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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1906)
TII3 OnZCC.I DAILY JOUr.:. At, POItTLAND. FRIDAY ZVZl'.ll.Z. JULY i?, t..:. OEfUSEE 0 f LX'EV Arrivta In Portland Phnile and Immediately Begins to Sell Real Estate.' V, 'v...; r H!3 OPERATIONS ARE - . . - - ALU ON" EAST- SIDE Uakea Houeo-Houa v Canvaaa to ' Oct BaiincM,. : Makes Hosts of Friends ' and Lays Foundation ' of . Fortune is Two Months, ' Bast Bid Department. . ".'' At lMat on Baa Francisco rsfugs who cam to Portland -has found th eaat aid Ilk nnto th hadow of . a great rock In a weary land. Thia par ticular man awok nth morning of the uake to And everything h bad. In eluding a handsome fortune;, axoapt hi - aaother wit.- nerve ..a nd pajamaa. .swept a war. He authored, himself together. borrowed a ault -of olothee from the ro ller oommlttae. a truck.nh, Southern Pa cific railroad f or ' tranaportatlon and came to Portland,, not-knowing a aoul In the city. v H. strolled' across the river, looked over the1 situation 'end decided that he. .would make .his fortune there ailing east, side ; real estate and return to Ban Franclsco ln the falL ' He made a .houa-to-houae canvass of the east aide; he aaked .every man and woman that hamat lf'thay wanted to buy property, if they oould get It at a barn gala, and If' they ;nad any. to sell; ha canned Into their aara .the fine natural ", 1 i I i T ii i a i An Extra Special mm We are dosinc'out our. Sum mer Goods preparatory to the reception of our. Fall and Win ter shipments. - therefor we offer these fascinsting bargains for th next few day. . - - , J1 A pair of Men's Good Slip- rs are a cooa uunc in which to rest ' the feet after a hard day's work. As a " SDedaL the Si JO kind for.., .,.......1.00 Mcn'f .Brown Low Shoe, worth $3.50 now, per pair. .. f 2.49 Men's food Black Shoes, worth ' JJ2.50 -nowj per pair'. . .1 1.89 Men's fine Dreas, Shoe greatly -- reduced in. price. "You 11 find" juat what you want at a big' 4-ssving.-;,":-. v For little . boy to keep .their feet nice and cool li row n Shoest worthLZ5 - Now, pair .. 1.09 In women's . fine footwear we . ,, are offering Shoes worth S2.00 W?er pair for... ...91.49 omen's patent kid. best trade, worth $3.50 now 3.49 Good House Slippers, comfort , able and easy, with two and , three straps, spec'l price. 08 CHILDREN'S SHOES AT -; GREAT REDUCTIONS. . Received by express 12 gross , , of .Shoe Dressing for' white shoes, at. box aO and 25 For women The great julia ' Marlowe Low Shoe; blacks, , tans, .with elastic in the front. ,Keep your feet in right form. , A fine warnfweather shoe. Well worth 13.50 now 1.T9 -S c:;ot store V:zzj Ssrcri la" Hztztzr 220-232 rcrrfeanStr vr wvVwmj II I i -J j ." j - i . f , mum advantages ' of the east side - aad told 'them that every foot of ground on that aid would double la value In the next two years. He mad a thorough study of his chosen Held., noting where fac tories were going, where water main ware being laid and sewers put la. - He knows more In two months about this vicinity than many realty dealers who have been here ! years. He has made a boat of friends and be Is taking no property except with a contract that ha alone Is -to handle It. something that others hava tried to do and failed. -He takes his customers to see his property. never, sanding them, shows , the good points aad hides the bad ones, and makes a sale at least as often as he falls.. In other .words be has taught eaat side real estate dealers something about the business. Ha has Illustrated the meanlne- of -the exnreaston. -"'mseo Dluck and ant." This California rerugee has made m oners he has laid th foun dation of a fortune that he win realise In a short while. He says that he- poets to .return to his native, city la a few months with bis fortune recouped and help to make Baa Francisco again the Paris of America. One east aide recently remarked that If a doscn such men should aettlo on that side 'or me river that locality would In Ave years make the west aide look like a county fair . ' As this Is not Intended to he a boost for-the refugee, his asm la not pub- llahedU V'- ,i k .:? v.v. 3 Harold ' Blmmonds.