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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1906)
:x:3. July t7tvi::a. - a r- -a -y p a 0 w LliLuJ ' lil OuE DUr Cuildlnj Permits tn Exoms of ; That Amount Wero Utued "" " Yesterday." r 1 r- . a -C'.'.J ..'3 - SUMMER RESORTS. TmM Ml . aiiiwAM .a Sad I KUMl Ml Ml at iMllhi ' Imt a4 Hair fori, A water Mar delivery will ke SMlael A. I elreot beat ni mm Jreieai u4 eawwill. aWaaA - uy "U.ry. LOM& KAOS-Xeale Cekea. aaeirM Tkaa.uaxtere at Ilwuw, Wuk, Be. linn I all aetata ea te Wek. Uillil AD AAAAXAaX tAA W. A. WhUataa, eat heaaeaartare at Lewis Co. ! arug . Saeataa, Or. Mlvarf to siT eiae JfXwrOM AJTB. TAaVTWs airy'. ,; IHvelkiaa. ni tiul CeresUie A - Ixttti reUieea. , J , auertere a tlrwyrt. Or. XMtvery to ill aetata ea VILXOIX SrAIJtOB f, aaeat,, Or. . 0T LAX Hoi Lite Saaikutem Oe , eat. Set Lake, Of. OAAloir. WASH. AUaerel Sprtas Xe-. 1 C, arete. CAIOADX. WAAH. Taenue hUffett, OOLLIVI MI1TEKAL STBnrOS, WAS. . C. I. aeleker, aeaat, OeiUaa. Wash. . TOXIOHTS AJCTTIZKUTTa. lm "A Wifei Peril" tar ......."Tare Ilea la a Captmard" Baker Kartkquake Pictures riatafaa .............. .... VeadeTllie Grand VaaoerlUe i. v e. v. Tha numbers" congress of the T. M. C A. will viva recaption -this evening ' in honor of Mr. And Mrs. Reno Hutchin son. Mr. And Mra. M. A. Keyee and Mr. , and Mra.- W. H. Davil J. Thorburn Ross will b in ehsrge And tha Y. M. OA. Mandolin And Qle oluba wlU fur- . .also, tha mualo for tha Occasion. Mam , bers of the Y. W.'C. A. will alio par ticlpete In tha social avant and will help . tha man entertain their gueats. Tha ; .reception will be from 1:19 to 10. And refreshments- will be served during too ; evening. ': Her. Charles EX Locke, who II years tt tu pastor of the Taylor Street ' Methodlat church, vlalted hi old eon r gregatlon laat evening at the prayer meeting. He la now pastor of the Han eon Plaoe M. K. church, Brooklyn. Now York. ' He prealded At the meeting And afterward waa tendered A apeeial re- caption In the parlors, of tha church. The news that Dr. Locke would preach at hla old church brought out scores of people who wlahed to hear him again. - . W. R, Feagin of Seattle,' who waa ar rested At St. Johna on a eharga of em besslement, waa taken to Beattleyeor terday-Afternooa by Deputy Sheriff Rogera of Xing county. Feagln was arrested bf Deputy Sheriff Frank ' Beatty. and when apprehended aaid he ' waa willing to pay hla own way to - Seattle to face the charge. The com plaint leading to Paagln'a Arreat waa ' made by1 A life Insurance company for : which ho bad beea working. . ' ' A pleaaant reception aa tendered Blahop Darld H. Moore by the M. T. . ' Chlneee mission at the mlaalon hall, 147 H Stark street, laat evening. The - hall waa filled with a Urge Audience of v Chlneee and Americana, but moetly Chl ; tieae, who all enjoyed the blahop' a Ad- dress. . After scripture reading by Rev. Chen 81ng-Kat, paator-ef the inlsaion. Dr. W. B. Holllngahead led la prayer. ' ' Article of Incorporation of the White . River Irrigation eV, Lumber , company Lav tjeen filed 'ow4he-fe-of- the county clerk by Joseph R. Keep, J. H. V Kelly And i, H. To, all of Portland. They Intend, to operate aawmlUa, alee trio light and power; plant And build lumber end Irrigation flumes at White River. In Wasco county. The capital. stock la I280.0OO. r-, " W, C. Wire, a veteran sporting goods man of Chicago, while visiting bla Aephew.