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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1906)
run oszcoir daily jour.:: .z, Toztmaw,. Friday evz:.-t..a .v.'1 U iTESTlHTS IE BUSY PILING IIP THE VOTES Race for More .Important Prizes Is Beginning 10 urow txcitmg norKers opnng our : ; prises Dai lyNew Contestants . ' : pTAjnzjra or oorawtim w totu. Nellie May Bhannon, III Tenlno, Portland. , Or. .'.. ............. . Horace Wilson.' III Halaey flt, Foftlaad. Or..,. ............ .. Lillian McVlcker. it. John. Or. ,,.......... HI Quy Oraham, Troutdalc, Or. i .V .." Chaa. Qrooa,' J,. M..A. 'Portland, "Or., i. . iU7o Rhode In Btalnacksr, Albany, Or..... '............. ,16141 Roy Johnson, 74 Division Btr. Portland, Or.'. .......... ...1 Mary BL Powell. 417 Balmon BW Portland, Or .Jim Clay Jones, 40 a Itth Bt. Portland, Or. ,,.............,.....10 Mildred l Clemons, University Park, Portland. Or. ........... . .11170 Carl Bhelton, Forty-eighth street. Mount Tabor, Or. ............... 111 Mae Pendergraaa, til Horth , Seventeenth Bt, Portland. Or.,,.. ,.101(1 John. Benson, Chetnawa. Or." (011 Edjth U. Harris. 411 Oxford Bt. PortUhd. Or. .................. Til Paid Nygren, ( East Third Bt, north, Portland. Or............. 177 Bertie (3. Chan, Clay St, Portland, Or. ...................... (70 Clay Cary. Salem, Or......,... .................. . .............. ,1 Harry Brant, Til Willamette boulevard. Portland, Or.... ........ 177 Dorcas Van -Schoonhoven, Cora, Or. ....................... 17(1 lulee Boot V Central addition. Portland, Or. ...... j.. 1(00 Jt W. Cyrue, Bclo, Or. ............................TT... .......... 11 Ivy Owena, Cadar Mills. Or. ................ .............. ....... Ha Edward Z Kinsman. Llnnton. Or. v.. 11 Alison Hackman, Myrtla Park. Portland. Or. .................... Its Ouy Johnaon. 10 Grant Bt, Portland Or. .......110 Mahal Magueaa. Amtty, Or. ............... , 1000 Ruth Turaer, 0 Kerby St, Portland, Or. ..................... 00 W. E. Owynn. 1(0 Beat Thlrty-estenth Bt, Portland, Or.'. '. 100 George IX King. Kingston. Or. 10 Agnes Evana. LatourelL Or. ............................ 10 popular' In Albany, for alraady Tha Journal hfd a fanral ; elreulatlon In Albany. ' J- . What thess yonnr ladles bar dona la proof of -what others may do. As the number of seholarahlps will be In creased In the proportion In whloh eon teatants - multiply, there la room for other ambitious youna people to enter the eonteat, and that oo. without det riment to those who are now contending for the prises. - . Washlnctoa Oonmty OontaaftaaM. Profeasor M. C Case, county achool auperlntendent of' Waahincton county, nomlnatea for scholarship honors two young ladlea of different parts of Washington county. These young ladlea have an excel lent field to work -on for newapaper circulation, aa Washington county Is one of the moat prosperous In the state of Oregon, and as the people are intelligent snd keen to appreciate tfally newspapers. The jetter of Pro- lessor Lse lonowa -Mr, C, B. JaokaoB. PoVtland. Or- The journal now ' of f era nearly as many : seholarahlps as prises, besides $7(0 In cash and rash commissions, aa there are contestants competing for these prises.' If the contest were to end at the preaent time there would not be contestant - who would not draw one of the educational prises. . - In- some of the schools The Journal has more than one scholarship for lt eonteetsnta. Of course the higher In the score ladder the contestant climbs the great er will be hie pull for the big cash prises and the better wlU be hla chance for the very choice of scholar ships,' aa the- scholarships will be given out In the relatlw order In which the contestanta ftnlsA the contest ' Dark horaes are moving Into the race., and are making aome surprising rune. .. . ' 1 - ' .- ''.- LIUIsn McVlcker of. Bt Johns was a dark horse, and now she holds third place.. If aha can maintain herself In brr present "hlsh position she will b able to take down one of the large coin purees and to chooa the Scholarship which she Is striving)' for, In all the - equivalent -of two -srears'- tuition nd maintenance.