- th' clever, young athlete and. conductor on- the Mount Scott ear Una. will meet E. N. Davis of Seattle In a wreatllng match ar Arleta hall this evening. Th .two men' are posted at the same weight 111 pounds. Th tarma of. the match will be best two out of three falls, the points down strangle holds barred.-' cetch-aa-catob- 1. Blmmonds has won two aeoeaslve matches In this hall. Thoe who hava witnessed Blmmonds1 work predict that he Is destined to win fame on th mat. . : ... Fred Praap. . manager of Cedar park. appeared befor the special seaalon of Bt. Johns council. Wednesday evening. and offered to make ample provision for policing th-park If the oouncll would agree to restore bis license, - Th coun cil failed to act upon Frasp'a offer as tt had been called together la special sea alon for other business. - .. 1 , Something will bav to be. done to make the Grand avenu' embankment passabl for teams. The fresh earth of the fill has been cut Into- dust by ve hicles until 'it Is almost Impassable. Th fUl I finished and It look a If tt rests upon a secure foundation, th trouble some) sinking having stopped. .Council man , Ketlaher suggests that a crushed rock roadway be laid along th center et th MIL-lust wlda enough for teams to pass, and sidewalks laid. After a year or two of settling and mor nil work la dona, the - embankment mar , be paved, just aa the remainder of Grand avenue Is to be, with bltullthlO material. j - The. volunteer fire' company at Mid way, on the Mllwaukle roadV has organ ised and elected th following officers: Chief, C H. Tabke; ' assistant. Wallace Miller: secretary. John Moreland.' The company la composed of 15 active young men. , Chief Tabke says that additional fir hydrants must be established if th fir company 1 to do effective work. A hydrant la needed at Midway station and on at Martin's avenue. A building was recently built by th Midway Jim provmnt association for the company a use.aa.beadquanera. . , Blehop Thobara will be th speaker Bunday evening at the union aervlces In Hawthorn park. ' The servloea will beain at :S0 o'clock and will be held under th tree In th park, the biahop speaking from the bandstand. A chorus of II men will take part. Th union services are proving popular. About to attended last Bunday. ; t . :; - , j th Infant daughter of" MrTandTIrB. Charles Bchroeder of Arleta was smoth ered la bed last Tuesday morning.'- Dr. Brtgg of Arleta,' upon request of Coro ner 'Flnley, examined th child to deter mine the cauae of daatb. . . , . , ' Mr. and Mrs. 43. E. Wilbur of turel wood Park, celebrated their ninth anni versary of thslr wedding last Tuesday evening, Mrs. R. , A. , White and Glen White, mother and brother of Mra Wil bur, Mr. and Mrs.-N.- Brandaet and Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ksrln, were among the relatives present. A number of neigh bors gathered to help commemorate 'the happy - event. Ref reshments war erred. . .Arleta Woodmen and Women of Wood craft attended the Joint Installation .of officer by ient camp and circle last Tueaday night- ,- .,. i;ei7 catholic ghurch for EUGEtiE COHG Active Work of Construction to Begin as Soon as Plans 1 Are Prepared. " Archbishop Christie was- In 'Eagene wet. week, and while there conferred with the local paator," Father O'Far- roll, in regard to th proposed new church, ' th . result being that active work of construction will commence Juat aa soon aa the plans and specifi cations can be prepared. Preliminary plans bad been drawn by John Hunslker, and these with a few changes will be - accepted. Specifica tions and the revised plsns will be com pleted by th Isst of th week, when bids will, be aaaea. lor. . . ... Th