reed seoond. Anona third; time.' 1:11. MUe and a sixteenth Flaunt won. Old Mike second, Larlda' third; time, l:4Ttt. - Mile Hot won, Byron Roaa aeoond, Mobtana Peeress third; time, 1:40 H. NATIONAL LEAGUE. '.i .. - Won. ' Lost, ft : 10 PC. .Il .061 Chicago . . .......... v.(0 f ittsburg . . New Tork . .......... Phlladelnhuv 41: .040 (lncinnau .411 Brooklyn . St. Louia , Boston . . .40 "ISO .141 '. At Brooklyn. ' ' .......... R.R. K. St Loula 1 Brooklyn . . s IV a Batteries Brown and Oradv: Strlck- lett. Seanlonv and Bare-en UmDlres onway and Carpenter. At Stostom. ' : R.R. E. Chleaga. 11 0 Boston . . 1 4 1 Batteries Pfeieter and Moran: Wlth- erup and Needham. Umpire O Day. i rWladalpkla. ; ' R.H. H. PltUbar ....10 11 1 Philadelphia ,. 1 14 Batterlea Lelfleld and Phelpa; Luah and Doran, Umpire Klem. . At VewTock. -, R. H. B. Clnetnnatt vA.... i.e 14 Uw-Tork r. f 'II - Batteries Wslmer and Schlet; Wlltse and Bresnahan, Umplrea Johnstone and Km alia. fiafatied took Oasossd Allan Lewis' Bast Brand, ; Snapshot ; " " . '" of ; Alfred 0. '.Vanderbllt : 'C Drlvlnf. . : the ;' Four-Horse ' Coach Venture, and ' Big Nickel License Badge v Which'.' ""'"Cost the Millionaire - Bus Driver' Twelve Dollars. for hla badge because ha wanted to keep If. Ha did not think enough of It however, to wear It outside on his eoat where tha other lloeneed "hue drivers wear theirs. When he drives tha Ventura out to the grounds the nickel badge ls..con aealed carefully-beneath hla coat. The badge la a trifle too large to be need ss a mere ornament but when worn on tha waistcoat It Is easily ae eeisibls and at tha same time serves ad mlrabl a a brsaatnlata, e It ..IS ..It 10 r CLIDDEN AUTO TbUR ENDS TODAY. , .' v f n1 i Tr POSTLO JUillORS I'lil , FR07.1 VAKCOUVER : In Juniors Event on Opening Day ; of Regatta Coach Murphy's v Boys Are .Victorious. v "(Rpeclel Dlepetck to The JaraaMi -Nelson, B. C July II. Tha fifteenth annual regatta of the -North Paciflo As eeelatlea ef Amsteus Osrsmen ..opened here yeaterday under bright auspices. The Portland Rowing club's Junior crew won the junior event from Vancouver by - nearly two lengtha In tha time of 1:41 M. Sawyers of Vancouver de feated Harley of Portland in the single sculls svent Ths senior races will be held today. ... - - . " At tha annual meeting of the associa tion It was decided to establish a per manent rowing course At Seattle. The new officer elected are: Ralph W. Wil bur, Portland, president; D. O'Bullivan. Victoria, vice-president; H. W. Kent Vancouver., secretary-treasurer. , . AMERICAN LEAGUE. Philadelphia New Tork . Cleveland . Detroit , . . Chicago . . 6L Louis .. TV MWIIIUatUU , Boeton . . At Vt SMla. St Louis Boston . . ., ..0 ............. .1 Batteries Powell and O'Connor; Dl- nssn ana Jkxmorusisr, A Chicago. It. R. K. Chlca CO . . I T 1 Washington I l l Batteries Patterson and Sullivan; Falkenborg and Heydon. Question? How About This? I-Will theTrunkmaiers play tha same men In tha Bohlller game that they played - on July. I. according to chal lenge? . i . - ; . - Answer Tes. , , - But how about tha SchllleraT Wilt they play the same men they played against tha Maroons on July It Answer Ringers. A present of 11 will be given to Man ager Gardner of the SchlUera If he will show tha Trunkmakera where Smith played In the outfield against tha Ma roons on July 1. . - , " C A. PARTLOW, " .'Manager Trunkmakera. MOORES REPORTS ON SCHOOLS OF MARION (tpeelal OiepaM te The loerael.) Salem, July II. County School Super intendent Moorea has completed hla an nual report, which oontalns soma Inter esting data eonoernlng- the achoola of tha county. The report showa there are 10,114 persona of ochool age. In 'the county; that there are 111 teachers em ployed, 