-Revr Melville T. Wire of this city recently, aaid that years Ago he heard of the number "21" . (the tele graphlo signal for A death message) being engraved In quotation marka on the barrels of guns. The hunters doubt less Intended thgt it should be "21" for . the game. , ., t ' U, anA lTraL Th(l Ulkn-nr t.a " imperial, hotel are contemplating a trip through Alaska nest month. They will leave Portland August 1, and sail from Seattle the following day. More than a month will be apant la the north. And JtheyAreexpectlng 10 have a, splendid 'time In sailing up the Yukon river, where many former Portland people heye claims. , t ' , " i S WETLAND BUILDINQ ' AT HEAD OF LIST Will Bt Located t Fifth And Wash ington, Sevan Stories High, to Coat Ninety-Two vThouand Dollar Other Big Permita Issued. . Permits for buildings worth a quarter of a million dollars were issued yes terday. ' . - v , ,, J The total Is f 2JI..10. I In Addition Building .Inspector Spencer atatea that plans for other buildings worth I1TI.O00 have Also been' placed before htm for approval. Of the SI permit Issued that for the Urgeet sum Is to V. Q. Swatlaad for the construction of his seven-story brlok structure At the southeast corner of fifth and Waahington atreete. The coat of this buUdlng will be 111,000, accord ing to tha permit It Is reported that the building will pay for ltaelf in less than five years. It Is understood that Mr. Swetland has A to years' lease on the quarter block which hla building will occupy. B. C Jorgensou'e four-story brick building at Third and Malm, streets Is the second largest Its cost will be JSS.000. It Is several years elaoe that amount was expended on a new building Is that neighborhood; v While the majority of the big permits are for bualneaa atrueturea, two fine realdencea are also .listed. J. t. Bradley ha received a permit for a residence at Twentieth and Clifton streets, Portland Heights, which will east 11,000. To S. L. Lowell has been Issued A permit for the erection of a dwelling at High and Cherry streets. Mount . Tabor Central Park, which will eost II.00. ' Toll Thompson will build a two-etory frame structure at Bast Thirty-third and Belmont streets at a eost of li.000. Thirls In the business section of Sunny- ide J. D. Hewitt has taken out a nermlt for a business block at Williams avenue and Clackamas street, to eost K.00. r ' J - Otaes? renslto Xseneg. - ' 1 -Other permits have been Issued as follows: Mrs. S. K. Merrill, one-atory dwellings Depauw, between Van Houten and Portsmouth avenue, eost 1100 1 Mrs. Vial, ne-etpry dwelling. Myrtle, corner of Twentieth; coat 14.100; Charles Kull. one-story dwelling, Vancouver, between Shaver and Mason, coat 11,10; T. C Allison, two-story dwelling. ' Eleventh, corner College, coat 12.000; Em 11 Mueh lig, repairs. East Pine, between Union and Grand . avenues, cost 1100: Mrs. 8. a. Stiff, two-story dwelling. East .Tay lor", corner" of East Twenty-sixth, cost 11.100; Jams Olseson. two-story dwell ing. Vancouver, between Sellwood and Knott, coat 11.100: W. R Mooer, office, HI b bard, between Olney and Caaon, cost 1400; Rev. J. H. Allen, repairs. Eaat Twenty-seventh.- corner of East Everett cost flOO; John Hoi man. one-atory dwelling, Eaat Tenth, between Skldmore and Prescott cost 11.400; E. E. BUltnga, one-etory dwelling. East Ninth, corner of Oxford, cost 11.000. Ladles shoes. 15c; men's ' and boys' shoes, 11, 11.71 and 11.60; man's sulta, ' to. 1180 and 110; men's hats And panta 11.16, tt and tt; men's shirts, 76o and 11; men's underwear, tSo and 10c. You are saving SOo on every dollar you In est at this special cut price sale John Dollar. 