new building Is to be a tram structure, 44 by -104 feet in dimensions. and it will occupy th same location as the present building. ' Th new church will face on Willamette street, sud will be of th Gothic style of architecture. with on aplre in front. Th main audi torium, which will occupy practically ail of th building, wyi seat 411 people, and the gallery .100 mor. There will be a basement under -th whole of the building, and It will be heated by a system of hot air. Th Church will cost nearly Sf.vuo. The old building. whlcn"la entirely too small, for th heeds of th congre gation, will be moved to the eaat slds of the sisters' school, and a partition will be put in dividing th building Into two schoolrooms. This partition will be mads so that tt can bs easily removed and th auditorium ased for meetings of th parlshlooere. During the construction of the new edifice. aervlces will be held in th old building. Saturday Service e loaf Beech rotate Ampl AaaemmodaUoa te All TlslS : era to opala Beaofc Resort, -' The O. R. N. Co. announce that they have arranged for "sufficient additional service between Astoria and Long Beach points to sorommodat all vlaltora da siring to -visit this popular resort, leer ing Portland either rriday or Saturday and returning Sunday, evening. Boats will be at Aatorle to accommodate all paaaengers arriving on th boat both Saturday and Bunday morning, and alas those arriving on th train Saturday evening. Boats will also be In readiness at Ilwac to convey passengers desiring to' return t Astoria Sunday evening to make oonneotioa with train for Portland. ' nrniTin! ) '..;. - . I t VMS'', I RllLtATS II1HDER IEJ INDUSTRY Lack of Transportation Facilities ;. Retards Dsvelopment of ' - Sugar Bset Business. " CROWING .LANDS ARE - - FAR FROM FACTORY Special Agent of Department of Ag riculture 'Explains in Report Con ditlons of Industry In Oregon and Has Many Suggestions to Offer. Lack :of transportation facilities is retarding development of th sugar boot growing Industry In sections of Oregon best suited to their culture. , It is said by government experts, that when rail road a ar built Into these regions. the sugar beet will become a valuable and lucrative product and more sugar fao torlea will b stabllshecV Charles TV 8aylor, special agent of th department of agriculture, has Just submitted a report on progress of th bet sagar Industry In Oregon and Other states for the year 1 tot. The experiment station at Corvallla some years ago conducted axhauatlve expert' menta showing that In several sections of th state conditions war naturally favorable to th growlng-of sugar hosts. On -factory of 400 ' tons- capacity was started at La Grand la eastern Ore gon. I ... ( " ! . ., TTi real arawhacK to rurthar devel tment baa been a lack of transport a fadlltlea In th valleys and other areas suited to beet growing." said Mr. Baylors report. , . "Farming methods as nil are not up to standard. Any new beet sugar enterprise in thia state must -necessarily educate th farmers up to th point of sustaining th sugar Industry. .. - . aiass 0ia Ooafldaa. -"At La Grand farmers war at first slow to take bold of th work of pro ducing becta. . Th plant. In order to sc our a sufficient supply of beats, has been compelled to work up an uitereat In beet growing In" districts somewhat remote from th factory. , About 4,000 acres- wars .secured under contract for last year. Most of this land was care fully prepared by fall plowing. . An In dication of th farmrs' appreciation of th Industry Is th general prevalence of pulp feeding. Very little pulp was utilised at th beginning. Th working out of such features aa this points strongly to th final full auecsss of th factory. . Th unusual success attending last year's work has don much to rein force th confidence of the farmers. Th general feeling toward beet culture very mucn improved. . Sugar - beet '-can be successfully grown