-'-' ' "j Alaawy M Oosaas to MM . Roda to Stelnacker of Albany made Iter bow In the contest line on July 16, with a certificate of S41I votes, which she gathered herself in her own an . terprtalng town. She has now run her score : up to more ' than - 11.000 votes, and she Is in the money prises. .- In her last report Mias Btelnaeker had a dossn long-term new subscriptions. This ahowa that she Is a genuine worker and very Dear HIr I beg to submit . as contest ant from Washington oounty Id your educational con test the name ef Mlse Male) O'Donnell of . Buxton, Oregon. Miss o-ppnneii has earned 1 her way In school, first In the . Forest Orove publlo school and then in Paolflo col lege, and Is 'now ' one of ' Washington county's successful teachers. Miss O'Donnell is SI years of age, and one of oregon'a native daughters. - "Secondly, I .will name another can didate In the person of Miss Bertha Fowlea, Mountain Dale. Oregon. '. Mlaa Fowles Is - another promlalng teacher r .-a a ... , , Saf ; (Joeraal BpeHsl Berviea.) ' Gauanajuato, Mexico, July 17. A few months ago a barefooted mine laborer. earning 86 centa a day, now owner of a bonansa mine and a prospective multi-millionaire. Thla, In. brief, la the history of Juan Floras of .thla city, who promises soon to become a rival of Pedro Alvarado, the peon mining king or cnunuanua. About year ago Flore discovered the Carmen prospect on Augustine's mountain, in thla state, sight mil TnortlV 01 tha tuwn of Aeainbero. He- : Here Is a sale to make the young mctt of Portland and , vicinity whoop it up.' It's never too warm for a customer to do business under these conditions most any man will hurry a bit if he can make $S.00.Hcre's your chance: FORTY $15.00 two-piece Outing Suits at. . . . . ,f 8.65 THIRTY-FIVE light eray sinrie . breasted SUITS: were $18.00- now FORTY-EIGHT blues and mixed tweed SUITS ; were $18.00 now . , ..... .... . . ....... . . . ,f 11 $4.00 and $5.00 Outing Trousers are now. .1.,.. .f 2.85 $3.50 Daw Shoes in black and tans-Uiow, . . .7 . .82.85 $5.00 and $8.00 Panama Hats your choice. .. .. .93.45 , $1.00 Straw Hats-Belling now for. . . .......... . .501 Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Hosiery, in large variety, at money-saving prices, See the window displays. . . a. J-r, ... ,.-.. , , no GualfuhnProp (Do We've Everything to Wear for Men and Boys -ICS AND 163 THIRD ST. x MOHAWK BLDO. , who would gladly avail haraelf ef an opportunity to carry her education far ther ana oetter fit herself for teaching. Mlas Fowles is It years of age. and also a native Oregon lan. Respectfully, . "M. C CASH, . County School Superintendent.' . ' Idas Powell's Bneoiss. Mary B. Powell, 47 Salmon Street Portland, returned laat night from a trip of conquest aC - Oreaham. her former home. In . four days' canvaaatng at Oreaham Mlaa' Powell 'secured -over 14,- 000 votea anal this, addition to her aoore aenda her un the line of honor. Miss Powell'a . next performance - will be a trip among the - mem be re of the Taylor Street Methodist ' church.' ot which she and her alatar are members. She haa been promised a large number of votea. among the" Taylor Btreet churchmen who are liberal patrons of The journal. . If tha members ot Taylor Street are aa loyal to, their1 owa as the people of Oreeham ahowed themselves to be during Mlaa Powell's brief sojourn with them this young lady wlU develop Into one of the leadens of the contest "In June of this year Mlas Powell graduated - from the Portland Hlsh achool and aha Is vsry anxious to con tinue her studlea until she haa a fin ished education. Bhe la talented aa an artiat and haa given much time to draw ing and painting. ; Delayed by Bleknass. Mlse Mae Pendergrass. Ill North Seventeenth street . Portland. . was sick for the drat three days this week and other contestants had " the - chance to eclipse her. . Bhe lost aome headway, but began to catch np yesterday when aba got out In the family buggy.' During the day aha gathered ,J0 votes la the form of Journal . aubacrlptlona and