111-111 Flrat street and, 11-41 Worth Third street ' .Water through hose for sprinkling yards or side walks, or washing porches or windows, muat be paid for la advance and used only between the hours of - and I a. m. And 1 and p. m. It mast not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, .or waste- ruuy, it will be shut off. 1 Articles of Incorporation of the Empire Contracting company were filed - tn the Office of the county clerk this morning by F. Hptow. A. Kins Wilson and O.TA. Neal. Their objects are to contraot for the building of railroads, . telephone lines, docks and whaves. . capital aiocK, siug.uou. , . Rev. W. T. Jordan and Judge Magers . will leave Monday to spend three weeks : at Belknap Springs fishing And drinking ' ths water. During Mr. Jordan's ab sence Rev. .-.Herbert Ryder of Albion, Kansaa, will flu ths pulpit of the Can tral Baptist church. ., v , John Matthlesan And other property owners have filed a remonstrance against the Improvement of Madison tract from Front to Second., They say: We aim to gire you the yery best Printing Seryice that can be had QUALITY HIGHEST t P&ICES LOWEST Co,, Printers FIE3T OIK STSITCTS Twe IMmi linos, Def Eata ICS "That - the Improvement Is' wholly un Tfteceasarr and that said street was in excellent condition prior to the time the aame was dug up oy the owners of pub He franchises along satd street. That If the said companies and the railway company occupying said . street were compelled to put said street In the con dltlon In which they found It the same would be practically In as good con dition as when laat Improved." Realdents of North -Twenty-f ourtn street are wondering why the street rAllwny company is not utilising the iraoK recently laid on that street from Tharman to Nioolal streets. They com plain of poor car . service, especially when there are no baseball games and only the Willametts Heights cars run beyond Twenty-third street oa Thur- '' J. Carl Jones has the largest assortment Of periodicals and dally papers la the northwest 171 Washington, corner Fourth. All the August magaslnes are In. We aell the leading dallies from ail the big cities. - Be us today. Japanese Antldust Compound -.. for sweeping floors. F. E. Beach A Co., the Pioneer Paint company, distributing Snua, aae mirm atre. rnoat aeae. Mr. A, W. Oana representing Loch' man A Jacobl, the largest California winery. Is In the city . calling on his numerous mends. Every Sunday trip to Cascade Locks; steamer Bailey Oatsert leaves Alder street dock t a. m., returns t:10 p. m Meal lOe. Fare 11.00. Phone Malh 111. "... Dry, short wood, 1.10 per load, dellv ered. - Pirone Main -411. The NIcolAl Brother Co. , Prise : waits. Cedar park. - Dancing Sunday . afternoon and evening. ' No liquors. .. '. . - trading dallies from all the bis- eitlea Carl Janes, Fourth and Washington. . Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety oil ana nne gasolines, , mono East fit. Alex C. . Rae, public aeeountant, 10 conoora ouuaing, pnone Main 0411. For Quality, QuanUty and Quickness, go to Morris restaurant Woman's exchange. 111 Tenth street, tnneh, U:t to a. , , Dr. B, a Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquaa, . Panama hatter, tu 4th. Phone Pae, an. . - 1 i ... Hava Paid Two and a Quarter - Milllona. - San Franclaro. Jul IV tr .!. - w.t wr . kw-uuw data tha. Aam- SMva TnA..Hnu - . .. m. -Mv- vwnpanr of Hartford, ConnecUcut hove paid two quarter munoa or aoiiars or Ban Franclsoe losses, and In A comparatively shore time will um k. . jrw-w ,.. WUV.BV losseA . A ruaeral ef Xvaai aTwars. . ..' - ffpeeHI Dtoeatofe to The JeeraaL alam. Ctr . JnXw 91 Tk. the late Ivan Sware. wha AimA a, Salem hoanltal Thnr.. m ,1, . r H.w,,.ua, wiu be held from the Eaat Salem Congrega tional church this aftaraiMm at n'iw Rev. P. S. Knight will officiate and thJT inurmni wui Da in tnav iee aflaaion cemetery, Ivan Aware was the son of Iff. And Mra, XUka4 . a. CEsoraESQ: Sale- IIWI eiU W Tha Croat aearance) Sala of Men's 3-r 'aca Cgtlaeaa an4 Drcaa and 3-rlece Otiri Snita continuet thronghogt tha labcth Every eurajaer acit to narked at a rrica fcr kelawr nucBfactertas cctt AU tae celebrate raaksi Ita-Lfoche IlartScbafrntr Q Mara, ThilVathfaca Co. and othora'-Tha eeaton'a newest faahlona and raa tariato Second floor : -.'