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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1906)
Tim OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTEAND. SATURDAY EVENING; ' JULY 3, 1SC3. PEACE DELEGATES FEASTED IN ., ,. g HISTORIC WESTMINSTER HALL r I " .-'1 ,K ' i; , ' ' ,,, -:. V ', J 'J '4 1 ' 1 f . . 'j : ' - $ ; .1 '.tv " t.?. -i vi. - J.-.'-'-V.-V f v'i'i V;.""- . : V-: Westminster Halt : j - ,'.' ' v ""f ' - ,v - i (Jamal Ipwtal Bn-rta.) t K t lndan. July !. Hiiorio Wt ; nlMUr hall haa bam tha aoana of (rand banquat provided-Xor , tha delo . rta to tha InterparlUunentarjr confar- nea.- Tha chief objeeu of tha confar ;. ence the fourteenth In tha aertaa wera .'. tha advancament of arbitration and tha ' Improvement of International relatlona. W. J. Bryan waa aae of tba . central - tlyiirea la tha conference.. . ... . . Thera eould be no batter place for ' feaat that baa for lta object -the pro- notion of International food fellowahlp i ; than Weatmlnater hall with Ha many . caatuiiea of hlatorlo aaaocUtlona. , The - orlainaJ hair waa built by WUllam II, ' ueceaaor to William tha Conquerer. la 19IT. Tha red kin . celebrated . hli Chrtatmaa tbara two years later. . Many banqueta were aifbaequently lell thera, notably one on New Year'a " day, ltl, when Henry III feasted l.OOt ' poor people there. In there was a - arreat fire at tha palace which nearly de atmyed the Immense hall. It was re- bollt by Richard II, who added to It tha present roof which Is said (by patrlotle Enclisbmen) - to be unequaled In the world for oViglnallty, , of conception, scientifio cone t ruction and beauty --of affect. Tha first erst pubUo sot which took place within lta new walls waa, by S etrance fatality, the deposition of that vary king himself In ovoatwsira bsuiissioa. - Until lilt ths treat law courts of Bncland were eatabllahad either within er adjacent to the hall. lta walls wit nessed the Installation of Cromwell, as lord protector, whose "bead with those of his aaaoolatea, Ireton snd Bradshsw, wss few years later Ignomlnloualy ex posed on polea erected on lta roof. Hare Char le( I waa tried and condemned to death. A brass tablet Indira tea where ho stood when ths sentence of death was pronounced upon him. Here the trial and acquittal of ths seven bishops took place in ths rela of - James II. Hers also occurred ths famous trial of Warren . Hastings ao vividly described by Hscaulsy. And ceremonials eonneoted with - stirring periods of Bngltsh history. " Ths last stats occasion oa which ths ball was used was (or ths coronation feaat of Oeorgs IV, ' v - --'-. ;. ,, ' Somb Vsed e Bsildlag. ' In 1(11 some misguided Irishmen tried to blow ths pises up by moans t dynamite bomb placed la ths orypt be neath It For many years after that ths hall was closed to ths - general public snd-It Is onjy within the last I'm tronths . that ylelta ' hav been allowed free access to It . The ball contains maiols statues of Queen Mary, . James L Charles X, Clmrles II. William III, Oeorgs IV and WUllam IV. Cromwell mounts guard evsr It outside on horseback. It -is a grand old hail, Ths kitchen committee of tha house of commons bavs for some time been' casting longing eyes upon It Thsy wsnt it transformed Iqto dining rooms for hungry legislators, ths pres ent accommodation for feeding members within ths house being woefully lnade-! quate. But publlo feeling could never tolerate such sserllegs. GIFT TO IRELAND DOES 110 GOOD : Monty. Prttenttd by Bourk i Cockrarv Sunk In Enterprit M t Which Was Fallur. ) SNAKES ARE RETURNINQ TO FRIGHTEN LANDLORDS Bona of the "Old Sod" Art Diacuaaiaf Return of Reptiles. Supposed to , Hav Beam Drivaa Away by Saint Patrick. ' .' V,' ' k Peeraet gmelal gerrles.) f r - Oublln. July . Something mors thaa a wild sensattoa haa been created ' ta ailgo by ths discovery that tl,90 : which Bnurke Cockraa of New Tork In moment of generous impulse presented Pis nauvs oountry two years ass has beea lost His Ides, wss to give prv . tleal offset tu his falln" la the Industrial -vsvival movement which wee then eom ansactng to ezblblt a oegres of vitality which somewhat surprised Mm. Ths money was to be employed In promot ing local Industries and ths technical education board was oharged with, tht responsibility . of - administering the fund la any way It thought fit Local sawmills were purchased, snd now,' after two rears, ths mills have collapsed and Bourse Cockran a ' 6O,000 - appears to hare benefited aobdty. , . . Alderman Foley, . a local municipal administrate.