la many parts of Oregon, not only In th seml-arld regions, but In th Willamette valley. In th exhibit at th Chamber of Commerce building ar Jars of enormous sugar beets, raised In various parts of th state. Beets ar being grown near Balam. and over tn Tillamook county, - for stock feed, as, they can be grown In abundance but oannot be profitably- shipped to th only - factory in th state. They ar found to be nutritious and fattealng for Stock Aad -ar easy to handl Other Factories May fee Ban. ' Capitalists and farmers at Bend, On tarlo ' and Arcadia have under oonaid oration th establishing of sugar . beet Industries. - Mr. Baylor says: capitalists and others Interested through the efforts of th Deschutes Irrigation company. About 1,000 acres of land bav been tested for this purpose. I am of th opinion that this area is par ticularly adapted to' th growing of sugar beet . and all other root crops. But-at present th lands ar 78 to 100 miles from a railroad and hav a lim ited population. Thes drawbacks make the erection -of a factory ah" Impoasl blllty at th present time." Cltlsens of Ontario hav under con sideration ths erection of a 600-ton beet sugar, factory. Ths Utah Bugar com pany is investigating conditions at Ar cadia, Oregon, where condition ar found to be favorabl to th maintain ing of a factory. CTBTTiT) OT TBRT UUaVRD BT DB, Wllr Saughtea' , nsa a Oao aad Zs Bow WU aad Kappy. . Children ar doubtless punished many times at school for not keeping still or for dropping things when ths troubls Is really chorea, or Bt. Vitus dance, as It Is popularly called. - So common Is this nervous oieease in childhood tbst in som schools on fifth of all the pupils hav been found suffering from It In on form or another. Befor th presence of th dlaeeee : I betrayed there is usually a disturbance of th general health. Th child shows Ustlessness and inattention. Then It becomes rest leas and twitching of the muscles and Jerking of th limbs and body follow. Often tn patient loses xiesn ana D- comes pal and bloodless. A remedy that cures Bt. Vltur dance, and euros it so thoroughly that no trace of th die remains, is Dr. Williams' Pink puis: a recent cur is mai or ueorgia. th 10-year-old daughter of Mrs. D. M. Ream of Conemaugh. Pa. Mrs. ' Ream says: "Whan .Oeore-ta started to school laat year sh had stomsch trouble and after ward her mouth oegan to twitch. would shake all over and could not b still. After a few month her mind be came affected. Bh was under th ear of two doctors for almost four months. When shs hsd been sick for about sevsn months w heard of a case like Georgia'" that had been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. It was in th latter part of February that ehe commenced to take th pills and they mad th greatest change In her. They not only cured every trace of th Bt, Vitus' danc but helped her In every wsy. Bh never wss very stout until after shs took the pills, but now .sh has gained In weight. She goes to school every day and Is well and happy. Dr. Williams' rink puis ar orth-thalr -weight-In- gold." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build up th blood to carry health and strength to part of th body. They hav cured eevere eases ef bloodlessness. In digestion, Influents, headaches, lum bago, sciatica, neuralgia, nervousness. spinal -weakness and th special ali ments of girls and women whose blood supply becomes weak, soanty er Irregu ar. Thar are sold by all dmsslata or will be ent br mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of price. 