. , ; ;- ,;; ,- Mca SI 3.50 Suits cor Qt$ 9ol5 Lien's 0 15,00 Snita nor at S 10.05 Lien's Q 1 0.00 Suits nor at 0 1 3.05 Lien's 020.00 Suits nor at 014.65 Men's Q35.00 Suits now at g 1 0.05 Lien's 037,50 Suits nor at 019.10 Lien's 030.00 Suits nor at 031.15 Lien's 035.00 Suits nor at 035.05 IVoren's 03.50 Shoes Q3ol0 Pci? Yctrto atandard Footwear rriced txZztt rr"- t z e?U-SGO pir Saoea and Orfcrda hi r?rt cc: vld Uit Rrjtaia calf and Un chocolate kid watt aad aclaaTtia aacaoia'e heat latta in all abaa g?vi wlia thoaa atit i fcy two of tha moat repntatU hocmla tie cocttry asi whoa product yoa hava bean bnyins for twenty yeara wi:h entire eatlafactlon Ralar $3.00 and $550valnee at tUa i 11 O iraaarkcilv low rrlca. nair - Sr - Lien's 03.50 Shoes Q3.45 Pair 400 paire of pWt tarn Shoaa at a low price, velogrcc!ft hex calf and vlcl kid Lace and Elachar atylea All alrta and wiltha Every pair guaranteed to gWa entira aatla faction or ycer' inoney cheerfully re- rt f3Jad-gi30 valaaa, on tale at thla rartarkaily low rrica, pair , Doys .Wash Suits Aro Loy Pricod Our entire stock of Boys' Wash Suits in Sailor, Russian Blouse and Kilt 'effects white and fancy wash materials in great assortment, all ages Best values . we ever offered Boys' Cloth ing Department. Second Floor. Boys' $1.25 Wash Suits at...... .73 Each Boys' $1.50 Wash Suits at..,;.. $1.05 Each Boys'.$1.75 Wash Suits at..... .$1.18 Each Boys' $2.00 Wash Suits at. ..V. . $1.27 Each All grades up to $10.00 are reduced in the aame proportion. Boys' $3.00 Wash Sulta at...... Boys' $3.50 Wash Suits at...... I Boys' $4.00 Wash Suits at...... I Boys $4.50 Wash Suits at...... J 12.23 Each i.89 Each (3.05 Each (.67 Each Handsome new Tourist Coats, 42-inch length garments, Tweeds, alpacas and cashmeres, self strapped, trimmed patch-pockets, black velvet collar, gray mixtures, checks, plaids and light stripes, very nobby coats for immediate wear and the styles and materials that will be in greatest demand thia fall and winter . O O Vf C All sises, reg. $14 values; choice while they last.." yOivJ All newjip-to-date styles in serges, Panama cloths and, mohaira Made in circular effect, 15 to 17 gores, panel styles, large and small checks In black blue, gray, tan and green combinations Skirts that find ready sale at $16.00 and $18.00 each Your (T 1 A C choice of the lot of 60 at the low price of . ....... J I 4Cy.v Special lot of &0 women's Shirtwaist Suitsrhr grass" Jinen and blackr and white figured percales ; the linen suits are trimmed with lace percales trimmed with embroidery, skirts full flounce and panel Jront ; all sizes : regular S3.25 and $3.60 values i choice i f9Gr ' while they last at this low price, suit..... ..... V Special lot of 15 dozen women's Shirtwaists, embroidered down the front or fancy yokes ; Very pretty styles all new, clean, fresh mer-. chandise: all sizes,- Remember, only.,300 of them: r a a o you'll have to come early if yoa want one ; $2 values ; y I I "af LlctfG Summer Uiidemcar Orr st!ra stock of Man's Summer Underwear on aalaat J tadxl low rricea Men havinj light-weight Underwear I neaca wv.t co wen to investigate tae rouowins v Men's $2.00 and $3.00 Silk and Lisle Underwear In ( L . the very best styles and qualities, on sale at.;..v)eO Men's $1.50 Mercerized Lisle and French Balbrig- f gan Underwear, on sale at this special low price. .. Men's $1.00 and $1.25 French Balbriggan, Jap Silk and fp Fish Net Underwear,' on sale at this price, garment.. C Men's 50c Summer Underwear, garment. ...........V..37e) Men's $2.50 and $3.00 Union Suits on sale at......... .