41 malea and 179 females, and that the average wagea for male teach ers Is 161.01 and for females 140.11; that there are lit organised districts and the number of legal voters 'for school purposes Is 11.111, and ths num ber of places where the "young Idea Is taught how to shoot" Is 111. seven of which hsve beej, built during the year, and all of which have been visited dur ing tha year by tha county aohool super intendent. Ths disbursements have been 1111,947.45 and the amount ap propriated 1171,717.74, leaving a bal ance of 120.150.1. . T0N0PAH MINERS VOTE U-itT0 GO. OUT, ON STRIKE flearaal lpeei.1 BervteO Tonopah. Nev., July 11. A miners' strike will undoubtedly be declared, aa tha . miners, by an almost unanimous vota declared In favor of an eight-hour day. - A demand will be submitted to Frank A. Keith, general manager of the Tonopah Mining company today. If It la not granted, a atrlka will be declared August 1. If nscessary tha Qoldfteld minora have promised to ro out In sym pathy and also those Of Manhattan and Bullfrog. Nina hundred men voted. 100 for and 100 agalnet the eight-hour dayt The vota was then 'made unanimous. . Twenty Teat Battle. , . "I was a loser In a twsnty-ysar battle with chronic piles and malignant sores, until I tried Bucklen's Amirs Salve; which turned tbs tide, by curing both, till not a trace remains,'' writes A. M. Brues of Farmvllle, Vs. Best for old Ulosrs, Cuts, Bums and Wound lis at j. O. gkldmore G OtumUU. , . Won. Lost P C. . .......61 . 13 -.119 tl II .011 .41 , 14 .68S 45 . 40 .129 .44 41 : .629 .....40 44 .470 .....n m - R. n. X i 0 e GLIDDEN AUTO TOUR - . r CAME TO END TODAY .- (learaal .seele Bervtes.! - Rangelsy Lakes, July It. Ths famous Olidden automobile tour after a 1.400 mile run came , to. an. end at Bretton-wooda,- New Hampshire, todsy. Ths promoters of tha tour declare it a decided auocess. .- . . SPORTING GOSSIP. At Arista hall Uat evening Harold Simmons defeated E. N. Davis of Beat tie In a catch-ascatch-can wrestling bout. by winning ths second and third lenged Simmons for. another, match for 1500. . .. .. . ..- i- e . . ... Portland's exhibition yeaterday on tha diamond was poor indeed. . Seattle -had no right .to win the gams under the conditions. Lister- certainly put up a rank game of baseball. - . r . .; ; ..-a r,e . '. - Manager Brown of the rays Harbor team resigned hla. position yesterday. -." -. e . - ,. i - ' Umpire Owens, who has been having considerable trouble . with the baseball fens st Minneapolis, is 1 accuaed' of atandlng In with gamblers In batting on games where he officiates. There's nothing Ilka a clnck on a sura thing. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. At Spokane. -' i V"- .' ' ' - R. H. K. Bpoksne ..,....0001101 4 10 1 Butte 10110010 1 tit. 1 Batteries Hoon and Swindells; Bam' nela and Sueaa. te He eS Tacoma ...... ..1000000001 0 1 Grays Harbor. . .0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Batterlea Doyle and Shea; Goodwin and Hurley. Umpire Turner. : PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. - - i TTon. Lost P Portland .. .......... .t& it .4 San Francisco . .......til It I c, .051 Jot 140 Los Angsles . 40 10 .tis eeaiua . Oskland Fresno - It (I 11 .400 ..404 .171 .10 .11 ontario .delegates . to boise Congress (OpeeUl Swpeteh te Tss lesvsaL) Ontario, Or., July II. -At a meeting of the chamber of commerce of Ontario, held at tha city council room. Thursday evening. President J. 8. Barrett presid ing, tha matter of proper representation and participation In the exhibit ,at the national Irrigation oongreaa waa brought up. - - Tha - chamber of commerce also pledged S0O to aid In securing tha beat possibls display of frulta, sugar beets and cereals. . As a further Inducement to encourags tha Malheur county farmers to compets In -the-sugar beet contest and develop beet raising ' In this' county. President J. R. Blookaby of the Bank of Ontario haa- offered 1 25 as a premium' to tha farmer of this county 'making tha beet display of augar beets at the oongress. Hon, . Fred J. Klessl or ugaen. utan, waa present anoLaddresssd tha meeting. Mr.