10 cents per box. -six boxes for It. (0, by ths Dr. Williams' Medicln Company, oaenectady, N. I. , TO SCiEi.'CIi BRIOHT'S DISEASE ND -DIA BETES CAN NOW BE CURED. ' . , mm the Kaaeaa City JoeraaL '. . DlaeaaM . heretofore believed UeoraMe are yUMIa oae by eoe te awoera aeteece. The control ef Brlsht'e Dlaeeee end Dlabetae ere probably the Boat Impartial reeeat aceomplUa BMata. Thtee liana were eoaaldend fatal From raceat develooDMnte ta Baa rraaewre aad from eonsrnln tecte la thia etty It la evlaeas that aot aloae relief bat a panaaai eare ef Both ueee ateeeed eeapUlota ces sew be effected. a - The sew formula was arat set te the taet la this city by a pramlnaat hotel sua wae sea exhausted local medical aklll la a loag kettle wltk a aevare caae oi DUbetae. Be got audi' multe that ha inrud . the aewa aawng frl.odm' about tuwn. and it weald aabnlab the aublle te know the eamber. cbareerer and proailaeBre ef the aatleata sow rooo raring Is Kenaaa City. Te aeeer'tala If sefoaaeat relief baa bees ef fected by the sow treatment, ae meet all ef the local caaea that aara beea treated are of eomparaTaljr reeeat date, the Sallowing wire wee east te California, where the saw dinretie baa beea la nee for the peat year or two: ' Kaaeae CUT. Januarr IS. 1B0C B. A." Oretheh, Proprietor Bouetla. Saa rraa . elace. Callforala. SoTerel promlneat elrlaaas of Kaaeaa Otf report woaderfal reeevertea front Bright'! Die. eaaa ana I) la botes br ' aee of rultoa e Ooaa. pound. Ktndlr adrlae sa If aeeeeeafal and 1 BMnent - raeults have ba eccompllabM la yoar city. TBS JOURNAL COMPANT, - Ia -roply-me -ollowlna wire wee received freai ,tha BVenlag Ballotls: ' Bib l-ranclecav Jeaaary 10. ISO. Xaneea City Journal: ; , renaaaent nealte bare, a now a doctor wbe eekaowledsea - abaolate recevery froaa Dlahatea. aay aatoeatle evras et Brlgbt'a Dleeaae. a. A. CBOTHEBS. Oae ef the moat woaderfal reeemrles Is thia city is that ef Dr. J. K. Oeeat ef SaO Weet Third otreet. Rla caae ef Diabeteo was ef loeg standing aad ae eerlooa that be waa advlaed ge te Florida. Durlna bla abeenee la the south the hotel man evokes of above, hearlas or ue eaae, unrmeo the soetor's wit that be waa recovering from the name dleeaae, aad that bar boaband eevld recover, asd ea bla rerara be Imstedlatelr took as the sew sreaeretioa. The doctor bow atatae that be eoea bagaa ta gee reuer. normal alee waa icotoroo. etreaeth retaraed end be new welgba anore thaa tor the aat so roars, wbsa the Dlabetaa arat tsaoa In appeeraace. ' The doctor baa very naturally I the Bieans ef ether cease Mag the sew epeelftea ead reporta that praetlcally the seas resaiie were eMaine. lb experience ef the hotel ana alas eeeaai conclusive.-- He autre mat be -bad also Dta. bstee for roars ead believed It Incurable till a weatsrs traveling maa celled hie attention to the reeoverlea that were being aaads la Baa rranelaca The rosalts were, if esythlag. Boars dsflalte than la the ease ef Dr. On rat. foe Baea hie recovery be paaaed for Ufa taear k Be llkewlee -baa bora the moans ef ethers bar Uklng It with-like results. Otter ute cases resorted Include two reeev. erlse from Brlght'e Dlassae, both the patlrnta Ming prominent in local BMrcaaWe drelee. ansae city Joarnal. If anrone bavlnat kaowIedM ef a eaao ' a Brlgbt'a Dlaesse or Dlabetee will send aa tha name aad address we will see that they ere arat fall details of this Important dBMeverr. We sent for the treatment end hare It tn atoek. WOODABP, CLARIS A CO., PORTLAND, OR. LOIIE fillllERS HRE LEAVIIIG ALASKA Day of Individual prospector Is Over in-Frozen North, Says. Pandleton Man. . ; COMPANIES CONTROL : SITUATION COMPLETELY Rcturnlii Men Anxioua Invest u Money ; In Northwestern Cidea, and Portland '. Can Secure Majority of Them.1 , John Vert of Pendleton has returned from a visit la Alaska and says that all Inhabitants of that country -who ar not directly connected with companleo inat ar wngmfim in worains; th mines are leavina witn tbelr stakes and com In back to ths statea Mr. Vert thinks that most of these men will setUe In in northwest cities, and said that If tn fort land chamber of commerce would Bend a ma! to Seattle to see them upon their arrival many of them could be Induced to com to Portland. In speaking- of th new order of affairs. Vmv ttal. " "Th day of th Individual miner In Alaska