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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1906)
.3. july 17, 1:: 3. W W .sWetateleWeV JWUii X LLLT!. ..J... . X- The Bt Op2ns Sat. See Full Particulars about Pit, page 4 Cellared by TKIamock Paopla t jThat Defendant Will, .Da! A4 7 a quitted of Chars. , ' at 8 a.m. " Cjat Perry Sal Ucrry 17f.cS D Crew mua Cicrear NO NEW POINTS WERE BROUGHT OUT TODAY Jamee Thompeon't Evidence Tatar day: Afternoon Wu Strongest the . Proecutloa Hu , ScurtJ . la th .J,. X7.IDAY LVIL) 3PARTMEN1 urday IPh OOLDBN EAGLE - (IpeeUl Dtptc to Tb Inaraat) ' Tillamook, Or., July 17. That Abram Hembree will be aoqaltte of the eharga of murdering hla wife and - daughter, than cremating their remaina In hla . house to eorar up tha evidence of hla crime, -4a tha general ballet hero alnee hearing .'tha. testimony-at thla morn. Inge seealon of tha trial. " f. ' Several witness were called to tha tand thta morning, but , nothing new " waa Introduced, anil It la generally be lieved that facta sufficient to eatabllah " tha prisoner's gulit have not bean Intro- dueod. -. - , - ! '.-4 Square StlU Stunaiaf. " That after tha. Herabree houaa bad practically burned to tha ground there waa atlll a , aeotion about seven feet . square from which tha flainea leaped, fire or aix feet high, aa though aorae thlng had been piled up there, making It burn longer than the reat of the atruo ture, was tha teatlmony of Jamea ' Thompson. "Who appeared as M wltneea yeaterday afternoon. Thla portion of the fire, Thompeon aald, waa where the charred bonea of Mra. Hembree and bar ' daughter Or were found. v , Wot Worried About JTaaaUr. ' " ' - Thompeon, with tile brother-in-law and alater, Mr. and Mra. JL I Hoyt. were tha witneaaea called 1 yeaterday. " Thompeon. testified ' that about : . a. m., December If. Hembree ruahed up to the Hoyt home on Band Lake, where the wltneea resides, but half-clad and Informed Thompaon that hla house bad burned and 'aaked If hla wife and daugft- ; , ter were ,there.- Upon learning, that" hla family bad 'not aought -refuge at the Hoyt home, Hembree entered tha houaa . and requested Thompaon to go and look for them at the nelghbora' houses. He told Thompson that when the fire broke out he rushed to tha stable and hla ' wlfa and daughter went back to the houaa for soma of tha things- they had1 left. . When he returned from the. stable his family -waa. nowhere to bo seen, and he supposed they . had made their way to tha Hoyt home. - ' ". : Sraded Qaestloms. According to tha teatlmony of the wlt- - aesae Hembree waa extremely nervous about answering questions, but did not seem alarmed over the fata of his wife and child, being perfectly willing to eat breakfast: and retire, allowing them to take cars of themselves. : ' When Thompeon returned from tha ruins of. the Hembree home, tha aeouaed man aaked him If ha bad found hla wife and-daughter. ' Upon Thompson glvlntf ; him a negativa reply, Hembree said, ."I thought you wouldn't." Later Thompeon and a man .named Ellsworth went to' tha ruins of the b timed house and commenced to explore. ' They aooa discovered soma bones In an ' Old stove. These bones were Introduced aa evidence and were Identified by the wltneea. . They were thea identified as Imman skull bones. -.' Yaoe Waa Braised. - Scratches and bruises which Hembree had on , hla face when ha appeared at ' the Hoyt houaa bo waa inclined to be reticent about, the witness said, appear ing nerveua when questioned and trying to avoid anawering. Under orosa-oiamlnatloa by Attorney M. I Pipes, for tha defense, Thompson remained unshaken, answering the at torney promptly and refusing to become eonfuaed. - BURGLAR IS FATALLY SHOT BY. POLICEMAN CBeeeUl Dkpetrh to The JoaraaL '" Spokane, July 17. An unknown man, without a acran to - Identify him. waa fr"T-lh"t fi-ly'Va tnftrniinj y f; chants jpolloeman H. W.