- Klesel was tendered a rote ef thanks and made an honorary member of the- organisation. . President Barrett of tha chamber af commerce haa appointed J. R. Blockaby and Dr. .O. A. Pogus delegates to the national Irrigation congress and Mayor Lockey haa appointed aa delegatea to represent the - city - of Ontario: E. H. Test C. E. Kenyon, William Morfltt A. N. Sollss and Dr. J. Prlnslng. Seymour H. Bell of this city Is slso a delegate. LINN COUNT WOMEN HARVESTING GRAIN (ftpeclal Dlepatek te The lesrnal.) Albany. Or.. July II. With tha sturdy spirit of thslr pioneer forefather; the farmers' wlvss or Lmn county ao not sit Idly by with folded hands whits ths scorching sua wieners ana sins us standing grain, to harvest which It Is Impossible to get farmhands on account of tha scarcity of men, but donning sun bonnets and old dresses have marched forth to ths fields determines to con quer all difficulties. Side by aide with their huabanda and fathers, tha un daunted women are alavlng In the wheat fields and are putting up tha grain with almoat the same dlapatch of a trained crew of harvest, bands. - 'mm Cross tot Bernhardt. ' ' . - (Jsnrul Special gervlee.t Paris, July 11. Sarah Bernhardt waa again rejected aa a nominee for the Legion of Honor ysstsrday, despite ths Insistence " of the minister ' Of public Instruction and .worship, - ' LISTER TOSSED THE GMJE AWAY . Henderson Allowed . but Three Hits. Yet the Siwashes . 'Won Out. LOCAL FIRST-S ACKER ; WAS OFF HIS BASE Garvin Waa in Good Trim and Scat tered the Seres Hlta Out .Through , Nine ' Innings McLean and Don- "ahue Hit the BalL':'-:'i":-i''v ... ."..-.r . 1 1 - i . ': ... Seattle 1, Portland 1. Batteries Oarvln and Henderson and Donahue, Blsnksnshlp, It came to pass yesterday that tha Giants saw fit to present the Seattle team with a game. It wss handed to the visitors In ths boldest possible fash ion by Psts Lister. Of course It might have been a good scheme to let Seattle win every once In awhile, but the fans didn't see It that wsy. Henderson wss In the box for the locals and the clever twtrler pitched a splendid game, holding the visitors down to three safe hit Henderson started out In great ahape and didn't allow s hit In ths first four Innings, The trouble stsrted end snded In tha fifth Inning. Householder was given life through Liatsr's stupidity. In stead of covering tha bag himself he tossed the ball to Henderson, who wss rushing to first Householder collided with Lister and both went down, the Portland man getting tha wind knocked out' of him. Eddie waa ssfe on the base and also physically. On Strelb's sacrifice Lister threw the ball over to tha Forestry building, letting Eddie trot across ths rubber. Mitt scored Strelb by a pretty drive to" center. Smith got on through a fielder's choloe and Iebell chased him home with a double over second. This ended the scoring for Se attle and It proved to be sufficient for a victory. , - Portland scored her only run In the third Inning on McHsle's baas on balls, hla stolen base and Croll'a error, that let Jimmy home. The rest of ths game proved a blank to the locals through flanrin'a gnnA nltrftlng. Tht contest wcKea intersex, ana snap. score. PORTLAND. A R W M WV a HI McHnle, ef. I 1 01 0 0 Dwner, ss. .... a Mitchell, If. , 4 McCredle, rf. ........ 4 Smith, 3b. 4 McLean, lb. ......... 