aha drummed up prospects for a number of subacrlptlona to be gathered later on. So far Mlas Pendergrass baa can vassed only among her , friends,- of which she and her family have a great many. ' When she has seen all of the friends of the famllv she wUl make a systematic canvaae of other people and Induoe .strangers to take The Journal. In" her father's -store-she hae- learned aomathlng of saleamanehlp and aha knowa that bualneaa comes to those who persistently look for it - In a former mention of this young lady's -eonteat work har telephone num ber waa given. Aa a reeult of this two people called her up at Main 111 and offered to advance the payments In order to help her win the eobolsrshlp she seeks In the McMlnnvllla college. . Rev. Elnathan Sweet . of the First BaptSit church, Portland, pens a fine Ut ter Indorsing Miss Pendergrass aa a lady and as a contestant worthy of support The letter1 followa: Portland. July 20. 1(0(. The Journal Publishing Company, Portland, Gentle men: ' It gives me great pleasure to ap prove the candidacy of Mlas Mae Pen dergrass In The Journal's Educational Contest Bhe will work for a acbolar ahlp at McMlnnvllla college, where she wishes to study muslo and -elocution specially. Mlas Pendergrass la mem ber of the First Baptist church and also of our Temple Bible school, and It 111 please us all to have her In the struggle for one of your valued prlsea. With -the- best wishes, alike for her success, and for the plan of The Jour nal, which la arousing such a whole some spirit of emulation among the young people of the city, I remain yours very truly. ELNATHAN SWEET. Assistant Paator - Irst Bapttat Church. Mlas Pendergrass la out In a buggy with her mother every day driving over the city. Bhe will call for subacrlptlona if people who are. -Interested In her will give her tnvltaaon to 40 ao over her telephone - or by postal .card. The mother la given the open air every day to recover from overtaxed nerves and the, little contestant Is her companion. Mother and daughter share In the -vicissitudes snd triumphs of the contest vurs. . . puna-- "".,' r' Faco JXtNM V -end v- soften 8 water,' nudaW the aldn bear by removing ; Pimple and Blackheads, whitens the . Hands, frees the Scalp from Dandruff and makes Beautiful Hair. 1 V . SSX9 FCT-FRtX 12 PA6Z tttX veer daalsr heaat talcs ao sabetitete. Wihe ea eiiitisssig 3 cents. giving eelre naaxe, ead wo velM aaaS Im a auge, ana mciaae aeeaieye namtns; ssaaiy mm) raossee far the Ceaassasleek Baajda and Hair. address rseiae ceasi anas cesiBaay, SalMlsg, oaaiaao, cauiarnla. 20-tV'LX-TCeUI ItTJiX tzxp cleans thoreeajhry bat will net lahtre enca. relleate fabric j nor will It fade eel ten. Alii H? ??????? ? ?? Yes, You Are Right, but ; ? What KIND of a Switch Is It? BAREFOOTED LABORER H01Y WORTH A MILLION - Mexican , Prospector Strikes Rich rOr Runs Over Thou 7 sand Dollars a Ton. It paid the charges with money saved from hla scanty earnings. . Development work has shown the Car men to be a bonansa property. Ore run nlng 11.00 ts the ton In gold and silver Is now being taken out In great quanti ties, and several large pockets tf 111,000 ore have been encountered. Floras has refused an offer of tl.000,000 for the mine. FR0NK LEAVES POST ' AT ALBANY, STATION (Special Dlspstrh te Tee Jeareat.t " Albany. Ot. July IT. B. A. Neal bf thla city has been appointed acting agent for the Southern Pactflo company at Albany.. C K. Front ' the former agent, baa been caued to Portland to report. Vo the. head, office. Where he will be located cannot be ascertained. Mr. Fronk has been with the-Southern Pactflo for yeare, and in charge of the Albany office aa agent for a long con tinued period of yeara. During his In cumbency he has mad many friends. who will regret hla departure. - INDIAN BOYS CAUGHT - - BY ALBANY OFFICERS r (gpeetsl Dlspsteb Is The goscaaL) -Albany. Or., July 17 Two runaway Indian boys from ths Chemawa Indian school at Balem were captured In Al bany laat evening. Their home is tn Utt- ca, California, and their names are Fred Wright and Wilbur Martin. They were going aouth and their California borne was their destination. ' Tbay ran away Wednesday, the 16th. taking' the blind baggage to Albany, where - they were apprehended and will be held awaiting orders from tha authorities In charge of tho school.. . - RUMORS AFLOAT OF BREWERY: IN DALLES (gpeelst Ctspeteh te Tea SeeraaLI The Dalles, Or., July W The Nblan property, on tho corner of Union and Second atreeta. has been purchased for s.ovv. it la understood the Star Brew ing company of Vancouver la backing the Burchaaa.