- Hood, who heard men working In the jewelry etore of. John Edwarda. While Hood waa waiting under the rear window the man dropped down In front of him. The two men clinched and Hood elaima tha man drew a revolver, tripped him and ran. Hood fell to the atepe and challenged tha man several times, then fired four or live shots, . The policeman on - the ' beat appeared when tha man waa dlaap- - " pealing.- v; - - --1 1 Tha policeman took, him to tha hos pital, when bi fell wounded. Three, of the shots took effect, one through the ' pit of tha stomach, one above tha left knea and the other In the right knee. He will die.' Officer .Hood bears a mark on his cheek where tha man struck ; him with his gun. . WEYERHAUSER TOWN -THREATENED BY FIRE ' (Bperial ttepetra te The learaaLt Spokane, July 17. A big fire started yesterday In the pine timber nine miles above Potlatch, Idaho, ' Shovels and bucketa were ordered from Spokane and every precaution la being taken by tha Potlatch Lumber company with hun dreds of men to keep the fire from wip ing out the town. Potlatch was built by the Weyerhaueer syndicate and has 100 houses, a depot, which was built this summer, and the largest sawmill In. tha United States, under construction. Tha fire broke out In the company's camp near Harvard. One hundred thou- aand feet of - akldded - logs " wars da atroyed and the flamea are raging In the atandlng timber. Work at Potlatch will - close and all tha men, taken to tha front to right the fire,' . 1 . GATHER EVIDENCE IN ACTION FOR DAMAGES ' (pelai Dlapetea Is The Jearsal.) Weeron. - Or., July 17. Three Salt lAka City attorneys have just been In the city for tha purpose of taking depo sitions of witnesses whd met Mrs. Hel- ' ana Bnberg, who haa brought action for HI. 000 damagea .-against tha O. S. t N. company for Injuries sustained In an accident a few months ago when coming from Salt Lake to thla plaoe to visit a-brother. Two of tha attorneys. -Messrs, Jones and Smith, represent tha defense, and Attorney South tha plaint Iff. Mra. Bnberg waa In Weston Im mediately after tha accident, and her friend and relatives hero understand the nature and seriousness of tha In juries. -It prom late to be aa Interest. wmm iil Be sure to investigate our $1.00 shoe sale. This will be and cleanup of shoes' in the history of Portland the greatest clearance clearance sales. '"rAnotheflotfriboirt of. llzn 7onien'sXa:j,r.alsses' Shoes $3.S0 and $4.00 shoes, all on one table. Your choice of any pair of the lot, no matter what the for- i f? mer price- was, for ...... . ... ........ ..... ,$LD -"',. ,. .... ! . 4 , ' . 'V- This lot 1 includea the world-renowned "QUEEN, "VIOLET" and "IMPERIAL" makea of womeft'a ahoea, "PACKARD," "KINO," "HANA" and other celebrated makea of men's shoes; styles and leathers too. numerous to mention; every kind and style is here. Pick your choice while they last for. .......... . . . . . J . . 7i i 1 aaVO On Saturday the whole of our center aisle on the main floor win be taken up ; witn taoies overtiowmg with . grains in Eyery pair will be placed in this lot regardlesa of cost or value. Every pair must do soia, as we cannot carry tnem over to next sea ton. All our shoes sold at $2.00 to $3J50 will be on one large table and. will all be sold at, per pair...........;. This lot consists of 500 palrs.of vuue. very pair $.100 Men's and Misses' Shoes and Oxfords In black and tan calf, vie! kid, Russia calf,' patent calf; enameled colt, gun metal and French calf, in all the latest stylish models, yf A r r from the leading makers of, $2.00 and $3.00 shoes. All S II fl BO I at, per pair.., ....... ;.V,..,......i.......;,.....e4 R 9JJ Children Shoes In lot number three ; all open for inspection out ofthe cartons ; pick them over and get the best; not a shoe in the lot worth less than $1.00, most of them worth' $1.50, some worth $2.00; all styles and kinds for the boys and girls ; high lace, low shoes, ties and suppers r made for rough wear and for dress occasions. Therev are about 250 pairs all told, so "you better a -hurry". ' Your entire free choice of the lot for. . ulIC In the Men's Section For Saturday we offer MEN'S FANCY VESTS in plain white duck with black designs, plain and fancy tans, striped flannels; regular $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 vests, at, respectively, $ 1.49, 91.79 and . . . . ... . . , . . . . ... . ..... ..... ....... . . . .