4 Donohue, c , 4 Lister, lb. 4 Henderson, p. , 4 1 0 e o o VI .1 o i Totals ...... ...14 1 SEATTLE. - 7 17 11 4 AB. R. H. PO. A, K. 4 Van Buren, ct Blankenshlp, o. ...... Householder, rf. ..... BtreiD, id. Mott, D. ....... nmitn. ir. Iebell, ss. Garvin, p. 1 't Totala . ...... .....17 1 1 17 10 v SCQRBI BT INNINGS. Portland . . ..,', 0 0 1 0 0 I Hlta 0 1 0 I 1 1 0 1 17 Seattle ....0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 mts S0O9I001 SUMMARY.' ' Struck out By Henderson, T; by Oar vln, o. Bases on balls Off Henderson, I: off Oarvln. 1. Two-base hlta Mo- Lean, IabelL Donohue. Double plays Mciean to sweeney to leister; Hender son to Lister. Sacrifice hits Strelb, Bmlth, McHsle. Stolen bases McHale, Bweeney, iononue. first Dase on or rors Portlsnd. 1; Seattle. 1. . Left on bases Portland. I; Seattle,, I. Time of game one hour and so minutes, um plre ARTICLES FILED BY PORTLAND COMPANIES (RpetUI Dtepeteh te The XnoraeL) Salem, Or., July 1$. Articles of In corporation wera filed in the office of the secretary of atate as follows: Bank of Seaslds; Incorporators, W. S. Hennlnger, F. A. Hennlngsr and A, H. Wilson) capital atock, f 25.000. First Baptist church af Klamath Falls: trustees. Robert Casev. CI R DeLap, B. 8, Grigsby anl J. R. Horning. Table Rock Lumber company of Port land; Incorporators, Dan J. Finn and L. J. Kemp; capital, 15.000. Oregon dt Washington Lumber Manu facturers association of Portland; In corporators, Harrison O. Piatt" E. - J. Sheek and George J. Perkins; capital atock. 11,000. ' PACKERS TO BUILD ' FACTORY IN SPOKANE (Rpeetal Dispatch te Ths Joarnsl.l Spokane, Wash., July II. Four big Chicago packing houses are negotiating for a site near tbla city on which to build the largest box factory In tha world. It la said that an agent waa re cently ' In tha city looking over 'the ground, and that a local man haa been authorised to make the purchase. X Wanted at Albany. (Jeersil BpeetU Service.) Pasadena, Cat. July II. Frank Hart- welt who la wanted at Albany, Oregon, to answsr a charge of smbessllng 1600 from Foshay Mason, merchants, four months ago and also on charges of for gery snd passing bad checks in Seattle, Washington, and Salem, Oregon, wss ar- re. ted-tn- day. The arrest waa made by Detective Copping, who recognised Hsrtwell. from description given In a circular. Get .beck your strength. energy-, ambttjon, by using bASSCTTS NATIVE HERBS. Costs only tl fca- three months' treatment back If re. Also Dniggista' boxes It sot. Herat Co, :i:Viia--7 f I doasa'l c I I 23c bun. A f I (in black I i sat sm rau f - V We Uiil IN A LUCRATIVE POSITION . WHEN COMPETENT". Below are a few of tha plaoeo where ear puptle are employed: Q. A. JOHNSON..,. Flelschner. - Mayer CO. ANNA LAUTENSCHLAOER.,.,...', Kllbam Stationery Co. JAMES COATBi. , Oregon Auto Despatch Co, GRACE COLE .Revere Rubber Co. FRANK BATES..,..,.....' .......,.. .Oregon Savings Bank H. L. FRANK ...Oregon Savings Bank ADOLPH SCHULZ.. .Oregon avings Bank 8ETH LEAVENS..... .Tull Olbbs JOANNA PrAFF... ............. .V. ....TuU 4V Olbba ' MM. W. MARKHAM Ml l n J AVDnnmAciOs tti4itiesiftfsttii4ii tai aaw" r atia BESSIE KERN. ,tlf ,.sii. .... ., ,,Blake-McFall Co. WALTER JOHNSON. . . ..... ..... ....... Calef Bros. W, J. MARTIN. . f ,.-,,,...-....-.....,.' Carnegie- Steel Co. STELLA BURGER......... .................v. ......... .Oregon Journal ' : rr :.-:r-rj .",V'.'V- A'.-''- -''l ;,.,;:;'.0 44- Dehnlic-WaHicr v-v...