-.. Whether It la f Intention to put another brewery in operation la not known; but It Is fact that the Vancouver company Is largely iniercsiea in ins Dalles, snd this niir. chsse will Increase their fcoldlna-a la Switch Is It? trrlr 1 e-n 1 m. to These inductions have been made vM.aU.depaitmeni Skirts,-WaistsUhderwear,"H g ery, Furnishings; Millineiry; Gen ? tiemeii Clothir ' etc; Ch il d re n's Clothing, eta; " ; Houseftirnishings, Jewelry, ' Act Gos.;etar? move to our bigger-bestter ; hew store at the Northwest corner of Washington and Tenth streets. . The object of this sale is not to i realize cash, but ge t rid of all goods I now iii stock before . we move. Very liberal credit Inducements are , offered; during this eale. , A little ; down and a little each week or month. Eastern Outfitting Co. Thg Btora Where Your Credit la Oood ' H Washington and Tenth ;j cm ( X (111 fiw m SHOT AT SQUIRREL BUT HIT POWDER MAGAZINE California Miner Killed by Ex plosion Caused by Bullet , He Himself Fired. (Joeraal goeelsi Service.) Redding. CaL. July 27. Albert Xoty. a Blaklyou county miner, living on Hum bug creek, fired at n squirrel yestsrday afternoon, but the bullet struck a little powder house Instead, paaaed through tho walls and set off 7 pounda of dyna mite stored inside. A tremendous explo sion followed. A board from the pow der house atruok Doty on tha head. Knocking him unconscious to tha ground. Thomas Foley, a 'bystander. 10 feet away, was knooked unoonseions by the explosion tnai anooa ths country for miles around. ; Doty never regained consciousness, - and died while i being taaen to . xrsaa to a aoetor. PICKPOCKETS WORKING ; ,AT WALLU LA AGAIN " ' (Speelsl Mepetrk te The 7oernsL) Valla Walla, Wash.. July 17. Hush Callahan, a stranger was brought, to Walla Walla yaeterday from Wallula by DIcopuraooD? because your hair keeps falling outbreaks off, feels harsh,turns gray, makes you LOOK cut f Md? CJcattCi ATmjm ITow Looking lassaalatelr rsjliaar Male aa is raded mm Oray Baie. Met Oreeuy. et a Dye. FHlfcO BAI CO., Vewam, M. t. ZZO All CT-ZZZSTZ. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeMi BUY. TIRES .Where the Atiortment Is LARGEST sad Stock I BEST. r-WeheTe-theia-fof-eyerythlBg! oLheeliJirjort Jethe X largeit automobile The Famrtni ' ', FISK - QOODRIOH Ballou& Wright Bicycles snd Auto Supplies. 85 SIXTH . STREET. 4 e Lumscit CratANas Bwilbin Flrst'Life Insurance Company Organlxed Jn Oregon Has Lower Ouirsnteed Premium Rates Than Any Other Company . Reliable Men Desired as Representatives . Deputy Allen Byrnes and locked np In the county lalL Callahan was arrested at Wallula Tuesday night on complaint of J. A. Scott, who alleges that Calla han went through hla. pockets on the Wallula train, securing f.7 snd a gold watch. Callahan was given a prelimi nary examination before Judge Liewle nd bound over . to tha superior court under bonds of C00. After tho trial Deputy Byrnes took Callahan to a store, and ' while there a friend of Byrnes named Dunnlngton walked In, While Dunnlngton stood talking ts Byrnes OXvur . ' " v . ts a violent Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the wind pipe, which sometimes extends to the- larynx, sad bronchial tubes; and Is one of the most dangerous diseases of children. It al most always cornea on In the nlsht Olve frequent email doses of Ballard's fiorenouna syrup ana apply Ballaro la ao-nlv Snow Liniment esternallv to the throat Sold by. Woodard, So, Ifto and l.t. lark Ca, r 1 1 . Callahan deftly went through Ms pockets, securing a (0 oheck and a small aum ot