$l.C3 Boys' 50c and 75c Summer Underwear on sale at....,.. 43 Boys' $1.00 Summer Underwear at thla low price. ...... .0e Entire stock of Men's and Boys' Summer Underwear is includ ed in this, Mid-Summer Clean-Up Sale. -Great Values. : Drugs. Notions, Stationery Pure Bristle Shaving Bruahes. great special value at....'.taf Razor Hones the genuine Swsty Hones 75c values t.....B9f Nail Buffers, light and dark wood backs; special value .TT, .18e regular $1 .0Q. bottle Jor aM Superior By Rum; special value At, bottle .............. ;L19" Bathaiwcet Rice Powder, can ............. .........164 TetloVs Talcum Powder, full -pound. canaxApccial. . . .. . .19 Sanitol Tooth Powder, , : special ...... ............ .lt Ingram's ZondetA Tooth Paste; 25c size for... 194 Ingram's Cosmo for........ 89 Hardwood Toothpicks; 25c boxes on sale At.. .18 4-row Imported ToothbrosliAs, women's or men's, spe1..XSe Meadow Sweet Toilet Soap, . dozen ................ ....Slat Stick'jr- Fly : Paper, 25- doubla sheets, seeled in a box; -- spec! si' . . I SOe) Fancy Ice Cups and Paper Doilies, entire . line of novelties for dinner parties, etc. At 20 per cent reduction from regular prices .j . ...... .20 Per Cent Hook Bill Fifes, pecial....,.4 Faber Lead Pencils, 2 for....Be 25c Writing Tablets for..: ..iff 50c Nail Files for Pearl-Handle Nail Files...,, 89 Torrey's 85c Razor. Strops.. 89 SHERIFF STEVENS MAKES HIS FIRST ARREST Takes Into Custody Man . Sua. peoted of Planning to Enter and Rob Hotel Antlera. Sheriff Btevena made hla first arrest last night when he took S. J. Smith Into custody at Park And Stark streets. The sheriff waa walking up Waahington atreet and had reached Seventh street when a man named I. W. Brown rushed up to him and pointed out three men on the other aide of the atreet who he said had tried to break Into the Antlers hotel. Brown said he had heard two men on the fire eeoape and on liatenliig to their conversation learned that they were planning te enter the building and eoi mlt burglary. - He hurried out to find A polloeman and the lookout for the two men on the fire eeoape gave the Alarm. He said they had followed him down Waahington atreet. He thought one of them was Chick Houghton. ' Sheriff Stevens started aeross ths street to where the men were And two of them walked rapidly up to Park street and whee they reached the corner turned sad ran north up Park street. The third man. Smith, followed leisurely and when the aherlf f aaw tha others start to run he quickened his pace and overtook Smith on Park and' Stark atreetA The sheriff took him Into cus tody and led him to Washington And Park streets, where he turned him ever to a polloeman. . The patrolman took Smith end Brown to the police station, where the matter was reported to the CAptAin. Sheriff Stevens said he did not get A eloee enough view of the two men who ran Away to iteii whether one of them waa Chick Houghton or not. PORTER GETS DIVORCE" FROM UNLOVING WIFE Though tha man ehe was ted to marry was dead, Mrs. Idea, Porter lived I veers with Washington Porter, accord Ing te the testimony given by Porter before. Judge Oentenbeln In the elreult court this morning At the hearing of his suit for a dlvoroe from hla wife. "Tou are not the men I wanted to roarrjr he Is . dead," - aaid Mra. Porter te her huabend.-"I net you. 1 never had Any love for you.