-.: . ELKS' v BUILDING,. :; l.s r BRITISH BOYS IM CIGARETTES American ' Tobacco .Products Boycotted by Fifty Thousand Youths In England. POISONOUS DRUGS USED IN TRUST MANUFACTURE Warea Adulterated With Opium and Chloral Men Hired to Pick Up Stuba in Streets Which Are Re- 1 made Into Cigarette and Sold. . (Journal Knecla! Baiiltfa.1 . - London, July II. American cigarettes In England have called forth almoat as much condemnstion aa American canned goods.. . Before a select committee of the houss of lords recently Edward Para Gaston, an American, who la London manager of tha publishing firm ef Funk at W agnails, msde statements concern Oil The offfclsjnh4T3ttnerli!au tobacco that have- caused no and of comment on thla aide. Natur ally, tha agenta of American tobacco companies have coma out with whole sale denials. In order to ascertain the facta of the matter tha writer haa ob tained from Mr. Oaaton some first-hand Information on the subject. - 'Ta giving my . testimony before the houss of lords." said Mr.. Gaston, "I was csreful only to make auch asser tions aa I knsw could be corroborated. I knew well the character of the people I waa fighting; and that they would be glad to take advantage of -any errors I might make. Fighting cagarettea. "In the first place,' continued . the speaker, "I might mention that the or ganisation with which I am connected for fighting cigarettes, and tha Amerl can clgarstta In particular, la one of the strongest of Its kind In - England. To give you aa Idea of Its make-up ws have on our advisory board Major-Gen eral Baden Powell, who la chairman of tha board; Hon. Winston Churchill. M. P.I Dr. T. J. Macnamara, M. P.; Pro fessor Sims Woodhead. the Blahop of RlpOn, Archdeacon Sinclair' and others who are Internationally known.' 'How long have you been In exlstenv aa tna international . Anti-cigarette learuer" was asked. "Our active operations have extended over flva years now; and to sum up the story of our efforts In a nutshell I must tell you that wa have enrolled en our hooka 10.000 British boys who have pledged themselves not to use dgarettee in any form, and that number la lncreas lag dallv." "Did yon meet with mnch opposition In forming your league, or carrying but your propaganda r , Axaartsaa Oooda tmpmre. 'At first we hsd to overcome tha uaual difficulties of all new movements. but It wss not long before wo had our organisation working. Tha American tobacco people, who were chiefly af fected, denied that their warea wars adulterated as we claimed -that they were. We met theaa ehargs by produc ing expert analyses, ahowlng that Amer ican cigarettes did contain opium. chloral and other impurities. It wss denlsd also that the American tobaoco manufacturers employed Italians to pick up filthy tobacco which had bean thrown away on ths . streets, and which was. naturally, full of all aorta of germs and other Impurities. Wa wera able to prove these charges, also; and oar efforts were rewarded not only by being able to en roll 10.000 boys under our banner, but to seriously affect the sale of American cigarettes In England." 'But are not the English . manufac tured elgarettea quite aa bad as ths American brands?" I asked. . Worse Than tha BagUsh. "Decldedly not" was the prompt re sponse. "I am an American myaslf. and have had tha opportunity of personally Investigating both sides of ths subjects. Ths American cigarettes are far more Impure, far ' more dirty and unwhole some than the English ones.. Of course, boys who -enroll with bur organisation pledge themselves to forego the use of tobacco altogether: and. of course, we are equally against either American or British tobacco; ' tha - difference being that tha American kinds are much more Injurious to health.". . s .. What have been the concrete results of your efforts against American - to baoco In England have yon been able to make your work tell In a tangible manner f waa the next queation. I - T shrmld say wa-had L was the reply. "Only the other day I made a tour of number of tobaccomat shops m my neighborhood