has- passed. All of th minlna- 1s belnc don by companies and th miner not Interested In th organisa tions ar preparlna to leave. They will looat In ithr Victoria, Seattle or Portland, or at least that waa ths opin ion insi prevailed wnuo z waa there. - "Host of thes man hav mada thai pll and ar looking- for a chano to In vest It In real estate. They would make good cttlssns for any city. - Not only tn real eetate do- th men want to Invest their money, but In all other safe prop ositions. . ... "The faot that thsy refuse to interest theroselvee In th bis; mining companies that ar gobbling up all th claims in Alaska- only shows, that they refuee to invest in something of which they would hav minor holdings. On th other hand. If thes sams rasa were brought to Portland -and -could -b- shown- that there was a chano for- th manufac ture of certain article at a good .profit thsy could ach be Induced to Invest th, 150,00 or so which they hav mad out of th mine." - Mr. ' Vert was accompanied by Mra Vert on th trip in Alaska. They trav eled up th Tukon river by steamer and Visited Dawson and , othsr leading Alaskan cities, They arrived In Port land yesterday at, th Imperial hotel, where they will atop for a few days be fore leaving for Pendleton. , HOLLADAY PARK .- CONCERT PLEASES "... , ,. , Th concert played at Holladay nark last night oy tns park band waa well received by a large audience,, Th "Wil liam - Tell" overtur and Schubert's serenade, "Through th Leaves," war vlgoroualy applauded. The followlna program nas oeen arranged ror ins eon cert to be played In Chapman square. pias diock, tonight: March, "New England's Plnest" (Clarke): waits. "Cecelia" (Blanks): verturer-"Poet and Peasant- (Suppe) ; a novelette, "lacss ana uraces" Brat- ton): 1 grand American fantasl ' "Ton Picture of North and South" (Bendlx), request; Intermission; selection, "Marl tana" (Wallace): characteristic, "Th Jolly Pickaninnies" (Puerner); caprice Intermesso (a) "Dancing With Ma Baby" (Anthony), (b) "Th Gondolier" Powell); electlon,-'"Th; Burgomaster" (I.uders); marqh, "Japan's Triumphal" (Vanderslot). , , . j i i . i m ii Pi af erred frtsca CTewaad oaa. Alien J..lWls Beet Brand, . - - ' : TT77 " "n. n To close put balance of SUM placed on sale the following lines $10.00 PANAMA HATS.,.. $3.00 $ 5.00 PANAMA HATS $2.39 $1 BOYS' STRAW HATS 50c . 50c BOYS STRAW ye-haye a few Suits genu mcly Boys' $1 Wash Foil lines MEN'S SILK Bbys' Wash Suits Men's -NeGliar-fe BIGREDUCTIONSiIN;BOYS!fGLOTHING WHEN CUT RATES For M Cijn Cnly- 110 Gold Crowns.. t.. ....... 14.0 Gold Crowns............ tlO.0 Platoa, 1 11.00 Plates rilllngs, up froaa. ' " Work Traaraatsea, . Boston Dental Parlors ti storrlsoa shV Op p. W a. Piaaka. VtHtAQaCMeKT Or ALL CVW) ocvewfcoONor MOVER' !5.00 8.60 5.00 T.SO ..8ft &MAP8tOT& jf) Don I "W"' jT 1 T : a IK J I) Our Bid Midstimmer3M6 Is now on Get busy and share in the savings. All our splendid S20 Suits JJ14. 75 SIO Suits 57.45 S25. Suits S19.75 M5 Suits 89.75 tttn o HATS .V.25c ;.' ,.7, ; . . - : '. . " ' '' 'i ' " . small lines of Men's 2-piece Outing worth $20, which we will close out at Suits 50c BoysVSOc Was 25c -1 FOXJR-IN-HAND3, best 50c YOU- SEE IT; IN- OUR AD The BREAKERS HOTEL AMERICAN PLAN. UASXV MVKMMM BltOII OP deetrle light, ateasa, Bet ead Oeld salt Weter ta Bvery Tab, Bay Tickets Breehsra, . Pad as Oasaty. Waab. reatefSe Adareea, BreekreWeSs--' f t Delay ' " '' - ' "' ' ' " '' . ' ' ' ,' , ', ' I ! Come Get While everything. is-. being reduced to an actual : saving of from 15 to 50 percent'..-'..,;;.; Seventy 'five Dozen 35c each or 3 The swellest line you've seen in many a day. ....... K '. y--:- ; ' - '.';''-'' at HALF-PRICE MEN'S $a00 STRAW HATS $1.30 MEN'S $1.90 STRAWHATS ... 93c MEN'S $1.00 STRAW HATS .T .SOc i . V-:. quality, 20 Cento . T. .... . ITS ; SO THIRD AND OAK i, v -r: TWM PAOXTZO WOW Your Share S well 5 Oc Ties tor&l.OO IF NOT RIGHT . .WELCH -MAKES IT RIGHT .1, v