- And I wish you would leave the plaoe and stay away. Porter Also accused his wire of Infi delity. He said that twice during the last two years she had gene te the room of A man named Q, Becker, And while there drunk beer with him. And that shs was seen on the street with Becker holding his hand. He said that In May aha commenced a secret eorreepoAdenee with John Cooper, and that ahe reeeived a letter from him Addressed In her maiden name, Edee, Maalek. ' Porter said his wife left him' In June And went to The Dallee with Becker. ' They were married at Litchfield. Min na seta, in- May, . 1ITT. Porter was granted A divers aA4 to custody atf 1 v r i" i' Bed for For Saturday Only ' II You can't beat it anywhere Assorted colore Handsome , designsthe finish ''Is excellent. There are not over 20 of these beds in stock and they won't last very long. This Removal Sale is moving Carpets and Furniture at a surprising rate. ' On September 1 we move to Sec ond and Morrison streets. We want to aell off this stock before that date. V . ' REDUCTIONS FROM . 10 TO 60 PER CEllT o The Complete: Housewrnlshers ? 1 Vi First Street FT 77 . 77 . -:.v vO-" Awtnoununu.' the three miner children, aged II. 11 and t years. Walter O. Hayes ap peared as hla Attorney. ' STREET COMMITTEE FINES CONTRACTORS The street committee of the executive board yesterday Afternoon fined Oieb- laoh Joplln SIS for A delay of 11 deys npon ths Imprbvament ef Halsey street Estenaions of time for completing the contraot i bed beea . repeatedly granted the firm and the members ef the oera mlttee determined to make an example ef it. In the hope ef eoan palling ether contractors- a g within the required limit f Two contracts for improvements, each Of which will eost the property owners lose then the Amount' oeUmatetf by the elty engineer, were let to the .Warren Construction, oompeny. - On was for bltullthle pavement' on Burnsld atreet, from Sixth to Waahington, ItS.SSt. and the other waa for bltullthle pavement on Twenty-fifth street, 'from Johnson to Sevier, for I1S.SSS. The Star Sand company Waa given the contract ' for macadamising. Nicola! street, from Twenty-Jourth to Twenty, sixth. Its bid was MM.S. Allen led rysek Unit Ajnraawnrrs. DASEDALLA7?iS,c Oeraer VasgaA Bad SNreaWeertA,-' , .: ; roartAJTS vs. sxattlb. ;. ' ,:J eaAITDSTAHD. Je. CMILDUa. toe. aox SKATS, ate. . Mifwaukle Country Club. Bast era sad Seattle Beilweod o4 Oregoa CU eara Tht Date Is Set . 1 Tea Know the Plaoe, Oakea Rinlc rUftCUIDACX: v CHATtNJ CACMVAl Tc. Kfelit, Jdy SI Prepare your ooetome tn , tlnra. $100 Worth of Prizes Private dressing parlors At the rink ". v - - MUSIC " ' ' Our own OrohestrA and ; '. V D'URBANO'S J Royal ItAlUa Band of tS Pleeem Grandest snd most elaborate spectacular event of the season TueadAy night. PANTAOCft """S, sear rAim.T tbxateb. at. B. Oartla vni' . aesat ef Afcars. W01 aasa. T tvd aa4 Staab. ' The Sarelae. The Blasves, Jeaa WOaaa. rwfonuiacee sally at 1:10, T:SO aed S Adalaales, 10s aad SDe. The Grand Stellar AMrae Bdith Deeabay . A Oa., "arxa lajt CAAjrcx" WetJicf J-!yI3 Oars Seaab Tamer aad Oemaeay. The Uaaaat Seartet. Kit Maad aWatty. , Tivlaa Aayea. . Jaiae aWaa, .. Staadlaeeye . THE STAR ,TwLrra wikk rraa stock on, "THeUllI M3N n ' A CUFwOAUD ta Oaaei itles Wltk a atieag TeeSevtlls Olle, rrteas aad..Tlaw-ae-CeeaL THE. ' D AIICR. ; TOUaT TO?IORT. - . M.tlBM, t IA BMalas, S-tS. noma ricroaie or rvajuaxxavAr -- AAO riAA. "Most, eeeiptete earlM ef rtm eve eaaer at.e it tha nek ef Ufa aa4 Ua. Twe aieteree at aaaaa tlate, saeetag am i before ee after. , aUtlaea. 10.: eveahtg; ISe aad tea, UYRIC THE AT, a TBS aMOTIOIAI AJLOOBAMA "A Wi.'o'c in roc A n- 't f Adeilaalae, lue. races. TABSI at i A . a Tint I 1 - ' I; T