$1.98 GOLF SHIRTS, in attractive fancy patterns; 75c and $1.00 val 1 uea. "50c, 75c and $1.00 NECKWEAR, four-lrZ-hands, tecks, batwing, Ascets, English squares, midgets, etc. Saturday at..24f, 48 v .. . . ' , 1 Stationery CREPE PAPER, best grade college crepe, in all colors; regu lar 10c rolls. Saturoy.,.......................;,v...8 PAPETERIE Large line of 25c boxes of fine quality paper and envelopes in fancy boxes. Your choice ....... 12e HAND MIRRORS, celluloid, rosewood and mahogany backs, oval and square French plate beveled mirrors. - Saturday. ..15e LARGE PEN AND INK TABLETS, fancy covers with blotter, good grade of paper; worth 10c Saturday. ................5 American Pencil Co.'a "BEATS ALL" 5c lead pencils. Sat. .1 In the APRON CHECK GINGHAM standard brands. Saturday, ' per yard ., .. .... . .". ... . I ............ . ... 5 GINGHAM DRESS PLAIDS and CHECKS. Saturday. . .6ct BLACK HIDE SHIRTINGS, 36 inches wide; regular price 15c Saturday. ...... .......... . . . .lle SECOND REDUCTION 54-inch wide unbleached TABLE LINEN, extra heavy; regular 35c quality. Saturday. . . . . , .'. . . ... ...... ... . . . .29e 68-Indi wide-bleached TABLEL"INEN ; 75c quality. SaturT day sfscial.'.,. ............501 BLEACHED TURKISH TOWELS, heavy, large size, fringed; regular 25c values. Saturday.,... .....14e Dress Goods LAWNS and BATISTES, In fancy stripes, all shades, patterns and colors; formerly 15c and 12c per yard. '. Saturday all at. lit) FOULARD SILK PATTERNS, beautiful colorings and designs, all the newest patterns. Special............. 14V FRENCH LINEN BATISTES, in linen colors with white and fancy stripes; 25c grade. -' Saturday for. .18aV .... Quantity limited. r . , . -, HENLY SERGES, In shadow plaids and checks, in gray and cream mixtures. - Saturday . . . , . . . ; . . .V; ...... .18 BLACK MOHAIR. 36 inches wide, also in cream; extra good value at 50c Saturday. . . .. .77777. .......... . 7. ...... . . .39 TAP WASH SILK, 22 inches wide, 3 shades of gray, Nile green, hunters' green, cardinal, red. black, light and Alice blue, pink , and lavender, cream and white. Saturday. . 7. . . . . . .... . . .25n TURNOVERS, Mrtran rianrl r!ranmfprtr, flnaat quality-Hnan; artistic designs. Saturday xaf EMBROIDERY SHIRTWAIST PATTERNS at one third off the marked prices. Numerous handsome patterns; no two alike, . at .. 7. ; . .w , . . . . 7... ..... 7. ....... . . . .ONE THIRD OFF. . f 'V ;CLOAK AND SUIT, SECTION On Our, Spacious Balcony.- White Washable Suits We will place the small lot of these high-class, stylish SUM MER SUITS (about 60 Suits) on sale to close them out at 98c; -not a suit in the lot worth less than $2.00 and many of them- '"'.a. ' aTr ' a m w s y m . " ' Clearance Prices In Other Sections of This Progressive Store worth more. . Your choice while they last. .9S4F WHITE LAWN WAISTS, embroidery and insertion trim mings; worth $1.98 and $2.50. Saturday at.7.............98 WASHABLE WALKING SKIRTS, in denima, blue, brown and gray, linen crash and linen tailor-made, strapped and stitched; at 98a and 7. .... . ; $1.49 'Two Ribbon Specials - 7 Dresden An Silk RIBBONS, 4 inches wide; 50c value. Satur day, per yard . . . 7. 7. ........ ."7. . : . 7;. ... . . . ... . . 19c , Gauxe RIBBON, fancy shades and pretty patterns, aU widths. Saturday ...8 Underwear Section Fine fancy ribbed VESTS, sleevelets; good value at 20c Sat urday at .10 Extra fine fancy ribbed jyESTS, sleevelet Uce trimmed: 25c Extra fine Swiss ribbed ,VESTS, silk and ribbon trimmed; ex ceptional value at 35c. , Saturday. .25 Swiss Ribbed VESTS, torchon lace and silk ribbon trimmed and lace shoulder straps; worth 50c Saturday............... 