- says ths schsms was hopeless from ths beginning, because there was already sv flourishing sawmill ta Ciigo. and tt was felt that the design f Sir Horses Plunkett and those as sociated with him ta ths technical tdu. cation board was to run la competition J lUn jnilLJ5itbsy:a44n-4thsths apbtaranee of an AmertoaVoa tns scene win cause) tha present monop olists to fssl thst thsy arc no longer nvuwwis 01 ail may survey. Vs BaJss Tobaoee xns limited success which bar at tended ths attempts at tobaooo sulturs la Irsland has stlnulated WUllam KsdV mond. M. to bring la a bill ta par- 1 1 . M . . . . . """' r me repeal Of UtS lew pro. vested ths money la the flligo brewery Instead of setting up aa Industry for wuion usrs wss ao room." says the al derman, "our gensrous countryman's 10.00S pounds would bs still Intaot and would have paid a substantial dividend lata ths bargala." ' Bnuairiu Kay Bap moad. : ' Ths announcement that Mr. ZImmer man. the Duke of Manchester's father-in-law Is negotiating for ths purohaaa of sa Irish railway does act come ss a surprise te these who know ths interest he has taken la the Irish Industrial movement. Some time ago, It was gravely hinted that he, at tha sugges tion of his son-in-law, had aa ays- oa Oalway as a suitable port from which a line of eteamers eould trade success fully to North and South Amarlca. L Jeremiah McVeagh) who represents In parliament a portion of the district through which ths proposed new rail way would operate, is enthusiastic ever ths prospect of existing Irish railway MISS REID'S ENGAGEMENT. Racsnt photograph of Viscount Acheson and Misa Jsait Held, daughter of ;v the American smbaaaador to England, whoa engagement haa been re ported, but which la now denied, The viscount is tha oldest son of ths ' Earl ol Ooaford. ' . ':fr: LVl companies having no further monopo lies ta tht north of Ireland. "I am as much opposed ta Amerlesa trusts as I am to Irish railway monopolists," be says, "but I feel that If ths Americans get control of a shars or our railways thsy wUl revolutionise ths whols raU way system of ths country, which has beea beat to landlordism, oaf of ths greatest evils from which wa havs as long suffsred." . .1. . Some other Irish representatives fssl that at a moment when tht government has grsated an Inquiry late ths ad. mlntstrstloa Of Irish railways Is hardly was mum 10 enoourase private railway enterprise. Ail are, however asreed nJDiung ths culUvatloa of ths tobaeco piani. wnen asksd If bs anticipated any eppoeltion to his bill, bs replied: imikt MAMA . 1 . 1 ... ' www ww.uw vi tif CKIlMUlie IH fW gard ths bill as tbs thla snd of ths wedgs of wider demands for ths eman cipation of our country, but aa we are already growing tobacco in Ireland, I do not Bnuoipeie any serious opposition. What a -eectlon of Englishmen do not ears to be reminded of la that there era laws on their etsmts boohs wlilib killed ireiana s industries, and that section will slways sxhlblt hostlllt to aa at. tempt to educate ths masses of ths Ens gllsh people who have no knowledge thst such Uws exist. It Is after all but a small measure of Justice which tha present government csn hardly refuse ts grant to ua. I need hardly say thst I would much prefer that mv name waa Identified with a bill for tha repeal of me monstrous act ox union which has ruined ths industrlss of my country, exiled our people and reduced what Is ten ox us almost to tbs level of slaves." Traffic ta Poses. - A new Industry of a somewhat novel enaraotar la at ths moment exciting more than local Intereat In Irsland. It is nothing less than a traffic la foxes. For some time past, masters of fox hounds and Irish huntsmen senerallv have been observing thst there Is a re markable searcltjuaf foxes ia-distrlets along ths western coast of ths country whore they had hitherto been abundant Inquiries bavs now led to ths discovery that poachers have been busy and thst a considerable number of young . subs havs bseq purloined and ssnt acroas to tungiana, wnsre an extenslvs market is found for them. Hunting oentera In England havs been suffering seriously for some time on sccount of ths dearth of foxss, so some enterprising masters of English foxhounds concslved ths ides of exploiting Ireland for the gratifica tion or England s pleasures. Miss Edith Bomervllle, who Is ths "master" of the Weet Carbery bounds la ths county of Cork and one of ths most active huntlns I women In Ireland, waa ths first to dls- ivvvr.iiuw ftrciana VII rODDSS OX Rer roxee. ir irlsn hunting men are-not unltsd oa this ons aspect of protection." shs says, "they will soon discover that thsy ars buying their own foxes and are In a vicious circle only analogous to that of tha snaks who swallowed his own tall." "Another Injustlcs to Ire land" Is ths humorous comment of the English society people who have bean enjoying good sport at ths sxpsnss of in sisier isie. , .. . , Snakes Wetmra, U' Xrelsad.