Fleet street and WhHe frlars. A few'yeare ago I had found that every tobacconist In this district- where lota of boys are employed had a fair Jot of Juvenile customers. , . Driving eiooda Out. "I wsa pleased to note that since my last tour of Investigation, with, refer ence to noxious American cigarettes, I found that tha sale of the worst spec! mena of transatlantic manufacture had practically ceased." "What about tha aala ef British cigar ettes Is It on the increase T" I Inquired. There is a targe sais or tne rive-a- penny tie) British elgarettea in this country; nor are thee free from In jurious qualities by any means. Ths British cigarette la only a little less impure .than tha American. When the Chicago meat scandals startled this country with tha sense ef a grave m Ffcsc Yc y ....National Biscuit Co, Business CcIIec HE eollccti ra wisJuei and the whole eojajsnenl el this Company are at year acrwee hi me boss . afemcnt snd cars of your (estate, of whatsoever k taty consist. . . v ; Yoa auy (ed at perfect Chert? to coMuh at at am hei'V 7 ( " Your valuaMe nsnen. sarh ss wuV deeds, ntortgagei, etc, wtB be carefully icred ia eur wailo, subject. sKKtura or axsnananon at any lima. J i. We locene depone) eubject to checJ or on tune, paying current nteaest thevooa, . -,': - Csl or wrist for our free pamphlet setting forth the aaope of our I (Trust (Tomtmnq - , 24rMEaan.9x PcsrrLArto.Onc. rtqCAhULlfPc 'til PORTLAND ACAMiY r C Pcxrtland Oregon Utk TBAJl WZZA OFBSf Fits boys and glrla for Eastern and Western colleges. ' Includes a primary and grammar school. . .. t. .... . Boarding hall for glrla nfTording the comforts and care of a refined home. . Offlce hours during the Summer front a. nv to II aa. . For catalogue write te the . eddr given above. MILITARY ACADEEIY ' A Boarding and Day School for Boya, Manual Trainlne?. Military DlsclDllne. College Preparation. Boys of any age admitted at any time, Write for Illus trated Catalogue, . - - . ' , Dr. J. W. HILL, Prop, and Principal rail term will open oepi. is. ijiv. . NBTum, osboo. RATES For S3 Days Only 11.00, Gold Crowns......'.., 11.00 Gold Crowns 110.00 Plates 111.00 Plates rulings, up from. Work uaraateed. Boston Dental Pcrlcrs StlM SCanrlaoa at, Opp. . O. aesl Kr, It was shortly discovered that these anda also wsra badly In need of a clesn-ap of their slaughter-houses, cbsap meai stalls, and jam factories. It Is quits possibls that tha British- made . cigarette needs Investigation. While Britlah manufacturers have not reached tha depths of offense la drug. ging their products that Amerioana hsve. there la po doubt that irreparable dam age la being dona to Britlah youtha by -the- "home producte.'" "What la . parliament doing In the matter T" I asked. . 'An Investigation Is now being con ducted by ths houss of lords regsrdlng Juvenile smoking with a special -view to tha Iniquity of the cheap American cigarette. When this meooure known ' Lord Reas bill cornea before ths houses of parliament strenuous sfforts will be made to get members Intsrsstsd In forwarding general legislation against. Juvenile smoking. , Ths antl-elgarette movement Is not a fad by any mean, or the fanciful dream of social sgitar tore. Tha cigarette peril la a growing menace to tha beat Interests of ths na tion, affecting Increasingly sil aes." 1 L -J nroxozsnosi With Its companions, heartburn. f-. . lenoe, torpidity of the liver, earn tlon, palpitation of ths heart, poor t . , headache and otner nervous syi"" s sallow skin. foul ton sue, c . breath and a lagtoa of otner sllu- -. t at ones the most wtdeepreed e . -structlve malady among the A TV. ir.rhlne t rM I m- t curs sll Ihees troubles. I 'o bo, j, I by Woods rd. ciarse i c Hill !5.H 3.50 5.00 T.6O ..Sftd