35a NAINSOOK GOWNS, slipover, VaL lace and embroidery yokes with ribbon trimming, elbow, lace trimmed sleeves. Sat. $1.25 xW: : Sun Bonnets In aU colors of the rainbow; formerly 25c. Choice Saturday. 15a Hosiery Section : ' : LADIES' LACE HOSE, in blue, pink, gray,' brown, tan, black and white, beautiful openwork effects;, Saturday..,. 7.7. .24V LADIES-BLACK HOSE, spliced heel Tmd tco70agersilk. - finish ; regular 156 quality. Saturday 3 paira. . . . ,7. ;3 Children's Black Ribbed HOSE, treble knee, double heel and toe extra finished, guaranteed fast black; regular 25c Satunday.lSe Laces and Embroideries Section VEILINGS, large mesh with chenille dots, in white, blue, .brown , and black. Saturday, per yard.-...4......i.... -.18 AUTOMOBILE VEILING, close woven silk mesh in white, gray and black, satin striped border. Special Saturday). . . . .24 ' sniBUAinnna i ; j m . fl fl. . attractive patterns and styles. Saturday.. ...... 7.......... 5 WHITE PURSES, gold mountings, fancy em broidery on side, patent clasp with.coin purses; sold at $1.25 and 98c ; Saturday;: .' ; : . . .59a , - -. ;, - HAND BAGS in seal,, morocco, kangaroo, alll- Sator leathers ; tan, black, blue, green, gray and rown, shades to match every costume, gold and silver mountings, patent clasps, outside pockets and coin purses; strong, durable and handsome worth $1.00 to $2.50. - Special, Sat urday 7. .. ,49e BEADS, for fans, watches, lockets and orna ments; latest hew fad; made of Japanese teak, metal jointed, black enameled clasp, large ob long and small round beads alternate. Sat.29 BEAD SETS, ornamental, triple rope strands of fine opaque beads in light blue,' black and white, beautifully ornamented. Saturday . 19e HANDKERCHIEFS A new line of ladles' embroidered Handkerchiefs; manufacturers' samples bought up by our New York buyer; some hemstitched with embroidered centers, others lace and embroidery edges, plain cen ters, still others all embroidery; every one, dif ferent; 1,600 to choose from. Sat special, .10 f National brand LACE SILK, for crocheting and knitting, all shades and colors and varie- rted ; always sold at 5c each. Saturday for. , 7. .r. .......,. . . . . . ; . ..... . . . ... .5 DRESS SHIELDS, ''Matchless" brand, patent odorless stockinet material; regular 19c Sat urday ... 7. ......................... ...10e Standard brands of THREAD, black and white, all numbers, 200-yard spools. Satur day, 7 for. 25a An opportunity to buy gas burners and sundry appuancesat less than manufacturer's cost. Wis nave oougnt tne former stock of E. Snankin ft Co. of Yamnm street from toe Doara ot tire ' underwriters for a mere song and have them on sale in our , ' BARGAIN BASEMENT -A -'7; - ';. 'AT THESE'PRICES : ;'; ' ';.?r 'Z' V;- 85 Wellsbach Gas Burners, complete; sold regularly at 25c, for. 7. ......... . .10 100 Wax Taper Holders; sold regularly at 20c, for ; 9a 200 "Volcano" ; Mantels; sold regularly at 25c, for 7. 10a 100 "Ignito" . Mantels; sold regularly at 45c for ,;....23a 150 "Wilton'. Mantels ; sold regularly at 75 Mica Canopies; sold reg. at 35c, for. . .20 J 3 for . .V". . . . 7.7. TT.'. . .7. 7. . .18? 00 Mica uas Chimneys; sold regularly at 20c, for ..10 100 White Afr Hole Globes; sold regularly at 25c, for . . ; 15a ALSO THESE SPECIAL'S Oilman's Folding Pocke Lunch Box; sold regularly at 25c Special 19a 500-page Pencil Writing Tablets; sold regu larly at 10c Special .... , ..... . . ...5 Galvanized Tubs. Don't overlook these prices: Small, No. 0, 40; Medium, No. 1, C0; Large, No 2, 55; Largest, No. 3, C5. Morning; Glory, and MSavonn Laundry Sotp; none better. - Saturday Special,: 12 bars, p Look on page 4 forpar ; ticulars concerning The ' Pit Which opens Saturday at 8 a.' ni Qoldep: Eagle Dry.:Qcods Co. Entire Corner Third and Yamhill Streets Mail Ordexi carcfei!!; fiUe"fisame All charges- pr.! . log and hard-fought