- - Ths appearance of a few anakaa Ireland during tha present week hss been exciting much humorous comment Their presenos Is not likely to upset ths popular tradition of ths banishment of this species of reptile by St Pstriolc. nat ib oi more interest is ths number sf quaint reasons that ars sdducsd by a varletg-of people for ths pressnes of ths snake Just now In Ireland. . "Jim" Healy. ths slsvsr and witty member of parliament, acoounts for them in a few words. "I do not believe In ths St Pat rick tradition." hs says. "Ths fact Is no respectable reptile could llvs In Ire land Wider tbs reaiins Of Irish lanrflam. lam. snd like other self-respecting peo ple, they removed to a free atmosphere. With ths disappearance of tha landlord, they, like evey other patriot, daalrs to return to their own country." r, U. Sloaci whs Is tbs Conservative V spV t T-J aBBBBBmamamaSBBsBaamsBVaaSSa '- ' ' " " t ' ' " " y mm k I bctbg; mm Install Electric service and " begin to live"; the - Electric current will not only a illumination but will telp you in a hundred con-f. venient Vvays you never thought of. The sEWINQ AlACHINEthe FAN, can be oper ated by Electric power in any room by merely connecting with a lamp socket. There is no greater convenience in the home than the ELECTRIC FLAT-I RON. It saves time stingth r-money. Your capacity for work isfdoubled-rwith less labor, less fatigue, less expense; Your opportunity for recreation is more than doubled, because Electricity REDUCED RATES for current on meter basis, " now in effect. ; . - ', . . LL. Fill out coupon and mail to us TODAY. CUT OUT COUPON t PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Seventh and Alder Streets. Pleait f end your : representative to see me ' about Electric LightlDir. 'name ; ,.:-,....: ; ADDRESSX. Convenient time to call... For r1'-fi'i:";:---v.';;'-':V: . " IF(l(!(riirk EMJTIES n sr' I A rVsaMsaaaBat lDr Telephone Ex. 13 Seventh and Alder Streets ' ntamber Of arllamenl for" Belfast and entirely opposed te Nattoaallst aspira tions, views tbs return of tha reptile front a different aspect "Perhaps thsy havs some back," he said, "to learn tbs Oselle langusgs so that thsy may be bsttsr equipped (or ths battle of Ufa la foreign countries. At any rate. It Is nearly time some live fores mads Itself felt In Ireland so as to put ths fear of God Into the Nationalists, for ths wsy thsy ars mismanaging the affairs of tbs country." Anothsr Irish member - of parliament anticipates their presenos la ths country, will bs. only temporary. "They havs. sorts- bsok." he said "ts frlghtsn all thst remains of Irish land lordism out of ths country." - The steal aetata Colusa sf Vas t oaraal are UtttssMiig so bmyet aad Summer Resorts (Continued from Fags Nine.) tbe aseent, Tha ollmet. at tha Inn Is delightful, ths temperature ranging from II to Tl degrees during Portland ! hottsst period. ' Registered st Cloup Cap Inn are ths following guests: C. Blrchsr, Mr. and Mrs.' R A. Ansnhuta and. if las.' Ans. ehutg, Portland; Mr. snd Mrs. M. Spaul dlng, Mrs. M, A. Ten Proeck and Mra. H. P. Prouty, Chicago; A. U. Corry and Mrs, S. Beyer, Los Angeles; Mies M. , Tohm. Oakland) Dr. B. O. Ferguson and Miss Ferguson, Ths IHHee; W. Thoburn, Portland; tt. It Hockey, DsUwara QHoi Q. iiorack, A. S, Forster and Enoch Mathieson, Port land; W. H. Sparling, Toronto, Canada; R. B. Marshall, Munt CarmeU Illinois; Mrs. a. Lounsdale, Mrs. R. Sinnott, and Mrs. I. I Patterson, Portland, and 3. B. Klrtley, Elgin. Illinois. - ' afsat fot XlUloaa, ' Ths dally capacity of the Union Stockyards ta Chicago is 7i,00 cattle, 100.000 hoga and 60,000 aheep. Parsons employed la and "about ths ysrds num ber 46,000, upon whom ars dependent probably 360,000 relatives . Within -U eqqar. rnlle oocuplsd by the stockyards, says the , Washington Post, are too sores of -pens. 10 miles of streets, . 80 miles of watering troughs, ii miles of drslnsgs and water pipe and 160 miles of railroad tracka. The stookysrds were founded In With sccessorles. I bey represent Invested capital of U7.000.000,' "Chicago literally supplies ths world with" meats. The srmles of 'Englsnd, France, Germany- snd., Russia subsist upon fere prepared hers, as do a greet pert of ths population of thoss coun tries. Ths Union Stockyards received last rear 1, 6ll,oJ0 head of esttle, or !,!. 31 mors than fit Louis, l.loS.Sli mors than Omaha snd T67,lf 7 mors thaa Kan sas City, Nearly twlcs ths number of sheen tlsughtered In Kansss City, Omaha aKJ St Louis ars killed annually In. Chloas. S while muoh of ths stock sold In other cities finds Its dsstlnstlon la Chicago Since the establishment of ths Union Stockyards 461,000,000 live animals havs bees received,-of which 11,170,000 wsrs shipped swsy alive, leaving a total of ISMS0.000 animals killed snd packed In 40 years st this sblef esatsc of tbs meat Industry .