money. Dunnlngton deteoted Calla han and forced htm to return the eheck and money. Callahan's record- will be looked np, as it Is believed ha Is a professional pickpocket. . - FORTY-ACRE FIELD :ii:irEyHEATSgMgP Walla Walla, Wash., Juiy T. nw starting from 4 traction engine In an adjoining field destroyed 40 aores ef (-buehel wheat for Fred Stlne, a big farmer, alx miles south of Walla, Walla lata Wednesday evening. Employes of the Stlne ranch summoned neighbors and threahlng erewa In the vicinity, and by plowing around tho fire and using wet sacks succeeded la aavlng a field of 10 acres from burning. The damage was about IM0, fully covered by Insureaosa .... --' .. " ". .'-.. - - ... , , ' .Ability demands recognition.' - 3 Mns Clara Loune Marye, end-, uale of the Holmes Buaines College, " ttarU fat China this week, all traveling espentes paid, to acoepl poailion ' . with a lane lumber knporbna nan ai HoogW;. " ' J 4 Miai Marye ma to Ae Holme . Buaineai College say; ' "The amaD- amount ol money I expended with the ' Holmet Butbim College for tuition, I ' conaidet one of the beat investment 1 " 7could pceaibly haj 3 Mm Marye i a ' young woman'tf . "character and fine buuneaa ability. - Faithfulneai and tetJinicaJ'. kaowWdge;; have finally won for her an enviable distinction, and the at kind enough to ' attribute to the Holme f)usme Col lege credil for having equipped bet 'with', one of these necaatary requisitea, , flThe Holmes Buaviea CoDege'hn, started hundreds of young'- men and . women on the iced lo wealth and pre-1 'ler-xnl''';", 11. 'X'lT- , J Send lof free anriounceinent fokl( giving detailed inlormalioa about counea of iWy. hnbon.ek. k a worth getting ,, rand worth keeping. Send a today, yon - wul receive the folder by Mum mail,' n CUSINESSCOUICE WASHINOTON rTSNTM ST&. PORTLAND.' 0g.- TTWaWluoa MR-, BeaatUullr located hi Portland. Oregon. eSers aasarpaased (scilitlea far' the cat tare and adocatiea el yeaag waaiaa. Special epportnaltles in Mask. Art. Laagaatei aad liter, alnre. Well eqsipped Physical aad Chemical Lab oratories. Hsrbsfinm aad Mineral Cabinet, The larsest and eUest Ladles' Seauaary la tha Padae pertinf the best physical, ajsatal and moral train lag aad developing trae wesiaahaed. . Kqulpe aocially aad edecatiaaally lor the aiaet exalted atatlea, Casiecs Acadeaiic end CoUeaisje Desreea by State Aatberity, ialetfetencs with.eonrktiaaa, et aoa-Catbollrs. la atrapaWaaly avoided. Aesdema la Ideally located, amis laspldng. scenic sqtso tatea. Social epperteaittee each aa are available la ae ether city en the Coast. Buildings larye aad. cesssieeiees. weii-jignwa. nsaraa in venniaieei deraiteriea aad private rooms applied with all Bodera ceavealcncea, The lastitatlen .Is liberal and progressive nitbeat sacrificing the character aad traditions et age aad achlevesMatTsrma aaaoaacasaeat beoklet. Board aad reltios 1180 per ear. Address SieewSaperlef.St.Mary'iAcsdeaiy PORTLAHD,, OREGON, U.9.A. PORTLAND ACADEMY h Portland Oregon:.; nu noys ana gine ior aeiini mm Western colleges. Inoludes' a primary and gramma BohooL - Boarding hall - for girls affording the comforts and care of a refined home. . j Offloe hours during the Summer from t a. m- to n a. iw uwiqiui wne 10 mi auuieee given above. . ... qrrar(uaeffj UcC0rnn Asa. rJ 'l i. rTS' m. C JSIlln 'eaj r ss. A Written Gtwrerrtee J BOIXAB CBWCtBN le the Bee aaaeraaea yea esai aave or rae aapaiieiin ej rag ' '.- .Columbia Brcphoxhone Is Basra eree yea seat gases, yss ts4Hoh Is Beat r - , , .- Ael Ideta! SttnUIWf AmUBBBIBBt! Basjoarnerchi Is) the) niesetatnet the water at rl eeeahore eeiyteret The awleef a Anomot h the efrea la CLtAB, BWttT ANS fAB WACtaweg. Free Trial emd Easy Payment Offer This Is-yeer ehaaee te aeeere the BCBT TALHlNe) NACtMNC HABC, permeate Install 99 9 f9tt W Aawpt iXJryiachkiM of' Aoy Make fa Part Pcryment . Bread Prta, BaHa, IN ?V' ' Beehlt Bread Prbre.Bt. Leads, I ted ' Mfhest AwcsPertlong, itM Columbia Pbonograpa Cok, m1. 'BTl WABmnTwTOat BT, ; T-14 rOBTXABTO. sadsMfeB eMails ee rear laty rarateat sa4 gaesaage " , ' . f V : I is t . . ' "l . . a.